Proposal For Dlm

  • November 2019
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Proposal for Digital Library Management Solution for (client)

Technical Proposal on Digital Library Management Solution for (Client)

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Proposal for Digital Library Management Solution for (client)

Seller Restrictions This data shall not be disclosed and shall not be duplicated, used, or disclosed in whole or in part for any purpose. If a contract is awarded to HCL as a result of or in connection with the submission of this data, the client or prospective client shall have the right to duplicate, use, or disclose this data to the extent provided in the contract.

This restriction does not limit the

client’s or prospective client’s right to use the information contained in the proposal if it is obtained from another source without restriction. The data subject to this restriction is contained in all marked sheets.

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Proposal for Digital Library Management Solution for (client)

HCL PROFILE HCL Infosystems Limited is one of the pioneers in the Indian IT market, with its origins in 1976. For over quarter of a century, HCL has developed and implemented solutions for multiple market segments, across a range of technologies in India. HCL has been in the forefront in introducing new technologies and solutions, now HCL is amongst the top 20 business houses in India with 9000+ employees spread across 38 countries and revenue of around 1 billion US dollars. HCL Infosystems Ltd. is the Internet Infrastructure initiative of the HCL group, India’s premier information technology group. Through the pioneering presence of the HCL group companies the vast experience of the markets, HCL Infosystems has propelled itself to the path of “Total Technology Integration”. HCL Infosystems has established state-of-the-art ATM / Frame-Relay IP based network infrastructure across 43 cities in the country and offers an entire range of managed services. Its portfolio of services includes Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), Broadband Internet access; Hosting Co-location Services; Designing

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Proposal for Digital Library Management Solution for (client)

Continuity solutions; Application services; Managed Security services and NOC services. All these services are delivered with a Turnkey approach that includes delivering Infosystems’s core services, third party hardware and network provisioning, maintenance activities and project management. HCL Infosystems comes with the promise of delivering the committed Quality of Service backed by significant investments in infrastructure, network management solutions and its round the clock centralized Customer support call center. This holds even more when we consider the leverage Infosystems draws from its parent company’s unparalleled experience in networking.

HCL’s FOCUS ON LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SOLUTION For Library Management Solution HCL Infosystems Limited is providing one of the finest Library Management Software in the global market designed on all international E-Library standards like MARC – 21 Standards, Web OPAC, UNICODE Technology for conversion into the local language, Menu Driven Interface, RFID Enabled etc. apart from its state of art Library Management Software HCL is providing RFID based Library Management Solution which enable HCL to create a 100% automated and resourceful library.

HCL’s IMAGING FOCUS For Imaging Solutions and Hardware / Equipment, HCL Infosystems has partnered with the best in the industry. For its solutions, HCL is linked up with

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companies like TOSHIBA, KODAK, KONIKA MINOLTA etc. to bring to you truly world class imaging solutions and hardware. To be able to reach maximum number of (Client name), HCL Infosystems sells through a network of direct and indirect channels spread throughout India. The company is pioneer in the field of Office Automation, being the first to introduce equipment like photocopiers and digital duplicators in India. Therefore, its foray into the Imaging industry is but natural.

HCL’s Customer Support We have the highest regard for Customer satisfaction, and towards this, we have geared up ourselves with following aspects, which automatically rate our service standards at the top across the country: We organize customers meets all over the country to have the first hand interaction, which will enable us to review our service standards and/or enhance the same in order to achieve the same.

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We have the key-client concept, where in we constantly monitor the upkeep of our products, being used for achieving highest level of service standards. The parameters governed by this (viz. Up-time, Preventive Maintenance Schedule etc.) are appraised by specialized team at the regional office and Head office. Further, these clients are provided with an Up Time Certificate authenticated by the respective user department and these are sent by the President & CEO himself. We have across the country – Number of Machines



photocopier) 10,000 (Telecom products alone) 1,000






Solutions Number of Professionals Number of Trained

14,000 5,000

Engineers Number of Offices Number of Service Centres Customer Satisfaction ISO Certification

170 cities 360 9 out of 10* ISO 9001:2000 & ISO 14001:2004

* Survey done by Due to these aspects given above we are able to scale the ladder of success which reaches us to the summit where we can shake hands with all our customer with the proud of being the organization which exceeds our customer satisfaction level.

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We wish to stress that with HCL’s leadership in customer support, we can offer the best possible communication support and service to you any where in India with the service standards as mentioned above. The best in the “Corporate Users expectation and Satisfaction Survey 2003” - Voice & Data Magazine. HCL has been ranked No.5 among India’s Top 5 groups impacting the dynamics of the IT Industry - DataQuest “The Most Responsive Company, 2005”– IT Hardware Category by the Economic Times - Avaya Global Connect

India Presence

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Proposal for Digital Library Management Solution for (client)

Digital Imaging Solutions If your institution houses special collections, you face the formidable challenge of increasing the level of access to your materials without degrading the original works. By building a digital library, your institution can meet this challenge, and at the same time, address long-term preservation goals and accomplish other institutional objectives.

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HCL specializes in high-quality digital imaging solutions for libraries, archives and museums. Our turnkey solutions marry the latest imaging technologies to creative methods. Our services address all aspects of digital library creation, including archival scanning, post-scan image processing, metadata capture and, above all, experienced project management.

Archival Quality Scanning For those institutions with commitment to creating a quality digital library, HCL offers an attractive solution. We boast a variety of options for document preparation, color-calibrated scanning, quality control and image delivery.  Print Scanning (Photographs)  Film Scanning (Slides, Transparencies, Negatives, Microfilm)  Digital Photography (Rare Books, Objects, Glass Plates)  Large Format Scanning (Maps, Newspapers, Posters)  Document






Ephemera)  Bound Material Scanning (Books, Journals, Reports) HCL can scan almost anything -- photographs, slides, transparencies, microfilm, maps, posters, manuscripts or catalog cards -- to name a few. For rare books, objects and glass plates, we use digital photography instead of scanning. We utilize professional production techniques and processes to ensure high quality output not only for current use but also for long-term, multipurpose use. Our archival quality scanning services are based on sound, industry-recognized "best practices" for digital image reproduction. They are further enhanced by our adherence to the internationally recognized ISO 9001 Quality Assurance Standard.

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Post-Scan Image Processing The value of a diamond is based in large part, not on the original stone, but on the cut and polish applied by a master jeweler. The same principle applies to digitized images where selective post processing can turn an unrefined scan into an enduring and valuable digital artifact for your institution. HCL can process archival scans into pristine master source files by applying expert color matching, dust and scratch removal, precise cropping, watermarking and, if required, image restoration. In addition, HCL can create a wide variety of derivative files to meet most application and Web-delivery needs. Derivative images and archival source files can be delivered on CD, DVD, DAT Tape, Exabyte Tape and other long-term storage media.

Metadata Capture, Indexing and Database Creation Two aspects are critical to the success of a digital imaging project: 1) the capture of descriptive data for the images and 2) the creation of useful finding aids for search and retrieval. HCL provides an exceptional array of value-added services to help your organization with these labor-intensive processes. HCL can convert your existing electronic databases to standard metadata formats, perform OCR or manual data capture on paper-based source material and provide original cataloging when necessary. We specialize in electronic conversion of library catalog cards, archival finding aids and unique special collection metadata. Our software allows import/export of c o n verted records into a variety of formats including MARC, Dublin Core, delimited file, HTML and XML.

Project Management

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Every project begins with an analysis of the material and consultation with your organization to determine output specifications, data mapping details and custom fields for the data entry software interface. Throughout each stage of production all work is tracked and accounted for. Jobs are logged with careful notation of detail and then checked against customer specifications to verify that the project is being accurately completed. Experienced







interface. All fields are systematically analyzed, ensuring data validity and integrity. Our staff checks such variables as field length, data type, mandatory fields, sequential numbering and, where applicable, associated image linking. We can employ standard spell checking or, when necessary, create a customized data dictionary. To ensure that the final data is of the highest quality, work is entered and independently verified. The verification process involves data being keyed and then processed by a quality control operator, who performs a database-wide check for errors. All data is backed up daily and stored in a secure location on-site under management control. Source material is kept in a locked vault when not being used and is promptly









accommodate special material handling arrangements.

Collection available at (Client) Library (Client name) being one of the important part of (Client name) and has got ample of important books preserved with it which carry important information and has got number of books which are hardly available now a days. Department has been performing some important activities like:

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 Preserving the various books and maps with it.  Making available such books for research and study purposes. Library being one of the departments where numbers of books are stored and it is preserving the most important information about various subjects preserved in the form of number of books and some of these books are rarely available now a days. Thus it creates the historical importance for the department. The Library currently faces the issues of: –

High Processing time for retrieval of documents

High rate of documents deterioration.

Lack of proper documents preservation and storage mechanisms.

Inadequate security features

Lack of Disaster Management facilities

Keeping footprints of the Documents Access.

It aspires to meet following endeavours: –

An efficient Library Management Solution that enables Library in maintaining and retrieving the books within no time.

Digitization of the books.

Centralized storage of all the documents.

Access of single records to multiple locations through Network / Web based Library Management Solution.

Maintaining an audit trail for keeping track of all activities performed on records.

Meeting the problem of shortage of physical space and other resources.

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It envisages the accomplishment of these through the study of its current processes and suggesting suitable processes by using digitisation services. These objectives are to be achieved through the following three components: -

Library Management Solution for managing the digitised data with details of the books and other important details of Library.

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Problems faced by Library in Preservation of Books (Client name) is preserving the Records like books in Almirahs. Condition of these records is quite brittle and requires a special care. These records are one of the important and most valuable records as it contain the valuable information concerning with various subjects which is meant for maintaining important information on the different subjects. But due to old age of documents and its brittle condition it has become arduous to maintain the documents in physical form with existing mode of preservation and management. Since, in existing fashion these documents are more exposed to the environment, which is affecting the condition of the documents in a bad way. In addition security of the records is another major concern rising before the department. Following are few important troubles and threats faced by department for preservation and retrieval management of documents:  Department is running out of space.  These records are outliving its age and are getting deteriorated due to humidity, dust etc.  Searching and timely retrieval of records is becoming impossible due to high volume and unorganised preservation of records.  Security of the records has become major concern for the department.  Problem in keeping the track of records access.

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Project – Objectives and Requirements Looking at the old and brittle condition of precious records, department has taken the initiative of digitising these records making it available to the applicants in electronic form and to preserve the physical records in an organized and easily accessible form. Library Management System a part of “Information Management” best described as “science of safe, secure and organised retention of electronic data, images, media and documents such that information contained therein is retrievable "on line" or physically whenever




Following are




requirements for the digitisation of Records: 

Quick Retrieval of the Documents: Digitisation of the records will enable department to retrieve these records within very little time that reduces turn around time of the department for document retrieval and thus department become able to reply to applicants within lower time frame and with higher level of accurate results.

Centralized Repository of Books: These books are available at (Client name). Department is required to create a centralized repository of these drawings and reports in order to make it available to the entire department from single point of retrieval.

Space Management: Department is handling a big volume of records for which department requires huge space. Digitisation of records will provide a great help in space management as after digitisation of records these records can be made available to different applicants.

To tackle the Poor Condition of Records: These Records have already outlived their age and now due to the old age of the documents those have become very much brittle and deteriorated. Information written on them is getting faded everyday and slowly but surely these documents are going to loose all the information written

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on them and heading towards the unreadable condition. By digitizing them quality of the documents can be retained. 

Historical Importance: Department has stored the documents covering a wide spectrum of information available in those documents and which is priceless. Thus these records contain a historical importance for department. But due to its brittle condition it has became arduous to maintain the physical records. Digitisation has become a sort of necessity for preservation of such records.

Disaster Management: Disaster Management is another important Objective of Digitisation Records. Apart from deteriorating condition of documents there are other factors also that emerge as a threat for the documents i.e. Natural Calamities, riots, strikes etc. these are the factors which are beyond control and are not predictable even. Digitisation of documents again helps in coping up with such unpredictable factors as after digitising the documents it’s always easy to keep a backup copy of the records at different location which is not possible there with big lots of physical records.

Manpower Management: In present situation it has become difficult to manage manpower, which is linked with these records. As there are very few manpower that are capable of retrieving the records which are required for some particular information but with the digital storage of records any or all officials can retrieve the records easily. So the available manpower can be used in optimum manner.

Controlled Access: These records contain the very important information which is concerned with contains historical importance. Therefore it is required to keep a check on the access of the records. With Electronic Library Management System such checks can be easily implemented by providing User name and passwords to authorized

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users of the records and unauthorized access to the records can be controlled. 

Audit of the Document Access: Electronic Library Management System will also enable the department to keep footprints of access of the documents. Department can easily keep a track of all the activities performed on the documents.








digitisation process physical records can be treated and afterwards it can be preserved in the bags made as per specific requirements of those records. After digitisation it can be preserved in proper Record Management Facility in order to increase the life of the physical records. 

Become More IT Oriented: Implementing the Electronic Library Management









Department which will make department more IT Savvy and processes will be more IT Oriented and systematic.

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Proposal for Digital Library Management Solution for (client)

Brief write-up about Vital – Digital Library Management Software For institutional repository solutions, the answer is VITAL! VITAL is an institutional repository solution designed for universities, libraries, museums, archives and information centers. This software is designed to simplify the development of digital object repositories and to provide seamless online search and retrieval of information for administrative staff, contributing faculty and end-users. VITAL provides all types of institutions a way to broaden access to valuable resources that were once only available at a single location and to a finite number of patrons. By eliminating the traditional limitations information seekers encounter, this technology grants access









researchers to recreational learners. VITAL provides every feature-ingesting, storing, indexing, cataloguing, searching and retrieving-required for handling large text and rich content collections. VITAL takes advantage of technology standards such as XML, TEI, EAD and Dublin Core to easily describe and index an assortment of electronic resources. VITAL leverages the benefits of open-source solutions such as Apache, MySQL, McKOI and FEDORA™. VITAL conforms to common Internet data communications standards such as TCP/IP, HTTP, SOAP and FTP. Additional standards utilized include WSDL Web Services, OAI-PMH, Dublin Core, MARCXML, JHOVE, MIX (Metadata for Images in XML Schema), SRU/SRW and Z39.50. VITAL provides workflow extensions, management utilities, robust indexing, advanced searching capabilities and specialized content displays to enhance the functionality of the underlying object repository architecture. Using web

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services, VITAL provides a mechanism for your organization to create tools, enhance the functionality provided by VTLS, or leverage the open-source community for future applications. Together, the package is known as VITAL. As the only product of its kind on the market, VITAL delivers a flexible and highly customizable solution for managing the digital resources of any type of information center. Key benefits of VITAL include:  Storage and management of any content format due to VITAL's repository architecture  Integration







protocols  Search full-text content of PDF, DOC, RTF and other document formats  Display high resolution imagery, multi-page documents and specialized data formats  Automatically capture preservation metadata and create long-term, citable DOIs Digitisation of legacy documents of Library, (Client name) is a Marathon task. HCL is pleased to present this proposal for implementing its Integrated Library Management Software (ILMS) and Digital Library Solution (DL) for (Client name). This proposal addresses all the necessary aspects of (Client name). Our understanding of the business objectives and system requirements is based on the various interactions and meeting held between (Client name) and HCL, as well as our own experience in designing and building imagingbased business applications.

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The aim of this solution is to enhance and address few key business issues:  Reduce the overall cost of holding Books, Generals Issued to be scanned for reference reading, handling documents with out physical contact and speed-up the process  Improve service to the applicants / clients through improved Books, Generals Issued to be scanned for reference, handling of documents with out physical contact and information  Architect and implement a solution, which is scaleable and will support future growth  Provide a flexible solution, which supports evolving methodologies  Achieve document integrity  Provide a stable document-handling environment  Enable identification of processes that need improvement  Providing a face-up Book Scanner to the department that enable department to digitize the books without affecting its original quality. Users of the system will be able to perform functions such as searches, retrievals, indexing, viewing, printing, e-mailing, etc. directly from their PCs as per the authorization given by the administration. This in turn would enable dynamic information requests to be fulfilled expeditiously thereby creating greater efficiency within the organization.

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Project Methodology for Digitization Document Preparation/Quality Control Preparing Materials for Scanning •

Analysis of shipment contents  Naming convention, number of documents, size of documents, etc. for each group  Creation of spreadsheets to be used for tracking, production, QC, file movement verification, handling considerations, and project management.  Special handling considerations (fragile, damaged, tight mylar encasement, etc.) will be recorded in the log spreadsheets. Documentation of the condition of the materials is done prior to digitization and is done while documents remain encased in mylar. This is to ensure that throughout the process of digitization, operators are aware of the condition of the material. Any change in the condition of the documents will be noted during the quality control phase. A copy of this log will be sent to the project directors as verification of the shipment delivered and to document the condition of the materials upon receipt by VTLS.

Quality Control of Digitization •

Point of Scan  Files containing filenames for each group will also contain the total count for that unit. The physical structure for the scanning will be mirrored in a directory structure at the scanning stations. File count will be checked at the completion of each group and at the end of an operator’s shift if reached prior to finishing a group. Scanning

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log spreadsheets will track production for each shift and will indicate where scanning is to begin.  A script will be run that will compare the filenames of the group to the pre-recorded index of the group’s contents to ensure that no images were misnamed or duplicated during the scanning process.  Upon verification of the filenames, the files will be copied programmatically to Image QC stations, which also mirror the directory structure of the scanning stations. Again, physical count of these directories will be done to ensure all of the images have been retained during the movement process.  Once this has been verified, Image QC will begin. •

Image Quality Control  Filename verification  Crop/rotate/deskew  Color calibration and color matching  Acceptance/Rejection for rescan. This phase of QC involves analysis of targets and viewing 100% of the image at 100% zoom level to ensure that the image is free of all types of digital imperfections. Images are compared against original documents to verify that a digital likeness of the original has been correctly obtained and to ensure that the filename of the image matches the original score.  Saving of the archival images  QC log spreadsheets will be used to track this process.


images will be placed in queue for rescanning. A group will not be considered complete until all of the rescans have passed the Image QC process and are ready to be ‘archived’ as one completed unit.  Once a group has passed the Image QC process, it will be moved to a server for backup. The count is again checked and thumbnails will be used to ensure that the file was not corrupted during the file

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movement and also as final verification of the Image QC processes for rotation and cropping. This will occur for both the archival and service images. •

Metadata Quality Control  Following verification of the integrity of each file in the group moved to the backup server, a programmatic pass will be made to verify the embedded TIFF Header data elements (if required).

Backups  Once all QC phases are complete, two backups will be made and verified and materials will be prepared for shipment. The second backup will be kept at VTLS until we receive acknowledgement of integrity of all files on the shipped media.

It should be noted also that during all phases listed above our operators wear lint-free white cotton gloves and lab coats while handling materials. Also, to protect the originals, all surfaces where original materials will be resting will be covered with acid-free paper. ACITIVITIES:

 Scanning the Documents using special scanners for all documents without damaging and also without opening the binding.  Images will be directed to one of 4 quality control stations for postprocessing and verification including the following:

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Curve correction

Text box is cantered on page

Correct resolution

Correct color space

Colour matching

Proposal for Digital Library Management Solution for (client)

Correct filename

Verify that pages are in order

Verify that all pages were scanned

 Images requiring digital restoration will be directed to an imaging specialist for additional processing on a case-by-case basis.  After the images pass through post-processing and quality control, another backup is taken.

At this point, the following image

derivatives will be created: 

TIFF file

PDF file (to be used for reprints or POD)

JPG File

600 x 400 JPEG service image

1” x 1” thumbnail

 The following technical metadata would be captured at point of scan:

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Item ID



Height (pixels) - of digital image

Width (pixels) - of digital image

Colorspace used

Bit depth

Mime type


Camera used (body and digital back)

Proposal for Digital Library Management Solution for (client)

Lens used

Lights used

ICC profile

Target ID

Capture operator

Capture date

Capture machine (Mac)

Quality control operator

Quality control date

Quality control machine

Backup media name








Digitisation of Documents / Resources Following would be the impacts of the digitisation of records:  Increased Accessibility •

Works are accessible to authorized personnel through Intranet or Internet access from the World Wide Web thus providing equal access to a widest range of users

Works can be accessed by multiple users at one time independent of their location, 24/7 365/1

Works can be more readily incorporated into any other applications like instructional and educational applications

 Increased functionality •

Users can simultaneously compare selected digital page images of originals

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Along with meta data creation digital images will be converted to searchable files to enable searching and analysis of content within and across works, independent of location

Digital copies can be manipulated (enlarged and contrast changed) to support some types of artifactual study

 Documents Security •

Along with the facilities like file encryption, Library Management system and security features of storage device the digitised data will remain secure.

 Saving on Real Estate Cost •

Digitisation of the documents will save the cost incurred by department on prime real estate by moving the documents to a remote location after digitisation.

 Audit Reports •

Department can keep the footprints of all the activities performed on the documents.

 Output capability to other media •









specifications to meet user needs •

Can generate computer output microfilm that meets preservation specifications

Can generate multiple digital copies without loss of quality

Paper facsimiles can be generated easily at cost

 Benefit to Physical Records •

During digitisation the documents will get the treatment through which age of physical documents will be increased

 Systematic and Purposeful Collaboration

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Once the department has digitised its records then it can be easily integrated into the virtual collections or other applications of other departments that increases cross functional activities.

 Expanded scope for preservation activities •

It will be easier to share digital collections so cooperative/coordinated preservation projects or programs will be more successful than other efforts.

Some Important Features of the Offered Digital Library Management Software  Open Source – VTLS is spearheading the open source movement among ILS vendors by basing one of its largest products, VITAL, on an open source software package. 

XML Submission and Storage – Digital objects are stored as XML-encoded files that conform to an extension of the METS schema.

Versioning – The Fedora™ repository system includes the infrastructure to support versioning of digital objects and their components.

Datastreams – Objects in a repository may consist of content and metadata that physically reside inside or outside the repository. Fedora™ supports content of any MIME type.

Batch Utility – Fedora™ includes a Batch Utility as part of the Management client that enables the mass creation and loading of data objects.

OAI Metadata Harvesting Provider – The OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting is a standard for sharing metadata across repositories. Every Fedora™ digital object has a primary Dublin Core record that conforms to the schema.

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Access Control and Authentication – Provides access restrictions based on IP address and HTTP Basic Authentication, with upcoming support for Shibboleth and digital rights management as well.

Searching – Selected system metadata fields are indexed along with the primary Dublin Core record for each object. Fedora™ provides a search interface for both full text and field specific queries across these metadata fields.

 Instant access to digital content anytime, from anywhere, to anyone with a browser 

Tools to facilitate the digitization of fragile materials, rare objects or historical documents

Simultaneous access to diverse content and metadata through Fedora™ digital objects.

Additional Salient features of the software: Hardware/OS Requirements: The broad functionalities required from the offered solution are as follows: Standards: Architecture: Client Software: Client Software Standard: Interface: OPAC Search: Import & Export of Data: Import/ Export Standard:

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Reports & Statistics: Import of bibliographical records: Conversion: Extended Marc Records (XBS): Portal: Thesis/DISSERTATION/PROJECT Submission: General Hardware Requirements Hardware Platform: Backup and recovery: Detailed Specifications for Integrated Digital Management System: General Requirements:-

Web based Image Navigation Extended Bibliographic Service (XBS) Thesis Submission WEB OPAC Customisation Circulation System Request Printing Patron files Patron Record Interlibrary Loans Standards Cataloguing

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Import of bibliographical records Conversion Extended Marc Records Authority Control Data entry Data Entry by scanning Output

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Deliverables Sr.



No. Digital Library Management Solution Scanner Scanning and Cataloguing (Metadata) Installation Charges









Software:  Hardware requirements are typically be RISC/INTEL based server with a min of 200 GB HDD and 4GB RAM (RAID5)  Operating System for server is any UNIX/LINUX while for the clients Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP.  For Language support, Windows 2000/Windows XP (client version) is a must to be installed on the client PCs.

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Commercial Proposal for Digital Library Management for (Client)

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Proposal for Digital Library Management Solution for (client)

HCL here by submit its Commercial Proposal for Total Library Management Solution to (Client name). Kindly find following as our Commercial proposal: Commercial Offer for Library Management Software: Sr. No. 1.



Price (Rs.)

Terms & Conditions: -

Delivery: 6-8 weeks from the date of receipt of the PO and payment.


Taxes: The above prices are exclusive of all local Taxes. The same will be charged extra as applicable by HCL to (Client name).


Warranty: There is a warranty on the solution purchased for one year from the date purchased. Thereafter, the warranty will continue to get extended on an annual basis as long as (Client name) continues to renew the Annual Maintenance on an annual and timely basis from the second year onwards.


Validity of Prices: These prices are valid for 30 days.


Force Majeure: HCL shall be under no liability whatsoever on the occurrence of any Force Majeure event such as war, fire, arson, industrial action, orders of government or other duly constituted authority, any natural calamities or Act of God, etc.


HCL provides the solution to (Client name) based on the above understanding, In case any additional scope of work or legal licenses for Digital Library or copyright act has to be taken care by (Client name) only.


HCL and (Client name) will come into a agreement to fulfil the scope and when ever there is change in scope mutually will agree and the same in the agreement as and when it arises.

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Above pricing is for generic softwares. In case of any customisation in software charges will be taken as per the degree of customization in the software

Hope the above is in order. Sincerely, For HCL Infosystems Ltd.

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