Project 3 Document Willard

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EDN301 Part 3 Lesson Design Creative Writing-Second Grade Author: Cynthia Willard 06/12/2009 03:43:00 PM EDT


Language Arts (English)

Topic or Unit of Study:

Creative Writing




Given writing paper, pencils, erasers, and various story writing aides, the student will create a story in writing. The story must include a topic, introduction, body and conclusion utilizing good sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization and spelling.


Performance: The student will employ problem solving skills to create and write a story on a given topic on writing paper provided to him/her. Internal conditions: The student should: 1) Understand how sentences are written with capitals and punctuation 2) Understand how to use descriptive words in their sentences 3) Understand how paragraphs are formed and why 4) Understand what a topic sentence is 5) Understand that there are three main parts to a story; introduction, body and ending. External Conditions: 1) The students will be presented with the task of analyzing and identifying components of sample stories. They will do this so that they can complete the objective of creating and writing their own unique story. 2) The students will be provided with a review activity to help them recall the correct conventions of written language. After the review we will discuss the basic components of a good story. The students will then use what they've learned and apply it to the creation of their own story. During the process they will be utilizing some story writing aides to help them organize their story ideas. I will walk from student to student to observe their progress in completing these. I will ask questions regarding why they chose what they wrote first, next after that and last. This will give me an idea of how they are using their problem solving skills to accomplish the objective. My questions about, and observations of their story aides will help me determine which students are having difficulties with the project and assist them in meeting the objectives on their own. 3) Observing the students at work writing their stories utilizing the story aides, will allow me to see how they are progressing and provide feedback. They also will be given a writing checklist that

they can look at to assess their own story. I can provide individual guidance for those having problems with the assignment. Students that are doing well will also get feedback so that they know they're proceeding correctly. 4) Each student will share their first story draft with a peer. They will be able to discuss how they made their topic choice and why they were interested in it. 5) The student will be provided opportunities to write other stories from topics brainstormed in class or on the interactive story database. 6) The students will work in groups to create a story using shared writing techniques. Activities and Setting:

Gain Attention: a) The desks are divided into four groups. There will be copies of old magazines on each table, enough so that every child gets one. b) Have the child look through the magazine for interesting pictures. Direct them to cut out pictures that catch their eye, or make them want to learn more about the story behind them. c) Have the student glue the picture they have chosen to an index card that is provided to them.The back of the index card will have some question prompts such as "What is happening in the picture?,Where is this picture taking place?" (Attachment 1) d) Model the procedure first by selecting one index card and picture and begin writing the story on the overhead projector, refering to the question prompts on the back of the card and using descriptive words. e) After you have modeled the procedure have the students begin writing their own stories utilizing the index card prompts and their pictures.(At this point ideas are more important than spelling and grammar) f) When students have finished have them read their stories to their groups. Recall Prerequisites: The students will remain in groups. The students need to recall the parts of a story including introduction, body and conclusion. a) You will provide them a "story organizer". (Attachment 2) Review the organizer which includes memory joggers on what to include in the various sections of a good story. b) Have an ideas box on the whiteboard to provide some sample story ideas(Attachment 3) c) Each student is asked to select a topic for the story .They are given a clean piece of writing paper and a pencil. Don't have them put their names on the paper. d) Give the direction to write the introduction to the story or the story beginning. The characters' names should not be those of

students in the class, and gorey plots are not allowed. Give 5 minutes and have them write as much of the story as they can. e) At the end of the five minutes have the students pass their paper to another student in a given order(At least two students away from them) f) Have the students read the story that has been started and continue it for the next 5 minutes. Remind them that they are developing the body of the story. g) At the end of another 5 minutes, again have the students pass the papers in the same pattern as before. h) The students now read their new story, keeping in mind that they will be writing the conclusion. Again allow 5 minutes for writing.(Learning condition met:2,5,6) i) Pass the story for the fourth time and have the student read it aloud to the class. Attachments External Conditions Met: 2,5,6 Materials and Time:

Materials and time: Index cards with preprinted questions magazines Scissors Glue Stick Pencils and Paper Copies of story organizer for each student Whiteboard and dry erase marker Overhead projector 5 minutes to find desk and set up for class 10 minutes to look through magazines;pick out picture and attach to index card 10 minutes for teacher to model procedure 25 minutes to compose story and read to their group 5 minutes to review story organizer 25 minutes to write a shared story and read aloud to their groups Attachments:

1. 2. 3. Activities and Setting:

Idea Board.docx Index Card Questions.docx Story Organizer.docx

Day 2 I will read a short story to the students gotten from that will also be on the overhead projector.

(This will allow students that are not that fluent in reading English to keep up). I will ask the students to analyze the story and tell me what part of the story is the introduction and why; what is included in the body of this story;and what is the conclusion of the story and why.(learning condition met: 1) I will tell them that we are doing this to prepare for our objective of creating a written story of their own. External Condition Met: 1 Materials and Time:

Materials: Overhead projector Transparency of story Marker Time: 10 minutes

Activities and Setting:

1) During computer time students will be given the opportunity to visit an interactive web site that helps them write an interactive creative story. This will allow the visual and action oriented learner to utilize their skills. 2) We will have a brief review of the story structure and I will provide students with copies of blank story organizers (Attachment 2) and story character sheets(Attachment 4) that will help them direct their thinking when they are writing their stories. Providing Learning Guidance: The students will be given time to brainstorm ideas for their stories about an animal of their choice. They will then proceed to populate their story organizer and character sheets with the ideas for their story. This will give me time to walk from desk to desk to observe how they are doing, answer any questions and provide guidance to students having a difficult time.(Learning condition met: 2 and 3) External Learning Condition Met: 2 and 3

Materials and Time:

Materials and Time: Copies for every student: Story Organizers Story Character sheets Blank pieces of writing paper pencils computers web site 30 minutes computer lab time 20 minutes for completing story organizer and character sheet Attachments:

1. 2. 1. Activities and Setting:

Story Character.docx Story Organizer.docx

Day 3 Elicit Performance For additional practice,students will be provided a short story to read from I will have a copy of the student organizer outlined on the whiteboard. The students will work in groups to populate their assigned section of the organizer. They will come up to the board in their group and fill in the appropriate section of the organizer based on the content of the story I handed out. They will be able to explain to the class why that part of the story was included in that particular section of the organizer , and what made this particular story interesting or exciting.(Introduction, Body,Conclusion)(Learning Condition Met 1and 6) Provide Feedback: I will be able to observe each of the students as they work through the story stucture exercise and will be able to provide feedback. If there are mistakes they can be pointed out and have the class make suggestions on how to correct them. This is also a time to point out what is correct and reinforce their understanding of story structure.(Learning Condition Met:3) External Conditions Met: 1,2,3,6

Materials and Time:

Materials: White board Dry erase markers Copies of sample story for each student Copy of story organizer for each group Time: 10 minutes to get into groups and read story 15 minutes to complete story stucture handout 5 minutes for group to populate white board with appropriate info 5 to 10 minutes for review and feedback

Activities and Setting:

Day 4 The teacher will briefly discuss topics,introductions,body and conclusions of stories. a) The student will choose a topic for their story. In this case it is an animal. b) The students will have time to do some research on the animal

in computer lab using the software program Encarta Encyclopedia. Remind the students this is just background information, they will be writing a story with their animal as the main character, not a report on the animal. They can use the story idea handout to capture some ideas.(Attachment 5) c) The students will begin a rough draft of their story using the story organizer(attachment 2) and story character sheets(attachment 4) to guide them. They will write on every other line of the paper for ease in revising or editing. (Learning Conditions Met: 1,2,3) Day 5 I will go over a revision checklist that the student and their peers will utilize to edit their story when it is finished.(Attachment 6) a) The students review their story draft utilizing the revision checklist b) They then read their rough draft to another student who is finished. That student then gives suggestions using the revision checklist (Learning Condition Met: 4) c) Students make corrections as needed and hand their draft to the teacher. d) The teacher checks edited stories for errors and hands paper back to student with feedback. e) Students write the final draft in their best handwriting. They can draw an illustration for their story if they are finished and want extra credit. f) They will hand in the final draft to the teacher for review and assessment. External Conditions Met: 1,2,3,4 Materials and Time:

Materials: Computers Copies of story idea sheets Copies of story organizer Copies of story character Lined paper Copies of revision checklist pencils Crayons and poster paper for illustrations Time: 5 minutes to explain what is expected 20 minutes computer lab time 30 minutes to complete rough draft

10 minutes for student and peer editing 15 minutes to complete final draft Attachments:

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Activities and Setting:

Revision Checklist.docx Story Character.docx Story Ideas.docx Story Organizer.docx

Retention: Every month have the students write a story in computer lab using the database program Hyperstudio or any other interactive story programs. Have an author day when students read aloud the story they have written that is their favorite. Each student could sit in the special author chair that is used to share stories throughout the year.(Learning Condition Met:5) Transfer: You can encourage the children to submit their story to the magazine or other childrens magazines. Getting published helps a child feel that writing is something he or she can do successfully. External Conditions Met: 5

Materials and Time:

Materials: Computer paper and pencil Time: Variable


NC- North Carolina Standard Course of Study • Subject : Computer/Technology Skills (2006) • Grade : Grade 2 • Competency Goal : COMPETENCY GOAL 2: The learner will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use of computer and other technologies. Objective : 2.02 Use prepared electronic database (e.g., automated circulation, CD-ROM encyclopedias, NC Wise OWL) as a class/group activity to conduct keyword search/filters to meet information needs. 2 • Subject : English Language Arts • Grade : Second Grade Second grade students use the listening, speaking, and reading foundational skills they have developed to extend their understanding of written language and their skills in using written language. They need to read a wider variety of texts that require strategies and skills with more complex vocabulary and ideas. These students need to be able to write sentences to express multiple ideas about a topic. Second grade students will: •

Use acquired concepts and metacognitive skills to read and write more

independently. •

Comprehend and respond to texts using multiple skills and strategies.

Extend vocabulary skills to use oral and written communication effectively.

Use reading and listening, speaking and writing, and media and technology resources to accomplish a purpose

• Goal 4: The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts Standard 4.06 : Plan and make judgments about what to include in written products (e.g., narratives of personal experiences, creative stories, skits based on familiar stories and/or experiences) • Standard 4.07 : Compose first drafts using an appropriate writing process Benchmark or Practice : planning and drafting Benchmark or Practice : rereading for meaning Benchmark or Practice : revising to clarify and refine writing with guided discussion Standard 4.08 : Write structured, informative presentations and narratives when given help with organization Standard 4.09 : Use media and technology to enhance the presentation of information to an audience for a specific purpose


The student will be graded using the attached rubric. The grading criteria is as follows: 30-40 points= Excellent 20-30 points=Satisfactory 20 or below=Unsatisfactory


Creative writing





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