Pulmonary Clinic History And Physical

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www.e-medtools.com Outpatient Pulmonary Evaluation Review of Systems Review of Systems Constitution Fatigue or Malaise Fever or chills Appetite changes Eyes Conjunctivitis New eye pain Blurred vision ENT/mouth Sore throat Swollen uvula Jaw pain Respiratory Dyspnea Cough Phlegm Hemoptysis Wheeze Pleuritic Symptoms Cardiovascular Chest pain Diaphoresis Ankle edema Syncope Palpitations Gastrointestinal Nausea or vomiting Weight changes Diarrhea Abdominal pain Genitourinary Hematuria Dysuria Urethral discharge Musculoskeletal Myalgias Arthralgias Joint swelling Recent trauma Skin/Breasts Masses New skin lesions Rash Neurologic Headaches Seizures Numbness Paresthesias Endocrinologic Hair loss Polydipsia Tremors Neck pain Heme/Lymph Bleeding gums Unusual bruising Swollen lymph nodes Allergy/Immunology Nasal congestion Rhinorrhea Psychologic Agitation Hallucinations

©MB and RR 2006-2010

Patient Name


Chief complaint/Reason for consult Yes





Start Time

Stop Time


History of Present Illness



Allergies and Medications

‰Allergy List reviewed ‰No drug allergies ‰No food allergies  ‰Medications reviewed ‰Medications reconciled with Nursing Home data


Past Medical, Family Social History (PFSH) Past Medical History

‰Asthma ‰COPD ‰Congestive Heart Failure(CHF) ‰Coronary Artery Disease

‰Diabetes ‰Hepatic Dysfunction ‰HIV/AIDS ‰Hypertension

‰Obstructive Sleep Apnea ‰Other ‰Seizure Disorder ‰Thyroid disease ‰Hyper ‰Hypo ‰Tuberculosis

‰No ‰Adrenal ‰Breast ‰Colon ‰Leuk/Lymph ‰Lung ‰Melanoma ‰Renal cell ‰Skin ‰Pituitary ‰Prostate ‰Testicular ‰Thyroid Treatment ‰Surgical Resection ‰Chemotherapy ‰Radiation Malignancy


ADLs This patient is able to perform the following independently ‰Eating ‰Bathing ‰Dressing ‰Toileting ‰Transfers Vaccines This patient is current on the following ‰Seasonal Influenza ‰H1N1 Influenza ‰Pertussis ‰Pneumococcal ‰Varicella ‰Tetanus Surgeries

‰Appendectomy ‰Arterial bypass ‰Coronary Artery Bypass ‰Cardiac valve repair or replace ‰Carotid Endarterectomy

‰Cholecystectomy ‰Colon resection ‰Hysterectomy ‰Nephrectomy ‰Splenectomy

‰Pacemaker ‰Defibrillator

‰Organ transplant  ‰Other

‰Hip replacement ‰Knee replacement

Social History Risk factors

‰Denies ‰Yes ‰■ Denies ‰Yes

Tobacco use Number Pack-Years _________ Quit tobacco use Quit date _________ ■ Willingness to Quit ‰Unwilling ‰ Considering ‰Quit but resumed ‰Within 1 month Patient has tried smoking cessation aids Nicotine ‰Replacement ‰Receptor blockade


‰Denies ‰Yes ‰Denies ‰Yes

Recreational drug use Route ‰Inhalation ‰Injection ‰Ingestion Drug dependence Type ‰Narcotics ‰Benzodiazepines

‰Denies ‰Yes

Alcohol use ___ Drinks per ‰Day ‰Week

‰Buproprion or nortriptyline

Occupational and Exposure History

‰Inorganic dusts i.e., quarries, sandblasting, cement, stone carving, welding, plumbing, shipyard work, firefighter ‰Organic dusts i.e., farming, building inspection, woodworking, remodeling, handling vegetable matter or animals ‰Noxious fumes i.e., spray painting, autobody work, working with dyes or glues, manufacturing plastic ‰Hot tub or Jacuzzi ‰High Pressure washings ‰Pets or feathers ‰Chemicals or fires


Military HIstory Family History

‰Asthma ‰Coronary Artery Disease ‰CHF ‰Pancreatitis ‰COPD ‰Peripheral Artery Disease [email protected]

‰Renal Dysfunction ‰Thrombotic disorder ‰Thyroid Disease

Revised 3Feb2010

‰Malignancy ‰Other

Health Care Provider Signature

www.e-medtools.com Outpatient Pulmonary Evaluation

Patient Name



Exam Labs \____/ / \

____ / ____ / ____ / \ \ \

Constitutional WNL = Within Normal Limits Height _______ ‰in ‰cm Weight _______

‰lb ‰kg  Temperature _____

Respiratory Rate _______ Pulse Rate _______ AND Rhythm ‰Regular ‰Irregular www.e-medtools.com Blood Pressure Sitting __________ OR Standing __________ OR Lying __________

Optional Sats _____ % x

Body habitus ‰WNL



ENT x x x

‰Cachectic ‰Obese ‰WNL ‰Unkempt 

‰WNL ‰Edema or erythema present ‰Gingivitis Oropharynx ‰WNL ‰Edema or erythema present ‰Oral ulcers ‰Oral Petechiae Mallampati ‰I ‰II ‰III ‰IV Nasal mucosa, septum, and turbinates

Dentition and gums ‰WNL ‰Dental caries

www.e-medtools.com Neck x



‰CXR ‰CT/Chest ‰Other

‰ WNL ‰Erythema or scarring consistent with ‰recent or ‰old radiation dermatitis ‰Nodules palpable ‰Neck mass Jugular Veins ‰ WNL ‰JVD present ‰a, v or cannon a waves present Neck

Thyroid ‰ WNL ‰Thyromegaly

x Respiratory x

‰Free of defects, expands normally and symmetrically ‰Erythema consistent with radiation dermatitis ‰Old, healed radiation dermatitis ‰Prior surgery ‰Trauma ‰Other Respiratory effort ‰WNL ‰Accessory muscle use ‰Intercostal retractions ‰Paradoxic movements Chest percussion ‰WNL ‰Dullness to percussion ‰Lt ‰Rt ‰Hyperresonance ‰Lt ‰Rt Tactile fremitus ‰WNL ‰ Increased ‰ Decreased Auscultation ‰WNL ‰Bronchial breath sounds ‰Egophony ‰Rales ‰Rhonchi ‰Wheezes ‰Rub Chest

Scarring consistent with


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Cardiovascular x x x

Heart sounds ‰Clear S1 S2 ‰No murmur, rub or gallop ‰Gallop audible ‰Rub audible ‰Murmur present ‰Systolic ‰Diastolic Grade ‰I ‰II ‰III ‰IV ‰V ‰VI Peripheral pulses ‰Palpable and symmetric ‰Absent ‰Weak Peripheral edema ‰Absent ‰Present

Gastrointestinal x


‰WNL ‰Mass present ‰LUQ ‰RUQ ‰LLQ ‰RLQ ‰Pulsatile

Liver and spleen ‰Palpable and WNL Unable to palpate ‰Liver ‰Spleen Organomegaly ‰Liver ‰Spleen Lymphatics (•2 areas must be examined)

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Lymph node exam ‰WNL Areas examined Lymphadenopathy noted ‰Neck

Musculoskeletal x x

‰Neck ‰Axilla ‰Groin ‰Other ‰Submental ‰Axillary ‰Epitrochlear ‰Inguinal ‰Other

Muscle tone ‰WNL, and no atrophy noted

Gait and station ‰WNL ‰Ataxia


‰Increased ‰Decreased ‰Atrophy present ‰Wide based gait ‰Shuffle Patient leans ‰Rt ‰Lt ‰Front ‰Back


Exam ‰WNL ‰Clubbing

‰Cyanosis ‰Petechiae ‰Synovitis ‰Rt ‰Lt




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Neurologic x


Orientation ‰Oriented NOT oriented to ‰Person ‰Time ‰Place

x Affect ‰WNL Additional Findings

©MB and RR 2006-2010


[email protected]

‰Agitated ‰Anxious ‰Depressed

Revised 3Feb2010

Health Care Provider Signature

www.e-medtools.com Outpatient Pulmonary Evaluation

Patient Name



Impression and Plan Data Reviewed

‰ER Notes ‰Old medical records ‰Labs ‰Radiology data ‰Pathology ‰ECHO, EKG or Stress Test ‰Pulmonary Function Test

‰ I have personally discussed Code Status with this patient, and believe that this patient (or their surrogate decision maker) understands their medical condition, their prognosis and the consequences of their Code Status decision. Code Status ‰Patient is a FULL CODE ‰DO NOT ATTEMPT Cardiac Resuscitation ‰DO NOT Intubate


‰ This patient has advanced health care directives. Their HCPOA is

Care Coordinated with

‰Patient ‰HCPOA / Surrogate ‰Other physician or Consultant ‰Pharmacy Diagnostic Evaluation Plan Labs

‰CBC with differential ‰PT, PTT, INR ‰Metabolic Panel ‰BNP ‰Cardiac Enzymes ‰HIV ‰Thyroid function studies ‰Influenza swab, wash or aspirate ‰Quantiferon ‰Serum Mycoplasma ‰Urine Antigen for ‰Histoplasma ‰Legionella ‰Cultures ‰Antibodies ‰ANA (SLE) ‰ds-DNA (SLE) ‰ANCA (vasculitis not PAN) ‰RF ‰Anti-CCP (RA) ‰Jo (PM/DM) ‰Topoisomerase (Scl-70) ‰anti-RNP (Scleroderma and SLE) ‰GM-CSF (Pulm Alveolar Proteinosis) ‰Ro, La (Sjogren) ‰Cryoglobulins ‰Complements (C3, C4)  ‰EKG ‰ECHO ‰Cardiac Stress Test ‰Cardiac Rehab ‰Pulmonary Function Test ‰Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test ‰Sleep Study ‰Pulmonary Rehab ‰PPD




www.e-medtools.com C-FNP or PA-C Signature I have examined this patient, reviewed the history, labs and radiographs relevant to this patient, have discussed this patient with the NP or PA above and I agree with the assessment and plan as outlined.

Physician Signature cc

‰Chest X-Ray ‰CT of Chest with contrast ©MB and RR 2006-2010

[email protected]

Revised 3Feb2010

Health Care Provider Signature

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