Project Hul By Arvind Yadav

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd.

A Project Report on Deterjent & Satisfaction Survey of Nirma Ltd. project report submitted in the fulfillment of requirements for the Master of business Administration (2008-10) Submitted To: MISS RUCHI TIWARI Submitted By: ANSHUL TIWARI MBA(2008-10)

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. Mathura Devi Institute of Technology & Management, indore


This is to certify that ANSHUL TIWARI student of second semester, Master of Business administration (MBA) in the year

2008 - 2010






has completed the








submitted a satisfactory account of his work in this report.


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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The research on “A Project Report onHINDUSTAN UNILEVER LTD..” has been given to me as part of the curriculum in the completion of 2-Years Master of business Administration. I have tried my best to present this information as clearly as possible using basic terms that I hope will be comprehended by the widest spectrum of researchers, analysts and students for further studies. I have completed this project under the able guidance and supervision of Miss Ruchi Tiwari and my project guide. I will be failed in my duty if I do not acknowledge the esteemed scholarly guidance, assistance and knowledge I have received from them towards fruitful and timely completion of this work. Mere acknowledgement may not redeem the debt I owe to my parents for their direct/indirect support during the entire course of this project. We also thanks NIRMA DISTIBUTER & DELER’S, INDORE who believed in us and by providing ALL valuable information and data that helped us in understanding the problem areas of their organization and hence developing the application as per their requirements.

I also thankful to my friend Arvind Yadav who helped me a lot in the completion of this project. FROMANSHUL TIWARI

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd.

TABLE OF CONTESTS 1) Acknowledgement 2) Preface 3) Certificate of originality 4) Executive Summary 5) Objective of research 6) Company Profile 7) Research problem and its relevance 8) Research Methodology 9) Conclusion 10) Bibliography 11)Questionnaire

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd.


Fast Moving Consumer Goods popularly known FMCG is as the name suggests is the most demanded products in the market. It includes every thing from food items like flour, biscuits, ice creams, etc to body products soaps, face creams to cigarettes to beverages, etc. consumers need these things in their everyday life so they invests a good portion of there income in these things. There are so many companies which are dealing in FMCG products like HUL, Dabur, Cavin Care, AMUL dealing in dairy products, etc. By the vary nature of the product the companies are seeing this as a great source of income. As large number of companies are looking this sector as a profitable venture, so for sustaining there position and gain new market they have to bring some thing unique in there products or services to gain position in the market or to sustain there. In this project my focus is on tracking down the changing requirements, preferences, needs of customers and their changing perspective on the different products offered

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. OBJECTIVES

To understand the skin category of Hindustan Unilever Limited.

To study various brands of HUL in skin category.

To study the competitive brands in the market of skin category.

To find the market share of the HUL brands and its competitive brands.

To determine the key areas of strength and weakness for HUL brands.

To develop a promotion plan for brand communication of the HUL skin category products.


COMPANY PROFILE Mgmt. , indore

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Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is India's largest fast moving consumer goods company, with leadership in Home & Personal Care Products and Foods & Beverages. HUL's brands, spread across 20 distinct consumer categories, touch the lives of two out of three Indians. They endow the company with a scale of combined volumes of about 4 million tonnes and sales of nearly Rs.13,718 crores. The mission that inspires HUL's over 15,000 employees is to "add vitality to life". With 35 Power Brands, HUL meets everyday needs for nutrition, hygiene, and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life. It is a mission HUL shares with its parent company, Unilever, which holds 51.55% of the equity. The rest of the shareholding is distributed among 360,675 individual shareholders and financial institutions. A Fortune 500 transnational, Unilever sells Foods and Home and Personal Care brands in about 100 countries worldwide.

HUL is also one of the country's largest exporters; it has been recognised as a Golden Super Star Trading House by the Government of India.

Over time HUL has developed into a viable & competitive sourcing base for Unilever world wide in Home and Personal Care & Foods & Beverages category of products. HUL is also a global marketing arm for select licensed Unilever brands and also works on building categories with core country advantage such as branded basmati rice.

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. HUL's brands - like Lifebuoy, Lux, Surf Excel, Rin, Wheel, Fair & Lovely, Pond's, Sunsilk, Clinic, Pepsodent, Close-up, Lakme, Brooke Bond, Kissan, KnorrAnnapurna, Kwality Wall's – are household names across the country and span many categories - soaps, detergents, personal products, tea, coffee, branded staples, ice cream and culinary products. They are manufactured over 40 factories across India. The operations involve over 2,000 suppliers and associates. HUL's distribution network, comprising about 4,000 redistribution stockists, covering 6.3 million retail outlets reaching the entire urban population, and about 250 million rural consumers.

HUL believes that an organisation's worth is also in the service it renders to the community. HUL is focusing on health & hygiene education, women empowerment, and water management. It is also involved in education and rehabilitation of special or underprivileged children, care for the destitute and HIV-positive, and rural development. HUL has also responded in case of national calamities / adversities and contributes through various welfare measures, most recent being the village built by HUL in earthquake affected Gujarat, and relief & rehabilitation after the Tsunami caused devastation in South India.

In 2001, the company embarked on an ambitious programme, Shakti. Through Shakti, HUL is creating micro-enterprise opportunities for rural women, thereby improving their livelihood and the standard of living in rural communities. Shakti also includes health and hygiene education through the Shakti Vani Programme, and creating access to relevant information through the iShakti community portal. Mgmt. , indore

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. The program now covers 15 states in India and has over 45,000 women entrepreneurs in its fold, reaching out to 100,000 plus villages and directly reaching to 150 million rural consumers. By the end of 2010, Shakti aims to have 100,000 Shakti entrepreneurs covering 500,000 villages, touching the lives of over 600 million people.

HUL is also running a rural health programme – Lifebuoy Swasthya Chetana. The programme endeavours to induce adoption of hygienic practices among rural Indians and aims to bring down the incidence of diarrhoea. It has already touched 84.6 million people in approximately 43890 villages of 8 states. The vision is to make a billion Indians feel safe and secure.

If Hindustan Unilever straddles the Indian corporate world, it is because of being single-minded in identifying itself with Indian aspirations and needs in every walk of life.

HISTORY YEAR MILESTONES 1888 Sunlight soap introduced in India. 1895

Lifebuoy soap launched; Lever Brothers appoints agents in Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, and Karachi.

1902 Pears soap introduced in India. 1903 Brooke Bond Red Label tea launched. 1905 Lux flakes introduced. 1913 Vim scouring powder introduced. 1914 Vinolia soap launched in India. 1918

Vanaspati introduced by Dutch margarine manufacturers like Van den Berghs, Jurgens, Verschure Creameries, and Hartogs.

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. 1922 Rinso soap powder introduced. 1924 Gibbs dental preparations launched. 1925 Lever Brothers gets full control of North West Soap Company. 1926 Hartogs registers Dalda Trademark. 1930 Unilever is formed on January 1 through merger of Lever Brothers and Margarine Unie. 1931

Hindustan Vanaspati Manufacturing Company registered on November 27; Sewri factory site bought.

1932 Vanaspati manufacture starts at Sewri. 1933

Application made for setting up soap factory next to the Vanaspati factory at Sewri; Lever Brothers India Limited incorporated on October 17.


Soap manufacture begins at Sewri factory in October; North West Soap Company's Garden Reach Factory, Kolkata rented and expanded to produce Lever brands.

1935 United Traders incorporated on May 11 to market Personal Products. 1937 Mr. Prakash Tandon, one of the first Indian covenanted managers, joins HVM. 1939

Garden Reach Factory purchased outright; concentration on building up Dalda Vanaspati as a brand.


Agencies in Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Karachi taken over; company acquires own sales force.


Unilever takes firm decision to "train Indians to take over junior and senior management positions instead of Europeans".

1943 Personal Products manufacture begins in India at Garden Reach Factory. 1944

Reorganisation of the three companies with common management but separate marketing operations.

1947 Pond's Cold Cream launched. 1951

Mr. Prakash Tandon becomes first Indian Director. Shamnagar, Tiruchy, and Ghaziabad Vanaspati factories bought.

1955 65% of managers are Indians. 1956

Three companies merge to form Hindustan Unilever Limited, with 10% Indian equity participation.

1957 Unilever Special Committee approves research activity by Hindustan Unilever. 1958 Research Unit starts functioning at Mumbai Factory. 1959 Surf launched. 1961

Mr. Prakash Tandon takes over as the first Indian Chairman; 191 of the 205 managers are Indians.

1962 Formal Exports Department starts. 1963 Head Office building at Backbay Reclamation, Mumbai, opened. 1964

Etah dairy set up, Anik ghee launched; Animal feeds plant at Ghaziabad; Sunsilk shampoo launched.

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. 1965 Signal toothpaste launched; Indian shareholding increases to 14%. Lever's baby food, more new foods introduced; Nickel catalyst production begins; 1966 Indian shareholding increases to 15%. Statutory price control on Vanaspati; Taj Mahal tea launched. 1967 Hindustan Unilever Research Centre, opens in Mumbai. 1968

Mr. V. G. Rajadhyaksha takes over as Chairman from Mr. Prakash Tandon; Fine Chemicals Unit commissioned at Andheri; informal price control on soap begins.

1969 Rin bar launched; Fine Chemicals Unit starts production; Bru coffee launched 1971

Mr. V. G. Rajadhyaksha presents plan for diversification into chemicals to Unilever Special Committee - plan approved; Clinic shampoo launched.

1973 Mr. T. Thomas takes over as Chairman from Mr. V. G. Rajadhyaksha. 1974

Pilot plant for industrial chemicals at Taloja; informal price control on soaps withdrawn; Liril marketed.

Ten-year modernisation plan for soaps and detergent plants; Jammu project work 1975 begins; statutory price control on Vanaspati and baby foods withdrawn; Close-up toothpaste launched. 1976

Construction work of Haldia chemicals complex begins; Taloja chemicals unit begins functioning.


Jammu synthetic Detergents plant inaugurated; Indian shareholding increases to 18.57%.

1978 Indian shareholding increases to 34%; Fair & Lovely skin cream launched. 1979 Sodium Tripolyphospate plant at Haldia commissioned. 1980

Dr. A. S. Ganguly takes over as Chairman from Mr. T. Thomas; Unilever shareholding in the company comes down to 51%.

1982 Government allows 51% Unilever shareholding. 1984 Foods, Animal Feeds businesses transferred to Lipton. 1986

Agri-products unit at Hyderabad starts functioning - first range of hybrid seeds comes out; Khamgaon Soaps unit and Yavatmal Personal Products unit start production.

1988 Launch of Lipton Taaza tea. 1990 Mr. S. M. Datta takes over as Chairman from Dr. A. S. Ganguly. 1991 Surf Ultra detergent launched. 1992 HUL recognised by Government of India as Star Trading House in Exports. HUL's largest competitor, Tata Oil Mills Company (TOMCO), merges with the company with effect from April 1, 1993, the biggest such in Indian industry till that time. Merger 1993 ultimately accomplished in December 1994; Launch of Vim bar; Kissan acquired from the UB Group. HUL forms Unilever Nepal Limited, HUL and US-based Kimberley-Clark Corporation form 50:50 joint venture - Kimberley-Clark Lever Ltd. - to market Huggies diapers and 1994 Kotex feminine care products. Factory set up at Pune in 1995; HUL acquires Kwality and Milkfood 100% brandnames and distribution assets. HUL introduces Wall's.

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. HUL and Indian cosmetics major, Lakme Ltd., form 50:50 joint venture – Lakme Lever 1995 Ltd.; HUL enters branded staples business with salt; HUL recognised as Super Star Trading House. Mr. K. B. Dadiseth takes over as Chairman from Mr. S. M. Datta; Merger of Group 1996 company, Brooke Bond Lipton India Limited, with HUL, with effect from January 1; HUL introduces branded atta; Surf Excel launched. 1997

Unilever sets up International Research Laboratory in Bangalore; new Regional Innovation Centres also come up.


Group company, Pond's India Ltd., merges with HUL with effect from January 1, 1998. HUL acquires Lakme brand, factories and Lakme Ltd.'s 50% equity in Lakme Lever Ltd.

Mr. M. S. Banga takes over as Chairman from Mr. K. B. Dadiseth, who joins the 2000 Unilever Board; HUL acquires 74% stake in Modern Food Industries Ltd., the first public sector company to be disinvested by the Government of India. HUL enters Ayurvedic health & beauty centre category with the Ayush range and Ayush 2002 Therapy Centres. 2003 Launch of Hindustan Lever Network; acquisition of the Amalgam Group 2005 Launch of "Pureit" water purifiers


Hindustan Unilever's distribution network is recognised as one of its key strengths. Its focus is not only to enable easy access to their brands, but also to touch consumers with a three-way convergence of •

product availability,

brand communication,

and higher levels of brand experience.

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. HUL's products, manufactured across the country, are distributed through a network of about 7,000 redistribution stockists covering about one million retail outlets. The distribution network directly covers the entire urban population.

The general trade comprises grocery stores, chemists, wholesale, kiosks and general stores. Hindustan Unilever services each with a tailor-made mix of services. The emphasis is equally on using stores for direct contact with consumers, as much as is possible through in-store facilitators.

The distribution network in general trade is as follows:-


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The products that are manufactured are first brought to the JIT (Just In Time) Depot from the factory. Then these products are delivered to the Redistribution Stockiest according to the order placed by them, this is done through Permanent Despatch Plan.Then this stock is send to either retailers or wholesalers, according to the channel followed by them. From there it reaches to the consumers.

At the supermarkets

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. Self-service stores and supermarkets are fast emerging in metros and large towns. To service modern retailing outlets in the metros, HUL has set up a fullscale sales organisation, exclusively for this channel. The business system delivers excellent customer service, while driving growth for the company and the store. At the same time, innovative marketing initiatives are taken to provide consumers with experience of our brands at the store itself, through product tests and in-store sampling. This is termed as Modern Trade. It has got different distribution network and work differently. It is fast gaining pace as more and more people are turning to malls for shopping. Today shoppers don’t just want to buy their daily groceries but they also want a shopping experience. They want to spend time in air conditioned store, no more they are ready to sweat for spending money. These big box retailers provide them a platform where they can roam around, pick, compare and choose their products. These stores provide them a whole new experience of shopping without shedding any drop of sweat.

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Hindustan Unilever is biggest company in the FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) sector. Its products are divided into various categories. These are given as follows: •

Home and Personal Care: under this it is further divided into two parts: 1. Dets: all the detergents and dishwashers are covered in this. For example, Vim, Rin, Surf Exel. 2. Personal Products: this comprises of all the products related to personal care. these are as follows: –

Oral: toothpaste and toothbrush ( Pepsodent, Close Up)

Skin: soaps, talcum powder, fairness cream, body lotion, winter cream ( Pears, Vaseline, Fair & Lovely, Ponds’)

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Hair: Shampoos ( Sunsilk, Clinic All Clear)

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SKIN CATEGORY PEARS Introduced in India in 1902, Pears soap has no equal. It is gentle enough, even for baby's skin. Pears is manufactured like any other soap, but unlike in conventional soaps, the glycerine is retained within the soap. That is the cause if its unique transparency. After manufacturing, the soap is mellowed under controlled conditions over weeks. At the end of this maturing process, it is individually polished and packed in cartons. Today Pears is available in three variants - the traditional amber variant, a green variant for oil control and a blue variant for germ protection.


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125 GM 75 GM 45 GM 75 GM 75 GM

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FAIR & LOVELY A woman's passion for beauty is universal and catering to this strong need is Fair & Lovely. Based on a revolutionary breakthrough in skin lightening technology, Fair & Lovely was launched in 1978. The Hindustan Lever Research Centre (it is among the largest research establishments in India's private sector, including pharmaceutical companies, with facilities in Mumbai and Bangalore) deployed technology, based on pioneering research in the science of skin lightening to develop Fair & Lovely. The formulation is patented. Its formulation acts safely and gently with the natural renewal process of the skin, making complexion fairer over a period of six weeks. Fair & Lovely is formulated with optimum levels of UV sunscreens and Niacinamide that is known to control dispersion of melanin in the skin. It is a patented and proprietary formulation, which has been in the market for 25 years. Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) is a water-soluble vitamin and is widely distributed in cereals, fruits and vegetables - and its use in cosmetic formulations has been known for various end benefits. The UV components of the formulation are scientifically chosen and used at optimum levels to provide wide spectrum protection against UV rays of the sun. Specifically, this patented formulation offers a high UVA protection, which is more relevant to Asian skin than plain SPF protection creams sold in the West. All the active ingredients in the Fair & Lovely Mgmt. , indore

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. formulation function synergistically to lighten skin colour through a process that is natural, reversible and totally safe.


80 GM


50 GM




9 GM


50 GM


25 GM


9 GM


50 GM


25 GM


50 GM


25 GM


50 GM


25 GM


9 GM


Pond's has been synonymous with skin care in India since 1947.

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. The impressive track record of Pond's began when Theron T Pond, a pharmacist from Utica New York, introduced 'Pond's Golden Treasure' in 1846, a witch-hazel based wonder product. In 1914, Pond's Cold Cream and Vanishing Cream marked the brand's evolution to a beauty icon. In 1955 Pond's Extract Company merged with Chesebrough Manufacturing and in 1987 Unilever purchased Chesebrough-Pond's. By this time the Pond's brand had built up a powerful international presence. From one man in a tiny home-made laboratory, to today's state of the art R&D facilities led from Bangkok, Mumbai, New York and Tokyo, the Pond's promise has remained the same across 58 countries - to deliver products that make a real difference to women's skin and the way they live their lives.

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400 GM 200 GM 100 GM 50 GM 20 GM 400 GM 100 GM 50 GM 20 GM 300 GM 100 GM 50 GM 20 GM 400 GM 100 GM


Vaseline is a trusted brand worldwide associated with daily skin care and healthy skin for the entire family. Vaseline has been keeping skin healthy since 1870. The Vaseline Philosophy:

The need for Vaseline is based on real skin facts. We believe our skin is amazing. It protects us, heals itself, connects us to the world, transmits emotions. And this amazing skin needs to be looked after. Nobody knows skin, and how to keep it at its healthy best. This why HUL make products that maintain our skin condition at its best and enhances its natural health.

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. Vaseline Petroleum Jelly I.P.

Vaseline Petroleum Jelly is a mixture of Mineral oils, Paraffin and microcrystalline waxes, is that when blended together, create something remarkable- it literally melts into your body, protecting the skin from within.

Vaseline petroleum Jelly serves two functions. First it helps keep the outside world out – it protects skin from effects of weather and exposure. Second it acts like a sealant to keep the inside world in, thereby acting as a barrier to the natural water loss from our skin. So Skin that is dry and chapped is protected from drying elements, enabling skin softening moisture to build up naturally from inside the skin itself.

Vaseline Total Moisture Body Lotion:

Beneath the surface, your skin is 90% water, enabling it to act as a moisture and nutrient reserve. So keeping your skin well hydrated is critical to your well-being.

Unfortunately however, our body tends to lose moisture throughout the day. Bathing, casual contact, washing, sitting in the AC for too long, seasonal changes, all robs the body of its moisture. Vaseline Total Moisture is a fastabsorbing lotion enriched with Soya and Oat protein that are known to nourish the skin from deep inside while Vitamin E feeds your skin with the nutrient that is essential to keep it glowing. Together they result in healthy looking skin. Mgmt. , indore

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Vaseline Aloe Cool and Fresh Body Lotion:

With the goodness of Cucumber and Aloe Vera, this light moisturising body lotion is especially made to meet your skin needs in summer. Cucumber is a surprising beauty secret for the skin with its hydrating, cooling and soothing properties. Aloe Vera on the other hand, is an unparalleled moisturiser and cell rejuvenator which is excellent for dry skin. Together, these two ingredients can keep your skin looking and feeling its healthiest best.


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300 ML 100 ML 25 ML 300 ML 100 ML 100 GM 50 GM 25 GM 8 GM 10 GM 100 GM 55 GM 30 GM 8 GM 300 ML 100 ML

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LAKME Half a century ago, as India took her steps into freedom, Lakme, India's first beauty brand was born. At a time when the beauty industry in India was at a nascent stage, Lakme tapped into what would grow to be amongst the leading, high consumer interest segments in the Indian Industry - that of skincare and cosmetic products. Armed with a potent combination of foresight, research and constant innovation, Lakme has grown to be the market leader in the cosmetics industry.

Lakme today has grown to have a wide variety of products and services that cover all facets of beauty care, and arm the consumer with products to pamper herself from head to toe. These include products for the lips, nails, eyes, face and skin, and services like the Lakme Beauty Salons. LAKME SUMMER COLLECTION

Lakme Sun Expert Ultra matte super light sunscreen insta oil absorb complex

Lakme Sun Expert Ultra matte - SPF 20* Lakme presents a revolutionary light sunscreen, with insta oil absorb complex. This broad spectrum fluid instantly absorbs excess oil from the surface of the skin, leaving your face matte and shine-free.

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. Finally sunscreen comfortable enough to become a daily habit. Enabling you to do what is right for your skin- no matter what the weather.Its UVA and UVB absorbers give you perfect protection for medium levels of sun exposure, defending your skin from harmful sun damage. How to Use: Apply on face, neck and other exposed areas SPF 20*(Medium Protection) & SPF 30*(High Protection)

atleast 20minutes before stepping out in the skin. Wait for a minute before applying makeup reapply every 3 to 4 hours. Click Here for More Details

Lakme Sun Expert sun protection creme moisture intense sunscreen

Lakme Sun Expert Moisture Intense Sunscreen SPF 30* with UVA and UVB Protection controls sun related damage like skin darkening, sun spots, premature ageing With extracts of Aloe Vera and Sweet Orange, this intense creme has a deep moisturising action. Best suited for Dry and Dehydrated skin. This formulation is water and sweat resistant. To Use: Apply daily to face and other exposed areas. Reapply every 3 to 4 hours.

SPF 30*(High Protection)

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Results: Moisturised skin that is protected from the harmful effects of the Sun. Mathura Devi Inst. Of Tech. And Page 26

A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. Key Ingredients: Aqua, Octyl Methoxycinnamate, Cyclomethicone, Benzophenone-3, Titanium Dioxide, Perfume.

Lakme Sun Expert Sunscreen Lotion

Lakme Sun Expert Sunscreen Lotion SPF-15 For All Skin types A 100% oil-free formulation that protects normal skin from 70% of skin damage. Specially formulated for Indian skin that tans easily, new Lakme Sun Expert has SPF 15 to prevent tanning and block out harmful rays. How it Works Moisturises, nourishes and prevents tanning, wrinkling, spots and keeps skin soft.

SPF - 15 For All Skin types

Lakme Sun Expert SunBlock

How to Use Massage gently onto face, neck, hands and other exposed parts of the body. Use daily, all year round, whether you are indoors or outdoors. .

Lakme Sun Expert Sun Block For Sensitive Skin An oil-free, water and sweat resistant formulation with enhanced protection from UVA and UVB radiation. Specially formulated for Indian skin that tans easily, new Lakme Sun Expert has SPF 25 to prevent tanning and block out harmful rays. How it Works Nourishes your skin and ensures long-lasting UV protection for sensitive skin.

For Sensitive Skin

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How to Use Massage gently onto face, neck, hands and other exposed parts of the body. Use daily, all year round, whether you are indoors or outdoors. Mathura Devi Inst. Of Tech. And Page 27

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Lakme Sun Expert Sunscreen Soufflé For Oily Skin Lakme Sun Expert Sunscreen Soufflé

A unique, water-based, lightweight sunscreen that's non-greasy and prevents 70% of skin damage. Specially formulated for Indian skin that tans easily, new Lakme Sun Expert has SPF 20 to prevent tanning and block out harmful rays. How it Works Prevents tanning and protects oily skin from sun damage. How to Use Massage gently onto face, neck, hands and other exposed parts of the body. Use daily, all year round, whether you are indoors or outdoors.

Lakme Skin Brightening Gel

Lakme Skin Brightening Gel For After Sun Use Rehydrate and revive your skin with new 100% oil-free Lakme Skin Brightening Gel.

For After Sun Use

How it Works This light weight cooling formulation rehydrates and cools your skin. Specially formulated for Indian skin, it works naturally to lighten your tan restore your skin's original colour. Now go on, turn your skin into something divine. How to Use. Apply generously following exposure to the sun.

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. An immediate cooling and soothing sensation.


Part of the Unilever portfolio since 1986, Pond's recently announced the launch of 'Pond's White Beauty Detox' range that gives a visibly illuminated and nourished pink glow. Talking of luminous, Pond's White Beauty is not just about skin whitening for the consumer, but about a radiant healthy skin that gives a nourished pink glow. Pond's White Beauty has detoxifying vitamins B3, B6, E, and C, which neutralizes the effect of darkness-causing impurities found in the environment and reduces accumulated melanin, thus giving a smooth, pure and bright skin.

Pond's White Beauty represents the international expertise of Pond's in providing superlative skincare regimes. Increasingly, Indian women are looking for the complete skincare regime of cleansing, toning and moisturizing and this product range provides all beauty regime requirements.

The range consists of White Beauty Detox Cleanser which cleans thoroughly, White Beauty Detox Toner, which tightens the open pores and smoothens out the rough appearance of the skin; White Beauty Skin Lightening Cream with Detox vitamins that nourish skin from within, and White Beauty Detox Lotion, which

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. replenishes skin's natural moisture level and gives visibly glowing and smooth pinkish skin.


As a brand that understands women, around the world, Pond's recognizes that true beauty is derived from love and warmth as well as the credibility of an

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. international skincare heavyweight. Pond's is offering a variety of ranges for women. Pond’s Age Miracle is another example of that. “Candlelight dinners, long drives and the sound of saxophones will be part of your lives, once again. The smell of love in the air, the feeling of your heart skipping a beat, once again.” When Hindustan Lever threw a party to formally launch its premium Pond's Age Miracle range it used these words in invitation. . The FMCG major promised to bring romance back into the 35-plus woman's life with a new look courtesy Pond's Age Miracle.


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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. PRODUCT PROFILE

FIAMA DI WILLS (ITC) The Fiama Di Wills range of soaps has been launched under the sub - brand SkinSense. first variant to be introduced in this range is Green. This is a gentle caring soap, which helps enhance retention of skin proteins making skin look beautiful and youthful.

The Soft

In February 2008, ITC launched two new ranges of soap - Vivel Di Wills and Vivel -to cater to the skincare needs of a wide range of consumers. Backed by consumer insights, the ranges offer a unique value proposition of bringing together ingredients that provide multiple benefits of Nourishment, Protection and Hydration in a single product. Hence providing the ever discerning consumer complete care. The packaging, reflecting the philosophy of the brand, fuses multiple benefits. The unique carton pack has been developed by ITC’s design team to provide a novel consumer experience. The Vivel Di Wills range is available in two variants: • Vivel Di Wills Sheer Radiance is enriched with Olive Oil, to provide skin lustre to make it radiant. • Vivel Di Wills Sheer Crème is enriched with Shea Butter, to moisturize skin to make it soft and supple.

The Vivel range is available in four variants • Vivel Young Glow is enriched with Vitamin E and Fruit Infusions which help in providing youthful glow to the skin. • Vivel Satin Soft is enriched with Vitamin E and Aloe Vera which help the skin feel beautifully soft. • Vivel Sandal Sparkle is enriched with Sandalwood Oil and Active Clay which helps in providing clear skin. • Vivel Ayurveda Essence is enriched with multiple Ayurvedic Ingredients which help protect skin from germs and harsh environment, keeping it healthy and beautiful.

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. Although the market trend shows that these ITC brands are no competition to Pears right now. But if ITC improves its distribution network then these brands can be a threat to HUL. Fairness creams FAIR ONE 'Fairone Fairness Cream' was launched jointly by Elder Pharmaceuticals and Shahnaz Husain. Elder Pharmaceuticals Ltd and Shahnaz Husain, herbal beauty specialist, had entered into an agreement to launch four skin care products during 2006-2007. Elder undertakes the manufacturing and marketing of the products, while the conception and composition is done by Husain. Elder Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is one of the leading companies in India in the skin care sector. The company is a major manufacturer of aloe vera-based skin care products.

Indications FAIR ONE cream has a unique blend of herbal ingredients like saffron, honey, apricot oil, rose, cucumber and lemon distillate. The formulation protects the skin from the darkening effects of the sun. Honey, a natural moisturizer, nourishes the skin, keeping it smooth and supple. FAIR ONE cream helps to make your skin look fairer and brighter. Method of Apply to face, neck and arms twice Use daily. See results in One fortnight.

FAIR AND HANDSOME A fair complexion has always been associated with success and popularity. Men and women alike desire fairness, it is believed to be the key to a successful life. Well for women the market is loaded with fairness cream but for men there are very few creams. Emami Fair and Handsome is one such cream for men. Mgmt. , indore

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. Emami herbalists and dermatologists from India along with Activor Corp USA, has created “Fair & Handsome” a fairness cream for Men with a breakthrough Five Power Fairness System to make skin fair and handsome in 4 weeks.

Emami - Fairness Cream for Men First time ever fairness cream for men Fair and Handsome

Emami in collaboration with Activor Corp, USA has created a unique fairness cream for men with a breakthrough Peptide complex patented in the USA. This wonder molecule peptide works on the collagen structure of male skin and dramatically improves skin texture and fairness in just 4 weeks. Its pleasant cooling gives an aftershave effect. How does it work?

Key ingredients ============= Peptide, Liquorice, Vetiver & Aloe vera.

Active ingredients regulate production of melanin. Natural sunscreen protects against UV rays.

Peptide in combination with Vetiver and Rose Water makes skin fair and fresh with a pleasant cooling sensation.

What it does: •

Improves fairness in 4 weeks.

Protects against sun's UV rays.

Moisturises skin even after shaving.

Relieves stress and fatigue signs.

The efficiency of this cream has been dermatologically tested on Indian male skin 73% were found to be fairer 78% found it to be an effective after shavemoisturiser 75% found effective oil-control.


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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. Garnier is a division of L'Oréal that produces hair care products, including the Fructis line, and most recently, skin care products under the name, Nutritioniste, that are sold around the world. One of their key ingredients is a fruit concentrate used in all their products. It is a combination of fruit acids, vitamin B3 and B6, fructose and glucose. Fairness + dark spots prevention daily moisturiser

Lightens skin Prevents dark spots from reappearing.

Anti-marks + fairness concentrate Enhances the skin's overall fairness Reduces the number & intensity of dark spots.

FAIREVER Natural Fairever was initially launched in A.P. in 1998, following that a national launch was made in 1999. Fairever is the brand of CavinKare Pvt Ltd(CKPL). This cream has a blend of saffron and milk. It claims to work from within to provide a distinctly fairer, glowing complexion much like that of Kashmiri beauties in just 4 weeks Triple sunscreens also retain your fairness and reduce the harmful effects of UV rays. It comes in a pack of 50g and 100g. The 50g pack costs Rs.55. The Fairever claims to have consumers as a woman who is the young and contemporary woman of today. She has strong values and believes in using a natural product that will help bring out her natural beauty from within.

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. Fairever Fairness Cream Use twice every day. Fairever Fairness Cream with Saffron, Milk and Fruit Vitalisers

TALCUM POWDER CINTHOL Cinthol talc is a product of GODREJ Consumer Products Ltd (GCPL). GCPL identifies Cinthol as its power brand. GCPL has launched new Cinthol range of soap, talc and deodorant with Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan as its new brand ambassador. Cinthol offers a range of soaps, talc and deo sprays in three exciting fragrance - Classic, Cologne and Sport - in a new packaging. Cinthol has come out with a combi pack for this summer. It is in pack of 300g + 100g for M.R.P Rs.80.

SPINZ Spinz talc is CavinKare Pvt Ltd(CKPL) brand. Spinz Talc is packed in sizes of 20 g, 50 g, 100 g and 400 g and comes in three fragrances: • Exotic • Exchante • Sandal Mgmt. , indore

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. The Spinz talc’s target are girls of around 18 to 26 years old from SEC A and B. Easy-going and fun-loving, who loves to have a lot of friends with whom she spends time.

SUN CARE LOTUS Lotus sun care range is by Lotus Herbals. Lotus suncare has a wide range of variants available for all skin types. Their SPF(Sun Protection Formula) ranges from 15 to 60. This caters to the needs of all kind of people who need different type of SPF according to their exposure to the sun. Lotus is more priced than Lakme but gives a good margin to the retailers. This brand specializes in sunscreen manufacturing and it is very old in this field, due to this it has gained trust of people. It offers a wide range of facewash, creams and facepacks which provides protection against sun. The most sellind variant of Lotus are as follows:-

Block Cream (SPF30) This unique sun block cream has been specially made for (Suits all skin types) Indian Summer. It provides complete protection against harmful UVA & UVB rays of sun, reducing chances of skin tanning and ageing. Directions for use: Apply liberally and evenly on face, neck and any other exposed part of the body, atleast 30 minutes before stepping out in the sun. The cream will not get wiped off with perspiration / water. Avoid contact with eyes. Active Ingredients: Octyle Methoxy Cinnamate Z-Cote, Titanium Dioxide and Benzophenone-3.

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Safe Sun - Daily Sun Block (SPF 40) (Suits all skin types)

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3-in-1 Matte Look Daily Sun Block Birch Extract SPF 40 Sun Protection Skin Lightening Mattifying Incredibly Light, Fast Absorbing, Non-Shiny, Non-Greasy For all skin types. Daily sun block - water proof, Sweat proof Safe Sun 3-in 1 Daily Sunblock is a revolutionary sun protection formulation which combines Broad-Spectrum UVA / UVB protection with skin lightening ingredients to give a uniform matte finish to the skin. Its fast absorption and non-greasy formula ensures a shine-free, light & clean feel. Contains herbals extracts of Birch: Mattifying Mallow: Sun Protection Hops: Skin Lightening Directions for use: ============== Apply safe Sun 3-in 1 Daily Sun Block Cream liberally and evenly on face and exposed parts Mathura Devi Inst. Of Tech. And Page 38

A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. of the body (neck, arms, legs, etc.,) before exposure to Sun. Re-apply frequently. Caution ====== For external use only. In a rare case, if rash or irritation occurs, discontinue use.

PREMIUM CREAMS OLAY Olay is a Procter & Gamble brand. It was acquired by Procter & Gamble in 1985. P&G greatly expanded Olay both in line up and in countries. Olay became one of P&G’s Billion dollar brands in 2003. In August 2007, Olay was launched in India. Olay has extended its heritage as a moisturizer to stay looking young, to formally creating the “anti-aging” category in mass stores with the launch of Total Effects in India.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY RESEARCH DESIGN In my project I have used various tools of Exploratory Research. This research will be done to gain background information of the problem. An initial research will be conducted to clarify and define the nature of the problem. The various tools used are experience surveys, in depth interviews, secondary data analysis. Descriptive research was done where questionnaires were given to the retailers and the wholesalers to find out the competition in HUL skin category.


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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. The questionnaire consists of predominantly closed ended and option based question in order to provide some ease to the respondents. In order to make the questionnaire more effective following points are covered: • Uniformity in questions and ease of tabulation and analysis. • Reduce subjectivity • Easier to receive response • Less time consuming. The questions tried to cover all aspects required to analyze the skin category of HUL and other competitive brands. The various variables are analyzed in the questions.

SAMPLING METHODOLOGY SAMPLE PLAN The project was conducted for the geographical region of Delhi. The sample size comprised of 10 Super Value Store (SVS), 5 exclusive wholesale, 10 Smart PP. The sample consists of both the retailers and wholesalers of the general trade.

DATA COLLECTION The data collection exercise was carried over a period of 15 days, in the various markets of the region. Over the period of 15 days the data was collected and then all the data was very carefully studied and the results were found out.


FAIR & LOVELY Fair & lovely is the most successful fairness cream in the country. Based on a revolutionary breakthrough in skin lightening technology, Fair & Lovely is in market since 1978. The brand is very famous amongst the consumers because of the trust that they have developed with the company. People are satisfied with Mgmt. , indore

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. the quality and price. It is the mass product. The most selling variant of the FAL is multi-vitamin. The competitors of FAL and the margins provided by them are as follows:COMPETITORS Fair One Fair & Handsome Garnier

MARGINS 20% 20% 15%

Although the sale of these brands are far behind FAL but these creams are a direct competition.

VASELINE Vaseline Aloe fresh is the variant for the summers and it is doing very well. It does not have any direct competition because there is no other cream in the market for the summers. The other variants are Vaseline Body lotion and Vaseline Petroleum jelly these are the winter creams and there sale in summers is slightly low. The competitors of Vaseline and their margins are as follows:COMPETITORS Emami (boroplus lotion) Nivea Ayur Garnier

MARGINS 20% 20% 18% 15%

The projection of market share of the skin creams in Delhi is as follows:MARKET SHARE OF HUL AND OTHER COMPANIES IN THE SKIN CREAMS SEGMENT:-

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HUL 42%





The finding of the research shows that the estimated market share of HUL is 42%. The share of HUL skin category creams in this 42% share is as follows:-

PBL 3% VPJ 2%

VBL 10%

PCC 8%


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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. Here we can see that the major portion is covered by Fair & Lovely. It covers 77%. Vaseline body lotion has a share of 10%. Pond’s cold cream is 8% Pond’s body lotion is 3%.

TALCUM POWDER POND’S Pond’s came into being in 1947. Pond’s talc is feminine talc. It is perfume talc and caters to the needs of the women. It has got a very strong hold in the market. The consumers prefer to buy at least two type of talc for their family, pond’s talc form the part of the every basket. Its competitors and their margins are as follows:COMPETITORS Spinz Wipro (santoor & enchanteur) Nivea Cinthol

MARGINS 25% 20% 14%

There are other competitors as well like Premiun and Emami which comes in the combi pack of 400g + 400g. Cinthol comes in the combi pack of 300g +100g. These kinds of schemes affect the purchase pattern of people who are not brand loyal and are looking for some free gifts or scheme. A person from lower middle section of the society prefers to buy these talcs because of the value of money that they offer. Johnson & Johnson baby talc is not the direct competitor of Pond’s but it is also a competition because women buy this talc because of the softness and fresh fragrance that it provides. The market share of these talc are as follows:-

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EMAMI 2% J&J 20%

HUL 45%




The share of the variants of Pond’s in this 45% is as follows:-

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POC 11%

PST 3% DFT 40%


DFM 46%

The largest selling variant of Pond’s is Dream Flower Magic which is 46%, next comes Dream Flower Talc which is 40%. Pond’s Oil Control and Sandal Talc are 11% and 3% respectively.

PEARS ITC has launched Fiama Di Wills in competition of Pears. Pears comes in 3 variants Pears Amber, Oil Control, Germ Shield. The largest selling variant is Amber. The consumer pattern shows that those who are loyal to this brand do not switch it easily. The brand loyalty of this product is more than any other. The other soaps which are is competition of Pears are Dettol with moisturizers, Johnson & Johnson, Fiama Di Wills. Fiama Di Wills is a new product and is being liked by people. It is lagging behind in its distribution network as there is always stock out of this product. In the long run it can provide good competition to HUL.

The present market share of pears and it competitors are as follows:-

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The major competitor of Lakme Suncare range is Lotus herbals. Lotus comes in lots of variants which cater to the needs of all types of Indian skin and texture. The SPF (Sun Protection Formula) in Lakme is 15,20 and 30. but in Lotus it ranges from 15 to 60. Although if we compare the price, Lotus is more expensive than Lakme, but still people who are satisfied with this brand do not care about its high price. The market share of Lakme and Lotus is very close but still Lotus is ahead of Lakme. The competitors and their margins are as follows:COMPETITORS Lotus Garnier Shahnaz Husain

MARGIN 35% 15% 25%

The market share of Lakme and its competitors is as follows:-

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POND’S WHITE BEAUTY AND POND’S AGE MIRACLE Pond’s white beauty and Pond’s age miracle are in their initial stage of launch. These are premium brands, that is , they are high priced and their target customers are upper middle class and upper class. These 2 products face competition from premium creams like Olay, Loreal, and VLCC. The market of these creams is small but slowly these creams are doing well are doing well. People are liking the quality of Pond’s and also the price that it is offering. The competition in this segment although is tough. This is because the consumer of these premium creams is very loyal to their brand and they do switch creams easily. They are not attracted by the schemes. Quality and brand name alone can attract their attention. A customer who is using Loreal will not easily switch Pond’s.

The estimated market share of Pond’s and its competitors is as follows:-

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Garneir 8%

Others 12%

Pond's 31%

Pond's Olay Loreal

Loreal 17%

Garneir Others Olay 32%


The company can launch a new variant of Pond’s, which could be Pond’s Fairness Body Lotion. This will cater to the fairness need of whole body and not just hands and face. The target customer of this variant can be the youth who are more boldly dressed and want the whole texture of the skin to be same. Most of the time the face looks fairer than the hands and the

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To launch a display scheme for Pears which can counter the competition from Fiama Di Wills that it may face in the future. HUL can buy windows from the retailers for the display of Pears soap and face wash.

The youth of today is not much into the consumption of fairness cream because they think it to be harmful for the skin and they are very conscious about the health of their skin. To cater to this segment of population which is very huge, Fair & Lovely can initiate activities which makes the youth aware about the qualities of the brand and to make them understand that the cream is not harmful for their skin.

The company can emphasize on the other qualities of Pond’s talc and not just as perfume talc. It can highlight its medicinal value which is of very necessary for the summers.

The can launch a new variant of Pond’s talc with new fresh fragrance. This will be for the people who like the brand due to the good quality that it provides but are bored of the fragrance that has been provided for so long. This will counter the competition and satisfy the target customers.

Lakme can come up with sunscreen which has more SPF so that it can counter the competition that it faces from its biggest competitor Lotus. As of now Lakme come in SPF 15 to SPF 30. It can also come up with sunscreen with higher SPF. Lotus ranges from SPF 15 to SPF 60. This way Lakme can cater to the needs of people who are more exposed in the sun and need more protection against it.

Pond’s White Beauty and Pond’s Age Miracle are in their initial stage so these brands need to communicate more to their customers. The company can promote activities in the mall where they are sold the most as these are premium brands and their target customer comes in the malls only. This will help in brand communication of these brands.

The company should emphasize more on mass retail than the wholesale as the whole sale is very price sensitive. The ideal ratio of wholesale is to retail is 30:70. The universal ratio is 40:70 and the HUL ratio is 50:50.

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Which kind of Outlet do you follow? o

Exclusive wholesale


Semi wholesale


Family grocer


Mass retail




Super Value Store

2. Which of the following HUL Skin product you keep in your store? o

Fair & Lovely


Ponds Dream Flower




Pears Soap


Lakme Sunscreen


Ponds White Beauty


Ponds Age Miracle

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A project report on hindustan unilever ltd. 3.

What is the value of the monthly sales of the following products?

PRODUCT Fair & Lovely Ponds Talcum Vaseline Pears Soap Lakme Sunscreen Ponds White Beauty Ponds Age Miracle 4.

Which products are in competition with the following range of products and their competitive share?

Fair & Lovely



Ponds Dream Flower


Pears Soap

Lakme Sunscreen

Ponds White Beauty

Ponds Age Miracle

What are the margins and inventory of competitors of HUL products? o




















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How much Inventory do you stock for the following HUL products?

PRODUCTS Fair & Lovely Ponds Dream Flower Vaseline Pears Soap Lakme Sunscreen Ponds White Beauty Ponds Age Miracle


Thank You for your prestigious time.

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