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  • June 2020
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High Speed Data Generation for Optical Inter-Satellite Link Kaushik Nagaraj , Abhishek S.M., Adwaita Goswami, A.S.Laxmi Prasad Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Laboratory for Electro-Optics Systems (LEOS) Bangalore Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Abstract: Remote Sensing satellites orbiting in low earth orbit LEO generate large volume of data that needs to be communicated. However, their visibility to ground is limited. Free space optical communication between a remote sensing satellite in the LEO and a communication satellite in the GEO can be a favorable approach. Subsequently, the GEO satellite relays the data to ground station. Optical Intersatellite links can be established between two Geostationary (GEO) satellites, between a Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellite and a GEO, or between a deep space probe and a GEO or LEO. The use of optical signals as information carriers in satellite communication system becomes attractive because of their ability to provide very high-speed communications with data rates in the order of Gbps (Giga bit per second) without any mutual interference. Optical inter-satellite communication system requires laser devices, high gain optical antennas, highly sensitive signal detectors. Data generated on the LEO satellite needs to be converted to high data rates in order for it to be compatible with the optical devices being used for communication. Currently a laboratory level demonstration of inter satellite link at 1.25Gbps is under progress at LEOS. Data at this high speed needs to be generated and fed to this demonstration model at transmitter end. The current paper gives a method to convert the data generated from a computer to be read out through a PCI Bus, convert it to a higher data rate of 155.52 Mbps (Mega bits per second) as one of the channel of the high data rate simulator card and at the same time taking into consideration the conversion of various logic levels so that the final output is compatible with the ECL (Emitter Coupled Logic) logic level.

1. INTRODUCTION Optical Inter-satellite Link is the link established between two satellites in order to facilitate communication between the two satellites. Enormous amount of data available on the Low Earth Orbit Satellites (LEO) need to be communicated to the ground. However, their visibility to the ground is limited. A simple approach around this problem would be to set up a link between the LEO satellite and the Geostationary (GEO) satellite and transfer data to the GEO satellite. Since the GEO satellite is constantly in the visible range to the ground, the data from the GEO satellite can be communicated to the ground. The use of an optical link in such applications instead of a RF link provides many advantages. Through optical link, very high data rates can be achieved. It also aids in keeping the system compact, thereby, reducing the weight of the system. Hence, the cost of the system is low. The power needed for transmission is less compared to RF systems. In optical inter satellite link, data is transmitted using modulated optical signal. The data at higher rate in the LEOS demonstration model is generated by multiplexing data at lower speeds. The data gets multiplexed through a card called as the serializer card, it is critical to make the incoming data (to the serializer card) compatible with the standard input specifications of the serializer card. The input to the serializer card requires a data rate of 155.52Mbps and the data to be in the Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL) level. The data from a computer can be standardized to the specifications mentioned above through a scheme as described in Figure 1. The basic principle of this block diagram is to convert the input data to the required data rate using a Digital Input/Output (DIO) Card and to convert the Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) level to Low Voltage Positive Emitter Coupled Logic (LVPECL) level using a Translator.


Figure 1. BLOCK DIAGRAM The data from the computer is obtained through the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) bus. The 8bit data is read out using a DIO card with the necessary control and handshake signals. The DIO card has an in-built memory in order to bring about the desired data rate conversion. The input clock to the DIO is 155.52 / 8 = 19.44 MHz. this clock dividing is brought about by using the counter. The output of the DIO card is at a data rate of 19.44 Mbps and in TTL level. This 8-channel parallel data is given to a TTL-to-ECL Translator; the output of which is given to a Parallel-in Serial-out (PISO) Shift Register. The output of shift register is serial data at the rate of 155.52 Mbps, ECL. In order to bring about the conversion from ECL to LVPECL, a combination of resistors and capacitors with proper pull up voltages are used. 2. HARDWARE DESCRIPTION 2.1. CIRCUIT The circuit diagram is given in Figure 2.The data from the computer is read through the PCI Bus at the rate of 19.44 Mbps; TTL logic level. The rate at which the data is read from the PCI bus can be controlled by programming the DIO card by software. The DIO has a provision to accept the clock from an external source as well as from its in-built clock. The DIO has to be configured to operate in the external clock mode. The clock input to the DIO is 19.44 Mbps. This is the rate at which the 8 channel parallel data reaches the PISO Shift register, thereby, giving a serial data at the rate of 19.44 * 8 = 155.52 Mbps. With the help of the control signals and the handshake signals, it becomes possible for us to obtain an output from the DIO at a data rate of 155.52 Mbps. The data from the DIO needs to be converted to ECL logic level as TTL cannot support high data rates. This can be brought about with the help of an 8-bit TTL-to-ECL Translator. The output of the translator is ECL logic level and data has a rate of

19.44 Mbps. This is given to an 8-bit Parallel-in Serial-out Shift Register. The Shift Register has a clock input of 155.52 MHz that is tapped from the ‘serializer card’. The data is given out serially from the shift register at the rate of the input clock frequency which is 155.52 Mbps. A 4-bit ECL counter is made to operate in the count-down mode so that it can be used as a clock divider. The output of the counter is C0, C1, C2, C3. C3 is left unused since the tapped clock needs to be divided by 8 and not by 16. The tapped clock from the serializer card is given as input to this counter which divides it by 8 to provide us with a clock rate of 19.44 MHz. This clock is used as clock input to the DIO card and the translator. The counter is also used to set-reset the select lines required for Parallel load and serial shift in the shift register. The ECL data at the rate of 155.52 Mbps is converted to LVPECL using pull-up resistance network. A fanout buffer has been used to assist in pulse shaping ;i.e, to reconstruct certain pulses that may have become distorted. A 6-bit ECL-to-TTL Translator has been used to generate the handshake signal for the DIO card. Only one channel of this translator is utilized. The input to this translator is C2 output of the counter and a signal labeled as REQ is obtained. This REQ signal serves as a handshake between the DIO and the conversion card. Impedance mismatching due to different load on different ICs can be an enormous problem when operating at high frequencies. This can be countered by using termination between the devices. Termination is combination of pull up resisters that are attached to each line. By choosing the correct combination of the resistor values, proper termination can be achieved and radiation losses can be minimized. To implement the above circuit, it is suggested to use standard IC’s that are easily available in the market. This paper suggests the use of IC’s of the 100xxx series. The next section on propagation delay has been explained by taking into consideration the IC’s of the above mentioned series. 2.2. PROPAGATION DELAY Propagation delay is inevitable when a signal has to traverse through an IC. Even very small delays can lead to undesirable results when dealing with high data rates. With the help of necessary logic gates and flip flops, we generate signals that take the propagation delay into account and generate the desired outputs. The foremost important factor is that the total propagation delay of all the devices put together must not exceed the duration of 8 clock pulses. If it does then, the data being read out of the conversion card will not be correct and there will be unacceptable loss of data. This is because; the first byte of data at the last stage of the conversion card needs to be read out before the next byte of data


overwrites it. As explained in the next section on timing diagrams, it is wise to take the worst case scenario into account. This means that the maximum propagation delay of all the IC’s has been considered.


2.3. TERMINATION ECL outputs are bipolar junction transistors (BJT) configured as emitter followers. To maintain their fast switching rates, these emitter followers should operate in the forward active region at all times, requiring them to source current at all times. ECL inputs have large impedance (typically around 75 kΩ) that does not allow for the necessary current sourcing by the ECL output. Instead, this current sourcing is achieved by terminating the ECL output through a resistor, Rt, to a voltage, VTT, such that VTT = VCC – 2.0V Rt = Z0 where Z0 is the characteristic impedance of the transmission line connecting the ECL output to Rt. ECL outputs are typically 50 Ω, thus the terminating resistor as well as the transmission line’s characteristic should be approximately 50 Ω. 2.4. TIMING DIAGRAM The timing diagram for the circuit mentioned above is shown in Figure 3. The diagram shows a clock of frequency 155.52 Mbps. It should be noted that only one bit is transferred per clock cycle. CLK is the clock with time period of 1 / 155.52Mbps = 6.43 ns and 50% duty cycle. Thus the high time and low time are 3.2ns. C0, C1, C2 are the counter outputs. There is a propagation delay of

2.5 ns at the counter. C2 is passed through the 6channel translator (100325) and given as the handshake signal to the DIO card. This signal has a propagation delay of 4.7 ns. On reception of this handshake signal, the DIO sends the data to the conversion card. The maximum propagation delay of the DIO is 30 ns. Hence, the data is received after 30ns at the conversion card. At this instant, it is necessary to instruct the ECL-to-TTL translator (100329) to read the data. This is brought about by ANDing the counter outputs as C2’ AND C1 AND C0’. On receipt of this signal, the translator outputs the data to the input of the shift register. With the proper combination of the select lines of the shift register, it can be made to operate in the load mode and the serial shift mode. A low on the select lines S1 and S0 will read out the parallel latched data serially. 3. SOFTWARE INVOLVED The DIO card is software programmable and needs to be programmed to control the data input/output. The ports on the DIO can be configured as all input ports or all output ports or some as input ports and some as output ports. There will be specific registers for this purpose. It is necessary to program 8 parts as input and 8 ports as output. Also, there is a need to generate the necessary control signals and the handshake signals so that the output is at the data rate of 19.44 Mbps. The data needs to be read into the DIO when data is ready given the previous data has been sent out through the output ports. Another possibility is the occurrence of the overflow of the buffer in the DIO leading to the reading of wrong data at the output ports. When the input data rate is less than the output data rate, there is a possibility of buffer underflow. So, to prevent this, handshake signals must be generated between the DIO card and the circuit card. DIO has many modes of operation. The modes selected should be operable at 19.44 MHz. Data from the computer can be of many format types. All these formats have certain headers that contain information pertaining to the data it contains. The information from these headers must be extracted and utilized for writing the proper software such that the data is sent out or read by the DIO card in an orderly manner. The extraction of the headers is done writing a separate program to this effect. 4. DESIGN ISSUES Some of the critical problems that are most likely to arise and needs to be addressed are that of impedance mismatching and propagation delay involved in the devices. These have been dealt with in the above sections. Clock source is another problem. This paper talks about the clock being tapped from the serializer card. However, it is always the data generator card


that gives the clock to the subsequent devices. The card also has a provision for generating the clock from a crystal that is on-board the conversion card. There is a possibility of timing mismatches when the data is transferred. These mismatches, though, very small, can accumulate and cause bit errors. It is important to test where these errors occur and modify the software program accordingly. 5. CONCLUSION A method to bring about data generation for Optical Inter-Satellite Link has been proposed. The various high speed design issues have been highlighted and ways to counter some of these problems have also been briefly discussed. 6. REFERENCES [1]







Propagation Group, Georgia Institute of Technology, May 18, 2005. [2] Paul Shockman, “Termination of ECL Devices with EF (Emitter Follower)Output Structure, ON Semiconductor Logic Applications Engineering. [3] Ranjith.R, Adwaita Goswami, P.Raghu Babu and A.S.Laxmiprasad, “Technology and Design needs for Optical Inter-Satellite Link (OISL)”.


[4] Laxmiprasad A.S., R.Ranjith, P.Raghubabu, J.A.Kamalakar, “Optical Inter-Satellite Link (OISL) for Remote Sensing Satellites” in SPIE Proceedings on Asia Pacific Remote Sensing, Panaji, Goa, India, November – 2006.


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