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  • Words: 3,909
  • Pages: 45
Poetry Unhinged By J. R. Hamilton

Wild in the streets ignorance devouring innocent souls like a mad dog ripping into a new born babies flesh destroying its will and hopeful nature my heart is full of sadness now young peoples minds twisted with hatred untested by life and completely untrue lost lambs sucking the very breath that is expelled by a dieing man growing like weeds that choke the hidden beauty that is inside all of us i weep deeply for these children manic with a desperation 2

to belong to a race of cretinous hordes confused as to where their place is feeling forsaken and wicked replacing the fear with an anger not their own when i sleep there is no rest for i dream of the sickness oozing into the once loving hearts of our future Einsteins dispossessed these misbegotten young ones are not evil but have succumbed to anger and fear the fear of being alone and outnumbered by idiots who can’t survive in a world filled with strong independent human beings this fear that hates creativity and courage


feeds on these frightened children who feel so alone who hold out shaking hands to the first who will grasp the first branch that floats by so out of the darkness a malevolent hand caresses theirs and with soothing tones whispering obscenities quite obscure to their innocence the children avidly listen desperate and open banding together in huddled gangs feeling a little less alone with these liars they have chosen as their mentors bending to this evil will not erase their frightened lonely fertile minds being filled with pure madness... running wild in the streets our children once pure and sweet killing now with no remorse 4

climbing over their brothers corpse reigning supreme now in their little hell whats left of their hearts is an empty shell for blackness, death, and confused discord a crown of nails is their only reward emptiness triumphs in their world of shame with only themselves and that hand to blame so the end comes creeping softly in slowly possessing their minds from within eventually the sickness reaches that once pure heart destroying all that is good and all that is smart warmth and consciousness the casualties of this war


destroys what they were right down to the core for their useless elimination of imagined threats paranoid nervous futures is the reward they will get…


My Friend Madness what an unnatural life we weave those of us who choose “normal” and “sane” lives safely hiding in cozy cotton lined cocoons never seeking to embrace their true hearts desire to boldly stare deeply into the stark face of madness insanity, screaming, laughter blend fiercely fighting the urge to be truly free fearing the darkness that dwells within us all content with boring, skinny, pretty wives painting on featureless blank emotionless faces


with hypnotic precision in mirrors streaked with tears shrill voices echo in large empty houses demanding all sorts of meaningless articles and objects wanton desire takes shape in the collecting smiling shallow, sadly enslaved, practical and owned all shiny, polished, well cared for, and lonely waiting for the prince who will never come far from the golden exteriors of their flesh is the true nature of their pitiful existence the wretched creatures that hide themselves under the surface of that mask they create mangled spirits living within the gutted torsos


carved in the church they call the health club worshiping beauty above all else they twist within corpses that give off little or no heat passionless and difficult to touch but full of motion they animate the desperate act of living as if it were something to get through arteries pumping blood like fluid over and under through and through miles of rough road looking outward for some semblance of the life promised to them by the ad agencies scarcely barren but sorely beaten these so called sane placid beings sing praises to a god loved not by their seed fostering hordes of hateful neglected young 9

whose only way to repay these misbegotten souls is to spread wild despair throughout the land loveless amidst the absence of pity within the so called sane boundaries of this world which hast not been bequeathed only to certain humans so with their innate natural acceptance they restrict themselves and those who cross their paths by howling their ignorance and displeasure of their self imposed limitations, lack of self knowledge so they can use these narrow observations as weapons to control and impede free thinking the beauty of pure love and cultural differences


to confuse the truth with complex rules and parameters heavily laid down and prescribed by lords and holymen eons gone, times long past but there is one thing they cannot control that is the beat of a free and loving heart this beat will never die and is heard by many because they live by this one constant and pure fact that sin is a manmade falsehood that the fearful need to muddy and confuse the one and only reality of a maidens first wild and unabandoned naked dance it revives the yearning in a dead mans loins as it rises solid and thick, sinew, muscle, blood pulsing standing erect as if it were poised ready to strike 11

as the ancient serpent rises from below quivering hungry and aching seeking moisture and femininity as is in all that lives with urgency to push forward to create warmth tender and sweet in all of these unions fear is not an option for a believer of the beat brutal in its necessity it pushes all obstacles aside for the love of this is all there is in the real world danger and anarchy coexist side by side pounding away with this rhythmic beat the mighty savage beast dances often to its sweet sound with sanity cast aside dispelled with impunity the offering of reality and insanity is without reason 12

for reason will be cursed by their offspring torn down from its weak and fixed position it has little to offer savages in its wake down, down, down shattered and scattered upon the hard cold lies what these false prophets try to teach the fertile simple ones in their charge of things they are fearful to ever try so I leap gleefully into the darkest pit of my soul shouting like a warrior soaked in his own blood into the battle that is mine and mine alone to face an opponent equal in courage and ferocity without fear or regret in this world that is so beautiful


and rightfully I am quite happy to find that place within all of us where we can slowly open the door to a familiar face looking not unlike our own reflection in the glass and staring back at me with whimsical amusement this is someone I know oh all to well so I speak hoarsely from the excitement and say, “Hello my friend madness… welcome home…”

Kiss or Kill he who is the inheritor of an incomplete concept could possibly be the genius


connected to the mystical knowledge that anarchy is natural and reigns supreme as the heart pumps out life giving fluid randomly unaware of its own true purpose with its relationship to the whole body we live our lives with little access to the effects we have to the people we have and haven’t met thus the constant beat is something we all hear we all dance to it and we all live to it with little or no realization of the magnitude with which it holds you may never know your true purpose


and the maddening truth is so crystal clear that it is not important we know and if we did would it matter in the end wishing for or wanting a thing you will never possess is part of this puzzle it is lifes magical truth in this bittersweet unfolding of a reoccurring dream that is cloudy and quite disquieting with brief glimpses of beauty and perfection leaving the observer breathless mouth agape sometimes the emotions are so violently profound that we are not certain if we should kiss or kill wishing for or wanting this moment to last longer to be as breathtaking as the last is reserved 16

for wandering lost tortured souls who will never be at peace know this my dear friends and listeners we are all sad little fools sleeping knowing not that it is all just a dream that there is no continuity in this so called reality and all of us are connected by threads to thin to see every single thing we do affects each and everyone of us so create do not destroy and love never hate control is for the weak and only the brave let life in this I know in all my madness and pleasure as sure as i breath as sure as my heart beats on i know you are afraid but let it go and enjoy the freedom that comes from within all of us 17

cannot be forced and it will not be denied so live life without parameters let go of the teachings based in fear these people don’t care for what they can’t control love and freedom are friends with anarchy and madness the two don’t do well without the other acceptance of this truth brings great responsibility upon those of us who choose to steward its weight with light hearts and joyful spirits we spread freedom amongst our fellow men no matter if they understand for they will in good time, all men deserve this message it is the only truth worth giving wholeheartedly we will all do well to know that and never forget 18

and that is all my friends there isn’t anymore than that…

One More Kiss translucent memories awaken the deepest of dreams of losing control swept away by raging streams 19

reminds a man of his youthful years when every thought was crystal clear decisions paths may sometimes veer with lightning speed in the aftermath no one sees the truth until a ways down the path that a kiss can seal your fate and that’s a fact so this has been many a mans sole endeavor one false step and you could lose forever even slithering doubt must soon surrender simply mistrusting ones true hearts desire is the torment that sets many souls afire absurdly we all know what we require


spending so much energy so we will find that hope and tranquility are intertwined all that will satisfy you in its time is knowing that a dieing mans last request will be, “Can he please have just one more kiss”…

Children made of Glass We were children made of colored glass living in the shadows where its dark where it is black wrapped up in a threadbare blanket of their sordid past


she turned and smiled at me but never looked back the feelings they crashed over me but did not last her hips and body swayed to a silent beat the emotion created swirled waves with crimson crests the sweat from her poured down into the street over glistening wet breasts heaving with every breath to that hot and aching ancient drumbeat watching her leave felt like I’d died both of us were just children made of glass bitterly i knew i had barely tried to flex or to bend finally only to pass I cried the syringes soon came filled up to the brim with a cowards relief liquid death within 22

suck in deep and dive on in the strong will survive in the currents they swim that cold river of blood mixed with sorrow and tears so much that they run down and stain my burned face in the distant horizon a mad horseman appears he rides for awhile and then quickly disappears bringing with him an overabundance of darkest fears i know she is with him in a far off place future is dim, and hopes gone with nary a trace…


Pushed pushed back beyond the breaking point truth is bent to serve mainstream politics in the dream vivid memories awaken


from lifes maddening wellspring the purest source the twisted old man with his reality and truth as weapons in his hand so far from his youth when his thoughts were pure and unaltered at best he was a man on a seemingly holiest of quests then the money and power came easily to corrupt to persuade him away from his purposeful intent twisting and turning in the winds of deceit are the carcasses of his true hearts direction at least as many will tell of the tales of their woes dreams bought, they were, for a handful of gold the tears of despair are dried and congealed


with the blood of their adversaries not yet dry on the field so we all know to well this kind of defeat the one that sneaks up on you wraps around your heart and muffles its beat so young friends and old do not believe all the lies you’ve been told money and power will bring you much pain fame and glory rains down upon you with shame love and happiness will come in its time to a heart that is pure and empty of crime when you feel that you are lost and all is forlorn remember that all sins can be forgiven to the heart that is filled with true remorse 26

you will never be alone when you realize one thing the energy surrounding you is connected to a ring that all things living are tied very tightly to one another creating limitless and endless energy not all of this is positive for we know to well two positives most assuredly will do nothing but repel so the negative is necessary for teaching and balance failure for teaching and evil for balance when your soul is tired and broken needing repair remember my friends there is no need for total despair the help that you want is buried deep down inside you it is built for us all a mechanism indescribable


call it GOD or MANA or JESUS or what it is for all of us to know and never forget that life in this universe is hard and difficult being one with everything is our given connect that is our power and our fortune concerned a man who is one with all has little regret for this life is just one step with many to go to relinquish our grip for such small rewards this man is sad, pitiful, shortsighted, and bored for we are born with this gift that many throw away thinking to themselves lets seize the individual day if a days all you want go on take what you can


i don’t want you with me on my final stand i want men and women reliable and true with this one remark i will leave to you be happy and love with all of your heart don’t succumb to the suffering bring it out in your art when its laid before you on canvas or paper and ink then you will know how you truly do feel and think because your true enemy lies asleep in your brain doubt and reason are brothers who enjoy all your pain fight them with a faith that comes from deep within a faith that is ancient and fixed not an intellects whim and then you will enlighten your soul to a flame


that will never be extinguished by guilt or by shame you will now know what some of us do that we are all connected not just a chosen few…

Blindness he who is not blind cannot look into the light of revelation widening the gap in his understanding he who is not blind will not grasp tightly to the tail of a pale horse that screams unadulterated with terror riderless and uncontrolled 30

he who is not blind cannot feel the pain fall upon his face thoughts running down dry cheeks all of the colors running together making muddy puddles on his pallet he who is not blind will gently touch her emptiness without any knowledge of its depths scattered seeds of love spread out on wet dead earth yearning to grow he who is not blind leans on a web the spiders slowly weaving a mysterious beginning without an end hoards of offspring devour their maker knowledge absorbed not understood 31

he who is not blind awaits for revelation riding a pale horse with it the promise and pain of rebirth and the emptiness of knowledge to be trapped in a web of confusion...


Ships in the Night feverishly pressing flesh against torn wet lips painted red mascara running down cheeks in the rain whipped cream softly floating on twin breasts full of wind breathe scented breezes of cinnamon flow across her hull heaving and crashing upon rolling waves of ecstasy lightning slams into her masts, its fury unleashed like a wild beast i am upon her with pure passion as she gasps bow breached and back bending long painted nails claw desperately


for purchase into wooden taught muscle two hearts pound but the beat is one exploding within her i lingered spines jumping, twitching so full of electricity heated and contained the energy pulses back and forth riding deep swells tasting its salty spray laughing and screaming we leap over the rail into the unknown together darkness and splintered light meld into one another this is life, this is happiness forever I forget these moments suspended in time transparent is my lost glee when our ships pass by one another in the night as we slowly slide off one another we separate once again to be sadly alone 34

our souls trapped in these prisons made of flesh the connection yearned for even stronger than before the oneness sought after in an obsessive way despair overtakes my being when she is not beside me...


Without my Paper tense fabric soft and agitating quells anger with its covering bending over revealing its core pink and open quite unaware of its power mans seeks never meaning to break opportune in its rapt and pure beauty as a young girl dances nude nipples erect taut stomach aching for a males insane confusion into secure tight well being spawning an evening of secrets kept from those who wish to remain keepers of the decorated fools thrashed thoroughly by small concerns when first the mountain hollers with a voice only found deep within 36

the widows tears cut deeply with mellow insanity so false and deceiving that creeps into the babies bed and the wolf cries sadly for its long lost mate only then will you know yourself flapping around loudly on broken wings at this time you will reach the understanding that the manual is far too complicated go ahead and bark orders at the sun and the moon through your wizen twisted broken teeth ‘cause no matter how it ends I am less without my paper and you are less without me...


Fear turns the world free on its pivotal strength without reason or fear so powerful and still in its beauty fear plays into the scene with man 38

captured view all misty so with distain the evil ones skew and distort all the pretty little voices strangled and raspy by abuse this twisted quiet haze surrounds trying to cloud with all its frailty the true nature of its purpose shouting loudly with false bravado the fear that creates malice in it tries to grow in us all with lies and half truths provoking its transparent veil of deceit and despair choose not the path of weakness and ignore any obvious signs for this is always true the man pointing his finger away from himself is the one to watch closely deep within us all is a strength so powerful generated from a mans pain and suffering 39

be acutely aware of the hordes banging outside the walls of your soul choose not to cower in the darkness for that is where they dwell controlling your emotions through fear and repression created by emotions and experiences not your own the beast outside these walls will howl with rage, unquenched, evil undone bellowing his displeasure quite often i drop to my knees asking for strength and courage always it comes from within so I will fight this battle designed to defeat my heart and spirit and in all my dreams i triumph purity and beauty prevail so i am at peace until i awake and the nightmare returns...


Dads Last Stand a fierce and raging storm that we all knew so well swept through the Scottish pines a hearts breathe away i reached out to touch you, but alas Dad you were gone your powerful spirited soul flew swiftly with angels over the hills and valleys you had conquered that day as they whispered with reverence your name a man never to be forgotten and sorely missed strong arms holding a will of steel making things so we will cherish our time with you forever you were here with us as only you could be 41

and every one of us will miss your words of wisdom candid manner of truth, values, and honor this is not goodbye Dad, this is farewell and safe journey to harbors sheltered from lifes pain, disappointment, and sorrow so till we meet again, God speed Dad... I love you...

Broken Wings fly oh fly my pretty little bird into the blue sky unto you my heart goes with your wings bye and bye


with the purest intent my mind wrestles my desire to quench my envy on that ring filled with fire burning and yearning forged deep in the pyre a soul lost once for foolish whims and I tire for what am i but a jester spinning yarns and if I holler laughing and yelling for nothing more than a dollar do you believe its possible for a good man to do wrong if the notes that are laid out fit right into his song i apologize often ‘cause i know this is true when your eyes are green but i tell you they’re blue most of all this is deep inside of my head all that i see with my blind eye is bright and full of red


so lay softly upon me and stay with me on our bed and i’ll read you these words as only they can be read for if i am blind and the whole world can see that i am for you and you are the only one for me it must be fate that brought all of this to be so fly oh fly pretty little bird on your broken wings take care not to see me through all of those things my worth to the world and others is not what they see but what you perceive and what you know i will be trust in your heart and let courage be your guide for all we will do is love one another until we die...



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