Psychiatry Under Communist Dictatorship

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 450
Dr.I.Cucu C.Ioan Dr.Cucu Toma


Piatra Neamţ – 2005 ROMANIA


In the expensive our memory grandfathers and father:CASANDRA, ANA AND CONSTANTIN CUCU.


The profession of the doctor has several holy than sinful. Erich Segal.


Foreword I am conscious I am as the guest here to take the floor qua dilettante. Likely, the specialists held to find out and of a diletante view, as concern totalitarian result in the country from the east Europe about the psychiatry of the guinea-pigs. They well, in this modest quality, allow to shall propose a paradox. The specialists know exact - fancy - the psychiatric horrible crimes commited in the asylums from Est. Suspect, only that, as their reigns know any the less well the psychiatric crimes, don’t as brutal, but disastrous through consecinte, commited outwards asylums. For, I practise, fishy weather 40 of years were all on one stick, here, patients. True some particular patients , that is leave in plus freedom, the crime sows this time with a perfidious depravity. Just as shall me apply to you demonstrate, she has which effects and today. Otherwise, made sure me recently, to last politic event from Romania, that is at option, as in which he threw us the end of second world war don’t he finished. We are some naives when imagined us, to


revolution, as I went out of the nightmare. Now is seen nice and as the, after he swallowed us hello a part from the in a life anormality what become for us the only possible “ normality” , the communism mutilates us farther the in a destiny freedom on which don’t us still live it, because missed us the of a reflet the natural behaviors. As a matter of fact, even freedom concept of meant for many years - and in hello measure the maul means - just come out from the cage. Meaning and, likely, don’t understood nor today too well as the the freedom has its own order. Especially, meaning as the, just as the animals holded longtime in captivity its carry out their cage when let oneself go, readapt itself with difficult to freedom, to us the passed he don’t holds in forerank of archives, don’t “stop to were” It is still active. The ghosts tread on in the street, they speak, sometimes are seen it to television. We ouryself, sometimes, we are wibareback realize us our own ghosts. thout But,I am affread, to forgive me our guests, as an westwrn people, he has no how grasp this situation of tragedy , for the simple reason as the try to judge, to


analyse - with a logic normality – an anormality. The hasty his occident greet the end of the communism, thereto he relaxed became else indifferent, without bareback I notice as on the scene of Estern Europe one changed the show, but old “ actors” bustle about through backstage because they no forgot their roles.They prepare,may be, just the new shows, carry to one harvester-threshers two misadventures of the century, the communism and the fascism. Finally, the former terror are not our problem, only. Burn can apprehend really an western people why a man as me he put the question,in a day, if by chance certain a form of” wisdom”, haunted as an epidemic through became, principalul ally of terror? To 18 years old I saw Bucharest fool of Russian uniforms. Felt on my one skin two grinders between were grasped this centuries, grinded the feather to blood ideologists. The revolution he grasped me to 63 of years. I becam an old man in a which anormality ends through seemed, at one time,” normality”, in the sense as the don’t the maul the station-rod on nobody, the evil becoming a commonplace. How to explain this of a


man in the street,separates what he is naturaly why he is abnormal? Chiefly as it is missing, un fortunately, an serios add right analysis to tragedy of the peoples from Estern, and in our respects circulated enough foolishness. In Romania there was the first anticommunist demonstration from Estern Europe and the first army resistance against soviet ocupation, which lasted years, in mountains. All these, he were us gave to hear the superficial wonders, of the kind:” The Romanians suffer any” or” the corn mush don’t explod”. A couple years ante his Ceausescu brakdown, I work to a manuscript on which I inteded to send it Western Europe. Concern me ones what I called”the second police”, that is the paradox as the a tyranny tzrannize and with the help of the people tzrannized. Remembered me all what I read about the forms of colaborationism from France, in its temporally ocupation, and the hypnosis on which exercise it Hitler about germans. Wherewith were us else bad than anotheri? We just try to live, to we don’t drop victims, exactly what they did and another persons in weather of disgrace.


Yet, can’t to see as our fear help it on he who scare us in order to frighten us still more many. The more than obvious that we keep from the riskiness, Ceausescu and the acolytes saddles îallow more and more. His insanity was stimulated of our “ wisdom” . Without wish of them, persecuted became accomplices with the persecutors. But badness don’t forbidden here. Don’t the maul surprise on nobody the fib.there becoming a” normal” practce”. We acomodate oneself with thw badness. And, with the time, near else knowed what the age the normal normality. Don’t the maul we saw than anormality ”normalizated”. We seemed as, in a world as our, such the natural his age come the thing, as his sincerity becomes a „insanity” risk. Reality reminded at every turn as the is due to take care what say, whom say, if you wish don’t enter Securitatatea attention. Therefore if you don’t accepted anormality as the a natural factor seem don’t as much a papers of courage, how much a sign of the detrition of the instinct of preservation. That, don’t famos wash t brains is can the crime most conclude the communist regime, but most durabila. A clean brain don’t the maul has passed.


Conversely, an accustomed his brain consider normaly the anormality it is menased to disappear - even in freedom - of on which he got them in a history of the barrack, waves the true is as a flabby paste, what he can take any form, depending on the orders bad entered into the idiom, the way of thinking. Enable to you remind what said Euripide, as the slave becomes truly slave hardly when behaved as such. All these left traces on which a foreigners have a difficulty to realize. Even we don’t else realize sometimes. As a matter of fact, exists the risk,I believe, as in continent he gave it on Descartes,to work in this end of this century,with two different logics: One else pragmatical and egoistic, for western,the another, resentimental and misleaded of Estern, disposed to see in western” the third Roma” carry abstracted from” new barbarians”. This stand of thing can accentuate still more many the danger, not at all negligible in my opinion, as between Est and Vest to created a break still more deeper, because in the place Iron Curtain burn be an which wound burn does, practise, near imposible to a communication.


Me sincere his mixed son Peradventure of a western ring it and what wonder or at less picturesqueness urge of Marx, of break apart form us past laughing. I seemed as an enormity and there was difficult to found, apprehend, an advice firstly, how to ridicule a nightmare? Burn be a stupid guffaw the without undoubtedly, improperly. They were taked too many crimes in order to enables to us break out in a hysteric guffaw so that exorcized after a sort the which were in progress. Then, we had another life than for which dreaded. It represented only the chances to love either contemplated a full of skies starlike. Our hours tenderness one mixed with the despair. In what concerning me, in this nightmare I became the father, wrote the books. To abhor me really because sometimes were happy, while my countrymans were maltrated of the Securitatea or they decay in the prisons? I ashamed for the egoism of be me enjoied the days with clear skies, in what weather so many romanians lied in the dark cells, but were no the gods don’t the maul can change the nought, and afterwards, is a fault to live? The moral


says me as any the cowardice, even if is boiled down to the helplessness rejected a sun day from the reason of the uglyness of the history. But don’t else I want to be a hypocritical and consider me guilty. Considers me guilty as the shut up many years after my father died in a hospital, abaft of a ordinary peritonites, because he is refused the administration of the antibiotics, and don’t wherethrough I loved the actually in a life the criminal regime. Finaly, I want to say as the life lived isn’t as Berlin wall, to be destroied with the pickaxe. That is why so difficult to apreciated what „were” . here come, likely, and the pettishness wherewith many among we refuse here any chat about guilt, considering is as he comes is equalize, uniformizated, with the natural corollary, if all we are guilty, all are inocenti, he is as we have another works the imperative maul now. And he feels like say , as a Roumanian poet from the XIX century ,” what were what he is and shall else be what is deserved”. Dar what is deserved? Don’t somehow what” is deserved” depends on hardness envisaged what „were”?


I,meself,I recognize, I am affraid that must to pass throch purgatory in order to find, last at last, the real normality . Octavian Pofr. Bucharest 1994.


„And Coming back the wind”( fragments) By Vladimir Bukovski. Au fond, the special hospital from Leningrad don’t the age than a prison accustomed, with detention in rooms, the limitation mail and food, with the bars, the barbed wire, walls of enclosure and the armed guard . Theoretical, for the mintal alienated escape, the guard needn’t to open the fire. But try you to identify on a crazy of a criminal of common law from personal of harm. Of cours, the guard fired and like cases were in progress. Here was the age prisoner from 1956 Nikolai Samsonov, geofizician, laureate of prize Stalin. Sent to asylum for a letter to politburo,where he ask an exposure of consistency of the a crimes of Stalin. He categorically refused to exhibit” criticize” and thus he was in the prison of eight years. The pacient are treatied after administration goodwill: Injections, maltreatments, plasing them in the room of furious pacients. His health was deteriorated definitively: The heart, the


liver, the bread-basket all – breaking down, by the side effect of the psihotrope medicines. Extremely insistent the age the treaty in last year, one rumoured as coming some indications in his respect. As” treatment of the angries”, better saied, of penalization, there was three used middles. Former: Aminazina. Of habit, after her administration, the man drop in a drowsiness, plunged in a state of brutify and don’t else know what expense happened with he. Of the second folows the sulfazina or the sulphur which aroused a pain in the awful, a fever and violence, the temperature come to 40-41 of degrees and last for- three days. Of third the range” the enswathement”. For a certain fault, the prisoner was swaddled gathers, from feet to the armhole, with this sheets ruled or bands of tent canvas, diped afloat. Becaning dry, the cloth contracted,arousing a harg ache and a burn in all the body. Of habit, unlucky very soon losed his knowledge and nurses indebted his witout supervise. If he losted the knowledge the weak enlargement from the pressure of the buttocks, leaved to come back thereto the age swaddled again. The procedure was used of some either.


Abovestairs superior of first block of flats, in fifthe section ,here there were”cacciocavallos” - rooms with lining with rubbers, wherethrough mad angries i to don’t breaks head hit of walls. In these rooms the peoples were prisoners in hole isolation, empty the rifle and, is said, were beated cruelly. Don’t just so yore.of yore, were killed one of the crazy, braking the column. Certainly, nobody guilty, the murdered were erased from evidence – the nads be always of the fault. The danger quarrel glide about our heads. With minim opportunities, one lissen to nurses and the guardians:” What darling, he did the longings of pression?”. A date prescribed, injectiond of amilazina there werei administrated automatically, many times forgeting else be suspended. And therewere so much injections that no the needle don’t the maul can be jabed at buttocks. Keep in mind, found oneself in a day in the cabinet of physiotherapy, for they warm the tonsils - the date be the humidity from Leningrad, my tonsillitis the chronicle he aggravated and had the temperature. Straw, here, I entered into the surgery and saw a fantastic view. On tens of banquettes lied stretched some


which peoples exposed the empty bottoms to the lamps of heatings. Them buttocks were as wood, so that don’t else entered the needles and have to dips them the brawn, were trated again. The jokes and the terible jeer wherewith they were trated as the invalids becoming a kinds of must. In another block of flats the elder room among about 10 persons, found out a young of 19 years, one named Sapronovici. Have the butterflies saddles, scilicet: He have to distroy the world from Occident, in forerank America. He press always imaginary buttons, be positive as to lans rockets with nuclear fuse. To blow up us The America aerially! To kill on Kennedy!”, he kry, pressing the buttons. I don’t know why have no eyes to see on Kennedy. Sapronovici, kry the one mentally whole, come here! He forgets a true button, press! And they indicated a button from near door, wherewith were called the nurses and the guardians. Gradually, he was accustomed to this button, so that he wached the day near door and press always. The guardians they bored to all gives the run to these false signals and frecvently punished him,


made him injections and other punitions all only that hadn’t no an effect. The autumn, Kenedy was assassinated. His tyrants of Sapronovici can’t drop the occasion to joke of him. They brought it the newspaper with the communication about assassination of Kennedy. What you say, Sapronovici, such did lambskin? Now you are jealously. For the time being the assass in found, he is so don’t shall you find out you longtime to shalter, have to catch you, wherethrough all the world knows pressed on buttons. Sapronovici was affrieded, he shaked. An whole stood gavozdit abed, covered the feather across head with blanket. Don’t raised no to dine, do not rise his head from under blanket. Result the surprising age. Sapronovici near as he becoame sane from the maul feel like to press on some button. A numerous group there were the persons who tried to make ones way to different embassies from Moscow. The soviet plebeian peoples thinked, as some naive, as it is suffice to age enter the embassy therefrom shall you transport you, secretly, across the frontier. Therewith were much more complicated. No a law don’t forbiden to enter in a embassy. How to judge?


The Latvian fled Letonia still from the soviet invasion of their country. In all this lived and worked, as charger and and he upreared. But they arrived and in The Australia the rumors about ”soviet un frosin” the heart l he drew it home, to see how a maul a duke a citizens from came. With the family,they let smb in it SSSR without any difficulty. But when and he realized what he means” wanted to”, leaves again in wanted. Consisted as just backward don’t else he can. Don’t he looked after to obtain australian cytizenship and lived there as a citizen of Latvian, with his old identity card from Latvinia, chiefly as the Australian don’t ware about of kind of pass they have. Or, here,in SSSR it is another story: The Union Sovietque don’t recognaised Latvinia. And citizen Pintan,he brought to knowledge as the in all this time were the citizen of SSSR,without as the he to suspect this thing. Pintan not at all apprehend a thing so a simple,made row, seek to makes ones way to the love the Australian Embassy,for this therefor he recived aminazina.


Preface Without some as us and he can and without evidences like these kind on which we present them in this book, in the Roumanian pschiatry burn be the silence for, just as underline an apologist,” the communist teacher from psychitry were so generoses and of an apodictic professionalism”, and in our psychiatry needn’t the changed nothin. Although I seem a paradox, our work is a true samizdat, for it appears in a psyhyatric world conservative, but which no don’t he detached of the communist dogmata, and who guarded ideological ”purity” before guard thhis and today, handling with big ability the communist tactics of the forms without backgrounds (using for instance DSM, but without did advert to the ideological bases of of american psychiatri. Our work is as and samizdat and for wherethrough a group of psychiatrists recusants, find out as and before on same pozitions( I no refer from just to hierarchy) and in an atmosphere of adversitaty and of the monopoly of can, try to compose a „White book” of the communis troumanian psychiatry and do


this thing defying the management the job of the „teacher”, quotient and of some who carry requiring as belong to new democrats, but which” they bit already from power boun, thereto incite coveted as a matter of fact, the Roumanian retrogressive psychiatry, retrogressive scientifically and institutional, and it need still for many years carries gangrene of old nomenclatures, causing to use else that” ministry of the rue” and organizing real institution of intellectuals coruption, whereat ally don’t except” the teacher”, but and all the profiteers, former executioner from old psichiatric organization. But to expound firstly on colleges from another medical specilitati, carry look as on some bizarre the fight from the bosom of the psychiatry, although they are forgoten as decades in a row the psychiatry deliver the communist leaders and many communist propagandists , as if this thing the age a reserved area just for the psychiatry. Came really his weather we ask ourself,why? Very frecvently the doctors of another specialties ask for what in psychiatry arise t a such the dispute, while in another medical specialties the problem is


put were or a good specialist( although the thing don’t stand throughout such). In psychiatry, only that, practise the profession presuppose don’t merely the of a accumulation biologic or biochemical knowledges, how he is as a rule the case of somatic medicine, but here need and a solid knowledges of psychology, sociology, religion and just of philosophy, carry added the biologic knowledges( the psychiatry remaining all the some uptown the medicine). From these reason, in psychiatry, just as we shall see on way of our work, synonymies of masters from the medical specialties here appeared political activists whom zhe communist party he traced the task to created a „socialist psychiatry”, opposed to the western psychiatry, which they nominate in witticism ” the bourgeois psychiatry. Fancy a such absurdity among medically predicament, such as cardiology the surgery? From these reason, the communists considered the psychiatry as the one a battlefield logic, in which” the emanation” of marxism philosophically had to struggle and to gain the dispute with the bourgeois concepts: the psychology and the sociology unmarxist, which the


psychiatry from Occident has been adjudicate after a long road of development of many humanist sciences, don’t merely of logical essence or biochemistry. Today as the the psychiatry practicated in communist Romania - maugre the ideological abuses and the scientifical return were a normal development , and this just kept error”of internal peace” or on behalf of of a falsehood true fellowship to be as good as ... reason a monstrosity on just the sleep of faculty of reasoning can it tolerate. The socialist psychiatry” be due to disappears unite with the waste and the which nomenclature have based this and as much from reason of morality, quotient and from must. Prompt therefore tolerance of our mates of actually impervious to light of not transparent public health minister, can led to good this exhausted work, with and persuasively. But to look little around our. Theyoung and romantic people of revolutionaries i died in December 1989 with the farm conviction as in the Romania the communism shall be throwed to the ash-can of the history. The rejection became for those moments,


the faculty of reasoning of national sacrifices. Only that, if in 1945 Stalin communists ,thei knew as they cann’t change a politic regimes from to can communize Romania keeping the old structures of the democratic state of the bourgeois, passing immediately to the administrativ defecation , the army, politce, magistrated and academical institutions revolutionaries from 1989 had the simplicity believing just in the power of moral revolution, which sprinkled fulsomely with blood, believing naive in ”to become converted” of old nomenclatura. Don’t only that they deceived, but they deceived bitterly. , reason for which of so many years Romania is floped still in the vane of criptocomunism as malignant as the oneself communism. If in 1945 in our country had beenjust about 800 of communist members, in 1989 the number of the real don’t seem to is much more, for how else can explain the of a pulverization of the repressive system and of a” party of 4 millions of peoples” in just some days. But, as and in 1945, the cohorts of profiteers and of devotees of a vulgar materialisms they have corupted without moral his ideological creed „they


adapted” speedster, taking over toward their young advantage the frangible Roumanian society job. Became, clearly as its don’t you else exist a process of a communism, the point 8 from Timisoara, as and the spirit of Timisoarei were refused and insultate just in actually new Roumanian Parlament , and foster poitical prisoners , as and foster bolters they carry away their martyrdom, while revolutionars from December 1989 appear always as the figures contested, puting in all back the current weights of a country. The old nomenclature puingt on the topt again in the former leding pozitions, passing froml communist fanaticism slogans, wherethrough they assured for theirself before, stray capacitance. , to the all of a promotion ” a wild capitalism” and of the booth, in order to compromised the ideal of romanian revolution from 1989. But what he does the people, what I do the majority, they carry burn must to înlature to do away with with these profiteers? The people, carrying rearwards that ”psychological cage” from which came out as any table themes of change, and below communists or politic which does it


on his man is a being atrophied their sens of liberty, who knows for termagants weather. As and before, the people is encountered power in his existence( unemployment, undernourishment, pittances, permanences the inflations) and therefore, as and before, to give way to any cheaply paternalism, to the nationaliste tirades, to propaganda of foster and prezent nomenclature, without no the uneasiness, launched. successfully the slogans” rescue people of squirearchy and capitalists” feather to ridiculous diversions, such as culpabilization of foster political prisoners , like Ticu Dumitrescu or Corneliu Coposu. Is now really the status of psychiatrychanged? Not at all. Be due to recognize, and the communists have confirmed with power, as the medicine never had the independence of the political power, among medically specialities,the psychiatry be most of all dependented. Due to its particular nature, the psychiatry has always of faced ethical problems of human essence , if I burn be just to think us it is only medical branch


auhorizated to society nstitutionalize a person sometimes just constrainedly. But then, the psychiatry disposes of very vague frontiers, and the psychiatrist, involuntary or voluntary, may utilize his power in favour of freedom and of a autonomy of persons. The psychiatry gambles therefore and a political role” assets, if we take the term of politic in acceptiunea of the life polisului”. Thus, if in the democratic countries the rightful of extremists never may use the psychiatry, in communist Romania , as in SSSR, the practise involved psychiatric ideological factors and a part political opozition may be labeled as holding on the area of the psychiatry. Is known concerning diagnosis criterion in psychiatry, and between simple symptoms psychopatologique or the nonconformist behaviors and a true clinical diagnosis exist a big discrepancy. Thus, many bolters, subdued persecutions and miscarriage of justice , living in a permanent stress, can present some real psychopatological symptoms, but they don’t may become therethrough real psychiatric pacients and just for political ration, of the nature of the politics potentiated this thing.


As and in another strong communiste regims, in Romania, three particular structures of the dictatorship have constrained the limites of the psychiatry: 1. The totalitarian character of standed; 2. The busy place of to ideology in all areas; 3. The visceral fear of the regime of don’t misses the power and the privileges. Thus, on aside, the individual have no laws, and the party is only conceivably to to arbitrate , inclusively considered a man as a mad, and but then science the age subdued - but that say the maidservant of the ideology. From these reason,the psychiatry was indebted to participate through all specific middles to mentain of the power of the regime. Violence exercised against everyone who don’t can” frame” in community, just as this age had recognize. of to party, and abnormal,” the invalid” therefore was defined through his character” asocial”, atypically, reason for which the socialism condemn on all one” eccentric persons”, on all who think individual, all the minorities( even religious or rock groups. Against among these individuals is shall exercised a violences” aseptizated”, a violences in” white gowns”, reasons for


which” the normals” you show all more with a zoo, the individuals geting all more that” psychology cage” for which the natural his age vote 99% for party and the chief. But the psychiatrist who shut up a political didident under cover of the schizophrenia or the paranoia involved in the conscious way in the politics of totalitarian state whereof wait as a matter of fact certain which his attitudes brings advantages. The apologists” of socialist psychiatry” explained these” peculiarities” of their papers through the existence of a discrepancies” esentiof” against bourgeoispsychiatry” ,like western psychiatry practised in western Europe. This underlay the rejection without discriminations scientific substantiation. and the psychological or sociologic concepts which out of practice in romanian psychiatry. To Honolulu( 1977), General Anssable of Psychiatric World Association consigned only that, in frank way, the utilization”of socialist psychiatry” as the weapon the politics, and adopting the ollowing resolution:” ), General Anssable of Psychiatric World Association takes the note of the abusive utilization of the psychiatry in the politic aims and


condemn these practices in all countries waves practised, inviting vocationally psychiatric organisations to gave up to these practices and of killed them. The Association disposes of numerous evidences concerning the systematic utilizations of the psychiatry in politic aims in SSRR. Our delegate to this were the communist and ideologist of the Roumanian psychiatry V. Predescu, politruc formed to Leningrad( studentship and the doctorate), beside his mate of studies in SSR. - Milea which received for him to lead the departamentul of infantile psychiatry. For this reason,Roumanian authorities reactions were identical with those of SSR. Thus, for the external pressures the invariable answers as they represent blends” in the internal problems, and concerning internal opozition or. answers as the the attitude of condemn the socialist psychiatry ”don’t make up than” anticommunist agitation ”. Abuse were denied as much in SSR like in romania. Quotient and in România, and from unfortunately, just oficial Roumanian the maul denies today the psychiatric abuses from the time of communist regime. What happened only that now, after so many years from breaking down of the


communism, with one across 1. 000 of Roumanian psychiatrists? Nothing, or so that we are onest, the psychiatrists are to unison with the country of feather in 1996, voting 99% for the communist nomenclature. Living in the fear and the terror from past, the Roumanian psychiatrists( an outside community partly effeminate),one live and today, in freedom, this the syndrome of” cage” below the management of foster communist ” teacher”, seed of one what they were favorized just as the” generous and of an apodictic professionalism”, waiting as usually to don’t is happened the nought in psychiatry. The western psychiatry disposes of the thing wherewith a Roumanian psychiatrist formed to the communist school are absent, accomodated with this ( chiefly by reason of lack of psychological and sociological knowledges, as well as pursuant to new conquer biochemical). There are in Occident a new guy of institutions of treatment, carry burn perturb completely the asyilum system in which were treated mental patient in the coimmunist period,and which are presented now as the reform,and which in practice is rejected by western


psychitry. How to adjudge the Roumanian all psychiarists these? Isn’t really better as, supporting on the old communist teachers( ptacticly the old nomenclature), to maintain the old organization and old vision. wherewith the Roumanian psychiatry,of wich they were accomodated already fishy 45 of years? Is seen just what outrages does the reform in any area in which is puted in question. And what if the roumanien psychiatry shall remain still decades in a row decrial . As to youth, he be rather asked emigratory in West, his implication is as voidness. Writing this book wherethrough I felt as our demarche learnt this time” in the sense of the history” from just as the five decades, when struggled just with the windmills. Do it and today even if still a psychiatric establishmentul is the same (communist and hostile). Paraphrasing a biblical stich, the true must shouted from house top. , and if we don’t do then shall it shout it the stones in our place. The author asserts as the whole theory concerning competence of the old nomenclature and the high level” of the Roumanian psychiatry from the


communist while is a fib, and the ethical abuses from pasts became a tragedy of which actuala psychiatry is due to purified. Doing from psychiatry the maidservant of repressive system, oficials of the today psychiatry did and do an hystorical error, don’t merely against of a medical branch, but also of a roumanien nation. Participating as official to the psychiatric repression , they were submissive instruments of a ” criminal organization” create of to the communist state, phenomenon on which the history don’t l the maul known But what he does the people, what they had did to carry burn must to brush away on these profiteers? The people, carrying rearwards that ”psychological cage” from which came out as any table themes of change, and below communists which does it on his man is a being to atrophied their sens of liberty, who knows for termagants weather. As and before, the people is encountered power in his existence( unemployment, undernourishment, pittances, permanences the inflations) and therefore, as and before, resigning of any


paternalism cheaply, of the nationalist tirades , of the simple maul shuntings propagandist of foster and actual nomenclatures , without no the uneasiness, launching successfully the slogans” rescue people of squirearchy and capitalists” feather to ridiculous diversions, such as culpabilization of foster political prisoners as Ticu Dumitrescu or Corneliu Coposu. Is really some changement in psychiatry? Not at all. Be due to recognize, and the communists have confirmed with power, as the medicine never was independently of the political power, among medical specialities the psychiatry be most the dependency. Due to his particular nature, the psychiatry has always of faced ethical problems of human essence, if I burn be just to think us as she is only medical branch auhtorized to the society to to go to hospital a person sometimes just constrainedly. Thus, on aside, the individual have no laws, and the party the are the only which arbitrated, inclusively considered who is a mad ,and but then science the age subdued - but that say the maidservant - of the ideology. From these


reason the psychiatry the indebted age to participate through all specific middles to mentin of the power of the regime. Violence exercised against every one who individual don’t can” frame” in community, just as this age as defined of the party, and abnormal,” the invalid” the age therefore defined through his character” asocial”, atypically, reason for which the socialism condemn on all one” eccentric persons”, on all who think else, all the minorities( even religious or rock groups. Against multi among these individuals is shall exercised a violences” aseptizata”, a violences in” white gowns”, reasons for which” the normals” you sow all more with a zoo, the individuals geting all more that” psychology cage” for which the natural his age vote 99 for party and the chief. But the which psychiatrist intern a politic maverick under cover of his schizophrenia the paranoia involved in the conscious way in the politics of totalitarian state whereof wait as a matter of fact certain which his attitudes brings advantages. The apologists” of socialist psychiatry” explicau these” peculiarities” of their papers through aceea existentei of a discrepancies” esentiof” against


psychiatric” burgheza”, that is which aceea practised in Occident. This underlay the rejection without indiscriminate his arguments stiintifice the psychological concepts of sociological si from the psychiatry româna. To Honolulu( 1977), Adunarea Generala Asociatiei Mondiof of consigned only that, in frank way, the utilization” of socialist psychiatry” as the weapon the politics, adopting urmatoarea resolution:” Asociatia Mondiala of Psihiatrie takes the note of the utilization abuziva the psychiatry in politic aims the si condemn these practices in all countries waves practised, inviting organizatiile vocationally psychiatric gave up to these practices and of killed them. Asociatia disposes of numerous marturii concerning the utilization the systematics of the psychiatry in politic aims in S.U.”. Our delegate to this were the communist ideologist of the Roumanian psychiatry V. Predescu, politruc a format to Leningrad( studentship and the doctorate), beside his mate of studies in S.U. - Milea which received and he to” haiduceasca” Departamentul of infantile psychiatry. For this reason, reactiile Roumanian authorities were identical with those of S.U. Thus, the external pressures li of


invariable answers as the they represent blends” in the internal problems, and opozitiei interns i answers as the the attitude of condemn the socialist psychiatry” don’t constituie than” agitation anticomunista”. Abuzul were denied as much in S.U., Quotient and in România, and from pacate, just oficialii Roumanian the maul denies today the psychiatric abuses from the time of communist regime. What happened only that now, after atâtia years from caderea of the communism, with one across 1. 000 of Roumanian psychiatrists? Nothing, or so that we are sincere, the psychiatrists are to unison with the country of feather in 1996, voting 99 for the nomenclature comunista. Living in the fear and the terror from past, the Roumanian psychiatrists( an outside community part feminizata) I live and today, in freedom, one the syndrome of” cage” below the management fostilor” teacher” communists, seed of one what they were favorizati just as the” generosi and of an apodictic professionalism”, asteaptând as usually to don’t is happened the nought in psychiatry. The psychiatry westerna disposes of the thing wherewith a Roumanian psychiatrist


format to the school comunista accomodated( chiefly by reason of lack of psychological his sociological knowledges, as well as pursuant to noilor conquer biochemical). Exista in Occident a new guy of institutii of treatment, carry burn confused completely the system azilar in which complicated assistances psychiatric in the period comunista, he who presents now of the reform”, which in practice reject it. How to adjudge the Roumanian all psychiatrist these? Isn’t really better as the, supporting on vechii teacher( vechea the nomenclature), to maintain vechea organization and vechile conceptii wherewith the Roumanian psychiatrist he accomodated already fishy 45 of years? Is seen just what outrages does the reform in any area in which is puted in question. And what if the psychiatry româna shall remain still decades in a row condamnata. As to youth, he be rather asked emigratory in Vest, his implication is as and the voidness. Write this book wherethrough I felt as our demarche learnt this time” in the sense of the history” from just as the five decades, when struggled just with the windmills. Do it and today even if still a psychiatric establishmentul is same( communist and hostile). Parafrazând a biblical stich,


adevarul must shouted from acoperisurile of the houses, and if we don’t do then shall it shout it the stones in our place. The author declare as whole theory concerning competence of the nomenclature and the high level” of the Roumanian psychiatry from the period comunista is a fib, and the ethical abuses from pasts became a tragedy of which actuala psychiatry is due to purified. Doing from psychiatry the maidservant of repressive system, oficialii the psychiatry of today did and do an error istorica, don’t merely against of a medical branch, but also of a natiuni, natiunii Romanian. Participating as official to the repression psychiatric, they were docile instruments of a of” organizatii criminals” create of to the communist state, phenomenon on which the history don’t l the maul known an in the fascist state. And in his place is them disgrace and to is is penitent, fostii executioners, attack, indict, as if the history s the maul can turn to communism. Their competence? To are seriosi. In what area else promoted the communism the competence? The folders of frames, zecile of functii on line of party, the studies from S.U. Or to” Stefan Gheorghiu”, these erau the sources competentei” teacher


generosi and of an apodictic professionalism. Started to alcatuirea this several works in the beginning just an whole organisation –(Association of Free Psychiatrists from Romania (A.F.P.R.), but, below the of a former management politruci, organizatia capotat lamentable. On goed through, many saw as from this guy of activity don’t can drawn on altii he caught it the fear speriindu of the gesture on which the age almost to do. Can say all the some as the the work reflect the viewpoint of adevarului and at least of the spirit in which he formed Asociatia Psihiatrilor Liberi from România. Subdue the phenomenon of psychiatric abuse from of a România theoretical analyses the si in what priveste his methods practice. Adversitati of all the kind were his don’t solved, but most were of passed over the fear, the fear the permanence of persecutii, greaua the burden treason of the leaders Asociatiei Psihiatrilor Liberi. Hundreds of cases of psychiatric abuses arrived at we, they were hidden with the care, as and the folders Securitatii. Gradually, the enthusiasm disclosed cases of attenuate abuses the si monstruoasa coalition” format between fostii executioners the


actually si drive Asociatiei Psihiatrilor Liberi, an elite of now” realised”: with functii professorial, visits abroad platite of altii( vechea obsession of the Romanian comparabila just with the obsession for salami), in office access to,” esteem and consideratia” of the elite comuniste etc. Through these adversitati consideram the work as the be completa, but and as the a bonus bresa in cetatea of the fib and incompetentei. Tartorii the psychiatry comuniste am still in force, holding and today all the trumps can. So what one several conducatori corrupted whereof spoke the by-path today singurii interlocutors have the ministry, have strainilor carry else come on to we and in chief have but their, singurii guests have the reunions internationof, waves begone without no penniless from propriul pockets and where, the faces, burn represent the Roumanian psychiatry. Like before, Occidentul swallows everything passive, from his laziness dezinteres, becoming thus very easy the victim of the offensive celor wagons took his power ţin afterwards in psychiatry. But, au fond, how he says and Pofr, wherefore I burn be due to wonder us? Really Ceausescu received from western


most high titles from he walked to Londra with the calash gală? Whence to know he as these sincere(“ colleges” him, his big scientists state sefi have Occidentului). et al as the we shall be always the stone of poticneala these old the new si “profitori” have the psychiatry, have acelora carry opposed oricarui progress of our branchi. Pastraveni - Jud. Neamt, 20 the July 1993. P. S. Through the shifting of for to wording to publication, a succesion of events are today depasite( for instance the of a certain busyness finctii), and a succesion of tartori communists exemplificati left for” Câmpurile Elizee”. Faptele them also situatiile described remain for history, reason for which this work don’t can them eclipse. The Piatra Neamt, 2005.


………………………… Chapter I IDEOLOGICAl ABUSE OF POLITICS IN PSYHIATRY The communist ideology, in the how much dominated as state asserted, permanently primordialit of politics in all social areas of scientific life. This were else striking in the psychological scientific area , the psychiatry be one of these, the diofctic materialism supporting as the psyche is just epifenomenon of a matter, of the brain, ideologists of the party achieving this as though the psyche burn represent just a simple” this secretion”. In actually contrast with the general concept of matter, elaborated of Marx, ideologists” of real socialism” in fact they practised a vulgar materialism wich to become „ intelligibly”, in the sense as the psychic considered a product of a biologic structures, alike how, for instance, the ball is excreted of to liver. Importance on which the communist system assigned to the psychology and his psychiatry is as political object and had to control it politiclly also. From these


reason the blend peoples politics in these touched hard to imaginary quotas, the psychiatry be in activists atention of party and just the organs of repression of the communist party. Suffering only that of true amnesia, ideologists of the communism are shocked just today of any notion of reform of the Roumanian psychiatry which they take possesion destroied this boldness is with as much else temerarious. with how much in this her frame invoke no more, nor less than the danger” of the blend of politics” in psychiatry, supporting simply as the the psychiatry were an psychiatry in which politicul don’t the involved age. Asserting the indifferentism of the communist psychiatry, they commit in fact a new mystification, challenging in this frame a premeditativeconfusion. Seting oneself against. just now to” the interference” of politics in psychiatry, they are refered in tendentious way to” big the politics” - to the politics of party - on which just the mixed communism in all sectors of social and scientific. But struggle which given today in psychiatry don’t regard the politics of parties problems., but the politics of the psychiatry, the professional argue


participation to debate, of the problems of his profession , which were more overdone of his age. Proposing” political indifferentism”of psychiatrists and asserting” the impurity” of politics, they in fact shall to reserve, as and before, the preservation ” of the elite” of communist teachers. As a matter of fact, the communists originate here just a confusion of guy orwelian( the fib is the truth and the truth is the fib), a terminological confusion between the politics of the psychiatry and big politics of parties. Maugre the fact as the the communist ideology departs from philosophic concepts appeared abaft with across 150 of years, ideologists marxts asserted always as the on this base can formulate all the social or scientific laws,and this thing l does it for all the times. The area of psychic phenomenon constituted for the marxist ideology a true privileged area, reason for which the psychology and the psychiatry became branch with deep ideological implications of their politics”. Assertion of psiche materiality represents one from the fundamental dogma for communist ideology, this were the reason for which were invaded of ideological superintendence,


surchargement with activists of communist party,were closely oversee of the Securitatea. But just as I have else showed, defying just the marxist concept of matter, aparatciki from psychiatry and psychology sufficed it to achieved” the materiality” of the psyche in the likeness of to most vulgarian. , and the complaint psychic law like an epifenomenon, binded just of the modifications of the physics, of the chemistry and the anatomy of the brain, without no connexion with his society or human psychology. A such vision” sufficed it to” achieved normality of the psyciatric pathology except in the terms positive stienceses(chemistry, physics, biology) certainly and these just on the strength of interpretations of the ideology marxiste. The normality or patology become now for the uneducated politrucs subjects” on their understanding” on the strength of a simple materialistic interpretations, to the level of the mechanic, this were as a matter of fact dumped it engine of sovietic mystification staged of Stalin as an artificial building ,logical and which in took the form” pavlovian principle,” looking neurological stiences, as materialist logical building ,view as materialist, became in fact


compulsory conception oficial, enforced to marxist”teachers”. Many like these teachers one come from the studies from S.U., and who automaticly they received the management of the chair of psychiatry adults or children, had as the the task to underlie.” the materialistic concept” named also the concept clinicobiological, a simplistic building applied in the somatic medicine fishy 100 of years, realized to the level just biologic knowledges, if you please, to the level of classic German psychiatry from the years 1905 - 1920, but with a deep materialistic remaking, accordance,in accordance to the ideology of communist party. This kind of ideologization were entered in our psychiatry don’t through scientific arguments or pursuant to of a debate among professionals, but just through administrative made to order methods, through the menace with vindicatory middles, through the exploitation of hierarchy, obtained from communist party of to the studies from S.U.. In this kind the frames sovietique became a realadevarata” the five column” in the psychiatry and in the Roumanian psychology. Some, for them show their atashement, even changeing even their


name( Popescu-Neveanu from Neva). These staff had the mission as unconditionatly to adopt in psychiatry” the mission revolutionary” which ask them communist leaders of the party or their row to KGB, wherethrough in the sense” of the class struggle” to distoid old Roumanian psychiatry, such burgeois psychiatry, alike how proceeded in the age communist with the literature, the law, the economic and phylosophic concepts of Romania. Finaly. these shares had to buildinf” the socialist Roumanian psychiatry”. Passing to the such achievement ”hystorical ”missions, the psychiatric departament of psychiatry from Bucharest medical university, were, decimated in 24 of hours, and an officers from Red army, of romanian citizenship (as a matter of fact a spy), Ipolit Derevici took, in receptionand take the lead of the big maul psychiatrc hospital from the country, traveling defiantly monthes of days in his grotescue uniform of Russian officer. Isn’t of wonder as in first years had a ”people democrasy” guided after the sovietic psychiatry underdeveloped and already comunized, the style” scientifically” rudimentary stalinist


become for the Roumanian psychiatry compulsory norms. Here for illustrate, on way just same pages, with its sovietic bibliographic references of V. Predescu (Psychiatric lessons, Bucharest 1967): Molohov, Davidovski, Ganuskin, Vvedenski, Fedorov, Orbeli, Anohin, Baritasvili, Kupalov, Yubravili, Suhareva, Krasnuskin, Lisetokovski, Popov, Slucereski, Gurevici, Nicolaev. Who else heared a little about these” soviet celebrities? In the respective chapters,that theachers instruct the students like in S.U., shared the dowry” scientificly” wherewith caming to from big S.U. Here a sample of academic affirmations” to one of the chapters (psychogenies): ” in the area psychogenies endure still current metapsihologique, they be supported of the devotees freudismului, neofreudismului, Adler and Jung”, but which, manifestly, in Romania don’t can be readed, it has been a penal delicts. Or still more farther away:” The utility of basic notion of pavlovist vision, in the mechanism illnes apparitions, puts to the base of understanding these, beside the evolutionismului theory darwinist, the complex evolutionist in the medicale


pathology ,at large, and in psychiatry, in chief”. Eighteen years in S.U. and in the spirit of his psychiatry, reward for his facts don’t except with the job professorial, but and with one of ministerial director , parleamentary deputy, Party secretary of University of Medicine, pro-rector, psychiatric departament boss from ministry, boss of the committee of psychiatric legal expertiza - stop us here -, therefore, with so much motivation, what i can prompted of a such man of to party or KGB wherethrough he to the style were quick enforced in psychiatry don’t with arguments, carry arguments?, But through administrative middles, whole psychiatry carrying the seal ”master” and then continued, yesterday and today, of to his leals - Ionescu G., Romila,Milea St, Nica Udangiu etc. PSYCHIATRIC ABUSE- theoretical premiSe. For understanding of the role played of to psychiatry in the communist totalitarian system is necessity elucidated two essential problems scilicet: The structure” of socialist morals” and relationship of law in the communist system,second


secondarily, the theoretical postulates which he based the construction” of socialist psychiatry,which became then a psychiatry of the abuse and stood a totalitarian. The moral and socialist rightfull relationship. Peradventure nobody explained else clear the role of the psychiatry in the Roumanian society than he takes possesion Ceausescu. Thus, in 1968, with the occasion of the opening of the universitar year, asserted in frank way:” Exist really one which the maul can believe as in Romania of today I burn else beaforces able his menace the socialist system? I think not else exist. No colectivists peasant, nor the workpeople, nor intellectuals, nobody don’t else can enable to doubled of the solidity and forces the socialism. Certainly, the maul exist madman, and mad exist throughout in world, but for these our society has at command all necessary middles, inclusively the shirt of force. There was clear from the expression of the dictator as in the socialism except mad the maul can be the mavericks


politics, but for they the socialism prepared own - the shirt of force. First the which problem he rebounded and about constituted claim of the communist ideology built us society” and on this the base us the moral”. Therethrough her autocredentials they considered in his law all intermigle the principles of the moral and the rightful norms recognized of to the civilised society and od history. Isn’t the word here of what they nominated” burgeois ethics”,the universality of the law and, chiefly, of those concerning human right, principles whereat he arrived after a long and difficult road of the history( from the civil law, feather to the principles of the christian ethics and of conquest humanists from last centuries. Starting from the marxist concept, as per whom” the property is a robbery”, the ideology pounded at the sacred law of man to dignity, feather to his in a transformation insignificant truckle collective, the massle, an abstract concepts of cabinets, on behalf of a utopian ideal of colectiv happiness. If theologians acomplished the evil outside of deathful, the communists insisted as the this found out by all means” in future”, and no from future


nobody don’t he turned to confirmed the bad utopia of the communism. For communist the socialism had to mean only a new moral, that is new principles in which had to framed the future these society principles follow, after the communist ideology, on the strength of the research of the marxist phylosophy, whom concepts had across 150 of years.” The moral principles” don’t acomplished owing to of a internal transformations of individual in contact with” most right society”, but inversely, the individual, artificially, had to” correspond” to principles of the phylosopher of now 150 years feather to the stage when he was becvame a hight ”new man”. In order to passed in even the social this practice of the mystification, the regime, carry underwrite through Securitatea of the power perpetuate, puting in operation don’t just electioneering his middles economic middles, but chiefly prisons, torture, the domination society of to Securitate and the party, activists and, toward our unhappiness, of the psychiatry assigned an important role. That is why the utilization of the psychiatry in politic aims in Romania have not to are doingble just as the a simple


particular supererogations of some executioners which Roumanian they sold the consciousness. This phenomenon represents rather the Roumanian metastasis of the communism, coming from from S.U. Feather in the China, Cuba or Vietnam the problems of the psychiatry remained the same in socialist cantries. Only that, as in any building of cabinet,” us the moral” had to miscarry, and she stranded lamentable when the repressive system from which are doing entered into colaps. Thus, rejecting the private property and builting on this the new base the colectivist morality, the communist ideology consider in utopian way the socialism as the benefied of gradually decrease don’t merely criminality, and number of mental complaints, because all these had the substratum in” the private property”. As a matter of fact, the phenomenon evolved not at all after these theoretical gradually falacy, although this thing don’t stop to assert as the neuroses, for instance, I slenderize the socialism, even if therefor tricking the statistics. Cult of the people”, as and promotion matter individual drove to rightful aberrant principles, just as I burn be:


Principled adherences whole people to socialism, the superiority of the socialism and goed implacable of every societies toward socialisms. The socialist moral assert abnormally voidness of antagonistic conflicts in socialisms, reasons for which the pluralism and just simple dissidence was outsider of the socialism, they erau” impossibly” as much in theory, quotient and in the practice. From these reason in socialism don’t the age the place for opposition, thisabeen unable be entered than is extrinsically - as the export of counter-revolution -, is inland, case in which can be accepted just as the epifenomenon of the mental these pathology named aberations with the term of” we principles” of socialist society put the right ahead of a science problems on which the humanity don’t le the maul known, and the ethics were due to subordinated this new morals and to considered as opposition his religion politics as the doing the part from psychopathology. The psychiatry, as a matter of fact, a medical sciences, the age fortata of his ideologists argue the dogma inexistent political oposition to the statement of the organs of repression and to accredit the idea as the this


phenomenon than the complaint psychiatrical. If this thing the age achieved from ethical viewpoint the legal si, a psychiatrist don’t a maul had to to camouflage a violations of the ethics of the craft, for if this have” consciousness the politics”, he the age, in the vision of the party, party activist in his area of activity( the psychiatry). This indoctrination embeded hurries off in consciousness prepared spiritual psychiatrist became the collaborationist, for here what declare an which psychiatrist these corespond of criterion( M. Piticaru, Dimineata, 1992):” but why to isn’t the politic his religious an ill bolter psyche”.. reason for which their lift from in the street with the occasion diferent events comuniste appear this” psychiatrist” as the logic, the psychiatrist, just as assert he, be in socialism” the of a agent social orders date. The psychology and the psychiatry be dicipline with ideological implicatii, erau in fact an expression particulara a diofctic materialism. Now the clear age as the the party and the security can behave as on propriul them area, even without bareback else I consult on specialist. In this frame I taken down relations among psychiatry and dissidence the


politics, as well as the theories politizante of which psychiatrists helped the security and the communist these party concepts in the totalitarian state became compulsorily, be enforced on path administrativa. Dumped thus the very many psychiatry behaviors faceable as the politic papers( socialist or religious propaganda which in the years ‘50 - ‘60 censure them on the strength of the penal code of the communist). Dar very frecvently these controversial papers can be and simple invention or interpretations of Securitatii. //////////////////////////// Theorizing a succesion of marxist principle the si through their adhibition in area, ideologists of the party arrived at mistaken the compliant assertion which except the capitalism and the private property burn be bring about and explanation of criminal behavior, as a reaction against social injustices. In the socialist society on the contrary, the still more selected crime as opposition the politics against communism don’t can owe than influentelor externally or of a mental unbalance. This thing shall explain the permanence” attention” political police against from this organization the


si feather to the which problems tineau of his diagnoses of treatments. From these reason the psychiatry shall be overloaded of party activists and of contributors have Securitatii, thus appearing that the which conducted yesterday, but and today, the problems of Roumanian psychiatry. Merely through the delinquent reeducation, as part as collective of his labor in the units of reeducation of the guy prison from these Pitesti politic deviatii can be solved. If no after reeducation the bolter don’t linistea” and chiefly if act again against the regime, this be than from two reason: Either the age agent of of a alien powers, either an incurable madmans. From these reason, the psychiatry the politics from framed a lot of” recidivists” with activity the politics in the hospitals psychiatric. If in S.U., below his influence Snejnevski, utilized a diagnosis a veiled maul - the latent schizophrenia, in România, his pupils Snejnevski (Predescu, Milea) you utilize diagnoses much more, such as the paranoid his schizophrenia the paranoia. Is known as the western psychiatrists recognized never as the entity scientificly the schizophrenia had. Ideation against persisted in, these represent for


executionersi of Roumanian psychiatry a pathologic behavior of paranoid guy. Result in practice as the in socialism except the conformists can aspire after the normality. If in many strong comuniste Securitatea îsi assure only, directly the control over of the stages of the internment, in Romania the cooperation among psychiatrist and securist the such age of gathered, that the repression psychiatric drop most frecvently just in the task psychiatrist from ambulatory his from hospital. This” confidence” Securitatii from Romania in” colleges” psychiatrists arise from logically from legislative evolution from Ordinance 12/1965, in which the main role in the compulsory internment detinea an organ of repression, to Ordinance 313/1980, in which near whole responsibility come back to psychiatrist, this with or without becoming an instrument of an organs of repression from as the particular, but through appointement to as part as standed the communist. Us the moral”, with the assertion of infallible socialism of invincible caused to, is put in the such practice repression ”aseptic”, that is a pure medical repression, in order to certain to


camuflage facet of of the regime of repression, succeeding thus to târasca the Roumanian psychiatry on the road celei the big maul mystifications and violations of the medical ethics. Is put the question if justify just for the psychiatrists subalterns of the nomenclature, the constrained repressive character of bear off the ethics psychiatric and, au fond, from the medical ethics? Really the which danger pândea on the psychiatrist non-conformist the age so destructive? Personnel, after near 40 of years of experiences, disbelieve this thing. The absence loyalty among professionals, desires of succeed or got a some a sprockets in hierarchy, just the necessity of silence and of have no the difficulties represented rather motivations most plausible. No reduction of answer - on reason as the, au fond, boss of carry conduct the action ask - constitute a solid arguments. Experience of the nazy process from Nürenberg believe as is edifying in this area. Is can really ranking the responsability asserted as guilty bypathes just Predescu, Milea, Ionescu, Romila or Grecu and why, in the last resort, don’t just Ceausescu?


The attempt created a new the moral and we rightful principles, often stranded principled the si in the practice sociala after half of century of were, realised as ca and heartbreak, as social experiment. To examinam therefore don’t artifices propagandist concerning” us the socialist moral, but adevaratele results of the experiment of social communist engineering. Three problems from this area ni seemed else important, the psychiatry be here deep implicate: The social communist engineering; B. The institutionalization of the fib and double standard; C. The transformation of in a psychiatry of the maidservant of the regime and the repressive system of the communist. The social communist engineering. Whole the age comunista, all the same of his area represented, a permanent social experiment, a permanence an attempt of social engineering, but don’t except in psychiatry. Through this constrained process the psychological limits the biologic si of man, he tried his permanence modeled accordance to some ideological antichristic principles specify the communism: The class hatred, the


atheism, the creation new man, the exercise of the hatred permanernte. Peradventure nothing he don’t appears else striking for the social communist engineering than such the experiment from Pitesti, an experiment, carry in degrees and different intensities is shall applied to the whole scof this became in a true facts fields concentrational and, wherefore became, a true universe of teror what applied to the whole level of socialist camp. The phenomenon of social engineering applied in brutal way in the prison from were extensive in different degrees to the whole strong level, apelându to coercive permanent methods, generatrix tremulously - unsafety in proportion of table, the disloyalty celor approach, oricarui prop up or possibility of appeal - through conducted shares” scientifically”: the fear of reorganization, of delation, permanence runs after his another good minimum which foods assure the existences, the lack of sanse in competition but that are the conformist etc. Even if the Pitesti phenomenon argumenteaza the fragility human conditions in contact with bad( for all


one submissive reeducation to Pitesti gave in the feather to the trace), ambition had the adhesion totala to the deistic visaed au fond the identification with the aggressor, the transformation of the victim in executioner( at least his delator a such time-serving act on so a big the duration of led to the deep modifications of personality man. The poverty generalisation, the famishment the chronicle appear us today as the deliberate shares of of communist system, as methods for subjugation of human person, the forcible so and in carceral conditions to is preocupiedc merely of existence the physics. The totalitarianism, through economic dependency, educationala, the check rezidentei and just of nasterilor( with the image stood the father”), have as the unique aim don’t except monopartidismul, but and the check spiritual life in the aim infantilizarii individual and therethrough his leverage. Really a such mechanism to explain multiplele ahead cessions of the oppressor, among which the si the cooperation psychiatrist with the power the politics?


To Pitesti, as and outside society, don’t the continuation just an adhesion formala, superficiala and the opportunist against communism, but adevarata a mutation psihica, change it a personality, that is just what currently numeste social engineering, an act of” wash the brain”, an act a murderess specify a regimes of the existing dictatorship in the history of the humanity. This the act the continuation in fact transform it forceslor adverse in sustinatori maked sure have the communism, as a matter of fact adevarata” mutation” logică. From pacate, in this communism phenomenon have the character of table, and to all one submissive Pitesti” reeducation” gave in the feather became they took possesion executioners. Morally, result reeducation comuniste echivofaza with a degradation totala, and the deformations caracteriof they maintained and appeared just outwards the shuntings of repression and, wherefore don’t, even alive familiala or personala. This thing, liniază D. Bacu, dovedeste as the modifications temperamental suffered as part as the


communist totalitarian system were extravagantly deep the si, for this reason, very durable. The insanity colectiva appeared as the result of the social engineering were keeped in the years of the communism systematically of to adevarati masters in the art dezumanizarii, and the victims, in the case of the psychiatry, were as much the patients, quotients and the psychiatrists.” The fright indescriptibila”, how numeste M. Popescu, the social cult of the fear and unsafety caused frequently as the his victims identified, for instance, with politia the politics and with executionersi of the regime. As and in the case of the experiment Pitesti, subalimentatia the chronicle populatiei, the permanent stress erau the background on which petreceau those ideological which shuntings had tou to lead to the creation” new man”. Victima and the executioner erau to Pitesti all through unite. In society unite with we erau always the party activist, the informer, the methods of obedience and delatiunea, these caning appear of anywhere and anytime. As much to Pitesti, quotient and outside socialist


society the individual can be anytime delivered the appearance executionerslor saddles - the case of psychiatric abuse be just one particular, the individual be in all the deprived of cases the internal supports through confusedrea moral values the religious si, his spiritual state be due to is in a permanence the panic. Thatis why in prison, as and outside society the faith in The God the one of the age favorite tintele of of moral destruction the which si for the psychiatry abuziva decaming to reason were etichetate as” the paranoia”. Daca the individual have a faith religioasa or a certain politic creed, this thing don’t only that don’t the age accepts of to the society comunista, but for the psychiatry comunista they had tou to become subjects of clinical diagnoses. The cohesion umana, the friendship, confide in figures protective, such as be due to is for instance the doctor, had tou to is systematic distruse. Don’t had to to prop up you ahead the communist system. For the aims of the party, the friend had to denigrated, striked, the psychiatrist had to to denunte or just to torture the patient, through his his


profession help the organs of repression. The individual had to to have thus the feeling” absolute delivery”, characteristic phenomenon just infantile his conditiei to animals( Zamfirescu. Can none else murderous in the communist regime than the destruction of the confidence and support interpersonal, that is exact inversul of the christian ethics. The individual don’t had to to can trust in friends, in doctors, not even in priest. He don’t can fesă, don’t can associated nobody, had to to appear alone ahead the power, singura him reaction his trace is just subdue. All these shares certify fulsomely afirmatia as the below communism have assisted in permanence to an act of social engineering, a brutal attack the aggressive si of transform the in a man the creation anticristica subdued the laws of the materialism and which had to to people this” empire of bad” which the communism pregatea for whole humanity. The institutionalization of the fib and life with double standard.


The communist totalitarian inverted in fact binds social evolutiei starting from theoretical constructii from ideology, in order to the manufactory on this the base a society umana - a socialist society the si comunista. But achieved this thing burn be former necessity of supernatural sacred powers, while the communists alungasera of multa weather on The God from the frame of the world. The artificiality actiunii and claim satanica chiseled through social engineering, alta an world - on the strength of the of a previsions of which philosophers traise with across 150 of years forward led to the creation of the treacherous maul totalitarian system, which system have to the base the institutionalization of of a fib realities with double standards. From the socialist which preoccupied utopia the humanity still from his time Campanela, he arrived at Stalin and Brejnev, he arrived at that empire of bad the si suferintei humanely, to a society of the a crime and faradelegii. This bad institutionalization is shall done through coercive methods the si shall contain all the spheres social life,


all the phenomena of communication. Like society, liniază existed, and we lived in she and, from pacate, the maul live. Thus, the system of the fib institutionalizate in communism, through asiduitatea him urmareste the defeat of natural repulsion of the si, therefore, the dismission principalului support of the self respect constiintei freedom and dignity of the person. Why don’t, this burn be former the si situatia several celor which psychiatrists they put in the service of the dictatorship. The institutionalization of the fib începea only that as far back as tender the childhood, when his father the educators erau forciblei to say as the labor cinstita can to create a life libera and fericita, but in the same time the obvious alive age the imminence, the abyss among what spunea and the reality sociala, which gradually the child percepea. For this reason, the life with double standard, the double life apareau as the natural. Is learnt so he is due to say adevarul, but as the be due to accepts and the fib oficiala, that is that unreality sociala on which


oficialii of the regime had claim to numesti a reality. Continuum be in society comunista the age subdued, therefore, of a double standard, existing and be the permanent his necessity accepts the difference among perceperea reality and what had to to is said. Sedintele, the additions erau as a matter of fact simple stage in which” actors” conducatori or drived - erau flawlessly constienti of the mystification adevarului. He is logical as the a such system institutionalizat to insensibilize the individual feather to disparitia every discrepancies among truthes and the untruth. The psychiatrist nomenclaturist,” programed” of to the which party assure it an existences privilegiata, don’t the maul have now senzatia as mistaken, and permanence duplicity constituia the fundamental element of” noii socialist morals, print elements the graces of permanent system of education applied of a enormous table of individuals on all pathes, night and day. Bear off this the conduct the age considerata as the a misunderstanding a reality, as a


misunderstanding of social a phenomenon of the si, wherefore don’t, the line” justly” the communist party. From these reason, a lot of individuals deveneau near involuntary bolters, coming in conflicts with oficialitatile, wherethrough ahead the official her fib don’t can to deny an obvious truth. Big majority individuals, in their fight the permanence with the needs existentei materials, deveneau gradually all more fiinte duplicitare, achieving as without duplicity don’t is can succeeded, at least in the sphere relationship the audience, because here express openly and make sure mean exhibits you of a destructive collisions with the omnipresent authorities. But here, liniază Flonta, most stricken they shall be the persons înzestrate from the nature with good abilities and with a right character. For big majority the attenuation suferintei don’t are doing than through resignation, through the acceptation the indifference of public fib, institutionalizate, I carry you envelop gradually, completely the individual and which of now he shall live in a world whereof the propaganda shall say as he


is singura carry allows the assertion deplina the dignity individual and the development libera the personality. If on one sensitive atare a situation a capable his age dishearten, for one insensible - and how I burn can be hight an which doctor îsi the torture the patient this - thing devenea all less sesizabil feather to totala insensibilize against riverine, chiefly as the therethrough they can obtains material advantages, frequently in the damage of their fellow creatures. This the age decisive step in of a complet directia integrations in systems from is accidental as the, at least in psychiatry, he who colaborau with the security erau is secretaries of parties, is sefi of sections, academic teacher, deputies M. Rectors, director of his hospitals policlinics. In these cases, as a matter of fact, a consciousness a lucid moral than to uncomfortable, singura them consolation be as burn exist altii and else bad than so what as the as a matter of fact else than to” live just as deserve.


Is conceivably as the the si the psychiatrist tortionar ducea with he the burden mistuitoare the fib institutionalizate. How s be feeled the which were did overnight academic teacher, and in 1977, after the strike of the miners from Vofa Jiului, shocked the internment across 100 of miners in the psychiatric hospital from the zone in which activate? Once entered into this games of compromisurilor,” the teacher” don’t you else denounce the psychiatric abuse this si don’t except temporally his age Ceausescu, but also today for, recunoscându now the facts, risk the whole crumbling careers. For this reason, a such individual becomes the champion întretinerii the fib, asserting without the uneasiness today as the in România existed repression psychiatric, bazându on the fact as the in a big the fib, his little the fib don’t the maul exist. But how many among the peoples implicati alive the politics ultimului opposite decade of the fib institutionalizate? If these, spunea Flonta, burn else I keep a little from the feeling value and personal dignity,


they burn be due to feels an intense feelings of culpabilitate. The communist erased only that feather to disappearance the boundary among the life personala and publish. This thing he did through the cultivation notiunii of” massage”, in which the individual” were” in substance dissolved as entity individuala, boiled down to little an insignificant. Don’t merely politic optiunile, but and optiunile religious morals, understanding the sense of the life became the object check authority overs” of the table. Ideal the socialism the age the creation new man, personalitatre a fool delimitata, masificata, subdued and dirijata in such kind that the regime life cotidiene ajungea to don’t else deosebeasca vitally of the regime life of his barrack of acela of of a camp. Don’t just the organs of repression specializate shall subdue the individual, but this he shall can be called and ahead” judecatii” altor instante, such as the masses, classify the workwoman and, wherefore don’t, whole people. Many psychiatrists, among which the new si, were call for dizidente derizorii


to answer ahead judecatii of the table in amphitheatres arhipline with mates” indignati”, wherethrough, just as underline an opportunists( academic teachers Sanda Magureanu),” aruncasem sludgy in the Roumanian psychiatry”, that is in their psychiatry, abuziva and in a dezvoltată world thus orânduita, the funds adaptative of duplicity and the fib shall be coplesitoare and shall become the coin the usualness in relations audience, vocationally and just personal. This world disappeared as far back as our psychiatry, and today same actionând compulsions and fears, the fib be afterwards tolerata, even if he is the word just of a silence an accomplice. Appears here the incapacity peoples avantajati of fostul regimes and adaptati to the life alienanta fostei the societies comuniste and which don’t the maul can look the which world he created it and of which don’t else can tear. Expressions as the” the age of the pragmatism” or” cult personality” appear us today just as the islands of refuge for these persons sociopate, like the notion of the which competence atribuie fostei


nomenclatures from psychiatry. This can be just an idea menita to throw a dust in the eyes society, as and afirmatia entrance in party from generous reason. But all these than the funds adaptative of of public fib, institutionalizate, without caror expose don’t is shall can build a new psychiatry. In psychiatry, as and in the Roumanian society, lipseste a regime institutionalizat his wagons avouch and to support the development personality and pozitiei social bazate on merit and activity, ////////** Întemeiata on professional merits the moral si. The psychiatry - the maidservant of the ideology and the totalitarian system of the communist. Tried hereinbefore to present the which principles underlie” noii morals” entered of the communist system. In all countries, and a fortiori in one comed later on,” the socialist must” instaurata hurried off. The Roumanian communism ţine just the oneness through the rapidity and atasamentul wherewith in 30 - 40 of were due to ajunga rearward


performantele whereat S.U. ajunsese in 70 of years. And the psychiatry comunista from retrieved quick this lagging behind. Thus, as and in S.U., Standed the Roumanian communist the age coupled to a doctrine logică, reason for which the structure can and the central busy place of facilitated a connection intima among the society comunista and psychiatry. Suprematia the ideology in all the spheres social life from the period” remained” intacta in S.U. And in all countries comuniste. Stalin cerea dominatia constiintei politic in all lines, inclusively in the area stiintei. Were figured in the area of the ideology from urmatoarele reason: 1. Don’t exist the area of stiintei in which his don’t applied the diofctic materialism. More, just the materiality of the psyche represent one of the the theses esentiof of of the Marxism, and the psychiatry had to to dovedeasca through her this activity thing. 2. The unreadiness Logică are doing from psychiatrist, in the vision of the party, pseudo, the psychiatrist be due to is an party activist with the place of the labor in psychiatry.


3. Anything professional had to to is good prepared ideological can became a politic fighter in the frame of his profession. 4. Anything activity had to subdued the social laws” objectives”, in facts, of the lines of politic organs, singurele able conducted the activity sociala, the communist party be detasamentul advanced and conscious, the vanguard of hard-working class. 5. The professional Had to to become an active participant in fight for the success of the socialism and of the communism. For Stalin the qualification the politics the age the maul the relevance than one profesionala, and this thing expressed through the adherance to the communist party. 6. The communist party have the leading role in whole society, inclusively in the area fiecarei professions. The party dorea in psychiatry activists” revolutionari of profession. This is how characterize this guy of communist Belu Silber, an which believed sincere in ideal the communism( quotation after Ioan Grosan):” Cel carry


alive his don’t avusese no a profession get one he who avusese a profession forget it on his the si qualified to the place of the labor”. Cunostea a number of ideological retete, the rules conspirativitatii, stia how to organize a cell, how controleaza the activity altora, how I received and I given order, how lichideaza his concurrent a maverick, the behavior against inferior the superior si, what be due to vorbeasca and what don’t. Have the peoples in suborders, dispunea of the life altora. Thus devenea a professional of and degraded as exercise it... The profession of activist îi the atrophy simtul the mood, in course of time, his fellow creatures deveneau object... This is the identikit of eternului activist. The authors of the orders and the performers appeared reciprocally today in psychiatry. But, asks me, had to just to do the medicine became a such monster of the party in psychiatry? In the period” revolutionara” the communism, in first stages of the repression, the psychiatry don’t gamble a role too an important( the little age developed into the period leninista, and to we, in his period Gheorghiu-dej). Abia after 1956, with the age hrusciovista - in


România, after his arrival Ceausescu -, with the beginning of the politics of coexistence pasnica pushed the regimes comuniste to the diversification of the forms of were, the necessity of psychiatric camouflage with the aim presentation outside of a liberal these fatete regimes comuniste. In România the repression psychiatric is shall intensified in the decade seventh and shall touch the apogee in the years ‘80, with sfârsitul of the regimes comuniste from The Europe and with the crisis the permanence of communist world system. In this context, Ceausescu passes to the intensification tuturor the forms of repression, culminating with one from 1989. Importance of psychiatric repression is can see and from aparitia in 1980 of a new repressive legislatii concerning the compulsory internment in the hospitals psychiatric( Ordinance 313/1980. Following the example Uniunii Sovietice and below stricta guide the frames of drive Catedrei of psychiatry from Bucharest( Predescu, Romila, Ionescu, Milea, Gorgos, Grecu), in the beginning just with soviet advisers, the psychiatry shall become the maidservant of communist regime, conformându strictly


ideological frame the si formându propria the nomenclature finded out directly below the check Securitatii.” The teacher” come from the studies from S.U. You begins through the rejection in block of flats tuturor the psychiatric concepts comed Occident, which they replaced them quick with materialistic substitutes of essence sovietica, teared completely of the reality psychiatric. This is how this prezentau sprocket, which denominated” înaintata”, some among the apologists of the psychiatry comuniste( V. Predescu, romila in the work Psihiatria, Ed. Medicala, 1976, pag. 79):” Pozitia our in psychiatry, as the branch aplicata the materialistic anthropology, considered the man as the on an unit psihobiologica... Although quaintly conceptia psihosomatica represent in their vision a conception burgheza. And farther” in psychiatry, can more than in another areas of the medicine, must liniată conceptia our about world and the life, the materialism diofctic - the historic si, base the scientific communism. Result now explicitly which the age the vision about these psychiatry ideologists and, therewith, I carry erau the bases of socialist psychiatry, the of a bases the psychiatrists policy.


If you please to ridicam these quota dicteuri comuniste, have no than to listen to another communist ideologist( C. Gorgos, in Scânteia from 19 February 1985) I carry, in adulatia for the secretaire, spunea:” Express me totala adhesion against the proposal as the tovarasul. Ceausescu, most beloved son of our natiunii... To candid for become of the deputies... Have make sure nestramutata as this represents garantia înfaptuirii neabatute the program of the party... The name tovarasului Ceausescu... Is today synonym with the communist revolutionary spirit, patriotically, with the personality burning man of incandescence celor the noble maul thing... Starting from this headquarters... A preoccupation deosebita constituie a protection a health populatiei » etc., Etc. This man don’t the naive age, he cunostea flawlessly the state deplorabila asistentei medical populatiei, but that else we speak of the catastrophe asistentei psychiatric in which the involved age. But he the age in first rînd an activist of a party, and the principle double standard are doing to assert without the uneasiness thing in contrast


with the reality on which cunostea too well. With all this somber situations, like practices don’t they can spent in România without a some an oppositions, what burn be former adevarata a catastrophe for the intellectualss româna. From the subsequent chapters shall us be at us the resistances Roumanian psychiatrists, of as opposition permanences against the fib and for the big correction damages bringed the Roumanian psychiatry of to the psychiatrists aserviti the ideology. Thus, just as the an example. If in 1976 V. Predescu assert pompously, violating adevarul, as:” Evidence of Roumanian psychiatry in the frame our socialist society is convingatoare... Through conditiile of assistance, învatamînt, which research assure a look of the optimistic view in totala harmony with the realizations socialist multilateral society developed”, i. Cucu, limb of aceleiasi desk, assert the audience as the:” The psychiatry has not to becomes Cenusareasa, and this thing don’t priveste except on psychiatrists, but on new... Our fell behind from viewpoint principled, she adopt and today the physical model of the complaint... Concept of sfârsitului of century of Xix-


lea... The fact as the don’t exist a psychological education datoreaza the medical local which frames they saw depasite( the allusion the age to Predescu).. last În decades don’t he liked we no congress psychiatric, the psychiatry remained many abaft big current of thought the world psychiatry, which situation the maul lasts and today”( Flacara, 10 the farther away maul 1979 underlined as:” Just in plina the period of the pragmatism, to we, the school psychiatric from Timisoara, led by f. Bore, a fight titanica don’t lipsita of riskiness for depasirea encystation. Therefore, in contrast with festivismul of the ideologist and sfidându on were, posibila put the problem in which found out our psychiatry, even in most black years have the dictatorship. Gradually, and alti psychiatrists, the spectacular his less spectacular maul, fell to the criticism and just to expose the abuses of politic Roumanian psychiatry.


Chapter II. The models IDEOLOGICE OF ABUZULUI POLITIC ÎN PSIHIATRIE. As far back as the period comunista, I tried to in a evidentiem succesion of works the manner teoretica in which the based age the psychiatric abuse to we( Psihiatria sociala vol. I and II, Buc. 1982, 1983). 1983). Parallel therewith I tried to enter the western concepts his si fundamentam on this the base the concept psychiatric sociala and socializarea. In this sense the works noasre have evidentiat a succesion of the fashions puted in the practice of


ideologists of abusive which psychiatry have based the utilization of the psychiatry as the the weapon the politics and of repression of to the communist regime of his Ceausescu. Is the word about two the theoretical fashions staged in chief of to nomenclaturistii of the psychiatry from Bucharest the which si represented, just as I quoted hereinbefore, essence of diofctic materialism of historic si applied in the area of the psychiatry, two the fashions on which shall them present them afterwards. A pure biologic model - the medical model - mostenit from the psychiatry clasica germana from begin.begin with this the century, but which he shall be remaked in the manner logică marxista. B. A model carceral of institutiei of psychiatric treatment with the rejection of psychological concepts of sociological si in the area of the therapy and instututiei of treatment. Were take over, also, from the history of classic psychiatry( the psychiatric asylum be an institution specify an average century), suffering and this time an importance” remaking” marxista. The biologic his medical medical model.


One among ambitiile of communist which ideologists primisera from parties the task conducted were aceea promoted in this area a materialistic viewpoint the si girdled ideological the reality branchi, in the narrow prints of of the communist ideology. Therefor had to created a general concept of the complaint - a model - his wagons explain the simplifier conceptia the materialist from psychiatry. In the same time, as ideological model, he had to to is” intelligibly”, to the level of agreement activist of unprofessional party, carry as a matter of fact the age singurul in his measure authenticate the purity logică in all lines, just in most sophisticated professions. For this reason, the promotion of biologic model of the complaint psihica îi corespundea best( humbly, intelligibly and having to the base just biologic explicatii, therefore, pure” materialist”). Desi the medical model of the complaint fusese transfered to psychiatry of to take possesion Kraepelin, in the beginning the century constituted just a stage for the European psychiatry to the development stiintelor psychological the sociological si -, thereto renuntat to he favour of noilor the which fashions have based the psychiatry the dynamics( psihologica),


the psychiatry sociala. Although were copied after the model kraepelinian, be taked from the history of the psychiatry and having a some an authority, yet, in conditiile ideologizarii marxiste this drove to aberationsle wagons have based the psychiatric in a abuse system ideologizat, the model and he showed merely his negative appearances, that is just ratiunile for which he fusese abandoned in Occident. In what consist model? Just as l presented it in our works high, the model referea to a conception particulara appeared to sfârsitul of the century of Xix-lea and begined the century of Xx-lea, in which considerau the disturbances comportamentof of a of individual as the be of the nature logică. In such vision, he devenea invalid” mentally his state depending mumai of organic biologic factors, that is he be an ill, amounted to ricare somatic invalids. This thing he did on the strength of the in a settlement the manner necritica of a analogies between the complaint somatica, of the pure nature logică or the physics, in which the lesion the age primordiala, and the complaint psihica in which the biologic factor attends


pathology beside the psychological factor the social si. The of a such idea relatii among physical the psychic suited only that marvellously party activist from psychiatry, putându prove therethrough, to his level of agreement, the materiality life psyche( that is the liaison complaint psyche except of biologic factors). În this the contexts, the human body the age achieved as a structure a mechanics, and the complaint, inclusively one psihica, as this deterioration mechanism. The medical appeared therefore, as a specific model of somatic medicine, be transposed in psychiatry, and porneste from asertiunea simplista as the as a matter of fact the symptom, the complaint am intimate incident to the lesion anatomica, all explicatiile bolilor the psyche rezumându to physical chemical biologic genetic phenomena etc. Were therefore built to the level from sfârsitul of the century of Xix-lea and begined the century of Xx-lea with explicatii mecaniciste, the mechanics be to that gived most developed the part of the physics. The philosophy dominanta the age the age one of essence mecanicista. The cure complaint be seed than connected with physico-chemical


factors, which factors burn be can help with the elimination internal his external agent, therethrough succeeding to reechilibreze the organism. Is easily realizable as the a such explanation simplista for the age current development appeared as adevarata a god send for the materialistic thought, rudimentara culturnicului from psychiatry, for through rudimentarismul explicatiilor” materialist” he primea undeservedly an ideological support. Is true as the desire of he tears it the obscure statute which have it the psychiatry in the beginning this the century, in order to obtained for ill psychic a medical statute, the father of classic German psychiatry accepted to that gived the medical which l they transposed it in psychiatry, this thing presenting for that the true age progress, bringing the psychiatry and ill the psyche amongst the medicine from which the practical age excluded. Entered the medical model in psychiatry on the strength of the notion of organicitate bolilor the psyche, on the strength of carui composed the classification clasica from psychiatry. The fact as the emphasize the organic lesions in complaints psyches, he explain it


through the state of the technique from that the age, which the technical progress you solve it. From pacate, with exceptia of the syphilis meningoencefalitic( PGP), this thing don’t else can no in a alta the complaint psihica, although instrumentarul of anatomic became all sophisticated maul, and the idea organicitatii bolilor the psyche he proved as nereala. More, the orientation gresita the model - with the elimination drastica the psychological factors of social si became a brake serioasa in cunoasterea of pathologic phenomenon don’t except in psychiatry, but just for whole the medicine somatica, waves in across 33 percent from the pathology actuala don’t can lost]ed explicatii thought and mecanicista which puts it at command the medical a big model role in perenitatea of medical model psychiatry l he had it and enter this in the frame of the psychology, grace his works Freud, carui formations medicala, organicista is binecunoscuta and bearing therethrough to regretabila an analogy between physical the si the psyche with asertiunea absoluta, how as the to the base of human natural his pathologic behavior stand” the internal involved causes except in organic, on this the base


homeostazia psihica appearing comparabila with homeostazia the physics, and the organism be considered a power closed system. Although visceral antifreudismul of the communist ideology the good age known, the medical model shall be good exploited and in the area of the psychology of the feather to the assertion the extremist as the the psyche is a secretion of the a brain. After the kind in were applied in the psychiatry of the bonus half the century of Xx-lea, the medical model is the summary of to Purushotton in three postulates: 1. Anything dezadaptare psihologica has a cause subiacenta( his dynamics the energetics), of the nature logică and psihologica in the same time this in particular - below influence psychological studies his of Freud( personality respinsa of the ideology marxista). 2. the symptom has a value relativa, bring about logică be the main element. 3. The diagnosis Is a resultant what what a behavior describes as an exterior signs the si what the doctor


presupposes as starting from form teoretica recognized. Although to the historic respective moment the introduction of medical represented a progress, the neglect of psychological still more selected social led to the organization asistentei psychiatric on the principle of the hospitals of somatic complaints, the therapy psychiatric copiind on one somatica. Therewith, got and for psychiatry an importance disproportionata, and the absence criteriilor opened the path of inclusive abuses of politic. These inadvertente caused as in The Europe, after 1950, to appear a permanent decline of adhibition of medical model in psychiatry, and through the development of psychosomatic this medicine of his decline is expanded in whole the sphere of the medicine. From these reason the countries comuniste îsi shall prove the incapacity of acclimation noile concepts of our century, platind a difficult tribute paranoidismului ideological the si be preoccupied except helped the aim of the preservation of totalitarian system. From the moment aparitiei the psychological concepts of sociological si, in Occident the medical still more


selected model his adhibition in psychiatry shall be submissive of a attack certat don’t except from psychiatrists, but and altor specialists. Don’t they put in question the real conquests of of medical model( neurolepticele for instance), but he subdued critical the model as the explanatory exclusive model of complaint which psyche now venea as opposed to the numerous new development stiinte wagons they developed the practices in two the half of the century of Xx-lea( the psychology medicala, the sociology medicala, the cybernetics, the genetics moderna etc. In the sphere countries comuniste, on the contrary, the idea of medical were taked over as the doctrine medicala basic in psychiatry and, what is else fell to, support ideological îmbunatatiri can were used as the” argument” and the weapon the what politics dovedea the materiality complaint psyche and rejected all aprioric the concepts psiho, chiefly on those his of Freud. Aspiratiile ideological of of communist totalitarianism perfect erau servite of this model” materialist”, model to the level of agreement party activist from psychiatry.


Coleman and Broen underlined three main points in the criticism of medical model, applied in psychiatry: 1. Many abnormal behaviors don’t presuppose the of a existences anatomic lesions, reasons for which they be judgements after the classic model of of a somatic complaints. Exist just I risk as don’t except complaints real psyches, but and simple deviatii from the ethical juridical his social norms, sometimes just simple problems of 2. The adhibition of medical model in psychiatry produces an indomitable enthusiasm for of a alcatuirea rigid classifications of of the pathology, which thing is done in of a how much desires the big maul accuracies. How many times don’t potriveste a certain undesirable behaviors can to appear immediately a new the form the clinic of the complaint( of the guy of latent his unapparent his schizophrenia Snejnevski). Dar the diagnosis has an importance relativa in psychiatry, caning be binded and of the concepts valorice of of which person puts the diagnosis, while connection


anatomica is just presupposed. Were the sufficiency just a simple change eticii” - one the socialist, for instance - wherethrough all what in this vision the undesirable age( pluralism, dissidence, the rightful individual necessity) to intermigle the marks” stiintifice” of the which psychiatry have to the base the medical model of the complaint, and the natural in a certain behaviors the ethical his systems appear in socialism as the” schizophrenias”,” paranoid states”,” psychopathes. On the strength of criteriilor of medical these model” misfits” to regime deveneau ill psyches, therefore like erau with any ill somatic his retarded, having to the possible strong genetic his anatomic base. The preoccupation against this category of” invalids” appear now just as the an acts umanitara, the regime be obliged his intern for protect as much on they, quotient and the society through injuriousness their complaint. 3.” The role Of ill” he is in the medical cultivated model with unyieldingness, therethrough încurajându in fact alta a source of behaviors maladaptative. An what date were stated official ill, this is


due to conformed this statute, to renunte therefore to responsibility, to faced situatiile of the life, geting down on paternurile comportamentof of a of real ill somatic individual. Is clear as the the attempts of socializare don’t the maul had in these no cases uses. From one exhibited hereinbefore we can conclude as the adhibition of medical model in had earnest implicatii which shall try to le rezumam thus: 1. Ideologizarea the medical model of the complaint take over from the psychiatry from begin.begin with underlay the refusal, from ideological reason, of accepted the concepts psiho wagons dezvoltau in Occident permited the rejection principle socializării - the socialist society be realised she takes possesion as having the role sanogen, the espousal of her principles be singura the reasons kept the health mintala the individual. 2. The medical model expressed to the level of medicamentary practices in the likeness of of a stereotype institutionof with a structure can carry represented in facts an image in the mirror society on which visau


a communist ideologists. Created thus an psychiatry” monolitica” drived manu of to the nomenclature, without no chance of evolution, good thing evidentiat the si today, when, although official became pluralista and much more, in the psychiatry builded of communists persist same stagnant systems the authoritative si except than vision about complaint and ill, quotient and about institutiei hospital attendant. The hospital were and is organized as the adevarata a pyramid, in the style vechilor monarches absolutiste. In forehead found out director and sefii of section, carry represents whole power from argue with nobody. No, still they have else be maintained and vechile councils formats, certainly, all from they( sefii of sectii). Ei are singurii interlocutors have his minister have director sectiei the hospital attendant, have the mass media, have strainilor. They can promote or persecute on anybody, were explained. Practised still the appointment sefilor of section without his contest with fictitious contests, their appointment


on the life, sometimes appointement the age transmited their sons, alteori just the pavilion personates them drive of a such system is autocratica. These individuals are teared, of whole decades, of adevarata an which his competitions motivate to learn, have no sketchy knowledges of psychology, sociology, psychotherapy. Be outwards oricarui system concurential, they are opposed in visceral way change, singura them reason were presenting obedienta against the past system, against fostii communist satraps, many among they still on same functii. 3. The medical model, although he supports as promoveaza the origin the logic and rationala complaint psyche, he don’t takes count of tensional economic, social, politic, educationof or relationof, reasons for which appear gravely consecinte concerning tipizarea of medicamentary formula of the si investigatory and a fool orientate in problematicele binded of the area mental health.


The classifications” just” promovate of to the medical model the by-path in arbitrary fact, because the symptom, that is a behavior, misses in agreeable to importance of the causes - of of the maladjustment. For this reason, he appears the tendency enforced as treatment just long which hospitalizations dezantreneaza the individual of the practice sociala and hardly now shall appear adevaratele disturbances of accommodation. The internment is shall done on the strength of of a” referinte” extrinsically, by virtue diagnosis - an appreciation, seem it -, and situatia hardly here can become periculoasa. This thing is can owed the fact as the in psychiatry the diagnosis indicate for a certain individual a certain role behavior expectabil. From this viewpoint, as per the medical model, the diagnosis indicate the individual and a some” the norm” of behavior. But if ill he is interned, he can” borrow” new symptoms, as and a certain behavior of” accommodation” to the psychiatric system of hospitalization. This long the process


is can eventuated in” the acceptation” of the role on which the hospital i l preparedly. Asserting pozitia clinico, the medical model( Predescu, Romila, 1976) asserted as this he represents as a matter of fact” the diofctic materialism applied in psychiatry”, all celelalte concepts be due to is struggled and dangerous considerate: The psychoanalysis, psihosomatica, socializarea and just enter the medical psychology in program the faculties of the medicine. From pacate, any what afirmam don’t belongs to merely passed. Refusing” the social context” and thinking the man just as the on an which machine is subdued the physico-chemical laws, the communist ideology dorea in his fact To achieve ill the psyche as the be” singurul culpable” for his suffering: Heredity, the life against socialist society etc. Therethrough, the socialist society the age deculpabilizata from the age obligata to involved to a fault in therapy, chiefly in the papers of preventie.


More, just the ideological norms prevedeau a diminutions a permanences, feather to disparitia bolilor psyche, of the delicts in the society comunista, because disappearing the private property, burn be missing the si the cause tuturor relelor. But feather then, the socialist society had to to is protected, and this thing, just as spunea Ceausescu, had to doed and with help shirt of an whole force system azilar had to to protect the society of” the injuriousness” ill as a matter of fact, on she concern it don’t as much ill real situatia( carry traiau as in stables), but chiefly as opposition the politics. For better of seven decades, the psychiatry from the countries comuniste remanent - as the evolutions - to the level of biologic psychiatry, just as the age she in Occident in the beginning the century. Trying today some of communist his ideologists foloseasca Dsm-urile american, they forget to underline the value conventionala these classifications, but chiefly forget to explain and base logică


which psihopatologica he did it on american his ajunga to conventia of classification through DSM. While I do courses about taxonomy on the strength of DSM( G. Ionescu), they to explain the psychiatry psihologica and which sociala underlie these classifications. When they shall to try the own all works G. Ionescu, but and romila, as their master, Predescu), do it after the methodology of the years 1950 1960, whereat I burn be due to adaugam just their absence of actually knowledges in the psychiatry clasica, that is just aceea s believes as serve it. What he has common the psychiatry clinico of guy Predescu or Ionescu with the vision the dynamics american Dsm-urilor? Trying as and before we smecherii, isn’t of wonder as the actualii” leaders stiintifici” you have our psychiatry, in fact, you to escamoteze the natural developmental stages of the psychiatry - the stage logică, urmata of one psihologica the si sociala.” The modernization” formally through the espousal of DSM, without the


scientific proper support, is sinonima with the of a rejuvenescence batrâni with help cosmeticii. In substance, the promotion of medical model of to the communist ideology, acreditarea to we in the country merely the biologic psychiatry bring the system, after our opinion, urmatoarele” advantages. The character Simplist and mecanicist of did posibila the of a promotion the vulgar materialism to the level întelegerii party activist; Culpabilizarea the invalid and deculpabilizarea society comuniste am best servite of the medical model; Stated ill, the individual shall be doctored as part as of a hospitals azilare wagons, gradually, you take all more the appearance carceral after the face and the congeniality society in which exist. The elimination causality psyche and social excludes principled masurile socio, the psychotherapy, socializarea.


The model don’t shall agrea than the medicamentary middles of the nature the physics and another chimica methods nefiind wellgrounded his be incident to the attempts of of a infiltration concepts capitaliste,” perniciously”: psychotherapy, meditation, methods psihoterapeutice of groups etc. The model carceral of institutiei of treatment. Of doilea theoretical model on the strength of whom he developed the psychiatry abuziva from our were the model carceral of institutiei of psychiatric treatment, a model consisting of azile and a classic hospitals of psychiatry to the level Europe of the century of Xix-lea. The model carceral of treatment is bound up with model which l described it hereinbefore,” the invalid” be doctored in a hospital of the guy of the hospital for ill somatic, but, through big number of patients and must maintained the branch, this is shall transformed in a unit carcerala in which the methods of the branch shall prevala against therapy.


The psychiatric hospital in the totalitarian communist were organized after same totalitarian principles as the the si the socialist society( the pyramid administrativa, rules and precise timetables, the absence communication, violence to all nivelurile etc.). This the model carceral, azilar appears as a creation and as the an instrument of a psychiatric abuse, an institution in which the individual is completely to dispozitia tortionarului or, while personal of attendance don’t is felt involved, ascunzându behind of a institutii wagons protejeaza. To see afterwards which by-pathes principofle features of the psychiatric hospital, were in the age of the totalitarianism, just as he is and today through opozitiei against the reform. His asylum the psychiatric hospital classic the age, as a matter of fact, an institution of which appeared in the the Middle Ages, reason for which in The Europe actuala he appears chiefly as the an anachronism, be rejetat worldlike civilizata and neavând, in fact, nor a


vocation a therapeutics. More just, a such institution no I don’t burn be be due to exists. Be due to are actuated by a big contempt against ill for can enter in a such institutions. The psychiatric hospital fit his azilara cultivate a true” psychiatric imperialism”. Opunând ill the doctor, the personnel subordinating the ill total, this don’t else remains than to is subdued detinatorului of the power and authority. The notion of organicitate on which sustinea take possesion Pinel is cultivata of the medical model the si she bears the automaton to the notion of incurability. If Pinel and Esquirol considerau yet as the the psychiatric hospital burn else can be” an instrument of cure in the of a hand the skillful doctor”, subsequently, the psychiatric hospital becomes the asylum, that is place of refuge, place in which his patient is defended against the jeer. Gradually, these hospitals became some cladiri mammothes as the size, with patients and which through administrative weights are shall changed to adevarate institutii


corectionof. After 1950, thus of institutii fell to disappears from The Europe Westerna by reason of noilor conceptii humanist concerning right man, carry they developed after the decade of Vi-lea of this century. Indeed, contextually society bazate on democratic principles, mostenirea of a institutii carcerof with a structure intern totalitara appears as sens, nay as the an insult for aspiratiile society. For this reason, in Occident, this decline the guy of began and the end long ago, while in the countries comuniste the system don’t only that don’t shall be desfiintat, but he shall be take over and based, this time ideological, remaining even currently the system on which bazeaza the permanent abuse against the person umana. From theoretical viewpoint, the system of the model carceral can be submissive of a destructive attacks. This thing porneste from oneself his structure totalitara the which si in little reflect the principles society in which exist. This the institutions is thus organizata that to repress any demonstrate voluntara celor subdued


the regime of internment. The hospital becomes, in fact, a place of residency and of the labor for a group of individuals - patients teared of society for a long the period, the hospital becoming thus a barrier in the path relationship social, relationship with exterior, frequently having with this end in view usi and gates ferecate, his walls high fences, special placements( of the guy of the hospital Voila, Poiana Mare etc. From viewpoint of the internal structure, asemeni altor units of guys carceral, they are builded on the strength of of a totalitarian structures. The individual free his the fault in relation with who doreste, he can work, sleep or is can recreea merely after a plans” rationally” doed of directiune. In the organized hospital all carceral the appearances life is unfurled as per of a program, to same hours popularly, below stricta a supervision. As a matter of fact, the of a such aim institutii is achieved the official works of institutiei( branch) and except partial on one of individual. The invalids in


groups are supervizati, ghidati, subdued of a periodic inspectii. A break is shall created between the group of ill the si their these overseers two categories don’t loved. The overseers shall say about ill as the bad by-pathes the si are shall carry against they as the some superior. On the contrary, the one supravegheati believe it the evils on overseers, I felt debared from the taking of which decisions look it. The way of organize the psychiatric hospital azilar favorizeaza of the violence against ill, but the overseers don’t realizeaza this thing, considering respectivul behavior as the logical the si, however, as in a petrecându system of reference existent in which don’t felt the personnels implicati. The very difficult age as the in a such his institution stabileasca relatii medicamentary authentic. The hierarchy and the authority am maintained as part as of a severe branch without channels of contestatie, reasons for which produced blocaje to all nivelurile.


The feature principala is as here the ill individual, but and the politic bolter abusive internee wine with a some a culture, and on the duration her hospitalization suffers adevarata” disculturalizare” or in best at the best a lack of a practice, what shall it does it insusceptible of dealt with their daily still more selected problems with those outwardly institutiei. The hospital don’t directs to adevarata a victory of the a culture, he creeaza just a kind tensional interpersonal, tension on which foloseste as the on a handspike strategica of handle. Now he is clear as the in this context psihopatologica institutiei shall it influences it on the healthy his marginal bolter, ajungându sometimes to an adherence against institutia azilara the si to grave modifications of personality, which, retrospectively, executionersi le prezentau as be just” the outpourings” carry have righteous the internment. Indeed, the must individual of adapt the cultural level to the cultivated values of hospitals prompts a big


effort, carry you be doed in the detriment integrity personality, the grave maul be when exist and a complaint reala an wagons through she takes possesion produces the important modifications. The kind in which is done” the accommodation” to the values institutiei totalitarian presupposes in forerank a degradation of self an image hereto contributing and the system of isolation of institutiei respectively against worldlike exterioara. Gradually, accentueaza personalizarea and miss the autonomy, to this thing helping and the coercive which methods punish so dense the insubordination, as and the what facts” recompenseaza” obedienta. If previous the individual have about sine a some a conception, a date an internee, he shall miss this support by reason of degradation, umilintei and profanation eului or. The organization carcerala and the barrier against worldlike constituie the bonus curtail eului, and the deprivation of role întareste these phenomena. This thing evidentiaza


just from first contact of individual with institutia: The anamnesis, the surrender of the apparels and valuable object, the bath, cântarirea - all appearing as entered in a” machinery” carry found out in the hands establishmentului. The test of obedienta is only that passed in the moment when stabileste pozitia noului and which situatia waits it. If to these else adaugam and the utilization neurolepticelor, electrosocului and sometimes the neurosurgery, all consulted the person, this shall achieve clearly as the his integrity don’t the maul is garantata. In this context the individual, all the same if he is his don’t ill, he becomes passive, abordeaza a reaction of defence: You holds out head, in humiliating sprocket, you give raspunsuri humbly, be due to is asked for for favoruri marunte: Newspaper etc. The personnel can it shout on his name after the nickname, you ridicules he evidentiindu negative trasaturile, you talk about he as though don’t burn be present.


All these shares shall produce a true process of” mortificare” eului, dezidentificare through rape eului. In this guy of hospital is shall done everything wherethrough his individual has no a statute of mature man, to have no autonomy and discretion. With this end in view, utilizeaza in the manner the pithiness the system of rewards and punishments. The patients shall achieve permanently pozitia them of inferiority in report with one from exterior, you have the feeling of exile and as the their time iroseste in van. Exist a big contradiction between what do institutia in real way the si what must saied officially, that is exact same principle of dublului the which standard inhere in the society comunista. Institutia you develop and a set of practices institutionalizate: Visits, inspectii, the of a party festive days unite, previews filmy etc. All these than to this accentueeze syndrome of the unjustified humiliation. Institutia psychiatric organizata carceral don’t you permits no intimacy, the individual internee be


humiliated, alcatuindu a folder, frequently receiving the uniform, luându the papers, the money etc. But, just as underline cynically Predescu( Urgente in psychiatry, Ed. Medicala, 1983), the utilization violentei against ill the psyches can constitute and” adevarata a therapy”, this be” adevarata freedom missed” due to an another complaint appearance of psychiatric institutiei of totalitarian guy constituie his organization intern after hierarchical principles, tensely. Ierarhizarea constituie the keystone of politic psychiatric abuse, failing which this burn be very difficult his is produced. The hierarchy has the role established the personal roles of the si of the patients, creating adevarata” serfdoms” administrativa, autoritara, on first plan appearing the realization of bureaucratic appearances of of the hospital. With this end in view is offered two practicability: Be of a rites and ceremonialuri and in second secondarily, the organization on the of a principle rigid hierarches.


The rites are very fecvente in the psychiatric hospital of guy carceral: Reports on guard, visit boss ofui, contravizitele, inspectiile etc. All these tending to give the of a impression official of a realities public realities. Existau and another categories of rites: Sedinte of parties, of syndicates, of report, sedinte of remaking etc. Two the manner, folosita for the ill subordination, constituia an in a refuge organ ierarhizat and pass raspunderii of own facts on this expense the organism. Is the word of adevarata a pyramid administrativa carei base constituie an invalids. As in any organisations, the hospital of this guy functioneaza through the methods decided of an which power, seemingly, had to to is a power medicala, but, as a matter of fact, in the period comunista can the age Securitatii and Partidului. As any power, and this is shall radicalized, in the sense as the relatia among ill the personal si shall be împinsa feather to extreme becoming relatia master - slave, because don’t exist no


pondere against the personal power( organizatii of civil society, justice reala, channels of impugnment etc). Desi demagogically asserted as the hospital is of ill, these in real ways don’t had no an word of saied, what fact shall generate resentments, conflicts on which personal shall them solve them through authoritative middles - contentie, constrained treatments, systems vindicatory and rewards. Alta a feature of psychiatric a hospital of guy carceral constituia ierarhizarea after totalitarian system, can be delivered pyramidal the si giving boss ofui of section can dictatorial. This is hight, in facts, on the life, depending on atasamentul or politic the si against Securitate. Boss of of section had to by all means to is agreat of party and of Securitate. He monopolize whole power, take the all practical the important decisions, dadea all the notices of internment, punea the diagnoses to exit, decidea gived externarii, transformându on others doctors in simple mechanisms depersonalizate and subdued. Boss


of can favor or persecute on anybody explained and can delivered preferential tasks. The organization piramidala totalitara limit, as and as part as society comuniste, anything the initiative, sectia, the hospital becoming their easy of handled of to the organs of interested repression. The sufficient age just an authoritative chief( his competence profesionala don’t matter) wherethrough institutia psychiatric to is aservita can. From these reason personalizarea and the apathy don’t are shall limited merely to ill, but vaor dilates on whole personal which, can supravetui, had to to I adapted” the logic arbitrate boss ofui. At that rate, a dialogue psihoterapeutic a doctor - a patient an impossible age, all be due to changed to the performers dispozitiilor dictatorial of boss ofui, and neurolepticele, ergoterapia, electrosocul constituiau in this systems rather middles of repression, the hospital, sectia psychiatric pierzându any vocation the therapeutics.


Even between ill appear a some ierarhizare, apareau good jobs the bad si depending on can boss ofui and of some advantages on which this power le aducea. This the system the age destined to produce to all nivelurile knots tensional and frustratie, and the contact the chief - the subaltern, doctor - his patient appear as depersonalizant. If the doctor the chief is everything, others are shall feel frustrati and are shall dealt more tensional interpersonal than of ill. Frequently, these tensions shall be fed of senzatia boss ofui as the is” diged”, reasons for which the job psychiatric respective is shall transformed in a adevarata were at war cold his warm, sometimes, this transformându in a adevarata hunting of witch. Is can apprehended what else remanent from vocatia the of a such therapeutics the hospital. Conclusively, the psychiatric politic abuse, as and the abuses of alta the nature from odă comunista appear as be deliberate the si sprijinindu on theoretical backgrounds the ideological good si regularized. The


enormity and specificitatea of psychiatric abuse in communism don’t consist by all means in the fact as the existed or were here important he is as were organized of to the communist state, carry involved official through the wage earner saddles from psychiatry and from the organs of his repression justice, standed taked possesion becoming in this case organisation the murderess”, organizing the psychiatric abuse as much in theory, quotient and in the such practice situational the history don’t else knowed than just in the fascist regimes. In this contexts, the psychiatrist and his patient become just simple instruments, the politics of the parties comuniste promoting laws and criminal regulations, as well as a conduct a murderess on tried s enforces as” normality” whole psychiatric communities by dint of the nomenclature comuniste conductress in area. Through the enormity size and the perfecting organization, the communists achieved little an unique in the history of psychiatric abuse of the feather to the level became


adevarata an organisation of the a crime. The necesity of SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY ///////////// Just as I underlined previously, the communist stoped evolutia normala the Roumanian psychiatry to the stage psychiatric logică, and through the introduction criteriilor ideological he arrived at the psychiatric abuse stoping in the same time any influence from Occident( the psychiatry psihologica, psychiatry sociala etc. The psychiatry mondiala depasit of many stage of biologic psychiatry of actually psychological si, adjudecându today those conquests, noile sociological concepts the si composing a synthesis of biologic a psychological models the social si, constituting what today the gate the name psychiatric sociala. The psychiatry sociala just as I burn show the name to first impression, an exclusivist psychiatry, but rather an which branch involve whole current evolutions stiintifice, but which he lays stress on the social appearances the human si which vechea psychiatry, chiefly aceea of exclusivist tint logică, don’t are doing. She puts chiefly the accent on the


organization institutiei of treatment humanizing this institution. Such as can as an inhuman regime as the the communist his regime accepts like principles? They had solutii for all the problems in the ideology marxista and aceea prelucrata for the public ordinariness of to chief. In our conceptia, conception expresed the audience as part as the items and our monographic works with near two decades abaft, the psychiatry practicata in the age comunista, but and one of today don’t else I can be reformate. She must practise” distrusa” and reformulata in termenii of modern psychiatry. This psychiatry clasica, formata of the communist ideology, rejected in visceral all ways the conquests stiintifice of of the century, don’t else he can reform through cosmetic modifications, big financial his infusions constructii we. She must” distrusa” and înlocuita through the psychiatry sociala, singura carry disposes of the qualities and the new fashions of the complaint and of radicala transform institutiei of a new treatment orientation etiologica and in the area preventiei. This” revolution” you creea, just as happened and with the reform from the area of the economy, even for one good


intentionati the si devotees have democratiei and the reform, that the sensation of” destroy” specify every shares of modification radicala, developing that reflexa the opposition against new. You be a brilliant opportunity for actuala the former si the nomenclature can to present” catastrofic” the changes preconizate beside” the irretrievable paradise” of passed our psychiatric. Door case manevrabilitate psychiatrists( feminizarea the doctors of the psychiatrists burn be just miza relativa), the apathy, desire celor batrâni of finish the career in the system in which usual shall do difficult in România the process of change( and this actually with actualul director of the hospital from Bucharest, of tint P. T. C. D., Of carui courage reformist don’t passes” of genunchiul casing clamp” - dr. Prelipceanu. I showed already as the from ideological reason the psychiatry nostra exceeded first developmental stage of the psychiatry - the psychiatry logică. The which underlay conceptiilor sociologically concerning the psychiatry and began in S. And he expanded then with rapidity and in The Europe Westerna.


In conceptia of social psychiatry, ill the psyche just insular organism” or simple ill a somatic, but he is placed contextually or relational begining from first group whom belongs to it - the family - and going the feather to the large sizes of society, of the economy, of the geography, of the culture. Sociogeneza, liniază Porot, is an ensemble of conditii wagons effuse the social average the si is caused the production, the development and evolutia bolilor the psyche. Be umana becomes thus the field of interaction else multor biologic sizes somatic - interpersonal psychic - - personal social - the cultural si. In this kind the psychiatry sociala actuala becomes a science interdisciplinara, îndreptându atentia about of a social which phenomena able caused the morbid his states pressures psyches about of a table of individuals, contextually the demographic blast of the si informationof. In sense remarked today breed it psychological density” populatiei, that is populatiei participative, entity much more than the real number of persons( forward the participation sumed up to some categories of the age, sex, economic statute etc.


Unquestionably as the this psychiatry the end of century cann’t than an psychiatry sociala. The psychiatry clasica, încorsetata round narrow of the medical model of the complaint which l he promoted it, with ambition they of aligned branchlor medically somatic adeseori just in a the manner coloniala -, don’t the maul can assure the progress through his individualism and mecanicismului which le promoveaza. The psychiatry clasica, with her gearing of biologic explicatii, don’t else can to I managed in the field on which credea as the stapâneste when he produced the blast dezadaptarilor psychological the si the fever crescânda îmbolnavirilor psychiatric. Isn’t the word here except about formarea they of to the communist ideology. But the psychiatry clasica stranded( and in The Europe Westerna) when don’t else haved the capacity teoretica and practise because the hospitals the mammothes and the exclusive therapy somatica don’t the maul erau able his gives the satisfaction, to correspond of a ages in change accelerata, cresterii exigentei citizens against society and the organization the politics. Without deny the opening merits


the si adjudecându all the valuable conquests from the area of his biology of the psychology, the psychiatry were practical” împinsa” in the scene of to the which appeared after the catastrophe umana and sociala, after second world war, in conditiile aparitiei noilor democratic societies and of a new philosophers concerning right man, which phenomena appeared as a reactions against the menace of fascist totalitarianism of communist si. For vechea psychiatry the psychological phenomena the social si don’t had a role too an important, the keystone be represented of the biologic factors. Unfortunately, in lagarul communist the psychiatry clasica dogmatizata and ideologizata, with his heavy gearing of diagnoses and clinical forms appeared to the statement, when the reality the clinic don’t potrivea with azilele the si his hospitals mammoth, the rigid hierarchy the si the organization carcerala led to scaderea prestige branchi and to the of a creation adevarate repulsions in the eyes of public opinion. In this frame fight for an psychiatry orientata toward man - as the being sociala -, toward the needs community and the promotion mental health


comunitare became a task prioritara don’t except for the bolters Europe of Est, but and for the which psychiatrists the esteemed si his profession simply erau animati of an attitude patriotica. Trying first a definition of social an psychiatry, you assert as this represents gave biologic, a psychological, interpretate in the spirit of sociological concepts of the humanists. This thing priveste the study corelationship, perturbations, dizarmoniilor, hipoevolutiilor carry containing the spiritual ensemble of peoples. The psychiatry can grasp the noxious appearances of social life, of life as part as the social group. The psychiatry sociala be at all the biologic problems the psychological si of individual, but she depaseste the sphere psychopathologyi whereat oprea the psychiatry clasica. Yet, just ajunsa to the stage psychiatric sociala, the psychiatry shall abide at in substance they a branch medicala. The psychiatry sociala shall have only that in forerank a conception sociala închegata. She shall put in practical even the of a development jobs of assistances psychiatric to the of a level societies in change.


For we the psychiatry sociala is branch which înglobeaza the biologic knowledges the psychological si, of social size of the man. The psychiatry sociala studiaza thus all the social incident to appearances the complaint psihica, întelegând therethrough the appearances etiopatogenetice, evolutional, therapeutically and prophylactic. To these must by all means adaugata and the stof social problem of ill the psyche, obligatiile society against this, the organization umanitara institutiei of treatment and methods of therapy to the level community. All as part as the social psychiatry are shall comprise and the middles wherewith the psychiatry can influence the factors of responsibilities, in the sense of the prevention and treatment bolilor the psyche, as well as the timeliness of the use of social life of actually politic si through paticiparea activate the psychiatrists in benefit of and the profile shares of health mintala. Exist, yet, in the settlement of the limits of social psychiatry, diverging which opinions hold chiefly of largirea or the shrinkage of the vision about her area of activity. Thus, Bastide has in this area a sprocket somehow deosebita, he asserting as the area of social psychiatry


can cupride three areas with own individuality: 1. The psychiatry Sociala - in his limitary sense; 2. The sociology Bolilor the psyche; 3. The ethnology Bolilor the psyche. In this sense, the psychiatry sociala urmareste the social behavior of ill, the process of socialization and of miss the contact with the world from swears, that is with the society reala the individual. The socialization individual burn concern, as a matter of fact, the psychology sociala. Connection among diferitele social events the different si guys of the complaint psihica burn constitute the object of the sociology bolilor the psyche, branch in which he he enters and the psychotherapy of group, the ensemble of ideation and which methods look institutia of psychiatric treatments, relations from this frame institutii, as well as among institutia psychiatric the average si unitar. The psychiatry sociala studiaza therefore the social phenomena with implicatii medically and which in his vision Disertori and Piazza burn be urmatoarele: Fenomene psihopatologice severally, binded of a context etiopatologic, social;


Fenomene psihopatologice of community; Social noxious Efectele challenged of the individual disturbances the collective si; Interferenta among psihopatologia individuala the si aceea the communities. The psychiatry sociala is due to contains and the tasks society against psychiatric, such as the organization institutiei of treatment, debate of a programs of health mintala in the mass media, emit of a laws in different areas of psychiatric asistentei. Therefore the psychiatry sociala dealt don’t merely of his individual social group, but also of the unit as the whole. The psychiatry sociala, therefore, which science studiaza the disturbances the psyches of peoples as the limbs have the society, is considerata as an unit. For we the psychiatry sociala has a signification and a definition a large maul, because consideram as the the psychiatry than one singura and aceea is the psychiatry sociala. In this spoke, currently about of a existence the biologic psychological his social psychiatrists( these were just evolutional stages) is sens, the psychiatry be a branch bio, but in which the biologic factors the psychological si subordoneaza the point of historic sight the social si, reason for which the name most potrivita actuofi the


psychiatrists is of PSIHIATRIE SOCIALA. This thing presupposes as the sociological his viewpoint actioneze to all nivelurile( diagnosis, treatment, prophylaxis), inclusively in the area psychopathologyi the si organization institutionof, what in fact represents a transformation radicala a classic psychiatry from the manner of classify bolilor the feather to the manner of organization and conduct the medicamentary shares the si regenerative. This thing represents contextually current criptocomunist from we adevarata a revolution in psychiatry, with that sensation anxiogena of destroy of a institutii wagons assure the personal still more security choosed her profiteers, but produced inadvertentele and the ethical errors. This is singurul the roads wherewith s can achieve the construction noii the social psychiatrists in România. The psychiatry sociala is all the some, even if I arrived the feather there with the reform, a young branch with a sphere still imprecisa, but caused already an innovating breath. Thus, if vechiul alienist the age considered just a narrow clinician the si obsessive of desire were considered the doctor, be preoccupied in particular of insular cases the si of a morbidity reduced, actualul doctor psychiatrist


found out ahead of a situatii with everything different. The place vechilor epidemics( the plague, were) took today of cresterea enorma the psychiatric morbidity, did as actualul the doctor his psychiatrist is preoccupied of the health mintala of a enormous table of peoples. Thus, liniază Coresi, for the doctor old psychiatrist, the patient the ill somatic age in first rînd, and the concernment the problems the psyches and relationof ill of erau obviously just according as these arise fromu obviously from the complaint( as and in situatia altor somatic complaints). Pentru the current psychiatrist - a social worker - the patient is a man grasped in double his reality individuala and sociala. The psychiatry sociala is and an interdisciplinary area. He foloseste don’t except of psychopathology the si biology, but also of sociological concepts, the psychiatry becoming a branch in vision sociologica. The sociology borrow the psychiatry a succesion of specific concepts, such as those of social groups, psychology sociala, the dynamics of social groups, importances of the culture and civilizations. Sociogeneza bolilor psyches, as and obligatia society against ill the


psyches enter all in the area of social psychiatry. The psychiatry sociala borrow such to numerous sociology concepts and viewpoints and just a some a finality, remaining all the some a branch medicala - often even a medicine somatica becomes all a more si a branch sociala. The psychiatry sociala offers she takes possesion the medicine an which example consist in his size sociologica, and the sociology offers it a field of actvitate drudgingly and l be it can imagine singura. The psychiatry sociala has relatii with the psychology medicala. She foloseste all explicatiile psihodinamice, foloseste the psychological concepts concerning relatia doctors - patients. The psychiatry sociala, as the branch activate, has an activity publish in the press scisa, to TV, cultivate in the opinion publish noile values concerning situatia of mental invalid, antreneaza the society in the difficult process of treatment and preventie bolilor the psyche. She intereseaza of the life economica, a part from her activity desfasurându in the frame of the programs of prophylaxis to the level economic units.


The psychiatry sociala offers diferent stiinte and lines a succesion of notiuni the si entities, as well as an activity a practice in many privinte the commune, in the aim înbunatatirii quality life and all hail mental in a moment in which in whole world vorbeste of rightful health of fiintei humanely. Like tasks don’t and can them assume than an psychiatry a dynamics, carry to turn to good account and the biologic knowledges, but and on one of psychology and sociology. The psychiatry clasica the age the statics, her activity limitându just to granitele of his hospital of of the asylum, reason for which became adevarata a god send for the totalitarian societies( she takes possesion have înclinatii totalitarian. For such communisms psychiatry express the quintessence of diofctic materialism applied in the area stiintelor psychological( for Marxism, the materiality psychic the second age the concept as the importance after the assertion materiality of the world), chiefly in a which society don’t else base no on the moral religioasa and no on the right principles of the individual. Have rough-cast the ideological bases of of the abuse of the psychiatry comuniste


and underlined in the same time the necessity of the reform, offering solutia of a creation the social Roumanian psychiatrists after the model of the psychiatry from Occident. On this territory burn be due to întâlneasca all the psychiatrists of good faithes, reform our psychiatry be in the sense of current history, but that we shall as which generatiile today pasesc in psychiatry and he who shall feel like don’t indict us as have no this meaning the sense no in the dozenth clock for, all the same why he shall do our generatia, lived chiefly in communism, the psychiatry sociala Roumanian all is shall given birth to for, paraphrasing again same biblical stich, but that we preach we shall it he does it the stones. Relatia PSIHIATRIE - MORALA. Relatia among psychiatry and the moral is one of the big acute problems which erect the society criptocomunista and the job in which live today. The psychiatry had and has don’t except a size medicala, but and one the moral, ill the psyches be a category umana with specific problems with an important social pact, reasons pentrru which the society is due to considers these these appearances problems of the ethics amn’t specific


except our age for psychiatry, they appearing from most old times, the moral crestina be aceea which erect this the ethics on most high peaks. Maugre these considerations, in decursul of the history” the society” of psychic were always subdued persecutiilor, for ill the psyches were goods” most brutal forms of treatments and most inhuman forms of attendance. The ill psychic were due to waits crucial stages of of the history modified these fate individuals. Thus, the history citeaza” his liberation Pinel, as effect of revolutiei Frenches, wherethrough the complaint psihica to can be are doingble else humanitarian, only that role l he gambled it unquestionably the moral crestina. Although ill the psyche, as per the moral became, aproapele our”, what he were adevarata” disease prejudices”, and violences and the criminality, natural phenomena in all were, transferata in preferential ways about ill the psyches, although the statistics show as to 1. 000 of ill psyches exist else barrels papers of violences than to 1. 000 of persons from populatia generala. This thing only that to ill scuteasca the psyche of the prejudice” permanentei his injuriousness”, motivating an whole cortege of


compulsions, privative middles of freedom, without can applied and a proper treatment. Therefore, just as I have else showed, the psychiatry of the century of Xix-lea shall be an psychiatry azilara, but with consciousness as the this thing is prompted of the utility publish for mentinerea social linistii, while the complaint psihica the age considerata ereditara, with social risk - the patient be singurul culpable for his complaint, while the society the age the innocence. The century of Xx-lea don’t shall else be a century of his culture of ideation, but he shall become a century of an ideologies, in chief of celor of essences totalitara( comunista and fascist). Fiecare among these he shall have an attitude distructiva against ill mental: The fascism through euthanasia and through the destruction the ill mental physics for the of a purification etnii considerate superioara, the communism having to the practical same base the element - wish -, but don’t etnica, but of the class. Although he shall criticize the Nazism, the communism shall do from psychiatry a middle placed on those which criticau the system in a row ill mental, which then shall it closes it don’t in lagarele them traditionof, but in psychiatric hospitals.


Be the psychiatry in the period were tragica, and morally, as and the religion were due to, lives just doing compromisuri. The communists, from ethical viewpoints, have attacked in forerank principle human solidarity, of the cohesion among peoples, the principle of the part Be in totala opposition with the principles democratiei pluraliste, of freedom of his thought partnership. All what the being in communism the age passed through the standard masurii in which therethrough can comunista consolidated or don’t. Aparitia tardiva - the years 1960 - 1970 in Occident motion for right man, with extraordinara to can of seduction, in meant as a matter of fact began sfârsitului aof empire of bad, just as rightfully assert the president Regan. The penetrability of right philosophy did as in the regard the ethics psychiatric to modified profoundly. In this frame, the principles of the christian ethics and of noii philosophers existentialiste did from seductia of democratic some irresistible system of the si, if else adaugam the changes of generations, can us explain now avalanches” revolutiilor of velvet” and caderea of communist system without of which the stop of psychiatric


repression don’t burn be wealthy no chance. Yet, must underlined as the victory democratiei as the ethical problems of of his psychiatry takes the end. No in the democratic systems evoluate the thing don’t appear as definitive solved, fight for the mood cease no here and never. Etică Nazi the si comunista ne demonstreaza the fragility and the limits of the moral when is the word psychiatric. This is as a matter of fact one of the the fundamental arguments built today adevarata an psychiatry sociala. The ill rehabilitation of the psyches raise today the of a new problem visions, scilicet aceea socializării ill the psyches, this be the size the ethics fundapsychiatrical eticii current in the area of the psychiatry. Be due to are constienti as, due to specificului bolilor psyche, these don’t shall come never plainly toward society. They are retrasi, asociali, frequently I am submissive acelei diseases prejudices. That is why socializarea have than an alone senses, from society( psychiatrist) to ill. This is the conduct the moral correct, carry finished when ill enter into the society as the equal. The complaint psihica don’t loveste the individual in the vitality to - in


biologicul or -, she loveste in his humanity, in specificul humanely of fiintei loin, were created of The God and rendered the nature. Socializarea is singura condition the moral and the ethics psihiatrtiei social. Although socializarea contains and ergoterapia( and in lagarele of the labor worked), she depaseste this the which concept, if s limit here, I don’t burn does than to robotizeze the individual, to transform the bed in chair. For this reason, socializarea appears as a complex comportamental wagons are due to ape the life reala, to reantreneze the individual for all the roles from the life reala. The community terapeutrica constituie again a basic principle of socializării, chiefly in bolile gravely psyche and with social important problems. This thing is due to climb to his stage most rises - the treatment unitar - in which by-pathes interesati don’t except the medical factors, but also the economic factors, politics, many another personalities, from father, prelacy, superannuations, persons with potential economic - patrons etc. Experiences westerna the therapy comunitare is reconfortanta for a psychiatric system encysted how is ours,


but he is clear as the the side economica holds on to of the development his community just natiunii. The costs, even if they shall be big, the benefits society linistea or just the productivity - shall be enormous. As a matter of fact, therethrough s achieve adevarata a prophylaxis of the a crime, delincventei, sociabilităţii, the drugs and s achieve a true process of health mintala to the level communities.

Chapter III. Resistance SI DISSIDENCE PSIHIATRILOR short ROMÂNI historian of the psychiatric abuse in be Uniune Sovietica and to we. Rusia disposes of a solid historian concerning the politic abuse in psychiatry. As a matter of fact, in Rusia, as far back as 1836 citeaza first the case of politic


psychiatric abuse, when the Russian philosopher Piotr were characterized of to tarul Nicolae i as suffers from” disturbance and insanity”, reason for were arrested in propria to the house and visited hebdomadal of to a doctor. But this don’t the age still a politics deliberata state, but just an insular case. After revolutia comunista from 1917, the utilization of the psychiatry, in first years, he did sporadically and ad. He is knowed the case activistei Maria Spiridonova, carry îsi a big câstigase popularity through the criticisms bringed the soviet management, Tribunalul revolutionist Moscova, in 1918, you attaint it flush out of the life the politics, on for yearlong, and her in a isolation the special hospital”. Spiridonova îsi you realize as therethrough tried the disgrace of his politic ideation a date with his removal the physics. Pedepseau in the same time as much the man, quotient and his ideation, what mean adevarata” death sociala”. Problema they shall be rezolvata through the dispatch in Turkestan, to the of a statement the electioneering train. The period stalinista remains nice and obscura, from the viewpoint of the psychiatric repression, the isolation Rusiei be then complete. In 1931 he appears a


legislation clara in which asserted frankly as the the psychiatry is due to has as the aim contributia to the class struggle. Yet, comparative with the terror stalinista, the psychiatry shall remain, just as underline Bukovski, a humanitarian territory. A like case with the internment of the miners in psychiatric Spitalul from Zam he spent to Moscova temporally of of doilea world war. Thus, the of a workpeople factories from Moscova denied to presteze the labor voluntara. They were arestati all. All received the diagnosis of schizophrenia and then were feraţi to Spitalul psychiatric Kazan. The psychiatrists were submissive the pressures for declare ill, considering as their were an act umanitara, the alternative be lagarul of concentration. Considered as, begining from 1956, after get the power his Hrusciov the si after the launch” coexistentei pasnice”, the psychiatry i is shall confer a role an important maul. Holding celebrul speech to one of Xx-lea congress of P. C. S., Hrusciov you denounces the horrors staliniste and shall pledge liberalizarea of communist regime, but, in the same time, Red army distrugea revolutia maghiara.


The union Sovietica hrusciovista, like and România or celelalte countries comuniste, is shall learn now between two contradictory tendinte - afirmatia as the in these strong defeated definitively and as the don’t the maul exist the prisoners politics and no the necessity of repression maintained the system and, in fact, the intensification of the fight anticomuniste, chiefly from noii generatii. In this context, the role of the psychiatry becomes primordial, the mavericks becoming the ill mental automata, thing on which, I saw hereinbefore, express it and Nicolae Ceausescu in 1965. This thing shall do as from the years ‘60 the psychiatric his hospital becomes an alternative a commode lagarului of concentration and prison. Hrusciov you be helped in this papers of to the academician Snejnevski, alike how and to we in this the period come from the studies from S.U. And enter directly in the management of the psychiatry V. Predescu and St. Milea. As and Ceausescu, Hrusciov consider as in socialism don’t the maul can appear a consciousness socialistă. Bazându on the dogma marxista wagons spunea as the existences cause the consciousness, they consider as a date comunized an


economy and an whole the life sociala, these burn does imposibila aparitia of the ideation anticomuniste. For this reason, nor mostenirea passed and no” the diversion of world imperialism” don’t can explain the ideation anticomuniste, but the complaint mintala can offer a solution admirabila. The task of the psychiatry in the advanced stage of build the communism his age reeducate on these” invalids”, ascribable thing of of a party reliable persons the si on which already hight. From this moments, in the countries comuniste unlives the politics the systematics of internment in the hospitals psychiatric. The advantages of the repression bazate on psychiatry erau represented in forerank of discretia of the papers( without noisy process), question l he seduced it on Hrusciov, as otherwise and on Ceausescu. From 1970, the use of the psychiatry in politic aims becomes well documentata, adevarata an institutions in which is involved the state. Exist marturii binded of Spitalul from Kazan, but hardly from 1970 this hospital shall get adevarata to the fame funesta. The hospital from Kazan found out below directa supervised NKVD, here be adunati


the bolters politics from whole Uniune Sovietica. Many among ill erau deliranti with the theme the politics, but exist and a little group of individuals sanatosi internees there for their convictions. The years ‘60 the maul characterized through the creation of institutii specializate the si through the construction, in be S.U., Quotient and to we, of hospitals. Thus, to Cerniahvsk, Minsk, Dnetropietrovsk, Orel, to we to Balaceanca, Poiana Mare, Raducaneni, Cula, P. Groza organizeaza a true gulag of psychiatric hospitals for the bolters politics. The number bolters internees is very big, but Cortina of Fier don’t you permits knew this amplitude the phenomenon of to populatia respective his country of to Occident. In S.U. appears vestitul Institut Serbsky, and to we, through symmetry, Serviciul VIII of Spitalului Gh. Marinescu. I appear the name of bolters knowns by reason of notoriety of which bucurau: Naum, Pisarev, Volpin, Naritsa, Samsonov, Sultz, Belov, to we Rosoga, Nestor Popescu etc. These phenomena caused reactii internationof remostrant which culminated with the exclusion soviet psychiatrists from Organizatia Mondiala of Psihiatrie, in 1982.


In România the communists have no found a traditions in the victimization bolters politics through the utilization of the psychiatry. First signs of anxieties appeared in the years ‘70, when acumulasera in different hospitals psychiatric numerosi bolters. In 1977 aveam already first bolters of notoriety intern and internationala and which aflau below the power of the abuse of politic psychiatry, be take in adoptiune of organizatiile internationof( dr. The cup, V. Paraschiv, Nestor Popescu etc). În 1978, independently, Amnisty International you confirm the existence of the abuse of politic psychiatry in România, publishing a list with 30 of cases of psychiatric abuses proved. After this gived România you be present alongside of S.U. to all the reunions internationof, blamata for the use of the psychiatry in actiunea of persecute the bolters politics. Come into existence the protest motions, and in the country înfiinteaza Liga Anticomunista Psihiatrilor, carry in conditii of illegality îsi propunea to dun wherethrough the Roumanian his psychiatry comes out from under dominatia of communist group of the si sovietizat. As and Hrusciov, Ceausescu


you create a legislation adecvata whereof already have else speaked. Resistance and dissidence Roumanian psychiatrists. Fourty and five of years of communist left deep traces in all lines from our country. Cunoscutele principles cominformiste of Kgb-ului - in which the age prescribed” recipe revolutionara” of transform the in a country soviet moon on the strength of the communist ideology - they applied in all areas social life the si stiintifice. The psychiatry don’t only that do the exception from the rule, but we can say as in this area the involved ideology with elder aggressiveness bulversând the principles and practise of a honest medical branch. Were and is a little country, she has a language of little the in a such circulation homesickness the heroes are of habits ignorati, and sometimes the of a whole heroism natiuni can be overlooked. The heroism belongs to just big celor, and if somebody dintr the country as our becomes the hero, he is due to the indispensable fault with recognition from alta part, dintr big the metropolis as the then, as a rule, nor to don’t else he is the citizen of his country. The examples are


too numerous the grievous si for România. Were ignorata and just frequently tradata of The Europe, in existed puternica a resistance against communism. In România he struggled in mountains with the weapon in the hand feather in the years ‘60, in existed Gulag and he can most savage the experiment of wash the brain and of social engineering experimetul Pitesti -, in existed repression the politics by dint of the psychiatry, but and acerba an opposition a psychiatrists, just as they were her, strangers worldlike westerna and without the of a notoriety publicities of which beneficiau of Russian example. The history nedreptatit and shall else injustices the little countries, but to posibila” the judgement of then” the history, respecting the size, our country îsi shall binemerita a honourable place in the united front of the which fought against the tyranny. The phenomenon rezistentei in psychiatry - build-in area of regime as the a method” aseptic” of repression declansat in our precocious country the si can said near reflexively, when the brutality of communist became notorious.


Failing of a documents writed still more selected presented of the mass media, in the atmosphere of dezinteres the which Europe aside it is facuse on the strength of our different fairs with Rusia comunista the which si declansat as much of late the motion benefica right man, chiefly straightened this atentia motions and toward the repression psychiatric, he established nice and difficult were this phenomenon and were the resistance psychiatrists, inclusively from our country, abused the totalitarianism psychiatric. Yet, the subject be avoided, natiune, even a profession lack to know the past, and if this history don’t is written how much the precocious maul, with as much else difficult still more little credible he shall be this subsequent thing. Therefore, bazându on of the facts on which lived them directly, on the capacity of agreement and the synthesis of which dispose, you try to this abordam subject urmarind the phenomenon of resistance and of dissidence the Roumanian psychiatrists in too long night comunista intimately two generatii. The reduced number of bolters and mavericks from our psychiatry don’t constituie an impediment, for don’t


except in her psychiatry were putini, but in tote the areas. Can of a group, just as is known as far back as the philosophy ca, don’t consist of the sum can fiecarui the individual, a group shall exceed always a this expression the mathematics. In the Roumanian psychiatry existed dissidence”, afirmau with nonchalance fostii executioners as part as of a serial from the newspaper comunist” Dimineata” or the reporter of sad the fame E. Vofriu, in a serial of television, when this institution the age the total aservita of a politic formatii criptocomuniste. Is really accidental as the the which psychiatrists do like affirmations are just those which violated the psychiatry decades in a row in the period of communist totalitarianism?” Existed psychiatric abuses from existed the bolters in psychiatry, the teacher erau responsibilities and of a generosity goed out of a common”, declare Piticaru to aprope five years after prabusirea of the communism in believed and of profited seing slaba reactions of the mates of the psychiatrists, as and slaba memory celor carry stood obediently in” the cage” of the totalitarianism across four decades


and which shall carry still longtime rearwards this cage. Is an error, of former gentlemans of current si nomenclaturisti, delators, today teacher. Adevarul is all the other way. For in consisted these competence” teacher”, bată on plebeian decades? Exist from viewpoint materially or as the the manner practised the psychiatry vreo the difference between his age Obregia( 1923) - carry for his time placed to European level - and situatia of our psychiatry from present( with exceptia of the import four - five medicines, all from Occident)? he built really after 23 August 1944 at least a new hospitals of psychiatry? 1. Continuity And limits of dizidentei Roumanian psychiatrists. The problem opozitiei the si dizidentei Roumanian psychiatrists is clear as the can involve passions, the hatred, tendency of of a revenge generatii wagons lived 45 of years of communisms and, with or without they had raspunderi in the psychiatry comunista. Yet, wherethrough which generatiile feel like knows adevarul still more selected hystorical in order to don’t


repeat tragicele experiente, is good his we write about this the age, to show the which youth shall come after we adevarul about cumplita attempt wherewith overblown the psychiatry. Our psychiatry, although he has a long historian, is better knowed from the century of Xx-lea, when pleiada professorial the big si professionals( Obregia, Parhon, Balif, Constanta Stefanescu-parhon, Dosios, Tomescu, Sebastian Constantinescu etc.) They have successful, arduously of exceptions, to found hospitals psychiatric and a school psychiatric sincrona with the level of European psychiatry from that the age. As a matter of fact, in 1944 product a break istorica bore the psychiatry backward, to the level of the psychiatry comuniste soviet. The communists put the past to index, in the same time with an whole pleiada of Roumanian which psychiatrists afirmasera vigorous on European plans. Must of now to slujeasca an ideology a politics, a politic party, the communist party, to slujeasca of the


interests anticristice of of the class hatred. And he can now he is his moment call to mind first bolter, i. Scobercea, an excellent medical wizard the which chief, hearing of his intentia Derevici( that fatal prime communist director of the hospital, comed operable dressed still in his apparels of officer of S.U.), Gave his order is molten his bust Obreja( he who from his built the hospital, but fusese stole), the bust and l he dug in it his cellar. Hardly in the years ‘70, appeared a contexts a tolerant maul the si when all întrebau where is the bust this were took out and redonat of the hospital of to i. Scobercea. If his deed burn be former bared, blândul gentleman Scobercea burn be former messenger to Canal of to fostul Roumanian spy, now nomenclaturist and be ilegalist. Really this deed man of exception represented an ahead opposition brutality of communist regime, against our past the historian, against those which they conduced to the progress of the psychiatry. Take possesion the teacher did 16


years of prisons wherethrough for the past two saptamâni of government were due to accepts appointement of minister of Sanatatii.” How puteam deny to the son the minister my country in situatia of disaster in which found out in those moments? But never I were consulted of Antonescu in military problems”, appeared he to the process” of warlike criminals. All here are taken down and actiunea aofasi director ilegalist and the spy Derevici which gave the hospital which l he built it Obreja from propria fortune the name of Spitalul Gh. Marinescu, which stood just two saptamâni in this hospitals, but which have the advantage were former son of the washerwoman. Time to time senior the hospital prompted the communist teacher of the si of the parleamentary deputy V. Predescu - to do demarches to Consiliul of Stat for the reestablishment name on which the hospital burn must to carry - acela of the founder or this answered as the problem is minora kidnaped” from his time Ceausescu. Don’t merely in


1973, nor yet today nership, of freedom of thought, /////////////// This injustice corectata, wherethrough he who drove and drive the hospital am same except than mentality, quotient and as the physical persons( as a matter of fact, now the hospital numeste Al. Obregia, but don’t in 1994, when scriam the work. Succeeded 1944 is known and is seen and today. Our became a branch dezvoltată and coercitiva drived of persons mediocre, limited, I carry had can intelectuala to do the school. Supravetuit merely through the folder of frames, carry had to to is how much the proper maul with cerintele of communist regime. Pleiade continuums of old psychiatrists were persecutati, some closed, and gradually and they missed his trace died in a the atmosphere of indifference, uitându near all what did be so izolati that to have no no hold over youngsters generatii. What be due to reprosam generatiilor of politruci from psychiatry, just as selectionat the party? In forerank le reprosam the humiliating ahead uncomplainingness of politic organs,


stoparea oricarui access toes informatia of speciality. For 45 of years existed the books, reviews, participations to his another reunions shifts of informatii with the sphere of western world. But most chiefly for were, teribila confined to the reality zilnica, transforming the psychiatry in what as a matter of fact is and today, that is in a job pompieristic of intervention for ill the psyches agitate, the absence totala the social size, the break of the psychiatry of all the medical branchs, of the at large culture, branch catching up condignly last word in the frame of medical world. Is can now easily consisted as the subjugation of the psychiatry of the regime of repression singurul evil on the communism l he did it the psychiatry; Hereto he added mentinerea able to branchi underdevelopment. This thing happened while multi aspirau to do a career adevarata, but as a matter of fact they missed they discouraged or they emigrated this transformed generatii of psychiatrists in which individuals they flowed as some shades shuted up, nostalgically and which, without oppositions, alighted on first plan, at least in psychiatric învatamântul, on the


peoples becomed of power. And thus the format zeci of generatii mediocre wiping. This thing he did the politics subtila of selection artificiala, in which any projects the different maul the age weened dissidence, a reactionary thing. Dissidence - frequently some unburnable facts be be due to hurt on nobody - the age puted of politruci on the expense” lack of orientate logică”. Multi in a employee the fight without hope, but they were due to I confined to the level” of the teacher”, to the of a administration the string whereof waited the cure bolilor the psyche. Therefore were the atmosphere cotidiana psychiatry, waves exist censor it every his ideation initiative, with a such activity scientificly politrucilor, ţipa and neinteresanta, without ideation and with some mediocre which reunions left the noughts than can the of a keepsake interventii of a of psychiatrists, always outwardly Bucharestlor. The age, au fond, the lifelong word lived from hand to mouth, without hidebound, with a practice obscura and a life cotidiana subculturala. Frequently, dissidence demonstrated in little due disputes incompetentei sefilor, but therethrough he don’t means as don’t


the age periculoasa, everything putându interpret politic. Discutiile vocationally don’t can finalize because venea the moment when decidea eh attitude the politics have in that chat profesionala and everything ramânea nefinalizat. The lack of his communication the communication neautentica don’t rezumau except to relatia with the patients, but and to relations among doctors, everything were an insipid procession the si ţipa. The barriers erau tensely and definitive established. One the young reuseau sometimes to else breaks the boot informationala, to achieve as exist and an another guy psychiatric, to have vague notiuni of psychotherapy, psychiatry sociala, comunitara and just to know a range a large maul of medicines whereat the Roumanian doctor no to dream. In the practice, only that, against these phenomena don’t exist than the resignation, they erau stopate don’t merely of the material appearances the bankrupt si, but chiefly of the barrier logică, tremulously of cataloguized as reactionary the si of miss were, threw in a asylum dintr locality rurala missed on the map. Communist ideologists have the psychiatry acreditau against young the


idea as the in our psychiatry everything is clarified and definitive once accords with the ideology of the party, and the psychiatry had to in forerank his answers to these exacting. When I did programs of the reform as part as narrow of the then mixed practice answer pompously of to Predescu and Lohan:” Don’t exist the nought of reformer to we, our psychiatry is relevantly. How îti enable to illustrate with our job?”. The phenomenon most grave the age acela of selection and promotion frames of which the party dealt with eldest the care. In 24 of hours, the peoples of big the culture from the frame Catedrei psychiatric were concediati, abiding at conversely the mediocrities, nay which dezechilibratii, certainly, after revolutions unlived acerba fight for power( all became conferentiari, sefi of works, and his granddaughter entered conferentiara without after day pedagogica, can on the strength of the fact as the the age the conductress with the security on hospital, on his time Ceausescu). Co-merituosii were marginalizati and holded in a manetă menace. For 45 of years, drive were in the of a alone hands man, hardly in 1989, when the match logică the age missed, were quick doed communist teacher from


the echelon two with nothing else jos than fostul them the chief. As a matter of fact, all three did than to îndeparteze with discreet gestures on all one able. They remained just as meritau, just with the mediocrities. Can this were? This a calculating process, a strategy? Looking now retrospective the si without the passion, cann’t yes than an affirmative answer, although this the politics the age the duke with discretion, and alive cotidiana aveai more the impression as the is the more word of affinities and dislikes of marelui communist chiefs, as everything depindea of the manner in which purtai with sefii. The favorite one submissive age, but still more agreat the one smarmy age, carry can to do boss ofui jobs more or less professional still more selected he who don’t had solid aspiratii. Anything the person valoroasa the age goed aside. Optiunea and politic atasamentul erau esentiof, and adevarata loyalty measured in how many jobs puteai does boss ofui and at all erai an another Securitatii element in the domination logică constituted the institutionalization domination of the psychiatry from Bucharest against all centers from the country. Here hotara the charterage titles


and tuturor of the jobs from whole the country, maugre nemultumirilor create of this mandarinat communist. For this reason, the domination politrucilor had consecinte for whole the country, chiefly as the whole preparation tinerilor the psychiatrists the age monopolizata of Bucharest. To ne imaginam just how arise from the life in the psychiatry from celelalte psychiatric centers of country, with exceptia school from Timisoara, waves, graces dizidentei the teacher Pamfil, activated in singularily alta world, an world on which Predescu the si ciracii saddles exemplificau as the socialistă the si reactionara isolating with all the powers of which dispuneau( but to we don’t forget as and revolutia began to Timisoara, waves the age alta the atmosphere culturala. All these phenomena had as the output the mutilation and handicaparea of Roumanian psychiatry. In psychiatry, from politic reason, penetrated numerous personalities dizarmonice or just sociopate, many comed from another medical branch whence were rejetate, numerosi are his nephews have the politic nomenclature, which in a persons short times deveneau extremely aggressive, ocupau as a rule except functii of


management in chair of psychiatry, in his ambulatory hospitals. In this kinds, all these institutii were mutilate, the promotion of malignant created adevarata a net incompetentei a professional, with individuals dezechilibrati feather were batausi, peoples without vocations for psychiatry, mânati just of desire reusitei the si obtinerii can social. Their appointment are doing without his contest abaft of a contests trucate, on the life, while those merituosi had tou to is subdued or to leave, inclusively to emigrate. Thus of situatii continue and after 1989 on behalf of of a solidarities vechilor practise, of a bad solidarities. Just the attempt sincera of a psychiatrists cinstiti of create an associations profesionala an independences - Asociatia Psihiatrilor were, decimate and practical desfiintata through the infiltration in drive fostilor communist teacher the si her use in fight for jobs and material advantages for they. And this thing happened the past peoples, after shorten it a period in which asteptau to shares of the kind celor on her oneself they promoted them, when the communists got the power, passed to attack, îsi search with asiduitate we


protectors( chiefly from the row of historic parties. Feather now don’t he produced no the reform in psychiatry and the peoples without merits are still ahead of desk, sectiilor of psychiatry, sometimes as the director. Certainly, all insured from the age comunista of a resume with zeci of works and many out books in the publishing houses comuniste, waves had the unlimited access on politic bases, many have the pompous titles, but analyse these works show big an wild, even if they did the attempts and after 1989. Au fond, these required authors remained the victims of the communist ideology, orientate wherewith they they flirted all and which he impregnated them the personality. And all this the pastiche, this the ideological plagiarism he brought them titles doctoral, of docent the si asteptau without the uneasiness the titles of academicians. Au fond, he is the word of a demarche of falselor a values, false personalities, false which ambitions always they interfered in afront, and currently they try to falsify the past. To ne else wonder now as the they did or done now then except abuses? In their fight for the reform, Psihiatrii Liberi tried in forerank an alliance with


one from areas nepsihiatrice, don’t as much with the which doctors in psychiatry became rezervati and philistines, frequently santajabili for their past, he tried the alliance with which literatis know to appreciate the freedom, carry stiau the sense life and of sacrifice, with democratic reporters, adevarata revelatie postrevolutionara. Must therefore to forget us dolefully and the distance to the guy of psychiatrist conformist, philistine, meanly, based, au fond, on nihilistic ideation( as nothing don’t else can do, as nothing don’t is shall else can change, as everything is useless, sisific, as throughout in world is spent this ipocrita the masquerade, and the complaint psihica is an implacable tribute of civilization, a residue, an inevitable refuse). Acesti peoples, apparently toleranti, delasatori, I carry as a matter of fact formeaza the majority, constituie as and before massage swap fostei nomenclatures. Although these peoples must the convicts as the guys of subintelectuali, these were and am first in the politics, in patriotism, in big sentences, bombastically in which shown înduiosati of the ill fate, carry shown now sentimental, requiring as they harmed nimanui. But positively the


history shall it condemn it. He is positive as he who they shall come you investigate else closely situatiile these. In just all way the medical branchs have institutii else solid, they have the representatives stralucitori, while the psychiatry agonizeaza, neputând go out of the curse of politic abuse of the si of ideologizarii they, lipsita of proper institutii of his treatment research. 2. Evolutia dizidentei in psychiatry. Maugre the tonus of the pessimist and the immobilism of the majority of the psychiatrists, carry roughly moments, when the change burn be former posibila, they delivered as massaged swap in the hands can, in psychiatry a motion remostrant and of existed from have not to no to ne exaltam, nor yet s forget. Au fond, the lack of history, even of a professions can be the eldest curse from this viewpoint our work is in forerank an attempt of reconstitute of a historic which phenomenon he unfurled and believe as this thing shall do sometime honesty branchi our. Trying a systematization opozitiei in the Roumanian thought psychiatry as


the this phenomenon burn can, didactic speaking, to is splited in certain historic distinct stages. You follow therefore the stages most important: 1. The stage Proletcultista, began along with ocupatia sovietica held the feather between decade ‘60. Is a pure stage stalinista the si of enforce the soviet model in direct way( with help of soviet advisers of the si of Roumanian which spies activated for S.U. Or Comintern). Ca and in the remainder sectors of activity, and in psychiatry the stage caracterizeaza through the destruction deliberata intellectualss, is the stage of direct repression, implacably and groundless - with his without politic process -, physical suppressions and lagarelor of concentration in which the Roumanian psychiatrists have stipendiary a big human tribute. 2. The stage Creation Of ideological structure and sovietizarii the total, without as the official his country the maul is below job. Is the stage in which appear the frames of” specialists” pregatite in S.U.(


Predescu, Milea, Ofxandrescu etc), the stage covering the years ‘60 and ‘70. Now politic ideological exigentele shall lead to the stultification of the professionalism, censor and the ideological check shall be total the solid si, vechile tricks wherewith erau pacaliti of soviet his adviser vechii ilegalisti don’t the maul go with noile frames scolite in marxista. Is entered censored it informationala totala, chiefly about the literature and informatiilor comed from Vest, appears ideologizarea branchi chiefly through the of a creation materialistic entities, were teoretizarea the medical model and of institutional carceral about which spoke previously. Also, from the must external prestige thereto tânjea Ceausescu, thereout the stage begins - don’t sporadically as the before, but systematically the politic abuse in psychiatry, this becoming and to we aliata of the organs of repression. 3. The stage Dizidentei the si opozitiei opened and bravely of a little groups of psychiatrists or of a


psychiatrists izolati, which shares had as the new supports philosophy concerning fight for” law man” between 1975 - 1989. Is attacked don’t except the pragmatic system from the psychiatry oficiala, but and the psychiatric individual abuses the si started the shares reformiste and of substantiate of a the social Roumanian psychiatrists, even if everything is obliged his confined to theoretical considerations. 4. The stage Criptocomunista of after 1989 the si feather currently, dominata of the fight vechii nomenclatures or communists frustrati entered into noile structures of can, many renuntând formal to communism and adhering all formal to the historic parties, but and the attempt of create Asociatiei Psihiatrilor Liberi, which act, from pacate, today he is partial esuata through taking over of her management of to fostii communist careerists. 1. The stage Proletcultista. Were brought into România of to Stalin, with help Armatei Rosii. In 1945, in our country existau just


800 of communists, big part among they activating as part as Cominformului and nefiind at least Roumanian citizens. Choicely, still ante the busyness country, in S.U. he formed, below directa guide his Stalin and Vâsinski, adevarata” the column 5a”, carry have the plans and force necesara - Red army - for comunizarea României. The years 1945 - 1960 constituted a period in which our knew an earnest regress through rusificarea fortata branchi and an interference directa Russian his by dint of fostilor which spies alcatuiau the column 5-a, of the guy aof prime director of sad the fame whereof spoke already. In this the period is put in the practice the model stalinist experimented in S.U. - of destroy the intellectualss and the elite from different lines, the psychiatry nefacând the exception from this act. Isn’t decimate merely be drive, but also the outstanding personalities of branchi, on the reason of the class


struggle and of extirpation of the way of bourgeois thought. The Roumanian were due to does step backward in order to aligned the level and manierii of practice sovietica the psychiatry, there existing already an experience comunista of 30 of years. To Bucharest, Derevici, agent of cominformului, ilegalist and the soviet spy, îsi takes in reception appointement of director of of else big psychiatric hospital from the country. Is the word of an unprofessional which personality don’t are doing no a secrets came. Dressed for months together in the uniform of colonel of the soviet army in which luptase feather then against Armatei Române, presupusei his strong. Don’t is can spoken in this case the prototype of communist activist of a qualification profesionala. As a matter of fact, he takes possesion ridicule on adevaratii psychiatrists and demonstrate a contempt nedisimulat for the life scientificly or for the professional reunions.


His mission his age sovietizeze the psychiatric hospital from Bucharest, most big from the country. He oferea, for instance, through propria will, the hospital with 3. 000 of beds for a soviet experiments, finded out then in S.U. in the beginning, scilicet such unify the hospitals, destroying therethrough assistances psychiatric and transforming this hospital mammoth specialized became the hospital raional with all medical build-in specialties. Fall-back on meant only that decades of expectation and of disfunctionalitate asistentei psychiatric. Conversely, he is congratulated in a soviet newspaper, Meditinskaia Gazeta, carry spunea to that gived as:” The experiment unification of the hospitals, against which the soviet doctors still successful in a ezitau hospitals from România, below the guidance tovarasului Ipolit Derevici. Still from the setting-up of communist regime of the past to the decapitation of the psychiatry


through the arrest specialists, on reasons as the, through what practise, raspândesc ideation acţionare, bourgeois, of the guy of his psychoanalysis of the psychology. He who had a certain role temporally war am doomed as the be” warlike criminals”. Profesorul Tomescu, had, this fate( 16 years the penal servitute), and the associate teacher Sebastian an excellent Constantinescu were, doomed to prison except were contributory in the frame Catedrei psychiatric the teacher Tomescu. Little whole community of psychiatrists - round of 200 of persons - is subdued of a pitiless repressions. Psihanalisti of prestige, as Popescu-sibiu, C. Vlad, like another outstanding personalities, am arestati( i. Biberi, margineanu, Popeea etc.), A date with they be arestate and the ideation stiintifice on which le these promovau elites and which aflau to unison with The Europe in the promotion of the ideation and the psychological concepts to we. But were and is still dusmanul


deathly of materialistic ideation in psychiatry. To ne else întrebam really why no today be, but au fond actuala the nomenclature comunista, he don’t enters than formal the psychology in pregatirea students and just psychiatrists? The destruction and terasarea of the psychiatry to the level celei soviet is shall assured and through the changes of frames, in psychiatry penetrating the failures altor branch medically, carora li he pledged and obtained in psychiatry important jobs of management. His granddaughter Derevici the si sotul they( couple Meiu), from obscure doctors consultants of 2. The stage ideologizarii and soDepth. Conceptualizarea” scientificly” the abusive psychiatry. After the stage proletcultismului, I carry you apply in psychiatry” the methods revolutionare” in which politicul involved directly on behalf of purification proletarian and of the class struggle, situation in


which the value profesionala don’t the maul gamble the no practical the role, after 1960 the thing fall to I changed. Given” the leave” criticized obsessional decade in all lines, and the psychiatry falls to is solid grasped in the ideology, aservita the politics of repression after the soviet example, but this time, actiunea is dirijata of persons scolite and chiefly of one come from the studies from S.U. Pleiada of” young frames” soseste with this end in view from Moscova or Leningrad, be dirijata through administrative ukases toward the spheres of management of the ministry, of the chair of psychiatry, to unison with the politics the duke in all the purviews( the culture, science, the technique etc). applied now new strategy of the party. If in first the period the activity” teoretica” ramânea in a rudimentary stage, in the case when don’t the complete age ignorata, dicteul politic replacing in brutal way the direct si fundamentarea scientificly,


teoretica, after 1960 the thing tending changed, the party propunându another middles in the sight obtinerii aofasi the repressive result. Dirijarea the psychiatry of the adult, of infantile psychiatry, take the lead big psychiatric hospitals, you be taked over, in a” big campaign”, of soviet tinerii” or of one come directly from the rows Securitatii( Virgil Angheluta), young young avid persons of power, well îndoctrinate and ready to any compromise for those which they flushed out of it their mediocrity funciara. From this moment begins the program of theorize logică with pretension” scientificly”, is begun the of a new construction the psychiatrists on which now they you appoint it pompously” the socialist psychiatry”, certainly, thwartly with one burgheza, westerna. V. Predescu becomes boss of absolutely, credited of the communist party. He is boss of politic the professional si of the Roumanian psychiatry, although have the of a qualification the


doctor of the pediatric general practice, again St. Milea you take over with same ardor the psychiatry infantila, both be pensioned off constrained the titular teacher. Just as we shall see, in quick ways îsi a such creeaza the school constituita from good individuals taţi of to parties and Securitate, with certified folder, thereto they shall unlive the avalanche of scriitura marxista the si pavlovista, adevarate materials of guidance logică as part as the socialist which casneau to give birth to it. Through the subjugation of special is shall establish censor it acerba, everything be checked up and conducted. Anything material which aspire after the printings had to to is preliminarily certified ideological the si approved of two tartori numiti and agreati of his actually Predescu of he takes possesion. These don’t autorizau than good items ideological orientate from tolerau no criticize, nor vreo bear off their psychiatry oficiala.


In this the age raised Eduard which Pamfil, in half-blood conditii, to Timisoara, îsi builds a school psychiatric in order to carei activity generatiile the years 1960 - 1970 shall it remains it recunoscatori. Timisoara, in those constituted, the stone of poticneala the ideological pragmatism in psychiatry represented through the couple celor come from S.U.( Milea Predescu) and proved as don’t as much the repression in itself, but chiefly lichelismul, the tameness, of spirit of sacrifice did from psychiatry a branch without defenceless this si toward rusinea which psychiatrists credeau as the except the uncomplainingness the age singura” the tactics” of survival in communism, reason for which have renuntat easy to any opposition. Is deserved presented some gived biographical of of the illustrative maul bolter from the Roumanian psychiatry, Eduard Pamfil. Eduard Pamfil( 1912 - 1994) and he were educated at Cluj, where


closed Facultatea of the medicine in 1937. In 1938 he goes on Franta and îsi continue the studies to Paris, to Centrul of Neurologie, below his management Lermitte. Activeaza as military doctor in the time war, then lucreaza again to Paris in the many maul hospitals, among which and St. Anne with H. Ey. Comed back in the country, lucreaza firstly as the neurologist to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu, feather in 1948, in 1949 becoming the lecturer to Catedra psychiatric from Cluj. In 1959 he is arrested politic drove” bande of students” temporally of a outpourings occasioned of after day January. In fact, Pamfil rostise just a patriotic speech from the balcony of the house of the teacher Hateganu, whereat found out in the visit. Find out us in the period internationalismului the proletarian, and the love for S.U. had to to primeze against of the love homesickness, reason for


which actiunea were considerata were. Held in prison, without the judgement, for 10 monthes. To process, the teacher the alone apparatus, be doomed to constrained residence, to an asylum childlike irecuperabili from orasul of boundaries Siret. To the desk, the former place taked of the delator and the witness his a certain indictment Rosu. In 1963, below the pressure fostilor saddles pupils, is hight teachers to Catedra psychiatric from Timisoara. From politic reason the si through his Predescu, i is rejected the arrival as the teacher in Bucharest, and in 1977 dissidence to don’t else is supported and is retired constrained. Hindered of conviction the politics, Pamfil and the school psychiatric created you represent for 10 - 15 years the point of reference of rezistentei against the rudimentary psychiatry, sovietizate couple Predescu - Milea. Is known as these decimasera Catedra psychiatric from Bucharest created


a new the desk formated, near exclusively, from individuals dubiosi, with solid a politic folder. The one two shall compose a minute plan for form’s sake and indoctrinate the Roumanian psychiatrists. Noile soviet concepts become now values of references, reasons for which begin outpourings of hight bombastic propagation his symposiums conferinte nationof, wherethrough are shall launched, with clarions and trâmbite, noile concepts of the socialist psychiatry, creându through these outpourings the of a illusion confrontations and of a realities stiintifice, I carry as a matter of fact don’t exist. In this contexts evidentiat the school from Timisoara, led by Pamfil and avându nearby on Stosel and Ogodescu, as well as an whole pleiada of young. From pacate, subsequently, many among they had taria temperamental master, pretându to compromisuri with Predescu for titles and functii, transfers Bucharest, which le be them just


the si without this cession the moral. Thus he dissolved in latter school from Timisoara, and the teacher retired in disgust Pamfil, but don’t defeated. For the years 1960 - 1975 can say as the resistances against the ideological pragmatism in had the capital to Timisoara the si in another orase from the west country - Sibiu, Oradea, Arad etc. To Iasi, Bucharest, Cluj the decimation vechii guards and replace this with politruci the si peoples have Securitatii or simply with thin eager peoples just of did, as the attitude celor come with mission from S.U. To dominate them the activity and to degrade the psychiatry bringing to the stage in which found out and today. For 10 - 15 years, the school from fought for the honour of Roumanian psychiatry, against the communist obscurantism, for the promotion western values, of the progress in psychiatry. There the psychological values were


reconsiderate, gambled the role on which must to gamble in relatia doctor - patient, the report the age near to the level of the psychiatry from Occident. Forbidden concepts of to the psychiatry dogmatizata ideological shall be predicates of to Pamfil the si his school( psychotherapy, the medicine psihosomatioca, psychiatry sociala, socializare etc). Ridiculizând the concept clinico, materialist, of his Predescu, Romila, Ionescu, Milea, the school from Timisoara he launched in a the fight, in substance to antiideologica, looking the destinies of Roumanian psychiatry, distruse of the blend Securitatii and the party. Because we have no documents writed which his this ateste the fight, you present toward illustrate just the theme symposiums psychiatric from the years ‘70 -‘ 80, in order to seen what kind of psychiatric practicau the one two academic centers -timisoara and Bucharestul. The symposiums from Bucharest erau presented in


the programs tiparite as the doing the part from Festivalul Cântarea României. Here the examples: 1978 - Sindroamele psihoorganice chronically; 1979 - biologic Terapiile in psychiatry; 1980 - Schizofrenia. Is clara the orientation logică,” materialist” near exclusively, without no interference stiintelor bourgeois”( the psychology, the sociology, the psychotherapy etc.). Here afterwards the themes organized symposiums of to the school from Timisoara, in same aisle: 1972 - Timisoara, Probleme of the medicine legala; 1975 - Sibiu, Psihoterapia in neuroses; 1976 - Sibiu, Psihoterapia to teenagers; 1977, Problems Psychiatric sociala; 1978 - Sibiu, fleeting Psihoterapia; 1981 - Oradea, Psihiatria antropologica;


1986 - Timisoara, Psihiatria sociala. He is easy of reflection the orientation psihologica and sociala, the orientation the dynamics school of the teacher Pamfil from Timisoara. Can shall be difficult for generatiile his future believes as simple the theme psihologica of a symposium can be are doingble as a papers of dissidence. In the period comunista, below Predescu, Milea and these Ionescu themes erau considerate as the aberations which bourgeoes” rataceau” the minds youth. Also, you be very hard to realizable what meant for the years ‘60 these ‘70” bubbles of in a oxygen psychiatry încorsetata ideological, without no the view, without no horizon, teared psychiatric the world civilizate. Even if future generatiile shall achieve as big these thing symposiums confusedu profoundly the community psychiatrists, after each


symposium the fate multor protagonists and in chief timisorenilor be in these danger symposiums, on demand politrucilor from psychiatry, erau well supravegheate of to Securitate, again Predescu, Milea, Romila, Ionescu and one associate their organizau adevarate campaigns of rebutment publish aberationslor” wherewith these individuals confusedu the youth about whom impactul the different age. Some symposiums luau frequently the of a appearance sedinte of exposure in which had tou to învinga just they, the communists, the representatives autenticii the socialist psychiatrists. Yet, below an authority of big prestige, they grouped, even if don’t official, the psychiatrists comunişti from whole the country. With all vofnţă of number and justice, the Roumanian abided at all this the tight period administrative


dirijata from which Bucharest have in the hand the weapon promotions, of the transfers, charterage of titles, of the appointments and the dismissals, they be singurii interlocutors have the ministry and probable credible singurii for the organs of security and one stations of parties. Înscenari, libels, denunturi, the lockout professional promotions or departures abroad all used fulsomely as the the weapon of the fight and for dirijarea of our psychiatry antioccidentof. A sprocket had Brânzei, from Iasi, carry, at one time, wanted to desolidarizeze from Bucharest, fool famat, asserting a theory saied an own bio carry, although have no the original comparative noughts with the psychiatry became, contextually the new age break apart form from Bucharest. Below the fire two current, these tartori were due to brings the cosmetic modifications their conceptiei consistent


materialistic - - and to accept formal, toward sfârsitul decade 8, some modifications with claim preposterously as the le apartineau of multa weather. But, after these phenomena of dissidence, the absolute check of the psychiatry shall be all hard to maul maintained and a decisive assault of young generatiilor shall enter directly in conflict with the concepts of socialist psychiatry of the feather to afirmatia dezolanta, for stapânii of the psychiatry, as in România exist repression the politics and prisoners of a new consciousness the stage of dissidence you begins now. The phase symposiums and bataliilor” for the materiality of the psychiatry am depasite and tartorii of the psychiatry appear now on the of indictment bank of public opinion. 3. The stage Dizidentei the si opozitiei opened. Hardly in the years ‘60 - ‘70 the world westerna shall set going a conception distructiva for


totalitarianism, declansând the motion for right man, and a succesion of organizatii internationof are shall engaged upon the rebutment of psychiatric abuses of the si against the torture through psychiatric methods. The president Regan identify IMPERIUL RAULUI, speaking opening sfârsitului of the communism. After 1968, I appear all many maul accounts concerning the utilization of the psychiatry in politic aims, in the beginning in be S.U., Then, gradually, in all countries comuniste, among which România shall ţine a big weight. In this context, the psychiatrists, don’t just one from România, are shall feel încurajati, the effort doed of Occident tending to break the isolation in which aflau the psychiatrists from the countries comuniste. Thus, between the years 1975 1985, in our psychiatry, just as exprimat appeared, dramatica diversified a motion dizidente. Format at large groups centrate on hospitals, in which, in a ways more


or less obvious, they took pozitii openly against the pragmatic a big psychiatry energy he spent with the occasion symposiums of which I spoke hereinbefore, reason for which in the decade 8 they fell to is jammed administrative. He interdicted the didactic frames of else goes to his congress symposiums outwards vacantei, that is had just in the monthes the July and August when, as a rule, like outpourings no don’t else I hold through vacantelor estival. A date with afirmatia him i. Vianu - 1977 -, as per which in România exist the prisoners of consciousness internees in the hospitals psychiatric, organizatiile internationof fall to dealt and of the fate of Roumanian psychiatry. Amnisty International, apart from his affirmationsle Vianu, presents a list a prisoners politic an internees in the hospitals psychiatric. But in the years ‘70 - ‘90 is shall develop an effervescences an oppositions and dissidence in all the country. In 1977 you asista to


spectaculoasa dissidence his Paul Goma adhered pleiada of still more selected intellectuals citizens among which i. Negoitescu and then the psychiatrist i. Vianu. All in that year is shall set up Sindicatul Liber of Oamenilor Muncii from România - S. L. M. R. -, led by the bolters dr. The cup, the priest Calciu-dumitreasa etc. These bolters shall know don’t merely temnitele comuniste, but and psychiatric Roumanian gulagul, carry already I operate long ago. Asistam, also, to the of a formation parties in particular hybrids of socialist tint, attempts of reorganize the historic parties in special P. T. C. D. - and another politic defiances, carry are shall finished to psychiatry, his prison the push toward emigration. Yet, what is shall happen in the country after 1977, inclusively in the area of the psychiatry, is shall brought to knowledge of public opinion internationof of the si, by dint of the job of radio The Europe Libera, constiintei the public opinion from our country. The jobs


of radio BBC, The Europe Libera and altele shall deliver permanently informatii concerning the concrete cases of utilize the psychiatry in the aim of the chastisement dizidentelor politic. I appear outside and I am taked over inside lists with” criminal doctors” carry utilizeaza the psychiatry instrumentally of the torture psihologica, I given on stirea of the opinion from the country and foreigh countries the name of the hospitals in which bypathes torturati ill the psyches( Sapoca, Voila, P. Groza, Raducaneni, Poiana Mare, Poiana Marului. The impression were vulcanica, executionersi bringed into afront the public opinion fell to is felt intimidati, the enumeration” of criminal had” a big influence, many among fostii executioners neavând never the impression their criminality. Of now multi psychiatrists shall use of their professionalism the si shall refuse to take raspunderea of a internment persons sanatoase


whereat this justification applications based on the opposition against regime, some among these are eliberati of urgency. The one subdued the psychiatric expertises( of to Predescu, Romila, Prelipceanu etc.) They have the part of an examination a maul attempt and frequently gained of the cause. Sea tartori have the psychiatry comuniste don’t else involve directly, they try to involve persons, as a rule some naive agog appreciatory sefilor. Begined visible of the decline of the communism creeaza adevarata a state panicky, I begin already the shares of concealment and of of documents, what does it on his Predescu assert:” Show a signature puted of me on the of a internment bolter”, for of now he he don’t shall else sign such papers, but shall it pushes it on altii, although in substance whole check îi apartinea. From these reason, frequently, on the lists with the criminal doctors sited for The Europe Libera apareau


insignificant doctors, împinsi ahead first alive their, while guilty adevaratii mentineau in the shade. This thing serveste marvellously today fostei nomenclatures through the fact as the try to culpabilizeze on all the psychiatrists, for, how I say they,” all or niciunul did abuses”, and a simple violation is can multiplied percent and the very difficult age for the doctor on guard to respinga the of a internment” patient” bringed with the address writed of to the organs Militiei or Securitatii and this is how, as a matter of fact, all the psychiatrists can be culpabilizati in the vision of the nomenclature. You examine afterwards two guys of dissidence wagons inhered in our psychiatry: Desultory Dissidence, spontana; Dissidence organizata, the systematics, comprised groups and organized shares; Dissidence desultory. Dissidence were can most spectaculoasa and with motivatii very varied, frequently


contradictory. Thus, from temperamental which outburst vizau the impossibility of else support a some an injustice( the case of the doctor Patrascu, carry ahead izbucneste of communist director of the si securist V. Angheluta, saying:” Domnule, from me new man don’t his you do the cat never”) feather to dissidence ostentativa obtained his actually passport involuntary shares in which good communists taţi they waked as bolters, through of a thoughtless gesture( for instance, that intellectuals attracted to meditatia transcedentala were romila) and which erau maked sure as actiunea has the approval of the cabinet 2, the trap in which droped one tartori communists necunoscuţi from the art, science, ministries and just from the nomenclature. Many intellectuals, feeling as if support the thing of common sense, they waked as bolters admonestati for” the simplicity” them or defendants of intellectualsisms, although they don’t avusesera no an intentions


challenged the politic structures of of numerous regime papers of dissidence apareau as the effects of of a despair submissive of a exacting intolerable individuals. Some refined forms of oppositions luau the of a appearance adevarate artisti works, of the guy plugusoarelor of the new year, of dr. Cornel Constantinescu, or luau form of a librettoes of this for Teatrul Satiric C. Tanase. For of a obtinerea passports emigratory entered into dissidence numerosi doctors which psychiatrists, through their manner disperata prompted the emigration, have successful his he goes on abroad, waves” shut up for ever”. Vom present just some cases the important maul from this frame desultory dizidente: Dissidence him i. Vianu. Although motivata through stoparea his promotion, because, of 5 years, having the folder deposited entered into the party, this don’t the age approved, reason for insisted on emigrated,


we present it for her notoriety, for the which publicity i he did through the jobs 1975, when he shall visit in quality oficiala( as sended of Ministerului Sanatatii) Spitalul from Poiana Mare, judetul Dolj, fated hospital internments on the strength of of sentence, the cases be considerate perniciously and having to active different delicts. But he shall consisted as from near 100 of patients, 20 erau, in facts, prisoners of consciousness, confirmed thing the si of the which doctor work in this hospitals( the doctor Popescu, be the military these doctor patients erau closed to Poiana Mare wherethrough erau considerati” social danger”( among they, i. Rosoga, Nestor Popescu and alti bolters). Raportul which only that întocmeste noted of to the organs Ministerului Sanatatii and not even on line of the hygiene don’t he took no measure. In 1977, after esecul vocationally spended in conditiile whereof remembered take advantage of his dissidence P. The gumma, scriindu


this a letter, publicata to The Europe Libera, in which the criticism the regime, prompting in imperative way the emigration. Just as underline just P. The in a gumma broadcast Europe Libere, his despair i. Became the extreme when, doing those irreparable papers, the passport delay to come and, on thecontrary, against his începuse a procedure investigatory which can eventuated in one of the multiplele politic fashionable his actually process with his in a internment psychiatric hospital. Already his mate, the doctor Oancea, declarase to Securitate as the personal îi his are doing Vianu şocuri ambulator, on demand his, this having access depresive seas. For these” I became”, the representative to M. S.( Does it and today by reason of acelorasi merits) and the docent. But everything off with good, and i. Vianu and his family can emigrated in remained. Of notoriety his letter i. Vianu to P. The gumma, considerably


mediatizata close up of radioes of the language româna from Occident, in which citeste the of a intellectuals squat despair of the regime of the dictatorship comuniste, failing emigration be forced to adevarata an attainder. Although in letter marturiseste honoured as:” I only that, Paul Goma, cann’t the trace feather at an end the open road of holds”, i. Vianu îsi recognizes the lassitude and the maceration, motivatii unhappy prompted plainly the emigration, be awake to all which weights shall follow in this case. Did in way particularly i. Were, as after emigration he don’t busy just of the personal problems - just as they did all those which the abandoned si the country -, but, on the contrary, declansat puterica a fight for right man and for the exposure of politic psychiatry from we and from whole the communist system, contextually in which Securitatea assert pompously as the” trot revolutiei is long”. Devine limb of i. W. P.( Asociatia internationala


against the use in politic aims of the psychiatry. After 1989 you he bears same the fight plina of riskiness for the placement of Roumanian psychiatry on ethical bases the si for her scientific trippery progress after 1989 his is turned in the country for finalize the fight on began in Occident, from personal reason he he shall refuse, but he shall say in the same time:” To are positive as shall deposit all the efforts for what I wanted to I achieved definitively, chiefly in our area, of the psychiatry, carry you concern ones me permanent. With all the of a limits dizidente unfurled chiefly extrinsically, the moment dizidentei his i. Meant very many for our psychiatry. Abroad, and today i. Vianu is a common seconder shares psychiatrists from the country for the promotion of the progress of inclusive psychiatry conditiilor his numerous ethical contacts internationof, even a helping succesion had instrumentally on i. Vianu.


Defectiunea operations from Ministerul Sanatatii. Many among operation Ministerului Sanatatii erau doctors and multi have no else can support to patronize these politic abuses in psychiatry. Here he comes out in evidence actiunea psychiatrist Vofriu Mirontov - Toculescu, general inspector in expectant his ministry I dealt in way specifically of the problems of the psychiatry. This bares the system of internment fortata the bolters politics and, although old limb of party, he don’t else apprehends to prop up this the politics and reactioneaza,” in despair”, note intern on on duty which line, only that, you launch a reactions disproportionata from the management of the ministry( minister be same teacher Proca, homemade man of the family which flushed out of plan of medical publishing house of the si of our work, Medicine Psihosomatica). Este really as the, toward the despair aparatnicilor, V. Toculescu numeste the manner of


internment in the hospitals psychiatric fascist law. Thus, with the occasion Universiadei from 1981 from Bucharest, a number of 600 of bolters politics am bringed forcedly and internees in the psychiatric system from Bucharest. Normal, appear many respondents, again V. Toculescu is decided to foloseasca pozitia stoped these abuses. Although he knows as these internments do the part dintr the organized system, encouraged of the critical atmosphere internationof from this area, of cresterii dizidentei from internal the psychiatry, he purcede to the attack directa situatiei using a method //////////////////////// Legala. In the note composed, V. Toculescu brings gravely critical the manner in which applied Ordinance 313/1980 concerning the compulsory ill internment of the psyches. Is disclosed the fact as the the list with” the invalids periculosi” what were the compulsory internees with the occasion Universiadei from 1981 the


age composed of a doctor and a director of Policlinicii Titan( C. Gorgos), put in execution be taked over of” the apparatus” Spitalului Gh. Marinescu, waves masini with how many two medical wizards the si infirmieri abusive ridicau on supuşii ill psyches on which îi imobilizau with cearsafuri to propriul them his actually residence on the street and then îi transportau forcedly to hospital with the contest of the organs of security. Big these majority” invalids” don’t prezentasera ante no internment which his state justify the label of ill psyche, some be the wage earner. Therethrough, termenii binds erau infringe, acordându can immeasurably of a doctors psychiatrist from ambulatory, avoiding the ticket for internment, without a consultation medicala. More, masurile repressive erau covered through înscrisuri fictitiously and the characterization of the cases as the be imperative, in disagreements with the reality. This justify his afirmatia V. Toculescu, I carry characterize situatia as hunting of ill, of Nazi guys”. Aceste masuri appear outwards binds - obviously just aceleia in vigor in that moment and le caracterizeaza as the abusive the si without indiscriminate. In same the note


am evidentiate the pressures of the organs Ministerului of Interne( chiefly of Securitatii) for these launch shares, these interference organs in the problems psychiatric. Also, many submissive of a such persons shares did due to this fact, reactii earnest his psyche were submissive oprobiului audience. When V. Toculescu întocmeste and sends a note to assistant minister Proca, this is contrariat and, in the specific woody idiom, you rejects all the criticisms bringed of Toculescu passing subsequently to his chastisement. In this kind, V. Toculescu appears as” frightened and depasit of the tasks on which have them”, which tasks, otherwise, i are shall take immediately. Actiunea Universiada the age the direct coordinate of to the minister Proca through the assistant or Mihai Aldea, what mean in fact the annexation of the psychiatry to the methods Securitatii. V. Toculescu is the defendant of” present alarmista situatiei”, deficient of orientation, orientate you be principala the of a good task communist. Be the defendant and of” politic low level”, he shall receive the reprimand with what caution the trace help as the lesson because” he left depasit situational.


From the reading celor two notes is can deduced in what measures the prepared age a communist organ of can state his considers just natural intimations comed on on duty line the si, feather to the proof contrarie, with good intentii. From the note concerning the report followed a forbidding answer in style securist, the general inspector becoming suddenly suspicious of bad intentii. Indeed, pursuant to denunciation utilization of the psychiatry in politic aims, V. Toculescu, in latter, he is destituit and permanent urmarit of to Securitate. Don’t he put only that below no the form the problem of taken step of stoped the abuses, of modified at least the system politic internments through psychiatry, this thing proving as a matter of fact as the actiunea the age the systematics and official organizata of to regime. Don’t the age the of a work errors of of a executions his operations doctors competenţi. On the contrary, were punished and urmarit of to Securitate, while the system of politic psychiatric remained changelessly. The business meditatiei affected. And the psychiatry. Don’t propose discussed this diversion of communist regime because she don’t the visa except


the psychiatry, but whole rush intellectualss country. The brain workers teared worldlike exterioara, fortati to is moved in the narrow limits of celei the orthodox strong maul marxiste, were easy victims this of provocative shares, creata completely in the desks Securitatii. Brain workers interesati, inclusively one from the area of the psychiatry, erau well încadrati in system, erau limbs of parties, academicieni, some with high functii in the state and the communist party. Yet, greaua the burden of in system he did it on these intellectuals his gave in easy the bonus tentatii. From pacate, among diferitele destinies puted in question therewith on this occasion they found out and several psychiatrists and psychologists, among which and romila, old party activist, instructional politic lecturer, close contributor of his V. Predescu( numit just” his pistol Predescu”), author of the literature marxista, I carry devenise uncomfortably through the of a organization job of socializare and of a committees of of a father psychiatric patients. In fine, in 1981, a certain engineers Stoian, ambiguous elements the provocative si, likely external agent of Securitatii from România, is sat for


Spitalul Gh. Marinescu with all necessary approvals, inclusively with aceea from the cabinet 2, and însotit of the doctor psychiatrist of Securitatii - dr. Radulescu prompts the leave of the management experimented an ambiguous method of psychotherapy - meditatia transcedentala -, a method in principle interdicted to we, how come facto the age interdicted whole psychotherapy. Romila is involved direct of to boss of the protective si or V. Predescu, I carry insists on it does a concerning papers output the method. Were encomiastic the si propunea just enter the method in the instructional plan of the secondary doctors. To the selected moment, Securitatea begins” expose” and intellectuals as the academicians Milcu, the psychiatrists Gaitan, Romila, dr. Sahleanu and Radulian, numerosi psychologists( Stoltz, Golu etc.) You suffer all the forms of repression: Demitere from functii, exclude from party, the menace with process, send to unskilled labors etc. Dissidence organizata. An oppositions organizata and knowed officially temporally the communist regime don’t can tolerated. A such act the age considerata as the a papers socialist from can framed than in penal Codul. The


regime can apprehend one iesiri”, can apprehend one literary productii neortodoxe wagons, however, had a little ray of casting. Îi întelegea even on he who are doingu a little opposition emigrated and on he who they meditatia transcedentala he forgave it( were got back in actually party to last congress of the party, from tolerated). the organization of groups with any aims, the unthinkable age, anything organize be due to is agreata of party and Securitate. In this came into being, activated obviously in illegality, Liga Anticomunista Psihiatrilor. The league anticomunista can come into existence contextually emulativ of cresterii number of bolters from our country in many areas, chiefly after his dissidence Paul Goma and all the incident to this phenomena which proved among altele, as in România cann’t exist an oppositions legala, this terminându is to prison, is to psychiatry, is through emigration. The manner wherewith Goma the conducted si were exemplara, of an energy and an intelligence goed out of a common, but ambition activated legally, even as part as narrow of binds comuniste, he proved an illusion, and his motion in the Roumanian context he


proved a motion obtained else an easy passports emigratory. Take possesion were expeled from the country natala. After 1977, numerous organizatii internationof became else the radical in urmarirea right observance of the man and in god-daughters is shall give else multa the importance României, inclusively in what priveste the repression psychiatric. In this context, many psychiatrists become else radicals, such that, in 1979, after most high principles of came into being, a little association, initially format from four limbs, carry he gave ones out for Liga anticomunista Psihiatrilor, having an orientation anticomunista radicala. Gradually, the maul added several actually limbs from another academic centers than Bucharestul. In conditiile date, the group don’t and he proposed directa with the regime, hire it struggled openly. A such situation burn be former periculoasa the si fatala, chiefly as the ne lipsea mediatizare of guy Goma or Vianu, and with we the quarrel burn be former singularily alta. Even the view of the exile the age for we else bad than any repression - as the the evidence as the received the passports of 6 - 7 either, all


granted of to authorities with the aim of don’t else come backward. The league is shall engaged upon conversely in a linger.lingering activity with good aims definite, promoted one changes of conceptions about complaint and institutiei of treatment, for the rebutment of pragmatic concepts of the si comuniste, all doed in a style in which at least openly to appear hello our were. Of pomina afirmatia securistului wagons ne and which he said me:” You cut slow with toporisca roots with roots, feather shall knock down all the tree and I apprehend as the you succeed. The still more suggested league, also, in reasonable his limits create through different middles lobby in the press( his Flacara Paunescu the age a newspaper in which can), sometimes in some special in particular reviews from foreigh countries, although censor the very hard to age depasit. Alta a task an age a feeding of the a job of radio The Europe Libera with material concerning the psychiatric abuses, but and another material anticomuniste. In the area of psychiatric proper suggested abuse of of a creation which his atmospheres înfricoseze or to rusineze colleges angrenati conscious his


frequently involuntary, to discourage colleges from different committees of the expertise for, although communists verify ati, atasamentul them against party the doubtful age. The shares undertaked they enjoied successful, for, in combination with the items of news Europe Libere, whole the system of the psychiatric were timorat. Alta a direction of constituted compromise” principalilor politruci from psychiatry( Predescu, Grecu, Ionescu, Romila, Milea, Pirojinski etc.) I carry had the blank check from the party in psychiatry. Many times this thing are doing from of a pozitia” fair communist” carry don’t else can support the imposture, gaseau with this end in view the defendants with certain the plug to this guy of organs( filiatie legionara to Predescu, the lack of orthodoxy comunista, incompetence organizatorica, the lack of the professionalism, înabusirea the critic). Trebuie saied as just tartorii of the communism bucurau one bad altuia. Although are doingble retrospectively, this seem a simplicity, had a different success, the party having enough of these incapacity persons and of their immobilism, just in problems marxist. Thus, gradually, Predescu and he


missed” the view of frames” from parties, and he missed appointement of deputy, phenomena l they threw it in a state of dejection from which don’t still more comed back never. Ionescu and he delaied the transfer from Facultatea of Filozofie to one of Medicine, and his attitude antipsihologica the in particular si fell to is condamnata publish in different works( i. Cucu - Psihologia Medicala, 1980. on the strength of this the background of vulnerability they can launched coordinate attacks concerning whole buildings of socialist psychiatry whereat these tartori lucrasera decades in a row choicely. The bonus constituted the leave took out the monographic works in own administration. Tributarily baneasca recuperata from the insured sofs always, permited the of a elaboration works of fundamental pioneerdoms for a country comunista as the our( Psihosomatica, Psihologia Medicala, Psihoterapiile, Psihiatria sociala in two parts, Psihiatria teenager etc.). Even if tartorii of the communism - Predescu, Proca, just as I have else showed, flushed out of the book-sellers Psihiatria Sociala through memorial to the cabinet 2, obtaining and interdictia of else entitle of else print,” the


evil” produsese and the irreparable age, the works existed and exist. For seven fishy years, feather to dezmeticirea of repressive organs, the of a rough-cast alternatives in our psihiatra produsese, and constructia of decades of socialist fell to naruie. In 1979, a date with the organization of the league, all on the strength of of lobby, the review Flacara shall publish on 10 the maul an interview with i. Cucu, in which, using the pretext, is shall administered most strong attack about the pragmatic psychiatry comuniste. Attacking the pragmatism( that is speaking veiledly psychiatric builded of Predescu,” the socialist psychiatry”), ridiculing affirmationsle festiviste this of, the author laments directly, in most citita the review of the age, the fate of our psychiatry, carry is described as depasita principled and instiututional and which a textual evalueaza as the be sinonima with the psychiatry of the century of Xix-lea. V. Predescu is attacked don’t veiled, but nominal therefor situation in which he is culpabilizat for the lockout învatamântului psychological in facultatile of his medicine in pregatirea psychiatrists and, all ostentatious, the schools from Timisoara and Iasi are quotations as the coming to


grips with the pragmatism and the obscurantism in psychiatry. Criticized, also, directly the of a absence adevarate lifes stiintifice, prodigioasa before of war, the absence oricarui the congress psychiatric in the of a country frame in which his psychiatrists discusses the professional problems. Here after atâtia years, communicate it a doctor Popa, doed to last Congres of Istorie Medicinii, communication on which render it an in extenso: A man of courage - dr. IOAN CUCU. In the review Flacara nr 19( 1248) from 10 the maul 1979, appear an interview with the doctor Ioan Cucu, primary doctor psychiatrist, doctor in stiinte medically, wizard to Catedra psychiatric Institutului of Medicine and Farmacie( how numea therefore, after the fashion sovietica, M. F. Carol Davila), carry publicase lately and a book in two volumes -“ Psihiatria sociala” -, in which some are doing affirmations extremely criticize, carry stired a sensation imensa in the world psychiatric, from except, the time. The title interview the age” Psihiatria isn’t due to isn’t Cenusareasa, and this don’t priveste except on psychiatrists, but on new”. În interview, the doctor Cucu, which il cunosteam also stimam


wherethrough imi fusese wizard, are doing a castigation bucurestene, criticize which develop it in book on the many maul pages. Here several of the important ideation. After mention yes about situatia of the psychiatry from the countries developed, in which the affected beds speciality( besides a development deosebita a forms of ambulatory assistances) depaseau as number on one affected tuturor celorlalte specialties, after spunea what burn be due to is a psychiatrist in the age moderna in which pinch-hited for the confessor, after mention the different merits of Scolii Profesorului Pamfil and, mutatis mutandis, of Scolii Profesorului Brânzei in depasirea of the pragmatism, the doctor Cucu abordeaza the theme principala, scilicet criticize” school from Bucharest”, remained of a prizoniera the psychiatrists of centuries XIX, with the physical model of the complaint, materialist, carry neglijeaza the social factors the psychological si grasped in the aetiology disturbances psyches s. M. D. Afterwards, is adverted to the disesteem of the psychiatry and her role of the in of the society moderna. Graduate and of Facultatii of Psihologie, notice this absence branch from program Facultatii


of Medicine. Remark then the paucity of stationare of after day, remanent number, from pacate, feather today near unchanged. In his which were proposed were trasa from the book-sellers and gived to molten to the pressures doed of drive Catedrei from Bucharest, the doctor Cucu the criticism the system mafiotic of promotion, the method of feudal drove sectiilor of hospital, carry erau a kinds of ascribable fiefs on the life peoples agreati of management( situation be, otherwise, in all the communist sanitation the which si perpetueaza and today) s. M. D. Reactia drive Catedrei from Bucharest and the hospital( Gh. Marinescu about that time, now” Al. Were”) of denial vehemence and of stigmatization publish of guy inchizitorial stalinist, in one voice, toward rusinea tuturor participants. Were convene all the doctors from the clinic in the big amphitheatre the si took the floor sefii of sectii, director of the hospital, boss of then of desk and conferentiarii. These author assisted rows from the hall, as doctor resident, hereto pillory. The doctor Cucu loftily and courage. Bethink oneself me compared the attitude of the management of the desk and camarilei this( he is a tendency, sechela the


communism in mentalul community, of remake the pyramid can in psychiatry, with all consecintele wretch of stop the progress, traite of we in the past regime. Assist in the competition, as a ridiculous peak, and a kind of femof Zaroni, on at all intellectuals, on so ambitioasa and delighted self, încurajata asked the ironic cynicism of of a kind of master of the rings, big manipulator of învatamântului medically academic current bucurestean), carry îsi display” maretele realizations”, with aceea of a poor which man îsi zornaia all through the purse with one several banuti, in order to I create the impression as the just like that of poor. The doctor Cucu arrested or convict( the age yet a period abided at), Catedra and to his place of the labor, marginalizat only that retired all wizard. Situatia remained from pacate near neschimbata, maugre the efforts of the doctor Cucu and of multor altor psychiatrists of big value. After Revolutie, dr. Coupled immediately to actiunea P. L. R., But and he realized nice and quick as the one 50 of years of selecţie operata of communisms left sechele wagons be înlaturate in a the period so shorten.


Dr. Marian Popa, primary doctor psychiatrist, doctor in stiinte medically, to Spitalul” Al. Obregia” from Bucharest. The interview of the doctor were took again of The Europe Libera( Annelise Gabani) stired a big agitation in a row psychiatrists. Be one of the first activities of Ligii Anticomuniste Psihiatrilor, the interview declansat a hard to fury described from aparatnicilor psychiatrists. For the present, nor don’t can achieve can, if this thing a signal as the the power burn be wishful his disembarrassed of these tartori. But were, just a cold shower. Gradually, the thing they normalized”, the author i he did a public process in the big amphitheatre of the hospital waves, below his guidance rather the menace tartorilor communists, differ doctors - swap elements - spoke vague about” the realizations” of the psychiatry comuniste, but, toward the exasperation of which organizers doreau as the they to ramâna in the shade, nobody don’t pronounces the words of were. The necessity as the neurologist and the academician, carry only that don’t the age psychiatrist, Vlad Voiculescu, to I raised and to asked:” Why we miss we the time here? Ni he said as must to condamnam on cucu”. De what be it doed


a this respectable a such man thing shall remain a big mystery. As a matter of fact, for were a true fiascoes, chiefly as the no many asteptatele organizational masuri were leave to takes them, rezumându just to stoparea every professional promotions in the frame celor 15 - 20 of contests supported for the job of chief of works with persons below any value profesionala. You render afterwards discutarea” of the case CUCU” in sitting of party of to colleges saddles of the desk, just as found out related and in the process of sedintei. You does the presentation esentei takings of word of these” mates. Octavian Hanganu, collaborationist, the yes-man of the regime, eternul limb of the committees of the expertise judiciara, waves decidea the fate bolters, eternul secretaries of the committees of promotion, waves manipulau the files and which in 30 of years 1945, bringed with files in Catedra of” the pop” Derevici, communist which came dressed as the soviet asked:” Who he advised me to do such a thing, say now wherethrough took me a big responsibility”. El sees how dr. Cucu neglijeaza the labor from Catedra. Neicu, the figure legendara incompetentei and the cynicism assert:” To say the


doctor how much Cucu lectures has, how many groups of probation( what connection have with the which were contributia the doctor Cucu? Why don’t he addressed hierarchical( that is just which of distrugea the Roumanian psychiatry, V. Predescu), how he can say as he is guilty V. Predescu? As a matter of fact, the doctor Cucu pelt with attrition in psychiatry”. Neicu believes as between psychiatrists exist discord wherethrough don’t is accepted pozitia” înaintata” his Predescu the si prompts as publicly the doctor his Cucu says as regret one doed. Damian believes as these critical former inspired of former management Ministerului Sanatatii, as as a matter of fact don’t Catedra( Predescu) is of the fault the appearances showed, but” the superior frames”( carry really?). The fact as the have no reunions, congress don’t depends on we. And he considered injured, but he as the doctor Cucu does it wherethrough don’t i published an works and as the one appeared the by-path plagiarisms( but he don’t says on plagiarized Este perplexed dinners burn can be” dogmaticul”, although particulary eram friends and discuss exact how wrote and with all the age all right. But such the age the friendship in communism.


Lohan, bringed to Catedra through the of a big file limb of Comitetului Executiv P. R., Whom he pledged it to îngrijeasca the girl schizofrenica omorâse must, to adopted it, be bringed therefor in Bucharest. Received the villa, job in Catedra for he and the wife etc.:” Dr. Cucu is handled of certain //// Of certain forces( he is obvious the tone securist)”. Are a feeling of big ache as the prompted his notice Predescu published the item, for such procedeaza a loyal limb of party( obviously dr. Cucu don’t the such age).” Dr. Cucu is felt repins of group, of collective( vechea marota with the masses), but in the same time he is the of a representative the group( if I burn be well-known he). Dupa parerea him, ace be can drop easy if the ace be asserted as the former item enforced of reporter. As a matter of fact, in psychiatry, below the management tovarasului Predescu everything goes well, we have no the nought of changed. Brasla, eterna the party secretary, carei chose the freedom” in The Germany, subsequently reproseaza why argued with the party( but the newspapers don’t erau of of the party?), The fact as the expresses a viewpoint an egocentric( I


abordam problematically general in fact), as they were eliminati all limbs of which parties of facts and rejected, as I trusted in the group of party. The lady the psychologist Rascanu, collaborationista notorious, I carry ostentatious tinea on desk her pose unite with Ceausescu, assisted in the congress of X-lea PCR, as legată, as for nothing I followed Facultatea of psychology, wherethrough I used but just are doingm appeal to the utilization of the psychology under treatment psychiatric), he believes as don’t in this kind is shall done psychology medicala to facultatile of the medicine and believes as an item in Flacara has no no value( then why incite the riot and discutii?). Magureanu Sanda consider as Predescu accountable for hardships( but he conducea the psychiatry), as pelt with attrition in psychiatry. She disbelieves as if are organicisti were and pragmatic( the logic comunista. Constantinescu George, man of big value intelectuala, I carry always the age delaied were hight teacher, pluseaza:” Material the doctor came out accidental, for to we don’t he demonstrated atitudune dogmatica( although particulary criticize more than me the


courses rusificate his of Predescu the si his concepts rudimerntare the which si for me were as of a învatamintele teachers, just as the age as a matter of fact). Dar error, in audience says:” Opposite the pragmatism existentialismul, but the diofctic materialism( all the other way against how expressed particulary). Recunoaste as sometimes” the pragmatism is very disguised. Predescu, satisfied of prestatia” of the community” and as a matter of fact as the one before his they touched the essential problems, don’t considered begetter neintroducerea of medical psychology in programed the analytics( although the age the pro-rector, were deceived of Pirée, carry îi promisese to do courses on which his supports them as prime teacher taught the psychology medicala, only that, receiving the reward a passport, before did this chose the freedom” in The Germany and the psychology don’t the maul entered to Medicine). Dar don’t nothing, the man supports militated” all through”. Nu inhere in psychiatry than the medical model of the complaint, this is the materialistic model which must to accept. He burn does many for psychiatry, but I opposed the superior organs( with all as


the he the age parleamentary deputy Pro-rector, the secretary of the committee of party of Institutului of the medicine, limb in the committee of party of academic center etc). Ce burn else be wanted to is had can of acted what can do the doctor Cucu, which even colleges most approach alone lasasera in the bank, retragându ostentatious of near he? He supports as just from the viewpoint of P. C. R. Is mistaken his is said as don’t else he is none of criticism. To we the pragmatism, but take possesion the communists refereau to the period” obsessional decade”, the age Dej, as to an age of the a pragmatism, carry in psychiatry exist and today, gived be neacceptarea the progress stiintifice, even if deghizeaza below the form incompetentei, rezistentei against change etc. Marcăm the fact as the some they felt directly touched of notiunea were pragmatic, reason for which have assisted to adevarate autobiographies deculpabilizatoare. Don’t e sufficient his criticam” the age of the pragmatism”, but the current pragmatism from psychiatry. The ears comuniste and of lingusitorilor erau the deaf person, so remained as forward, even if in the hall erau some unknown boys, with” blue eye.


In the period 1979 - 1983 appear consecutively, in own administration, the works excelsior mentionate, works in which the socialist psychiatry - staged of Predescu, Ionescu, Milea - the practical age desfiintata; In reviews publicau all more works of psychology, psychiatry sociala, psihosomatica. Although the league don’t and stated never be were, feeled created adevarata a confusion in a row the nomenclature, neobisnuita with vreo opposition. From this moment creeaza in psychiatry an which situation, in certain limits, can contest if exist the courage, unthinkable thing ante 1979. A succesion of material were sended The Europe Libere, teached directly his C. Munteanu, but transmit their on job he did after a logic unintelligible: Out just most insignificant. I seemed as material former his înmânate Vianu for give parerea and burn be suffered censor it or an incuriosity, so they have no else catched up the job. And what good material erau, about situatia of our psychiatry( across 200 of pages typed. Revolutia from 1989 gaseste the league intacta and in plina the offensive, wants to I legalized below this name, but the even attempt too radicala and înfiinteaza


Asociatia Psihiatrilor which Liberi, from pacate, is leaded to pieire of romila, used in order to arrived the teachers became a big chief in psychiatry flirting with as opposition democrata. This the association shuts up currently, singurii limbs remaining Romila and several doctors from on which he drives it and which remained from easy realizable reason, organizatia pierzându anything vocation nationala or remostrant in psychiatry. Brought, a little material advantages conducatorilor saddles initiali. Thus exhausted a beautiful dreams. In 1992 Liga Anticomunista Psihiatrilor try all the some to I legalized, but actiunea esueaza, the courage psychiatrists don’t permitea appointed just” comunişti”. renuntat to the legalization of the league, wherethrough thus one several limbs - without the fuss, clarions and trâmbite - to foloseasca need experience in situatia alunecoasa wherewith which passes our country, when a return to past imposibila and anyhow the road of our psychiatry suffered the modifications esentiof after 1989( one ideation, one conducatori, nor an act of the reform, even if we have and a director P. T. C. D. I carry and he achieved advanced, any case, the


league remains a form of the fight the of a alternative which peoples have no urmarit his jobs social pozitii, but binele of Roumanian psychiatry.. 4. The stage Criptocomunista. After 1989, unfortunately our country shall be due to wanders through a long the stage criptocomunista as opposed to what he happened in all Europe of Est, with exceptia fostelor which detached countries from S.U. In this the stage, fostii communists from rule two, which Ceausescu îi tinea always rearwards, I take over the power the politics in the country and on this the base in all lines, inclusively in psychiatry. From these reason, the road toward reforms in all areas shall be due to waits many, chiefly as the the si as opposition ajunsa now in office falls to has same attitude tremulously in reorganization the country. Dificila confrontation with the past. Nothing don’t can us redeem of past, don’t exist passed” the future be conquered than through reconciliation from through his


quarrel revenge”, spunea rightfully the countess Marion Donhoff. The psychiatrists, as otherwise whole populations country, were puted in a situation in which don’t can to foresee as, in a reconcilable with time the length their life, the communism shall take the end. From these reason existau just two possibility: Is of adapted, shut up and tried to vieţuiască, is refused the compromise and finished in isolation, his suffering as the victims of the repression. With linistea the si on which ne give us the years trecuti from revolutions, can today to look situatia from the age comunista much more. Have not to forgeted as numerosi citizens, inclusively psychiatrists, aranjasera” abed his Procust of the system, lived worked and sometimes they knew and exultations - just as underline Pofr -, while incertitudes actuala, deceptiile tending all more his takes the of a form constant defensive attitudes, manifestându most frequently through spiritual dejection the si the hatred. Really


I have no the beginning already to hear as, in fact,” forward don’t the age just like that bad?”. The politics practicata feather now produced than frustrated, the victims and the executioners they met frequently, alike how in psychiatry they met tartorii and persecutatii, executionersi and the victims. Therefore telul have not to by all means to is the identification culpabililor severally, but rather of imparted adevaruri corporately, adevaruri izvorâte from the look inside aof perverse system of oppression with terror psihologica, with rewards for delators and collaborationists, with his apparatus of extravagantly good furcate supervision. The effect burn be due to corresponds aofa of of a which seminar try to stabileasca criteriile of the conduct etico. The past recovery is very importance for our country, but trebuiesc sanctionate shares from convictions. Have not to forgeted at all the age the system of supervision of Securitatii from România. Who


dorea to do the studies, even as the age the word of modest professional studies, who aspire after his celebrity to incomes the big maul, had to to adapted, for celebrele title toes the labor, studies etc. From the propaganda comunista don’t valid erau, in fact, than for one loyal, for one” adaptati” from for bolters and for indiferenti. Therefore classify it a psychiatrists in guilty main, secondary his guilty accomplices, thing whereat nazuiesc fanatic the order, cann’t don’t is can remaked, with the aim of did the justice, what he happened with 45 of years forward. Any or else many penal process don’t shall can to clarify the history, this thing helping merely” right material adhibition”. În this the sphere is taken down in forerank creation” juridical peace” of which we are today else îndepartati than now 7 - 8 years. Through strictei branch of party comuniste the democratic centralism”, carry don’t permitea no an abbot from the branch of party, majority psychiatrists were in the same time and faptasi, and


victims. As and the Pitesti phenomenon, nazistii and the communists had foreseed in their system of that double oppression role - of executioner and the victim. For this reason, the hundreds of auxiliary of which they helped these regimes be au fond a minor cases don’t erau through their criminal nature. Merely a minority have in this frame in office access to the si the initiative violentei social, inclusively in psychiatry. Big majority the age format from micii natural bourgeoes, carry in another situatii the si be carried out conscientiously obligatiile them daily. Really he is right as the after these peoples and they destroied a part an importance their his life is now stigmatizati for the remainder which life le the maul remains? Therefore don’t is can deny these psychiatrists, simply, the law worked were împinsi in bitters and the opposition. Is difficult his dozezi the fault fiecaruia, neexistând an which his norm stabileasca the boundary between


how much he can support or resist, quotient he can adapted. Exist some constant marks of psychiatric eticii: Firstly, the crimes commited be overlooked and no gived the of a oblivion whose individual were tortured in a psychiatric his actually asylum killed don’t i is can insisted on forgets this thing and a fortiori which acelora felt the torture psychiatric on propria skin. The traumata of the percussion of arrogance can and these brutality operations from the area of the medicine don’t is can forget easy. All these crimes must hight, must bringed to knowledge of public opinion, but be due to reflecte in conditiile observance criteriilor of a rightful state, constitutionally. Must, therefore, in this honourable frame three principles, at least of a of rightful states: Sanctioneaza except actiunea from the conviction. Decisiv cann’t than the in force criminal law in the period of the perpetration of the deed. Binds


formal comuniste interziceau the torture, the psychiatric abuses the si asigurau the civil laws. The criminality consist in the fact as the they don’t respectau propriile bind, propria constitutions. Criminalitatea every persons must dovedita. Applying these principles in psychiatry, two shares am crucial, if want don’t merely reform it an psychiatry, but and the settlement as part as or of a new ethical visions: 1. The criminal chastisement on the strength of principles of excelsior; 2. Replace the elites comuniste of management from which contiguous psychiatry the si today to ţină pozitii key. With all these, be due to clarificam two thing: What must obtained and what is can obtained. Don’t I can solved the of a problems the states of faradelegii with the of a middles the constitutional states. The criminality of communist state with difficult can be urmarita as part as the criminal law. Don’t is can


measure retrospectively that the period with criteriile democratiei pluraliste the si no don’t burn be equitable. Just as I showed and argued already, created in the Roumanian psychiatry adevarata” organisation the murderess” through his implication oficiala, ideologizarea the abuse and the of a execution adevarate systematic repressions through psychiatric methods. The views of Roumanian psychiatry of the job. The psychiatry fostelor countries comuniste and in forerank acelora from S.U. And România don’t merely of engrave it a lagging behind, pursuant to her transformation in socialist psychiatry the si therethrough in a psychiatry lipsita of vision but and of gangrene it a chronicle, gangrene the ethical abbots. Thus, for long ago decades, the psychiatry, with instiututiile staied with, dispozitia of repressive system created choicely of the communist party the si of bratul or armured - Securitatea.


Conducatorii the psychiatry of after 1989, teacher and sefi of section, were before approached the manservants zelosi have the order comuniste and felt already fixati on their jobs, as produs corrupted and an arbitrary of of a which regime even if disappeared entirely is in obvious declines. Against these dinozauri, tinerii psychiatrists felt descumpaniti and frânati in fight for însusirea adevaratei the psychiatrists, they be intimidati and today as the promote but that give the consistent his gifts don’t the by-pathes conformists with fostii the si actualii sefi communists. What I can really to else these young înteleaga when read the works of celor two teacher, appeared now, but which park the wines dintr passed on the contrary, fostii tartori communists felt încurajati of the politic which elements drive the country, take advantage of all freedoms on which never don’t le be them granted their mates. To exemplificam just through actiunea of defamation in press seted going of a minister, dl.


Mironov, be the adviser of fostului president of a - director of television( E. Vofriu), of a newspapers of selfstyled parties democrat such as DIMINEATA. But this is how certain colaboreaza official organs of of the state aflarea adevarului concerning the repression psychiatric. Thus, Ministerul of Interne is prompted on line parlamentara if to Universiada from 1981 were ridicati merely from Bucharest 600 of individuals and constrained internees in psychiatric jobs. Is dezarmant and render it in substance to from memory:” The organs M. They have took all masurile for hello unfurl Universiadei, actiunea receiving the name of code” marathon”. Datele looking these shares don’t else pastreaza in archives than just on a terms of 5 years. Therefore, all gived concerning actiunea” marathon” were distruse. To see what raspundea S. R. I. Aceleiasi committees parliamentarians, on demand this of i handed out the list which psychiatrists aligned with


Securitatea. Citam all from memory:” Existed the which his psychiatrists be aligned with Securitatea”, but, attention!,” The problem abides at afterwards in our atentia. Relate.related to one what s be can happen, in such numitul medical center from str. Brosteanu( waves they experimented of wash the brain with destructurante of personality of the guy LSD), which appeared in the press abaft reclamatiilor celor vicinal. Directia Generala Politiei liniază as there exist an unit medicala for the frames M. I. And as the he is an unit with the guard militarizata. He is clear, all” they have the meaning” raspunsurile to the questions of the committees of the parliamentarians and of of the press and answered exact as the any party activist. Here therefore the practical foundation which is proped up vechea the nomenclature from these psychiatry persons are explicitly against the reform, for they don’t shall attack never a system which l


they created it and sequence.insequence or, he consolidated them the power. The return of Roumanian psychiatry is in forerank exponent of this return ruling class from these psychiatry persons droped victims propriilor shares demolatoare through the rejection of which concepts appeared in psychiatry in last 50 of years, merely wherethrough proveneau from Occident - psychology, sociology, psihosomatica, socializare etc. How I burn else can they today to adjudge these his concepts, so that we laugh, to do they psychotherapy, a method on which ridiculed all life? In the psychiatry of the age criptocomuniste burn be present urmatoarele appearances: Lupta acerba for can fostei nomenclatures. Fight for power contains as much vechea the nomenclature, today adevarata a gerontocracy, quotient and the communists from rule two, carry through incompetentei were always holded in in tension of to big tartori, reason for which today


asalteaza furibund pozitiile of power( need becoming liberal or P. T. C. D. Toti the teacher and sefii of section from psychiatry, near without nobody excepted, they have functionat and in the period comunista, and today same ţin handspikes of can. Although the politic folder seem don’t else have today a big importance and no the communist party don’t the maul can spijini, Ministerul Sanatatii, all the same of titular( certainly as the don’t advert to us catastrofalul Mincu, for which don’t exist the degrees of comparatie), maintains same operations acţionări and reformişti. Don’t exist his contests real contests, and functiile obtained the by-pathes ţinute on the life. In this context, and currently as opposition psychiatrists is nesemnificativa, just the youth doesn’t than exercises of uncomplainingness. At that rate, be and new the nomenclature don’t concerned ones than of a permanence an offensive of” witchery”, chiefly against organizatiile the si the personalities from Occident, but, as and before,


the psychiatry româna concern ones very little on western. If the american his English psychiatrists by-pathes the maul circumspecti, one German his Dutch still more selected French they left near coplesiti of” sarmul” fostilor nomenclaturisti. Some be nomenclaturisti ţin just pozitii in organizatii of speciality internationof and le ţin dinainte of 1989, that is then when such appointments are doingu except to propose Securitatii. Sprijinul oficialitatilor, chiefly of Ministerului Sanatatii, for former the nomenclature comunista. Without did the process of intention, Ministerul promoted with a verve ciudata in functii of decision, sometimes, peoples of the very age înaintata, any case on all tartorii of the psychiatry comuniste. Thus, the committee from besides Ministerul Sanatatii is format exclusive from fostii the si actualii nomenclaturisti, again Gorgos, carry 7 else 1970, in which îsi denounce boss of of carui jobs voia, this nefiind other than the adept in scholarly diabetes f. Pavel, the faces his


master. Reproduce the letter from Viata Medicala, from 30 December 1994: Tovarase president. To falled across 29. IV. 1970, With the address nr. 2721 1970, I received from S. S. M., The society of Medicine Interna, section complaints nutritional, a forms signed of f. Pavel Ion and dr. Sdrobici Dan, with the program Congresului National of Diabet, which congress urmeaza to is in progress between 23 - 24 September 1970, to Bucharest. As chief of Catedrei of complaints of metabolisms and the nutrition, singura the desk of profile and for methodologically central on the country, in membership of drive, disagree with the manner of thing actualului the president of sectiei, for urmatoarele reason... All to this congress is proposed his reconsideration paulian on reason as the burn be shadowless the insulin. Consider as this intentii is due to i is granted else multa the attention. As a matter of fact here gaseste


raspunsul for whole activity from last 30 of years of the teacher Pavel, carry don’t only that created a school româneasaca nutritional, tried to distruga and to denigrated all were able the forward si in this area. In forerank, we are obligati to reconsideram the problem Paulescu from the viewpoint of bare the insulin( urmeaza an enumeration tendentioasa as a matter of fact. The world scientificly mondiala don’t from l he recognized it never as the the discoverer of the insulin. Attribute to today a scientific fact nedovedit the unthankful si to the respective time is ridiculous... The space don’t enables to us liniem his theses acţionare from finality in biology, materialism, soul and The God etc. Also, the fact as the denies darwinismul, the materialism, evolutia situeaza can on most acţionare pozitii which he placed ever a Roumanian scientist. Really these I am deserve for which S. S. M., Through Pavel, wants to rehabilitate his memory Paulescu... This is the patriot and the minister


Mincu and, imaginati, if scria such to S. S. M., How îsi are doing he the notes to Securitate. And yet, iliescu l he appointed it minister of Sanatatii. What can wait the country from this man? But the psychiatry? Below his management Mincu, practise he ceased the activity of the committees investigatory the psychiatric abuses. You can imagine the results and the objectivity celor numiti of he. Formarea Asociatiei free psychiatrists ///// Among most important shares from the age were the creation Asotiatiei Psihiatrilor Liberi( P. L. R.). The notion of partnership, just as I have else appeared, as far back as the period of the dictatorship comuniste. After revolution, the of a associate free must he put with acuteness and the notion of create appeared just in first days. The facts are shall scrolled apace. The nomenclature from psychiatry the age confuza and bargained for the reprisals, just as facusera they with the elite psychiatrists when took the power. Yet, they reported the shares


of destroied the archives through burning and flood. The excess of still more democracy becomed of anticeausism devenise to they grotesque. On 31 December 1989 he is launched officially first appeal for constituirea P. L. R. Marian Popa, on the strength of of a long experiente of the fight anticomunista, after long discutii with the teacher Pamfil, lanseaza a pathetic appeal to the community psychiatrists, an appeals nerevendicativ and without desire of revenge. The thing are shall hurried. The nomenclature goes out of the numbness when sees as democratia îi protejeaza and, attacked propose and they an association denumita Asociatia Psihiatrilor from România( P. R.). Is done a big conclav to Predeal in which all nomenclaturistii from the country discuss the graveness situatiei. He appears now as the imminence his appointment C. Gorgos as doctor chief of Capitofi. Of this date, viitorii free psychiatrists violent reactioneaza. Lanseaza a vigorous protests, and his


appointment is sistata. I done the attempts from teacher of subordinate in paternalistic way P. L. R., But if Ionescu he don’t shall succeed, from pacate, you succeed Romila. Between one two future organizatii are in progress shifts of prompts and the defendants. The group from Predeal is the defendant rightfully of all the abuses psihiatice from the age ceausista. On 11 March 1990 the ginger-group of P. L. R. Organizeaza a chat with Asociatia Fostilor Detinuti Politici, waves established the of a flagpoles shares of rehabilitate fostelor victims of the psychiatry comuniste. Already in the press, dr. Diacicov lanseaza an appeal for of a constituirea committees investigatory the psychiatric abuses. The committee constituie below his management Diacicov the si with numerosi limbs from the group P. L. R. But he don’t passes many si the minister Sanatatii destituie on Diacicov the si numeste a former nomenclaturist, the teacher Ionescu, thereto the practical committee don’t the maul has no activity.


On 19 January 1990 Rompres notify the imminence compose P. L. R., And in the press appear numerous material concerning the psychiatric abuses. On 18 February 1990 is composed first the form of stof P. L. R. Of to dr. Marian Popa, thereto he begins the clutch of the adhesions of entry. Is deposited the folder to judicature and, through sentence 17631990, on 20 the June, organizatia get the legal statute. On 26 were in progress first congress of constitute, followed then of numerous which initial colloquies tineau lunar in different psychiatric centers from the country. To the colloquy jubiliar ocazionat of the of a fulfilment the year from establishment înainteaza the parliament and M. S. An appeal of reorganization and reform in psychiatry, remained only that without ineffectual. In the period 2-4 were in progress first Conferinta Internationala P. L. R., Waves presented the communications personalities from the country and foreigh countries.


From pacate, after an active time, drive, led by brought, the activity asociatiei in a the perfunctory labor, neinteresanta, the rows asociatiei rarit through celor dezamagiti the which si don’t the maul can achieve as organizatia and else be maintained the principles initiof. Drive he enjoied a little material gainings donate of facts asociatiei: Xeroxes, computer, some sums of which money have no else be controlate as the destination, sums wherewith s be can edit a treaties psychiatric, became the eternal guest in foreigh countries as often as trimiteau the guests for associations. Conversely, decided the of a publication insignificant translations, without else speak of their quality. Gradually the activity became alienanta, the methods of dictatorial management, choose formal the si with same results( Romila president), disappeared and organizatia he transformed in a group bound administrative of Romila, in the subordinate sense saddles from the job 9 whereat he he is the doctor the chief. Died a big illusion. Today, P. L. R. The maul


exist just for some naive mates from is enforced now reformed it organizatiei and her rendition to youth, carry as a matter of fact I am due to takes over the management and to stabileasca the strategy. Really Romila - the teacher - shall give in ever business so an important?

Chapter IV. Problems OF PSIHIATRIEI ROMÂNESTI POST-TOTALITARE. Europa Westerna postbelica distrusa economically, traumatizata of the


totalitarian ideologies the si of the horror lagarelor of concentration, developing a conception a humanist and democratica, is shall engaged upon build what what subsequent is shall appointed” conceptia looking right man”, a redoubtable instrument of opposition against every forms of his totalitarianisms tyranny, carei became the evidence a date with caderea the si destructurarea the communist ideology from rasaritul still more selected Europe from be S.U. In full effort of constitute of a new conceptii concerning the fate and right man, the opinion publish The Europe Occidentof shall be frapata as in imediata to approach - in her intimacy - persist an institution cladita after the principles of the totalitarianism on which the society le respinsese officially, an which institution înjosea the personality umana - institutia psychiatric of treatment, mostenita from the previous centuries. Began big the revolution sociologica from psychiatry, which jolted from foundation don’t except the psychiatric hospital, but in actually fact what numea the psychiatry clasica. This enforced the modifications the radicals as much in the area conceptiilor psychopathologyi,


quotient, chiefly, in the area of the therapy and institutiei of treatment. The humanity traumatizata after the horrors of the fascism, amenintata with a new totalitarianism - one the communist - with institutiile loin of guy gulag, don’t the maul can to permit, below the of a covering obsolete ideologists, to support structures institutionof carcerof, of guys azilar, institutii generatrix of suffering and humble umana. From pacate, this the revolution don’t shall have no his chance depaseasca Cortina of iron, reason for which today can count precisely the years of return - 45 -, whereat are shall added, unquestionably, altii that is exact incites the how much time the system criptocomunist and the nomenclature shall last in the Roumanian psychiatry. The Romanians bared after evenimetele from December 1989 the horror of the copies abandonati, the houses of the child” and caminelor - the hospital, the horror of the hospitals psychiatric raspândite of the communist regime on whole the territory country. If The Europe Westerna of the years ‘50 the age distrusa economically, but pregatita to spiritual nască, permited the of a development” revolutii sociologically” in psychiatry, the Roumanian psychiatry


seemed as is on the path missed the chance istorica renasterii his. In the age totalitara the psychiatry the age a copy fidela a society in which unfurled, and after 1989, one psychiatry shall present all the drawbacks Roumanian society job: Present aceleiasi nomenclatures in the jobs key and to all nivelurile, the confusion and the lack of the force logică his wagons motivate the change to most psychiatrists, scenarioes and shares diversioniste of guy securist, apathy generalizata, the lack of the hope, mean materialism etc. Although he can seem spoke, of dissidence after revolutia anticomunista from 1989, when at least theoretical a succesion of freedoms were obtained maugre the official character of the democratic system seted up, all these remained just formal, and if he is the word psychiatric, near as the don’t he obtained the nought. Can say, without unfearful of mistook as in psychiatry don’t he happened the significant nought after 1989. Isn’t the word here of nuante or metaphors, the task of reform the Roumanian psychiatry of the job is much more than aceea the psychiatry occcidentof of after 1945.


In The Europe Westerna of the needles years, the war and the fascist totalitarianism interrupted just for several years a democratic which systems, due to disparitiei can, immediately to take again the natural course. More, the years of repression and terror caused a this acceleration process. Revolutia sociologica what were in the sense of the history”, she feeling like desavârseasca the desire of perfection democratiei as the system. Waves sees somebody to we like conditii? In România job situatia is singularily alta. Force pre-war were strong confusedta in the beginning of to fascism, then of to war, of ocupatia sovietica the fishy si two generatii îndoctrinate marxist, of the experiment of 45 of years of the communist totalitarianism. Here don’t else he can speak of no his continuity of a little break. Democratia Roumanian must rebuilded close upon to begin.begin with, singura hope remaining just that model of western leaders, from pacate so indiferenti need our. This phenomenon is feeled of to whole Roumanian society. The psychiatry is too little for proposes to solve as much propria reform, quotient and revolutia democratization Roumanian theoretical


society speaking, actuala motion of the reform from psychiatry, gived be the general frame in which is unfurled, appears, as and in odă comunista, as a difficult process the dangerous si, our society be still impregnata with the mentality comunista, and the course evolutiei our society a right road toward democracy, but I can said just on thecontrary. Sorrily I burn be due to recognize as actuala generation of psychiatrists shall achieve the reform psychiatry as the on destroy it” branchi in which her lived from the teenager, feather outside of maturity. This the feeling of” were” met and to the psychiatrists from Occident, when were puted under construction, reason for which no there psychiatrists headed the program of the reform. Isn’t the word here just of the aggressiveness fostei nomenclatures, carry deal and today all functiile key, but required of a generatii of doctors educata in the spirit of socialist psychiatry, with a scientific like level of the years 1920 - 1930, which just administrative i he interdicted the contact with the ideation of western psychiatry to assist in the destruction vechii the psychiatrists on practised and a practice


still, peradventure he must the meaning as the li is prompted to a fault. This thing explain fractionally the apathy, adherence against old, the disqualification, the fear of change and acrosarea of vechea the nomenclature, with actiunea securizanta which of to this exercise it( just as one neadaptati long still after the state socialist which paternalist assure them their life of misery. Even in Occident, ahead of formării of the psychiatry they found out in forerank big literatis, the reporters, psychologists, the prelate from in last row the opinion publish. From pacate, the Roumanian psychiatrists by-pathes always in the tail motion of the reform and can here applied best the ascertainment sociologica as the” an institution be schimbata of one inland her, chiefly when these take advantage of afterwards this a such institutii institutions don’t is can changed than of to he who he suffers through they - but who give the importances alienatilor mental? - or he can of to which persons wines outwardly instiututiei, in our case, generatia young man. Strigatele of suffering of ill the psyches heared, the society shall give up with difficulty to tendency of rejeta ill the psyches, and the disease prejudices shall


affect still longtime the psychiatry and on ill the psyches. Is therefore natural as the the reporters, alti which literatis appreciate more his freedom constituie” former the wave” carry to prompt the of a change anachronic institutii. In psychiatry, revolutia from 1989 brought the elemental nought, nor concerning the general concept of his complaint of health psychiatrical, nor in acela wagons priveste institutia of treatments. After the fervour of the discovery” lagarelor psychiatric”, press intern still more selected one internationala can to consisted with the stupor as the had of faced don’t merely batjocora and the indifference of the structures of psychiatric management, but and the opposition and the violence after a good plan regularized. This can because whole the organizational edifice, whole can in psychiatry remained changelessly and after” the shock revolutiei” they have no why to the fear and no why to modify the little behavior cosmetic operatiuni fiindu already familiar. Thus, if in these communism leaders ne învatau as the the psychiatry is a branch with” seas implicatii ideological”, a branch in which the diofctic


materialism involved in the way particularly through explicatiile which le dadea life psyche, after same revolution individuals change the tone in the manner radicala declaring the psychiatry as the a branch medicala pura, in which the communist ideology no don’t s be mixed, even worse, they fell to indicted as any notion of his reorganization of reform the psychiatry burn mean a politic abuse against psychiatric. He is clear as the in a psychiatry, practise to the trailer vechiului the system and fostei nomenclatures, whole the structure of opposition and dissidence from the period prerevolutionara is due to fights in conditii near identical, be subdued as and before marginalizarii, persecutiei and, the new of a maul slanderous campaigns through the press writed and TV, inclusively of a physical direct attacks. This is and the reason for which Liga anticomunista which came into being in 1979, don’t the maul doreste the legalization, for they keep intact the organizational structures, contextually in which a return totala to past, inclusively to the politic psychiatric abuse, can become anytime possible. From these reason, we consideram as all what he carried out in fight for the progress of the


psychiatry after 1989 holds all of the motion remostrant and dissidence and shall be alike, incite the how much time psychiatric establishmentul shall be impregnated of the thought marxista and conducted of former the nomenclature. In this context as opposition from psychiatry shall continue to is activate, are shall used the specific methods of the fight from the period comunista, are shall expose afterwards the abuses and is shall fight for the of a promotion adevarate the social Roumanian psychiatrists. Inhere in this senses serioasa a traditions. As far back as 1977, i. Vianu pronounce the opinion publish intern and internationala about existence abusive internments from our country, of the manner in which erau tratati the prisoners of consciousness. In the same time with the degradation the ethics of our were evidentiata and his return scientificly, the ideological abuse of the pragmatism( i. Cucu 1979, 1982, 1983), wherethrough then” the psychiatric arrests” to is exposed of dr. Mirontov, condamnându the utilization of the psychiatry against bolters which politics in the decade eighth luase open appearances the si in proportion of table( chiefly in of a prejma events with significations the politics). Aceste


adevarate psychiatric arrests don’t can produces than with the cooperation medical which authorities ofereau the middles, while the security oferea the lists with an undesirable persons the si supravegheau the loyalty psychiatrists implicati on the go. After 1989 he considered as I burn be natural his is done a balance-sheet of an abuses and injustices of communist regime. Hundreds of certified cases arrived ahead of a official committees the free si, as a prime step toward the discovery adevarului. In 1990 is shall elaborated Decretul-lege nr. 118 I carry stabileste, as and in the case prisoners politics, law of the prisoners gulagului psychiatric were despagubiti material the moral si for the damage suffered. Many were abilităţi, but multi they were refuzati in the reestablishment adevarului. Presenting situatia from our country, i. Vianu - 1990 - underline as this caracterizeaza through of a coexistence zones of the extreme freedom with altele of terror. Although press is libera and inside out multor institutii many don’t sfiesc to say the opinion, knowing as they shall be due to faces riskiness, the one izgoniti from in office resort still to rude


defamations the actually si to physical outrages. Throughout, and in psychiatry in chief, exist an of a omnipresence forces of of the darkness, in contrast with the Roumanian which scenery is given birth to. Temporally the regime ceausist, Securitatea, binded through character of active of party, transformase already in a force redutabila, adevarata monstruoasa an organisation a murderess, with multiple ramificatii, protecting don’t merely the communist regime with all his abuses, but evolving and to a terroristic net, autonomously and partial necontrolata, carry can da to most despotic facts on behalf of defence of the tyranny on which servea with zeals. The case of the psychiatry and her utilization of to this monster represents just a particular case the minor si, in report with the amplitude his shares. The security the age pregatita in vechiul regime of a manner conclude and înarmata entered into a clandestinity, and the case of the psychiatry ne dovedeste as the this thing don’t only that the possible age, but he is and current. Multiplele structures of Securitatii, inclusively one from psychiatry, carry scapau likely just of a internal check,


erau and am ready changed to all atâtea free which his commandos actioneze on own his account to order in certain institutii or on whole territory of country and, wherefore don’t, and outwards granitelor. The arsenal securist utilized in the Roumanian psychiatry were varied: Individual menaces the si of group, outrages against of a physical persons, slanderous campaigns the visas on the partisans înnoirii etc. These forces from the shade constituie for psychiatry principalul obstacle in the path changes, and the cancer of the terrorism securist has no currently no chance were stoped. Became thus ostatica actuofi and fostei nomenclatures and the system institutionalizat of to Securitate as far back as the time of the regime ceausist. He can none isn’t else characteristic, liniază i. Vianu, than the style securisto wherewith actionat about the leader of syndicate V. Paraschiv, well-known case in our country, as and abroad. Here a sample of what petrecea in the psychiatry românâ with just new monthes before his caderii Ceausescu, when whole the communist European system the age darâmat, with exceptia României and Albania. Thus, on 22 March 1989, V. P. Is


rapit of a commando of which individuals were ofiteri of security. V. P. Is away in a the house conspirativa waves, for 7 days, is grappled savagely and subdued of a lights orbitoare. He is amenintat as about his are shall freed some adders holded in a cage alaturata. After one 7 after day he is drived to Spitalul Voila, waves is interned constrained 21 of days, received no psychiatric treatments, just the prerequisite for time disparitia bruises and stergerea of the traces of the torture. In the day externarii V. P. Is called of the doctor the chief of section and, as” psychotherapy”, i is made a speech in which i is insisted on renunte to his convictions wherethrough burn be false, sperantele politic loin be unattainable. The doctor eventuate in this memorabila menace adresata” the patient” and through he tuturor which acelora burn venture to enter into the conflict with sângeroasa the dictatorship securisto:” The invalids are dig in the earthes, and the doctors are dug in paper”, that is in the folder psychiatric counterfeit. On 18 April V. P. Is externat with the diagnosis of the psychosis deliranta the chronicle sistematizata, diagnosis in all contrast with the true false intellectuals reality. Today, when his ideation 1990, can say

261 last adevarul, adevarul of which dreaded so long the dictatorship. Of the psychiatry, support the authors of the appeal, i they confered for decades near a statutes of clandestinity, of speciality minora, just rusinoasa, with all as the the power he helped frequently of she. But in a society aberatiei and erect terror to state rank everything can in a which society cultivate the concept of” new man” cultivating, as a matter of fact, the hatred against peoples, the flunkeyism, the duplicity. On socially he constituted that” double standard”, that the double consciousness, one for front and alta for internal ordinariness. This strategy and he proposed neantizarea fiintei humanely and, from pacate, contained and the of a cooperation psychiatrists subdued the of a man the papers of plan suferintei of to the dictatorship. In this kind have assisted permanent to the trituration rezistentei the appearance and psychic populatiei through famishment, cold, incarcerate, the confusion. Whole became a true concentration camp gulag of carui consecinte no be correct evaluate, but which apodictic they shall lead to cresterea helping medical solicitations.


The doctor became thus last harbour of sperantei, he be binded intimate, he can most intimate, of the whole tragedy natiuni. Each psychiatrist, in this activated, with more or less courage and understand, were due to the star on the fence, but most psychiatrists were in forerank peoples of good. After revolutions, like oscilatii don’t else have his use the justification. For psychiatrist don’t the maul exist today the fright privarii of freedom or physical suppression. From these reason, today, tacerea is an act culpabila, and the tactics remuneration after faithfulness the politics don’t burn else must to have the place. Existed liniază one among the appeals P. L. R., Which doctors aligned with the power, and altii protested riscându came. The moment as the both his revalue situatia and to fight for renasterea the moral and scientificly the profession for which have the vocations. 1. The politic abuse - the avalanche of dezvaluiri job. As far back as the time of communist regime, a headmost personality of the nomenclature, as general Ioan Ionita, Ministru of Apararii dared, as in Biroul Politic of P. C. R. To prompt explicatii concerning the of a operation hospitals


psychiatric subordinate Ministerului of Interne. Facându the numerous echo* items of news comed from România, Agentia TASS - from be S.U. - transmitea urmatoarele:” Feather lately, the citizens României erau the of a witness awful items of news: Infirmieri and militiamans însfacau directly from the street which peoples opuneau with despair, îi legau and îi duceau with in a direct Salvarea these necunoscuta events petreceau else choosed overnight of a politic important events( the congress of the party, state visits). territorial Directiile for the protection health trimiteau the hospitals lists with” the patients periculosi”, însotite of the necessary documents hospitalization, having on they mentiunea” exigently”. these Printre” customers” have the hospitals numarau as much individuals with disturbances easy psyches, quotients and cases with înclinatii dizidente. The of a protests psychiatrists caused their dismissal, and the subsequent researches led to the conclusion as the these” hospitalizations” erau doed on demand Securitatii. Is incredible how at that rate - knowed of to all the psychiatrists from the country, as and of the opinion publish


internationala - boss of of decades of the Roumanian psychiatry( but that we say, stapânul they) he supports with nonchalance as the” our psychiatry utilizata in politic aims. Like in be Uniune Sovietica, and to we the persons apical the pyramid they placed on pozitia neadevarului. As and Morozov or Babeev from be S.U., V. Predescu, Ionescu, Milea have stated ritos as the they don’t had knowledges of existence psychiatric internments from politic reason. Just as he happened in be S.U., And to we vechea the nomenclature from remained to the helm branchi and from these reason the psychiatry is excluded from the process of the reform. Au fond, this is the communist style, always aggressive the si of deny the reality, even as this he is the evidence, here be the word of vechii party activists and of their style of the labor. To the trace of the traces, comparate with the ensemble of the abuses comuniste, the psychiatric abuses the by-pathes in limited number. But in this case is the word of doctors and of their alliance with a power nemedicala, with the power represiva the dictatorship. For this reason we can say as the psychiatry, as and the eugenics were uboss of for, the


achievement celei the big mean maul social life. Is sad his consisted at all succeeded the communist his regime the psychiatry and to cause it to respinga an all aprioric the concepts the humanists of this branch. The utilization of psychiatric diagnosis for the disgrace bolters politics and their isolation in psychiatric institutii were the grave thing the si except some persons acomodate with bad the si the fib can tolerated nepasatoare like facts. Is a typical example of utilize stiintei medical in a the work of robotizare the systematics and of brutify the social life. The psychiatrists executioners disregarded from points vedere civic the patients and this except wherethrough these erau bringed of to the organs of repression. The age necessity just of the barrel the reflection wherethrough the prestige of his psychiatry show today else. A study profoundly concerning the utilization of the psychiatry l he undertook it Comisia for Cercetarea Abuzurilor Psihiatrice town Bucharest, termagant weather he found out below the management of the doctor S. Diacicov, in contrast with the opacity and reaua the faith of like committees from


the level diferent judete. Were out in 1991 of S. Diacicov. You refer us afterwards to which date were evidentiate in this study. Thus, invedereaza from begin.begin with as the the number which psychiatrists cooperated in repressive aims with the communist regime is very little, but sufficient threw a light urâta about this noble professions. Am sufficient the proven cases, in which the abuse is apodictic. S. Diacicov supports in trenchant way as the from the analysis works of the committee on which conducea( înfiintata in 1990) they have the results two appearances esentiof: The utilization of the psychiatry of to the organs of repression; B. The of a subjugation psychiatrists. Although in all countries exist which laws look on ill the psyches, the research binds determinanta, the maul the importance be the atmosphere democratca or in a dictatoriala rightful state, even a legal severe frame for bolile psyche shall drive to repressive masuri much more than in a totalitarian state. As a matter of fact, just as spunea i. Vianu, the psychiatry in whole world is an auditing social agent, but in a communist regime shall gamble a politic role. The conflicts most ordinary in


which, only that, I am involved which persons ţin power can degenerate into diagnoses and psychiatric treatments. The internment forcedly don’t the age doed here for the complaint, but for demonstrate - adevarate or don’t - carry deranjau the power. The age much more, he says Diacicov, to intern on somebody in a psychiatric hospital in which the individual can to lie all life and where any the protest form the age imposibila or neluata in the expense, than in a prison, chiefly when the regime boasted of don’t else has no politic prisoner. All one examinees of to Comisia prezidata of dr. Diacicov were before internees forcedly of to Militie or Securitate, sometimes with the participation Procuraturii, assured a justification. Sechelele of a such behaviors don’t they cured, S. Diacicov quoting a succesion of psychiatric abuses the si after 1989. Just as arise from the works of the committee, the abuses erau feasibly and for the fact as the in deliberate way legislatia leave the possibility as the, simple interpretation, anybody to can be stated mad. Here the ambiguous formulation from Ordinance 313/1980:” Am ill psyches periculosi those which,


through their outpourings, endanger the life, the health, the integrity corporala own either altora or disturb repetitively and grave conditiile the normal of the labor and the life in family and society”. Forcesle of order shall have now the possibility appreciated subjectively the graveness of the facts, in which her I can take down and the spreading of manifestoes, letters, the respondents, which words don’t suit them. The organs of his security of party, in fact, have short the stages foreseed in decrees /////// And” the invalid” the age bringed directly to hospital when try to manifesteze, even if constitutia avouch it these laws. Alta a faultiness bound just as result from the study of psychiatric were, and the compulsoriness of psychiatric ambulatory treatments, foresee which don’t inhere in as part as legislatiei no of a state civilized. To we, an individual considered condignly or iniquitously mad, perniciously, even if can cured, the age taked in evidence obligatorily. This thing explain why to different events, in all the country, the suspicious persons erau culese the si internee without without excurse in the psychiatric hospital. Of this thing dealt Securitatea and each unit


sanitara the age patronata of securist an wagons have a good methodology regularized gathered on one periculosi. Thus, referindu to the system regularized in Bucharest, just as he appears from his study these Diacicov shares of commando erau organized of Gorgos, nomenclaturist carry conducea whole ambulatory net from the capital. A like system exist to the level fiecarui the county, with responsible his on local plans. Dispunea from office the of a liberation fictitious tickets of internment without a consultation prealabila. In each county exist a hospital, to this Bucharest role avându Spitalul Cula, section exterioara Spitalului Gh. Marinescu. All this the act from Bucharest the age supravegheata of to the party secretary” Sanatatea”, renumitul comrade very well-known Purdel for his brutality. The scenario the like age on whole territory of country. You ask for to shall imaginati, says S. Diacicov, a table of which peoples, subdued Decretului 3131980, the age obligata periodic to checks, which peoples, now and again, maugre pozitiei them, erau take of home or from job, even from in the street, and internees forcedly. Some persons thereout category prezentau and of hello for internment in


preajma diferent events warned the attitude degradanta were fish” forcedly and bringed to hospitals. As part as the committees of the expertise for Ordinance 313/1980 the psychiatrists are doingu a connections between” the papers of violences” described of securist the certain si frame nosologic - most frecvently the schizophrenia. But this thing have to the base than is slaba a preparation profesionala( of habit the committees erau formats from sefii of sectii promovati on the strength of of folder), is deficient which ethics, au fond, datorau acelorasi causes. This thing is can expanded and about the committees medico psychiatric what cuprindeau on territorial sefii have the problems psychiatric, after erau nominal aprobati of to Ministerul of Justitie( for instance, boss of the committee of expertiza on the country the age takes possesion V. Predescu). Din like these reason peaks of the psychiatric nomenclature examinau the formal invalids they be as a matter of fact attaches indicatiilor primite from the organs of parties and Securitate, the diagnosis most frecvently for mavericks be acela of his paranoia schizophrenia as the detached of these reality persons, in


facts be the word of their absence of adherence against socialism. If somebody criticize facto can be labeled of to doctor as the be” detached of reality”, therefore a paranoid, a madman. As president of Comisiei for Cercetarea psychiatric Abuzurilor, S. Diacicov supports as does many for these suffering tried. To offers them just a repair a moral, therethrough dorindu the washing rusinii led to the stigmatization of the psychiatry totally to. Adevarul don’t the maul must the convict no to prison and no to asylum. Of a real support he exulted dissidence româna from his Amnisty International, România be considerata, beside S.U. One among most repressive strong in the utilization of the psychiatry in politic aims. In 1991, P. L. R., Consisting the degradation situatiei the hospitals psychiatric, he does an appeal to the parliament României in which proposes: 1. Build câtorva modern hospitals of proper psychiatry the si umanizate; 2. The integration Of the hospitals Psychiatric with sufficient still more selected auxiliary force with surori the si asistente social;


3. The supply Adecvata with medicamete; 4. Proper programs for the students and secundarii from psychiatry; 5. Modifications Of legislatiei for protectia ill the psyches; 6. The of a organization Institut of Psihiatrie Sociala; 7. Alcatuirea of a program of health mintala; 8. The research Of politic abuses from the frame of the psychiatry of the age comuniste. The support and the international were binevenit for the fight Roumanian psychiatrists. Thus, all in 1991, in the British parliament is in progress a reunion speciala consacrata of the a hospitals psychiatric from România. The aim of the reunion the age acela identified the Roumanian which psychiatrists aligned with Securitatea and became this instruments in order to accomplished the internments fortate, as well as of a discutarea psychiatric abuses against bolters, but and against ill the psyches, as well as open of a channels of communication between the psychiatrists from Occident the one si from România. The British parliament doomed the psychiatric abuses from România, and a


delegations visited România in order to is made sure as an one incriminate in the press internationala am his don’t adevarate. Am identificate and concerned in personalities the repression psychiatric. But don’t else the age necessity. Press Roumanian îi identificase of many on these tartori. Here in this sense the conclusions of the newspaper” Cuvântul”( nr. 46 1117 Dec. 199l. The psychiatric abuses they spent under the rule of of a which doctors dared the madmans of acted the minds peoples, which the si l they owed it înaltelor busy functii. Am presented afterwards” tartorii” the Roumanian psychiatry, the which peoples conducted at least to the level town Bucharest, torture through psychiatric middles prisoners of consciousness. Even if don’t they, personnels, administered his drugs şocurile, raspunderea which and they were enorma, and their absence of the criticism appears today as the adevarata a defiance. The newspaper enumerate nominal on principalii culprits have the psychiatric abuse, that is on one several nomenclaturisti wagons defiled the honour of the psychiatry from our country. We don’t shall enumerate just as


do the newspaper, but we shall present principofle them features. Is the word of five - six guilty nomenclaturisti of psychiatric abuses, in substance all some by-pathes arrivistes, modest persons as the endowment intelectuala, culturala, professional knowledges the actually philosophic si the politic si, inclusively in cunoasterea of the Marxism. All only that are shall used of formal atasamentul to communism, party and S.U., as of principofle trumps in câstigarea of pozitii of management in profession. All erau, in substance, some party activists in the area of the psychiatry. Likely, all were contributory stipendiary have Securitatii. Two among they, always amintiti, did from the teenager complete studies in S.U.( Faculty and the doctorate), some don’t had no qualification in the psychiatry adult( V. Predescu be pediatric), and other( G. Ionescu) venise through transfer from a desk of psychology University from Bucharest, all the lecturer, but to an institute of the medicine, to a desk a clinic just as he is an psychiatry. Alti two among these were promovati directly from the medical jobs of Securitatii, waves don’t ocupau of psychiatry, but they were puted director


have of else big psychiatric hospital from the country( Gh. Marinescu) and you have celei enlarges big policlinics of sector - Policlinica Titan. All polluted the psychiatry with scriitura of compilation, îndoctrinata ideological, on which they entitled them treaties psychiatric, encyclopedias, unique handbooks etc., On the strength of carora erau obligati to formed the young doctors. Absolutely all ocupau functii of parties: Secretaries of parties, deputies in M. Pro-rectors, limbs in committees of parties of academic his center of of the committee of party Sanatatea. All erau his limbs sefi have the committees of the expertise medico, institutii carry dirijau the prisoners politics toward psychiatric lagarele. Really at all I burn be oficialitatilor of today to identify and to see what penal facts did just contextually he binds comuniste, from the age respectiva, but, the word fostei opozitii today in office,” but that exist the will the politics”. Orice promotion profesionala the age avizata or respinsa of these. Officially ocupau of different sectors of the psychiatric ambulatory repression, sectii of hospital, the practical system of incarcerate, the system of laws and regulations referitoare to the repression psychiatric). Orice


publication, anything work, the special review, all erau below directa them supervision. No an idea take a road of the a print but that the age avizata of these tartori. Frequently, in the sectors drived of they, organizau adevarate huntings of vrajitoate. They avizau the departures abroad of psychiatrists, inclusively on those in touristic aims. From afterwards their they had of suffered don’t merely the bolters internees, but and a lot of psychiatrists, opening with those which înlaturat for does they places( Margareta Stefan, f. Stefanescu, dosios, retezeanu etc.), Feather to the simple psychiatrists, but recalcitranti. These were as a matter of fact the coriphaeus” of socialist psychiatry” carry considerau the psychiatry an ideological battlefield. All also stated the in a competence the manner agresiva, and they enforced the authority through violence, through administrative methods. They erau singurii acreditati of his parties edit the books, to write items and programmatic reports”, cenzurau anything new his idea the unconventionality in psychiatry. Organizing corporately of” negroes”, all launched on sof an outside literature part logică, of carei professionalism oprea to


the level of classic literature from his years 1920 of the unique soviet handbooks. Near all the works erau editate of” communities”, but” below these redactia tartori. The structure marxista, logică these works the age showed with unyieldingness for the eyes stapânilor them, and the western modern concepts erau respinse from the line activist of indignant party against the dreg capitaliste. Neavând no a competition, this the kind of invaded the market, be described as” adevarata materialistic psychiatry”, in contrast with the literature the decadence psychiatrists bolters when, very rare the si in own administration, can and these to else publish in number printed of how much pocket an work. The registration and the rehabilitation of the victims of the psychiatry from odă welcomed after a big revolution inertia and bad the will. Thus, F. G. Marculescu 1991 - remark the fact as the no Ministerul Sanatatii and no Procuratura did no effort identified the victims of politic psychiatry of the si on these authors abuses, at least incite the how much times fostii executioners the si pastrat functiile, and one from rule two arrived teacher, taking over total the


place fostilor them masters. Such they can hide proofs, they burnt documents, wherethrough then to is passed to the victimization and the intimidation celor wagons had in his intentions disclose adevarul. Don’t is can spoken incivism and of competence to fostii nomenclaturisti. On thecontrary, permanently these they subdued is of a ideologists, is of a alien powers. Be and actuala the elite of conducatori communists from psychiatry don’t only that don’t shall permit aflarea adevarului or the guilty chastisement, but are shall oppose every reforms from psychiatry, perpetuating in fact the anachronism of socialist psychiatry. Take possesion the system waited passive the complaints fostilor persecutati is a faultiness and an author întreaba a how much is neunderstanding situatiei and how much is the desire hid must. As the review britanica” The European” to do affirmations inflamante took out Ministerul Sanatatii from fall asleep. But investigatiile doed helped of a true commando securist against acelora wagons doreau dezvaluirea of psychiatric abuses. Really why, întreaba the author, all what must doed for the elucidation of


psychiatric abuse is due to primeasca by all means the impulse outwardly, while the Roumanian which psychiatrists raise like problems are submissive opprobrium and punishments. Really this acts cann’t all are doingble as the an abuses? The limbs marcanti have P. L. R. Were amenintati, agresati appearances and calomniati in mass the media criptocomunista. Really, asked Fiona Anderson - 1992 -, don’t repeated in România what happened in dago democratiile, waves were cucerita, but he is dangerous his ameninti on executionersi from past? Who were executionersi from pasts and who props up it, he represents today one of the big dramas of the psychiatry of the job from România. If executionersi confounded, outside part, with fostii nomenclaturisti, the persons with functii of responsibilities from vechiul politic systems the administrative si of the psychiatry, is with as much else difficult his întelegem a succesion of” convertiri” jobs of of a personalities in which see the success of social experiment of the guy” the Pitesti phenomenon”. a case tragic* * *. To take in question one of the most tragic marvel ofs convert, the case M. P.


Doctor of exception and excellent ours student venind dintr which suffered enormously through the communism, he takes possesion having of suffered with two a licence in Teologie. Has only that ill-luck were attracted, can without voia him, as part as the repressive psychiatric system, regularized to Spitalul Voila and he has actually the ill-luck of be” treaty” on renumitul bolter V. Paraschiv. He is true as the the name were mentionat of to Amnisty International as criminal criminal involved doctor in the process of psychiatric repressions. In his places purceada to a recognition cinstita, he takes possesion be the of a victim the moffic gearing, in his place I framed in fight for renewal of the profession just as i be it permited the capacity, transformed, against every obviously, in a active seconder of the dogmata comuniste aplicate in psychiatry. This is how explain this the case bolter V. Paraschiv: V. Were. Saw fishy 20 of doctors psychiatrists from diverse hospitals and policlinics, but park the patient of today don’t else looks like one of yesterday”. V. P. S be îmbolnavit wherethrough, as far back as 1952, apartinatorii saddles


respingeau. Voila l he had it treatment, but he administered it just napoton and şocuri( clean the professional treatment). staied with busy Voila a bed among most good drawing rooms and, wherethrough his cynicism ajunga to peak, M. P. Describes and the basic theme sedintelor of” psychotherapy” which le are doing the patient:” Sfatuiam to procedeze a little else intelligent in his fight the politics angajata”. Deci what the age V. P., His ill a person angajata an in a the fight the politics? M. P. Avoid to answer trenchantly when he is some, when he is alta. In order to passed from absurd to ridiculous wasn’t than a step and M. P. Does this step when he unlives the tirade in which simply all argumenteaza the psychiatric abuses. To urmarim with consternation:” The one ridicati from in the street and internees in the psychiatric hospitals forcedly, with the occasion diferent politic events, don’t erau than ill mental. Don’t is can reproached the doctors as the submissive the power and as the don’t indignant, because the doctors were forciblei of their profession were the of a agents social orders date and then, wherefore to judge us the Englishmans? They have no wrongly to Yalta?”. Near as the he is credibil, incite


the cynicism to a doctor with an excelency an endowment intelectuala. And declaratiile urmatoare burn be incredibile but that burn be writed:” Feather in 1960 died in Roumanian stupid mountains, amagiti”. Securitatea, says M. P., Be prostita, we were can do abuses no don’t ne be us permited” Securitatea. More, Securitatea the actually age suspicioasa the si geloasa wherethrough i furau” the trespassers” carry to hospital had a better regime the si, frequently, the doctor the age defendant as the does this thing from his liking interest. Otherwise, the diagnosis of revendicativ( jeneaza to say the bolter) the age puted of a committee, and the internment and the doctor were always a zone of refuge waves he found out the tolerances and the solidarity. In order to suspended every illusions, M. P. Întreaba:” But why to isn’t the politic his religious an ill bolter psyche, when take possesion the insanity is dissidence against normality?”. Adevarul is as” the Roumanian psychiatrist pro or antianti abuses. Don’t unwilling his bad the will, but simply to does them. Guvernantii of yesterday don’t considerau the complaint psihica right an attainder and therefore they don’t foloseau an psychiatry,


wherethrough they voiau as a matter of fact the attainder bolter. Therefore, what else the practical joke on all the which world he left shaked of the image gulagurilor psychiatric from S.U., România, Cuba either his China of marturiile cutremuratoare of fostilor psychiatric prisoners. Were struggle organizatiilor internationof exposed the politic abuse from psychiatry. Were just a fib. Hardly now we learn to M. P. As, as a matter of fact, the communism no don’t the age asked the psychiatric abuses, nay le interzicea in vehement ways. Finished to ne pregatim to hear and a maxim about which you come back always. Thus, M. P. Says:” The communist former teacher erau omenosi the si of a flawless professionalism”, that just ne and întrebam how come îndraznit the Roumanian his people knocks down a such full of regime incites the humanity? Appointed this guy of converted a tragic case the unexplainable si, which phenomenon be interpreted than through the system of social engineering specify the experiment from Pitesti. Isn’t credible, not even most zelosi communists dared to go with affirmationsle them feather here, defying


adevarul and the whole world. Is indeed a tragic case, a case in which the fear and angoasa from fostul regime can act and when this don’t the maul exist, on the strength of cunoscutei theories on which aminteste Pofr -“ the psychology cage”. b. A case of a duplicity B. A case of a duplicity. In 1992, the nomenclature comunista from psychiatry is decided to pass to an adjustment of accounts as the in her good days. Contextually” noii” drive politic from the country she consider as he is the favorable moment undertook an act demolatoare, in the style of the years of glory, against which psychiatrists fell to the criticisms openly the psychiatric still more selected abuses against P. L. R., The which distinguished grouping in ways particularly in this frame. Talking about Stalin and stalinism, Roy Medvedev characterize excellently the way of thought the politics of the communism, characterized neîntrerupta the offensive against opozitiei of stânga or rightful, deceived the opinion published of organized the diversions” contrarevolutionare” which many times invent them, appearing in the role of” saviors” have the country. The disaster the age puted always on the expense”


diversionists” bourgeoes, of the elements dusmanoase and traitress, of the saboteurs, reasons for which adevarul is counterfeit with roughness. Paralizati tremulously, supravetuitorii you thicken the row of the chorus of eulogists to the address” conducatorului. From aparitia of the communism, of Roumanian metastasis, stalinismului and epifenomenonului or - the psychiatric abuse - throughout he unfurled same scenario, and struggle of ariegarda fostei nomenclatures comuniste from psychiatry încadreaza perfect in the classic guy of stalinism. On the strength of this ideologists, in the beginning the year 1992, after a silence vinovata and after they made sure as in România don’t you exist a process of a communism, principalii authors have the psychiatric abuses have declansat an acts of guys commandos against acelora wagons now tau directly and aggressive for the reform in psychiatry. The campaign of his television Emanuel Vofriu and lungul the serial from the communist newspaper of can since then -“ Dimineata” - represents the typical example of of a inspired shares of be Securitate, chiefly through libel and


misinform, in the manner the professional. Pushing ahead an insignificant doctor, with grave problems caracteriof, homely the professional si, this the faces îsi assume” whole responsibility”, but in fact gave the occasion of the nomenclature opening this” chat” in the press through anonymous his items through the entrance in the scene tartorilor organized a campaign of denigration and the fib as the in their good days( invectives, fibs, indignation artificiala etc.). Wherethrough his attack disposes of at least of credibility, the commando need the defendants” specify”: treason homesickness, the treason of the psychiatry, verocitate, careerism, but in the same time the mavericks are and grouping nesemnificativa”, collective psychiatrists be manifestly all told around their, exactly how the age and the Roumanian people feather in 1989, as a monolith around” conducatorului”. Si here at all I am affirmationsle which poet says:” Firstly the opponent and then can it doctor as on a monster”. Ca and in the period comunista, the main guilty the bypathes the leaders opozitiei from psychiatry, the remainder am just some”


deceive retrievable”. Sa try to descifram the mechanism. Taking advantage of nelinistea of the press internationof and in chief of some the defendants bringed of the review britanica” The European”, the defendants taked again of to principofle journals from the country in which învedera be of a psychiatric abuses the si after 1989, the commando dump these outside informatii part neadevarate, drive P. L. R. The fact as the to the hour aparitiei the serial from” Dimineata” and the broadcasts TV situatia the age lamurita officially and the fishy public a year, in the sense as the the exaggerations of the press internationof don’t had to the base informatii venite from APLR, had for one dominati of the idea of the libel and no revenge importance. For the thought comunista adevarul is relative the si partinic( Lenin), and the panoply cliseelor shall be seted going. If” adevarul them” don’t exist, he is shall manufactured. In this kind, his broadcasts E. Vofriu and his serial Duica from” Dimineata” became politic good conducted outpourings of to be Securitate and of to their colleges communist psychiatrists. Of now, the scenario is shall unfurl in the manner tipica, binecunoscuta, from


former” Scânteie”. Conducerii P. L. R. I is reproached affirmationsle from” The European”, how as the in România burn else exist 300 of prisoners of consciousness internees in the hospitals psychiatric, and” the ministry adevarului” he prompts as” the culprits” to is înfierati as some tradatori. Dezvinovatirile, dezmintirile, the arguments, the documents writed don’t else can to have no influence wherethrough as a matter of fact this campaign don’t îsi propusese adevarul, but the of a denigration of a ethical attitudes the si present it a psychiatric abuses from pasts as the some fibs. Peradventure the enumeration of typical libels of the mentality comuniste don’t burn be due to concern ones us. A book alba concerning the psychiatric abuses comuniste is in forerank a piece of memory, wherethrough across several slanderer his years he don’t says as the fibs of today they were adevaruri. Here in one what urmeaza the si in short, the manner calomnioasa filled across 60 of pages of newspapers and some hours of broadcast to the television publish. The authors of the serials support as the activity P. L. R. Exposed the psychiatric abuses comuniste afecteaza the of a


whole prestige categories socio, but, and worse, this thing means and a treason of homeland. P. L. R. Is a very little group, nereprezentativ, below 1 from the Roumanian psychiatrists, while their asociatia - P. R. - burn have across 1. 000 of membr, that is, what to else we speak, all the psychiatrists from România. Although so little, this grupuscul can attempt to the honour of the profession and, wherefore don’t, whole medical bresle the si just whole country. P. L. Came into being. Just with telul compromised the psychiatry and of culpabiliza on all the psychiatrists( the one five - six culpable tartori identified now with all the psychiatrists) and, certainly, indict it just as a matter of fact imagine. The stated aim of asociatiei burn be identified the victims of the psychiatry and the begetter doctors abuses, but neputând brings the eloquent evidences gaseste as the guilty on all those which have the prisoner jobs of management in psychiatry, of caror jobs the limbs P. L. R. Look them with” Flemish eye”. Dar, come back fostii nomenclaturisti, the politic abuses even if they were in proportions of table( vechiul Lazarescu, whom he answered it Vianu, just as I showed hereinbefore) and way after


1980( therefore in a reasonable time were certified). Caci, say they, wherefore a totalitarian regime burn be due to foloseasca the psychiatry from the prisons? Park I don’t burn know of the hunger of international prestige of communist leaders. In report with Securitatea, the psychiatry burn be former just a lawyer ex officio of the patient. For Securitate the path of the psychiatry the age a path” umanitara” wherethrough they ajutau the individual, a luxury for individual, and for this were just complication”. as a matter of fact, the bolter burn be belonged to Securitatii and except in case of” irecuperabilitate” severa the assisted age of to psychiatrist, but, to are atenti, merely in benefit of bolter. We believe as through these affirmations touched the limit the maxim. And then, continue nomenclaturistii, nor they existed the bolters, for to we existed Saharov( exactly as the mock in which one what împrumutase neighbor the pot primeste the answer: Firstly don’t gave me, in second secondarily the age breaked and then ti behind. Science became for securisto adevarata an art. Therefore the libels shall continue:


P. L. Became. As a matter of fact an associations of family, around three persons, all ahtiate after high jobs( to that the job of director have it” the teacher” Ionescu, head of a department the age V. Predescu, and director Policlinicii Titan, vestitul C. Gorgos), but, the laudation Domnului, feather now these high jobs were salvate. As a matter of fact, therethrough they they exposed as adevaratii movers have the campaign of the press and TV, nobody else don’t burn be wealthy this power in the Roumanian psychiatry. Following rationamentul of excelsior, the limbs P. L. R. Am as a matter of fact some pseudo wagons and they did just aura of bolters. Is passed then to the slanderousness fiecarui the leader fractionally and is begun at first with the which were a notorious communist”, again Toculescu burn be the author Decretului 3131980, although is known as all legislative initiativele from psychiatry, just the ministerial orders erau conceived of V. Predescu. Orbiti of fury, of this her date recognize and be” of a temple of the politic Roumanian psychiatry”, Spitalul Balaceanca, waves the president P. L. Were. Sometime director. Therefore in


România existed psychiatry the politics, existed a temple” just there worked one of the bolters knowns have the psychiatry and the president P. L. R. To see, only that, just from these mouth communists without simtul onoarei, how show temple carui be accepts it, in a the country in which take one’s dick that existed repression poitica through psychiatry. Thus, to this hospital exist a guard nemedicala, although here lucrau doctors. Against uzantelor, the here doctors erau dotati with magnetophones. Here erau all internees posibilii bolters, the prisoners of consciousness, the victims of psychiatric abuse bringed through vestitul Decret 121965. Here therefore as the just their, throwing obviously the cat in the courtyard of the neighbor, recognize existed psychiatry the politics. And what witness can be else avizati than nomenclaturistii takes possesion, that is faptasii. The shop with clisee of of the propaganda comuniste continue. The president P. L. Aligned with. Then what l be it costed to is with they feather at an end?), As a matter of fact autoproclamat president of P. L. R.( As if we, after 1989, I have înfiintat a cell P. C. R.). All the activity president is punctata merely as a matter


of fact penal: Medical false certificates, the bribe, obviously in the currency, and he interned to psychiatry in order to inherits it giddap. From pacate, the vice-president from that thenceforward the age realmente from their category and successful his practical distruga P. L. R. But to see how îsi caracterizeaza the mate, on the teacher did. The part near perpetual from the committees medico psychiatric, becoming a champions of a politic psychiatric which abuses, if they did, through he they did. Is a fanatic communist the si indeed, be excluded from party with the occasion meditatiei did, lachrymatory memoirs to all the congress of his party is geted back and, toward his bad luck, this thing he happened just to last congress from November 1989. Now cocheteaza with P. T. C. D. And chiefly I burn be the electioneerer of d Ratiu, although 12 were the lecturers to învatamântul of wrote, deistic monographes the materialistic si, in align with a lecturer from Catedra of Marxism, all obtained power and high functii in party and in Catedra psychiatric. In real way, as any nomenclaturist communist, they consisted as the teacher has no the work


scientificly, had the activity dissidence and, if you please, verification securista abaft with across 40 of years, he took away from the effectuation military probation, afisând a complaint fictiva, all proven with photocopies. From pacate, just as I have else showed, many among acuzatiile bringed his Romila they proved adevarate and seemed as and stipendiary the si the tribute through the inland destruction P. L. R., Whereat must adaugate dizarmoniile his of personality, and after last activities” publicistice”, serioasa involuare to an which were the intelligences. Of third is taked in collimator i. Vianu, Swiss psychiatrist of origin româna, became after a fearless emigration fighter for right man. And he is guilty all of the establishment P. L. R. Certainly as the i applied were: The limb of party( deposited; Application of entry, but, for 5 years, received, blocându thus the promotion and fortându the emigration), don’t îndeplineste no sacrosanta mission strainilor brought the helps, certainly he quisles of peoples and the country and gânditi to the enormity were selled Ardealul of the Hungarians”. else be and a big sympathizer of the Marxism and the


socialism( why, domne, else be due to emigrate?”) In god-daughters, dr. Marian Popa, the secretary P. L. R. Burn be former the si he big communist and notorious securist( why I burn be this a fault from a quality, taking into consideration that they take possesion demonstrated no the shade of regret) and else he extracts and official documents from ministries( the regret is obvious, thus don’t they can them they burns. All the leaders P. L. R., In block of flats, nediferentiat, they trained the press, institutiile politic in the slanderousness of the psychiatry, flouted the prestige country, appeofd to of a spijinul organizatii internationof. P. L. R. Appears so an which organism blameaza the si santajeaza the psychiatry, an instrument of antipsihiatriei( whereat psychiatry is refered really, to one socialist?), You to unjoint the assistance psychiatric. Although a little grupuscul the insignificant si, P. L. R. Causes to it panics on” adevaratii” psychiatrists. The punishment prompted for these individuals are due to is exemplara, again Ministerul Sanatatii is incited to enter into on the go. As a matter of fact, be due to have the pity of these peoples. To what days


arrived when with 2 - 3 years forward the age necesara just a simple the note informativa to Securitate the si everything burn be former solved. Now they, most” responsibilities”, be due to travels with petitions, with arguments. What frame burn be can they organize in their years of glory, while now be due to umileasca and to is worshiped an which even ear deaf person. Here, last, the conclusions whereat arrived organizational the campaign of press actiunii securisto looking the activity P. L. R. And celor carry the criticism the repression the politics from the psychiatry comunista româna: Denigreaza the sanitary body and Ministerul Sanatatii; Denigreaza the country through the defendants of nonobservance right man, although I were the word of” their country,” that is of that image comunisto about country, with carei nostalgia remained denigreaza actuofle structures of can legislative the executive si of country. To întrebam now on any politic his prisoner on anybody is at all accomodated with the kind in which alcatuiau the penal folders in the time of communist regime, if this act securisto doed after the rules of the high maul


profesionism of fostului the regime. What I burn else need now in order to is drawn the conclusion vinovatiei of” the crime against the socialist regime of the si of the security of the state” and if, possibly, drive P. L. R. I don’t burn have the fate celor from Caciulati. To are seriosi, tovarasi communists from psychiatry and of elsewhere, dumnevoasta swim today against generatia young man he expeled you just with tul blood, don’t the maul have future the si therefore he who fight for the reform in psychiatry, inclusively for the reform the ethics, don’t you pati none. Here therefore who am those which considered adevaratii promoters have the Roumanian psychiatry, responsibilities, patriots go out of their past communist and tortionar with head upside and pounding at” the curs” anticomuniste, just as spunea dl. Gavriliu. C. Reactiile the public opinion, of the press. Is as the when you find out you geared in a the work sociala to feel the solidarity celor from swears. Have else underlined situatia of dissidence in which found out the which psychiatrists fight for the reform of the psychiatry,


contextually in which whole management of the psychiatry is in the hands fostilor nomenclaturisti or communists from rule two. The attack were well thought out and supported. Gânditi as had the endorsement of the adviser presedintelul the republic, dl. Mironov. The attack celor from the governmental newspaper Dimineata the si of the national job of last television refuge of communists in were) for we and a refreshing opportunity felt the solidarity celor from swears and the forward sense of our demarche. You opens with reactia of the teacher Piru, director of the newspaper Dimineata, carry apprehend from begin.begin with to desolidarizeze of slanderer which used the space of the newspaper without his difficult approval days sufficed it to has communist from psychiatry if cann’t I lost] a place on earth, an which his newspaper le împartaseasca the shares, to furiseze and to apply to the contraband, be dezavuati of oneself director gazetei whereat” they had the access”. Iata how liniază the teacher Piru sitautia creata( in Expres Magazin from 11 febr.


1992):” From pacate, fundatia Dimineata debutat with some brosuri in which is reprographic the dirty serial of C. Duica. I opposed me this material slanderous which publication don’t recovers no prestige country. Then, he( prompted) his help Mironov( the adviser president Iliescu), carry yes light green. I believe as he is inserted Iliescu, but rather one Gorgos. Some items nesemnate are murdarii of his Gorgos. If I burn after me, l throw out it on Duica, carry is an impostors. Ladies, really for a such groups of little the insignificant si the age his necessity involve the of a adviser president of country, to deceive the of a vigilance director of newspaper, to have of he he did with persons on which propriul them chiefs consider it impostors and all printed murdariile his Gorgos. The rector university of the medicine, shocked and he also murdarii, declare:” Alive my I had the privilege” to consisted the noxiousness of medical envy, only that never the hatred, the cowardice, calumniate, the revenge don’t they reunited in a act so reprobabila.


The redactor of the broadcasts TV wagons he geared in same acts denigratoare, Emanuel were, dismissed and no today don’t still more got back the job. And all this disaster except were united with the communists and executionersi from psychiatry. The organisms internationof ofrtat. Dl. Anthony Coombs, from the group the British parliamentarian for right man, declare to a press-conference:” As much Ministerul Justitiei, quotient and one of Sanatatii concur as savârsit psychiatric abuses in România”. În institutiile psychiatric vizitate the British burgess notice as:” The peoples live as the animals”, and to Podriga, jud. Botosani, the British which volunteers live and lucreaza to Caminul psychiatric( among which the si the of a daughter the British parliamentarian) were beated from the order of the supervisor. Through the broadcasts TV his of E. Vofriu and the serial from Dimineata, underline Sanda Angelescu( 1992), he launched an attack against the victims of totalitarian psychiatry. Am protected, conversely, the direct concerned in persons the torture, as and the


morality of communist regime in ensemble. But best the problem is tratata in Tineretul Liber, of to Dan Stanca. He said - show the author vulgarizându, as all the Romanians struggled somehow or other against his Ceausescu. But this don’t urmareste than compromise the phenomena of dissidence, were about this he is and rationamentul which acelora, invoking the form of the fight colectiva and anonima Roumanian people, denigrated any sprocket dissidence. On this compromised, Roumanian dizidentei, they took down and the shares of the newspaper which Dimineata he put, the faces, in of our psychiatry in order to appear it of the inland treason the exterior si. This, after parerea them, I burn soil the prestige country, for, if the bolters internees in the clinics psychiatric had no on far intentia protested against the dictatorship, they were than some sarmane” minds ratacite”. as a matter of fact, therefore the repression comunista no existed limitându just to” urecheala” which the militiamans a maul aplicau celor which a maul aruncau how much sequin” on


sof. This shall, as a matter of fact, to show the newspaper Dimineata and E. Vofriu, achieved a painful feature reports about some human fapturi of cries, but he is ten to one as E. Vofriu and advanced the si the dismissal binemeritata. The system 300 of prisoners of consciousness, even if he don’t corresponds were, binevenita caused a look attempt toward past, which must to elucidam as much for present, quotient and for the future. The fact as the the putsch securisto is a provocation is clarified of dr. Toculescu, I carry liniază as don’t P. L. Gave. Informatiile for The European and as the, in this gave, dezmintirile necessarily as much in publicatia amintita, quotients and close up of radio BBC. No the British parliament supported affirmationsle of English but, on the contrary, he struggled them. The thing clarificasera with a year ante the serials from Dimineata the si from TV. But all these burn be former valid for which peoples burn be desirable his serveasca adevarul, while murdara


campaign of were just an act of commando of guy securist in which adevarul gambled no roles. Luckily, whole the stranded act in ridiculous. Saw at all I burn be for his nomenclature fereasca the psychiatry of any interpretation, at least from now on, we render afterwards, in fine, the manner in which done the internments to Geneva, in Elvetia, related the teacher J. Stuky as part as of a visits on did to we. In Elvetia he developed an psychiatry moderna an wagons puts base on an ambulatory treatment. The internments are temporizate from supervene than in the climacteric moments. Exist a law for the psychiatric internments. Thus, for internment the doctor is due to yes a certificate of which internment am due to corresponds of a precise criterii, such as: The specification of the diagnosis, the somatic imminent danger, the must of the attendance in average spitalicesc. This the certificate is certified of the of a doctors committees and if seem incomplete i added yes we.


To internment, of the invalid i înmâneaza” binds the internments”. Pacientul has at command 10 after day intern in order to did the petition. He must examined of to one of the limbs” of the committee of supervision”. Majoritatea of the patients get down on the task ambulatory jobs. Today to Geneva vorbeste all less of a system spitalicesc and all a more of one ambulator. The basic notion of is as ill his internee is how much giddap externat and încredintat ambulatory jobs. In Elvetia, the principle is as the psychiatric hospital to is open. For ill agitate is can closed his pavilion a drawing room, on short periods, but explained his patient of the family for what taken like masuri. Isn’t a situation conclude, but he is an attempt limited on how much possible masurile of compulsion. In the psychiatric hospital exist and a section closed an which is as a matter of fact a sections a prison. Here I am tratati he who îmbolnavesc in prison. This the section is the independence of the authority penitenciara.


In the delinquent case, the patient is indicted of to the judicial organs, waves his lawyer the prosecutor can prompt an expertise psychiatric if apprehend as the is the word of a complaint psihica. The law court can declare on irresponsible his partial responsible patient, depending on penal Codul, and he can dispose a psychiatric treatment in his ambulatory hospital. If I am îngrijiti in hospital, externarea the invalids depends on” the council of supervision”. Pentru some hotaraste set free with title of attempt and am obligatorily urmariti in charge compulsory feather go out of the frame incidentei legally. The patients can be externati tentative the si then can be bringed back. Here at all I burn be as in this his case aplicam experience elvetiana for the modernization of Roumanian psychiatry prompted budgetary backgrounds, no, on thecontrary, through the ambulatory jobs the expenditures reducându to 13 from the cost hospitalization. Inertia holds don’t merely of the thought comunista 5 - 6 tartori, but and of the big number of which doctors profit from the current system of organization( sefi


of sectii, the pyramid can, neacomodare with noul, with the adhibition of specific methods of the treatment ambulator, with the psychotherapy, while in hospital can come to the hour stabilita, you can see ill a date on week and can it give a treatment in the beginning which can to don’t else change. Like propose of reforms did periodic from 1972, then after revolutions, of the director Angheluta, Cosa, Ionescu, presenting medical arguments the financial dense si were never abroad studied the organization psychiatric did they repetitively. Chose me with ridiculed, shut up, label” e maddish”. Este clearly as the the privileges on which offer them actuala organization arhaica sefilor of section shall do imposibila any reform in psychiatry. This is as a matter of fact adevarata situation in the Roumanian psychiatry, resistance to any change, the dirty attack against celor wagons” deranjeaza” and an agreement of a mediocrity, of the fear as the changing the system of organization excluded, but that from psychiatry, from those little the mean si privileges - sefiile.


3. Reform in psychiatry he don’t means psihiatrie. Just as I saw principofle arguments of the nomenclature comuniste hold chiefly of the area of the invectives and of the libel, through saraciei them in arguments. Yet, some tartori fell to urzeasca” arguments stiintifice” indicting on those which you want the reform in psychiatry as the burn be psihiatri, I burn belongs to of a which appeared sometime in the psychiatry westerna antipsihiatria. Therefore he who don’t agreeaza their psychiatry don’t the by-path than some psihiatri( that is they shall the abolition of the psychiatry). Mare poverty of genie to these teacher! The subject antipsihiatriei is little known of to our psychiatrists( educati with his books Gorgos, Ionescu, Predescu, Romila), and in their speech” the teacher” developed the problem, chiefly as the came as a god send when intensificase as opposition against their psychiatry, the one înapoiata also abuziva. Teacher as Lazarescu, Ionescu, Predescu, Romila aruncau before


1989, as and currently, label of psihiatri tuturor acelora wagons doreau at all change vechilor a structures from his which psychiatry don’t erau of agreements with they, currently most” psihiatri” be the limbs P. L. R. Otherwise, in a idioms criptocomunist, M. Lazarescu underline the dependencies bolilor the psyches of actiunea” represiva” bourgeois society. Bolile psyche in conceptia to appear as a consequence of the class struggle”. these Din reason, says the teacher, Occidentul nor I don’t burn else be asked the problem of psychiatric abuses from The Europe of Est. He complains of for instance the fate of the psychiatry italiene waves, abaft of a laws” to insistentele psihiatrilor”, the psychiatrists don’t the maul dispose of institutii, of hospitals in which his I doctor ill, while dr. Crosignani the astonished age of sansele therapeutically which institutionof exist to Timisoara. Yet, wondered as recently he is in progress and to we an ascension a motion antipsihiatriei( read the motion for the reform in psychiatry) of which, the faces, the separate


Europe. Put us the question if abaft many too frecventelor visits doed in Occident, arduously financial which I don’t belong to, can he consisted in The Europe - the nostalgia after the organization azilara wagons thrive in România below his patronage. Principala his fear M. L. Is as” the motion interioara, the ethics of the psychiatry, ocupata with the research of the abuses and the folders, to he don’t gets down on fractionally cealalta the barricade, that is in psihiatrie. Can to asiguram as the îsi distresses uselessly still more good burn reflect to another problems, truly important. But the teacher offers us and solutia:” In these shares must call merely one of craft”( without chat as the gândeste to Predescu, Ionescu, Milea, Romila, can and to Grecu the obvious si to he, that is to those which they have” haiducit” the psychiatry comunista for decades becoming thus peoples” by trade”). Sa leave only that aside elucubratiile of the teacher - wagons îsi plateste the promotions longed as much explained why these criptocomunisti


used the term of psihiatrie, expecting as he can such they shall can bar any reform in still more selected psychiatry shall bar the psychiatry sociala, the stage in which found out today the European psychiatry in which - for his report The Italy deal a headmost place. Ajungerea to the stage psychiatric which M. L. Sees it as” break apart form the reform”, on the contrary, he is a completion of the a reform to the level exigentelor and the level stiintelor current which approximate absent ones to the psychiatrists from our country, grace in forerank” teacher. Is the necessity here of the barrel history. Evolved in the century of Xxlea in three successive stages, depending on the development diferent stiinte( biology, psychology, sociology and concepts humanists). Deci, here these stages: 1. The stage Logică, he appears in the beginning the century bazându on the blast of biologic knowledges( anatomic studies, of physiology, the genetics, biochemistry, bare the microscope, of the microbes etc.).


Kraepelin accepts the medical biologic model) of the complaint and corresponding his, the psychiatric hospital, builded after the principles of the hospitals of somatic complaints. This dominated absolutely the psychiatry Europe feather in 1945 - 1950, but unfortunately in S.U. And in all socialist camp, evolutia the psychiatry is shall stuck at this level, singura contribution be ideologizarea, that is acreditarea the politics of psychiatric system as the be materialistic the si developing such psychiatry clinico. This ideologizare frozen evolutia of the psychiatry in the countries comuniste, rejecting the psychological concepts of example( and M. L. Knows struggled f. Pamfil bore the equal-phase psychiatry psihologica). Dar now, M. L. Wants to continuously same psychiatry( can is believed in a the branch populata just with fool) and strong aces puts to the doubt the ecstasy italianului of which amintea M. L. Saw the organization psychiatric from we.


2. The stage Psihologica the si of the psychiatry appeared in The Europe, but through were much more in S. The country of asylum for multi scientists, inclusively psychologists, a lot of be the Hebrews persecutati of to Nazisms. Appear new concepts on the strength of his studies Freud, is given birth to the psychology medicala, I carry you puts at command we theories concerning the personality, you disposes of medicamentary specific methods, you be capabila to give numerous explicatii psihopatologice. All these concepts were forbidden of the communist ideology to we and certainly tartorii of the psychiatry comuniste applied in the practice the politics of the party. While The Europe mergea forward, we stagnam( as and in the cybernetics, the genetics and many altele). 3. the stage sociologica the si of social began after second world war in S. And then he expanded with rapidity in The Europe, leading to the of a creation the complete psychiatrists, bio, I carry in the current were denumita of numerosi right authors


psychiatry sociala, don’t due to of a exclusivist visions, but accentuated the side umanizatoare the current psychiatry. This put on the go chiefly we institutii of treatment, accentuating about the treatment unitar and socializării, created and we the fashions of the complaint bazate on the theories the humanists on which the sociology and the philosophic ideation of our century he circulated them last two stages don’t they unfurled in fostele countries comuniste, therefore no in România, this through must of purity logică, the repulsion against Freud and declararii the Marxism as the singura conception sociologica. Here he interferes the group of nomenclaturisti lipsiti of another arguments and appoint psihiatrie any which conception is deflected at all from the purity logică the socialist psychiatry. The psychiatry of the age remained just an psychiatry logică and azilara, and any go out of the front the age cataloguized right the crime of psihiatrie( that is, if I burn be due to explicam, is the word of psihiatrie in the sense of” against their psychiatry”. Cine don’t the age with their psychiatry the obvious age psihiatru.


Showed as big motion sociologica of the reform in appeared in Occident after war. Then westernii noticed gapingly as the maugre conceptiilor the which humanist dezvoltau and the democratic system, exist instiututie builded after totalitarian principles - the classic hospital of his psychiatry unlived. Adevarata revolution, although no there the psychiatrists headed the change. Yet, the country after the country, gazeta after gazeta were contained of the fever of the exposures and these impugnments institutii wagons don’t only that don’t good erau for treatments, but I don’t burn be be due to appear never. Toward his disillusion M. L., In were a big motion sociologica, and headed the promotion changes. Certainly they were and one dramas. Many psychiatrists had senzatia the of a destruction institutii, they opposed and they were and multi denigrators, but today the psychiatry westerna is some sociala, and institutia of singularily treatment umanizata. I frankly, rather the ace believes as M. L. Mind than to apprehend as the the Italian admire institutia which drives it( for instance, what he happened with the hospital from Zam?). But a such” denigration” contextually the democratic western


systems never interpretata as the treason homesickness or as the psihiatrie, although, just as I showed and here, the process he unfurled noisy. To these discutii took the part sociologists, philosophers, jurists, prelacy, activists for right man, psychiatrists reformers etc. And in were a resistance to change from vechilor manservants have these institutii( were communist), and big personal lived that fiziologica the sensation of” destroy” the psychiatry, through of a natural reflex of defence. In this teribila the fight appeared different which concepts, contextually the democratic atmosphere, they confronted, they denied reciprocally, but they formed the feather to the big trace Miscare Sociologica of Reforma from a such Psihiatrie of big plurality of pozitii the si led to the possibility as the, retrospectively, to is can distinguished two important current: Current a reformer and constructive an which, subduing of a critical vehement vechea psychiatry, oferea solutii on the strength of carora he developed actuala psychiatry sociala and institutiile they. In this current all engaged the psychiatrists professionals. Were a modification totala a structure of new psychiatry vision about


complaint psyche and about institutiei of treatment. B. An wealth of heterogeneous emissive in particular conceptii of to which nonspecialists - although they conduced to innovating current - can be accepted of to specialists, they necorespunzând of a reforms rationof and no the practice. This the heteromorphic group of conceptii, carry disturbed through the tension wherewith erau were, nominated with the name of psihiatrie. Have no idea in what measure know the teacher, but be due to liniem in vehement way as the existence institutionalizata of a which his entities denumeasca psihiatrie don’t exist, and fell to the all more heads pejorative appearances, from pacate to we be utilizata just of detractive the reform in psychiatry, while in this Occident disappeared long ago through the victory of social psychiatry. Here, therefore, what he shall as a matter of fact dl. M. L. - an in a average which mystification is little well-informed( although, from pacate, I seemed as he he is perfect awake to this thing. But then, the theories antipsihiatrice are very diverging, with variants sociatrice or politic, with rightful his extremists of stânga.


As far back as the age dizidentei psychiatric from România, nomenclaturistii hodiernal and of yesterday încadrau deprecatingly as the psihiatri on all he who” ieseau from front”. for instance, our work” Psihiatria were” flushed out of the book-sellers and gived to molten on reason of psihiatrie. Just as I have else showed, the change in the Roumanian psychiatry don’t shall come never from those which profit from vechile structures. For this reason the implication celor outwardly the psychiatry( literatis, reporters etc.) You be a stage istorica necesara as the the si in Occident. The case României becomes still more acute through aceea as the the qualified psychiatrists after the books and below the guidance of the teacher of the ideologues of communisms. Or, after 50 of years psychiatric logică, ideologizata marxist, pavlovizata in the age stalinista, you be very difficult for the psychiatrists the old his maul adapted exacting noilor. Practise, these burn be due to recalifice, whole areas of of current psychiatry fiindu completely unknown, actiunea them in psychiatry be some of guy pompieristic, just as they learned from on which they read them( which can to le


citeasca). Cu anecdotic title the ace remember one from the pearls of the thought of the teacher Predescu.” Priviti, spunea he, all the doctors from another which specialties emigrated they achieved there, some in excellent ways. I don’t know only that no psychiatrist emigrated which his be doed a big the career in Occident”. Nu know wanted to says the teacher, but for were clear as the all they were feriti of success” through calificării which insured just the psychiatry teached of he to the desk and through” his treaties of psychiatry. Is clear as the except the young psychiatrists, dezinteresati of ierarhizarea tensely from the organization psychiatric burn else can expect, in current conditiile, to a qualification corespunzatoare. Here but why exist this acerba resistance to any the reform in our psychiatry. Is clear as P. L. R. You be always acuzata of psihiatrie. But, liniază Marian Popa, P. L. R. Is fain to he enters into the competition with vechiul style psychiatric, pornindu from miza of the resurvey and înnoirii of the psychiatry. P. L. R. He don’t proposes to eliminate or to condemn on the which psychiatrists am due to I adapted noilor psychiatric concepts, but îsi realize as therethrough change you


exist an which minority shall suffer and which shall require the tolerances and the agreement. The folders of the abuses are prompted in forerank inventariate, because they existed the which psychiatrists believed sincere as the the bolters are ill psyches. On the strength of his psychiatry Predescu the very easy age as the what don’t corespundea of social his agreement /////////////// To can be framed in a rigid classification, in which the term of the complaint have conotatia of a somatic complaints, finalize and outside part irecuperabila. The reestablishment adevarului has no the nought of he did with a quarrel marunta from is an warlike reason between psychiatrists. In the years of the dictatorship, through the politics isolation intentionate, the psychiatrists were izolati so the medicine, quotient and of population. For he who erijat in conducatori have the psychiatry, natural the age an obedient man without another opinions than those of can, what justify double the consciousness and dublul the standard( one of front and one for he holds), as a matter of fact, adevarata schizofrenizare sociala.


Judecarea normality devenise a true monopoly of can and default of of a the docile psychiatrists the servile si. That is why no today one numiti of atâtea either conceives no change, declarându on he who shall the right change hates have the psychiatry. What i is can reproached the in a such psychiatrist the aberrant context the repressive si? In forerank, ignorarea the fact as the the society, the system became pathologically. Were constrained his ignored the insanity generala and to confined to the cabinet and to his books, operand secretly with the organs can for the such ill isolation periculosi. Thereunder label they hid frequently politic incident to interests dissidence. The psychiatry româna, as and whole the social were, totalitara, keeping in fact an atmosphere antisociala, conducing to uniformizarea, personalizarea and to the loss of the belief in of the man. This thing he can spent and without the guilty contest of of a psychiatrists. One the guilty were putini and they were numiti always, as much before, quotient and currently. I can recognize easily wherethrough they were always recompensati of communism for the jobs doed( big salaries, pluralisms of functii,


many titles obtained without merits, quick promotions, departures abroad near in exclusive way, liberatatea printed without covering valorica, economic advantages, the violation binds were sanctionati etc.). In the age of the totalitarianism the psychiatry frizat absurdul from the logic, sociabilitatea from the socialization. Struggle of a psychiatrists for did as these to is priviti hatefully and considerati periculosi. From theoretical viewpoint, the psychiatry comunista don’t depasit the horizon of the biology, considering the complaint as the on a fatality. The future psychiatry is due to this depaseasca system and to align with the social system, but toward binele of the invalid. From these reason, P. L. Proposed. The cabinet of of a establishment of the institute psychiatric which his sociala form specialists apti worked in the psychiatry sociala and socializare. Situatia in which find out us have not to leads to the dejection, chiefly when right man am protected and of organizatii internationof. The reactionary which group ţine main functiile in psychiatry and is opposed the reform don’t shall else have longtime can, The God lucreaza just with the eternity.


Principala to we represents it today an of a nasterea the modern psychiatrists the si a break of vechea psychiatry logică and azilara, autoritara and saracacioasa. Therethrough speram to the synchronization of our psychiatry with one European.


Chapter V. The abuses PSIHIATRIEI POLITICE DIN ROMÂNIA. Concrete study. The vulnerability of Roumanian psychiatry. Just as subliniam in the previous chapters, the use abuziva from ratiuni nemedicof touched the apogee as part as the totalitarian fascist still more selected regimes periodic comuniste, acuzatia of abuse can be straightened against oricarui psychiatrist, all the same whence I burn and he is natural, each individual can mistake. But this fact appears as true a sinister when contains an whole professional system from ratiunea helped a system nemedical - a repressive of a system totalitarian societies. The politic abuse of psychiatry therefore, heinously existed and not even through his big frequency, but for the fact as the in the countries comuniste were organized of to which states, became, adevarata” organisations the murderess”, involving the official operations( party activists, doctors in quality oficiala, the repressive organs of of inclusive state a such Magistratura the crime organizata of


to state don’t else be knowed in the history humanity. 1. Practise the politic abuse in psychiatry. The utilization of the psychiatry in politic aims of to the apologists of Roumanian communism at least originala. This were entered to we after the soviet example the si he consolidated on the strength of acelei” columns cincea”, format from the which Romanians became from communist in a opportunisms the country in which initial existau 800 of limbs of parties. The role psychiatrist in abuse. The concrete study of the psychiatric abuse on the strength of the lot of cases studied of we he did detailat. The problem on which put us the age the role gambled of adept in the repression psychiatric. The psychiatric Roumanian were transformed in a instrument of persecution the politics constituted little an abstract, were built of the authorities comuniste, of tartorii of Roumanian psychiatry( name on which took over from the press), as a true system opresiv. Put in practise of a such system required only that the cooperation in a


psychiatrists elder his measures the little maul, they accepting easily to is the instrument can totalitarian. Don’t is can conceived the psychiatric abuse spoke and of the role psychiatrist. Abaft on which undertook it he appeared us as pithiness urmatoarea which classification involve and a some graduate a responsibility: 1. The which psychiatrists constituted oficialitatea from psychiatry( the nomenclature) - in gathered align with Securitatea and with the organs of parties -, they take possesion dealing big functii of management in party and can and differed degrees in Securitate. They are those which organized conscious the repression psychiatric in theory and practise. 2. The psychiatrists His bolters mavericks, in very little number( at least one knowns), întelesi, but nesustinuti assets of big table psychiatrists. They criticized systematically or sporadic his abuses have esoteric propria them motion of dezideologizare, unofficially or with covering, but all they criticized the psychiatry oficiala and on her exponents.


3. The sea Massage the honest psychiatrists, but dezinteresati and dezinformati, tributarii the psychology” of the cage”, alipiti frequently in the manner coloniala” teacher” from their zone geografica, for micile administrative his lifetime advantages linistita. From first group do the part putini individuals, can a dozen, if we detract from such official those personalities of the culture on which the communists le foloseau always as the” papusniki”, how îi numea Lenin, or rather as the” tovarasi transitorily of road”. This the dozen of nomenclaturisti deal and deal and today all pozitiile of power, and from these pozitii a little community, round of 1. 000 of persons, handle and manipuleaza the psychiatry and on all the psychiatrists. In order to delighted the party, they became big theoreticians, objectors have the psychiatric modern concepts comed from Occident. This assisted in the abuses, organizându and the reward on he who erijat in executioners performers. Carry the age explanation this cooperations with the politic system communist? From this viewpoint can disclose urmatoarele motivatii:


1. Explanation logică, sincera or opportunist, of faith in ideal communist and of adherance to party. For these individuals the criticism of the party or the socialism can constitute a phenomenon of inadaptability sociala or just of the complaint mintala. From these her reason shall label on the submissive individuals” of the treatment” them as afflicted with his schizophrenia the paranoia. Be due to liniem all the some as the to this group, frequently, the behavior have a base aversive doubtful, as the evidence as the after revolution one they took down immediately in rightful his parties became unpolitical( just dr. Entered into P. S. M., Where candidate for Senat, without unprosperously). 2. desire of promotion profesionala, I carry le dadea power and the influence, satisfy ambitiilor, lifetime benefits the maul hello and, frequently, ambition them depasea the sphere of the psychiatry, wanting to become the ministers, deputies and just limbs have Comitetului Central.


3. Their qualification caused the appointment in functii, while the qualification psychiatric the age subsidiara. From these reason had to always to renew the evidences of affection fors parties and of ideology. V. Were across 25 of years secretaries of parties, then prorectors, parleamentary deputy But like politic functii le avusese the si in the weather studies in S.U. From these reason the study of the documents of parties, of diferent ideological changes deal to they eldest part from time, the professional problems dealing last places, pozitia them sociala nefiind connected with the professionalism. The problem devenea dramatica when drive the party( locala or the station) changed, and acuzatia of affection for fostul chief of party can lead to the loss functiilor politic which constituiau, as a matter of fact, the foundation of their professional career. 4. The party Shall promote the devoted frames the si of first reliable echelon of the psychiatry facilitated his check the si of Securitatii. In first the phase, the


studies in S.U. Erau absolutely necessary, because to atasamentul against party in that the age the indispensable age necessity and of the proof atasamentului against S.U.. In this context, the vulnerability were very big, she remaining, practise, to discretia of politic power. The psychiatrists thereout category had to to choose between party and the patient, but for prezervarea privilegiilor they shall choose always the party. Aligning with the party and bratul or armured - Securitatea -, means as had a common enemy. Of now, explicatiile eticii victimization bolters erau much more, decided the party, carry obviously don’t gresea never. The psychiatrist nomenclaturist stia as the his patron is the party and as the any abuse is accordance to this desire. Pursuant to cooperation, the psychiatrist nomenclaturist primea as the benefit a salary dimensionat maximally, departures abroad, villas vacational, access toes special shops, luxurious good the another si rewards for the jobs bringed. From these reason, some among they became adevarati apologists have the communism


even internationally, through the attitude from diferitele psychiatric congress. The psychiatrists bolters were and am putini in number and criticized openly or veiled the regime, chiefly the utilization of the psychiatry against bolters politics. Some were pedepsiti severely, altii forciblei to emigrate, li they organized public process the actually si judicial înscenari. Chiefly one abided at the country have no else be promovati, li he took the law published alti bolters groups in little groups more or less oficializate and have successful his has a certain activity in the press, have one out works in own administration. A big stipendiary price, but the bolters and they assumed this risk. Dissidence” were” also, one from the pathes of the fight. Thus, many psychiatrists had an affable attitude the actually si of” fraternize” with the bolters internees, this thing be asserted of multi among the bolters internees to psychiatry. The psychiatrists neangajati represented the absolute majority. Their behavior of discredited the age motivated through the fear, using of procedee of negare the si rationalization avoided dureroasele ethical problems. But the fear and the


compromise caracterizau in whole fact population country and can therefore represented an excuse and for psychiatrists. The psychiatrists conformists cunosteau the norms and convenientele society comuniste Roumanian the si stiau as the a fake step a full of age therefore, their first were his had of he did with the bolters, and if this thing be avoided, dadeau comes on” circumstante”. Multi sought to answers on demand the nomenclature of the agreement tacita against what this pretindea. But then, the hard to age believed as, be the psychiatrists, can avoid the totals risk had of he did with the bolters. Frequently, neputând avoid the contact with they, can gamble a charade of the manner urmatoare:” I know as you don’t ail and as the intern you, but gândeste have pati if give you on their the what bad si did me and me. Cann’t doesn’t more, sefii ma supravegheaza, but to stii as the I urasc this misery. Both are in same boat. This in which each ignore it on celalalt, is in substance a manner of the an uncomplainingness. Is the word here of natural intellectuals persons, interestedly and make sure these conventionof persons credeau, as a matter of fact, in


the immortality of communist system of the si failing of sense rezistentei. As a matter of fact, she do not întelegeau on bolters, these presenting for they a kinds of luptatori with the windmills. When you have an apartments, a family, don’t deserve to exhibit you, and societarea comunista don’t agrea nonconformismul. As a matter of fact the uncomplainingness dominate whole society. For this reason the compromise from psychiatry does the part the social system which practise it most citizens. The lack of the information, the impossibility followed the motion of the ideation as part as neurological stiintelor led to plafonarea and the intoxication Roumanian psychiatrists, read merely the what literature carry the official endorsement, that is celor else little professionals among they. The psychiatry, accordance to these handbooks, devenise a branch with 9 - 10 complaints whereat reducea whole complexity branchi in the of a frame visions to a high degree biologic. Just the taxonomic study” of his G. Ionescu, doed in the of a new despair the compromise after revolution, has intentia dizgratioasa proved as american Dsm-urile than to


confirm conceptia materialist and biologizanta which they practised always. At that rate isn’t of wonder the apathy and just the laziness intelectuala average psychiatrist, forced to profess 20-30 of in a years the branch with 9 complaints and 10 medicines, styles in which the si the average frames deveneau speedster” doctors”. fishy Timp 45 of years, were still more is dominata thereon oribila” the elite”. b. The amplitude and the forms of the abuse. The psychiatric consisted of privarea of of a freedom which were constrained his is interned on the strength of of a the false diagnosis, the internment contravening the interests of the individual and be doed against vointei this, below the of a pressure politic authorities, through the organs of order, in aim of his intimidation of repression, on behalf of of a ideologists. All the abuses is and the of a ill internment without motivatie medicala in that moment. Abaft the research of the casuistry of which I have beneficiat, the investigations undertaked and the studious documents, can compose urmatoarea classify the psychiatric which abuse practices to we:


1. The incident to internments the politic events had frequented eldest the si were most noxious, sicanând and intimidating table of hundreds of peoples sanatosi or limitrophe, inclusively able to patients misiune of years of days. Thus, in the psychiatric hospital, erau internees individuals sanatosi or marginal, but, in all the cases, the common element the age the possibility of the use of the occasion aof the politic event for a demonstration ostila against the regime. Thus, to these occasions Securitatea” sweep” orasele of hundreds of” mental invalids”, that is of uncomfortable persons from politic viewpoints. In this kinds, on short periods( 5 - 10 days), cohorts of” patients” erau bringed of the organs M. I. And deposited to the territorial hospitals, well pazite and already supraaglomerate. After sumarea of politic all event erau eliberati, some among they just without a formality writed or an examination medicala. Here isn’t the word of a psychiatric abuse, but of an abuse psychiatric. The practical impossible age simple


his doctor oppose you of a such which shares the visa hundreds of peoples and dispunea of a premeditation and an organization conclude, in which just director of hospitals erau implicati from professionals. As opposition don’t only that burn be leaded to dismissal, but and to the interpretation the politics of the gesture. 2. Illegal shares in politic aims to which persons had a complaint mintala. From this viewpoint, our identified urmatoarele categories: Diagnoses manipulate from politic reason, referitoare to the must of hospitalization, such as the schizophrenia, the paranoia etc. With how much the symptoms erau the negative maul, with as much else clear the age as the the patient” has no the consciousness his complaint”. b. The treatment with neuroleptice or with soc without motivatie medicala. Now and again, prisoners from the prisons comuniste or from the hospitals psychiatric li administrau şocuri or neuroleptice, although this thing don’t the


necessary age. A testimony in this left the deputy Radu Ciuceanu. He spunea as the age neuroleptizat without no the medical background. The treatment applied in like cases as the the punishment, for he does on individual the submissive maul the non-hazardous si for the politic regime. C. Sectiile psychiatric good pazite, carry existau to most many from the hospitals judetene, but existau and secure sectii, completely insular, sectii in which except personal medical the si oficialii with special regime had these access sectii fated erau just prisoners against which practised an psychiatry abuziva. A such section fiintat and to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu, below the name of made ones choice were drived of dr. Epaminonda Tomorug. D.Institutii specializate, fated” the special treatment of bolters. In România had this sad notoriety Spitalul from Gataia( base the clinic of the desk from Timisoara f. Lazarescu), chiefly in the years ‘50, the hospitals Poiana Mare, P. Groza, Raducaneni, Balaceanca etc. A sprockets aparte, nefiind still elucidated, has it Centrul of Cercetari


Fiziologice from Bucharest, waves s be experimented with destructurante of personality. E. The abuse of agreeable to ill diagnosis. A number of doctors support as in the period of the communism practised false diagnoses saved the patients from a situations which maul i be it waited. Is a situations still neclarificata from the viewpoint of eticii and the medical moral, chiefly as the in all these oneself cases the psychiatrist burn be risked very many. 3. Legislatia as factor of encourage were also, an important thing. The legal structures of of the years of the dictatorship from România erau thus thought that can facilitate the psychiatric abuses. Thus, just penal Codul deschidea doors of psychiatric politic abuses. Thus, the items 114, 113 c. P. I am exemplary in this these senses items presupuneau the conviction for delicts of the nature his politics politic motivate the si, therefore, asigurau enforce sanctiunilor or privarilor of freedom, inclusively privarea of certain laws eliminated the bolter from the life his politics damn on he and his these ideation


masuri includeau the compulsory in a treatment the institution spitaliceasca or ambulatory forward or after conviction, interdict of a practicarii his professions functii another audience specific laws, such as the right withdrawal of drove the car, erau as hard. Indeed, potentele abusive by-path încurajate of the laws spectatress to declararea mental of a incapacity individual. This thing is extremely obvious in Legea nr. 3 1978 I carry permits the sequestration in case of urgency medicala. Thus, such imperative medical erau transformate in imperative of politic order this si on the background retinerii on reason of the complaint. The decree 121965 foresee the internment for” injuriousness” on the strength of of a declaratii taked from his neighbors from the limbs of the family, without as the his individual can 3131980 foresee the possibility of compulsory treatment to of a alone indicatia psychiatrist, carry can be easy submissive the pressures of the authorities. More, in this case the decree, whole the act of debar from


the freedom individual the age legată the sanitary organ, while Securitatea conduct from the shade, this in the sequel critical bringed Decretului 121965. A problem delicata referea to the nature and the duration detentiei in the unit psychiatric, as per the orders M. S. 56 1976 And 2611987. I risk involved consist in the fact as the the legal procedures, nice and vague, I lead to retinerea on reason of health of which persons need the inclusive treatments mavericks an another politic appearance the suspicions l he constituted it such answer colectiva in the psychiatric which expertises implicau or don’t a politic abuses. The age here a treacherous blend between formal legal - the glaring si - discretional. Because the formulation of the decision apartinea of a committees, she be contested officially. But all the committees of the expertise psychiatric erau formats from which limbs compulsory obtinusera the notice Securitatii and formal the si of Ministerului of Justitie, what denote the fact as the


the age the word of persons selectionate and certified politic. More, the committee of expertiza wagons last dadea the decision finalize, have as the perpetual president on V. Predescu. 4. Declaratii sperjure motivate politic. A difficult the problem raised when the diagnosis stabilea on the strength of of a” marturii” in which implicau differed official persons the which si prezentau with propria them version concerning the facts. Neexistând which his proofs dovedeasca the opposite, the person in question the age spitalizata except accordance to declaratiile of repressive organ. Here a very manner relativa appreciated an ill psyche. Only that on what day passes, asemena a label an all age the hard to maul denied, devenea of now” event” in the leafs of observations and therethrough devenea indubitabila. 5. Ignorarea the psychiatry contextually the economic misery of the country. The pauperization Roumanian did as his psychiatry is


considerata Cenusareasa of the medicine. The personnel of attendance from the hospitals psychiatric the insufficient age outfaced the big number of patients, asistentele specializate in psychiatry erau very barrels, the social wizards fusesera of many desfiintati as the functions from the scheme of personal. Cladirile the hospitals erau darapanate, the sanitary non-existent facilitations, sapunul and the detergents near impossible of obtained, the food inadecvata and in amount reduced. Is difficult his acuzam the psychiatry of these conditii, of suferintele determinate of these factors, which factors of facts represented a some a mentality a politics. The profanation of the psychiatry, in conditiile date, don’t the age an abuse of practicarii of the an psychiatry, but one of politic authorities about psychiatric institutiei. 2. The material remaking studied. The research detaliata the lot of cases of which put in evidences urmatoarele


important appearances, which shall them present them afterwards: The internment abuziva. The how much evaluation the maul exacta number of victims has in itself a little importance, intolerably be the abuse in itself, even if I burn be the word and of an alone individual. Yet, the evaluation number of victims can permit an overview about the psychiatric abuse. But a such enterprise is very hard to doed in România. Maugre these adversitati have successful his contain under consideration our across 60 of cases, a sufficient number can demonstrated the utilization the systematics of the psychiatry in the aims of communist party. In respect internments from the special hospitals( the fiefs of repressive psychiatry comuniste), as opposition were totala and the efficiency, reason for which don’t dispose of yes official. F. D. P. From judetul delivered all the some a succesion of date concerning the prisoners politic internees to Mare, which he appreciated it to 20 of cases, consisted as soon after revolutions disappeared therefrom, without no the form legala, 40 of cases. Believe as these 60 of patients can us help form us an idea concerning the


amplitude politic internments, even if the number is adverted to an alone hospital from România. In what priveste the internment on politic criterii in the hospitals psychiatric accustomed, is illusive his speram as the you obtains ever gived incited the how much these time hospitals, roughly their majority, am drived of fostii culprits. He spoke very earnest of an acts of destroy the folders of intern his bolters of their reconstruction. Former step in the politic abuse l he constituted it the internment abuziva. The internment supervened in the moment when came in conflict with the politic system communist and when securistul call on his psychiatrist pronunte if this behavior can be considered as abnormal. Once this notice the age gived, statute bolter changed, he becoming ill a mental whom i can apply masurile of internment fortata, şocuri, neuroleptice, masuri of contentie etc. The behavior bolter to first contact with personal have a big importance about the kind how shall be doctored subsequently( the age gived to agitate, closed or uncaged, sometimes leaved with ambulatory treatment.


As a matter of fact, these fate bolters the more age in the hands of the organs of repression, but relations with personal of attendance the age and he important. In natural way, the cases erau bringed to psychiatrist in the many maul kinds: 1. The procedure Civila with the internment directa” clean” for the papers dissidence which the psychiatrist transform it in a phenomenon psihopatologic. In these situatii can appear urmatoarele categories: The bolter Are doing a some a deed, the age proved, arrested and puted in hospital, and then subdued of a psychiatric expertises in order to confirmed” the complaint psihica”. this Pentru Securitatea can make an application formala, but as often as not bring the bolter to hospital the age the sufficiency for the psychiatrist which conformist întelegea what must doed; The bolter The age Respondent Of neighbors, relations and just of wife. The age called Militia, the bolter the age leaded to the section, waves ofiterul in charge îsi dadea the notice and the person the age leaded to the hospital constrainedly.;


Rapiri from in the street, from the place of his labor residence, without capias. The person the age leaded to the psychiatric hospital without explicatii the si without consult medically a previous. 2. The procedure Penala - when the age arrested for presupposed it a deed of common law and transfered to psychiatry for aims” medically”. 3. the procedure wherewith the bolter the age judged and convict for facts were rightful, but dumped subsequently from prison in the hospital of complaints psyches. If these methods priveau chiefly first internment, the subsequent internments can be doed through” deterioration his state of health”. many times actiunea the age described as a pure act medicala, of these preventie internments erau chiefly connected with differently events, when the bolters erau adunati in such hospitals” storehouse” of the guy of the hospitals Cula, Gataia, Zam, Balaceanca etc. Although throughout folosea the term of ill dangerous psyche, any among the studious cases of we don’t framed in this category, without else speak of the


complete bolters sanatosi. With all these, on their leafs of observations erau passed symptoms as the: Outpourings suicidof, agitation, delirium etc. The responsibility for all these facts drops indubitable about which accepted to gamble this role against eticii vocationally. B. The which events caused the internment. The common element of these abusive were acela as the respective citizens wanted to exercised the secure laws of Constitutie pacifically( the law demonstrated the title to the faith, to politic creed, to petitionare), but the organs of repression, helping the aims of the totalitarianism, they opposed the free exertion the si pasnice these laws. On the strength of study accomplished, they can systematized principofle guys of justificatory papers of internments. # Activitati with politic characters. Constitutia comunista don’t opunea formal exertion of to citizens politic activities. Yet, in the practice, anything activity the politics, with exceptia conducted celor of to party, erau interdicted. Here some marvel


ofs motivation the politics internments: Activities for the right defence of the man; The of a formation trade union organizatii or of a parties hybrids of 3 - 4 limbs; Verbal his critics in writed to the address of the politics of communist party or of a conducatori of party and state; The criticism right violation of the workpeople( salaries, timetables of the labor, voluntary activities etc; The display of slogans, tiparirea of manifestoes in which exprimau critical opinions; The of a reading his books forbidden reviews of authorities. # Cereri insistently emigratory. A lot of bolters were the internees for persistent attempts passed the boundaries and just for insistentele emigrated also, insistence penetrated into embassies can to is considerata a complaint psychiatrical. # religious Activitati - of a practicarea religions else than silently and in local of lettered the age convict is as delict( the propaganda religioasa), he is the age considered as a phenomenon


psihopatologic - a paranoia. Here they entered in chief, the limbs have cultelor baptist, adventiste, penticostof. Sometimes the internment can contain an whole family. # of a Formularea his memoirs petitii Can be cataloguized and as the a complaint psihica. Although the regime raspundea seldom to memoirs and petitii, the one with character poliltic erau immediately sended which Securitatii, frequently, folosea and of the weapon of the psychiatry. The lack of unitive Securitatea can be an another reason for the utilization of the psychiatry. Many times the which citizens are doingu memoirs erau several internees days to psychiatry with the justification as the li is done a short medical psychiatric check, this thing be doed intimidated the submissive cases of psychiatric abuses from our research were arestate of Securitate or Militie in direct way the si in all the cases the persons erau the of a subject shares with politic character. A lot of among one cercetati have else haved of he


did with Militia and Securitatea by a long chalk the time before first their contact therewith on this occasion, fusesera subdued of a long examinations, sometimes just torturati. As part as of a used examinations the si şocurile. Legislatia on the strength of which he did the internment were is Decretul 12, is Decretul 313, but in most the cases don’t else are doing the appeal to law, the internment be doed without no justification legala. Also, the security folosea the menace with the internment to psychiatry caused cooperarea bolter. Of barrels either the internment he did after his process after the of a pronunciation sentinte. In most the cases Securitatea from the psychiatrist command the internment bolters. For psychiatrist, first the which problem had to rezolvata the age aceea considered the submissive bolter right internment a social danger, a violent individual in relation with one from swears or with he takes possesion. This thing only that the very hard to age proved. Just here intervenea prove of”


faithfulness” psychiatrist against party and Securitate. For this reason, in very many cases folosea formulate” the patient represents a risk for the social system”, incomparably easy thing of asserted. The bolter arrested pierdea, in the practice, anything right. As per penal legislatiei, he have just the title to a judgement echitabila, which thing in the practice happened very rare. The investigators his saddles judecatorul can prompts now an expertise psychiatric, but don’t erau obligati to anunte the prisoner thereon his his communicate result of the expertise either the medical recommendations. The defendant have no to know his folder the conclusions of penal investigation. The law had a lawyer an age frequently eluded in the practice and anyhow the lawyer don’t the age becomed of the defendant from exist obligatia as his lawyer întâlneasca with the defendant. C. The length of the period of the internment. In the studious cases of we the length oscillated from cârteva days to several years. Exist a connections


between ratiunea the politics internment and this length. Most multi among bolters were the in particular internees on short terms, with the of a occasion events. Au fond, choose the internment and his length the age a problem a tactics for authorities. The utilization of the psychiatry have the advantage discretiei and the fact as the the very age expeditiva. The age puted in question here don’t except the victim, but and his ideation” madmans”. is put only that the question for one what bolters erau internees to psychiatry, and altii rather to prison. Is very hard to established this ratiunile behavior. After our opinion, the psychiatric hospital had to cagily for the bolters most refractory - example V. Paraschiv -, carry difficult erau of submissive his for those which had politic pure demands. In the of a place difficult judecati( the bolters as a matter of fact don’t încalcau Constitutia), through her psychiatry erau lichidati summary, without taken in question their ideation, but just required their irresponsibility. In


many situatii” the defendant” no don’t the age sited for such the process. Risk of a manifestatii to law court, prezentei reporters straini don’t the maul exist. Also, the bolters internees to psychiatry erau shower in secret places for family, percent of kiloes, and with help neurolepticelor the of a such si” psychotherapies” tried the washing of these brains of the individuals. The bolter psihiatrizat don’t the maul have no hope, he don’t stia no how much the maul has state in hospital( everything depindea of how give up to his ideation), have no no support, be interned in same drawing rooms with ill the psyches periculosi, therefore in a permanent dangers round the clock. Torture through psychiatric treatment the si şocuri the age odioasa and unite with the time.long-time internment erau menite to challenge the modifications of personality, frequently with irreversible character. More, these internments had and the role of


intimidation about the group from which the bolter are doing part. Failure robotizarii bolter the age imputata psychiatrist, reason for which, frequently, this are doing the supererogations, maugre the of a big danger complicatii. Ratiunea in a internments hospitals psychiatric usual constituia chiefly an of a prezumtia internments the short maul, when Securitatea appreciate as just a simple internment burn be the sufficiency. Also, all in these hospitals erau treaties the minor delicts, altercatii with sefii etc. The fleeting internment practised chiefly in the years ‘80, this method nepermitând of a aparitia campaigns in Occident the si, however, when this thing appear the bolter the age long ago freed. All in the hospitals obisnuie, for shorten the duration are doingu those internments massively bolters with the of a occasion politic events, state visits etc. D. The place and conditiile of detention( intern. If the hospitals psychiatric special the si they maintained all through


official the appearance of prison, the psychiatric hospitals accustomed had the appearances azilar, what in the practice the age near identical. I showed previously in what conditii these functionau hospitals. In one what urmeaza shall systematize, on the strength of our investigation, principofle which appearances caractereizau the life in these hospitals in which erau closed the bolters. Supraaglomeratia and the absence conditiilor elementary of the hygiene. All the hospitals psychiatric( accustomed or special) erau overpopulated with how many two ill in a beds, in drawing rooms of 30 40 of beds, with smells pestilentiof, without sanitary groups corespunzatoare( sometimes just with tinete). Viata ill the age as of a the prisoner. The cold, tântarii, the humidity, the dampness erau conditiile accustomed. Iesirea from actually drawing room on corridor had to supravegheata of personal. The foods erau servite frequently in his drawing rooms insalubrious dining-rooms, in the crockery


metalica. Frequently a cup servea to 2 - 3 invalids. The absence bathes, present the hanger-on, afectiunilor dermatologice the age the rule. The uniforms of hospitals erau teared and dirty, cearsafurile schimbau rare the si erau of quality execrabila. Hereto else adaugau desele immobilizations down for most little bear off the branch enforced of infirmieri. Restrictiile and censor consist in a drastic regime of corespondentei, of the visits, of the reception of the parcels, the absence of the leave had one personal object. Frequently, in the special hospitals, the doctors aprobau or don’t the title to the correspondence. The intellectuals activities as the cititul, scrisul erau practise impossibly. Adevarata censor an age established and any what happened in hospital don’t had to to make ones way outside. Violence against ill, the personnel of attendance having the practice autorizatia bound the patients, of does them soc. The bolters have the in particular respondent the personal despotism, the ineligibility and this


recoltarea from the row of the persons of the bran, prisoners of common laws, of the sots, of the psychopathes, fostilor ill psyches. Sometimes aplicau beatings sadists. Many times” the prisoners” had senzatia as this personal entitle of the life and deadly about their. If personal medical little statea among ill, infirmierii stateau practise all through, forming adevarate clans, ajutându between they. As a matter of fact, the doctors and infirmierii erau loners in what priveste practicarea violentei; Even if the doctor don’t lovea, reclamarea infirmierilor don’t declansat investigations, the reason be invariable - ill the excited age. Very frecvently the punishments consist and from cresterea of the doses of neuroleptice or practicarea of şocuri. Mentinerea of a branch of iron the in particular age the feature of special hospitals, waves the aim seem to is dezumanizarea the patients, with the extermination in they every free thoughts, every constiinte politic. The moral pressures the si the attempts of made sure politic


exercitau in permanences in the special hospitals. Adeseori like shares had as the covering sitting of psychotherapy. Among principofle psychological shares notam: The isolation Aberanta in special his hospitals in drawing rooms of agitate under lock and key. Hereto added the interdiction of the visits, the animosities among psychiatrists and the ill families etc.; Absences Every pathes of his protective petitions legala, censor, the permanent check about prisoner, the check relationship loin with alti patients. In the psychiatric personal official hospital have no no obligation legala caused to succeeds the complaints of the patients to a prosecutor, and the complaints of the families don’t erau noted; The hospitalization The age On the duration nedeterminata, nor a bolter know a quotient shall abide at a hospital, merely the renunciation to dissidence the age an argument obtained a liberation. Not even to one încadrati in his decrees 12313 don’t li


respected the law were examinaţi to 6 monthes. The promiscuity connected with the blend of persons of ages, degrees of the different culture, the blend with ill real psyches. After externare the patient the age” dispensarizat”, subdued of now don’t except the supervision Securitatii, but and the sanitary territorial organs, neuroleptizat ambulatory. For this reason, the stated bolter” ill the psyche” can be anytime rapit of home or from in the street, without another formalities on” base the case histories” loin. E. The diagnosis. The Roumanian psychiatrists approached the special literature westerna the si they instructed merely after the handbooks psychiatric from the country, all editate of tartorii of totalitarian psychiatry of the si after programmatic indicatii” of his director of the teacher. From these reason, the psychiatric diagnosis in became adevarata a farce simplista and an easy of carried out.


Spuneam hereinbefore as the became diciplina with 9 complaints and 9 medicines. Here these diagnoses, just as they were they taked over and entered through ukase, list which the age on table oricarui psychiatrist, inclusively with the necessary code statistical remaking: Code 1. States psihotice structurally senile the si presenile 2102. Schizophrenic psychoses 2113. Affective psychoses 2124. Alcoholic psychoses 2135. Disturbances nevrotice 214. 0 6. Disturbances Of personality 214. 1 7. The alcoholism 2158. Dependency Of drug 2169. Delay another mintala 21710 mental disturbances 219. Looseness of the marks of diagnoses and the ofatory way of the practice appear as which factors faciliteaza of a imixiunea criterii extraprofesionof in special ideological. An example: The preoccupation oficialitatilor masked the alcoholism soldier with the of a invention formulations diagnoses( exactly how Ministerul Sanatatii ascundea the cholera


below titulatura of the complaint diareica). Cu exceptia the cases of delirium tremens or of the psychosis etilica, nor alta a form of pathology connected with the alcohol don’t else consign. Is a typical example of transgresare the psyche and of established precocious the treatment. In same conditii they found out and the diagnoses of complaisances puted with the aim of the breaks of the task. To we don’t forget, only that, the decision his protection neprotejarii of the invalid through euphemistic diagnosis remains constantly to dispozitia psychiatrist, whom i s be seted or, possibly, just validate a power discretionala. Cann’t ignore the middles, explanation and the benefit, according as cann’t ignore the fact as the a psychiatric diagnosis superflu can become the proof in actually justice against the beneficiary( an which diagnosis permitea break of the task can subsequently to is a proof temeinica of divorce. Strange pole in this context declaratiile audience of his M. Lazarescu, how as the in the clinic and the psychiatric system from Timisoara, of which raspundea he, I burn be inhered in temporally the communist regime zeci of the si zeci of


cases of bolters” proteges” through diagnoses of complaisances puted of his, these composing there adevarata” academy” - some îsi are doingu the doctorate, altii are doingu researches stiintifice - adevarata” Socola Rosie” drived of Lazaresacu. But how he gets off on his affirmationsle M. L. Carry conduced to the promotion of the idea as the, in România, in psychiatry don’t existau bolters abusive internees, when now he says as have zeci of bolters on which protect it with diagnoses of complaisances by reason of his soul so good. But what I burn can say about one 100 of miners internees to Zam just wherethrough they had the complaint of the strike”. naturally, M. L. Apply the theory leninista adevarului relative:” What he is true for one he is untrue for other” - clean the logic profesorala. Is put therefore, from ethical viewpoint, the question: In what measure a psychiatrist îsi can use” can medicala” and in what measure, believing as he recovers, exercise as a matter of fact adevarata can medically? We appointed this all philanthropy abuse and false, that is the lack of the medical ethics. Can medicala don’t is us falled across the society did from she a dictatorship. Is


clear as the through all these asistam as a matter of fact to an exit from the frame of the system of reference of these psychiatry practices falsified diagnoses became subsequently contagious, for what is permited his M. L. Îsi can permit any another psychiatrist. But the fictitious diagnosis puted for superannuation, interrupts of the task etc., With ignorarea criteriilor medically, juridical sanctionat tacitly of to power, therethrough only that any alta situation the clinic becoming were mistificata. Thus, he practised indistinctia among psychiatry and psihiatrie and in the last resort the proliferation omnipotentei and liberului of a arbitrator which doctors through appointement them, chiefly aceea the politics, can elude the ethical norms the si binds generally. Therefore, wherefore don’t any kind of law? Merely in this can the malignant abuse. But the little his big abuses by-pathes congenere, interconditioneaza and faciliteaza reciprocal, in matca aceleiasi professional immoralities. Suprainvestirea with dictatorial powers the si discretionof of a false personalities were determinata of of a whole agenezia ethical systems. As opposed to another medical specialties - waves rationamentul


ethical the si the decision deontologica alternate rationamentul and the decision profesionala -,. in the Roumanian psychiatry totalitara, the vagueness and unsubstantial of the conceptual bore don’t of barrels either to aberations. The judgement the ethics and the decision deontologica what burn be due to reported to a kind of norms - validate long ago in the democratic countries they found out aprioric in vacuum, without another elements of references than one of” marelui brother from east”, remaining the stranger for destui specialist feather and the settlements from 1973 of Asociatiei Mondiof Medicilor. Old studies of of psychiatric abuse from Rusia certified the utilization in chief the diagnosis of” schizophrenia aparenţă” in the case bolters. This thing potrivea and from the reason as the outside their these majority bolters erau middle-aged men in order to put this diagnosis don’t the age necessity of of a presence clear symptoms, just as e the case in the schizophrenia accustomed( autism, bizarre behavior, present halucinatiilor or delirious ideation). according to describe his Snejnevski( the ideologist of psychiatric abuse in S.U.), the individual therewith the even healthy complaint.


The pathologic behavior demonstrated through” aberations” such as the notion of importanţă, the notion of his grandiosity the reform. For this reason, spunea the ideologist, a schizophrenia aparenţă be depistata than of psychiatrists experimentati. The entity on which the western psychiatrists recognized never and were baptized with the term of - sovietofrenie became the current diagnosis for the bolters politics. Gradually, only that, this the aberrant suffered a detrition a moral. The psychiatry” the sister” cubaneza, for instance, the age much more, using diagnoses as the the delirium of fight for right his man apathy for socialism. In many cases, in Cuba, nor don’t else consider necessary established a diagnosis, the abuse be practical recognized officially. In România, on the strength of study experientei soviet the si rejecting and a recognition cinstita of guy cuban, were psihiatrizat. Thus, to first internments, the diagnosis oscillate between psychopathy( 65) and schizophrenia( 35), and termenii of paranoid his paranoid veneau to color the diagnosis. Is interesting as the, although the statistics show a big difference


concerning the manner in which the psychiatrists put the diagnoses, in respects bolters the poftte the very age limitata, executionersi întelegându perfect between they in this area( paranoid schizophrenia, delirium systematized nehalucinator or parafrenie). Adoptând formulate his Ceausescu, as in România except mad I opposed the socialism, executionersi indigene transposed this indication as part as of a context nosologic limited. The treatment applied have no generally touch with the complaint. Charm. The abuse of therapy electro. Exist the which psychiatrists the maul recognize a certain value electrosocului in the therapy psychiatric. In the countries civilizate is done with anaesthesia and below miorelaxante, warned complicatiile. I done six new - sedinte, about two three on week. The dictatorships from all the world adopted this the technique for the tantalization bolters. As part as electrosocului( ES) the individual is puted in a state of vital stress, an which situation simuleaza the menace the imminence life. On the lot studied of we, ES he used as the method represiva with aim


vindicatory and he accomplished merely in the manner fortata. Adeseori he did just in of a absence doctor. They did between three and twenty of ES, and the diagnosis had no role of selection. No the bolters and no their families were întrebati. Don’t he did no notations looking at large ES” the patient” the age deforced of to two - three individuals, adeseori succeeding alti patients, sometimes just in his urine the excrements celor dinainte. Existed no protections, as often as not don’t li punea in the mouth the nought, reason for which multi the crushed si his teeth the si they bit the language. Also, ES don’t he did always in the region of the head, frequently on another parts of the body, and sometimes erau fortati to asiste to sedintele of ES of altor persons. G. The abuse of neuroleptice. All the bolters from our lot entitled to choose the doctor, carry, or, have no no the debt of decline the identity. No the patient and no the family don’t had no a hold over of the a guy of treatment applied. Of habit, foloseau very strong medicines( haldol, clorpromazina, trifluoperazina,


majeptilul). these Desi medicines used in specific ways except for certain complaints, the bolters le primeau indeterminately. Thus of treatments had only that effects noxious seconds, such as scaderea of arterial tension, sanguine modifications the si phenomena extrapiramidof feather to of a aparitia adevarate complaints parkinsoniene. To bolters the partnership of which his medicines struggles these effects the age as often as not forgeted. Adeseori the justification utilization of medicines are doing just were concordantly with” the diagnosis” carry stabilea 3. The right violation of the patients. Although the bolters erau internees to psychiatry in differed, the common element represent it tendita of exercise those elementary freedoms knowed below the rightful name man. The age the in particular word of expressions writed or oral, of critical opinions concerning governmental practices, petitii against authorities, participations to manifestatii neagreate officially, appurtenance to unofficial groups,


participations to religious outpourings, persistent attempts emigrated attempts passed illegally the frontier. In many situatii, the bolters fusesera always avertizati previously, and the fact as the the bolter don’t recunostea as the ails the age through” his absence of consciousness complaint. For the past two centuries, the world were due to accepts, gradually, as the patients from the hospitals psychiatric have some laws and as the they must feriti of certain abuses. Thus the compulsory were subdued of a severe restrictii, he emphasized right the patients to the individualization of the treatment, the law were doctored accordingly and in a the period rezonabila of time, the title to a surrounding acceptable environment, the title to a standard of the hygiene, the law refused treatment an which person doctor it, refused an experiments, the law were doctored of qualified persons, the title to security in hospital. Very barrels among these honourable laws to we in the period comunista.


The treatment, just as I showed don’t the proper age the si the age applied abusive, the drawing rooms were described as adevarate prisons in which practised the violence, as much from personal, quotient and from of a ill real psyches. The treatment be refused, and for this reason he appear more as the a punishment. The psychiatric internments are doingu abusive in the frame of our lot, and afirmatia is can based on the arguments enumerate hereinafter. A succesion of bolters( V. Paraschiv, dr. The cup) were examinaţi in Occident the si were gasiti sanatosi. Absence of the papers of violences of bolters, recognized of Securitate. Sometimes whole table of peoples erau stated as the afflicted with psychic complaints - example after the strike of the miners from 1977 - or, the impossible age the si credibil as the a table of hundreds of peoples, a professional his groups îmbolnaveasca psychiatric spontaneous. The expertises medico psychiatric superficial erau the si inadecvate. These rezumau, frequently, to some


questions, everything having a pain in the just some minutes, thereto the committee decidea the ill fate. The diagnoses stabileau on the strength of of a subjective still more selected notatii after one from his penal folder” composed of Securitate. Situatia ambiguously personal which lucreaza to in a psychiatry system centralized state, reason for which he can be used-up of the organs of still more state becomed of Securitate, carry doreste to întareasca the politic check about populatiei. The psychiatrists from the committees of the expertise erau selectionati of to the repressive organs after criteriile of loyalty and of obedienta against they. Never the bolter choose a psychiatrist in these official committees. Very frecvently the psychiatrists from the committees of the expertise îsi ascundau the name against bolter. Alike the hidden age the diagnosis and the decision on which luau concerning the ill fate. 4. The abuse As the the form of the torture. In I agree with the community internationala, torture is definita as a


papers of challenge of a suferinte his physical psyche in deliberate way, with the aim obtinerii of informatii or confesiuni punished the individual for a papers of or or blackmailed treia a these person shares were doed of public his operations of another which persons actioneaza in functions oficiala. Certified the phenomenon of the torture, standed am due to gambles a role in the toleration and these encouragement practices. Don’t the sadism tortionarului, but the fact as the this is done the machinery controlata state, punished or killed on bolter, is important. Did the torture with şocuri or were below communist an acts dirijata of to states. Exist some criterii caused if a papers can be defined as torture( after Amnisty International. The severity Of physical abuse of the si of the psyche; the fact as the the papers is deliberate; The implication Stood the deliberation of the papers. Thus, the use excesiva ES is a form of the which used frequent torture. In this


contexts enter and the misapplication neurolepticelor. Niciunul from the of a true right the patients honourable: Standards of the hygiene, the law refused his treatment the which person administraza, garantarea security etc. The bolters erau amestecati with ill the real psyches, and branch assured through beating, ES, overdoses of neuroleptice, contentie, limit ones the visits. Considering these shares as the the torture, Amnisty International argumenteaza this thing on the strength of urmatoarelor criterii: 1. The victims Erau internee below double responsibility of medical organs of the si of security. 2. Executionersi had all through the physical check about the victims. 3. The victim The age Subdued suferintelor the appearance and the psyche. 4. The process Victimizarii the deliberate age, systematically and the age in fact, the aim activity. 5. The aim Victimizarii” therapeutically” don’t the age diminished a suffering, but of obtained an information,


confesiune, the humiliation and the destruction life, personality, causing his bolter renunte to the fight. 6. The psychiatric process don’t the bypathes except for the chastisement of the victim, but also frightened on alti bolters forciblei thus to renunte to their politic convictions. 7. Standed participate directly or indirect to the organization of which torture shall be in progress in a state institutions, staged of to doctors wage earner stood and of to agents of security stood the communist. Suming up, can say as the politic abuse from visaed in România urmatoarele categories of bolters: The bolters Without antecedent psychiatric, presented signs of the complaint psihica, but which they had the insanity” criticized publicly the regime. ES, contentia, neurolepticele in this context constituted a punishment for their activity the politics; One the guy of bolters, carry have no the public criticisms the regime, but they disturbed the power on line administrativa, to different niveluri. Their internment he did in aim of


demoralization and înfricosare, avoided a trial; The bolters Sanatosi, but neînfricati in their activity the politics, internees in the aim were pedepsiti, avoided a process and a protest campaign in Occident; Bolters Nevrozati of persecutiile whereat were submissive, presenting just easy disturbances unburnable si be required the internment. The internment and the abusive treatment s be doed in aim of intimidation; Persons With disturbances real psyches, but with the theme the politics and undesirable outpourings( politic religious delirium, of the reform sociala etc.), But which frequently erau internees from ratiuni nemedicof in order to don’t demonstrated in audiences, chiefly in of a prejma still more selected events in order to don’t become these contagiosi abuses, just as is shall see hereinafter, they did through internments fortate, with his without justification medicala, the persons be bringed of his Securitate of the medical organs. In depistarea of the casuistry whereat shall us refer us, role l he had it Comisia for Cercetarea Abuzurilor in Psihiatrie from Bucharest, drived of S. Diacicov. After his dismissal the si the appointment


of to Mincu of the teacher Ionescu, like cases, suddenly,” they have no else existed”. Din 200 of cases on the committee Diacicov he researched them, 60 they were psychiatric abuses. The committees judetiene is as no don’t they constituted, is as they were conducted of fostii executioners the si, naturally, they had cases of reportedly. /////


ANEXA The presentation of studious casuistry. Present afterwards the studious cases the si puted new to disposal. Don’t you give the ill name, but just some initiof in order to don’t brings these a new peoples sufferings, their state be mistaken interpretata. Is grievous as the nobody from the organization psychiatric trecuta present don’t he helped us, with exceptia of the labor state of dr. Diacicov, I carry and he took seriously the mission of ethical reestablishment of the psychiatry, and dr. I carry he put us at command the casuistry. No an official document, leafs of observations, registre of internments don’t ni they put at command, throughout I were bruscati and insultati. Le multumim, therefore, with gratitude of the doctor Diacicov and Retezeanu, carry they helped us, and also president P. L. R., Dr. I carry encouraged us, he gave us material personal out in did, the prerequisite for demarches as the dl. Pofr to accept as one from his his works prezinte Cuvânt forward” of our work. Of the doctor Marian Popa îi also, for he put


us at command all the official documents which le detinea P. L. R. Tuturor le multumim. We present afterwards the cases on the strength of carora undertook our study: 1. M. C., From Craiova. In 1986 he does affirmations dusmanoase to the address of socialist regime and his social structures. Îsi pavozeaza the desk with pictures, mean and which slogans” vin the aim institutiei”. is disposed the internment in Spitalul nr. 3 From Craiova, for the expertise and the settlement of the degree of discernment. From date sended of the organs of the investigation result as and in 1975, while accomplish the military had, an attitude socialistă. I stabileste the diagnosis of delirious paranoid syndrome. To the psychological examination is drawn the conclusion as the presents a development interpretativa a personality appearance paranoiac. After shorten it an internment is externat from you else come back never. The committee Diacicov stabileste as the the individual is health.bed in poor health mentally and as such must rehabilitated.


2. T., From Bucharest, carpenter. In 1962, as part as of a sedinte of party and exprimat nemultumirea relate.related to the hard-working salaries, carry” I don’t arrive no for food”. Este beated to the party and investigated of two which securisti say it as is hostile of people. I însceneaza a public process for the propaganda antianti, antianti the si against collectivization, be insulted and exposed workmanlike you make angry. After a month is an erect the si leaded to Securitate for a declaration, thereto he is supervised permanent, isn’t leaved to assist in manifestatiile of 1 the maul and 23 August, he is always beated to the party secretary. In 1965 don’t the maul can support and prompt Securitatii to is leted alone either arrested. Pursuant, he is erect forcedly and interned to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu from Bucharest with the diagnosis the delirium sensitiv of relation. After this internment is repetitively erect, without i else give vreo the explanation. In 1974 he is interned with the diagnosis compensare affective psihotica, in 1978 of property psihopatoida job, in 1979 of property hipertimica atipica, in 1982 with the paranoid psychosis. I done


şocuri, is neuroleptizat feather when îsi blacks out. In the period among internments, is is urmarit of Securitate, is is called always of to the medical organs check. The committee Diacicov declare it healthy. 3. T. M., From worked, as teacher to Vaslui the si then muzeograf. In 1971, be the student to read, as part as of a sedinte T. A material C in which the lettered criticism his personality Ceausescu the si” aparitia of a new bourgeoes of parties and state”. he proposed to is excluded from T. C. And from faculty and the age amenintat with the prison. Received, just” vote of censure”, and to were distributed in a village from Vaslui, maugre his excellent classification. In 1973, after a conflict with some mates, these the advertising to C. C. Of P. C. R. As he propagandizes religioasa in the school and has demonstrate hostile the party. In 1974, to 3 monthes from the begining military probation, is interned forcedly to the military hospital, waves i is put the diagnosis of discordant syndrome, although to that hospital, therefore, don’t exist no adept in psychiatry.


Pursuant to this abusive internments, directs his Ceausescu, soliciting anchetarea of the abuse savârsit about his. In 1974 he is flushed out of Învatamânt, on reason as the I burn be transmited the pupils ideation and knowledges as opposed to the ideology of the party. In 1975 he deposits to C. C. A memorial concerning all persecutiile were submissive, but pursuant to this fact, is erect the si internee to Socola from Iasi, waves i is put the diagnosis of the psychosis the disagreement. In 1986 he is beated to procuratura tară on reason as the burn be minimized the activity revolutionara from youth tovarasului Nicolae Ceausescu and is interned to Spitalul Craiova with delirious syndrome, but don’t primeste no a treatment. After revolution flunks out from job( 1991), abaft of a the conflict with director museum in which work, wherethrough I burn be taked away an icon. After the investigation procuraturii reenlisted. The committee Diacicov declare it were and health.bes in poor health mental. 4. P. Worked. As brick-layer to Brasov, currently he is the pensioner. Took the


sprocket against of a existing informalities to C. P., Waves a part from the harvest the age furata and and sended of a conducatori from county. Is beated to militia judeteana, investigated, beated and interned to psychiatry, to the hospital from Târnaveni, with the diagnosis of reaction depresiva with paranoid elements. To externare specified on the ticket of externare had a proper behavior from i they applied prevederele Decretului 12. Yet, in 1975 he is interned constrained to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu from of property Bucharest depresiva activa of intensity nevrotica. He is then sicanat permanently and beholden presented periodic to checks. The committee investigatory the abuses puts the diagnosis of healthy. 5. D. F., From Botosani, without worked. To baza as the unskilled. On 21 October 1980 i is unbinded the contract of the labor, entering into the conflict with the which management have a behavior abuziva. You be always dismissed and reenlisted. Pursuant to reclamatiilor doed, is composed a committee of the investigation, consisted the illegalities reclamate, but


masurile are taken all against his. On 18 August 1988 contacteaza Ambasada Ungariei from Bucharest the si solicit the emigration in R. F. G. On reason as the he is jobless. Îsi confectioneaza and a slogan on which scria” am jobless in România”. Este immediately arrested of to four militiamans and interned to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu. I is put the diagnosis of the paranoia, be submissive of a treatment with şocuri the si neuroleptice. The treatments i are doingu forcedly and after they simtea very bad. After externare don’t you else does the respondents, but he lives with the impression as the he is destroied. And he is stated healthy of to committee. 6. T. I., From were the colonel M. Ap. In 1968, nefiind all right noul system of were, flushed out of the row frames of the army. To short time, is interned forcedly to Spitalul Militar Central with the diagnosis of state psihipatoida with glossarial compensări the interferential si etanolice. In 1984 he is internat to same hospital with the diagnosis of syndrome psihoorganic glossarial. In his summer 1984 is arrested for” shares against tovarasului Nicolae Ceausescu” and s be writed on his


folder” to is executed”, but then trippery he the internment to psychiatry, first to Pucioasa, then to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu and were were. And retired two the committee Diacicov declare it healthy. 7. S. C., From worked. As photographer and electrician. Were arrested for the attempt of pass the frontier in The Jugoslavia, but he is interned in Spitalul Gh. Marinescu, waves i is put the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia. For 10 years don’t else can to I hired anywhere, were obliged his I changed numerous places of the labor. Concurs as the internment of now 30 years l he rescued from it prison, but doreste the rehabilitation. The committee declare it healthy. 8. T. C., From Miercurea Ciuc, bookkeeper. In 1968, through financial checks which le entered into, the conflicts with the organs of parties and administrative. Be a right man the si baring papers of sufficed it to, has multi he hates. In 1973, after I consult tritely for a sick-leave, is sended abovestairs the policlinic, waves, toward his surprise, i given a papers from which result as is retired the degree two he goes to the hospital


from Miercurea Ciuc argued with the which signed the decision, but he shall consisted as don’t else he can to leave from hospital. I is put the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia. Tried to struggle this diagnosis through voluntary internments doed to hospitals from different localities, don’t reuseste. No the memoirs to Ceausescu the si no the path juridica don’t give results. In 1978 they try and to Bucharest, but without unprosperously. From these reason shall support all umilintele feather revolution. The committee Diacicov declare it healthy the psyche. 9. C. E., Engineer physicist, be pensioned off the degree two from 1988, from Bucharest. In August 1981, pursuant to aggravation situatiei economically from the country and below influence protest motions from Polonia, as well as abaft the arrest of the father Calciudumitreasa, C. Tried. To organized a democratic party with urmatorul program: Choose the president through universal vote the secret si, the freedom the politics, system partid, the freedom religioasa, the title to the strike, iesirea României from the pact from Varsovia. Contacteaza the many


maul persons and has a partial success. In 1982 he writes an item to gazeta of wall institutiei, in indicative the difficult state populatiei. In 1982, to a sitting of party, prompts as the limbs of his parties is correct informati about situatiei were. Interrupted and booed of a group. After two days is arrested and interrogated, but with all middles of the torture don’t disclose the nought about the party înfiintat, were confronted with two which mates aderasera to were. Led to the prison Securitatii from in a Bucharest the cell with an which individual batea all through. And to were beaten, chiefly of to boss of of the cell, were submissive the sexual perversions. Feeling as don’t else he can shouted, as he shall say everything. Were transfered to the prison security, were interrogated all through, beated and subdued the sexual perversions. Arrived again to continued to is doctored alike. In this fell to has halucinatii and, abaft psychiatric examination, i is put the diagnosis of reaction psihogena with outpourings of intensity psihotica.


He is freed on 10 the June 1982. After had lengthened periods sleeplessness and they reappeared it halucinatiile, for which reinterneaza. I is unbinded the contract of the labor, and the mates li is said did the espionages. At that rate, he accepts the superannuation medicala. Although the abusive internee, the complaint declansat after the strong stress caused from security, were guilty. The committee l stated healthy the psyche currently. 10. V. I., From were, the conductor sleeping car. In 1985 he ignited it the waggon, which waggon are doing part from the special park of his ceausescu. Is done the investigation and is dismissed. The party secretary does the denunciation as V. I burn it be inflamed the waggon, reason for which is backward as the unskilled. Adreseaza the organs of parties. Is sat for Circa 3 Militie received an answers, but he is restrained the si sended to Spitalul Cula. I is put the diagnosis of impulsive psychopathy with interferential toxic. In 1989, of Ziua did, a petition to C. Which dorea to hand out it his personnel Ceausescu. Is forbidden of Militie, carry tears it the memorial and


interneaza forcedly to Spitalul Cula, on reason as the” in persistent rows disturb linistea of the tenantry, be aggressive the si as the of the many maul either and he materialized in the zone Salii Palatului, be addicted to violent startings against the organs of Militie, this be dangerous the si for the audience stradal, ailing the psyche”. La Cula stand 22 of days with psychopathy impulsiva. All in 1989 is internat, abaft of a the conflict with an on duty mate wanted to beat. The internments continued and after 1989 on demand to. Try for vechiul place of the labor to CFR, but don’t reuseste. 11. V. F., From Oradea, graduate of Facultatii of Filozofie the si of Academiei Militare. Dispatched on addressed Congresului of Ix-lea of P. C. R. A letter with” contained slanderous the si with invectives to address C. C. And his Ceausescu, slandering the politics intern and stood deforming the reality economica and sociala from the country, prompting the delegates from his congress takes attitude against the secretaire.” With the occasion perchezitiei to residence i gaseste a copy a letter and altele, with same hostile content, but which don’t


fusesera expediate. Is the defendant of” the propaganda against the socialist regime” of to procuratura tară from Oradea. In 1971 he is taked out from under pursuit penala and interned to psychiatry, in Oradea, then transfered to Bucharest, waves is holded 10 monthes and then dumped below the escort to Cluj, with the diagnosis of syndrome depresiv paranoid. From 34 of were were, retired can were flushed out of the life sociala. Internat after revolution and expertized of committee, is stated healthy. 12. T. E., Of 60 of years, from Cluj, medical attendances. Asista to a conflict among director of the enterprise and sotul they, whom last i is unbinded the contract of the labor. Sotul adreseaza justitiei, she be in this frame co. Gradually, through the introduction in folder a succesion of libels, is inculpata and then acuzata commited penal grave facts, antisocial facts the si libels to the address local authorities the central si. Is arestata and internata to Spitalul psychiatric from Cluj, in 1974. He is expertizata and i is put the diagnosis of paranoid delirium systematized. Ahead this fact go out on strike the hunger, but i


applied the precautions art. 114 C. P., With compulsory internment. In 1975 he is internata to Bucharest the si reexpertizata, stabilindu diagnostiucul of reaction interpretativa on the of a background developments disarmonice personality of guy paranoiac. I applied masurile of compliant safety art. 113 C. P. Continue to do memoirs to M. Radio, TV, but without no result. In 1976 he is reexpertizata to Timisoara, and in 1978 to Cluj, with the diagnosis of paranoid delirium systematized, stand depresiva interpretativa, reaction the persistence. Contest as much the diagnosis, quotient and masurile of safety. In 1981 gain last process, is taked out from under incidence art. 113 C. P., But address don’t you succeed than after revolution. Reexpertizata after 1989, he is declarata sanatoasa. 13. V. Gh., Be the teacher, currently pensioner. Were restrained of to Securitate the si the investigation for the propaganda against the socialist regime. Is transfered to Spitalul Vacaresti, pursuant to entrance in the hunger-strike. Were doomed of to Tribunalul all Militar for the propaganda against the socialist regime, but he is sended to Spitalul


Voila, waves primeste the diagnosis of psychopathy paranoica, with states of citaţie of guys maniacal, be taked out on this the base from under urmarirea penala. In 1971 he is interned all constrained to Urlati, and in 1974 i applied the precautions art. 114 C. P and then 113 c. P. Feather in 1980. In 1980, after a strike a hunger, is internat constrained to Voila the si the county in evidence feather in December 1988. Of mentionat as the, abaft perchezitiilor doed, i they confiscated literary works( writed below the pseudonym Zapada). Dupa revolution is reexamined from else consisted the disturbances the psyches. 14. C. From Bucharest. Wanting to work in R. F. Trippery G Consiliului of his Stat i is permited the departure. Neprimind answered, writes a memorial in which is wept as, while conducatorul walked, he has no his possibility work abroad. Pursuant, on 30 August 1972, he is erect of Circa 1 Militie and beared directly to Spitalul psychiatric Balaceanca. Is expertized and i is put the diagnosis of the paranoid psychosis. I is done externarea with conditia of don’t else


come in Bucharest. Already to job i desfacuse the contract of the labor. In October 1974 he is internat of Militie to Spitalul Socola, waves i changed the diagnosis in syndrome nevrotic residual, with compensări depresive. About ones better half I duned in order to divorta, because I burn be a parricide. After revolution, prompts recunoasterea of the seniority and the right banesti. The committee Diacicov declare it healthy mental. 15. S. V., Statistician from Bucharest. In 1982, while the age in sick-leave, i is unbinded the contract of the labor. Try audiente, memoirs, but cann’t solve the noughts. In 1983, desperately of the indefiniteness situatiei, he comes out ahead his masinii Ceausescu. Is arrested, then freed and received in audience to C. C., Thereto he is reenlisted in another sector of activity, what nemultumeste. In 1984 he goes out of again ahead his masinii Ceausescu for hand out a letter, in same the problem. Is again arrested and freed. After two days is only that erect from residence and leaded to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu. Have no psychiatric case histories. On 30 August 1984 he is expertized of


Institutul Medico-legal with the diagnosis of personality accentuata of guy hipertim, cverulent, revendicativ and înainteaza Policlinicii Titan with a folder. On 16 November he is bringed back of Militie to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu wherethrough” he presents gravely disturbances of behaviors, in the likeness of shares revendicative”. Dupa 8 days is externat with the previous diagnosis. In 1987 he is again interned constrained, but is maintained vechiul diagnosis. In all internments received no treatments. The committee Diacicov gaseste and what wonder the psyche. 16. S. Economist from Bucharest. Were urmarit of Securitate for the propaganda religioasa, be interned constrained to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu and retired with the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia. The established diagnosis on the strength of make sure the religious his the si pursuant to his shares homiletic the religion. For 8 trippery years the law worked were systematic refused of psychiatrists, refuzându pensionarea. To Policlinica were amenintat as but that înceteaza with the propaganda religioasa shall be interned definitively to Balaceanca. He addressed


Institutului of Expertiza Capacitatii of Munca can worked, but, toward his wonder, now have the paranoia. In all his demarches for a place of the labor i the answer as the incited the how much time shall do” the propaganda religioasa” you be considered ill the psyche, although he stated as the the religion is the creed his life. After revolution consisted of to committee as the health.bed in poor health. 17. S. Gh. From Pitesti. His blind father be, sent the anonym( from 1957) his Gheorghiu Dej, in which cerea the abolition of the kolkhozs. Grasping the danger, S. Gh. He leaves away from homemade the si, in 1962, he arrives the chief of desk to a scaffold of extraction. Because his father fusese in between arrested, this thing arrives at the knowledge job of frames and he shall be doctored as enemy of people”, be backward in order to don’t else have no answer. Opens the act in justice, but as the result is leaded to an which psychiatrist puts it the diagnosis of the neurosis astenica with paranoid elements. Justitia don’t give the satisfactions, so that he shall indict and these organs. In 1964 trezeste be pensioned off


medical with the diagnosis of the paranoid psychosis, but refuse the pension. Noul director, carry the age and limb in district Comitetul 1988 a committee Spitalului Gh. Marinescu formuleaza a new diagnosis, psychopathy polimorfa in the stage of hello remisie. I is recommended the repetition activity. After revolution shall be stated healthy, but the string chicanery and the administrative abuses shall continue and currently. 18. R. Developer from Bucharest. Having a child with congenital disturbances, don’t else desirable his he has and alti offspring, reason for which internee to psychiatry. In ‘83 and ‘84 is internata to sectia psychiatry Spitalului Tulghes, then to L. S. M. Titan, with the diagnosis depresie anxioasa, background dizarmonic and, hereupon, you can do legally interrupt of the task. But from 1984 he is internata constrained, reason for which has two attempts suicidal. After revolution, tremulously of a new internments fortate, he does demarches contested the diagnoses puted. The committee Diacicov apreciaza his state of health and the


fact as the diagnosticlele previously were of complaisance. 19. B. P. From Dâmbovita, pensioner, be the officer. In 1965, be the officer Tg. Jiu, he knows it, with the occasion of electoral campaign, on marine tov, director of the factory of confectii the candid si for choices. The which enlisted-mans took the floor insisted on comes into being in incinta unit a kiosk of foods. B. Took the floor. Showing as marine tov I don’t were a competent candidate, numindu mannequin, carry he don’t knows came ahead ofgatorilor enlisted-mans. After three days is beated to Bucharest and puted to do a report concerning the incident. To the return in unit is excluded from UTC, situation incompatibila with appointement of officer, reason for which is past in hand. Urmeaza a period in which does memoirs to the organs in laws, but don’t primeste no an answers. In despair of the cause adreseaza of a embassies straine -anglia, Franta, RFG - and just american Bibliotecii. As a matter of fact, nor a memorial don’t arrives at a destination, they be deposited on file or from Securitate. For 20 of years is care-worn in a administrative


labyrinthes. Îsi gain drudgingly be, is marginalizat and persecuted. In April 1977, be the wage earner to a trust of constructii from Craiova, is arrested without without excurse, beated cruelly and interned to Spitalul psychiatric from Slatina. Here, the doctor i. D. Says it sincere as the has obligatia of be pensioned off, thereto he he is due to paraseasca Slatina. While i stabilea the diagnosis of noi, to job i desare doing the contract of the labor, retrospectively, although the decision don’t i the communication. Doed l they walked it through many hospitals psychiatric in the period 1977-1986. Persecutiile continued and to his residence, waves in December 1979 is beaten of plutonierul Manea, carry interdicts it to else paraseasca the village. I taken the marks and must to sign a commitment as the don’t you else writes memoirs from is shall else addressed altor foruri. In 1987 he arrives at Spitalul Gh. Marinescu, waves boss of the clinic insists on it renunte to his shares contestatare, this thing i brings it many trouble. If I burn contest the diagnoses, he s puts to dispozitia Securitatii and mijloacelor his. Maked sure of these explicatii, he


shall give up to all shares revendicative. After revolution is sat for the committee Diacicov and consisted as don’t ails the psyche. 20. B. Be it officer from Cluj. In 1962 he is flushed out of the army borrowed military of a particular apparels, for a shows. Lucreaza then in the many maul places. Dându the expense of multele injustices from the society comunista, he falls to writes memoirs in which expose on one guilty, competenţi, expose the abuses. This thing becomes with as much else dangerous with how much in this circle appear persons from his actually management from the nomenclature( the actually a prime advertising of party). these Din reason is always dismissed, demoted and in the last resort arrested, înscenându a process. Denies acuzatiile and go out on strike the hunger. The convictions cumulate totalized 30 of years of prison, from accomplished 23 of years, without is kept against his criminal papers, outwards the civil insubordination and reclamatiilor. Against the informalities from penitentiaries, protesteaza always through the hunger-strike, but he is systematic tortured - i done injectii his


wagons challenges the ache, is drowned in afloat hot etc. Odiseea psychiatric begins from 1976, when he becomes clearly as the the classic methods of repression cann’t to intimidate. On 5 March 1976 find out were retired medical with the diagnosis of paranoid delirium systematized. Refuse and the superannuation, and the diagnosis. Urmeaza a period of internments on all the channel gulagului psychiatric: The hospital P. Groza, Poiana Mare, Jilava, Gherla, Poarta Alba were. Framed in art. 114 C. P. And then passed in 113 c. P. After revolution is stated healthy mental. 21. G. B., Unskilled worker from Bucharest. In 1977 he is submissive of a juridical successive convictions for antisocial behaviors the si perseverarea in this behavior. In 1987 i reproseaza as the, in align with alti young man, savârsit infractiunea of” spreading without of a print fated were used as the informal middle publish”, as well as” raspândirea of material obscene”, procurance of magnetic bands, video boxes, publicatii with mystic character, which reprographic obscurantist to xerox and dactilo. Also, acuzatia the


maul requires as” urmarit satisfy aberationslor sexually with typical of a outpourings personalities dizarmonice, with obsessional preoccupations in problems of sexuality”. Pe 23 the June 1989 is again arrested for spreading of material obscene. In order to suspended these activities and grevă the organs of security of responsibility, on 4 August 1989, G. B. Is framed in art. 114 C. P., Through sentence Tribunalului sect. 1 Bucharest, resorted fiindu rejected. On 8 August 1989 he is interned to the hospital of the penitentiary Jilava with the developmental paranoid diagnosis personality with elements obsesivo, psychopathy schizoida, and on 15 August is done a new the expertise with same diagnosis. Directing to the case histories infractionof, the committee consider as” high he presents a big degree of injuriousness, fact for which apreciaza as the discernamântul is irretrievable in report with the deed for which is researched and is recommended the adhibition masurilor medically, foreseed in art. 114 C. P”. in the sequel, he is flushed out of the detention and sended to Spitalul Poiana Mare, whence, after


revolution, is imperative externat( on 30 December 1989) Din the accounts of the doctor curant, in the course internment, the behavior were perfect adapted situatiei received just a minimum treatment( with exceptia ES in the beginning). Diagnosticul puted of committee don’t confirmed and after revolution is stated healthy. 22. C. V., Pensioner, be the cameraman chemist in Braila. In 1975 he is the electioneering defendant against the socialist regime, abaft of a memorial sended his Ceausescu, in which cerea P. C. R. To don’t else I interfuse the works of the syndicates. Through orderlies military Procuraturii Bucharest is învinuit drew up and dispatched postal two letters of the management of party, conceived in the manner created the impression as the expressed the of a opinion the group from Uzina Progresul. Burn else be doed slanderous affirmations the hostile si to the address of social current regime, looking certain economic appearances, of medical attendances and sociala, letters uttered and which menaces vizau the management superioara of party and


includea the idea of this substitution. Alta a letter semnata” Fratii were” puted in a letter-box on 26 the maul 1975, înscrisul be anonymous the si without addressee. In the course urmaririi penal, dovedeste as C. V. Is the author letter. I is done the search and is researched to the center Securitatii from Braila. Be prompted” hid the armament”, C. V. Answers as in kitchen has a cannon disjointed. This the assertion doed fun leads to his internment abusively, on 16 December 1975, to psychiatric Spitalul from Braila, with the diagnosis of psychopathy polimorfa, predominantly exploziva, paranoica, with frequent compensări, confirmed diagnosis of the expertise i. M. L. Braila. The ticket of were free of the doctor D. M. From Policlinica Braila, without as the macar respectivul to be seed his patient as the this his be former in evidentele of the policlinic. Although he is retired for the sciatica, i anuleaza this superannuation and i is done alta with psychiatric diagnosis. After this the procedure is leaded to Judecatoria Braila and judged of urgency, aplicându masurile of safety, and through orderly Securitatii must presented lunar to


psychiatry for check. In March 1976 C. V. Prompts the cancellation superannuation for can take again the activity, but prompt is it respinsa, contestatiile doed to Ministerul Muncii be useless. He is beated to Securitatea from Braila, waves i is said as but that astâmpara shall be” keeped away from don’t you else lost] nobody”. beholden his Este sign a commitment and amenintat with his evacuation and the family from apartment. After tried to clarified situatia, were borne from an institution to alta, the committee of the expertise locala declinându the committee investigatory the abuses declare it only that natural the psyches. 23. C. I., Pensionara, be the statistician, from Bucharest. On 2 October 1975, temporally of a audiente( connected with an on duty problem) to first secretary of sector 5 Bucharest, tov. Ganea Nicolae, is determinata of grosolania this to retort. The party secretary, nefiind accustomed to support like affronts, avenged compeled the management of the enterprise which work to dismiss it. Nefiind membra of party, is convened a


sitting whereat a first secretary sends activista an wagons preseaza and obtains a dismissal. Through situatiei in which found out, C. He has it an attempt suicidal and thus he arrives at psychiatry. Here he gave his disposal externata without the first approval secretary, reason for stood internata 21 of days. After 3 after day externare, is ridicata abusive from residence of to Militie the si internata forcedly to Balaceanca, alike waves of abusive is subdued of a expertises. Toward her surprise, the doctors reject the compulsory internment. In the period 1975 - 1979 don’t else he has problems with the psychiatry, although without voia they the age the dress in evidence. To residence faults in conflicts with sectoristul, bad a payer from her block of flats. Is sicanata of Militie, i taken the marks on reasons as the” they commited crimes in neighborhoods”, the name fiindu delivered of the policlinic psychiatric. All without without excurse, in 1986, in her block of flats is presented an assistance sociala from the policlinic teritoriala wagons prompts the neighbors referinte about she, but he don’t obtains negative declaratii. On 3


the June 1989, on the strength of of a the paper of the doctor of the policlinic, is ridicata abusive from residence and internata to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu, waves the committee rejects the compulsory internment. Is presented with the decision to the doctor of the policlinic, and this, ahead her, telefoneaza the doctor from hospital supporting in insubstantial way as the the woman burn be agitated. After revolution is declarata mental sanatoasa. 24. C. I., Medical pensioner, be the engineer electronician. For he recovers were due to, protested against aberrant conditiile of overturn the values, but all his criticisms were respinse. He is dismissed abusively, erect of Securitate the submissive of a si psychiatric compulsory treatment the unendurable si thus, in persistent rows, the militiamans internau in Spitalul Gh. Marinescu or Cula with the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia. In 1981, on the strength of of a address Policlinicii Titan and his examination C. G., Which don’t l he saw it never, i stabileste abusive the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia the si is concluded as is a social danger, aplicându foresee the


decree 313. Abaft this the fact, is erect from in the street and interned to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu, totalizing many abusive internments. And he is stated healthy of the committee Diacicov. 25. D. V., Electronician from Bucharest. Enter into the conflict with Securitatea for a succesion of affirmations with politic character, totalitar. In a succesion of letters adresate Securitatii he criticize the management superioara of party and were. Erect with capias and i he did the folder to procuratura tară. In the period 1979 were in persistent rows convened to Securitate, and through continuation politic activity is interned in Spitalul psychiatric from were. Excluded from faculty and marginalizat, isolated social. After externarea from Spitalul were, urmarit permanently of Securitate, inclusively through technical middles. In odă lungii loin were submissive of a permanent fell to, consumed became, depresiv, vulnerably, pozitia him sociala he deteriorated. Examined of to the committee of abuses is stated natural psyches. 26. D. P., Pensioners, be the bookkeepers to Craiova. In 1948 he


does disadvantageous affirmations of communist regime, be arrested, which thing repeated and in 1950. Goed out of the arrest, show the mates the traces, the bruises and another signs of the torture. In 1957 he hides a former comrade of in great demand front of Securitate, be closed therefor feather in 1961. In 1965 he does a memorial prompting a departure finalize from the country and writes a memorial in which the insult the cabinet and the organs of parties. Is interned forcedly in Spitalul psychiatric Craiova in 1966 the submissive of a si psychiatric expertises, waves i stabileste the diagnosis of the paranoia. After the adhibition of the decree 12, the internments are followed each other to Podari, and in 1970 he is transfered to Spitalul Poiana Mare, waves is interned as per of a decisions military Tribunalului Timisoara. In all this the period D. P. Continue to do negative appreciations about the regime. In 1973 he is arrested without the fault as the be involved in a the crime, and in 1976 he is the defendant of testimony the inventress. The internments are followed each other of each the date to Spitalul Poiana Mare and Podari. After


revolution and he is stated healthy mental. 27. F. Be the engineman, currently pensioner, from Bucharest. Between 1949 worked to Ambasada Albania( the ones better half the age Albanian citizen). În 1960, alterându relations with The Albania, is the defendant as the in statia Ciorogârla burn be depasit the stop-light of the locomotive. After this frame i is unbinded the contract of the labor. Falls to does demarches for repararea injustice. Is invited to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu, waves in ways unsuspectedly is retired medical with the diagnosis of reaction interpretativa on background dizarmonic. Expertized after 1989, consisted as he don’t presents the disturbances the psyches. 28. G. I., Pensioners, be the teachers in were. Arrested of to Securitate on 14 the July 1970 pentu the fault were writed and prevofnt minstrelsy with anti-government character. I they confiscated the manuscripts, typewriters and the books. Is interned to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu and then sended to Balaceanca. 29. G. Gh., Presided of the school, currently pensioner, from were. The


secretary P. S. D. In Tg. German, had of faced numerous înscenari the actually si an attempt of murder. In 1989 former devastata the house were roughed, while the which delinquents the si they acknowledged the corn were eliberati to interventia of the party secretary from Tg. German. Abaft numerous the respondents were, interned to Spitalul psychiatric from Piatra Neamt, waves i he established the diagnosis of the paranoia. Temporally Congresului Partidului, from noiembrie1989, is again interned forcedly, with the diagnosis of the paranoia. All the internments were unjustified the si outwards binds. After 1989 he is stated healthy psyche. 30. G. Be it expert in commodities, now pensioner, from Bistrita Nasaud. Refugee from Basarabia, is advised to is taken down in party in order to expeled in URSS. In 1952 he is excluded from party and flushed out of the army on reason as the is fleed URSS. Does many attempts were readmited in the labor and reuseste hardly in 1968, but to short time is dumped with a less salary from 1970 he falls to does the respondents, reasons for which shall be persecuted.


In 1972 he is again dismissed, and then evacuated from house. Does afterwards the respondents and he prompts and the departure from the country. In this context, on 29 the July 1976, is erect of Militie the si constrained internee in Spitalul psychiatric from Bistrita with the recommendation of i applied Decretul 1265. I is put the diagnosis of glossarial syndrome reagent, but refused the integration in decree. Procuratura don’t multumeste and decides the internment fortata in the clinic from Cluj for a new the expertise, nor yet this time don’t i applied Decretul 12. After externare, ofiterul which security supravegheaza menace it as, if he shall else he does memoirs, you be away on boundaries with The Jugoslavia and shooted down, motivându wanted to continued. To is supervised. Either of cîte either venea Ceausescu in the visit to Bistrita, he the age internee forcedly in the hospital of psihitrie. After revolution is rehabilitated and stated healthy the psyche. 31. M. L., Be the engineer, currently pensioner, from fell to. Is persecuted from 1969, pursuant to corespondentei


on themes stiintifice with a faculty from Franta. In 1970, pursuant to of a conflict with boss of or from Fundulea, is moved disciplinary to Mogosoaia. Notice as he is urmarit of Securitate, wherethrough in 1974, to interventia fostului chief, to is interned constrained to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu with the diagnosis of reaction psihogena paranoid. In the leaf of observation exist a ticket of which dispatch don’t is known arrived there, the patient nefiind examinee of the policlinic. In January 1975 he is retired medical, although he don’t trippery this thing. In 1976 consisted as one of the his works appears to the committee of homologate Ministerului Agriculturii, but he has as the author just on director persecutor. Although solicit to is geted back in job, i is said as places. In the period 1977-1979 is in ostentatious way urmarit, i done differently înscenari( is the defendant of robbery, of relatii with strainii, possession of pornographic photographers). În this the period does 8 memoirs to C. C., And as a sign of in protest he gives back the book of party. In 1982 he surprises to his residence agents of what security


patrunsesera with of a help double quays. Also, in the of a course surgical interventii fancies as the doctor voia to kill( this fusese the doctor to the prison Vacaresti). Pentru don’t else be considered delirious, înceteaza else does memoirs. After revolutions, Comisia Diacicov reabiliteaza, in poor health the psyches. 32. M. S., Be the workwoman on sof, currently pensionara, from Bucharest. Were arestata and condamnata for the crime of rises the treason. In detention is molestata, beated. Also, sotul must to divorteze of she in the period detentiei, and the former children were. Internata of some either in the psychiatric hospital. After were declarata sanatoasa. 33. J. I., Engineer from Colibasi, transfered to graduated. With the diploma honorable the faculty in URSS. Confronted hardly the Roumanian industry, with the technology învechita. He proposes a succesion of masuri his wagons stimulate the technical progress the si becomes just the of a subject which praises i brought into the press. In 1970 - 1971 is put the problem collectivization of montane zones. Be from Rucar, îsi realize as a


such measures shall lead to saracirea and disparitia of the village pap. Also, is opposed of a project of systematization hidroenergetica Dâmbovitei approved of Ceausescu, carry burn be leaded to the destruction of the zone. Proposes he takes possesion an which plan burn be saved the region. Is beated to C. S. T., To the cabinet 2, waves talk to an advisers. 100 Of years, if the society shall evolve just as speram”. Este externat across two monthes, but i is prompted a declarations in which his show as don’t shall else make angry” the organs”. Reîntors to job, consisted as he is transfered to alta enterprise. Is permanently supervised of Securitate, i is interdicted to assisted in his additions organized meetings, and with the occasion of his visit Ceausescu in enterprise is insular the si //////////// Isolated and pazit. His ones better half is always advised to divorteze of he because burn be a social danger. Assist in revolutia from 1989 the si is selected president of F. S. On the manufactory. Is anuntat as can be readmited to vechiul or place of the labor, Uzina Republica. And he is stated healthy the psyche.


34. E., Pensioner, from Bucharest. Protested the demolition locuintei, denying to I moved from the house. And exprimat nemultumirea afront numerous authorities addressed his Ceausescu - which teach it a brother of the a dictator, carry work to Casa Scânteii -, letter in which relate about the difficult life taranilor and workpeople. Subsequently, be all dissatisfied, solicit a passport emigrated but all the letters they added on file his from Securitate. On 31 October 1974 he is erect of two ofiteri of security and interned constrained to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu, with the occasion of his visit Brejnev in România. In the leaf of observation noteaza as the does the unjustified respondents. After revolutions, the committee Diacicov consisted as health.bes in poor health mental. 35. M. I., Teacher, from Mangalia. After an internment and a superannuation medicala, reluându the activity enter into the conflict with the management school and, hereupon, he does a succesion of memoirs on which le adreseaza of the review” Flacara”. În 1989, abaft of a conflicts, is internata forcedly, on demand directrix school


and entered in the decree 313, then internata in Spitalul psychiatric Palazu Mare. After revolution is reabilitata as be normala psyche. 36. C., Farmhand from Bucharest, currently pensioner. In 1956 he is the defendant iniquitously of the crime and for the fact as the burn be wanted to unweaves Cap-ul. Is closed to Vacaresti the si the expertise to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu with the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia. You stand five in a years hospitals psychiatric. In 1962 he is externat and shall work as the postal new factor years, then doorkeepers to Hotelul Ambasador 15 years, whence he is retired. After revolution apreciaza as the health.bes in poor health mental. 37. C. V., Be the officer of security, from Ocna Mures. Were the defendant of treason( titoist), judged, freed, throwed out from the army. Abaft of a memorial to C. C., Primeste a service of mechanic, but, soliciting a transfer, this i is rejected and he shall teach the book of party. After a year is excluded from party and i is unbinded the contract of the labor in order to don’t else be framed anywhere. He comes to Bucharest in order to addressed C. C.


But he is restrained to Militie three days, dumped then to Securitate the si then interned to Spitalul psychiatric of prison Vacaresti, waves is expertized and diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Is borne the maul then through the many maul last penitentiaries be one from Sighet. Does the hunger-strike and is shifted to Spitalul psychiatric from Sighet, waves is stated irresponsible, and his brother is hight guardian. Although he does contestatie, don’t i raised interdictia. Is stated healthy of Comisia investigatory the abuses. 38. P. V., Workers, from Ploiesti. In 1968 he writes a memorial his address Ceausescu, but tried to in a citeasca addition of party. After finish of readed, îsi deposits the book of party. On 29 the June 1969, with the occasion of his visit Nixon, is erect of militiamans and interned abusive to Spitalul Urlati. Here he does the hunger-strike prompting as the state his organs is well-informed of this abuse. He insists on respected what afirmase in a Ceausescu speech:” A man leaved a job is due to is positive as shall get home”. Dupa five after day hunger, whereat else aderasera four persons, i is done externarea without


tickets of exits and without diagnosis. Deposits a complaint against this abusive but the law court deny to takes it in consideration. Consisted as in five one were pontat to job. Two intern fortata he did to Spitalul Voila -1976. Previously internment, P. V. Trimisese a letter to The Europe Libera prompting marirea salaries fostilor limbs have the social-democrat which were included in P. C. R. To search i found the another si copies of of a like letters with one sended to radio, in which îsi express the conviction as the the communist regime shall drop. Is expertized forcedly, closed in a drawing room with gratii, but don’t primeste no a treatment, nor attention. To externare i is put the diagnosis of the paranoia, and director of the hospital says it as” is grappled the windmills. In April 1977 he is in order to treia oara interned forcedly, Spitalul Sapoca, which describes it as on a hells. Is arrested while try to call on the writer of the objector P. The gumma. Just to door of this block of flats is grasped, beated cruelly, be always prompted signed his letter Goma. Deny to sign


declaratia of retract semnaturii. Is internat to Sapoca, to agitate, and then transfered to alcoholic. For 45 of days i are done big doses of neuroleptice and ES. In the period his internment to Sapoca is bringed there and M., From Ploiesti, carry ceruse to emigrate, as and P. C., Today emigrated in The Canada. After externare is called of Tribunalul from Ploiesti in order to established in what hospital shall be interned. The security ceruse Spitalul Calinesti-prahova, but the law court decides to is leaved below ambulatory check, his ones better half be obligata to guardian. Alta intern has it to Voila had a development dramatica presented an in a previous chapter. V. P. - knowed the politic bolter in the country and foreigh countries, înfiintat a free syndicate. In 1976 successful his he goes on Occident, and in liked Paris a press-conference in talked about the utilization of the psychiatry in politic aims in România. Appeofd to, the hardworking freedom of organized in syndicates. To return i refused the entrance in the country, but pursuant to the protests is geted back. I he


changed the place of the labor and were retired constrained. As much to Paris, quotient and in the country( after were) examined and found as the be perfect healthy mental. 39. P. F., Civil engineer, from Cluj. In 1983 writes it his Gorbaciov letters in which show it difficult situatia from the country. Also, he sends critical memoirs to ministries and trace is destituit from function. Does a memorial to Elena Ceausescu, in indicative the negative appearances from constructii, criticize the megalomania from this area. Falls to is urmarit of to Securitate, chiefly as the he continue to write his memoirs Ceausescu. In this contexts, in 1986 he is erect from job and i is put in his sight exposes all friends wherethrough else” you be desfiintat” unite with whole family. Is decided to feigned a complaint mintala, reason for which stages an attempt suicidal, be interned to psychiatry. A doctor( D. S.) Learns it how to feign better the complaint psihica, reason for stood 93 of days in hospitals were helped to be pensioned off with the diagnosis of depresie melancolica, with glossarial elements on involute backgrounds. After


revolutions interneaza in order to is decided as don’t ailed the psyches. 40. V. D. S., Pensioners, be the waiters, from Bucharest. Just after the completion military probation, wrote his memoirs Ceausescu. While Ana Muresanu visit his shop the si îi the address one critical groundless, V. D. Had. The boldness of yes out of shop. Immediately he is visited of of which security commit ones to it yes declaratii relate.related to one of the colleges saddles, be the politic prisoner, carry were killed in conditii took. Then touch withes an which groups tiparea manifestoes anticomuniste. The ones better half, convinced of secretarial of insisted, besides V. D. S. To I interned, reason for which, on ones own initiative, he has several internments to psychiatry. In 1984 he is only that erect, with the rescue, from in the street and interned compulsorily to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu. After externare has a chat with tov. Carolica, former the secretary of sector 3 and, abaft of a violent verbal, loveste on this in head with a folder. Leaves, but he don’t arrives overshoot. He is taked from in the street of three


individuals, haved a shade of the bestial ways the si i is done the search to residence. Then he is internat forcedly to same hospital, waves is neuroleptizat massively( i administreaza a blends of 14 phials of neuroleptice simultaneously) and he is holded in a state permanence of received. Constrained and ES. Abaft beatings primite, is it squat the nose, subsequently on that place appearing epitelom. I applied the precautions of the decree 313, although he don’t knows to be former expertise ever. He consisted as the leaf of observation were înlocuita with alta, having an another diagnosis and another writed. After such history, the state of the patient decompenseaza, yearly be due to does the internments. The current diagnosis is of personality dizarmonica, but he feels grievously all what he happened, all the brutality were doctored doing from he a customer of a hospitals took. The part activated to revolution, and on 13 were frightful beaten of miners. Currently he is retired medical the si is presented periodic to the psychiatric hospital, on ones own initiative.


41. T., Doctor the neurologist, from Bucharest, the of a big granddaughter politic personalities from pasts. Has the ill-lucks lived near Sala Palatului. The father were the quaestor of police were the politic prisoner for 15 years. In 1976 he does a memorial to C. C., Prompting moral damages for the years of detentions. Singurul answered to were the arrest his daughter, T., And her internment to Spitalul Balaceanca. I let oneself go after two days, but the father shall do a shock and shall remain an all disabled the life. In 1982 his T. I însceneaza a process for the evacuation locuintei, but in 1984 gain the process. On 15 November 1984, before the congress of the party, is ridicata and internata to Spitalul Cula. In 1985 an old, in way neîndemânatec and provovator, raises hell it in the street, frame planed of sectorist. To some days, on the strength of of a the ticket writed by hand of sectorist, is again internata to Cula, whence he is externata to short time. Treia intern is doed with the occasion of his visit Gorbaciov in România, in 1987, and he is beared again to Cula.


Însotitorul said the doctor:” In the moment in which Gorbaciov shall put the foot on the scof aircraft, she can be eliberata”. i he put an imaginary diagnosis of to an which doctor îi fusese fellow students. Subsequently, this îsi motivate the deed:” Did in order to he don’t misses the bread. And were declarata normala the psyche. 42. S. M., Engineman, from Rosiorii of Vede. To the age of 15 years listen to the easy music the si the comments from The Europe full of enthusiasm Libera, in 1969 he writes this job of radio two letters in which spunea as the the philosophy marxista is a fib, and the communist party burn be identical with one Nazi. To short time, is called to give a declaration connected with an of a robbery books. The age as a matter of fact a proof grafologica. He is investigated to Securitate the si tortured. Recognizes verdantly one writed, reason for which one of the securisti says:” This boy don’t health.bes in poor health to head”. Este sended immediately to psychiatry and he don’t is opposed, nor don’t stia what signification has. To


Spitalul Gh. Marinescu i is done an examination a summary. Is judged for infractiunea of plot against security of the state, be cataloguized as social danger. Resorted is it rejected. The established diagnosis of committee is of paranoid schizophrenia. Is immediate leaded to Spitalul Balaceanca, interned in a special pavilion, with a bailey, place of the barbed wire and guards. Lives with ill psyches periculosi, chiefly epileptic. All here found out and a group of which students demonstrasera against the regime in 1968. I is done constrained the cure with neurolepticre and ES. Because he is the respondent as the the si in hospital listen to The Europe Libera, the doctor E. C. Command to is moved immediately to the drawing room of chronicle, is incident to bed and i done neuroleptice. In 1971 i suspended masurile of safety and is externat with the recommendation must to do the treatment ambulatoiriu. Through this internments, B. M. Don’t else can follow the singing high school whereat inhof. Does a school of turners and then becomes the engineman. All through he is urmarit of security, and with the of a occasion politic events is


sended with the locomotive to distant big. The committee Diacicov declare it healthy the psyche. 43. M. V., Repairman, from Bucharest. Raspândeste demonstrate anticomuniste in the monthes April still more 1989. He is grasped and beared directly to psychiatry, expertized to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu, waves i is put the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia. In August 1989 he is interned to Spitalul Poiana Mare on the strength of enter the loin in art. 114 C. P. Suddenly. To some monthes from revolutions, is freed without no explanations. Is stated healthy mental. 44. I. M., Workers, from Bucharest. In 1969 he goes out of Piata Obor with cardă which scria” Jos Ceausescu”. erect Este, leaded to Militie and therefrom direct to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu, waves director of the hospital writes” special case” and” you be maintained in hospital”. Pe address Militiei specified just the lockout circulatiei. I is done quick the expertise and i put the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, be framed in art. 114 C. P., Then sended to the hospital Poiana Mare. After revolution and he is freed


without explicatii, and the committee healthy mental gaseste. 45. T., Carpenter, from Bucharest. In 1962, as part as of a sedinte, îsi express nemultumirea against remuneration. Is beated to the party, investigated of Securitate the stated si the enemy of people. I însceneaza a process for the propaganda anticomunista, antisovietica and against collectivization. After a month of investigations and cakes, is interned to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu with the diagnosis of delirium senzitiv of relation. I applied foresee Decretului 12. After externare is always urmarit of Securitate the erect si constantly with the of a occasion politic events. After revolutions is stated healthy. 46. G. T., Carpenters, from Bucharest. With the occasion of his visit Brejnev, from 1976, he is interned forcedly to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu from Bucharest wherethrough intends to come out ahead the management of party and state handed out a letter. Is freed after some days without his diagnoses tickets of externare. 47. F. F., Plutonier of militias, from Bucharest. In 1985 adreseaza C. C. The many maul letters wherewith


arrests the superior management of party and state about nemultumirilor the si of the drawbacks, as well as about mentation populatiei( interrupt electric curent, famishment, cold etc). În 1986 although don’t else trimisese letters, is arrested 10 the days on the false reason as the don’t the si he carried out the on duty tasks. Coercively and intimidation, i is taken a declaration in arrest, carry as a matter of fact is it dictata and in which recognizes brought gravely insults of the management of party and state. He is submissive daily to examinations and he is beaten bestial. The family is it filata and cercetata. Although he is military, he leaved to report superior saddles situatia in which found out. After 10 after day he is interned constrained to Spitalul Militar Central, sectia psychiatry, but to externare don’t i înmâneaza nor a papers. On 23 the July 1986 is past in hand printr false report the si on the same day is excluded from party. Immediately i is brought to knowledge as the is retired medical. In urmatorii three years is always subdued the medical expertises, find out were diagnosed with


schizophrenia, but he is permanently urmarit of Securitate. After 1989, although he is stated healthy psyche, cann’t regulate situatia from can be rehabilitated on line administrativa. I is said as don’t exist vacant jobs pregatirii loin. 48. S. I., From Bucharest, lives near Sala Palatului. On 8 February 1989 he sees a militiaman brutalizing a citizen, don’t is can abstained and thrown a jar in the street. After some hours, is he an which militiaman leads to it Circa 3 militia. After a research of some hours, in the course night is away direct to Spitalul Cula. Here he is holded a month, neuroleptizat massif, don’t the maul knows what is with he, he is dumbfounded. I let oneself go without diagnosis and without ticket of externare. 49. T. D., From Bucharest. In 1971 înfiinteaza Partidul Socialist Tehnocrat. The party is dissolved in 1975, when he is arrested, and a part among the limbs of the party am the internees to psychiatry. T. D. Is the defendant as the, be the bartender, sells with the absence to gramaj. Is holded a year to the center Securitatii, from str. Rahova,


and to two monthes from liberation is rearestat, presented of a law court, waves find out as has the diagnosis of the paranoia. Boss of inexistent committees of the expertise, Dr. T., Explain it thus the diagnosis:” That is îti doresti the job of president of României”. La two after day process is leaded to Spitalul Poiana Mare( on whose frontispiece scria Spital TBC), waves întâlneste and alti bolters politics. The hospital the circumfluent age with the barbed wire of three meters heights, the guards had woody walking-sticks with the fit heads of fork. One among doctors - dr. L spunea:” They, the maul boys, what to do if he ate you the bottom and wanted to schimbati the world? Such, who knows when his come out here? And of changed don’t is shall changed never nothing”. În 1978 is freed, but cann’t he lost]s the place of the labor. Arrives all the some to ITB, waves reuseste to promote just in a the labor of responsibility. In 1984 he poetizes against the regime, which i le gaseste Securitatea. Is away and to psychiatry, waves i is put the diagnosis tensional dizarmonica personality, of the guy personality paranoiace. Don’t the maul


is sended in the system gulagului psychiatric, but he is doomed to 4 years prison, be all through insular in a the cell. 50. E., Worker, from Bucharest. In 1979, to 21 of years, adhere to S. L. M. R. - a clandestine organized syndicates of V. Paraschiv and dr. The cup. Is immediate deforced and interned three saptamâni to Spitalul Cula. Here i done big doses of neuroleptice with effects sedatives and grievous. He is externat without his diagnosis ticket of externare. Is urmarit all through of to Securitate. After revolution is stated healthy. 51. M. M., From Bucharest. Comes back from Franta, waves emigrase in 1980. Is confided in Roumanian Ambasadei, carry assure it as he shall have rescind and the place of the labor. On 15 August found out to C. C. With a memorial in which plângea as the the promises respected Este arrested four days and interned to psychiatric Spitalul Constanta without diagnosis and without shapeless of externare. 52. R. I., Engineers, from Cluj. In 1974 he writes his Ceausecu, in which accuse of it government dictatoriala the country. Is erect from the place of the


labor of to the organs of security from Tg. Jiu and then interned to the psychiatric local hospital. Is neuroleptizat massively, i done ES and in this state is leaded to an expertise in which is stated ill mental dangerous, be interned in a hospital of chronicle, with the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia. Reuseste to run and difuzeaza in Craiova hundreds of manifestoes anticomuniste. He is grasped, reexpertizat to Bucharest the si internee to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu. He is massive neuroleptizat the si i done ES and all forcedly i is done insuflatie with air in brain, manipulate utila, but very heartbreak. After these analyses i stabileste the diagnosis of the paranoia and from that moment shall be merely to dispozitia Securitatii. After 1989 they try to do the extraordinary petition for the cancellation hotarârilor justiciary, but he is rejected throughout. Therefore, adreseaza numeroaselor organizatii internationof. On 24 March 1992, Emanuel Vofriu transmits a broadcast TV, in which he he is cataloguized the ill right the psyches, on subsequent shall it read it and in the newspaper Dimineata.


Remains dumbfound the si perplexed. More, Emanuel Vofriu contacteaza personnel and proposes it to prosecute a personality from drive P. L. R., 53. I. Lawyer, from were. Interned in persistent rows to psychiatric Spitalul Brasov the si to one from Bucharest, wherethrough scria letters of the secretaire ONU, in which sustinea as the in România don’t honourable bypathes right were due to. Renunte through of a persistent abusive internments to psychiatry doed to command Securitatii. 54. V. Poet, from criticized. Securitatea, reason for which, in persistent rows, is interned abusive to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu. Here i done neuroleptice and ES the massif. Currently he is emigrated in SUA. 55. P., Philologist, redactor to the cinematographic studio. Feather in 1987 is forced his work as unskilled worker. In 1987 he does application emigratory in SUA. Try to enter into the embassy, but don’t reuseste than to throw a letter in this garden. Is arrested on the spot and sended to Spitalul psychiatric of Închisorii Jilava, waves i is put the diagnosis of the


paranoid psychosis. After a month, Judecatoria sector 1 disposes his compulsory internment. The deed penala burn be constituita from crime against bunelor morals and the disturbance of public order. Is leaded to Spitalul psychiatric Poiana Mare in November 1987. In had a special regime, be good accomodated, i he enabled to has the books. The doctors propose externarea him, but Tribunalul from Bailesti rejects the application. Don’t the maul does applications of externare, but he is drived from Poiana Mare the scof aircraft, waves wait it the passport emigratory in SUA and whole family. 56. D F. S., Driver, from Râmnicul in a Vâlcea the crisis of fury, is rowed with hierarchical sefii the si sworn at the congress of the party and just on ceausescu. He is arrested and leaded to the psychiatric hospital territorial, waves i is put the diagnosis of psychopathy polimorfa, with explosive outpourings, the which complaint in natural ways don’t enforces the absence discernamântului. I applied the precautions art. 114 C. P. And he is sended to Spitalul Poiana Mare. Evadeaza temporally revolutiei, unite


with alti five prisoners. Although convict of a then law court nobody don’t l else searched and îsi unfurls the natural activity. 57. V. M., From Bucharest. In the July 1989 shout in plina the street:” I don’t else do the part from the golden age! Down Ceausescu!”. Is leaded to the precinct of militia, beated bestial of several young militiamans, carora can them be the grandmother. Is beared then direct to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu, waves five saptamâni i done the massifs neuroleptice. Abaft this the treatment don’t the maul can speak and deceased 58. M. S., Engineer the mechanic, from Bucharest. In 1952 1954 înfiinteaza organizatia” Vulturul of Munte” with the aim scattered manifestoes. Is arrested, beated and he gets off on gravely sechele. In 1988 he is erect from the place of the labor of to an officer of security, beared in a building speciala and subdued of a apparatus, the camera-man carrying coverall. After this” felt” an effect of the lassitude masiva and of” blend of ideation”, don’t else can vr2a *concentrate. Gradually calm the then si don’t else be out of order of Militie.


59. G. I., From Bucharest. Raspândeste demonstrate in Piata Unirii. Facuse this thing of the many maul either without bareback is shadowless. This time he is grasped and leaded to the center Securitatii, and then to Penitenciarul Jilava. Without no alta formality is leaded to Spitalul Poiana Mare. Hardly achieved as I burn be former expertise and i s be puted the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia the si as the has discernamântul diminished. The maul find out as i they applied the precautions art. 114 C. P. He is freed with big the speed after revolution, when he is stated natural mental. 60. D. T., Driver, from Bucharest. For his visit Gorbaciov îsi prepared cardă which scria:” You glasnosti also perestroika”. Nici caught to take out cardă in the street - ascunsese in machine - were arrested, be” poured” of were. Away direct to Spitalul Cula and held there lasted his visit Gorbaciov. Received no diagnosis and no the ticket of externare. 61. D. E., From Bucharest. Goes to C. C., Waves doreste to enter into the audience, but be împiedecata demonstrated noisy. He is arestata


immediately, leaded to Policlinica Titan and here, were examinata, i is put the diagnosis of epilepsy with disturbances psyches. On reasons commited antisocial papers, the committee of the policlinic apply it the decree 12 and is internata forcedly to Spitalul Balaceanca. Cases of his abuses attempt of abuse after 1989 62. T. V. R., From Bucharest. In September 1990 he does some days the hunger-strike for prompts the laws. In the station Brasov is agresata of an which individual tears out it the bag. Toward her surprise, Politia appears, but on she and transport it to Spitalul psychiatric from Brasov. Here he is binded, i done big doses of neuroleptice the si is holded eight days. To insistentele of his mother i is done externarea with the diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia. The doctor of enterprise, although isn’t specialist, sends pacienta for internment to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu, I carry confute the diagnosis puted to Brasov. 63. P. He does it the hunger-strike in 1991 afront general Procuraturii, waves


is arestata and sended directly to Spitalul Gh. Marinescu. Internata, the doctor on guard refusing this thing. All these prove as still don’t they extinguished the habits and on which they got them of lungul of the age comuniste certain” organs”. Psihiatria is still a middle of repression and an ally of Politiei. Is true as the last two cases is adverted to events petrecute in the years 1990 - 1991, but as true he is as the age existed officially feather in 1996. And who can us assure as disappeared entirely?

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46. Ilie i., In the hospital manic, the invalids are the actuations to hell, Expres, 8, 159, 23 II-1 III 1993; 47. Itu i., The psychiatry in politic aims, Tinerama, 72, 10 - 16 IV 1992; 48. Ierunca V., The Pitesti phenomenon, Humanitas., Buc., 1991; 49. Koppers Biographical Dictionary on The Political Abuse of Psychiatry in the URSS, International Association on the Political Use of Psychiatry, Amsterdam, 1990; 50. lazarescu M., The destinies of Roumanian psychiatry, Viata medicala, 6, 8, 12 II 1990; 51. Modorgea G., The of a mystification histories, România, 4, 23, 3 - 9 II 1992; 52. Modorgea G., Dl. Emanoil Vofriu continue the campaign of mystify the psychiatry, România, 14, 11 - 17, 1992; 53. okada T., The security e activate, Românul freely, 78, the July 1990; 54. oloieru G., Memorialul have a pain in the, 22, 8, 160, 25 II - 5 III 1992; 55. Press try of assassination to Craiova, R. L., 615, 24 III 1992; 56. Palade R., The of a anatomy the politic abuse, 22, 8, 28 II - 5 III 1992;


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Contained 1. Foreword... Pag. 4 2. Vladimir Bukovski” Si comes back the wind” 6 3. enter... 8. 3. Introducere 4. The chapter I. Fundamentarea logică the politic psychiatric abuse... 12 1. The psychiatric abuse: gradually falacyl theoretical... 13 2.” New Morala” and rightfull socialist relationship... 14 The social communist engineering... 16 B. The institutionalization of the fib and life with double standard... 17 C. The psychiatry of the ideology and the totalitarian system of the communist... 19. The chapter II. The ideological models of of politic abuse in psychiatry... 22 The biologic his medical model... 22


b. The model carceral of institutiei of treatment... 26. The must Of social psychiatry... 29. relatia psychiatry... 33. The chapter III. Resistance and dissidence Roumanian psychiatrists... 35 1. Continuity And limits of dizidentei Roumanian psychiatrists... 36 2. . Evolutia dizidentei in psychiatry... 39 The stage Proletcultista... 40 B. The stage ideologizarii and sovietizarii profoundly; Conceptualizarea” scientificly” the psychiatry abuzive 42 c. The stage dizidentei and opozitiei opened... 44. Desultory... 46. Him i. Vianu... 46. Operations From the ministry health... 47. Organizata... 49. Anticomunista psychiatrists... 49 D. The stage criptocomunista... 51 3. Dificila confrontation with the past... 51 4. The views Of Roumanian psychiatry postcomuniste... 53.


Acerba for can fostei nomenclatures... 53. Oficialitatilor, chiefly Ministerului Sanatatii for former nomenklatura... 54. Asociatiei Psihiatrilor Liberi... 55. The chapter IV. The problems of Roumanian psychiatry posttotalitare... 57 1. The politic abuse of desvaluiri postrevolutionare.. 60 A tragic case... 64 b. A case of a duplicity... 65 . 2. The abuse Psychiatric concerning situatia of Roumanian psychiatry from the age totalitara... 69 Situatia the hospitals psychiatric; Desvaluiri postrevolutionare... 70 B. The attack the commando securisto... 72 C. Reactiile the public opinion, of the press... 75 3. Reform in psychiatry he don’t means psihiatrie... 78. The chapter V. The abuses of politic psychiatry from România.


The concrete study. The vulnerability of Roumanian psychiatry... 82 1. Practise the politic abuse in psychiatry... 82 Short historian of the psychiatric abuse in US and to we b. The role psychiatrist in abuse... 83 C. The amplitude and the forms of the abuse... 86 2. The material remaking studied... 87 The internment Abuziva... 87 B. The which events caused the internment.. 88 C. The length internment... 89 D.The place and conditiile of dtentie( intern).. 90 e. The diagnosis... 91 Charm. The abuse of therapy Electroconvulsivanta... 93 G. The abuse of neuroleptice... 93 3. The right violation of the patients... 94 4. the abuse as the the form of the torture... 96. Add up i. The presentation of the casuistry... 97. Bibliography... 111. Contained... 114


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