Project Report On Migration Of People To Pune

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A Project report on “To study the reason & impact of Migration of people from different parts of India to Pune with specific reference to Sangvi area” Submitted to J.I.M.S. In Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for the Award of Degree of Master of Business Administration

Submitted by: Ramanuj Kumar


Rahul Alli


Jamaal Khan


Shivkanya Garje


Aarti Bavisker


Rashmikant Shukla (5159)

Under the guidance of “Prof. Vjayshree Mehta”

JSPM’s Jayawant institute of Management studies, Pune-33 (2008-2010)


DECLARATION we, the undersigned, hereby declare that the Project Report entitled “To study the reason & impact of Migration from other parts of India to Pune ” written and submitted by us to the Jayawant Institute of Management studies, Pune in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration under the guidance of Vjayshree Mehta is our original work and the conclusions drawn therein are based on the material collected by ourself. Place: Pune Date: 23 / 03/2009

Research Student Ramanuj kumar Jamaal khan Aarti bavisker Rahul alli Shivkanya garje Rashmikant shukla


CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Project Report entitled “To study the reason & impact of Migration from other parts of India to Pune” which is being submitted herewith for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration of University of Pune, Pune is the result of the original research work completed by Jamaal khan & groupunder my supervision and guidance and to the best of my knowledge and belief the work embodied in this Project Report has not formed earlier the basis for the award of any degree or similar title of this or any other University or examining body. Place: Pune Date: 23/03/2009

Research Guide Prof. Viajyshree mehta



This project report is a sincere attempt to carefully and systematically gather fact’s about “Migration of people to pune” as a part of the course curriculum of MBA Degree, from JSPM,s JAYAWANT INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF PUNE, PUNE. For the completion of our project report many persons directly or indirectly helped us.

We would like to express our sincere thanks and deep gratitude to our Director Dr. Rajshree Shinde & project guide Prof. Vijayshree Mehta, J.I.M.S. for their guidance and valuable suggestions without which the completion of this project would not have been possible.

We hope this report will be special interest to the students, who are looking on for such real life situations beyond their classroom studies.

Group Members


CONTENTS Chapter No.


Chapter I :


Chapter II: Chapter III:

Objective of the study Research Design & Methodology

Chapter IV:

Data Presentation, Analysis And Interpretation

Chapter V:

Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion

Page No. 6-7 8 9-10 11-15 16-17






Introduction In India after Independence, particularly after 1961, efforts were made towards socio-economic reconstruction of the country. Since in Indian labour was ample and cheap while capital was scarce, planners decided to invest capital at few selected places so that capital is used more efficiently. This created job opportunities at such places. To take advantage of the infra – structural facilities thus created, and to get advantage of the agglomeration as well as on account of horizontal and vertical linkages, some more industries also came up at such places. This led to increase in the job opportunities at these few selected places, which encouraged large-scale rural - urban migration. People came to urban areas from the rural areas in search of employment. This migration is mainly because the rural economy cannot absorb them. Because of this enormous volume of migration, these few selected places grew into large metropolitan or mega cities. Pune at present is one of the ten large cities of India. The population of Pune city in 1941 was only 275, 000. After Independence, initially due to influx of refugees and later due to rapid industrialization, population of Pune agglomeration became 2.5 million in 1991. This growth is mainly due to the contribution made by migration, during this period migrants came to Pune not only from various districts of Maharashtra but also from almost all other states of the country. This enormous increase in population was mainly due to rapid industrialization, which Pune region experienced after 1961. During the last 30 years, a large number of industrial establishments came up in and around Pune creating enormous job opportunities. This led to migration of people from all over the country. This enormous growth of population during this period was mainly due to migration. Due to the flow of population towards Pune, population of the metropolitan region increased to 3.7 million in 2001 (Census of India, Provisional Population Tables 2001: 17).


In Indian culture because of tradition, generally, in the case of consideration of marriage the clan, caste, community, language and availability of information about families and individuals are more important. Migrants are new in the receiving regions and because of these constraints they marry a girl from their home or native regions (hypothesis to be tested) The demographic projection report prepared by the population research centre of the Gokhale Institute of Economics and Politics (GIPE) in Pune, Says the percentage of migration to the city will be on the decline after2011. "It has been observed in previous years that employment was the main reason for people to move to the city. However, opportunities in the formal sector are declining and unskilled people will find it difficult to get a foothold in big cities," said Sanjeevanee Mulay, who prepared the report and headed a team of two researchers. "There's a limit to growth and according to me, migration will come down in future," said Mulay, who retired as a reader from the institute a couple of months ago. Mulay prepared the report as sought by the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) for the development plan (DP). Taking into account the expansion of the information technology (IT) sector in recent years and the probable impact on migration, the re-port projects that, between 2001-2011, migration will remain constant at 12 per cent as in the past two decades. But between 2011-2021, it will decline to 10 per cent and to 8 per cent between 2021-2026.


Objectives:1) To study the reasons for migration. 2) To study the impact of migration. 3) Suggestive measures for the negative impact of migration.


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY  Research Type Exploratory research: - This is an exploratory research because at the time of research we were not knowing anything about the research, and we wanted to explore the reasons behind the migration of people towards pune. Only On the basis of the data collected we analyzed the reasons.  Data collection technique:For collecting the data, we used primary as well as secondary data collection technique. a) Primary Data Questionnaire Method:- we collected primary information through questionnaire filled by the respondent’s it- self. For the primary data we distributed 50 questionnaires to the respondent in Sangvi area but only 30 we have even reffered websites, books, & newspaper for data collection & analysis.

 Sample design:9

1. Sampling technique Mixed type sampling- It is a mixed type of sampling because we used both non-probability & probability sampling technique for the data collection (non-probability-convenience, probability sampling-simple random sampling (SRS). 2. Sample size: - 30 families of Sangvi area.

DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Q. Respondents age group No. of person- 30 Age group

Respondent 10

20-30 30-40 40-50 Above 50

24 4 1 1

Q:- Occupation No. of person- 30 Occupation student business Private employee Govt. employee others

Respondent 10 1 12 1 6


Q:- Where is your hometown? No. of person- 30 Hometown East zone West zone North zone South zone

Respondent 5 3 10 12


Q: - Since how long you are staying in Pune? No. of person- 30

Years Past I 1 year 2-4 year 4-6 year More than 6 year

Respondent 6 4 3 17


Q: - The house you are living is?

No. of person- 30 Accommodation Own house Rented house On loan others

Respondent 11 13 5 1


Findings , Suggestions and Conclusion Findings  80% of the migrants are from the age group of 20-30.  70% of the migrants are from the south or north region of the country.  We found that in 65% of the household, either 2 or more than 2 family members are working.  About 55% of the migrants are having there own house or house on loan.  90% of family’s are having their own vehicle.


Conclusion Though there are many disadvantages of migration but to some extent diversity is advisable because it enhances the effectiveness of any organization. So There should be trade off migration. In conclusion, Pune is an interesting locationto have studied the linguistic segregation. The research has shows that, the construction activity of Pune city has attracted more migrants from Karnataka, whereas most of the migrants from Rajasthan and Gujarat are engaged in Trade and Commerce activity. When the Migrants enter urban way of life, they are new to the entire urban environment. In such situation various aspects like security, common language of sending State, other than Marathi, common social ties and regional affinity nfluence their activity and the migrants have a tendency to live in the groups (segregation). They feel more secure when they live in the group.


Bibliography  2001 (Census of India, Provisional Population Tables 2001: 17).  Environmental Status Report for 2005-06, released by the Pune Municipal corporation. 

Crawford, Arthur: History of Poona and Deccan in a Perspective. Gian Publishing House, Delhi (1987).

Article on “Migration of people” from Financial Express published on 14 Aug. 2006.

 Article on “Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Pune City” by Pune Municipal Corporation.  The demographic projection report prepared by the population research centre of the Gokhale Institute of Economics and Politics (GIPE) in Pune,


Questionnaire Name: Contact no. 1.

Age group a) 20-30 c) 41-50


Occupation a) Student c) Private employee

b) 30-40 d) 50+ b) Business d) Govt. employee

e) Others 3.

Where is your hometown? a) East zone c) North zone




b) west zone d) south zone

No. of member’s in your family? a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) more than 3

No. of kids in your family? a) None

b) 1 to 2

c) 3

d) more than 3

No. of family member’s who are working? a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

e) None


Your annual family income? a) Less than 100000

b) 100000 to 200000

c) 200000 to 300000

d) more than 300000




What influenced you to come Pune? (You can tick on multiple options) a) Education

b) Job opportunity

c) Job transfer

d) Business

e) Marriage

f) others

What is the thing that attracted you most in Pune? (You can tick on multiple options) a) Culture

b) climate

c) Job opportunity

d) education quality

e) Lifestyle

f) others

10. Since how long you are staying in Pune? a) Last 1 year c) 4 to 6 years

b) 2 to 4 years d) more than 6 years

11. How many times you visit your native place in a year? a) Often

b) frequently

c) More frequently

d) never

12. What do you dislike most in Pune? (You can tick on multiple options) a) Pollution

b) traffic

c) High cost of living

d) increasing population

e) Others 13.

Four how long you plan to live in pune? a) Less than one year

b) 1 year to 2 year

c) 3 year to 4year

d) more than 4 year



Do you further plan to shift to any other place? a) Home town

b) Mumbai

c) Delhi

d) Bangalore

e) Any other place

15. The house you are living is? a) Your owned

b) on rent

c) On loan

d) others

16. Vehicle you have? a) Two wheeler

b) four wheeler

c) None

17. Specify the number of two wheelers and four wheelers A) Two wheeler

B) Four wheeler:-

a) 1

a) 1

b) 2

b) 2

c) more than 2

c) more than 2


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