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Colegio Domingo Ortiz de Rozas La Ligua

Reading Comprehension : The Elephant Man Name: Class: 2nd A Date: Monday, 25th 2009 I)

Total score: 40 pts My score: Teacher: Carla Osses G.

Answer TRUE or FALSE (10 pts)

1. Merrick had two beautiful hands ___________ 2. Merrick wanted to go the city _____________ 3. When he was in the countryside, he called the birds his friends __________ 4. Merrick was a woman ___________ 5. Merrick lived in Scotland _________ 6. Dr Treves stole Merrick´s money after he died __________ 7. Merrick´s likes reading books in his room _____________ 8. Dr Treves looked Merrick like a creature ___________ 9. Dr Treves was Merrick´s friend ___________ 10. Merrick used to sleep on his back_________ II) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

III) 1.

Put the events in the right order. (9 pts) _________ The Queen of England visited Merrick. _________ Merrick went to the countryside. _________ Dr Treves met Merrick. _________ Dr Treves was walking outside a shop and he saw a picture of the Elephant Man. _________ Dr Treves took Merrick to the hospital _________ Merrick went back to London _________ Merrick died at the hospital. _________ Dr Treves invited Merrick to live at the hospital. _________ The hospital chairman wrote a letter to “The Times” saying that Merrick had died. Choose the correct answer (8 pts) Which hand was like a man’s foot? a) right b) left c) right and left

3. How much was the ticket to see The Elephant Man at the shop? a) one pence b) two pence c) four pence


The Elephant Man is a) a sad story b) a sad story but happy at the end c) a happy story


Merrick´s name was: a) Frederick b) Simon c) Joseph


The Lighthouse was: a) a home for all people b) a home for children c) a home for blind people

7. a) b) c) IV)

Merrick was to the countryside in: Summer Autumn Spring

6. a) 27 b) 17

Merrick´s age was: c) 37


Merrick died in: a) April 1980 b) July 1890 c) April 1890

Use the words from the box to complete the paragraph. (6 pts)







“Two years ago, Merrick lived in a (1)…………… near the London Hospital. For two (2)………….. people could see him and laugh at him. One day (3)………. Treves – a hospital doctor saw (4)………….. , brought him to this (5)…………….., and looked at him carefully. Dr Treves could not help Merrick, but he gave him his (6)…………… . “


“We gave Merrick two rooms at the back of the hospital. One room was a bathroom and the second was his bedroom”. Draw Merrick in his bedroom. You must use pencils. (7 pts)

Colegio Domingo Ortiz de Rozas La Ligua

English Test: Unit 8: RULES

Name: Class: 2nd A Date: Thursday, 18th 2009

Total score: 28 pts My score: pts Teacher: Carla Osses G.

Objectives:  To use and identify vocabulary related to Rules and Household tasks and objects.  To identify and use Permission.  To identify and use Obligation. I)

Write the objects about Rules and Households. (8 pts)

Things using or used for violence (1)………………………… (2)……………………….. (3)………………………… For clothes (4)………………………... (5)……………………….. Things that pollute our bodies. (6)……………………….. II)



Permission can, could and be allowed to. Circle the correct form. (5 pts)

When Julia a star in the 1960s, she (1) can’t / could do anything she wanted. She was famous and people were cared of her, so she (2) can / could behave badly. But now Julia is very strict with her daughter, she (3) can / isn’t allowed to do anything without her mother’s permission. Julliette (4) is allowed to / can’t go out wit boys, but only the boys that her mother chooses for her. Julliette (5) could / wasn’t allowed to make any decisions about her own career either.

III) Obligation: Complete with sentences. Use have to, don’t have to, must and mustn’t.(7pts) Beauty Park Camping RULES: Please pay when you arrive You must leave before 3.00 on your final day Dirty tents are not allowed No rubbish You can have breakfast in the farmhouse if you want Don’t play loud music after 7.00 in the evening

Hot water is free Don’t drink water from the river. Visitors have to pay when they arrive. 1. You …………………. leave before midday. 2. Your tent ……………………. be clean. 3. Visitors ………………….. leave rubbish. 4. You ……………………… have breakfast in the farmhouse. 5. Visitors ……………………… be noisy after 7.00. 6. People …………………… pay for hot water. 7. You ………………………… drink the river water. IV)

Expressing Contrast: Match 1-8 with a-h. (8 pts) 1…… 2……. 3……. 4…….. 5…….. 6…….. 7…….. 8……. 1. In the past almost everyone lived in the country, but 2. Pollution has become very serious, although 3. In the 1800s, a lot of people worked sixteen hours a day, but 4. Our grandparents didn’t have TV when they were young. On the other hand, 5. Fifty years ago, most British wives stayed at home. Today, however, 6. Today, all British children go to school, although 7. People still do household jobs. 8. 50 years only the very rich had cars, but a

a lot of women have jobs


governments are trying to control the problem.


not all children enjoy it!


now a lot of people live in cities


they say people were better at conversation ten.


now most families have a car.


now laws control how many hours people work.


However, the work is much easier because of modern machines.

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