Project Report Poultry

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 7
PROGRESSIVE POULTRY FARMS Demand Finance Repayment Schedule (HBL) D F Amount 1, 000, 000. Mark up rate 40 paisa/1000/day Tenor 5 yrs Grace period 6 months



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

31-Dec-03 31-Mar-04 30-Jun-04 30-Sep-04 31-Dec-04 31-Mar-05 30-Jun-05 30-Sep-05 31-Dec-05 31-Mar-06 30-Jun-06 30-Sep-06 31-Dec-06 31-Mar-07 30-Jun-07 30-Sep-07 31-Dec-07 31-Mar-08 30-Jun-08 30-Sep-08 31-Dec-08 31-Mar-09

Princ. Amount

50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000

Amount of Markup

36500 34675 32850 31025 29200 27375 25550 23725 21900 20075 18450 16425 14600 12775 10950 9125 7300 5475 3650 1825

Grace period Markup


Total Ending Instalement Balance

123000 84675 82850 81025 79200 77375 75550 73725 71900 70075 68450 66425 64600 62775 60950 59125 57300 55475 53650 51825

1000000 1000000 950000 900000 850000 800000 750000 700000 650000 600000 550000 500000 450000 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 -

Cash A/R Inventory (feed) Birds C.A. Land Electricity Connect. Sheds Acc. Dep. Sheds with cages Acc. Dep. Boundry wall Acc. Dep. Office Acc. Dep. Furniture Acc. Dep. Tubewell Acc. Dep. F.A. Total Assets

Year 0 4124000


PROGRESSIVE POULTRY FARMS BALANCE SHEETS PROJECTED Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 1809915 3636130 7924321 873600 1419600 1310400 716700 1069700 786400 775000 775000 775000 4175215 6900430 10796121

100000 10000 150000 150000 1266000 1266000 50000 50000 65000 65000 35000 35000 200000 200000 1876000 6000000

100000 10000 150000 15000 1266000 126600 50000 5000 65000 6500 35000 3500 200000 20000

135000 1139400 45000 58500 31500 180000 1699400 5874615

100000 10000 135000 15000 1139400 126600 45000 5000 58500 6500 31500 3500 180000 20000

A/P L.T. Liab. Less: Payment T.Liab.

1000000 1000000 150000 1000000

900000 850000 1750000

Capital Profit T.Cap. Liab.+Cap.

5000000 5000000 -875385 5000000 6000000

4124615 4124615 2548615 4124615 5874615

120000 1012800 40000 52000 28000 160000 1522800 8423230

650000 1750000

Year 5 15243289 1310400 256100 775000 17584789

100000 10000

100000 10000

100000 10000 120000 15000 1012800 126600 40000 5000 52000 6500 28000 3500 160000 20000

1100000 850000 200000

Year 4 11277818 1419600 3940 775000 13476358

105000 886200 35000 45500 24500 140000 1346200 12142321

105000 15000 886200 126600 35000 5000 45500 6500 24500 3500 140000 20000

800000 650000 200000

450000 1250000

90000 759600 30000 39000 21000 120000 1169600 14645958

90000 15000 759600 126600 30000 5000 39000 6500 21000 3500 120000 20000

990000 450000 200000

250000 1240000

6673230 10892321 6673230 4219091 10892321 2513637 13405958 6673230 10892321 13405958 8423230 12142321 14645958

75000 633000 25000 32500 17500 100000 993000 18577789

850000 250000 200000

50000 900000

13405958 4271831 17677789 17677789 18577789

Sales Op. Bal Purchases T. Purchases Cl. Bal COGS Gross Profit Vaccination Dep. Exp Electricity Wages T. operating Exp. EBIT Int. Exp EBT I.Tax N.I. Add Gain on sale of birds N.I.(Adjusted)

Year 1 8736000

PROGRESSIVE POULTRY FARMS INCOME STATEMENT (PROJECTED) Year 2 Year 3 14196000 13104000 716700 11000000 11716700 1069700

9000000 9000000 716700 8283300 452700 530960 176600 120000 360000

1069700 8000000 9069700 786400 10647000 3549000

44720 176600 120000 360000 1187560 -734860 140525 -875385 0 -875385

786400 9900000 10686400 39400 8283300 4820700

530960 176600 120000 360000 701320 2847680 113150 2734530 185915 2548615

Year 4 14196000

39400 8500000 8539400 256100 10647000 3549000

44720 176600 120000 360000 1187560 3633140 84150 3548990 354899 3194091 1025000 4219091

Year 5 13104000

8283300 4820700 530960 176600 120000 360000

701320 2847680 54750 2792930 279293 2513637

1187560 3633140 25550 3607590 360759 3246831 1025000 4271831

Sales A/R

Year 1 8736000 -873600 7862400

COGS A/P Inventory

-8283300 900000 -716700

Oper. Exp Dep. Exp

-1187560 176600

Int. Exp Income Tax CF form Operation

-8100000 -237600 -1010960 -1248560 -140525 -1389085 0 -1389085

PROGRESSIVE POULTRY FARMS Cash Flows (Projected) Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 14196000 13104000 14196000 13104000 -546000 109200 -109200 109200 13650000 13213200 14086800 13213200 -10647000 -8283300 -10647000 -8283300 200000 -300000 190000 -140000 -353000 -10800000 283300 -8300000 782460 -9674540 -252160 -8675460 2850000 4913200 4412260 4537740 -701320 -1187560 -701320 -1187560 176600 -524720 176600 -1010960 176600 -524720 176600 -1010960 2325280 3902240 3887540 3526780 -113150 -84150 -54750 -25550 2212130 3818090 3832790 3501230 -185915 -354899 -279293 -360759 2026215

Proceeds from sale of birds Purchases of birds CF from Investment

L.T. loan payment CF from Financing NCF Cash(Op. Bal) Cash(Cl. Bal)
























-2314085 4124000 1809915

1826215 1809915 3636130

4288191 3636130 7924321

3353497 7924321 11277818

3965471 11277818 15243289

Progrssive Poultry Farms Balance Sheet Assumptions A/R

10 % of sales

Birds Purchase

Bepcock birds 31000 @ Rs.25 each

Birds Sales

30000 birds(31000 birds purchased, and mortality of 1000 birds is expected) for Rs 20 per KG, Average weight of one bird at the time of sale 3 kg. Birds are sold after purchase of 120 weeks. 30000*20*3=1800000

Mortality rate


31000*.0323=1000 Approximately

Dep. Exp

Straight line method. 10 % of Book value is assumed as scrape value.Depreciation @ 11.111% applicable to all fixed assets accept Land and electricity connection charges.

Depreciation schedule in annexed.



10 % of purchases

Longterm liab

HBL Demand Finance Scheme. 40 paisa per 1000 daily, 5 year repayment schedule payable every quarter Schedule is annexed.

Progressive Poultry Farms Income Tax Assumptions Sales

After 20 weeks birds start giving eggs Birds will give eggs for 100 weeks Eggs giving ratio is 78 % Selling price per egg is Rs 1.667 Sales year 1 In year one after 20 weeks birds will lay eggs

Sales year 2 In year 2 birds will supposed to lay eggs for all 52 weeks Sales year 3 In year 3 birds will lay eggs for 48 weeks, because after completion of 120 weeks birds will be sold and new birds will be caged. These newly caged birds will lay eggs after 4 weeks Sales year 4 In year 2 birds will supposed to lay eggs for all 52 weeks Sales year 5 In year 3 birds will lay eggs for 48 weeks, because after completion of 120 weeks birds will be sold and new birds will be caged. These newly caged birds will lay eggs after 4 weeks Inventory

Feeds of birds is treated as inventory At start for 16 weeks birds will need growery feed , cost of which will be Rs 912300 After 16 weeks the cost of feed per day is Rs 29250 Vaccination At start during growery period the cost of vaccination will be Rs 500000 After growery period vaccination is required after every 8 weeks , the cost of which will be Rs 6880 Depreciation Straight line method. 10 % of Book value is assumed as scrape Exp value.Depreciation @ 11.111% applicable to all fixed assets accept Land and electricity connection charges. Electricity Rs 10000 per month Wages One supervisor Rs 5000 Ten Labors Rs 2000 each Two Guards Rs 2500 each Income Tax 10 % of EBT

30000*.78=23400*1.667=39007.8 for one day. 39007.8*224=8737747.2 for one year. But Rs 8736000 is estimated as approximate sales. 39007.8*365=14237847 estimated sales 39007.8*336=13106620.8 estimated sales

Rs 14196000

39007.8*365=14237847 estimated sales 39007.8*336=13106620.8 estimated sales

Rs 14196000

Rs 13104000

Rs 13104000

Sheds Acc. Dep. Net Value Sheds with cages Acc. Dep. Net Value Boundry wall Acc. Dep. Net Value

year 0 150000 0

year 1 150000 15000 150000

1266000 0

135000 1266000 126600

1266000 50000 0

65000 0

Furniture Acc. Dep. Net Value

35000 0

Tubewell Acc. Dep. Net Value

200000 0

1266000 253200 1139400

50000 5000 50000

Office Acc. Dep. Net Value



65000 35000 3500

31500 200000 20000 180000


50000 25000



32500 35000 17500

21000 200000 80000


25000 65000 32500

35000 14000

200000 60000




28000 200000 40000


65000 26000

35000 10500

75000 1266000 633000

50000 20000

65000 19500

35000 7000




year 5 150000 75000

1266000 506400

50000 15000

65000 13000

year 4 150000 60000





1266000 379800

50000 10000

65000 6500


PROGRESSIVE POULTRY FRMS DEPRECIATION SCHEDULE year 2 year 3 150000 150000 30000 45000 120000 105000

17500 200000 100000



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