Promises Of What The Next 4 Years Will Be Like

  • June 2020
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Promises of what the next 4 years will be like but for sure promises of the rest of ourlife will b like World Religion Termed Babylon the Great in Bible 5

Not long after the Flood, the Devil apparently used Nimrod, a man notorious for his “opposition to Jehovah,” in an effort to unite all mankind in a form of worship that would again be opposed to Jehovah. (Genesis 10:8, 9; 11:2-4) It would have been one united false religion, unified Devil worship, centered on the city and the tower that his worshipers built. Jehovah thwarted this scheme by confusing the “one language” then spoken by all mankind. (Genesis 11:5-9) Therefore, the city came to be called Babel, later Babylon, both names meaning “Confusion.” This linguistic confusion brought about the dispersal of humankind over the earth. 6

It would appear, however, on the basis of the history of mythology and religion, that before this dispersal of mankind by Jehovah, Satan had instilled into the minds of his worshipers certain fundamentals of false religion. These included the religious concepts of survival of a soul after death, fear of the dead, and existence of an infernal underworld, together with the worship of innumerable gods and goddesses, some of whom were grouped into triads. Such beliefs were carried to the ends of the earth by the various linguistic groups. With the passage of time, these basic ideas underwent variations. But by and large, they form the fabric of false religion in all parts of the world. Although thwarted in his attempt to create one united false religion with its world capital in Babylon, Satan settled for diverse forms of false worship, which were of Babylonian inspiration and designed to divert worship from Jehovah to himself. Babylon continued for centuries to be an influential center of idolatry, magic, sorcery, and astrology—all essential components of false religion. Not surprisingly, the book of Revelation symbolizes the world empire of false religion as a filthy harlot named Babylon the Great.—Revelation 17:1-5.

True Religion 7

Obviously, true religion remained unaffected by Jehovah’s confusing mankind’s means of expression at Babel. True worship had been practiced before the Flood by faithful men and women such as Abel, Enoch, Noah, Noah’s wife, and Noah’s sons and daughters-in-law. After the Flood true worship was preserved in the line of Noah’s son Shem. Abraham, a descendant of Shem, practiced the true religion and became known as “the father of all those having faith.” (Romans 4:11) His faith was backed up by works. (James 2:21-23) His religion was a way of life.

A Divided House


The divided state of the human family brings to mind these words of Jesus: “Every kingdom divided against itself comes to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.” (Matthew 12:25) On that basis, this divided world must fall. In fact, even the nations agree with the saying, “United we stand, divided we fall.” 7

To try to avoid a calamitous fall, some prominent people call for a drastic change in man’s thinking. Nuclear scientist Harold Urey stated: “There is no constructive solution to the world’s problems except eventually a world government capable of establishing law over the entire surface of the earth.” Similarly, Albert Einstein “insisted that peace among nations could be maintained in the atomic age only by bringing all men together under a system of world law.” He urged: “We must overcome the horrible obstacles of national frontiers.” Yes, many people see the need for a world government. 8

However, is it likely that the nations of this world will give up their sovereignty? If so, to whom? Surely not to the United Nations organization. Nations often go to war rather than submit to the decisions of the UN. Thus, this world, with its divided political, commercial, social and religious systems, is headed for a fall.—Zephaniah 3:8; 1 John 2:15-17.

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