Project Management Plan

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 5,837
  • Pages: 26
Project Management Plan For

“Development of marketing campaign for Heinz ketchup”

Prepared by: Fatima Zehra Tahreem Naveed Shafaq Anwar Saad Maqbool Moazzam Ali Tarar Shaffia Mansur

1. Overview: 1.1 Project Purpose, Objectives, and Success Criteria Purpose: The purpose of a marketing campaign is to launch Heinz ketchup in the market of Pakistan on the basis of an in depth Market Research, as to create awareness among the buyers of ketchup about the Heinz brand through mass advertising. This would convince the customers to switch to Heinz by portraying how it is better and different than other competing brands of ketchup. The scope of the marketing campaign is limited to the promotion of Heinz ketchup with its focus on creating Heinz image as the world’s thickest ketchup within the constrained time and budget. The campaign would feature developing advertisements (for electronic and print media) and point of purchase displays. Other deliverables would be to induce all the ketchup consumers to try the product (through free trials and sample distributions) and get customer’s feedback through questionnaire surveys to modify the marketing advertising. The success of the marketing campaign is dependent on the effectiveness of the ad developed by the advertising agency hired by Heinz, customers, and the brand management team who would be responsible to coordinate their activities. The accomplishments of these stakeholders would define the future success of the Heinz in Pakistan.

Objectives: In order for the marketing campaign to be successful the project must achieve the following objectives:

Basic objectives: • On the basis of the feasibility study conducted through questionnaire survey to understand the target market in order to develop an effective marketing campaign. • Induce the target market to try the product by conducting hall tests and distributing free samples. • Ensure Heinz convenient availability to the target market. • Convey Heinz positioning through all elements of marketing communication which would include television and print ads.

Strategic Objectives: • • • •

Create a vivid brand image of Heinz being the world’s thickest ketchup. Create brand loyal customers through effective mass advertising. Gain a significant market share that would lead to profitability. Ensure that customer’s feedback is taken into consideration.

Operational Business Need: • To create awareness among the target market through promotion in mass media (electronic & print ads). • To generate product trials through hall tests, free sample distributions and street promotion.

Strategic Business Need: • To create brand loyal customers • To convert ketchup nonusers to users. • Increase sales to the point of break even and then further generate profits. Satisfaction of these needs would be found out by carrying out a research in the target market through questionnaires, interviews and focus groups to get customers feedback which would help define the level of success achieved by Heinz. Other methods would be used to find out sales figures and frequency of purchases which will give a clear picture of market trends to the key stakeholders. Heinz is at its very initial stage in the product life cycle in Pakistan hence its launch would be a project that would lead to many other projects in future. If Heinz is successful in launching ketchup in Pakistan then it would introduce many of its other products too in this region which are available around the globe today.

Success criteria: The success of the project depends upon the effectiveness of the activities of all the key stakeholders. The success of the campaign is dependent: • Upon the workings of the hired Integrated Marketing Communication agency as the development of the integrated marketing campaign had been outsourced to them. • Upon the workings of the hired media buying house because the campaign execution would be in the hands of the agency. • Upon the customer response to the research surveys. • Upon the customer response to the Heinz sales force efforts of trail generation. • Upon the availability of Heinz ketchup to its target market which is the hands of the distributors. Healthy relations with retailers would facilitate smooth operations.

1.2 Project Deliverables S. no.



Market segmentation document Heinz business problem identification document Marketing campaign objectives Marketing campaign budget

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


11 12 13 14

Recipients Delivery Method MR team

Campaign manager Project team Campaign manager Marketing research report Campaign manager Customers analysis Campaign document manager IMC components role IMC document agency IMC objectives & strategy IMC agency Contract with an IMC Campaign Agency manager/ account manager Contract with Media buying Campaign house manager/ media planner Campaign Execution report Campaign manager Customers feedback report Campaign manager IMC agency & media buying Country house expense report head Campaign team members Country performance report head

Email Campaign kick off meeting Campaign kick off meeting Campaign kick off meeting Project status review meeting Project status review meeting Project status review meeting Project status review meeting Meeting with an IMC agency Meeting with the media buying house Meeting with the CM Meeting with the CM Meeting with the country head Meeting with the country head

1.3 Assumptions, Dependencies, and Constraints Assumptions: •

There would not be any legal restrictions

Customers would willing participate in the research surveys

Customer response would not be biased

Sales force would get permission to conduct hall tests in hotels & in malls

No campaign would be launched by the competitor during the course of the project

Distributors would agree to distributing Heinz ketchup

Retailers would be willing to keep this brand

Economy would revive after recession

Customers would accept the marketing campaign

There would be no unusual customer behaviors which cannot be predicted

Dependencies: • • • • • •

Ongoing political upheavals Hired IMC agency operations Hired media buying house operations Customer response to the research & sales force team efforts Effectiveness of distribution list of the distributors of Heinz Relationship with the retailers

Constraints: Schedule: Marketing Campaign of Heinz is a project having duration of 6 months. Cost: Marketing Campaign is to be designed within the budget allocated by the Heinz headquarter. Staff: The availability of properly trained employees who have the experience in the marketing of ketchup.

Success Drivers: Quality: The effectiveness of the project deliverable which is an Integrated Marketing Communication Plan would determine the success of the marketing campaign of Heinz Staff: A well trained staff with all the required knowledge and expertise would be a valuable asset for the project

Degree of freedom: Features: The marketing campaign team has the freedom as to which tools of the integrated marketing communication to use as well as in the selection of research & trial generation methods.

1.4 Definitions and Acronyms

Marketing campaign

The efforts of a company or a third-party marketing company to increase awareness for a particular product or service, or to increase consumer awareness of a business or organization. A marketing campaign has a limited duration. • Integrated Marketing Communication Synergistic approach to achieving the objectives of a marketing campaign, through a well coordinated use of different promotional methods. It is a management concept that is designed to make all aspects of marketing communication such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing work together as a unified force, rather than permitting each to work in isolation. • Market share Percentage of total sales volume in a market captured by a brand, product, or firm. • Brand loyalty Brand loyalty, in marketing, consists of a consumer's commitment to repurchase the brand and can be demonstrated by repeated buying of a product or service or other positive behaviors such as word of mouth advocacy. • Retailer A business which sells goods to the consumer. • Distributor Entity that buys non-competing products or product-lines, warehouses them, and resells them to retailers or direct to the end users or customers. • Distribution list List of names to whom a communication should be sent. • Point of purchase displays Device promoting consumer purchases by providing consumer information and product advice. These devices are normally located at convenient retail locations and are quite attractive. •

Focus group

Small number of people (usually between 4 and 15, but typically 8) brought together with a moderator to focus on a specific product or topic. Focus groups aim at a discussion instead of on individual responses to formal questions, and produce qualitative data (preferences and beliefs) that may or may not be representative of the general population.

1.5 Evolution of the Plan As the project proceeds changes in the external or internal environment may give rise to the need to modify the project plan. Regular project meetings involving all the members of the project team would be held weekly or when any major deliverable is achieved in which any required changes or updates would be identified and would suggest ways regarding how it would be done. The following modifications can occur: • • • • •

Positioning of Heinz can change as a result of research about the target markets needs. Modify the scope of the Marketing Campaign as a result of change in the positioning of Heinz Identification of other constraints as the project proceeded Assumptions might not hold true during the course of the project An essential member of the project team leaves in the middle of the project

The project management plan would hence evolve as the project proceeds till the time it is completed.

2. Project Organization 2.1 External Interfaces: The external entities for the marketing campaign of Heinz are the following:

Integrated Marketing Campaign Agency: Once the planning is done and the campaign designed it is handed over to the IMC agency in the form of a creative brief which includes the objectives and strategy of the marketing campaign. It serves as a written agreement between the Account Planner and the marketing campaign team. The first point of contact between the two parties is a briefing session which is an interactive session which together helps them define a direction to the campaign. Follow up meetings are then held on and off with the Account Manager and Account Planner from the Agency to keep track of the campaign execution. This would also provide a platform to the campaign team to suggest any required changed or updates to the campaign.

Value Chain: All the participants of the value chain add value to Heinz ketchup. The success of the Marketing Campaign depends indirectly on the role played by the distributors and retailers as the goal of Marketing Campaign is to create awareness among the target market which would eventually compel them to purchase Heinz Ketchup. But if it is not easily available and reachable to the target market due to the inefficiency of the distributors and retailers then the purpose of the Marketing Campaign would not have been achieved. Communication with the target market is through the elements of the integrated marketing campaign that we aim to develop. This includes promoting a Heinz image through mass advertising, direct selling, sales promotion, personal selling and public relations. It is essential to build and maintain healthy relationships with the distributors and retailers in order to ensure that Heinz reaches the target market effectively. Since Point of purchase displays are important part of Heinz marketing campaign, it must be used extensively. Only a good relation with retailers would allow Heinz to do so as retailers have the authority of giving permission for it. Such a relation can be established by offering the retailers and distributors some reasonable profit margins and incentives that would keep them motivated.

Departments within the company: The marketing campaign is planned out by the marketing department but its effectiveness is determined by its coordination with all the other departments too. The budget will be approved by the Finance department needed for the execution of the plan. If there are any changes in the budget requirements, they are communicated to the Finance department through a revised project proposal which would be presented to the Finance Manager in the review meeting. Developing a marketing campaign for Heinz is a tedious job that requires expertise that is required to be externally hired for the project. An integrated Marketing Campaign Agency would be hired by the Human Resource Department. Senior management at Heinz headquarter would be provided with regular updates regarding the Campaign proceedings. Once it is made, the final plan would be approved by them at the end which would bring the project to its execution phase in the project lifecycle.

Media Buying House: Once the marketing campaign of Heinz is developed by the IMC agency, the domain of mass advertising is handed over to a Media Buying House who is hired for the buying and placement of advertisements with the media channels.

2.2 Internal Structure Since developing a marketing campaign is purely the domain of the marketing & sales department, hence we adopt a functional organization structure in which one department plays a dominant role. The Marketing Campaign team would comprise of the Campaign Manager and other members from the Marketing & Sales Department. Coordination with the other departments would occur through the communication channels already established. Heinz Headquarter

Country Manager


IMC Agency


Human Resource

Marketing & Sales Marketing Campaign Team

Account Manager Account Planner Creative Department

Media buying house



Campaign Manager

IMC Agency

Brand Manager

Financial Analyst

Account Manager

Account Planner Sales Manager

MR Head Creative Department

Sales force team12 salespersons

MR team12 field researchers


Visualizer Designer

Media buying house

Media planner

Media buyer

2.3 Roles and Responsibilities Campaign Manager: Responsible for team coordination and managing the development of the IMC, ensures alignment with Heinz global strategy; removes roadblocks during the execution of the marketing campaign. Owner of the IMC process and author of the final IMC document.

Marketing research team: The team comprises of 12 members and is headed by the MR Manager. The team is responsible for carrying out an analysis at a macro and micro level for competitors, environment and target market. In charge of developing a market research report which would give an insight into Heinz market.

Financial Analyst: Responsible for developing the campaign budget, management reserves and handling all the cash release process, payments and preparation of the financial report during the closure phase of the project.

Sales force team: The team comprises of 12 members and is headed by the sales manager. The team represents sales priorities and objectives; provides input into the campaign development process; also communicates Heinz marketing campaign status to the rest of the project team.

Brand manager: Responsible for developing Heinz business problem and analyzing the customers’ relationship with the Heinz brand.

HR consultant: Ensures that the campaign team had the personnel with required skill set available when the need arises.

Country manager: Responsible for providing an interface between the campaign manager and Heinz headquarter.

Heinz Headquarter: Responsible for approving and prioritizing the campaign plans and resolving escalated issues that impact the successful execution of the campaign

IMC agency: Account Manager: Responsible for keeping contact with the Campaign Manager and keeps a check on the campaign execution so that it is according to the given requirements.

Account Planner: Keeps a check on the creative department and ensures that market research that has been conducted is used in the campaign development. Devises a strategy for the implementation of the core plan given to him.

Visualizer: Decides where and how the visuals should be placed along with the text.

Designer: Designs the layout of the advertisement.

Copywriter: Writes the text for the advertisement.

Media buying house: Responsible for developing a media planning & media buying plan by designing the marketing media strategies and tactics.

3. Managerial Process Plans 3.1 Start-Up Plans 3.1.1 Estimation Plan: Heinz has used the bottom up technique for cost estimation for the marketing Certain assumptions have been taken during the estimation process which includes the following: • Some activities will not incur any monetary cost as only time and effort would be required to accomplish them. • Project will be completed under normal circumstances; no external event is expected to occur that will have a major impact on the estimation.

The estimation process would be headed by the financial analyst who would ensure the accuracy of the estimates. He would also make sure that all the key stakeholders contribute to the process. These stakeholders include the following: • • • • • •

Campaign manager Brand manager Research team Sales force team IMC agency Media buying house

Confidence level of estimation for each of the activity in the WBS would be determined which would reflect the probability of its deviation from the estimations established. A high confidence level for an activity would mean that the estimations are thought to be accurate and are not expected to change. A low confidence level on the other hand would represent that estimation for the respective activity would change over the course of the project due to the nature of the activity. The confidence level for the cost estimations for the IMC agency and Media Buying House is low since the activities associated are outsourced they are not in control of Heinz. It would be hard to keep track of the cash outflows hence the cost estimations are bound to change resulting in a low confidence level. Confidence level for the activities that are comparatively in greater control of Heinz is high. This includes all MR activities. Budget estimations are thought to be accurate as the MR team is trained enough to complete their activities in the assigned budget. These estimations would be revised in regular review meetings conducted by the project manager. These meetings would be held after the accomplishment of every milestone and before starting off with the next one. The budgeted and actual would be compared and changes would accordingly be made to the estimations of the rest of the project to reflect any deviations that occurred in the plan. Contingency buffers have been established to cater to any unexpected cost requirements during the course of the project. Management reserves have been set aside for this purpose as part of the contingency plan.

3.1.2 Staffing Plan: The following is the list of roles required to develop the marketing campaign for Heinz: • • • • • •

Campaign manager Brand manager Financial analyst Research team (12 field researchers) Sales force team ( 12 Heinz salesperson) IMC agency

• • •

Account manager Account planner Creative department • Designer • Visualizer • Copy writer Media buying house • Media planner • Media buyer

Internal sources of project team members from the marketing department of Heinz: • Campaign manager • Brand manager • Research team (12 field researchers) • Sales force team ( 12 Heinz salesperson) Internal sources of project team from the finance & accounting department of Heinz: • Financial analyst External sources of project team from the finance & accounting department of Heinz: 1. IMC agency • Account manager • Account planner • Creative department • Designer • Visualizer • Copy writer 2. Media buying house • Media planner • Media buyer

3.1.3 Staff Training Plan The campaign manager who is the head of the marketing department of Heinz Pakistan would have the necessary skills required to conduct the marketing campaign project. It would be his responsibility to ensure that the project team members have the right skills set required to achieve their designated responsibilities. Since the research and sales force team would be responsible to gather response from the market, hence they would be the focus of Heinz training program for the marketing campaign.

Training needs: Sales force would be trained on the following grounds:

• • •

Communication skills ( speaking in the language of the target market) Selling models ( AIDA, information processing model, hierarchy of effects model) Emotional intelligence ( instantly acknowledge the customer emotions to increase the chances of closing the sale)

Research team would be trained on the following grounds: • • • • •

Target market ( approach the right segment in the market) Research methods ( primary & secondary) Effective use of marketing intelligence tools ( analyze competitors reports & use of spying techniques) Customer response models ( FCB model, elaboration likelihood model, alternative response hierarchy model) Casual relationship techniques

Training methods employed: • • •

Workshops conducted by selling & research consultants Online lectures given by the sales & research experts from the Heinz headquarters. Hiring a sales & research expert who would serve as a mentor to the teams.

3.1.4 Resource Acquisition Plan The major resource required for our campaign is the human capital. See section 3.1.2 for details.

3.1.5 Project Commitments S. no.


Made By

Made To


Brand business problem

Brand manager

Campaign manager


Marketing campaign budget

Financial analyst

Campaign manager


Marketing research report

MR head

Campaign manager


Creative brief

Campaign manager

IMC agencyAccount manager


Development of TV ads & billboards

IMC agencyAccount manager

Campaign manager


Reserve time & space for ads

Media buying house

Campaign manager


Generation of trials

Sales manager

Campaign manager


Financial report

Financial analyst

Campaign manager


Sales report

Sales manager

Campaign manager


Marketing campaign report

Campaign manager

Country head


Customer, competitor & environment risk profile

MR head

Campaign manager


Cost risk profile

Financial analyst

Campaign manager


Human capital risk profile

HR manager

Campaign manager


Risk profile

IMC agencyAccount planner

Campaign manager


Risk profile

Media buying house

Campaign manager


Risk management plan

Campaign manager

Country head

3.3 Control Plan The campaign manager would be responsible for controlling the marketing campaign. For this status meetings would be held by the CM after achievement of each milestone. Also meetings would be held if a special event (deliverables took more time or cost than allocated) occurs that would require a change in the campaign plan. Attendance would be mandatory by all the project team members whether internal or external. The purpose of the meetings would be to keep a check on the project by analyzing deviances from the project baseline and taking corrective measures accordingly.

3.3.1 Data Control Plan: Following is the list of documents to be prepared over the course of the campaign: • Business problem documented by the brand manager. • Marketing campaign objectives documented by the campaign manager. • IMC objectives & strategy developed by the CM. • Creative brief developed by the CM. • IMC agency objectives defined by the account manager. • Marketing research reports compiled by the research team. • Sales report compiled by the sales team. Also approved changes in the campaign plan would be properly documented according to the agreed format and communicated through project status meetings. The agreement made with the IMC agency & media buying house would contain a clause that would ensure complete secrecy of all the documents prepared or handed over to them. Research report compiled by the research team would be copy write to protect it from imitation. Same would be the case with internal project team members. Severe penalties would be given if any member of the campaign team would disclose campaign information outside the company. All the documents prepared would be submitted to the campaign manager in the respective project status meetings. The same process would be followed for distributing the required documents to the other team members.

3.3.2 Requirements Control Plan The campaign manager would be responsible to tackle with any changes that would come along the course of the project. Prospective changes: The human resource required for a campaign would increase if the research scope is amplified in order to complete the campaign on time. The campaign manager would have to confer with with the HR consultant to hire more research team members. The MR Head would have to report campaign manager that more people are required and thus he would then hire them. The objectives of the IMC campaign would change if a competitor launches his campaign during the development of Heinz campaign. Likewise if there is a major shift in customer preferences then it would also lead to a change in the IMC objectives. Campaign manager would have to report this change to the IMC agency to make the required modifications. The campaign manager would have to update the campaign plan as change is approved. Likewise the campaign budget & schedule plan would also be updated.

3.3.3 Schedule Control Plan It would be the campaign manager responsibility to control the campaign schedule. Status meetings held after the accomplishment of each deliverable would be used for this purpose. The start and finish time of each activity which could be compared with the actual duration of each activity. The schedule would be modified when there would be deviation in the actual and planned duration of the activity. This change in schedules would be then communicated to other team members in the review meetings. A time buffer would be allocated to activities with minimum slack or critical activities.

3.3.4 Budget Control Plan The financial analyst who would be responsible for all the financial and accounting issues of the campaign would have to make sure that each activity is completed within the budget allocated to them. The team member responsible for each activity would report to the financial analyst as soon as he feels that more budgets are required to complete the activity successfully. Any overruns in budget allocation of activity would be communicated to the campaign manager by the financial analyst. A management reserve would be maintained to accommodate budget overruns to ensure the campaign operations are run smoothly. It would be the responsibility of the campaign manger to decide when to use the reserve to meet budget requirements.

3.3.5 Communication, Tracking, and Reporting Plan S.

Type of

Communication Typical




communication schedule


Requirement changes

When changes are to be implemented


Budget or schedule changes

Cost or time overruns

Campaign status review meetings

Financial analyst


Marketing research report

After the completion of MR

Campaign status review meetings

MR head


Financial report


Financial analyst

Campaign manager


Sales report

After payment to the IMC agency & media buying house After campaign execution


Sales manager

Campaign manager


Project team After project members’ completion performance reports

Face to face

Campaign manager

Country head


IMC agency & Media buying house performance reports Risk management plan

After project completion

Face to face

Campaign manager

Country head

At the start of the campaign


Campaign manager

Team members


communication initiates mechanism Campaign Campaign status review manager meetings

Team members Team members involved in activity Team members

3.3.6 Metrics Collection Plan Research quality: The MR Head would be responsible for analyzing the quality of various research methods used.

The questions to be asked in focus groups, interviews and questionnaires would be pretested through piloting technique to check whether the response from the questionnaires can be analyzed. Sales quality: sales manager would be responsible. Sales quality would be analyzed to check • Whether there is target market traffic in locations of hall tests • Whether the incentives offered are according to target market preferences IMC campaign quality: Media selection quality:

3.4 Risk Management Plan To increase the chances of successful completion of the marketing campaign, a risk management plan is incorporated in the marketing campaign plan. Several procedures would be followed to identify potential risks to the campaign: • • •

Campaign manager held meeting with all the project members to hold brainstorming sessions for the purpose of risk identification. A SWOT analysis carried out by the research & sales team. IMC agency & media buying house were asked to carry out their risks assessment to be submitted along with their proposal.

Risks profiles would be submitted to campaign manager by: • • • • • •

Research team-risks associated with customers, competitors environment. Sales force team-risks associated with customers response to trials HR consultant-risks associated with HR capital Financial analyst-risks associated with budget IMC agency Media buying house


The risk assessment would be performed by developing a Risk assessment form which would help to categorize risks according to their impact & probability of occurrence so as to develop appropriate response strategies for all the risks identified. Risk response matrix would be used to develop risk response strategies and contingency plans for the risks identified. Risk management plan would be updated to accommodate approved change requests by the campaign manager. Changes would be brought up and analyzed in the project status review committee.

Appendix A contains a risk management plan.

3.5 Issue Resolution Plan: Potential issues that could arise during the course of the campaign:


Decision makers

Increase/limit the campaign budget

Financial analyst after consulting the country manager

Lay off/hire team members

Campaign manager after consulting the HR department

Increase/limit the scope of research

MR head after consulting the campaign manager

Locations for conducting hall tests & distributing samples

Sales manager after consulting the MR head

Increase/limit the training of research & sales force team

Campaign manager after consulting the assigned mentors

Increase/limit the independency of the creative team of the IMC agency

Account manager after consulting the campaign manager

Increase/limit media penetration

Media planner after consulting the campaign manager

3.6 Project Close-Out Plan Preparation of several reports would mark the closing of the campaign: Financial analyst would be responsible for compiling the complete financial report (all the costs incurred by the campaign along with cost baseline). MR Head would be responsible for compiling all the research findings whether primary or secondary so they can be used in future similar projects. Sales manager would be responsible for compiling sales data from all over the country into a sale report. Campaign manager would be responsible for filing a comprehensive report to the country manager of Heinz covering the following areas: • Financial report

• • • •

Sales report MR report Project team members’ performance reports IMC agency & Media buying house performance reports

After the execution of the campaign, payments would be made to the IMC agency & Media buying house by the financial analyst. This would automatically lead to the completion of the contract with the IMC agency & media buying house thereby releasing the agency & media house of their duties to the Heinz marketing campaign team. Campaign manager would then oversee the reassignment of the internal project team members.

Technical Process Plans 4.1 Process Model The development & execution part of the marketing campaign project would be outsourced to the IMC agency and Media buying house respectively. Project status meeting would be held after the accomplishment of each deliverable. In the planning and closure phase the meetings would be attended by all the internal team members. During the development phase campaign manager would hold meetings with the account manager and account planner. And during the execution phase campaign manager would hold meetings with the media buying house.

4.2 Methods, Tools, and Techniques Research methods used by the MR team: 1. Primary research: • Questionnaire survey • Focus groups • Interviews 2. Secondary research • Customer surveys in advertising magazines • Reports from research agencies 3. Marketing intelligence • Competitor published & unpublished data • Heinz spy agents Trial generation techniques used by the Heinz sales force team: • Hall tests • Free sachet distribution

4.3 Configuration Management Plan Campaign manager would be responsible for handling the configuration process. Responsibility for establishing baseline: • Baseline budget would be made by the financial analyst through bottom up estimating technique of estimating the elements of the WBS. • The campaign manager would develop the baseline schedule. Process: Baseline campaign schedule and budget would be communicated to the project team in the project kick off meeting. Any changes in the baseline proposed by the team would be discussed and analyzed in the project status review meetings held after the accomplishment of each deliverable. Team members with proposed changes would be first brought into the attention of the campaign manager. Campaign manager would then decide the agenda and the timing of the project status meeting. The approved changes would finally be incorporated in the campaign plan by the concerned team members.

4.4 Quality Assurance Plan The development and the execution of the campaign would be in the hands of the IMC agency and the media buying house respectively. Therefore the quality of the marketing campaign would be dependent on the performance of hired IMC agency and media buying house. Responsibilities: Campaign manager would hand over the requirements of campaign development in the form of creative brief to the account manager at IMC agency. He would also oversee the campaign development status in the project status meetings held with account planner. Account manager would keep the campaign manager updated about the campaign development status. He would also communicate any changes in the Heinz campaign requirements to the account planner.

Account planner would have to ensure that the creative team develops the campaign according to the Heinz requirements. He would make sure that the creative team uses the marketing research done by the Heinz MR team in the message development. MR Head would have to ensure that the media buying house: • Place the ads on media channels to which the target market is exposed. • Put up the billboards in areas with maximum target market traffic. Testing: The campaign would be tested before its execution. The final components of the campaign would be: • TV & radio ads • Billboard designs • Point of purchase displays designs All these components would be tested to gauge whether the customer perceived the message as intended by Heinz. This would be done by: • Organizing focus groups. Participant would be chosen from the target market. • Using projective techniques.

4.5 Documentation Plan Document

Template or standard

Created by

Reviewed by


Target market segmentation document

As specified by campaign manager

Brand manager

Campaign manager

Team members

Business problem document

As specified by campaign manager

Brand manager

Campaign manager

Team members

IMC objectives & strategy


Campaign manager

Country Head

IMC agency

Creative brief


Campaign manager

Brand manager

Account manager

Risk management plan


Campaign manager


Team members

MR report

As specified by campaign manager

MR Head


Campaign manager

Sales report

As specified by campaign manager

Sales manager


Campaign manager

Financial report

As specified by campaign manager

Financial analyst


Campaign manager

Team members performance report

As specified by country head

Campaign manager


Country Head

IMC agency & media buying house performance report

As specified by country head

Campaign manager


Country Head

4.6 Process Improvement Plan There are two main process performed by the internal Heinz campaign team. 1. Market research performed by the MR team 2. Trials generation by the Heinz sales force team See section 3.1.3 for details.

References  Sir Saqib Bhatti, marketing professor in FAST NU Islamabad.  Principles of marketing, by Philip Kotler, chapter & edition  Designing an advertising campaign     - 34k  

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