Pulfrey Part I 2009 04 30 For Trial

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  • Pages: 110
Pulfrey Part I: Bandidos and 1% Bikers Introduction




Police item #2521 from Kellestine Farm [Extract from a printed document]


Police item #2568 from the Kellestine Farm

1. 2.


Police item #2568 from the Kellestine Farm 1.


Police item #2568 from the Kellestine Farm 2


Kellestine’s Belt when arrested


Police item #9021 from Sandham’s Home


Intercepted Phone Call Session 893 on June 4, 2006


Police Item #13008 from Muscedere Residence


Police #15036 from Kriarakis Residence

Police #11018 from Trotta Residence

Police #14011 from Raposo’s Residence

Police #11028 from Trotta Residence


Part of a Photo from Police item #2520 taken from Kellestine Farm


The 1%er OMG • At the end of World War II soldiers returned home and had trouble adjusting to “normal” Civilian life. • Some formed gangs and banded together. They had names like the “Market Street Commandos” and the “Pissed Off Bastards of Bloomington” or “POBOB’S”. 13

1 %er Cont’d • In 1947 there was an American Motorcycle Association (AMA) motorcycle rally held in Hollister, California. • Hundreds of motorcycle enthusiasts attended - including the POBOB’s. • During the event an incident occurred which ended up in a riot.


Birth of the 1%er • After the riot the President of the AMA stated that 99% of the people here were law abiding citizens it was ONLY 1% that were outside the law. The local Sherriff went on to say that they were nothing but “outlaws”. • The gang members immediately grasped onto these monikers and proudly maintain them to this day. 15

1%er – More Than a Patch • This ideal and accompanying symbol is the focus or standard by which 1% motorcycle clubs live by. • It is “akin to a religion or vocation”. It is literally the way they live their life. • The symbol is displayed on their clothing, belts, jewellery and even their bodies. 16

1% Creed


1% Creed


1% Creed


Wayne Kellestine’s statement to Det. Quigley when he phones “TINA”

“do you think you uh are gonna be in any danger at all…no I don’t think say either it’s a code of honour of the society we live in that uh old ladies and 20 children aren’t to be molested or bothered….”

Q: Does 1% mean there are NO Rules?


Police #2483 from Kellestine Farm



Bandidos By-Laws – 3 pages Durham Police Exhibit #473-G-2 from Paul Sinopoli’s residence



Rules or By Laws • The Bandidos worldwide are governed by a set of By Laws. They are similar worldwide. • By Laws are written, however adherence to them varies.




Police #2521 from Kellestine Farm [Extract from a printed document]


Police #239E from the VW Golf [Trial Exhibit 1B]


Police #2474 From Kellestine Farm


Intercepted Phone Call Session 893 on June 4, 2006


Police # 8003a Seized from 938 Lindsay Street, Winnipeg


Police # 8003a Seized from 938 Lindsay Street, Winnipeg • Show Example


Identifiers of the Bandidos Motorcycle Club • Some patches on vests show levels of membership. • Another common name for the Colours is a “Patch”. • A Bandidos MC member’s colours are earned, revered and are to be protected. 32

Identifiers of the Bandidos Motorcycle Club • Rules re Colours – No Colours in a cage • The “Fat Mexican” is the name given to the man in the middle of the Bandidos Colours. • Red and Gold are the colours of the Bandidos. • In the 1%-er subculture “Red and Gold” refers to the Bandidos. 33

Patches are not available to the Public Police #2493 from Kellestine Farm

Bandidos MC Canada Bylaws

#14 Only “National” is to make patches


Patches are Not available to the Public: Price List Seized from Paul Sinopoli’s residence Durham Police Exhibit #473-J-6


Patches are Not available to the Public: Price List Seized from Paul Sinopoli’s residence Durham Police Exhibit #473-J-6


Placement of Patches

Police # E-7019 Seized From Mushey Residence

Police # E-7019 Seized From Mushey Residence


“Full Patch” • A Full Patch member is a man who has completed the initial stages of membership and is now a full member. He is to attend his chapter meetings and has a vote on Bandidos business. • His colours will be complete on the front and back, as prescribed by Bandidos rules. • Bandidos logo, name and geographical location on the back and chapter on the front. • ONLY a Full Patch member may wear the Full Colours , 1% logo on vests or jewellery or tattoos • ONLY a Full Patch member may sign as “Bandido [name]” or wear the “Fat Mexican” on anything. 38

Police item #2474 From Kellestine Farm “Full Patch Colours”

Top and Bottom “Rockers”


Police item #2474 From Kellestine Farm Full Patch “Colours”

Our “Colors” Don’t Run


Police item #2474 From Kellestine Farm Full Patch “Colours”

“Fat Mexican”


Police item #2474 From Kellestine Farm Full Patch “Colours”

“One Percent” over the heart


Probationary Member • This is the level of membership just below Full Patch. • He can be on his way up the ladder to Full Patch (in which case he has a sponsor) or be busted down from Full Patch (no sponsor).


Police item # 8003a Seized from 938 Lindsay Street, Winnipeg Probationary “Colours”

“Probationary” Status


Police item # 8003a Seized from 938 Lindsay Street, Winnipeg Probationary “Colours”

No “One Percent” over the heart


Prospect Member • A Prospect is the entry level into the Bandidos. • A Prospect is sponsored by a Full member or a whole Chapter. • He is completely at the beck and call of all full members. The expectation is that he is to complete any task given to him. 46

Prospect Member


Note February 24, 2005 Durham Police Exhibit #433-26

From Paul Sinopoli’s Residence


Police # 8002 Seized from 938 Lindsay Street, Winnipeg • Show“Colours” Example Prospect

Only the Red & Gold “Prospect” Rocker


Police # 8002 Seized from 938 Lindsay Street, Winnipeg • Show Example Prospect Vest

No 1%, No Fat Mexican, No Bottom Rocker


Hangarounds and Associates • Hangarounds – Men allowed around the club/clubhouse • Known and trusted. May be used to conduct some acts for the club. Also, security, transportation, etc. • Associates/Friends – People known by members, may attend parties or socialize in bars. Not just anyone is allowed into the Bandidos circle.


Eric Niessen Information Exhibit #433-41


Support Wear • Support wear are articles which the Bandidos make and sell to each other and to the public. This is one way they make money. Other 1%-er clubs do the same thing. • Most commonly: t-shirts, hats, belts and buckles, stickers, lighters, etc. • There are differences between what a member may possess, as compared to non-members. 53

Support Wear Member or Non Member Shirt Ex # 8004 Seized from 938 Lindsay Street, Manitoba Member only Shirt, Ex # 12002 Seized from Salerno Res. from Kriarakis Res. Exhibits # 54 15025,6 Seized

Member Support Items

Police item # 7016 Seized from Mushey Residence


Support or Puppet Clubs • The Bandidos worldwide have encouraged the growth of and oversee a large number of Support Clubs (also called Puppet Clubs). • These clubs are overseen by a chapter and completely subservient to the Bandidos. • Puppet Clubs are used as a resource from which to draw future members. 56

Support Cont’d

• Bandidos Puppet Clubs are usually identifiable by the colours of their “Colours”. They will be inverted red and gold to that of the Bandidos.



Los Montoneros

Police item #7020 from the Mushey/Douglas Residence



Slide 102 from Court Exhibit #6 From Frank Salerno’s Residence


Getting IN


Police #2493 from Kellestine Farm Bandidos MC Canada Bylaws

#5. Must prospect for 1 year minimum & must be sponsored by an older member


Police #2493 from Kellestine Farm Bandidos MC Canada Bylaws

#7. All members and prospective members must have a motorcycle


Police #2493 from Kellestine Farm Bandidos MC Canada Bylaws

#12. Probationary and prospective members to pledge their motorcycles


Getting OUT


Police #2521 from Kellestine Farm [Extract from a printed document]


Out in Good/Retiring • It costs money to leave (Toronto $2000.00) • Communication permissible with members thereafter • Member is to return Bandidos property


Out in Bad/Patch Pulling Process: - Being ordered OUT of the Bandidos - Colours to be given up immediately

Consequences: – Communication is not permitted with any member thereafter – All Bandidos property is given back or taken 68

Tattoos • “Out in Good” = Club Tattoos to be updated to show an “out” date

• “Out in Bad”/Patch pulling = Club Tattoos to be covered or removed 69

The other side – “Red and White”


Email written by Sandham on January 4, 2006 to Bandido “Pervert” in USA [Tab 6 and 7 in Email brief (Exhibit 34)]

Good day brothers, Probationary Bandido Taz here from Manitoba Canada. I am just hearing about a problem with Toronto. I hope that this not reflect on us we have worked very hard out here for almost a year and a half. We are in the middle of the othersides exclusive area and have had to earn our status here in Manitoba. We have developed a support club and are growing here. The day I became part of this family was a great honour for me and my crew. I hope that we can work together to remedy this situation. If you wish to contact me my number is 1-204-226-2191 Also Bandido Wayne "W" would like someone thier to call him. He is in London, Ontario 1-519-702-1641. Much LOVE, LOYALTY, and RESPECT! 71

Approx. 12 hours after bodies are found:

Wayne Kellestine to Frank Fugaccia [Exhibit 7A at TAB #3: April 8 session #00919]



Hells Angels Bandidos and Hells Angels are rivals in most areas • “HA” • “The Other Side” • “Red and White” • “Featherheads” • “81” • “Big Red Machine” • “Maggots” 74

Bandidos • “Bandido Nation” • “Red and Gold” • “The Bandits”


Ranks, Chapters and Church


Police #2493 from Kellestine Farm


Police #2493 from Kellestine Farm

4. “Each Chapter will consist of a President, V. President, Sec/Treas, Sgt.-at-Arms, and a road Captain. Each Chapter may limit their Officers Until their numbers grow.” 78

Police #2493 from Kellestine Farm

6. No member shall transfer from one Chapter to another, without permission from both the Chapter Presidents and the National President 79

Police #2521 from Kellestine Farm [Extract from a printed document]


Excerpts from seized Email from the Kellestine Farm [Tab 23 of Email Brief (Exhibit 34)]


Police 230C from the VW Golf [Tab 21 of Email brief (Exhibit 34). Original = Exhibit 1e]


Ranks Within a Local Bandidos Chapter PRESIDENT Vice President Secretary/Treasurer

Sergeant at Arms Road Captain

Full Patch Member Probationary Member Prospect Member Associates/Friends and Hangarounds 83

Chapters and Probationary Chapters? • A chapter is the group that occupies or controls a particular geographical area. • A chapter is made up of Prospects, Probationaries, Full Members and Officers. • The officers are voted in and hold the titles of President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Sergeant at Arms, and Road Captain. • Probationary chapter means that the chapter has a year to prove itself before achieving full status. 84

Police #2493 from Kellestine Farm Bandidos MC Canada Bylaws

#11 Only the “National” president Can authorize a new Chapter


Police 230C from the VW Golf [tab 21 of Email Brief]

According to bylaws: Manitoba needed “National president’s OK” to become a full-fledged chapter


Church Durham Police Exhibit #473-J-48 / 49

“No Church just met up” 87

Church Meetings • Weekly meetings called “Church” are held either at the clubhouse or member residences, hotels, etc. • “Church” is held to discuss chapter business, hold votes and to delegate acts to be performed by or on behalf of the Bandidos. • Notes or “minutes” are generally kept by the chapter secretary. 88

Church • All members are required to attend. Probationary/prospects have a role but it varies. • Members decide what to share and with whom. • Full member = vote • President can veto and make orders • Not every meeting is a church 89

Expectations of Local Chapters


From Sinopoli’s House:


Expectations • Attendance at mandatory “runs”, funerals and weddings • Complete dedication to the Bandidos • Communicate with each other and Bandidos Nation • To be available 24/7 for your “brothers” • Go to church • Contribute to club-wide newsletter • Each member’s motorcycle must be running • Maintain Bandidos interests in their geographical area. • Pay dues locally and forward some to National 92

Dues and Fines


Notes April 10, 2005 Durham Police Exhibit #473-J-28 / 29

Seized from Sinopoli’s residence


Police item # 9019 Seized from Sandham Residence 95

Email from Sandham Email Brief (Exhibit 34) TAB 2: On June 1st, 2005: “I have taken over the treasury for now to make sure things get done. So I have priority posted funds to Pauls addy. I emailed him but haven’t got a response so I thought I better let you know too. $1800 total, break down as follows: D’s $500 Jeff’s $500” etc 96

From Sinopoli’s House: Durham Police Exhibit #473-J-24 / 25


Police 230C from the VW Golf [Tab 21 of Email brief (Exhibit 34). Original = Exhibit 1e]


Police #2493 from Kellestine Farm Bandidos MC Canada Bylaws

#9 Donations and fines


9. Donations will be paid to National Chapter $25 and $25 to the Defence Fund, by the first each month. Only the National can exempt a member. The Donations have to be at the National office the 5th of each month!!! Or else the Chapter must pay fines. 100

Dues • Dues are funds which are collected from the members usually at “Church”. • These funds are used for expenses incurred by the chapter. (rent, officer travel, parties, etc.) • Monthly allotments of dues are supposed to be sent to National Chapter also. As Canada fell under the United States, dues should have been going to the US National Chapter. 101

9. Donations will be paid to National Chapter $25 and $25 to the Defence Fund, by the first each month. Only the National can exempt a member. The Donations have to be at the National office the 5th of each month!!! Or else the Chapter must pay fines. 102

From Sinopoli’s house


Police item # 9019 Seized from Sandham Residence 104

FINES • Bandidos frequently use fines internally as one form of punishment. Money goes to the secretary treasurer. – Eg. late for church, missing church, not attending a mandatory run, late payment of dues etc at the discretion of the president

• Chapters face fines if they don’t contribute to monthly newsletter. 105

Signatures from Winnipeg


Police 230C from the VW Golf [Tab 21 of Email Brief (Exhbit 34), Original = Exhibit 1e]


May 26, 2006 email from accused Sandham (Taz) to [email protected] [Tab 31 of Email Brief (Exhibit 34)]

Hello my Brother, Bandido Taz here from Manitoba Canada. Bandido Pervert gave me your email address. First and foremost, how are you my Brother? Hope things are well with you and all the Brothers down their. Sorry to here about your loss down my Brother. It has been hard for the Nation everywhere lately. I here that Carlito has been contacting you, we don't know what he has been saying to you, but we know what he has been saying to the states; he has been missrepresenting both himself and the rest of us. We are the only existing chapter with 13 guys for which I am the president, as well as a 35 member support club. Basically we are all of Canada right now. Well take care my Brother, hope to here from you soon. LOVE, LOYALTY, and RESPECT MY BROTHER Bandido Taz 1%er Bandidos MC Canada


Signatures from Previous 2 slides

March 9, 2006

LOVE, LOYALTY, and RESPECT MY BROTHER Bandido Taz 1%er Bandidos MC Canada

May 26, 2006


Sandham’s Emails of June 12, 2006:Tab 37 [Email Brief, Exhibit 34]


THEN Bandido Taz1%er Bandidos MC Manitoba

THEN (June 13) Bandido Gus 1%er Canada President

THEN (June 13):no signature at all by TAZ 110

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