Prophecy Seminar 24

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Prophecy Seminar The The Mark Mark of of the the Beast Beast

Conflict in the book of Daniel 1.What did Nebuchadnezzar command people to worship?

Daniel 12:1 “…that at the time you hear the sound of the horn, flute, harp, lyre, and psaltery, in symphony with all kinds of music, you shall fall down and worship the gold image that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up.”

Conflict in the book of Daniel 2. What was Daniel prohibited from doing in the crisis of Daniel 6:7?

Daniel 6:7 “…that whoever petitions any god or man for thirty days, except you, O king, shall be cast into the den of lions.”

The Beast in Revelation 13 3. Describe the beast in Revelation 13:1-2

Revelation 13:2 “Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.”

The Beast in Revelation 13 4. What happened to the Papacy at the end of the Dark Ages? Revelation 13:3

Revelation 13:3 “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death …. He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity….”

The Beast in Revelation 13 5. What was to happen to the Papacy after He received a deadly wound? Revelation 13:3

Revelation 13:3 “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”

The Beast of Revelation 13 6. Describe the second beast that John sees in Revelation 13:11

“Revelation 13:11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.

The Beast in Revelation 13 7. Where did the first beast come from? Revelation 13:1

Revelation Revelation 13:1 13:1 Then Then II stood stood on on the the sand sand of of the the sea. sea. And And II saw saw aa beast beast rising rising up up out out of of the the sea sea,, having having seven seven heads heads and and ten ten horns, horns, and and on on his his horns horns ten ten crowns, crowns, and and on on his his heads heads aa blasphemous blasphemous name. name.

The Beast in Revelation 13 8. What do the seas represent? Revelation17:15

““Revelation Revelation 17:15 17:15 Then Then he he said said to to me, me, "The "The waters waters which which you you saw, saw, where where the the harlot harlot sits, sits, are are peoples peoples,, multitudes, multitudes, nations, nations, and and tongues. tongues.

The Beast in Revelation 13 9. What is happening to the first beast as John sees the second beast arising? Revelation13:10

Revelation 13:10 “He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity…..”

The Second Coming of Christ 10. How does John describe the second beast? Revelation 13:11

“Revelation 13:11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.

The Second Coming of Christ 11. How does the Dragon speak? Revelation 12:13

““Revelation Revelation 12:13 12:13 Now Now when when the the dragon dragon saw saw that that he he had had been been cast cast to to the the earth, earth, he he persecuted persecuted the the woman woman who who gave gave birth birth to to the the male male Child. Child.

The Second Coming of Christ 12. Whose power does the United States exercise in order to convince the world to worship the first beast? Revelation 13:12

“Revelation 13:12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

The Beast in Revelation 13 13. What does the second beast do in order to convince the world to worship the first beast? Revelation 13:13-14

Revelation Revelation 13:13-14 13:13-14 ““He He performs performs great great signs signs,, so so that that he he even even makes makes fire fire come come down down from from heaven heaven on on the the earth earth in in the the sight sight of of men. men. And And he he deceives deceives those those who who dwell dwell on on the the earth earth by by those those signs signs which which he he was was granted granted to to do do in in the the sight sight of of the the beast….” beast….”

The Beast of Revelation 13 14.What does the second beast create as a result of all these miracles? Revelation 13:14

Revelation Revelation 13:14 13:14 And And he he deceives deceives those those who who dwell dwell on on the the earth earth by by those those signs signs which which he he was was granted granted to to do do in in the the sight sight of of the the beast, beast, telling telling those those who who dwell dwell on on the the earth earth to to make make an an image image to to the the beast beast who who was was wounded wounded by by the the sword sword and and lived. lived.

The Beast in Revelation 13 15. What does the image of the beast proclaim will be done to those who do not worship it? Revelation 13:15

Revelation Revelation 13:15 13:15 He He was was granted granted power power to to give give breath breath to to the the image image of of the the beast, beast, that that the the image image of of the the beast beast should should both both speak speak and and cause cause as as many many as as would would not not worship worship the the image image of of the the beast beast to to be be killed killed..

The Beast of Revelation 13 16. What does this revived PapalAmerican union now impose on people? Revelation 13:17

Revelation Revelation 13:16 13:16 ““He He causes causes all, all, both both small small and and great, great, rich rich and and poor, poor, free free and and slave, slave, to to receive receive aa mark mark on on their their right right hand hand or or on on their their foreheads…” foreheads…”

The Beast of Revelation 13 17. What happens to those who do not receive this mark? Revelation 13:17

Revelation Revelation 13:17 13:17 “… “…that that no no one one may may buy buy or or sell sell except except one one who who has has the the mark mark or or the the name name of of the the beast, beast, or or the the number number of of his his name.” name.”

The Mark of the Beast 18. What does the Papacy thinks it has the ability to do? Daniel 7:25

Daniel Daniel 7:25 7:25 ““He He shall shall speak speak pompous pompous words words against against the the Most Most High, High, Shall Shall persecute persecute the the saints saints of of the the Most Most High, High, And And shall shall intend intend to to change change times times and and law law.. Then Then the the saints saints shall shall be be given given into into his his hand hand For For aa time time and and times times and and half half aa time.” time.”

The Mark of the Beast 19. Does the Roman Church agree with history about the change of the Sabbath?

Q. Q.What What is is the the third third Commandment? Commandment? A. A.The The third third Commandment Commandment is: is: ““Remember Remember thou thou keep keep holy holy the the Sabbath Sabbath day.” day.” Q. Q.Which Which is is the the Sabbath Sabbath day? day? A. A.““Saturday Saturday is is the the Sabbath Sabbath day” day”

Q. Q. Why Why do do we we observe observe Sunday Sunday instead instead of of Saturday? Saturday? A. A. “We “We observe observe Sunday Sunday instead instead of of Saturday Saturday because because the the Catholic Catholic Church Church transferred transferred the the solemnity solemnity from from Saturday Saturday to to Sunday.” Sunday.” The The Convert’s Convert’s Catechism Catechism of of Catholic Catholic Doctrine Doctrine (1951 (1951 printing), printing), p.50 p.50

The Mark of the Beast 20.What does the Roman Church claim is the mark of her authority and power?

See See notes notes below below question. question.

The Seal of God 21. What is to be placed in the forheads of God’s servants before these climatic events take place?

Revelation Revelation 7:2-3 7:2-3 Then Then II saw saw another another angel angel ascending ascending from from the the east, east, having having the the seal seal of of the the living living God. God. And And he he cried cried with with aa loud loud voice voice to to the the four four angels angels to to whom whom itit was was granted granted to to harm harm the the earth earth and and the the sea, sea,

The Seal of God 22. Where are the servants of God sealed? Revelation 7:3

Revelation Revelation 7:3 7:3 "Do "Do not not harm harm the the earth, earth, the the sea, sea, or or the the trees trees till till we we have have sealed sealed the the servants servants of of our our God God on on their their foreheads foreheads." ."

The Seal of God 23. What does God write in our foreheads? Hebrews 8:10

Hebrews Hebrews 8:10 8:10 ““For For this this is is the the covenant covenant that that II will will make make with with the the house house of of Israel Israel after after those those days, days, says says the the LORD: LORD: II will will put put My My laws laws in in their their mind mind and and write write them them on on their their hearts; hearts; and and II will will be be their their God, God, and and they they shall shall be be My My people.” people.”

The Seal of God 24. Where is the seal of God found in God’s law

Exodus Exodus 20:11 20:11 ““For For in in six six days days the the LORD LORD made made heaven heaven and and the the earth earth,, the the sea, sea, and and all all that that is is in in them, them, and and rested rested the the seventh seventh day. day. Therefore Therefore the the LORD LORD blessed blessed the the Sabbath Sabbath day day and and hallowed hallowed itit.” .”

The Seal of God 25. What warning does God give concerning the mark of the beast? Revelation 14:9-10

Revelation Revelation 14:9-10 14:9-10

““Then Then aa third third angel angel followed followed them, them, saying saying with with aa loud loud voice, voice, If If anyone anyone worships worships the the beast beast and and his his image, image, and and receives receives his his mark mark on on his his forehead forehead or or on on his his hand, hand, he he himself himself shall shall also also drink drink of of the the wine wine of of the the wrath wrath of of God, God, which which is is poured poured out out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.

The Seal of God 26. When faced with a similar command by Nebuchadnezzar, how did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego respond? Daniel 3:16-18

Daniel Daniel 3:17-18 3:17-18 “… “…our our God God whom whom we we serve serve is is able able to to deliver deliver us us from from the the burning burning fiery fiery furnace, furnace, and and He He will will deliver deliver us us from from your your hand, hand, O O king. king. But But if if not, not, let let itit be be known known to to you, you, O O king, king, that that we we do do not not serve serve your your gods, gods, nor nor will will we we worship worship the the gold gold image image which which you you have have set set up." up."

Prophecy Seminar Next Next weeks weeks study study is is ‘Babylon ‘Babylon the the Great’ Great’ We We will will look look at at the the modern modern counterpart counterpart of of this this great great nation nation described described in in Revelation. Revelation.

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