Public Issues Final

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 2,016
  • Pages: 32

Jagdeep Dahiya (07) Anthony Joseph (14) Dhruvin Shah (20) Nimish Singhatwadia (23) Anuj Tagra (25)

PUBLIC ISSUE Filing of offer documents

PUBLIC ISSUE Filing of offer documents •Public issue prospectus to be filed with ROC after twenty-one days of filing draft prospectus with SEBI •Changes specified by SEBI to be incorporated •Lead Merchant Banker to do the filing

PUBLIC ISSUE Issue Of Securities In Dematerialized Form •Agreement with both depositories •Option to subscribes / shareholders / investors


Eligibility Track record of distribution profits for 3 out of the last 5 preceding 5 years Pre-issue networth of at least Rs.1 lakh in 3 of the last 5 year with the minimum networth for the last 2 years

OR e)

FI/Bank has appraised the project


Participates in at least 10% of project last by way of loan, equity or combination


Bring in the above contribution at least 1 day prior to public issue

PUBLIC ISSUE Exemption to eligibility norms • Existing banking company • New Bank • Infrastructure company whose g. Project is appraised by a public Financial Institute etc h. 5% financed by the Public financial Institution (PFI) or equity i. Rights issue of a listed company

PUBLIC ISSUE If public issue is of a debt instrument irrespective of maturity  Rating from a recognized rating agency  If above Rs.100 cr – 2 agencies rating

PUBLIC ISSUE Public issued not allowed  If there are any outstanding financial instrument / right entitling existing promoters / shareholders  If any partly paid up shares are yet to be fully paid or forfeited

PUBLIC ISSUE Pricing of Securities  Free  Differential pricing allowed in firm allotment provided that such price is higher than that offered to public


Promoters Contribution in a Public Issue by Unlisted Companies shall contribute not less than 20% of the post issue capital.

• Promoters Contribution in Case of Public Issues by Listed Companies the promoters shall participate either to the extent of 20% of the proposed issue or ensure post-issue share holding to the extent of 20% of the post-issue capital.

PUBLIC ISSUE Promoters Contribution in Case of Composite Issues

 In case of composite issues of a listed company, the promoters contribution shall at the option of the promoter(s) be either 20% of the proposed public issue or 20% of the post-issue capital.  Rights issue component of the composite issue shall be excluded while calculating the post-issue capital.

PUBLIC ISSUE Exemption from Requirement of Promoters Contribution

The requirement of promoters contribution shall not be applicable d. in case of public issue of securities by a company which has been listed on a stock exchange for at least 3 years and has a track record of dividend payment for at least 3 immediately preceding years. e. in case of companies where no identifiable promoter or promoter group exists. f. in case of rights issues. Provided, in case of (a) and (c) above, the promoters shall disclose their existing shareholding and the extent to which they are participating in the proposed issue, in the offer document.

PUBLIC ISSUE Lock in of Minimum Specified Promoters Contribution in Public Issues In case of any issue of capital to the public the minimum promoters contribution shall be locked in for a period of 3 years from the date of commencement of commercial production or the date of allotment in the public issue whichever is later.

PUBLIC ISSUE PRE- ISSUE OBLIGATIONS The pre-issue obligations are detailed below: The lead merchant banker shall exercise due diligence. • The standard of due diligence shall be such that the merchant banker shall satisfy himself about all the aspects of offering, veracity and adequacy of disclosure in the offer documents. • The liability of the merchant banker shall continue even after the completion of issue process. • The lead merchant banker, shall pay requisite fee in accordance with regulation 24A of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Merchant Bankers) Rules and Regulations, 1992 along with draft offer document filed with the Board.

PUBLIC ISSUE Documents to be Submitted along with the Offer Document by the Lead Manager • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between a lead merchant banker and the issuer company specifying their mutual rights, liabilities and obligations relating to the issue. • Inter-se Allocation of Responsibilities- In case a public or rights issue is managed by more than one merchant bankers the rights, obligations and responsibilities of each merchant banker shall be demarcated.

PUBLIC ISSUE Offer Document to be Made Public The draft offer document filed with the Board shall be made public for a period of 21 days from the date of filing the offer document with the Board. No Complaints Certificate After a period of 21 days from the date the draft offer document was made public, the Lead Merchant Banker shall file a statement with the Board : 5.

Giving a list of complaints received by it,


A statement by it whether it is proposed to amend the draft offer document or not, and;


highlight those amendments.

PUBLIC ISSUE Mandatory Collection Centers The minimum number of collection centers for an issue of capital shall beThe four metropolitan centers situated at Mumbai, Delhi, Calcutta and Chennai •

All such centers where the stock exchanges are located in the region in which the registered office of the company is situated.

The regional division of collection centres is indicated by SEBI.

The issuer company shall be free to appoint as many collection centres as it may deem fit in addition to the above minimum

PUBLIC ISSUE Appointment of Compliance Officer 

An issuer company shall appoint a compliance officer who shall directly liaise with the Board with regard to compliance with various laws, rules, regulations and other directives issued by the Board and investors complaints related matter.

The name of the compliance officer so appointed shall be intimated to the Board.

PUBLIC ISSUE Rule 19(2) (b) of SC (R) Rules, 1957 In case of a public issue by an unlisted company, the net offer to public shall be at least 10% or 25% of the post-issue capital as the case may be. In case of a public issue by a listed company, the net offer to public shall be at least 10% or 25% of the issue size. An infrastructure company, satisfying the requirements in Clause 2.4.1 (iii) of Chapter II, inviting subscription from public may shall not attract the above clauses

PUBLIC ISSUE Only 10% of securities issued by a company can be offered to the public for subscription if : • minimum twenty lacs securities are offered to the public (excluding reservation, firm allotment and promoter's contribution); and (ii) the size of the offer to the public i.e. the offer price multiplied by the number of securities offered to the public at point (i) above, is minimum Rs.100 crores. (iii) the issue was made only through book building method with allocation of 60% of the issue size to the qualified institutional buyers as specified by SEBI.

PUBLIC ISSUE Terms of the Issue Minimum Number of Share Applications and Application Money in public issue i) In case of public issue at par, the minimum number of shares for which an application is to be made, shall be fixed at 200 shares of face value of Rs.10/- each. ii) Where the public issue is at a premium or comprises security, whether convertible or non-convertible, or the public issue is of more than one security, the minimum application moneys payable in respect of each security by each applicant, shall not be less than Rs 2000/- irrespective of the size of premium subject to applications being for a multiple of tradeable lots;

PUBLIC ISSUE i. The minimum tradable lot, in case of shares of face value of Rs.10/- each, shall at the option of the issuer/offeror, be fixed on the basis of offer price. iii. The minimum application moneys to be paid by an applicant along with the application money shall not be less than 25% of the issue price. v. The minimum number of instruments for which an application has to be made shall be not less than the tradable lot.

PUBLIC ISSUE Restriction on further Capital Issues No company shall make any further issue of capital in any form, till the securities issued earlier have been listed or application moneys refunded on account of non-listing or under subscription, etc. (a) No company shall, pending conversion of Fully Convertible Debentures (FCDs) or Partly Convertible Debentures (PCDs), issue any shares by way of bonus or rights unless similar benefit is extended to the holders of such FCDs or PCDs, through reservation of shares in proportion to such convertible part of FCDs/PCDs. (b) The share so reserved may be issued at the time of conversion(s) of such debentures on the same terms on which the bonus or rights issue was made.

PUBLIC ISSUE Period of Subscription Public Issues (a) Subscription list for public issues shall be kept open for at least 3 working days and not more than 10 working days. (b) The public issue made by an infrastructure company, may be kept open for a maximum period of 21 working days. (c) The period of operation of subscription list of public issue shall be disclosed in the prospectus. Rights Issues Rights issues shall be kept open for at least 30 days and not more than 60 days.

PUBLIC ISSUE The Lead Merchant Banker shall ensure that the particulars as per audited statements contained in the offer document are not more than 6 months old from issue opening date. In respect of a Government company making a public issue, the auditors report in the prospectus shall not be more than six months old as on the date of filing of the prospectus with the Registrar of Companies or the Stock Exchange as the case may be. .

PUBLIC ISSUE Compliance Officer to be Appointed by Lead Merchant Banker The merchant bankers shall appoint a senior officer as Compliance Officer to ensure that all Rules, Regulations, Guidelines, Notifications etc. issued by the Board, the Government of India, and other regulatory organizations are complied with. The Compliance Officer shall co-ordinate with regulatory authorities in various matters and provide necessary guidance as also ensure compliance internally. The Compliance Officer shall also ensure that observations made/ deficiencies pointed out by the Board do not recur.

PUBLIC ISSUE Incentives to Prospective Shareholders

The issuer shall not offer any incentives to the prospective investors by way of medical insurance scheme, lucky draw, prizes, etc. Issue of Debentures Bearing Interest Less Than Bank Rate

PUBLIC ISSUE Requirement of Monitoring Agency In case of issues exceeding Rs.500 crores, the issuer shall make arrangements for the use of proceeds of the issue to be monitored by one of the financial institutions. A copy of the monitoring report as per the format specified at Schedule-XIX, shall be filed with the Board by the said monitoring agency, on a half yearly basis, till the completion of project, for the purposes of record.

PUBLIC ISSUE Safety Net or Buy Back Arrangement Any safety net scheme or buy-back arrangements of the shares proposed in any public issue shall be finalized by issuer company with the lead merchant banker in advance and disclosed in the prospectus. Such buy back or safety net arrangements shall be made available only to all original resident individual allottees.

PUBLIC ISSUE Safety Net or Buy Back Arrangement Such buy back or safety net facility shall be limited upto a maximum of 1000 shares per allottee and the offer shall be valid at least for a period of 6 months from the last date of despatch of securities. The financial capacity of the person making available buy back or safety net facility shall be disclosed in the draft prospectus.

PUBLIC ISSUE Utilization of funds in case of Rights Issues The issuer company may utilize funds collected against rights issues after satisfying regional stock exchange that minimum 90% subscription has been received.


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