Project Management And Leadership Skill

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  • Pages: 8
Project Management and Leadership Skill Shonan Village Centre, Kanagawa, Japan 11-15 March 2009 Application Form A. Personal Details First Name

Kadek Eva


Krishna Adnyani




Postgraduate student

Date and Place of Birth

Bangli, 12 Mei 1987

Permanent Address

Jln Gatot Subroto I/IV no:6, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia 80239

Permanent Telephone number


Mobile phone number and fax


Personal E-mail

[email protected]

B. Educational background

Please give details of your educational background in chronological order (start with the recent on Dates (from-to)



Qualifications Obtained


University of Indonesia

Japanese Area Studies



Gadjah Mada University

Japanese Literature Department

S.S. (Sarjana Sastra)


SMU 1 Denpasar

Science Study (acceleration program)


SLTPN 1 Denpasar




SD 2 Saraswati Denpasar



C. Professional Background

Please give details of all relevant practical and professional experience in chronological order (startin the most recent). Indicate whether it was full-time, vacation work or another type of position. Dates (from-to)

Dec 2007 and Dec 2008


Tutor for Preparation for Japanese Proficiency Test Level 3 and 4 / Japanese Literature Department, The Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Gadjah Mada (part time)

August 18- Interpreter for Indonesia Kokusai 31, 2008 Kouken Purojekuto in Yogyakarta / Hiroshima University of Economics (part time)



Responsibilities/expe and knowledge gai

Teach Japanese Language for the Japanese Literature Department’s students who took Japanese Proficiency Test (level 3 and 4) in order to prepare them for the test.

I have responsibility to them various tasks and exercises so that they c gain their knowledge a have ability to pass the

Interprete and guide the Hiroshima University of Economics’s students while they were doing their social project in Kali Code, Yogyakarta.

I gained my knowledg Japanese language and Japanese behaviour. I helped me a lot in my

Japanese Tutor for Japanese Club Teach the Japanese Language “Moshi-Moshi” / Mechanical to Mechanical Engineering Engineering Department, Department’s students who University of Gadjah Mada (part joined the Japanese Club. time)

I learn to speak in fron the class. My students very critical. That’s w have to be well prepar my teaching material.

2006-2008 Campus Guide / International Guide the University of Affair Office, University of Gadjah Gadjah Mada’s exclusive guest Mada (part time) (for example: professor and dean from overseas universities) for a campus tour.

I should possess enoug knowledge about Univ of Gadjah Mada. I als to make the guest feel comfortable while they visiting University of G Mada.

2006-2008 English and Japanese Tutor for

I can meet and share o

Give privat lesson to help the

foreign exchange student / foreign student to study Indonesian Cultural and Language Indonesian language. Learning Service (INCULS), University of Gadjah Mada (part time)

with foreign student fr various country like Ja Germany, and Austra

C. Activities

List all aspects of your organizational experience (including internship, leadership positions, student c membership in University, etc.). Dates




Committee in Asian Public Intelectuals

Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Yogyakarta, Indonesia Treasurer of Keluarga Mahasiswa Hindu Dharma (KMHD), University of Gadjah Mada


Event Coordinator of Welcome Yogyakarta, Indonesia Ceremony to University of Gadjah Mada’s Hindu Freshmen


Event Coordinator of Bakti Sosial in Pura Bhuana Puja, Boyolali

Central Java, Indonesia


Member of English Debate team SMUN 1 Denpasar

Bali, Indonesia

D. Attended Events

Please list the National and/or International Meetings/Conference/Seminar/Workshop you have attend the table below.


Country/Locatio n


Intelectuals Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Your Role (Delegate, Chair, Trainer, etc


Asian Public Workshop



Charming with Healthy Diet, organized by GMC Health Center UGM

Yogyakarta, Indonesia



Dialog Kebangsaan Yogyakarta, Menuntaskan PR Bangsa Indonesia (Refleksi Tujuh Tahun Perjalanan Reformasi Indonesia), organized by BEM KM UGM


E. Strengths

Rank the 3 main areas where you have had the most professional and organizational experience. Summ briefly your experience in each. Area

Describe briefly your experience

How would this benefit your application represent Your country?


My experience in education, such It can helps me to give information, counsel as teaching, is my very strength to and training about climate change to people educate and share my knowledge to country and –if possible- to people all over t the society. world.

Public Relation

I have a good communication skill and I also possess a self confidence. I am able to work in a team. And I enjoy meeting new people and making friends.

I can be a good mediator between our team the society. This would be a very important since we need to involved the society and em them as a part of our project team.

Japanese Language

I can speak Japanese. I also have When we have to ask permission, suggestion enough knowledge about Japanese maybe sponsorship from Japan to help our culture. in fighting the climate change, my ability in Japanese language may lead our way to the of success.

F. Aims, Skills, and Motivation Please be as brief and concise in your answers as possible. 1. What does climate change mean to you? In your personal opinion, what action needs to be taken to tackle the problem?

Glass house effect, infectious disease, and draught. That’s what climate change mean to me. Because all of that problemas are coming fom one very big problem that we should solve together, called climate change. There are several way that we could do to tackle the problem: 1. Use fossil fuel effectively 2. do re-afforestation 3. control the deforestation

2. Have you been involved in a project or community action on climate security before? If yes, please describe briefly about it.

I Have been involved in a community in my homeland in Bali. That community called truna-truni (lit.meaning : the youngster).This community were not especially dedicated to fight climate change, as it is just a traditional community to keep the youngster in my village stick together. But on the other side, there were a lot of action that we all do together and quite effective, at least to reduce the negative effect of climate change. Every week we clean the neighbourhood and drain to avoid infectious disease which come from insects, mouse, and louse. We also grow tree and do marching with colourful bicycle around our village to campaign the “save fossil fuel” program.

3. Are you actively involved in other areas outside climate change? If yes, please explain your role in each activity. Please also explain if the activity has any relevance to finding climate change solutions.

Last year, I involved as a committee in such a workshop named “Asian Public Intelectuals”. This workshop allows the participants to presented their ideas and thought about something that they think good and have benefit to Asia. If we join this workshop as a participant, I believe we can try to find the climate change solution. We could share our idea and opinion with the intellectuals from all over Asia and if we succeed to find the solution, another participants could also help to spread this solution in their country so that many people in Asia can get informed.

4. How have you changed your life to adapt to the challenge of climate change? Do you influence others (friends, family, colleagues, etc) to pursue the same steps? If yes, give details

To make this giant leap, I started from a small but constant steps such as : prefer walking and riding bicycle to motor vehicle. Reduce the use of plastic bag by carrying my reusable shopping bag. And grow plant in my neighbourhood. I have explained to my family about the benefit of this action that I already doing for four years, and they are so interested. Now, my 2 sisters and my 3 friends also do the same steps like me.

5. Why are you applying to participate in this Climate Project Management Training?

I apply to this training because I need more ideas, facts, and thoughts, about climate change so that I can improve my knowledge and able to do something more to fight this problema that keep haunting our mother earth.

6. How will your participation in the Climate Project Management training improve your capacity to run the project?

Because it is like a five-versus-ten-thousands-people-battle, I need more knowledge to make more people influence by me. Because the more people involved in this climate security action, the easier to solve the problem. That’s why my participation in this training will doubled my strength in order to make this world a better place to live.

7. Please attach a workable concept of an individual/group/community project in the area of climate change that you would like to conduct in the near future. It should be 350-500 word in length. If necessary, you can also add pictures or other details on the file you send.

I think the point of what we can do is how to make this problem not getting worse. First, me and my team will conduct a campaign to make people in that area stop doing thngs that can caused climate clange such as cutting trees in the rainforest and change the land into cultivated area, using fossil fuel wastefully, etc. Second, a a follow-up to that campaign, we will hold an event that not only fun, but also effective to tackle the problem. This event is separated in three:

1. With the coming of valentine day, we will try to change people’s paradigm about romantic gift. Instead of giving flower, chocolate, or teddy bear to their lover, why don’t give them tree? Tree is long lasting and it can grow bigger and bigger as their love grows. They can also give a name to their own tree. I think this event will be interesting and a lot of young people will voluntarily join this event.

2. We will hold a contest to seek the idea from the society on that climate change area, abou “how to save water” topic. Climate change can cause continuous draught. That’s why people must try to start using water wisely. With this contest, we will make every participant think, and it is such like a big discussion forum because it involves many people. When the idea collected, we choose the best ten idea, wich is simple, creative, and also effective to save water. An then, we make a cool poster with bright colours and cute pictures which contains that best ten ideas. We’ll spread that posters in to every house in that area. We suggest the homeowner to hang that poster in their wall to remain them the ways to use water effectively.

3. We invite the role models in that area such as famous star and state official to help us campaign “Bicycle are cool” program by using bicycle, as often as possible, especially to go to the near place. The society will get influence by them. And use bicycle more often.

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