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1. Which program directly embodies both the pre – service and in service programs for Teachers? a. Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda ( BESRA ) b. Basic Education Curriculum ( BEC ) c. K – 12 d. Teacher Education Development program (TEDP)

2. What roles does the teacher assume as “ sage on the stage “? a. Facilitator of Learning b. Authority to impose rules c. Dispenser of knowledge d. Mentor to students

3. From the time he was a regular teacher until the time he became an education official secretary Ed Cruz continued to undertake for herself personal and professional development initiatives. What was secretary Cruz trying to show about professional development learning? a. Holism must cover mind body learning b. Knowledge skills and values comprise learning c. It is lifelong learning d. It is regular learning

4. Name the skills the teacher needs, to see problems as opportunities for change? I. Skills in problem solving II. Alertness to possibilities III. Bias for traditional practices IV. Capacity to forget problems a. II , III and IV b. I and II c. I and III d. I , III and IV

5. What kind of assessment is provided for the NCBTS the teacher’s preparation of Individual Plan for professional Development? a. Peer assessment

b. Capacity – building assessment c. Needs assessment d. Self assessment

6. From whose efforts can modeling of academic expectations in school be achieved? a. Citizens themselves b. Trifocal Education Officials c. All internal and external stakeholders d. Teachers all over the country

7. What characteristics are significant to the formulation of the teachers professional development plan? I. Participative planning II. Constructive planning III. Innovative planning IV. Routine planning a. I , III , and IV b. I , II and IV c. I, II and III d. II , III and IV

8. To what cause is generally blamed the failure of independent study among Filipino students? a. Late schooling b. Lack of reading materials c. Hyper – active children d. High dependence on authority

9. Who among the following teachers applies an existentialist approach to teaching? a. One giving stress to traditional disciplines b. One focusing on teaching basic skills c. One helping students accept themselves as unique individuals d. One engaging students on rigor of study

10. Which competencies are demonstrated and practiced during Practice Teaching Courses? I. Students grading competence

II. class presentation of content III. Application of appropriate instructional methods IV. Research subject formulation a. II and IV b. I, II III and IV c. I and III d. I and II 11. To what sector did the Philippines Constitution primarily assign the establishment an adequate and integrated system of education? a. Local Governments b. Legislature c. State d. Citizen 12. Every teacher should be a member of the multidisciplinary team in educational assessment. If he/she observes that a learner manifest behavior/s inappropriate of the chronological age, the teacher together with the parents must design an/a______. a. Placement Plan b. Therapy Plan c. Self monitoring plan d. Individual education plan

13. I wanted to improve and encourage the long – term learning of my students, particularly my low achieving students. My students were given a copy of the test a week prior to the actual class test. They had to research the answer. A week later, they completed the test. Which is true of what I did? a. It is not a sound pedagogical practice to do the test b. Students "prior to test" knowledge were used to improve performance c. Students performed better because of the practice d. Students research made things more difficult for the students

14. In the learning Style Theory, which facets create a difference in effectiveness within the same learning environment? a. Reading Readiness b. Methods and resources c. Curriculum and syllabus d. Biological and development factors

15. Of the following, which is the LEAST relevant as one of alternative actions to upgrade academic performance? a. Research and development center b. Education technology resource center c. Learning Management Resource Center ( LMRC ) d. Management Information System (MIS)

16. What minor intervention is being done in the U.S. to prevent campus shootings that endanger students and teachers in schools? a. Guns for hire only b. Total gun ban c. Gun control d. Licensing of guns

17. How is the vision – mission core values of schools test best communicated? a. Use of mass media b. Alignment of programs and projects c. Information dissemination d. Annual orientation program

18. Of the following, which is more doubtful statement rather than a statement of fact? a. “ Teacher sets moral standard of the community .” b. “ A teacher is a child model.” c. Child’s interest in studies depends upon his/her teacher.” d. "Female teachers generally became old maids."

19. Which is the highest in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? a. Health and safety b. Self- actualization c. Self esteem d. Socialization

20. Assessment of learning must be done_____. a. on the last day of the week b. before teaching

c. after teaching d. before – during – after teaching

21. The education district is planning an in – service development program. What characteristics should be considered for constructive planning of such a program? I. District head plans the program II. Teachers assist in the discussion and formulation of the program. III. Needs analysis ( concern , opportunities , challenges ) supports program formulation a. I and II b. I and III c. II and III d. I only

22. Teachers whore are handling inclusive class must be equipped with skills on_______. a. sign language b. differentiated instruction c. braille reading and writing d. orientation and mobility

23. What is the most essential characteristic of the total Quality School Model? a. Outcome – based management b. Involvement of stakeholders c. Students focus d. Continuous improvement

24. The modern professional teacher must be good at integrating digital tools in learning. Which of the following exemplify interactive communication that the best serves the digital generation of learners? I. E – mail correspondence II. Internet chat rooms III. Games visual learning IV. Video conferencing a. I , II and III b. I, II, III and IV c. I , II and IV

d. I , III and IV

25. Upon which philosophy is the basis of the Back – to – Basics movement? a. Existentialism b. Progressivism c. Behaviorism d. Essentialism

26. Which of the following does NOT characterize the methods used by existentialist educators for classroom teaching? a. Creative project – making b. Values clarification activity c. Socratic dialogues d. self – direct , self – paced learning

27. In an era of knowledge explosion, what skill(s) can the teacher impart to ensure lifelong learning among new generation of learners? a. Knowledge of current trends b. Skills for independent learning c. Learning of prescribed course of study d. Guided learning skills

28. Teacher Emmanuel is a ware of the complex elements that make up the “ classroom climate” for possible learning in the classroom. What comprises the element of physical space for optimal learning? a. Laboratory equipment or resources b. Movement management inside the classroom c. Physical health of students d. Arrangement of desks and chairs

29. What caused the shortage of teachers in the early years of the 1900s? a. Compulsory primary education b. Highly centralized public school system c. Setting up of trifocal education d. Exodus of teachers abroad

30. What approach can be adopted to determine the factors to high achievement of schools for the LET? a. School visitation b. Accreditation c. Empirical research d. Inventory of facilities

31. Which of the following characterizes the teachers with a progressive view of teaching? a. Develop discipline of serious study b. Focus on ideas learned by our forefathers c. Encourage students to interact and develop social virtues d. Limit teaching to math, science and language

32. What value was advanced by Civic Education during the American Colonial period in the Philippines? a. Patriotism b. Productivity c. Religiosity d. Self – reliance

33. What values were advanced during the Japanese Occupation of the Philippines? a. Asia for Asians b. Love of country and people c. Love of work and dignity of labor d. Duties of citizens to the state

34. What course of study would the perennialist teacher choose in teaching? a. Technical b. General c. Vocational d. Specialized

35. What is the most effective intervention to achieve outcomes from the Education for all or EFA program worldwide? a. Scholarship Program

b. Alternative Learning System c. Public Education System d. Certified support for deserving students

36. Which Filipino trait aims to please people rather than abide by principles? a. Crab mentality b. Bahala Na mentality c. Split personality d. Kanya – kanya mentality

37. Along the qualities of professional development, which of the following best supports the axiom, “ Once a teacher, always a teacher?” a. Sporadic professional development b. Continuing professional development c. Initial professional development d. Periodic professional development

38. What course program needs to be developed in order to teach sustainable development to counter the abuse of Mother Earth that is happening in many parts of the world today? a. Social Change b. Environmental Education c. Technology in Education d. Plan Parenthood

39. Which is vital to education for the building of a lasting culture of peace in the world? a. Learning to do b. Learning to know c. Learning to be d. Learning to live together

40. What strategy best fosters an engaging working environment involving the school head, teachers , parents and students? a. Management information system b. Respect for status and hierarchy c. Open communication

d. Control by authority

41. Of the following, which is the legal basis for the continuing implementation of the professional development program for teachers? a. Prescription by leaders in education b. Response to the teachers; identified needs c. Expenditure from annual fiscal education d. Requirement for renewal of professional license 42. Which best defines a morally mature person? a. Sharing moral views b. Practice of universal values c. Exercise of human rights d. Religious practice

43. What culture can be introduced so that a school can advance competencies through knowledges – based teaching? a. Culture of collaboration b. Culture of research c. Culture of ethnicity d. Culture of constructive learning

44. What is the famous name for mass killings of Jews during World War II? a. WMD or Weapons of Mass Destruction b. Holocaust c. War or terror d. Apocalypse

45. What is the best way to assess the situation of students who have problem with class attendance due to varying unconfirmed reports such as parental problems, economic concern health deficiencies, etc? a. Reports from classmates b. Dialogue with students c. Community survey d. Home visitacion

46. If you wish to brainstorm on a complex problem and make students, put a single word or text at the center to which your student organizer is used? a. A mind map b. Affinity diagram c. Sequence diagram d. Flow chart

47. According to researches, what is the likely effect of excessive TV viewing and video games playing among children? a. Decreased communication skills b. Shorter attention span c. Increased violence among the young d. Curtained creativity

48. From an assessment, Principal Helen obtained data that should a low rating for her teachers along effective teaching. What more immediatefacet of the teachers development program should she focus on? a. Research – based teaching b. Education technology c. Curriculum development d. Priciples and strategies of teaching

49. What needs to be eliminated so that schools can be transformed into a learning community? a. commitment for continuing improvement b. Centralized governance c. Shared vision – mission – values d. Collective inquiry for best practices

50. What moral approach is used by states in the U.S. for allowing timely legal clinical abortion for more cases of pregnant women? a. Deontological approach b. Discerning approach c. Theological approach d. Ontological approach

51. What is the most fundamental moral principle? a. Do not steal b. Do not kill c. Do good and avoid evil d. Honor thy Father and thy Mother

52. What is an example of reinforcement technique that motivates learning? a. Lessening of work load b. Punishment and control c. Organizing work peers d. Praise and rewards 53. Which best exemplifies collaborative learning? a. Student group take a field trip b. Teacher tutorial on student groups c. Student group take drills d. Group project concept and application

54. Among the distinguishing elements that affect the students cognitive and affective faculties, which is the native capacity to understand and assimilate information? a. Interest b. Ability c. Attitudes d. Aptitude

55. Which of the following is the LEAST severe if done on erring students? a. Additional assignments b. Cleaning of school grounds c. Aversive non – verbal communication d. Shortening recess

56. How is sending undisciplined students to the counselor’s room best described? a. Direct appeal b. Removal of seductive objects c. Antiseptic bouncing d. Physical restraint

57. What is the best description of classroom movement management? a. Past – to – present lesson changes b. Managing classroom movement of students c. Smooth flow of transition from task to task d. Teacher’s movement from place to place

58. What cognitive activity engages the mind in chewing ideas over, pondering and deliberating, thus contributing to higher thinking skills? a. cognition b. reflection c. perception d. intuition

59. What is the category of the behavior of the teacher who ends an activity or a topic before is completed? a. Thrust b. Flip – flop c. Truncation d. Dangle

60. What is the hidden goal of students who became hostile or violent? a. To get attention b. To isolate self c. To get revenge d. To seek power

61. Of the following, which is most personal and conducive to enhance learning, while as a liable assessment instrument of learning outcomes? a. Computer – assisted – instruction b. Video games c. Portfolio d. Research assignment

62. What is the excessively dominating classroom management style of the teacher?

a. Democratic b. Authoritarian c. Liberal d. Laissez Faire

63. What type of test items require students to blend, coalesce, combine, fuse or integrate ideas or concepts? a. Application b. Synthesis c. Evaluation d. Analysis

64. What is Teacher Zeny able to avoid when she is well focused on her discussions and activities? a. Abrupt end b. Non – direction c. Divided attention d. Dangled activity

65. What do global learners enjoy most? a. Specific designing b. Short – term planning c. Generalization from details d. Word and situational puzzles

66. Of the following, which is NOT part or is not, directly relevant to the aspect of physical classroom management? a. Acoustics b. Grooming c. Ventilation d. Lighting

67. In lesson content, what is fitted to the learners capacity to absorb content? a. Feasibility

b. Validity c. Learnability d. Interest

68. What is the primary role of the teacher who provides guidance to slow learners? a. Model b. Mentor c. Expert d. Coach

69. How is “truancy” best understood so that appropriate responses can be mode to prevent it? a. Absences due to family problems b. Absences with permission c. Absences without good reason d. Absences due to sickness 70. To what cluster do lectures, practice and drills belong? a. Resources and materials b. Lesson Objectives c. Evaluation procedures d. Learning activities

72. How is the Photo Language program beneficial to students? a. Visual development b. Photography skills training c. Social communication competency d. Attitude change

73. What is the primary advantage of active learning techniques (discussion , role playing , gaming etc )? a. Higher order thinking b. Focus on question c. Problem solving d. Student engagement

75. In lesson, what is highlighted by importance by way of value and relevance?

a. Interest b. Significance c. Harmony d. Balance

76. What is mapping in curriculum development as a way of planning a course? a. Path of course lessons b. Total view without specific tasks c. Concept relationship of idea d. View of school guidelines

77. Of the following, which is form of direct learning experience? a. Journal research b. Internet research c. Research respondent interview d. Book research

78. What step can be taken by a homeroom adviser who is expected to administer effective Guide on individual students? a. Keep a record on students need b. Prepare a class set plan c. Personality know each pupil d. Call each student by name

79. What is a most effective way to deal with non – participating students who do not have interest in the lesson and their being part of class activities? a. Give remainders on coming tests b. Introduce engaging activities, e.g.role playing c. Warm against not joining class work d. Get help from guidance councilor

80. Which of the following, can be most effective in drawing attention and interest from students in relation to social issues? a. Simulation b. Symposium

c. Tutorial d. Task group

81. How can mastery of the multiplication table be best taught? a. Game b. Discussion c. Drill d. Simulation

82. Of the following, which replaces overhead presentation through the use of computer generated slides? a. Facebook b. Power-Point c. Blogging d. E – mailing

83. What facet of photography is training on how subjects are properly framed by the camera? a. lightning b. Composition c. Focus d. Depth of Field

84. According to Nagel, which is important in the follow – up process for the proper use of instructional materials? a. Media materials b. Methods c. Lesson Objectives d. Assessment

85. What can Teacher Go use to teach critical reading skills to her Grade 6 students from news paper content? a. Features content b. Editorial content c. Entertainment content d. News content

86. What is familiar tune used for memorizing a concept through song? a. Jaggy back song b. Jazz c. Rap d. Jingle

87. What instructional model is Teacher Nomie applying when he dwells on stories ofmodern heroes in order to teach positive human values such as purpose success and engagement? a. Convergent instruction b. Divergent instruction c. Indirect instruction d. Direct instruction

88. What kind of class management is applied in the case of teacher Leni who attends to every situation as it comes, hoping to meet it as it comes without much foresight and preparation? a. Reinforcing b. Proactive c. Reactive d. Head – on

89. In interdisciplinary teaching, what can serve as the focal point that combines ideas from various disciplines? a. Diverse pattern b. Single theme c. Inherent issues d. Clear methodology

90. PE teacher John wants Students to learn the rules in basketball in a practical way. What kind of simple, inexpensive method can be use to achieve the outcome of student knowing and applying rules in the game? a. Play and be skillful in the game b. Lecture using video c. Lecture- demonstrate-stimulate d. Use successful athletes as resources persons.

91. What kind of question should Teacher Fe ask after presenting a lesson on animal protection and situations that endanger species? a. Complex interrelated question b. Students feedback on the presentation c. General quarries on animal protection d. Specific to situations

92. What was John Pierce’s perception of technology in the phase he coined “technology or perish”? a. Character assassination b. Displacing of the teacher c.A bane or boon d. an ultimate learning medium.

93. What activity can help develop teamwork among learners? a. Test and quizzes b. Drills and routine work c. Round table d. Journal writing 94. What method was used when supervisor you explained the rules to follow during a natural calamity drill in school? a. Discovery b. Inductive reaching c. Problem solving d. Direct instruction

95. In writing articles, what can be used as an approach to achieve easy reading and clarity through separation of idea construct? a. Subjective feature writing b. Historical narrative writing c. Thematic heads writing d. commentary free thought writing

96. In addition to the grade sheet, what can the teacher adopt to have a computer data page for grades and scores? a. Word processing

b. Adobe programming c. Spreadsheet d. Format painter

97. What methods can be effectively used to develop children to becoming “little scientist”? I. Role plans as scientist II. Discovery project III. Laboratory work IV. Portfolio a. I and III b. I and IV c. II and III d. I and II

98. What if the guiding principle in the appropriate arrangement or organization of selected information as lesson content? a. Self sufficiency b. Balance c. Length or extent d. significance 99. Why is the performance given then largest weight in TLE and MAPEH? a. they have no effective aspect b. they are dominantly physical skill subject c. the written and quarterly test are given only 20% weight each d. they no cognitive aspect

100. When household tasks are typecast as the female’s responsibility, what is reinforced in the classroom management? a. social responsibilities b. gender stereotypes c. culture privileges d. work orientation

101. When are support materials considered meaningful to learners? a. Affordable and available b. Relevant to age and real life c. Realistic in texture and form d. Culture and gender sensitive

102. For what kind of children are pictures with minimal details effective? a. Creative children b. Speech disorder c. Attention deficits d. High intellectual learners

103. What is important in initiating differentiated instructional process such as a multi-cultural classroom? a. Record documentation b. Performance assessment c. Error analysis d. Entry level indicators

104. What activity does not add to phonetic awareness? a. Games in language learning b. Reading for understanding c. Songs in language d. use of spelling

105. To teach science make students do science. What does this imply? a. use student reporting method in class b. assign research work

c. make students conduct investigatory projects d. develop students observation skills

106. Among the following which assignment for the EDSA Anniversary Celebration is a most likely innovative and constructive one for cooperative learning? a. Reprint photos of EDSA I b. Draw illustrations of EDSA heroes and crowds c. Copy – paste articles on EDSA I d. Interview and report from elders who witnessed EDSA I 107. You want to enumerate the steps of the scientific method. Which organizer is most useful? a. Content map b. Gantt chart c. spider map d. flow chart

108. Teacher Dina wants to differentiate dependent variable from an independent variable by describing an experiment intended to determine the effect of organic fertilizer on the growth of petchay. Which is the dependent variable? a. Amount of organize fertilizer b. Pechay leaves c. Brand of fertilizer d. Growth of Petchay

109. How is transfer of learning delineated symbolically in instances when teachers give direct clarification on complex subjects which need to be learned? a. cyclical b. vertical c. oblong

d. horizontal

110. What is the framework in Teacher Eli’s strategy in showing Chesterton’s essay as an example for writing of paradox in essay by his students? a. review b. modeling c. application d. consolidation

111. In Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, what is the child’s tendency to see that all points of view follow one’s point of view? a. animism b. Decentrism c. Egocentrism d. transductism

112. What is the category of the teachers question, who asked after reading the short story “A New Home for Ruben”. What lesson can you get from Ruben’s experience in getting a new home”? a. literal comprehension b. application c. critical evaluation d. interpretation

113. What needs to be developed early in a child to make him/her whole as a person? a. obedience b. ego integrity c. altruism

114. What is the ability among learners to be able to identify/emancipate certain factors in a object or situation, e.g. toughness of wood, elasticity of rubber etc.? a. seriation b. conservation c. sensibility d. decentering

115. What facet of thinking is NOT being developed by students who engage in cut-and-paste research work a.perception b. originality c. curiosity d. awareness

116. For Erikson, what can the learner do during the intuitive versus guilt stage? a. Deny responsibility b. Prepare to risk c. withdraw from difficulty d. believe people

117. Teacher Eli observed that student Edna is behind in her development with classmates in Grade Four. What most likely made him make this observation? a. Her not assuming social responsibility b. Her being emotionally independent from parents c. Hes not achieving feminine role in class d. Her not getting along with age-mates

118. You want to enumerate the steps of scientific method, which organizer is most useful? a. Flow chart b. spider map c. Gantt chart d. Concept map

119. What does the manual typewriter have that is also part of the modern computer? a. Cursor b. Screen c. keyboard d. disk drive

120. Of the following, which is an example of positive emotion that generally enhances the student’s capacity to learn? a. Rage b. Curiosity c, Anxiety d. Insecurity 121. What is the basis for establishing test norms? a. Computing mean scores b. Interpreting test results c. Setting learning goals d. Identifying pupil’s difficulties

122. What does Fascism as state rule connote? a. Respect of civic rights b. Dictatorship

c. benevolent authority d. respect of human rights

123. Which of the following illustrates listening-with-analysis thinking? a. I look at the teacher while he lectures. b. I use shorthand to record lectures. c. I concentrate on the words of the speaker. d. I jot down key ideas for my notes.

124. What is created as an impact of a caring school environment that relates emotional selfactualization of students? a. Fewer school suspensions b. Progression of grades c. sense of scholastic competence d. higher self-esteem

125. Which grade needs the utmost level of a friendly and non-threatening learning environment? a. Elementary b. secondary c.pre-school d.tertiary

126. Of the following assessment activities, which is the most personal and effective way of getting in-depth knowledge of intelligence, attitudes and aspirations of students? a. Observation of behaviour b. Use of checklist c. tests and quizzes

d. interview

127. Of seating arrangements, which creates an “action zone” for verbal reactions? a. Rectangular seating b. Horseshoe seating c. circular seating d. formal seating

128. The class of Mrs. Cruz was asked to provide feedback on each other’s learning. Which form of assessment was used? a. self b. summative c. peer d. formative

129. Mrs.Espina would like to cover a wide variety of objectives in the quarterly examinations in her English class lesson on subject-verb agreement. Which of the following type of test is the most appropriate? a. True-false b. Multiple choice c. essay d.matching

130. What does an achievement test measure? a. Education and vocation aptitude b. Capacity for future learning c. Quality and quantity of previous learning d. Quality and quantity of previous teaching

131. What can make tests be more reliable by way of gauging learning competencies attained by students? a. Prepare objective tests b. Make all test questions be quantifiable c. increase number of items d. decrease number of items

132. Teacher Dino gives clues to answers that reduce reliability of tests. What is the characteristics of his tests? a. Unclear directions b. Ambiguous questions c. too brief test content d. poorly constructed items

133. Which of the following appropriately measure/s the specified skill below? Objective: Explain why test reliability is necessary but not a sufficient condition for test validity. I.Explain the difference between test validity and reliability II. Can a test be valid without being reliable? Explain why? III. Why must a test reliable to be valid? IV. Discuss how test can be reliable without being valid. a. I, II and III only b. II, III and IV only c. I, III and IV only d. I, II and IV only

134.Who among the faculty members below was able to ensure fairness in his/her criterionreferenced test? a. Mr. Gil involved students in the design of construction of the test. b. Mr. Bulaon used objectives for the units as guide in constructing the test. c. Mr. Agar constructed a test composed of all true or false questions. d. Mr. De Villa made twenty questions to be answered only by 10 choices.

135. Who gave the most authentic assessment task for the instructional objective "Solve word problems involving operations with fractions"? a. Mrs. Bulaon who required her students to construct any word problem involving operations on fractions and then show how to solve them. b. Mr. Magno who asked his students to construct a word problem given a number sentence involving operations and fractions and then solve the problem they have constructed. c. Mrs. Padua who required her students a set of problems on operations with fractions. d. Mr. Delfin who asked his students to construct any word problem on operations with fractions then formed pairs, exchanged problems and helped each other solve the problems.

136. In a portfolio, which of the following determines the student's ability for original and critical ideas? a. Photo b. tests c. essay d. certificates

137. Of the following, which is most useful in assessing the capacity of schools to respond to the Education for All policy of education? a. Drop-out rate b. Cohort survival rate

c. net enrolment rate d. participation rate

138. Teacher Mila wants to know if her literature students have gained mastery of authors and their corresponding literary work, their nationalities, and the type of their literacy work. Which test can best assess this? a. Essay type b. Completion c. Multi-matching type d. true-false type

139. Here is a learning outcome: Interpret assessment results. How should this be assessed? a. Ask the question: Is the mean okay? b. Present date on score distribution, mean, standard deviation then ask the students to interpret the meaning of the data. c. Ask the question: Is the test essay? d. Ask: Is there a need to interpret data? Why?

140. This is a learning outcome; Apply the four pillars of learning in responding to the aspiration of the learner and the community. Which assessment task is aligned? a. Based on observations, develop a video presentation on how schools that you benchmarked to the aspirations of a community. b. Research on and present research finding on ways to apply the four pillars of learning. c. Give examples on how you can apply the four pillars of learning to respond to a community need.

141. Who plays the key and immediate role in the assessment of problem-based learning performance? a. Supervisors and students

b. Supervisors and parents c. teachers and supervisors d. teacher and students

142. What does it mean if the difficulty index of an item is 1? a. Very difficult b. Missed by everyone c. very easy d. quality item

143.Which of the following indicates a strong negative correlation: -10,-15,-25,-75? a. -25 b. -10 c. -15 d. -75

144. What is the graphic illustration for the relationship between two variables? a. Histogram b. Normal curve c. scatter diagram d. frequency polygon

145. What is the meaning of a +60% percentile score in relation to the class? a. Scored less than 60% of class b. Got 40% of items correctly c. got 60% of class d. scored better than 60% of class

146. Among coefficients for a reading test, which variable relates to recognition of figures of speech? a. Idioms b. Comprehension c. analogies d. vocabulary

147. What is the best method for research on poverty of particular communities, e.g. Maligaya Slum area? a. Experiment b. observation c. survey d. case study

148. A multiple choice item has been analyzed. The analysis shows that option A among other options B, C, and D was not at all chosen by the examinees. What does this imply? a. A was a very effective distracter b. A was not an effective distracter c. A was the correct answer d. A was a plausible option

149. Which is an improved version of this True-False test items? With mandatory kindergarten and Grade 1 to 12, the Philippines has one of the best, if not the best, educational system in the world? a. The K to 12 program makes the Philippines education system one of the best in the world. b. The K to 12 program makes the Philippines education system one of the longest in the world. c. The K to 12 program makes the Philippines educational system the longest and the best in the world .

d. According to the columnist Crus, with mandatory Kindergarten and Grades 1 to 12 the Philippines has one of the best, if not the best, educational system in the world.

150. What teaching strategy involves gradual withdrawal of assistance so that learns can start to work independently? a. Positive behavioral support b. Reciprocal learning c. understanding by design d. Scaffolding







2. C












4. B














































































17. B






















































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