Project Report On Entrepreneurship In India

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Scope of Entrepreneurship development in India

INTRODUCTION India is a very young nation – just over 61 years since independence – setting out on a path of sustained economic growth, for decades to come. We already have over a billion fellow Indians. Within the next 20 years, we will have 400 million people below the age of 35 years – more than the entire population of the United States! Each person, in this bold new generation, will be in the prime of his or her life, striving for a better tomorrow – creating, in the process, new growth opportunities, for budding entrepreneurs! On the most conservative basis, our domestic consumption, in virtually any sector, has the potential to at least double, or treble, from current levels – perhaps, just to catch up with a country like China. Then, there is the entire global opportunity, across diverse sectors internationally, the "Made in India" tag is now an increasingly respected brand, valued for quality, reliability, and competitiveness. Truly, with economic reforms in the country, and with the virtual removal of all trade barriers, the world is now our market and our opportunity. The pursuit of these opportunities requires an indomitable spirit of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is often a difficult undertaking, as a vast majority of new businesses fail. Entrepreneurial activities are substantially different depending on the type of organization that is being started. Entrepreneurship ranges in scale from solo projects (even involving the entrepreneur only part-time) to major undertakings creating many job opportunities. Many "high-profile" entrepreneurial

ventures seek venture capital or angel funding in order to raise capital to build the business. Angel investors generally seek returns of 20-30% and more extensive involvement in the business

ENTREPRENEURSHIP Definition Entrepreneurship is niegther science nor an art . It is the practice. It has a knowledge base . -- Peter Drucker Entrepreneurship is the practice of starting new organizations or revitalizing mature organizations, particularly new businesses generally in response to identified opportunities. Entrepreneurship is a creative human act involving the mobilization of resources from one level of productive use to a higher level of use. "It is the process by which the individual pursue opportunities without regard to resources currently controlled." Entrepreneurship involves a willingness to take responsibility and ability to put mind to a task and see it through from inception to completion. Another ingredient of entrepreneurship is sensing opportunities, while others see chaos, contradiction, and confusion. Essence of Entrepreneurship is going against time with maturity and serving as a change agent.

SCOPE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA In India there is a dearth of quality people in industry, which demands high level of entrepreneurship development programme through out the country for the growth of Indian economy. The scope of entrepreneurship development in country like India is tremendous. Especially since there is widespread concern that the acceleration in GDP growth in the post reforms period has not been accompanied by a commensurate expansion in employment. Results of the 57th round of the National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) show that unemployment figures in 2003-04 were as high as 8.9 million. Incidentally, one million more Indian joined the rank of the unemployed between 2005-06 & 2007-08. The rising unemployment rate (9.2% 2008 est.) in India has resulted in growing frustration among the youth. In addition there is always problem of underemployment. As a result, increasing the entrepreneurial activities in the country is the only solace. Incidentally, both the reports prepared by Planning Commission to generate employment opportunities

for 10 crore people over the next ten years have strongly recommended selfemployment as a way-out for teaming unemployed youth. We have all the requisite technical and knowledge base to take up the entrepreneurial challenge. The success of Indian entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley is evident as proof. The only thing that is lacking is confidence and mental preparation. We are more of a reactive kind of a people. We need to get out of this and become more proactive. What is more important than the skill and knowledge base is the courage to take the plunge. Our problem is we do not stretch ourselves. However, it is appreciative that the current generations of youth do not have hangups about the previous legacy and are willing to experiment. Theses are the people who will bring about entrepreneurship in India. At present, there are various organizations at the country level & state level offering support to entrepreneurs in various ways. The Govt. of India & various State Govts. have been implementing various schemes & programmes aimed at nurturing entrepreneurship over last four decades. For example, MCED in Maharashtra provides systematic training, dissemination of the information & data regarding all aspects of entrepreneurship & conducting research in entrepreneurship. Then there are various Govt. sponsored scheme for the budding entrepreneurs. Recognizing the importance of the entrepreneur development in economic growth & employment generation, Maharashtra Economic Development Council (MEDC) has identified entrepreneurial development as the one of the focus area for Council activities two years ago. Various Chambers of Commerce & apex institutions have started organizing seminars & workshops to promote entrepreneurship. Incidentally, various management colleges have incorporated entrepreneurship as part of their curriculum. This is indeed a good development. This shows the commitment of the Govt. & the various organizations towards developing entrepreneurial qualities in the individuals.

CHARACTERISTICS OF AN ENTREPRENEURSHIP Future Perspective Entrepreneurship as in the past will determine technical innovations, status of social institutions and political management systems. On the basis of these factors, we can expect the future to be a place where basic needs will remain and only the wants will change. India will overcome the barriers of infrastructure; we will also visualize a strong manufacturing and agricultural sector. Entrepreneurs and not managers will be in demand, as only they will be equipped

to find order in chaos. The focus of entrepreneurial energy will shift from achieving volume sales to fulfill a specific requirement. Governance will become more transparent and will be willing to accept changes necessary for growth and development. More autonomy will become the basis of all issues. The future will see Entrepreneurship as the key driver of economic development Technological obsolescence will become order of the day and there will be more space for leisure. New businesses will be credited with providing variety of new jobs in the economy. New and small business will also develop more than their share of product and service innovation. At one end we will see the technological upheavals in quick succession and on the other end there will be social value systems and cultural issues undergoing slow but dynamic transformations.


Reliance Industries Limited This is the largest private sector conglomerate in India founded by Dhirubhai Amabani with an annual turnover of about US$ 35.9.This Fortune Global 500 company have its businesses in materials and energy value chain. It enjoys the position of the global leadership and is also the largest producer of yarn and fibre in the world. It ranks among the top ten producers across the globe in major petrochemical products. The primary subsidiaries of the company are Reliance Retail Limited and Reliance Petroleum Limited along with Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Limited.

Dhirubhai Ambani A proud son of this glorious state of Gujarat, and a man with long ties with this

wonderful city of Ahmedabad, was the greatest example of this spirit of entrepreneurship! In a short span of less than 25 years, and without even the benefit of a formal education, Dhirubhai Ambani built Reliance, a first generation enterprise, into one of the world’s 200 most profitable companies! He started out in life, working as a mere petrol pump attendant in Aden, Yemen. He had no technical knowledge, of any of the businesses he wished to create in India. Products & Brands The Company expanded into textiles in 1975. Since its initial public offering in 1977, the Company has expanded rapidly and integrated backwards into other industry sectors, most notably the production of petrochemicals and the refining of crude oil. The Company now has operations that span from the exploration and production of oil and gas to the manufacture of petroleum products, polyester products, polyester intermediates, plastics, polymer intermediates, chemicals and synthetic textiles and fabrics. The Company from time to time seeks to further diversify into other industries. In January 2006, the Company approved a plan to establish a retail business through a subsidiary Reliance Retail Limited that will operate, among other things, supermarkets, convenience stores and specialty stores across India. The Company approved initial expenditure of US$ 750 million to fund the initial stages of this plan. The Company's subsidiary Reliance Jamnagar Infrastructure Limited is currently establishing infrastructure facilities such as roads and buildings for the proposed Special Economic Zone (SEZ) at Jamnagar, Gujarat. The Company's major products and brands, from oil and gas to textiles are tightly integrated and benefit from synergies across the Company. Central to the Company's operations is its vertical backward integration strategy; raw materials such as PTA, MEG, ethylene, propylene and normal paraffin that were previously imported at a higher cost and subject to import duties are now sourced from within the Company. This has had a positive effect on the Company's operating margins and interest costs and decreased the Company's exposure to the cyclicality of markets and raw material prices. The Company believes that this strategy is also important in maintaining a domestic market leadership position in its major product lines and in providing a competitive advantage. The Company's operations can be classified into four segments namely: •

Petroleum Refining and Marketing business

Petrochemicals business

Oil and Gas Exploration & Production business


The Company's refinery at Jamnagar is the third largest refinery at a single location in the world. The Company is: The world's largest producer of Polyester Fibre and Yarn

4th largest producer of Paraxylene (PX) and Purified Terepthalic Acid (PTA)


6th largest producer of Mono Ethylene Glycol (MEG)

7th largest producer of Polypropylene (PP)

Milestones •

Starting as a small textile company, Reliance has in its journney crossed several milestones to become a Fortune 500 company in less than 3 decades.

Reliance continues to cross newer & bigger milestones in its quest for what is known as "Growth is Life".

Growth through Recognition Reliance has merited a series of awards and recognitions for excellence for businesses and operations.

2007-2008 •

Shri Mukesh Ambani was awarded the Defence India Excellence Award 2007. The Award is a salute to those who have made the country proud.

Shri Mukesh Ambani was conferred the Indian of the Year Award by NDTV. This is India’s most prestigious award for outstanding contribution towards the betterment of the nation. Shri Mukesh Ambani received the coveted award in the Business Category.

Shri Mukesh Ambani was conferred the Outstanding Business Leader of the Year Award by CNBC TV18.

Shri Mukesh Ambani was awarded the Business Leadership Award 2007 by NDTV Profit.

Shri Mukesh Ambani was conferred the Leadership Award for Global Vision by the United States India Business Council.

Shri Mukesh Ambani was elected to be a member of the Honorary Fellows of The Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK.

On invitation to Shri Mukesh Ambani, Reliance Industries Limited became a Council Member of World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in July 2007. Presently, Shri Mukesh Ambani is the only Indian CEO who is Council Member of WBCSD.

Corporate Ranking and Ratings: Reliance featured in the Fortune Global 500 list of ‘World’s Largest Corporations’ for the fourth consecutive year. •

Ranked 269th in 2007 having moved up 73 places from the previous year.

Featured as one of the world’s Top 200 companies in terms of Profits.

Among the top 25 climbers for two years in a row. Featured among top 50 companies with the biggest increase in Revenues. Ranked 26th within the refining industry. Reliance is ranked 182nd in the FT Global 500 (up from previous year’s 284th rank). Petroleum Federation of India conferred the “Refinery of the Year Award - 2007” to Jamnagar Manufacturing Division Exports “The Plastics Export Promotion Council - PLEXCOUNCIL Export Award” in the category of Plastic Polymers for the year 2006-2007 was awarded to Reliance being the largest exporter in this category. Health, Safety and Environment Jamnagar Manufacturing Division was conferred the “Golden Peacock Award for Occupational Health & Safety - 2007” by Institute of Directors. Jamnagar Manufacturing Division was conferred the “ICC Award for Water Resource Management in Chemical Industry”. Hoshiarpur Manufacturing Division bagged the First Prize in “Safety in Punjab”, organized by Punjab Safety Council.

Nagothane Manufacturing Division received the “Shrishti G-Cube Award for Good Green Governance” from Minister for Commerce and Industry, on World Earth

Day. Training and Development Jamnagar Refinery was adjudged the winner of the “Golden Peacock National Training Award -2007”. Patalganga Manufacturing Division won the “ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) Excellence in Practice Award” for innovative practice titled Learning Function’s role as Business partner: Empowering people with Knowledge to achieve Business Goals. Reliance won the CNBC TV-18 instituted Jobseekers’ Employer of Choice Award. Energy Excellence Exploration & Production (E&P) Division won “The Infraline Energy Excellence Awards 2007: Hydrocarbon Columbus Award for Excellence in Petroleum Exploration”. Patalganga Manufacturing Division won the First Prize in “Energy Conservation in State of Maharashtra” organized by Maharashtra Energy Development Agency (MEDA). Jamnagar Manufacturing Division won the “Oil & Gas Conservation Award -2007” from the Centre for High Technology, Ministry of Power & Natural Gas for the excellent performance in reduction/elimination of steam leaks in the plant. Jamnagar Manufacturing Division was the recipient of the “Infraline Energy Award-2007” by Ministry of Power. Hazira Manufacturing Division won the Government of India Energy Conservation Award (2007) conferred by the Bureau of energy efficiency and Ministry of Power. Hazira Manufacturing Division was adjudged “Excellent Energy Efficient Unit” at Energy Summit - 2007 by CII. Vadodara Manufacturing Division received the CII award for “Excellence in Energy Management - 2007” as energy efficient unit. This division also received the 2nd prize in “National Energy Conservation Award - 2007” from Bureau of Energy efficiency, Ministry of Power, Government of India. The Company’s manufacturing divisions at Vadodara and Hazira were honoured with CII-National award for excellence in water management - 2007 as water efficient unit in “Within the fence” category. Additionally, Hazira Manufacturing Division was honoured as water efficient unit “Beyond the Fence” category. Quality

For the first time ever, globally, a petrochemical company bagged the “Deming Prize for Management Quality”. “The Quality Control Award for Operations Business Unit 2007” was awarded to the Hazira Manufacturing Division for Outstanding Performance by Practicing Total Quality Management. “QUALTECH PRIZE 2007”, which recognizes extraordinary results in improvement and innovation, was won by Hazira Manufacturing Division for its Small Group Activity Project. Vadodara Manufacturing Division’s Polypropylene-IV (PP-IV) plant was conferred the “Spheripol Process Operability Award-2006” for the highest operability rate with an on stream factor 98.97% by M/s. BASELL, Italy. Allahabad Manufacturing Division won the “Excellent Category Award” at National Convention of Quality Circle (NCQC) - 07. Six-Sigma Lean Six sigma project on “Reducing retention time of caustic soda lye tankers at Jamnagar” won the 1st prize in the national level competition held by Indian Statistical Institute (ISI). Patalganga Manufacturing Division’s Six Sigma Project on Improve Transfer Efficiency for Automatic winders in PFY won the 2nd Prize for “Best design for Six Sigma Project in International Six Sigma Competition” organized by IQPC (International Quality and Productivity center). Barabanki Manufacturing Division won the 3rd prize in “All India Six Sigma case study contest 2008” for the Case study on “Reduction of waste of Plant 2 from 16% to 8%”. Hoshiarpur Manufacturing Division won the 2nd prize in “Six Sigma competition at National Level” organized by ISI and Quality Council of India (in manufacturing category), while Dhenkanal and Barabanki Manufacturing Divisions won the 3rd prize. Vadodara Manufacturing Division’s Six Sigma project won the 1st prize as the “Best Six Sigma project” at National level by CII. Technology, R&D and Innovation Vadodra Manufacturing Division’s R&D bagged an award from Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers for Excellence in Process / Product Development for the work on “Eco friendly Process for Acetonitrile Recovery”. DSIR National Award for R&D Efforts in Industry (2007)” was conferred on Hazira Manufacturing Division for the Cyclehexane Recovery Project.

Patalganga Manufacturing Division’s Project titled Augmentation of ETP and use of biogas in Fired heaters won the “Best Innovative Project” from CII. Reliance bagged the “Innovation Award at Tech Converge 2007” for innovative developments in short-cut fibres. Hazira Manufacturing Division won the “Golden Peacock Innovation Award 2007” for its Cyclohexane Recovery Process. Information Technology CIO of the Year Award” for the best IT-enabled organization in India for the Year 2007. Ones to Watch - CIO - USA Award”, for figuring among the top 20 organizations fostering excellence in IT team. The Skoch Challenger Award” conferred for the best IT Head (managing the most IT enabled organization) of the Year 2007. Best IT Implementation Award”, by PC Quest for Knowledge Management Systems portal (KMS). CIO Excellence Award” for Chemical Industry Information Technology Forum for exemplary Information

Social Initiatives Hazira Manufacturing Division won the “Golden Peacock Global Award for Corporate Social Responsibility” - 2008.


Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) (incorporated on June 23, 1993) is an Indian public sector petroleum company. It is a Fortune Global 500 company ranked 335th, and contributes 77% of India's crude oil production and 81% of India's natural gas production. It is the highest profit making corporation in India. It was set up as a commission on August 14, 1956. Indian government holds 74.14% equity stake in this company. ONGC is one of Asia's largest and most active companies involved in exploration and production of oil. It is involved in exploring for and exploiting hydrocarbons in 26 sedimentary basins of India. It produces about 30% of India's crude oil requirement. It owns and operates more than 11,000 kilometers of pipelines in India. Until recently (March 2007) it was the largest company in terms of market cap in India.

This company is awarded as the Best Oil and Gas company in Asia. It is the lone contributor of about 84% India's oil and gas. This company is not only among the leading Indian companies but also a leading company of oil and gas. The highest profit making corporate of India is ONGC. It has 77% share in the crude oil production of India. The company's main activity is to explore,refine, produce, market and transport crude oil, natural gas etc. FOUNDATION In August 1956, the Oil and Natural Gas Commission was formed. Raised from mere Directorate status to Commission, it had enhanced powers. In 1959, these powers were further enhanced by converting the commission into a statutory body by an act of Indian Parliament.


Columbia University-ISB joint survey finds ONGC top Indian multinational by foreign assets April 20, 2009 ONGC advances to 152nd in Forbes Global 2000 metrics April 19, 2009 ONGC receives ‘Leading Oil & Gas Corporate of the Year’ Award April 16, 2009 ONGC receives Dalal Street Investment Journal Award for Highest Profit among PSUs March 25, 2009

INTERNATIONAL RANKINGS ONGC has been ranked at 198 by the Forbes Magazine in their Forbes Global 2000 list for the year 2007 . ONGC has featured in the 2008 list of Fortune Global 500 companies at position 335, a climb of 34 positions from rank of 369 in 2007. ONGC is ranked as Asia’s best Oil & Gas company, as per a recent survey conducted by US-based magazine ‘Global Finance 2nd biggest E&P company (and 1st in terms of profits), as per the Platts Energy Business Technology (EBT) Survey 2004 Ranks 24th among Global Energy Companies by Market Capitalization in PFC Energy 50 (December 2004). Economic Times 500, Business Today 500, Business Baron 500 and Business Week recognizes ONGC as most valuable Indian corporate, by Market Capitalization, Net Worth and Net ProfitS.

Global Ranking ONGC ranks as the Numero Uno Oil & Gas Exploration & Production (E&P) Company in Asia, as per Platts 250 Global Energy Companies List for the year 2007 based on assets, revenues, profits and return on invested capital (ROIC) (September 2007). ONGC ranks 20th among the Global publicly-listed Energy companies as per ‘PFC Energy 50” (Jan 2008) ONGC is the only Company from India in the Fortune Magazine’s list of the World’s Most Admired Companies 2007.

ONGC ranked 335th position as per Fortune Global 500 2008 list; up from 369th rank last year, based on revenues, profits, assets and shareholder’s equity. ONGC maintains top rank in terms of profits among seven companies from India in the list.

STRATEGIC VISION: 2001-2020 To focus on core business of E&P, ONGC has set strategic objectives of: Doubling reserves (i.e. accreting 6 billion tonnes of O+OEG). Improving average recovery from 28 per cent to 40 per cent. Tie-up 20 MMTPA of equity Hydrocarbon from abroad. The focus of management will be to monetise the assets as well as to assetise the money.

Represents India’s Energy Security ONGC has single-handedly scripted India’s hydrocarbon saga by: Establishing 6.61 billion tonnes of In-place hydrocarbon reserves with more than 300 discoveries of oil and gas; in fact, 6 out of the 7 producing basins have been discovered by ONGC: out of these In-place hydrocarbons in domestic acreages, Ultimate Reserves are 2.36 Billion Metric tonnes (BMT) of Oil Plus Oil Equivalent Gas (O+OEG). Cumulatively producing 788.273 Million Metric Tonnes (MMT) of crude and Billion Cubic Meters (BCM) of Natural Gas, from 111 fields.


Type Founded

Public (BSE, NSE:SBI) & (LSE: SBID) Calcutta, 1806 (as Bank of Calcutta)

Corporate Centre, Headquarters Madam Cama Road, Mumbai 400 021 India Key people

Om Prakash Bhatt, Chairman


Banking Insurance Capital Markets and allied industries


Loans, Credit Cards, Savings, Investment vehicles, SBI Life (Insurance) etc.


▲ US$ 11.95 billion (2008)

Net income

▲ US$ 503 million (2008)[1]

Total assets

US$ 127 billion

It is the largest Indian bank and one of the leading companies in India.It offers banking services through its wide network in India and overseas. With more than 16,000 branches it accounts for the largest bank branch network in India. It offers services like the Mobile Banking, Internet Banking, Demat Services,ATM Services, Corporate Banking,Merchant Banking, Agricultural Banking, online services like online educational loan, online SME loan and many others. The bank has 52 branches, agencies or offices in 32 countries. It has branches of the parent in Colombo, Dhaka, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, London and environs, Los Angeles, Male in the Maldives, Muscat, New York, Osaka, Sydney, and Tokyo. It has offshore banking units in the Bahamas, Bahrain, and Singapore, and representative offices in Bhutan and Cape Town. SBI operates several foreign subsidiaries or affiliates. In 1990 it established an offshore bank, State Bank of India (Mauritius). It has two subsidiaries in North America, State Bank of India (California), and State Bank of India (Canada). In 1982, the bank established its California subsidiary, which now has seven branches. The Canadian subsidiary was also established in 1982 and also has seven branches, four in the greater Toronto area, and three in British Columbia. In Nigeria, it operates as INMB Bank . This bank was established in 1981 as the Indo-Nigerian Merchant Bank and received permission in 2002 to commence retail banking. It now has five branches in Nigeria. In Nepal SBI owns 50% of Nepal SBI Bank, which has branches throughout the

country. In Moscow SBI owns 60% of Commercial Bank of India, with Canara Bank owning the rest. In Indonesia it owns 76% of PT Bank Indo Monex. State Bank of India already has a branch in Shanghai and plans to open one up in Tianjin History The roots of the State Bank of India rest in the first decade of 19th century, when the Bank of Calcutta, later renamed the Bank of Bengal, was established on 2 June 1806. The Bank of Bengal and two other Presidency banks, namely, the Bank of Bombay (incorporated on 15 April 1840) and the Bank of Madras (incorporated on 1 July 1843). All three Presidency banks were incorporated as joint stock companies, and were the result of the royal charters. These three banks received the exclusive right to issue paper currency in 1861 with the Paper Currency Act, a right they retained until the formation of the Reserve Bank of India. The Presidency banks amalgamated on 27 January 1921, and the reorganized banking entity took as its name Imperial Bank of India. The Imperial Bank of India continued to remain a joint stock company. Pursuant to the provisions of the State Bank of India Act (1955), the Reserve Bank of India, which is India's central bank, acquired a controlling interest in the Imperial Bank of India. On 30 April 1955 the Imperial Bank of India became the State Bank of India.

Offices of the Bank of Bengal In 1959 the Government passed the State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks) Act, enabling the State Bank of India to take over eight former State-associated banks as its subsidiaries. On Sept 13, 2008, State Bank of Saurashtra, one of its Associate Banks, merged with State Bank of India. ASSOCIATE BANKS

State Bank of Indore, State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, State Bank of Hyderabad State Bank of Mysore, State Bank of Patiala, State Bank of Travancore Group companies SBI Capital Markets Ltd SBI Mutual Fund (A Trust) SBI Factors and Commercial Services Ltd SBI DFHI Ltd SBI Cards and Payment Services Pvt Ltd SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd - Bancassurance (Life Insurance) SBI Funds Management Pvt Ltd SBI Canada


Mr. Sarthak Behuria chairman Type

PSU (Trading on BSE & NSE)



Headquarters New Delhi, India Key people

Sarthak Behuria, Chairman

Industry Petroleum products = Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene, LPG, Petrochemicals Revenue

▲ र. 2474.79 billion or $61.7 Billion [1] (2007-2008)

Net income

US$ 1.96 billion (2007) ▲ 12.9% from 2006

Total assets

US$ 26.2 billion (2007)

Total equity US$ 10.87 billion (2007) Employees

~36,217 (2006)

It is a public sector Indian Petroleum company and also the largest commercial enterprise in India. This company ranks 116 on the list of the Fortune Global 500 list in the year 2008.It operates the widest and the largest network of fuel stations in India which is about 17,606.Auto LPG Dispensing Stations are started by the company and it helps reach Indane Cooking Gas to 47.5 million households. The company's products are diesel, petrol , Servo Lubricants etc. It began operation in 1959 as Indian Oil Company Ltd. The Indian Oil Corporation was formed in 1964, with the merger of Indian Refineries Ltd. Indian Oil and its subsidiaries account for a 47% share in the petroleum products market, 40% share in refining capacity and 67% downstream sector pipelines capacity in India. The Indian Oil Group of Companies owns and operates 10 of India's 19 refineries with a combined refining capacity of 60.2 million metric tons per year. Products Indian Oil's product range covers petrol, diesel, LPG, auto LPG, aviation turbine fuel, lubricants, naphtha, bitumen, paraffin, kerosene etc. Xtra Premium branded petrol, Xtra Mile high speed diesel, Servo lubricants, Indane LPG, Autogas LPG, Indian Oil Aviation are some of its prominent brands. Recently Indian Oil has also introduced a new business line of supplying LNG(Liquefied natural gas) by the cryogenic transportation. The branding called "LNG at Doorstep". Lng headquarters are located in scope complex, Lodhi Road Delhi


Digboi Refinery, in Upper Assam, is India's oldest refinery and was commissioned in 1901. Originally a part of Assam Oil Company, it became part of IndianOil in 1981. Its original refining capacity had been 0.5 MMTPA since 1901. Modernisation project of this refinery has been completed and the refinery now has an increased capacity of 0.65 MMTPA.

Guwahati Refinery, the first public sector refinery of the country, was

built with Romanian collaboration and was inaugurated by Late Pt.

Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, on 1 January 1962. •

Barauni Refinery, in Bihar, was built in collaboration with Russia and Romania. It was commissioned in 1964 with a capacity of 1 MMTPA. Its capacity today is 6 MMTPA.

Gujarat Refinery, at Koyali in Gujarat in Western India, is IndianOil’s largest refinery. The refinery was commissioned in 1965. It also houses the first hydrocracking unit of the country. Its present capacity is 13.70 MMTPA.

Haldia Refinery is the only coastal refinery of the Corporation, situated 136 km downstream of Kolkata in the Purba Medinipur (East Midnapore) district. It was commissioned in 1975 with a capacity of 2.5 MMTPA, which has since been increased to 5.8 MMTPA

Mathura Refinery was commissioned in 1982 as the sixth refinery in the fold of IndianOil and with an original capacity of 6.0 MMTPA. Located strategically between the historic cities of Delhi and Agra, the capacity of Mathura refinery was increased to 7.5 MMTPA.

Panipat Refinery is the seventh refinery of IndianOil. The original refinery with 6 MMTPA capacity was built and commissioned in 1998. Panipat Refinery has doubled its refining capacity from 6 MMT/yr to 12 MMTPA with the commissioning of its Expansion Project .


IndianOil (Mauritius) Ltd.

Lanka IOC PLC - Group company for Sri Lanka retail and storage operations which is listed on Colombo's stock exchange. It was locked into a bitter subsidy payment dispute with Sri Lanka's Government which has since been resolved.

IOC Middle East FZE

Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd.

Bongaigoan Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd.

Green Gas Ltd. - joint venture with Gas Authority of India for city-wide gas distribution networks.

Indo Cat Pvt. Ltd., with Intercat, USA, for manufacturing 15,000 tonnes per annum of FCC (fluidised catalytic cracking) catalysts & additives in India, for catering to rising global demand.

Numerous exploration and production ventures with Oil India Ltd., Oil and Natural Gas Corporation

INTERNATIONAL RANKINGS Indian Oil is the highest ranked Indian company in the prestigious Fortune Global 500 listing, the 116th position(in 2008) based on fiscal 2007 performance. It is also the 18th largest petroleum company in the world and the number one petroleum trading company among the National Oil Companies in the Asia-Pacific region. IOCL was featured on the 2008 Forbes Global 2000 at position 303.


LOYALTY PROGRAMS XTRAPOWER Fleet Card Program is aimed at Large Fleet Operators. Currently it has 1 million customer base. XTRAREWARDS is a recently launched loyalty program for retail customers where customers can earn reward points on their purchases.

COMPETITORS Indian Oil Corporation has two major domestic competitors, Bharat Petroleum and Hindustan Petroleum. Both are state-controlled, like Indian Oil Corporation. There are two private competitors, Reliance Petroleum and Essar Oil




1955 (as Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India)

Headquarte rs

ICICI Bank Ltd., ICICI Bank Towers, Bandra Kurla, Mumbai, India

Key people

N Vaghul, K.V. Kamath, Chanda Kochhar, V Vaidyanathan, Madhabi Puri


Banking Insurance Capital Markets and allied industries


Loans, Credit Cards, Savings, Investment vehicles, Insurance etc.

Revenue Total assets Website

▲ USD 5.79 billion Rs. 3,997.95 billion (US$ 100 billion) at March 31, 2008.

The largest private sector bank in the sector of market capitalization in India is ICICI Bank and the second largest bank in assets. The wide network of the bank has 1,399 branches,49 regional processing centres,22 regional offices and more than 4,485 ATMs. It provides

the banking services like Personal banking,Corporate Net Banking,NRI,Internet Banking,24-hr Customer Care and many other banking facilities.

History of ICICI 1955 The Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited (ICICI) was incorporated at the initiative of World Bank, the Government of India and representatives of Indian industry, with the objective of creating a development financial institution for providing medium-term and long-term project financing to Indian businesses. 2000 CI established Banking Corporation as a banking subsidiary.formerly Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India. Later, ICICI Banking Corporation was renamed as 'ICICI Bank Limited'. ICICI founded a separate legal entity, ICICI Bank, to undertake normal banking operations - taking deposits, credit cards, car loans etc. In 2001 CI acquired Bank of Madura (est. 1943). Bank of Madura was a Chettiar bank, and had acquired Chettinad Mercantile Bank (est. 1933) and Illanji Bank (established 1904) in the 1960s.

In 2002The Boards of Directors of ICICI and ICICI Bank approved the reverse merger of ICICI, ICICI Personal Financial Services Limited and ICICI Capital Services Limited, into ICICI Bank. After receiving all necessary regulatory approvals, ICICI integrated the group's financing and banking operations, both wholesale and retail, into a single entity. Also in 2002, ICICI Bank bought the Shimla and Darjeeling branches that Standard Chartered Bank had inherited when it acquired Grindlays Bank. ICICI started its international expansion by opening representative offices in New York and London. 2003 ICICI opened subsidiaries in Canada and the United Kingdom (UK), and in the UK it established an alliance with Lloyds TSB. It also opened an Offshore Banking Unit (OBU) in Singapore and representative offices in Dubai and Shanghai. 2004 ICICI opens a rep office in Bangladesh to tap the extensive trade between that country, India and South Africa.

2005 ICICI acquired Investitsionno-Kreditny Bank (IKB), a Russia bank with about US$4mn in assets, head office in Balabanovo in the Kaluga region, and with a branch in Moscow. ICICI renamed the bank ICICI Bank Eurasia. Also, ICICI established a branch in Dubai International Financial Centre and in Hong Kong. 2006 ICICI Bank UK opened a branch in Antwerp, in Belgium. ICICI opened representative offices in Bangkok, Jakarta, and Kuala Lumpur. 2007 ICICI amalgamated Sangli Bank, which was headquartered in Sangli, in Maharashtra State, and which had 158 branches in Maharashtra and another 31 in Karnataka State. Sangli Bank had been founded in 1916 and was particularly strong in rural areas. ICICI also received permission from the government of Qatar to open a branch in Doha. ICICI Bank Eurasia opened a second branch, this time in St. Petersburg. 2008 The US Federal Reserve permitted ICICI to convert its representative office in New York into a branch. ICICI also established a branch in Frankfurt.

SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES The concept of Small Scale industry varies from one to another country and one time to other in the same country , depending upon the pattern and stage of development , government policy and administrative set up of the particular country. ROLE OF SSI IN INDIAN ECONOMY Small business forms an important sector of the Indian economy. SSI accounted 40% of the value added by the whole manufacturing sector, and

80% of the employment. SSI also contributed to the extent of 42 % with regards to exports. DEFINITIONS OF SSI YEARS




Fiscal commission



10-50 workers


SSI board

Capital investment upto Rs. 5lacks.

Same ssi unt.

Upto 50, if using power & less than 100 if not using if not using power


Ministry of commerce & industry

CI upto Rs.5 SAME lcks.

employement criterion dropped


Govt. Of India (GOI)

CI up to Rs.10 lacks.

Rs. 15




uptoRs. 20 lacks.





uptoRs. 35 lack

Rs. 45




uptoRs. 60 lcks.

Rs. 75




Upto Rs.3 crore

Not defined




uptoRs. 1 crore




Offic e o f th e D eve lo pme nt C ommi ssi on er , (MS ME) Mi nist ry of Mi cr o, S ma ll & Me dium Ent er pri se s

Aims and objectives Imparting greater vitality and growth impetus to the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) in terms of output, employment and exports and instilling a competitive culture based on heightened technology awareness." The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector has been recognised as engine of growth all over the world. Many countries of the world have established a SME Development Agency as the nodal agency to coordinate and oversee all Government interventions in respect of the development of this sector. In the case of India, also Medium establishment has for the first time been defined in terms of separate Act, governing promotion and development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) i.e. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) development Act, 2006 (which has come into force from 02nd Oct, 2006) the Office of Development Commissioner (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) functions as the nodal Developmet Agency under the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises(MSME).

Office of Development Commissioner (SSI) was established in 1954 on the basis of the recommendations of the Ford Foundation. Over the years, it has seen its role evolve into an agency for advocacy, hand holding and facilitation for the small industries sector. It has over 70 offices and 21 autonomous bodies under its management. These autonomous bodies include Tool Rooms, Training Institutions and Project-cum-Process Development Centres. Office of the Development Commissioner (MSME) provides a wide spectrum of services to the Micro, Small and Medium Industrial sector. These include facilities for testing, toolmenting, training for entrepreneurship development, preparation of project and product profiles, technical and managerial consultancy, assistance for exports, pollution and energy audits etc. Office of the Development Commissioner (MSME) provides economic information services and advises Government in policy formulation for the promotion and development of SSIs. The field offices also work as effective links between the Central and the State Governments.

Consequent to the increased globalization of the Indian economy, MSMEs are required to face new challenges. Office of the Development Commissioner (MSME) has recognised the changed environment and is currently focusing on providing support in the fields of credit, marketing, technology and infrastructure to MSMEs. Global trends and national developments have accentuated Office of the Development Commissioner (MSME)'s role as a catalyst of growth of MSMEs in the country

INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Small Scale Industry Sector has emerged as India's engine of growth in the New Millennium. By the end of March 2000, the SSI sector accounted for nearly 40 per cent of gross value of output in the manufacturing sector and 35 per cent of total exports from the country. Through over 32 lakh units, the sector provided employment to about 18 million people. 1.2 The on going programme of Economic Reforms based upon the principle of liberalisation, globalisation and privatisation and the changes at the international economic scene including the emergence of World Trade Organisation (WTO), have brought certain schallenges and several new opportunities before the SSI Sector. The most important challenge faced by the sector is that of growing competition both globally and domestically. At the sametime sector has also been facing some problems which relate to credit, infrastructure, technology, marketing, delayed payment hassels on account of so many rules and regulations etc. In order to enable this sector to avail the opportunities and play its role as an engine of growth, it is essential to address to these problems effectively and urgently. 1.3 With a view to provide more focused attention on the development of SSI ,government of India created a new Ministry of Small Scale Industries & Agro an drur al Industries in October 1999. Immediately after the formation of the Ministry, a Mission for the Millennium giving a blue print for small scale and village industries was announced. To carve out a road map for this sector in the New Millennium, the Hon'ble Prime Minister constituted a Group of Ministers under the Chairmanship of Shri L.K. Advani the Home Minister of India in June 2000. The background material for the consideration of the Group of Ministers was provided by the Interim Report of the S.P. Gupta Study Team constituted by the Planning Commission. 1.4 The Group of Ministers considered the recommendations and came out with a Comprehensive Policy Package for the Small Scale and Tiny Sector which was announced by the Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee at first ever National Conference on the Small Scale Industries organised by the Ministry of SSI & ARI at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi on 30th August 2000. Package were announced by the Hon'ble Prime Minister on 30th August 2000, some others including the Tiny Sector Policy Package were announced by the Ministry of SSI& ARI on 31st August 2000 in the meeting of the SSI Board.

SMALL SCALE SECTOR 2.0 Policy Support 2.1 The investment limit for the Tiny Sector will continue to be Rs. 25 lakhs.

2.2 The investment limit for the SSI sector will continue to be at Rs. 1 crore. 2.3 The Ministry of SSI & ARI will bring out a specific list of hi-tech and export o riented industries which would require the investment limit to be raised upto Rs. 5 crores to admit of suitable technology upgradation and to enable them to maintain their competitive edge. 2.4 The Limited Partnership Act will be drafted quickly and got enacted. Attempt will be made to bring the Bill before the next session of the Parliament. 3.0 FISCAL SUPPORT 3.1 To improve the competitiveness of Small Scale Sector, the exemption for excise duty limit raised from Rs. 50 lakhs to Rs. 1 crore. 4.0 CREDIT SUPPORT 4.1 The composite loans limit raised from Rs. 10 lakhs to Rs.25 lakhs. 4.2 The Small Scale Service and Business (Industry Related) Enterprises (SSSBEs) with a maximum investment of Rs. 10 lakhs will qualify for priority lending. 4.3 In the National Equity Fund Scheme, the project cost limit will be raised from Rs. 25 lakhs to Rs. 50 lakhs. The soft loan limit will be retained at 25 per cent of the project cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 10 lakhs per project. Assistance under the NEF will be provided at a service charge of 5 per cent per annum.

4.4 The eligibility limit for coverage under the recently launched (August 2000) Credit Guarantee Scheme has been revised to Rs.25 lakhs from the present limit of Rs. 10 lakhs. 4.5 The Department of Economic Affairs will appoint a Task Force to suggest revitalisation/restructuring of the State Finance Corporations. 4.6 The Nayak Committee's recommendations regarding provision of 20 per cent of the projected turnover as working capital is being recommended to the financial institutions and banks. 5.0 Infrastructural Support 5.1 The Integrated Infrastructure Development (IID) Scheme will progressively cover all areas in the country with 50 per cent reservation for rural areas. 5.2 Regarding upgrading the Industrial Estates, which are languishing, the Ministry of SSI & ARI will draw up a detailed scheme for the consideration of the Planning Commission. 5.3 A Plan Scheme for Cluster Development will be drawn up. 5.4 The funds available under the non-lapsable pool for the North-East will be used for Industrial Infrastructure Development, setting up of incubation centres, for Cluster Development and for setting up of IIDs in the North-East including Sikkim.

6.0 Technological Support and Quality Improvement 6.1 Capital Subsidy of 12 per cent for investment in technology in select sectors. An interministerial Committee of Experts will be set up to define the scope of technology upgradation and sectorial priorities. 6.2 To encourage Total Quality Management, the Scheme of granting Rs.75,000/to each unit for opting ISO-9000 Certification will continue for the next six years i.e. till the end of the 10th plan. 6.3 Setting up of incubation Centres in Sunrise Industries will be supported. 6.4 The TBSE set up by SIDBI will be strengthened so that it functions effectively as a Technology Bank. It will be properly networked with NSIC, SIDO (SENET Programme) and APCTT. 6.5 SIDO, SIDBI and NSIC will jointly prepare a Compendium of available technologies for the R&D institutions in India and abroad and circulate it among the industry associations for the dissemination of the latest technology related information. 6.6 Commercial Banks are being requested to develop Schemes to encourage investment in technology upgradation and harmonise the same with SIDBI. 6.7 One time Capital Grant of 50% will be given to Small Scale Associations which wish to develop and operate Testing Laboratories, provided they are of international standard. 7.0 Marketing Support 7.1 SIDO will have a Market Development Assistance (MDA) Programme, similar to one obtaining in the Ministry of Commerce & Industry. It will be a Plan Scheme. 7.2 The Vendor Development Programme, Buyer-Seller Meets and Exhibitions will take place more often and at dispersed locations. 8.0 Streamlining Inspections/Rules and Regulations 8.1 To minimise harassment to Small Scale Sector a Group will be set up to recommend within 3 months, means of streamlining inspections. This will include repeal of laws and regulations applicable to the sector that have since become redundant. 8.2 Self-certification will be progressively encouraged in lieu of inspections, which should be prescribed under the three following conditions: l On receipt of specific complaint; l Selection of unit for sample check (Say 10 per cent of total units); and l For audit and safety purposes. 9.0 Entrepreneurship Development

9.1 Capacity building in the SSI sector, both for entrepreneurs as well as workers, will be given top priority. The Ministry of SSI & ARI and Ministry of Labour will work out the strategy jointly. 10.0 Facilitating Prompt Payment

SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES NATIONAL AWARD 2000 Name and Address of the Enterprise




Sh. Umesh Martandrao Dashrathi



Chassis assemblies & other components for CNG, LPG driven three- wheelers and Goods cariers.



Aluminium and Steel Cops used in DT Machines, TFO Machines for

M/s Rohit Industries A 3 MIDC, Near Railway Station, Aurangabad431005. (MAHARASHTRA) Sh. Prashant R GandhiM/s. Samruddhi Engineering, Survey

No. 767/3 Village Vadsar,TalKolal,Distt. Gandhinagar.(GUJAR AT)

synthetic yarn winding.

Sh. Vinodhbhai Ambalal Soni, M/s. Hi- Tech Elastomers Limited 2 Chirag Apartments, Behind Govt.Polytechnic, Gulbai Tekra, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad380015. (GUJARAT)



Pneumetic Rubber Fenders, Rubber Buoys for use in marine purposes.

Smt. Supriya Roy M/s.The Sugar & Spice, 1/2 HarishMukherjee Road, Kolkata700020. (WEST BENGAL)



Bakery and Fast Food items

Smt. Savitaben Devjibhai Paramar M/s Sterling Ceramics Pvt.Limited, KolalMehsana Highway, Nandasan (NG), TalKadi. Distt. Mehsana(GUJARAT)



Glazed Wall Tiles.

Shri Blaise Lawrence Costabir, M/s Zarhak Moulders Pvt. Limited, Verna Electronic City Verna GOA

Shri Blaise Lawrence Costabir,


Water Storage Tanks.


Carbonless Computer stationery and Peripherals.

M/s Zarhak Moulders Pvt. Limited, Verna Electronic City Verna GOA

Shri Gurmeet Singh Bhatia M/s A.G.K. Computers Secure Prints Ltd., AGK Complex, D-118, Industrial Area, Phase-VII SAS Nagar


Ropar-160055. (PUNJAB)

National Awards for Outstanding Entrepreneurship in MSMEs – 2007 S.No.

Category of Award

Name & Address of the Entrepreneurs


First Award

Shri Satish Waman Wagh M/s Supriya Chemicals A-5/2 Loteparshuram MIDC Area,Nakhed. MAHARASHTRA Tel.No.02240332727


First Award

Shri Debashish Mandal M/s Indo Webal Surgical Ukil para Behind Sub Division Hospital Baruipur, Kolkata WEST BENGAL T.No.91-33 24338997, Fax:9133 2433 3534


Third Award

Shri Surender Pal Singh M/s Premier Solar Systems (P) Ltd. 3rd Floor, V.V.Towers Secunderabad ANDHRA PRADESH T.No.04027744415, 04027744416 M.No.9490167790, Fax:040277744417


Special Award to outstanding woman Entrepreneurs

Smt Savita Kailash Chhabra M/s Hygienic Research Institute, A/48, MIDC, Marol, Andheri (East), Mumbai MAHARASHTRA Tel.No.022 – 28361311 M.No.9820047216 Fax: 022 –28320089 E.mail: [email protected]


Special Award to outstanding SC/ST

Shri Debashish Mandal M/s Indo Webal Surgical Ukil para Behind Sub Division Hospital Baruipur, Kolkata-144 WEST BENGAL T.No.91-33 24338997, Fax:9133 2433 3534


Special Award to outstanding NER

Shri Murli Dhar Khetan M/s North Eastern Cables Pvt. Ltd. A T Road Jorhat-785001

ASSAM Ph.No.0376-2351433, 2350550 Fax: 2351318 E.Mail: [email protected]


National Award for outstanding Entrepreneurship in Micro & Small Enterprises rendering services


First Award

Smt. Triveni Devi M/s Anand Electroplators, B-87,88, Sec-10, Noida Gautam Budh Nagar.


Second Award

Shri Bimal Parkash Jain Adinath Dyeing & Finishing Mills, Dyeing Complex, Ludhiana PUNJAB T.No.0161-5074829, 5074830, 5004876 E.Mail:[email protected]


DEFINITION Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a form of outsourcing that involves the contracting of the operations and responsibilities of a specific business functions (or processes) to a third-party service provider. Originally, this was associated with manufacturing firms, such as Coca Cola that outsourced large segments of its supply chain.. In the contemporary context, it is primarily used to refer to the outsourcing of services. BPO is typically categorized into back office outsourcing which includes internal business functions such as human resources or finance and accounting, and front office outsourcing - which includes customer-related services such as contact center services.

Industry size/ Growth India has revenues of 10.9 billion USD[2] from offshore BPO and 30 billion USD from IT and total BPO (expected in FY 2008). India thus has some 5-6% share of the total BPO Industry, but a commanding 63% share of the offshore component. This 63% is a drop from the 70% offshore share that India enjoyed last year, despite the industry growing 38% in India last year, other locations like Eastern Europe, Philippines, Morocco, Egypt and South Africa have emerged to take a

share of the market. China is also trying to grow from a very small base in this industry. However, while the BPO industry is expected to continue to grow in India, its market share of the offshore piece is expected to decline. Important centers in India are Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai and New Delhi. The top five Indian BPO exporters for 2006-2007 according to NASSCOM are :Genpact, WNS Global Services, Transworks Information Services, IBM Daksh, TCS, HCL, WIPRO, And Dell BPO. According to McKinsey, the global "addressable" BPO market is worth $122 $154 billion, of which: 35-40 retail banking, 25-35 insurance, 10-12 travel/hospitality, 10-12 auto, 8-10 telecoms, 8 pharma, 10-15 others and 20-25 is finance, accounting and HR. Moreover, they estimate that 8% of that capacity was utilized as of 2006

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