Psych 111 Notes

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 4,013
  • Pages: 62
Psychology Defined

•Behaviorist Perspective

Chapter One Psychology Defined

•The scientific investigation of

mental processes and


–Reflects the influences of:

4 Goals of Psychology

•Cognitive Perspective •Describe: •Understand and explain:

•Evolutionary Perspective

•Predict: •Control: Major Psychological Perspectives

•Biological Perspective

•Humanistic Perspective

–Localization of function •Phineas Gage

•Feminist Perspective •Psychodynamic Perspective

•Sociocultural Perspective


•China One Child Policy


•Gestalt Perspective •Cognitive: Seven Areas of Research Study



•Psychometric: Applied Psychology



•Counseling: •Social Behavior



•Hypothesis: 7 Organizing Themes for Psychology



•Theoretically Diverse

–Continuous Variable:

•Sociohistorical Context:

–Categorical Variable:

•Determined by multiple causes

•Operationalize Definitions:

•Shaped by cultural heritage

•Interaction of heredity and environment

Research Methods in Five Easy Steps Measurement Issues in Research

•Experiences are subjective •Validity: Psychological Research What do you believe?


•Reliability: Data Collection Techniques

•Direct Observation •Questionnaires


•Extraneous Variable:

•Psychological Tests •Physiological Recordings •Examination of Historical Records

•Confounding of Variables:

Various Types of Psychological Research Experimental Method

•Placebo Effect:


•Demand Characteristics:

•Sampling bias:

•Social Desirability:


•Experimental group:

•Response Set:

•Experimenter Bias: •Control group:

•Single-blind Study:

Statistical Relationships

•Mean: •Double-blind Study: Descriptive and Correlational Studies


•Mode Case Studies

•Standard Deviation: Naturalistic Observation

•Ethics in Research

Survey Method

Guideline 1:

•Correlational Studies Guideline 2:

•Scale of –1 to +1 •-1: •+1: •0:

Guideline 3:

•Neurons: Guideline 4:

•Sensory or Afferent Neurons: Guideline 5 (6):

Animals in Research The Brain in Two Parts: How it Works and What it Does

•Motor or Efferent Neurons:

The Nervous System

•The Body’s electrochemical communication system •Interneurons: •Divided into two parts:

How it All Works: Neurons in Action

The Central Nervous System

•Glial cells: The Peripheral Nervous System

The Structure of A Neuron



•Cell body/soma:

•Axons: •The synaptic vessicles:

•Terminal buttons:

•Myelin sheath: •Absolute refractory period: Chemical Messengers

•Neurotransmitters: •Synapses: •Receptor Sites: •Increased knowledge about the interaction between the brain and experiences

•Long-term studies: Excitatory or Inhibitory Neurotransmitters Communication of Neurons

•Excitatory: •Resting potential: •Inhibitory: •Action potential:

Well-Known Neurotransmitters

•Serotonin: –Adrenal hormones:


–Epinephrine and norepinephrine:


•Gonadatropins/Sex Hormones: –Androgens: –Estrogens:

•Acetylcholine: •Both impact brain functioning/ early development The Peripheral Nervous System


•Two primary systems –Somatic Nervous System

•GABA (gamma amino butyric acid): Endorphins

•The Autonomic Nervous System


•Chemical messengers :

•A few of particular interest: –Melatonin:

•Sympathetic Nervous System:

•Parasympathetic Nervous System:

•PET scans:


•The Central Nervous System:

The Brain and the

Spinal Cord

•FMRI: (Functional MRI): The Brain Part Two

• Different Ways to Learn about the brain and what it does…

The Brain: The Hindbrain, Midbrain and Forebrain

•Study the disease process


•Lesion method: •Medulla: •Electrode Method (EEG): •Pons: •CT scans:






•Pituitary Gland:

•Reticular Formation: •Limbic System:

•Amygdala: •Tectum: •Hippocampus: •Tegmentum:

•Limbic System


•The Cerebrum: •Thalamus: •Corpus Callosum

•Right hemisphere :

•Parietal Lobe

•Left hemisphere: •Temporal Lobe:

•Lobes: •Wernicke’s area:

•Temporal Lobe

•Frontal Lobe: •Occipital Lobe:

•Broca’s area: •Occipital lobe •Frontal lobe

•Parietal Lobe: •Prefrontal lobe:

•Behavioral Genetics: Dominance of the Brain

•Left Brain Dominance: •Chromosomes: •Right Brain Dominance: The Split Brain

•Split brain surgery :

•Sperm and egg each have 23 chromosomes; they form a zygote which contains 46 chromosomes or 23 pairs

•Much split-brain research done by Gazzinaga,

•Homozygous Genes:

Sperry and Bogen

•Images sent to the right or left visual fields.

•Right visual field =

•Heterozygous Genes:

•Dominant genes: left hemisphere

•Left visual field = right hemisphere

•Sperry Research

•Brain Plasticity Heredity and Behavior

•Recessive genes:

•Each child has a 50% chance of inheriting a trait from each parent. Thus the genetic relatedness of parent to child is 50%



•Stimulus Detection:

•Polygenic inheritance:

•Absolute Threshold: Absolute Threshold

•Multifactorial Transmission:

Sense Modality

Absolute Threshold

Twin Studies

•1 in 50 born are twins

vision night

candle flame @ 30 miles on a clear

•Researchers compare similarities and differences

watch ticking @ 20 feet in a quiet

between identical/fraternal twins

hearing room

•Look at adoption studies of twins reared apart and

taste H20

1 tsp sugar in 2 gallons of

smell room apt

1 drop of perfume in 6(3)

assess the influence of heredity

Sensation and Perception

touch from 1 cm

wing of bee on cheek dropped


•Weber’s Law: •Perception: •Just noticeable difference:

•Sensory adaptation (habituation):

•The lens:

Sensory Systems: Vision

•The normal stimulus for vision is electromagnetic

•Visual System Demonstration

energy or light waves

•Light waves are measured in nanometers •Rods: •Our visual system is sensitive to wavelengths extending from ~700 nanometers (red) to ~ 400 nanometers (blue-violet)


(higher to lower wave lengths)


The Human Eye


•Rods and cones translate light waves into nerve impulses which pass through the retina.

•Pupil: •These impulses pass through the optic disk and carry visual information to the brain


•They pass through the optic chiasm :

where the optic nerves from each eye cross over and pass information to the opposite side of the brain.

•Infants are born with a functional/intact visual system; visual accommodation is not as well developed. Sensory Systems: Hearing

•Audition: •Color Vision •Frequency: •Hue: •Pitch: •Saturation:

•Amplitude: •Trichromatic Theory: •Timbre:

The Ear

•Auditory canal: •Opponent Process Theory:

•Ear Drum: •Dual Process theory:

•This leads to the middle ear.

When the eardrum vibrates it sets in motion the hammer, anvil and stirrups which amplify the sound waves >30 times

•Olfactory Receptors:


•Pheremones: Sensory Systems: Taste

•Four basic qualities of taste: •The basilar membrane holds the auditory receptors

•Frequency Theory: •Taste receptors:

•Place Theory: •Humans:

•Development of hearing:

•Taste buds:

•Newborns prefer: •Newborns have been shown to respond differentially to familiar voices and music Sensory Systems: Smell

•Taste preferences:

•Nutrition and Kids Sensory Systems: Touch

•Ames Room Illusion

•Tactile sensation: •Ames Room Explained •Temperature: • •Pain tolerance: www.michaelbach/de/ot


•Vestibular: Visual Illusions

•Most visual illusions occur because of perceptual constancies which usually help us perceive more accurately

http.//psychlab/ Key Terms in Perception

•Perceptual Schemas:

•Form Perception: Gestalt Principles of Perception

•Consciousness: •Perceptual Constancy:

•Perceptual Set:

The awareness of internal and

external stimuli

•Various kinds of awareness:

Subliminal Perception

•Size Constancy:

•Depth Perception

•Visual Cliff Experiments:

•Subliminal Perception:

•James Vicary and “Drink Coke and Eat Popcorn”

•Krosnick study:

Do we develop depth perception or are we born with it?

•Freud and Consciousness

•Three Levels of Consciousness –Conscious:

•Binocular Disparity: Cross-Cultural Influences


•Ba Mbuti Pygmies –Unconscious:

•Gregory and Gombrich study of North Americans, Europeans and East African Consciousness Part One

Circadian Cycles Sleeping and Dreaming

•Functions of Sleep

•By age 3-5 it

Sleep Deprivation

•Sleep Labs Stages of Sleep


•Adolescents have another shift in sleep patterns and sleep needs

•Non REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep –Stage 1: light sleep, small irregular brain waves, muscles relax

–Stage 2: high peaking waves, sleep spindles, burst of electrical activity

•Middle age and Sleep Patterns:

–Stage 3: Deep sleep, Delta waves, slow with high peaks

–Stage 4: Progressively more Delta Waves (Deep Sleep)

•The Elderly:

–Cycle: 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, then go to REM sleep REM Sleep

•Biological, psychological and social reasons:

•Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Sleep Disorders

•Sleep Apnea:

Developmental Issues with Sleep


•Newborns and Infants: •Narcoleptic Dogs

Interpretation of Dreams


•Manifest Content:

•There are different types of insomnia

•Latent Content:

–Transient Insomnia:

–Short-term Insomnia:

•Common “interpretations” Consciousness Part Two

–Chronic Insomnia:

Altered Levels of Consciousness

•Hypnosis: •Ways to combat insomnia: •Various factors involved in hypnosis •Sleepwalking:

–Anesthesia –Sensory Distortions

•Sleep Talking:

–Disinhibition –Post-hypnotic amnesia

•Sleep Terror:

•REM Movement Disorders


•Spanos •REM Disorders Cultural Differences in Dream States


–Physical Dependence: –Hypnotic Subjects:

•Addicted Brain Categories of Drugs

•Stimulants: •Summation of Spano’s beliefs: •Opiates/Narcotics: •Pain •Depressants/Sedatives: •hypnosis Altered States: The Impact of Drugs on Consciousness

•Hallucinogens/Psychedelics: •Psychoactive Drugs:

Specific Drugs of Interest



•Short term effects


•Health Hazards:

–Psychological Dependence:

•Heavy Users :

•Addictive Potential:

•Addictive Potential:

•Crack and Cocaine: •Physical Effects •MDMA or Ecstasy:

•MDMA is Neurotoxic

•Faster absorption: more intense the high



•Heroin Addict

(Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) is a major hallucinogen “Acid”

•Effects are Unpredictable and Dependent on Many Variables



•Physical Effects •Long term risks:

•Binge Drinking


•Conditioning: Types of Conditioning

•Classical Conditioning:


•Health Hazards of Steroids •Unconditioned Stimulus (US): –For males:

–For females:

•Unconditioned Response (UR):

–Adolescent risks:

•Cigarettes and Other Nicotine Products –Nicotine:

•Conditioned Stimulus (CS):

New models and methods for altering conscious experiences Learning

•Conditioned Response (CR):

•Classical Conditioning #1 •Learning Defined: •Classical conditioning #2

•Practical Application of Pavlov and Classical Conditioning

–ANV patients:

•Extinction: •Operant Conditioning/Instrumental Learning •Spontaneous Recovery: • Behavior is dependent on its consequences

•Higher Order Conditioning: •Thorndike: •Stimulus generalization:

•Stimulus discrimination:

•Little Albert Movie

•Law of Effect:

•B.F. Skinner:

•Three types of consequences

•Neutral consequence: •Anticipatory Nausea and Vomiting









•Reinforcement or Punishment which occurs immediately after a behavior:

•Primary Reinforcers:

Learning Schedules

•Secondary Reinforcers: •Continuous: •Punishments: •Intermittent/Partial: •Positive punishment:

•Negative punishment: •Ratio Schedules: Stimulus Added

Stimulus Removed







•Fixed ratio schedules:

•Variable ratio schedules:

•Interval Schedules:


•Shopping Pig

•Fixed interval:

•Social Cognitive Theories of Learning

•Variable interval:

•Observational Learning:

•Skinner Rat Box •Bobo Doll Study

•For a response to persist:

•Bobo Doll Two

•Observational Learning: •Shaping: •Lessons from Lassie Study (Sprafkin 1975)


•Pigeon Turning Around


the capacity to retain and retrieve information

•Flashbulb memories: •Recognition Task: •Memories for traumatic events:

•Flashbulb Memories

•Correct List:

•Personal recollections of 9/11 or Columbine Models of Memory

•Cohort differences

•Information Processing Model: •Encoding:

•How to measure memory –Recall:

•Levels of Processing:


•Shallow Processing:


•Intermediate Processing:



•Deep Processing:

Three Box Model of Memory

•Sensory Memory

•Long Term Memory:

•Short Term Memory •Long Term Memory

•Procedural Memory:

•Declarative Memory: Semantic Memories:

•Sensory Memory •Short Term Memory:

Episodic Memories:

•Prospective Memory:

Magic Number:

•Retrospective Memory:

Digit Span Test

•Memory and Recall tasks illustrated…


•Primacy Effect: •Super Memorist #1

•Recency Effect: •Frequency:

•Super Memorist #2


•Chunking increases memory •Reconstructed memory needs to be assessed Forgetting:

•Effective Encoding: •Maintenance Rehearsal: •Elaborative Rehearsal:

•Ineffective encoding: •Decay theories: •New memories for old:

•Visual Imagery: •Method of Loci:

•Retroactive Interference:

•Proactive Interference: •Mnemonics: •Motivated forgetting: •Dual-Coding Theory: •Cue dependent forgetting:

•Chase and Simon research with chess players. Eyewitness Testimony

•Children and adults can report accurately as well as be influenced in their recall.

•Retrieval cues:

•Amnesia: 3.

•Retrograde amnesia:

•Anterograde amnesia: 4. Aphasia:

•Amnesia Patient –Apraxia:

• Post-traumatic Amnesia: 6. Agnosia:

•Childhood Amnesia: •Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease •Dementia:

•Alzheimer’s Disease

–Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Language and Thought 1. Language: 2.

Benjamin Whorf: Linguistic relativity

•Structure of Language –Phonemes:

– Initial phonemes

• Surface structure: • Deep structure:

Chomsky believes:

– Middle phonemes

•Expressive Language: -Morphemes:

•Receptive Language: Semantics:

•Children usually have a > capacity for receptive speech Syntax:

•Stages in Language Development Gleason Study:

–Crying Overregularizations:

–Cooing: –Babbling: –First Words

Language Acquisition Device: (Chomsky)

–Holophrases: •Overextensions

–Telegraphic Speech:

•Deaf Children and Language Acquisition

•Thought: •Nonverbal communication: –Vocal intonation:

•Concepts and Categories:

–Body language: –Gestures


–Physical Distance –Facial Expressions



•Prototypes: •Bi-lingualism:

•Rosch: •Critical Periods In Language Development •Reasoning: •Learning Theory and Language


•Inductive reasoning: •Interactionist theory of language development: •Deductive Reasoning:

•Mental Simulation: –Syllogism:

•Mental Set: •Problem Solving:

•Functional fixedness:

•Greeno’s three types of problems Confirmation bias:

–Problems of inducing structure:

–Problems of arrangement:

•Distraction by irrelevant information: –Problems of transformation:

•Problems vary from well-defined to ill defined.

•Unnecessary Constraints:

•Framing: •Insight: •Classic Problem Solving Task

•Decision Making: •Hypothesis Testing: •Compensatory Decision Models:

•Noncompensatory Decision Models: •Newer tests were developed with

norms for all age groups based on a standard distribution


•Stanford-Binet and Wechsler Intelligence Tests are still used today

–Availability Heuristic:

•Wechsler Intelligence Tests: –Representative Heuristic:

–WPPSI: (preschool)


–WISC: (Children) –WAIS: (Adults)


•Results in a Verbal IQ, Performance IQ and Full Scale IQ score


historically defined by how we

“measure” it

•Alfred Binet: developed intelligence tests to identify

•Based on norms for the population;

100 is the mean;

Normal range: 85-115.

•Verbal Subtests

slow learners

–Mental Age:

–Vocabulary: breadth of concepts, ideas and experiences; + correlated with overall IQ

–Information: basic fund of information; culturally sensitive

• However, this formula for IQ was flawed.

–Comprehension: awareness of socially appropriate behavior, rules and roles

–Similarities: verbal concept formation, level of abstraction

–Arithmetic: concentration/attention; mathematical ability

•Study with teacher expectancy and student performance

–Digit Span: attention and rote memory


For the entire school the children for whom the teachers expected greater intellectual growth averaged significantly greater improvement than did the control children; especially for grades 1 and 2.

•Performance Subtests •Rosenthal Video Clip –Picture Arrangement: social interactions and sequencing

–Picture Completion: Visual organization and concentration

•Possible explanations for the findings re: younger children

–Object Assembly: visual-motor coordination, principles of whole from the parts

–Block Design: perception and analysis of patterns –Digit Symbol: imitative behavior and learning capacity

–Younger children are easier to change –Younger students have less developed reputations –Younger children may be more susceptible –Teachers of children in lower grades may differ

•Video Clip

•Rosenthal and Jacobson Study

from the teachers of older children

•Culture Free Intelligence Tests –Raven’s Progressive Matrices:

•Self-fulfilling prophecy:

if we expect something to happen in a certain way our expectancies will make it occur





•Multiple causes of retardation


–Organic: over 100 single genetic traits can result in mental retardation


–Environmental: teratogens (cocaine; fetal alcohol syndrome; poor nutrition, disease)

•Draw A Person:

Positive Correlation with


(Tadpole Person)


Generally believed to be those with an IQ of > 130 (Upper 2-3% of the population)

•Mental Retardation:

a condition of limited mental ability; IQ lower than 70 on a traditional test, difficulty adapting to everyday life; onset during the developmental period

•Characteristics –Precocious; master things earlier –Teachers may not identify them correctly –Gifted vs “Profoundly Gifted” distinction

•Mild Retardation:

IQ: 50-70 (85%)

– May have exceptional potential in visual/performing arts, leadership traits or empathy

–Acceleration not current recommendation

•Moderate Retardation: IQ: 35-50 (10%)

•Severe Retardation:

IQ: 20-35 (4%)

•Terman: •Profound Retardation:

IQ: >20 (1%)

long term study of gifted individuals

•1500 youngsters (average IQ=150)

•Found to be above average in height, weight, strength, physical health, emotional stability and social satisfaction throughout adulthood.

–Componential: good problem solving strategies; “book smart”

–Experiential: creative and insightful

–Most are socially successful, above average in psychological adjustment

–Contextual: practical application; knowing when to adapt or modify the environment


Multiple Intelligences: (8)

–Logical Mathematical


Two Factor Theory of Intelligence

–g factor or general abilities: comprehension or spatial skills, verbal abilities

–s factor or specific abilities: numerical reasoning, rote memory skills

–Linguistic –Musical –Spatial –Bodily-Kinesthetic –Interpersonal


Two types of g factor of intelligence

–Intrapersonal –Naturalist

–Fluid Intelligence: innate skills not dependent on the environment; more biologically based

Emotional Intelligence:

–Crystallized Intelligence: academic learning, ability to use information learned in problem solving; Related to environment and experience

•ability to motivate oneself • control impulses

•Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence

•persist in the face of frustration

•regulate moods to keep distress from overwhelming

•Ventromedial Hypothalamus

the ability to think Motivation Various Factors which Impact Eating Behaviors

•Biological Factors •Motivation: •Social Factors

•Evolutionary Theory: •Psychological Factors Biological Needs/Motivations

•Homeostasis: •Obesity:

body weight greater than 20% (30%) of expected body weight based on height



•Three Main Reasons for Obesity Rates in the U.S.

–Lateral (near side)

1. 2.

–Ventromedial (lower, middle) is the hunger.



Self-starvation resulting in loss of 2050% body fat; fall to less than 15% body fat over all

•Sexual Response Cycle is a predictable cycle for men and women.


•Need for Affiliation •Anorexia


repeated episodes of bingeing followed by self-induced vomiting, laxatives or enemas


•Achievement Motivation

Motivated by success:

Motivated by fear of failure:

•Kinsey Survey:

•Masters and Johnson

•Masters and Johnson Research Study

•Assessment of Achievement Motivation

Emotion: Cognitive, Physiological and Behavioral Components




•Polygraph Video

–Facial Feedback Proponents:

–Display Rules:

•Polygraph tests:

Different Theories of Emotion


•James-Lange Theory:

• Polygraph Results:

•Cannon-Bard Theory:


•Schachter’s Two-Factor Theory:

characteristic overt expression of


Development Part One Six basic emotions generally able to identify:

•Developmental Psychology:

•Explores physical, cognitive, social and emotional development

–5th month: Lanugo:

•Physical Development


–Cephalocaudal: –Proximodistal: –6th month:

•Prenatal Development Germinal Phase:

–Zygote: –Placenta:

–7th month:

–8th/9th month:

•Embryonic Stage:

•Fetal Stage:

–3rd month:


•Important concepts with teratogens –Dose:

–4th month:

–Basic Heredity:

–Multiple Determination:


–Age of organism at exposure:


Leading teratogen in the United States.

Teratogenic Agents

•Drugs or Chemicals •Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: –Physical Symptoms:

•Stress: –Behavioral Symptoms:

•Fetal Alcohol Effects:



•Toxins in the workplace

•Sperm may also be impacted by teratogenic influences

•Heroin: •

“90 day rule”

•Cocaine: Reflexes and sensory abilities of newborns and infants

•Vision: •Gross and Fine Motor Development •Hearing:

Individual Differences exist, normative expectations for these skills and abilities often called milestones

•Ages 2-3: •Taste and Smell:

–Gross Motor:

–Fine Motor:


•Reflexes: •Ages 3-4 •Rooting reflex:

–Gross Motor:

•Stepping reflex:

–Fine Motor:

•Sucking reflex:

•Ages 4-5 –Gross Motor:

•Eyeblink reflex: –Fine Motor:

•Babinski Reflex

•Ages 5-6


–Gross Motor:

•Mixture –Fine Motor:

•Goodness of Fit:

•Interaction between genetics and environment is key with temperament

•Gender Differences:

boys ahead of girls in force and power; girls ahead in fine motor and gross motor skills which involve good balance

•Attachment: •Temperament: •Studied by Ainsworth in her attachment paradigm still being used today

•Thomas and Chess:

•The “strange situation” allows researchers to assess attachment relationships



•Basic premises regarding attachment

• •Resistant Attachment: •Separation anxiety: •Disorganized/Disoriented Attachment:

•Baumrind’s Parenting Styles •First object of attachment •Authoritarian: •Initial attachments:

•Permissive: •Stranger Anxiety:

•Structure of the Strange situation •Authoritative: Based on Ainsworth’s research there are 4 types of attachment patterns.

•Securely Attached:

•Avoidant attachment:


development Development Part Two

–Early maturing males:

•Attachment Deprivation:

Harlow Monkey Studies

–Early maturing females: –Isolated monkeys:

•Attachment and Contact Comfort:


•Adolescent Egocentricism:

•Imaginary Audience: Peer Relationships

•Personal Fable:


•Storm and Stress:

–Adolescent growth spurt:

•Conflict: –Asynchrony:

Puberty impacts social & emotional

Function of Peers in adolescence:


(2-7 years)

•Developmental Theories as Stage Theories •Flaws of thinking in Preoperational Children –Individuals must progress through stages in a particular order, stages build on each other

–Progress is strongly related to age

–Development is marked by discontinuities that result




in dramatic transitions

•Jean Piaget and Cognitive Development

•Concrete Operations:


–How a child thinks, including reasoning, remembering and problem solving

•Development involves two processes:

•Formal Operations (12-up)

–Assimilation: –Accomodation:

•Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development

•Criticisms of Piaget: Erik Erikson and Lifespan Development

•Sensorimotor (birth-2 years)

•Theory of lifespan development: •Langer and Rodin study:

Piaget and Moral Development

•Heteronomous Morality (ages 4-7)

•Ways to Promote Healthy Aging


•Autonomous Morality (7 years and up) •Personality:

•Kohlberg studied moral development using the Heinz dilemma.

•Lifespan Issues in Development

•Personality traits:

•Cattel’s Theory of Personality:

•McRae and Costa:

Developed the “Big Five”

personality traits.

•OCEAN Intellectual Functioning and Age:

Fluid Intelligence: Crystallized Intelligence:

•Psychodynamic Theory

–Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory


Individual Psychology

Freud’s Basic Structures of Personality

–Id: Compensation:




•Defense Mechanisms:

Social Cognitive and Behavioral Theories

•Examples of Defense Mechanisms –Displacement –Rationalization

•Reciprocal Determinism:




•Locus of Control (Rotter)

•Internal Locus of Control: •Congruence: •External Locus of Control: •Incongruence:

•Mischel’s Person by Situation Interaction •Unconditional Positive Regard:

•Humanistic Perspective •Personality “Types” Sheldon:

•Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:



Ectomorph: Stress and Coping

•Carl Rogers: •Stress:

•Pressure: •Stress has both psychological and physiological components

•General Adaptation Syndrome (Selye) –Alarm:

•Frustration: –Resistance:

•Conflict: –Exhaustion:

•Three general types of


–Approach-approach conflicts:

•“Daily Hassles”:

–Avoidance-avoidance conflict:


–Approach-avoidance conflict:


•Adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies exist.

•Maladaptive Coping Strategies

–Displaced Aggression:

•Holmes and Rahe Social Readjustment Scale:


–Type B personalities:

•Self-Indulgence: Defense Mechanisms

•Stress and Personality Style: •Constructive Coping Strategies:

•Problem focused:

•Emotion focused: •Additional health issues associated with stress: •Optimism: •Road Rage and Stress:

public health issues and

individual implications

•Social Supports: •Therapeutic interventions •Sense of self-efficacy: •Exercise •Personality Traits and styles also impact response to stressful situations.

•Pets and Plants –Type A personalities:

•Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:

Parent and Child Interactions indicating possible abuse

•Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Natural Disasters

•The Trauma of Child Abuse

•Risk Factors for the Child:

•Child Abuse:

non-accidental physical attack on or injury to children by individuals caring for them

•Child Protective Factors •Child Neglect:

absence of adequate social, emotional and physical care

•Risk Factors for the Parents/Family

Characteristics/Symptoms of Abuse (nccanch)

Child focused symptoms:

•Family/Parental Protective Factors

Symptoms/characteristics of parents in abuse situations

•Risk Factors in the Community & Society

•Community & Societal Protective Factors


•Cycle of Violence:

Findings that those who are abused are at a greater risk for abusing

–Social Learning Theory: DSM-IV TR: 5 Axes or Dimensions

–Biological/Genetic Theory:

•Primary Clinical Problem •Personality Disorders

–Interaction Theory:

•Medical Conditions relevant to disorder •Breaking the cycle of Violence: help

What we can do to

•Social and environmental problems •Global Assessment of Functioning


•Mental Disorder: •Problems with the DSM Classifications •Legal Standards: •Disorders of Childhood Classifying Mental Disorders

•Pervasive Developmental Disorders


•Panic Disorder:

–Asperger’s Syndrome:

•Fears and Phobias:

•Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

•Social Phobia:

•Agoraphobia: •Conduct Disorder •Specific Phobias:

spiders, squirrels, dogs

•Tourette’s Syndrome

•Tourette’s Syndrome

Anxiety Disorders

•Generalized Anxiety Disorder:

•Obsessions and Compulsions –Obsession:

•Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


•Schizotypal Personality Disorder –Compulsion:

•Borderline Personality Disorder

•Histrionic Personality Disorder Mood Disorders

•Narcissistic Personality Disorder



•Compulsive Personality Disorder

•Bi-polar: •Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder •Personality Disorders:

Psychotic Disorders

•Schizophrenia: •Paranoid Personality Disorder

•Typical age of onset: •Schizoid Personality Disorder •Strong genetic component •Sociopathic Personality Disorder:

•The Three Faces of Eve Treatment Modalities

•Positive Symptoms:

(Presence of a distortion or bizarre behavioral symptom)

•Biological Therapies

•Charles Manson and Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia



•Negative Symptoms (loss of functioning or ability; behavioral deficits)

•Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT):




•Fugue state:

•Dissociative Identity Disorder:


•Free association:

•Dream Interpretation:


•Psychodynamic Therapies:

•Group Therapy:

•Cognitive Behavioral Therapies •Normalization: –Systematic Desensitization:

•Psychotherapy Outcome Research: –Aversion Therapy:

Social Psychology Part One

•Aversive Therapies

Social Psychology:

•Flooding: Attitudes:

•Humanistic Therapies: •Attitude Strength: •Cognitive Therapies: –Durability:

•Family/Couples Therapy: –Impact:

•‘Identified patient” : •Social Cognition –Initial Impressions:

•Situational Influence on behaviors: –Asch’s study found:

•Social Influence:

•Social Influence Video Asch Conformity Study

•Social Norms:

•Asch Conformity Studies

•Social Role: •Results:

•Factors which affected conformity •Role Conflict:

–Group size:


–Presence of a dissenter:

•Informational social influence:

•LaPiere Study –Attitudes

•Normative social influence:

•Attitudes and Behavior are influenced by several factors

•Stanley Milgram’s Obedience to Authority research project.

•What percentage of subjects would obey and administer shocks up to 450 volts? Social Psychology Part Two


the deliberate effort to change or impact

one’s attitude

•Milgram’s results: Variables which influenced obedience

–Remoteness of the victim

•Persuasion Tactics: –Norm of reciprocity:

–Closeness and legitimacy of authority figure –Cog in the wheel –Personal characteristics: differences were weak or nonexistent

–Door in the face technique:

–Cultural differences: Ethical Issues of the Research

–Foot in the Door:


helping behavior

•Kitty Genovese –Low-balling:


–Diffusion of responsibility:

–Bystander Effect:

•Bystander Apathy


Walster and Berscheid

–Passionate Love: intensely emotional and physical

•Latane and Darley:

Bystander Research

–Companionate Love: deep affection, share emotional intimacy and friendship

–Bystander won’t help if they don’t notice

•Sternberg’s Three Components of Love

–Decide if it is an emergency –If an emergency: intervene or not –Take on responsibility: begin to question

–Intimacy: –Passion:

self-efficacy and confidence

–Commitment: –Intervene regardless of cost

•Who we are more willing to help:


negative attitudes towards people based on membership in a group


characteristics we attribute to people based on their membership in a group

•Factors that influence Attraction to Others •Prejudice and stereotypes impact our impressions –Proximity:

and attributions



–Matching Hypothesis:

treat people differently and unfairly based on group affiliation

•Self-serving bias:

•Group Membership:

We categorize ourselves as “in group” or “out group” and view our members in more favorable terms

•Homogeneity Bias:

•Sherif Study

•Working on a common task or goal (superordinate goal) is an effective way to reduce in/out group conflict

•Zimbardo and the “Stanford Prison Study”

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