Professional Adjustment

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NOVEMBER 2009 NURSE LICENSURE EXAMINATION REVIEW PRACTICE EXAM Name: _____________________________________

Date: ______________________

Directions: Read each item carefully. Select the best answer from the given choices. AVOID ERASURES. PROFESSIONAL ADJUSTMENT SITUATION 1: Martha just passed the Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination. She plans to apply for her new job as a staff nurse in a tertiary hospital. 1.

During the interview, the Director of Nursing asks Martha about the key areas of responsibilities that she can do as a beginning professional. Which of the following is a correct response of Martha? “ I can… a. administer medications to patients” b. deliver safe and quality care to patients” c. discuss the pathophysiology of the patient’s disease process” d. set priorities in rendering care to patients”


Which of the following key areas of responsibilities is included in the empowering competencies of a nurse like Martha? a. Research b. Management of resources and environment c. Personal and professional development d. Collaboration and teamwork


Which of the following qualifications is NOT mandated in order for Martha to be accepted to the position of a staff nurse? a. BSN graduate b. Licensed and registered nurse c. Must be physically and mentally fit d. With 60 credit units in CPE


Which THREE of the following core competencies should Martha demonstrate under safe and quality care? 1. Demonstrates 4. knowledge base on the health Responds to the /illness status of individual urgency of the 2. Utilizes patient’s condition resources to support patient care a. 1, 2, 3 b. 1, 3, 4 3. Promotes c. 2, 3, 4 safety and comfort of patients d. 1, 2, 4 5.

This key area of responsibility allows Martha to enhance the delivery of effective and efficient care to patients a. Research c. Health education b. Communication d. Record management


In performing her enabling competencies, Martha should demonstrate which of the following competencies? a. Management of resources an environment b. Research c. Collaboration and teamwork d. Ethico-moral responsibility


She is aware that the BON Resolution No. 112 was promulgated by the Board of Nursing to a. set the standards for safe nursing practice in the country b. guide practitioners on continuing professional education c. Adopt the core competency standards for nursing practice d. set the ethical standards for the nursing profession


As a registered nurse, Martha is covered by the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses in the Philippines which is promulgated in: a. A. BON Resolution No. 1955 C. BON Resolution No. 220 b. B. EO No. 220 D. R.A 9173 2009 PHILIPPINE NURSE LICENSURE EXAMINATION REVIEW

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She knows that the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the Nursing Law was passed through: a. BON Resolution No. c. BON Resolution No. 425, s. 2003 459 s. 2002 b. EO 220 d. BON Resolution No.220 s. 2004

10. Martha is aware that if she violates any provision of the Code of Ethics she would likely face certain consequences. Which of the following is most likely? a. Fine of not more than P100,000.00 b. Suspension or revocation of certificate of registration c. Imprisonment of not less than one month d. Either imprisonment or fine of not less than P50, 000.00 or both SITUATION 2: Kamille successfully passed the PNLE. She has just received her professional identification card as a registered nurse. 11. As a nurse, she should be guided by the nursing law in the country. Which is NOT a provision of this law? a. Increases the composition of the Board from five to seven representing nursing education, service and community health nursing b. Requires those nurses who have been away from practice to undergo one month of didactic training and five months of practicum before returning to the workforce. c. Recognition of nursing specialty organizations in coordination with the accredited professional organization d. Provides for incentives and benefits system for nurses and their dependents. 12. Which TWO of the following statements are NOT TRUE about the new nursing law? 1. It guarantees the delivery of quality basic health services through an adequate nursing personnel system throughout the country. 2. Requires the member of the Board to resign from any employment both in the government and private institutions 3. Requires the Chairman of the Board to be a holder of a doctorate degree 4. Amends the Philippine Nursing Act of 1991 a. 1 & 2 b. 2 &3 c. 3 & 4 d. 1 & 4 13. Which of the following is the correct provision of the law regarding IV therapy? a. IV therapy training according to protocol established is mandated. b. A nurse who has not been trained in IV therapy is prohibited to perform IV therapy c. The present law is silent on the provision for mandatory training for IV therapy d. The nurse can perform IV administration in the presence and supervision of a physician 14. Which of the following actions will shield her from possible lawsuits? 1. Knowledge and implementation of standards/protocol of care 2. Documentation of actions accurately and concisely 3. Document outcomes of care 4. Following all doctors orders that are legal and in writing a. 1, 2, 4 b. 2, & 3 c. 1, 2, & 3 d. 2, 3, & 4 15. She assessed a three- year old boy for fever, but the boy would not want to go near her. Which of the following remarks of Kamille would constitute an assault? a. “You don’t want to have your temperature taken? I will call the guard to hold you and give you an injection instead!” 2009 PHILIPPINE NURSE LICENSURE EXAMINATION REVIEW Page 2 of 16

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b. c. d.

“Alright, just tell me when you are ready to have your temperature taken.” “This will not hurt you; just put it under your tongue.” “If you will let me take your temperature your fever will be gone.”

16. Which of the following conditions would BEST prevent Kamille from a malpractice suit? a. Performs her duty as prescribed in her job description b. Records the intervention and outcomes of care c. Does not allow patient’s relatives to participate in the care of her patients. d. Performs her functions pursuant to the law. 17. If Kamille divulges the information that she is caring for the child of a patient with sexually transmitted disease, she can be liable for unprofessional conduct specifically: a. Libel c. Breach of b. Slander Confidentiality d. Invasion of privacy 18. Which of the following information is NOT indicated in the professional identification card issued to Kamille? a. A Signature of the Chairman of the Board b. Registration date c. Date of issuance and expiration d. License number 19. Kamille knows that she is duty-bound to renew her professional identification card every how often? a. Every five years c. Annually b. Every three years d. Biannually 20. Kamille is aware that as a professional nurse, she must submit to the Professional Regulation Commission proof of participation to CPE activities. How many credit units are needed for her to submit for a threeyear-period? a. 60 C. 30 b. 20 D. 40 SITUATION 3 – Ms. Sheena Perez is the Health Education Program Officer of the Municipal Health Office. She plans to develop programs based on the various laws and directives from the DOH. 21. She knows that all prescriptions of the municipal health officer should be in generics. What law provides for this mandate? a. R.A 9173 c. R.A. 1080 b. R.A. 6675 d. R.A. 7160 22. Sheena has to consider managing the resources of the MHO. She knows that the delivery of basic services and facilities of the national government was transferred to the local government units. Which of the following laws mandated this? a. R.A 7305 c. R.A.1080 b. R.A. 7160 d. R.A. 8423 23. Which of the following provisions does NOT apply to R.A 7305? a. Promotes and improves the socio-economic well being of health workers b. Develop their skills and capabilities c. Encourage those qualified and with abilities to remain in government service. d. Standardizes the salaries of nurses working in the government 24. She deems it necessary for her to undergo continuing professional education. Which of the following supports this objective? a. PRC Resolution No. 2004 -179 b. BON Resolution No. 220 s.2004 c. EO No. 220 d. BON Resolution No. 425 s. 2003 25. She emphasized to her team that they should be careful in the practice of their profession to avoid legal entanglements. Which of the following could be a cause for revocation/suspension of license? 2009 PHILIPPINE NURSE LICENSURE EXAMINATION REVIEW Page 3 of 16

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1. 2. 3. 4. a. b. c. d.

1, 2, 1, 1,

2, 3, 3, 2,

Unprofessional or unethical conduct Gross incompetence or serious ignorance Malpractice or negligence Use of fraud, deceit, or false statements in obtaining a certificate of registration/professional license or a temporary/special permit

&3 &4 &4 3, & 4

26. She encourages patients to make use of traditional and alternative medicines as recommended by the DOH. Which of the following laws created the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITACH)? a. RA 7392 c. RA 1082 b. RA 8423 d. RA 7305 27. She develops programs on Drug Prevention. As a basis for her program, she quoted which of the following acts? a. RA 9165 c. RA 6675 b. RA 6125 d. RA 2382 28. Which of the following is NOT considered a dangerous drug? a. Ecstacy c. Shabu b. Opium d. Morphine 29. Ms. Perez conducts counseling to parents of newborns about heritable diseases. Which of the following procedures is covered by RA 9288? a. Newborn Apgar Score b. Newborn Screening c. Denver Developmental Screening Test d. Metro Manila Developmental Screening Test 30. RA 9257 provides for the following benefits of a senior citizen, which one is NOT included? a. Exception from payment of income taxes b. Free medical and dental services, diagnostic and laboratory fees in government and private facilities c. 20% discount in fare for domestic air and sea travel, public railways, skyways and bus fares d. Provision for express lanes for senior citizens SITUATION 4: Genevieve just passed the licensure examination and was accepted as a trainee in a tertiary hospital. One area of competency that she must develop is on ethico-moral responsibility. 31. Which a. b. c. d.

of the following ethical responsibilities is a priority for Genevieve? Promote life at all cost Respect the individuality of patients Promote the image of the profession Maintain a healthy environment

32. When there is a conflict in the care of patients, which of the following must Genevieve use to guide her action? a. Patient’s rights b. Decision of the relatives c. Judgment of the attending physician d. Court ruling 33. One of her patients is terminally-ill with lung cancer. The patient’s relatives signified their intention to stop the nasogastric tube feeding of the patient. Which of the following responses of Genevieve is ethical? a. ” You have to sign a waiver of responsibility” b. “The patient needs nasogastric tube feeding even if he is dying” c. “I suggest that you consult first your physician on this matter” d. “I agree with you that will just prolong the agony of the patient” 34. She works with a senior staff that is perceived to be bad-tempered and dislikes teaching newcomers. Which of the following actions of Genevieve is inappropriate? a. Refrain from making comments on the conduct of the senior staff b. Discuss the behavior of the staff with the other staff of the unit. c. Safeguard the reputation and dignity of the senior staff. d. Refrain from doing anything that will discredit the senior staff. 2009 PHILIPPINE NURSE LICENSURE EXAMINATION REVIEW Page 4 of 16

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35. Genevieve has responsibilities towards the practice of her profession. Which of the following is the hallmark of accountability in nursing practice? a. Promotion of the dignity of the nursing profession b. Quality and excellence in the care of patients c. Accurate documentation of actions and outcomes of delivered care. d. Strict compliance to the principles of safe practice. 36. Dr. So made his rounds early in the morning and noticed that the medicine he ordered the previous day has not been started. He shouted and berated Genevieve in front of the other staff nurses. Which of the following actions of Genevieve is appropriate? a. She shouts back at Dr. So and tells him that his behavior is not acceptable. b. She explains to him that the drug is not available in the hospital pharmacy and had to be purchased from another drugstore. c. She cries and reports the incident to the nursing office. d. She blames the staff of the previous shift for not endorsing the unavailability of the drug. 37. One of the patients expressed dissatisfaction with the care she received from a particular staff. Which of the following is the BEST action that Genevieve would take? a. She asks the specific cause of dissatisfaction from the patient and informs the particular staff about it. b. Apologizes for the inconvenience that the incident brought the patient and asks for the details of the incident. c. Instruct the particular staff to write an incident report d. Inform the staff that this is not tolerated and this will be documented in her 201 file. 38. She knows that she needs to pursue continuing education to ensure her personal and professional development. Whose responsibility is it to make sure that this is implemented? a. Genevieve herself b. The institution where she is employed c. Nursing service Office d. Board of Nursing 39. Which of the following actions of Genevieve demonstrates her responsibility towards her profession? a. Engage in medical missions in depressed areas. b. Be an active member of the Philippine Nurses Association c. Promote a healthy environment by campaigning for “No Smoking” d. Maintain a collaborative relationship with her co-workers. 40. The following are the ethical responsibilities of Genevieve towards society and environment. Which one is NOT included? a. Be involved in community concerns b. Leads her life in conformity with the principles of right conduct and proper decorum c. Projects an image that will uplift the nursing profession at all times d. Be a member of the accredited professional organization SITUATION 5: Christine just graduated from college with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing from a recognized college of nursing. She intends to take the Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination so she can practice her profession after passing the said examination. 41. Which of the following requirements is NOT needed by Christine to qualify for the said examination? a. A holder of Bachelor ‘s Degree in Nursing from a college or university that complies with the standards of nursing education duly recognized by the proper government agency b. Must be of good moral character c. A citizen of the Philippines d. A member of the accredited professional organization. 42. The license to practice nursing in the Philippines is obtained through a. Examination and registration b. Accreditation c. Competency assessment d. Credentialing 43. Should she fail in one subject, but obtained the required general average, which of the following should she do? 2009 PHILIPPINE NURSE LICENSURE EXAMINATION REVIEW Page 5 of 16

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a. b.

Takes the whole set of examination all over again Takes the examination on the subject where he is rated below the required passing rate c. Makes an appeal to the Board for the rechecking of his examination papers. d. Enroll in a refresher course for one year. 44. Upon passing the licensure examination, which of the following is a priority action for Christine? a. Take an oath of profession before the Board of Nursing b. Review for the foreign examinations c. Apply for membership to the Philippine Nurses Association d. Prepare credentials for job application. 45. 45. She was issued a certificate of registration by the Board of Nursing. Which of the following information should be shown in the certificate? 1. Full name of the registrant 2. Serial number 3. Signature of the Chairperson of the commission and the members of the Board 4. Official seal of the Commission 5. Signature of the President of the accredited professional organization a. 1, 2, 3 b. 1, 2, 4, 5 c. 1, 2, 3, 4 d. 1, 2, 3, 5 SITUATION 6: Macy is a staff nurse in the Critical Care Department. She sets her eyes to be the nurse manager of the department someday. 46. Which of the following requirements is NOT a legal requirement for her to qualify for the position? a. Membership in the accredited professional organization] b. Has at least 2 years experience in general nursing administration c. Nine units in administration and management in the graduate level. d. Masters degree in nursing 47. On a long term basis she dreams of becoming the director of nursing of the hospital after 10 years of practice. Which of the following does she need to possess in order to qualify for the position? 1. Passed the written comprehensive examination for the master’s degree 2. Five years of experience in supervisory or managerial position in nursing 3. Master’s degree in nursing 4. Member of good standing of the accredited professional organization 5. Be a registered nurse in the Philippines a. 1, 2, 4, 5 b. 2, 3, 4, c. 2, 3, 4, 5 d. 1, 3, 4, 5 48. Macy pursues continuing professional education in emergency care in order to be certified as a nurse specialist in critical care. Which of the following agencies are mandated by law to formulate and develop the comprehensive specialty program? 1. Board of Nursing 2. Accredited Professional Organization 3. Department of Health 4. Specialty organizations a. A. 1, 2, 3 b. B. 1, 2, 4 c. C. 1, 3, 4 d. D. 1, 2, 3, 4


Noelito Alejandro Luzon, RN Reviewer

49. She is aware that as a professional nurse, Macy must submit to the Professional Regulation Commission proof of participation to CPE activities. How many credit units are needed for her to submit for a three-year-period? a. 60 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40 50. She is offered a part-time job as a clinical instructor in the medical ward. Which of the following requirements is NOT mandated? a. One year clinical experience in the medical unit b. Registered nurse in the Philippines c. Master’s degree in nursing, education or any medical or allied health courses. d. Member of good standing of the Critical Care Nurses of the Philippines SITUATION 7: Sandra is a nurse assigned at the Women and Child Unit. A 16 year-old primigravida was admitted for Primary CS due to cephalo-pelvic disproportion (CPD). 51. Sandra prepares the consent for surgery. Who among the following is legally responsible for securing the consent for the contemplated procedure? a. Dr. Rivera, the obstetrician of the patient b. Mrs. Castro, the head nurse of the unit c. Dr. Cortez, the anesthesiologist d. Ms. Josue, the nurse assigned to take care of the patient in the unit 52. She knows that the patient and her husband are both emancipated. When securing for an informed consent, Sandra should remember that: a. either the husband or the patient can sign the consent b. the consent should be signed by the parents of the patient because she is a minor. c. if the patient signed that consent herself, there is no need for a witness. d. it is her duty to obtain the informed consent. 53. Sandra was pulled out from the unit and was asked to assist in the OR. The anesthesiologist asked her to inject Penthotal Na by IV. Which of the following actions should be done by Sandra? a. Follow the anesthesiologist since he is around to supervise her. b. Explain to the doctor that it is not permissible by law. c. If the order is written she can administer the drug. d. If the manager of the department allows it, she would follow the order. 54. To protect her from legal suit, Sandra should see to it that orders of Pentothal Na and some related drugs should be made by: a. narcotic licensed physicians b. any resident physicians c. anesthesiologists d. interns 55. After the procedure, the patient was brought back to the ward. Sandra noticed that the post-op orders were written by the surgical intern who assisted during the procedure. Which of the following actions is most appropriate for Sandra to do: a. Call the attention of the intern and ask him to secure the signature of the surgeon. b. Refer the matter to the head nurse. c. Ignore the order because it is not legal. d. Remind the surgeon about the policy on doctors’ orders SITUATION 8: Nurse Trisha is assigned at the Safe Motherhood Program of the Department of Health. As a new nurse she needs to keep abreast with the laws affecting the practice of her profession. 56. Which of the following laws prohibits the practice of midwifery without the license to practice? a. R.A 7392 b. R.A. 7305 c. R.A. 7600 d. R.A. 7432 57. As a registered nurse, which of the following can Trisha perform within the meaning of the Nursing Act of 2002? 1. Internal examination during labor and delivery in the absence of antenatal bleeding 2. Suturing of perineal lacerations after undergoing special training according to established protocol 3. Administration of medications and therapies including IV 4. Nursing care during pregnancy, labor and delivery a. A. 1, 2, 3 b. B. 2, 3, 4 c. C. 1, 3, 4 d. D. 1, 2, 3, 4 58. She knows that she needs to follow the provisions of P.D. 651. Which of the following is mandated in this law? 2009 PHILIPPINE NURSE LICENSURE EXAMINATION REVIEW Page 7 of 16

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a. Decrees the registration of the birth of a child within 30 days with the Civil Registrar b. Protects and promotes the rights and welfare of children and youth c. Milk Code of the Philippines d. Family Code of the Philippines Trisha knows that she has to adhere to the standards of practice in the care of the mother and child. Which of the following laws refer to this? a. BON Res. # 459 b. EO # 220 c. BON Res. # 425 d. R.A. 9173 One of her patients had an excessive bleeding and needs to be transfused with blood. She knows that the Blood Bank Act is a. R.A 7875 b. R.A. 7719 c. R.A. 6675 d. R.A. 4226 EO # 51 is enforced in all hospitals, both government and private. Which of the following is the title of this act? a. Sanitation Code of the Philippines b. Family Code of the Philippines c. Milk Code of the Philippines d. Generics Code of the Philippines Trisha conducts a lecture on family planning among the postpartum patients. As legal bases of this activity she mentioned two laws, which are: 1. P.D. # 48 2. P.D # 69 3. P.D.#996 4. P.D.# 965 a. 1 & 2 b. 2 & 3 c. 3 & 4 d. 1 & 4 When Mrs. Mendez refused to receive her next dose of Nordette and Trisha injected it just the same, she can be sued for what kind of legal case? a. Battery b. Assault c. Invasion of privacy d. Misdemeanor She remarks to those who refuse to undergo bilateral tubal ligation as irresponsible and “goodfor nothing” who just want to get pregnant all the time within the hearing distance of other patients in the OPD. If a case is filed against Trisha, what case would it be? a. Assault b. Harassment c. Slander d. Battery During the rounds, she showed to a group of students the proper way of doing a perilite without asking permission from the patient. This act is a violation of the patient’s right to: a. Privacy b. self-determination c. confidentiality d. anonymity

SITUATION 9: Ms. Erin Gomez is a newly-appointed manager of a primary hospital in Sta. Maria, Zamboanga City. As a new manager, she deems it appropriate that she gains competence in he professional responsibilities. 66. Erin knows that the he fundamental responsibility is fourfold. Which is the most basic of these responsibilities? a. Promote health b. Prevention of illness c. Restoration of health d. Alleviation of suffering 67. Which of the following demonstrate the responsibility of Erin towards her profession? 1. Participates in the development and implementation of standards of nursing practice in her department. 2. Ensures that the core competencies of her staff are enhanced 3. Participates in the activities of the local chapter of the PNA and ANSAP. 4. Lobbies for the implementation of the incentives and benefit system for nurses and dependents as stipulated in the law. a. 1, 2, & 3 b. 2, 3, & 4 c. 3, & 4 d. 1, 2, 3, & 4 68. When Erin is certain that Paula, a new nurse is not competent in taking care of a critically ill patient, she would NOT be ethical if she: 2009 PHILIPPINE NURSE LICENSURE EXAMINATION REVIEW Page 8 of 16

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a. b. c.

Discusses this concern with the Paula herself. Assigns another nurse to the patient Explains to Paula the nature of the condition of the patient and the need for a competent nurse to handle the increased demand for care. d. Discusses to the new nurse that Paula is new and lacking in skills for the needs of the patient. 69. Which of the following is considered the primary responsibility of Erin? a. Assist the doctors in making their rounds b. Attend to the call for help from a patient, who needs total care c. Answer the e-mail of the Director of Nursing who instructed Erin to report about an incident in the unit. d. Attend to a complaint of a relative about the lack of water supply in their room. 70. A patient refuses to take his antibiotic because he believes that it’s not giving him any good. Which of the following actions of therein is MOST appropriate? a. Explains to the patient that he needs the medications for his recovery. b. Writes in the chart that the patient refuses to take his medication. c. Refer to the attending physician about his refusal. d. Ask the patient to sign the waiver of responsibility. SITUATION 10 – Nurse Martha is aware of her ethical and legal responsibilities as a professional nurse. She sees to it that she complies with the ethical principles in the care of her patients. 71. Which of the following principles apply to the action of the Martha to refrain from discussing the disease condition of the patient with those who are not involved in his care? a. Beneficence b. Non-maleficence c. Justice d. Autonomy 72. Mr. Garcia is diagnosed to have acute myocardial infarction and is recommended for admission. He refuses to be admitted and asks to be transferred to a tertiary hospital instead. Which of the following principles should Martha use as guide for her action? a. Autonomy b. Justice c. Non-maleficence d. Beneficence 73. The present Code of Ethics Nurses in the Philippines was approved by the Board of Nursing through: a. BON Resolution No. 1955 b. BON Resolution No. 633 c. Bon Resolution No. 110 d. BON Resolution No. 220 74. When conflict arises regarding management of patient care, which of the following should be upheld? a. Physician’s orders b. Preference of the family c. Patient’s rights d. Institutional policy 75. Mr. Gibson, a British national, who is terminally ill, instructed the Martha to refrain from giving him resuscitation in the event that he goes into cardiac arrest. Which of the following actions of Martha is NOT within legal norms? a. Prepare the form for advanced directives and ask Mr. Gibson to sign b. Ask two other persons who are qualified to be witnesses of the signed directive c. Explain to Mr. Gibson that this is not allowed d. Attached the advance directives to the patient’s charts. 76. Which TWO of the following are qualifications of witnesses? 1. 18 years of age or older 2. Not designated as the patient’s health care representative or alternate 3. Relative of the patient 4. Attending physician a. 1 & 2 b. 2 & 3 c. 1 & 4 d. 3 & 4 SITUATION 11 – Kathleen is nurse researcher assigned in a tertiary hospital. She is assigned to collect data about the incidence of infection among admitted patients. 77. Kathleen’s job includes collecting secretions from the surgical site of one of the patients. If the patient refuses and Kathleen still continue to do it she could be liable for: a. Slander b. Assault 2009 PHILIPPINE NURSE LICENSURE EXAMINATION REVIEW Page 9 of 16

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c. d.

Battery Invasion of privacy

78. She saw the security guard reading the chart of a meningococcemia suspect. Which of the following actions of Kathleen would be appropriate? a. Tell him that this is not allowed for those not directly involved in the care of the patient. b. Ask the guard if there is something he needs to know about the patient. c. Inform the supervisor about what she saw. d. Ignore this as this is not against hospital rules. 79. One of the patients confided that his companion is not the legal wife. What liability will Kathleen be exposed when she divulge the information to others? a. Slander b. Libel c. Breach of Confidentiality d. Assault 80. Two janitors were having a heated argument as to who shall dispose the infectious waste of a patient with typhoid fever. The first one calling the second one with names like “lazybones”, “incompetent” and “pain in the neck” within the hearing distance of the rest of the nurses. If the latter decides to file a case against him, what kind of case would he likely file? a. Libel b. Incompetence c. Slander d. Negligence 81. Should a. b. c. d.

the accusations be written in the newsletter of the hospital, such liability is a: Malpractice Assault Libel Slander

82. Mr. Simpkins, a German who is a SARS suspect is advised to be confined in a negative pressure room with strict protective gadgets of the health workers taking care of him. He vehemently resented being confined in that room. Moreover, he was denied visitors. He threatened to sue the hospital. Which case will he file most likely? a. Illegal detention b. Defamation c. Incompetence d. Battery 83. Which a. b. c. d.

action of the nurse will save the hospital from lawsuit in # 52? Explains to him that his isolation is beneficial for him and his family. Enforces the protocol on SARS admission Informs him of the DOH directive in handling SARS cases Tells him that the police will bodily restrain him if he refuses.

84. Kathleen refers to the infection control nurse about the proper disposal of infectious wastes. Which of the following laws refer to the Code of Sanitation? a. P.D 825 b. P. D. 856 c. P.D. 965 d. P. D. 791 85. Kathleen knows that as a researcher she needs to follow the provisions of R.A. 6713 otherwise known as; a. Generics Act of 1998 b. Sanitation Code c. Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards of Public Officials and Employees d. Salary Standardization of Government Employees SITUATION 12 – Ms. Sheena Perez is the Health Education Program Officer of the Municipal Health Office. She plans to develop programs based on the various laws and directives from the DOH. 86. She knows that all prescriptions of the municipal health officer should be in generics. What law provides for this mandate? a. R.A 9173 b. R.A. 6675 c. R.A. 1080 d. R.A. 7160 87. Sheena has to consider managing the resources of the MHO. She knows that the delivery of basic services and facilities of the national government was transferred to the local government units. Which of the following laws mandated this? a. R.A 7305 b. R.A. 7160 2009 PHILIPPINE NURSE LICENSURE EXAMINATION REVIEW Page 10 of 16

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c. d. 88. Which a. b. c. d.

R.A. 4226 R.A. 9173 of the following provisions does NOT apply to R.A 7305? Promotes and improves the socio-economic well being of health workers Develop their skills and capabilities Encourage those qualified and with abilities to remain in government service. Standardizes the salaries of nurses working in the government

89. She deems it necessary for her to undergo continuing professional education. Which of the following supports this objective? a. PRC Resolution No. 2004 -179 b. BON Resolution No. 220 s.2004 c. EO No. 220 d. BON Resolution No. 425 s. 2003 90. She emphasized to her team that they should be careful in the practice of their profession to avoid legal entanglements. Which of the following could be a cause for revocation/suspension of license? 1. Unprofessional or unethical conduct 2. Gross incompetence or serious ignorance 3. Malpractice or negligence 4. Use of fraud, deceit, or false statements in obtaining a certificate of registration/professional license or a temporary/special permit a. 1, 2, & 3 b. 2, 3, & 4 c. 1, 3, & 4 d. 1, 2, 3, & 4 91. Sheena knows that the suspension of the certificate of registration should not exceed how many years? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6 92. In addition to the prescribed period, the following are the other conditions for which the revoked certificates can be re-issued. Which one is NOT included? a. Reasons of equity and justice b. Cause for the revocation has disappeared or has been cured and corrected c. Upon application thereof and payment of required fees d. Upon the completion of one month didactic and 3 months practicum 93. She plans for a certification program for the nurses under the MHO. How long will the beneficiaries of the program are obliged to serve in any of the Philippine hospitals? a. 1 year b. 2 years c. 6 months d. 4 months 94. In order to motivate her team, Sheena announced that the salary of nurses has been upgraded to salary grade_____. a. 12 b. 13 c. 14 d. 15 95. Which of the following penalties shall be imposed on any person or employer of nurses who violate the minimum base pay and incentives and benefits that should be accorded them? a. a fine of not less than P 50,000.00 and not more than P 100,000.00 b. imprisonment of not less than 1 year nor more than 6 years c. either 1 or 2 or both d. both 1 and 2 SITUATION 13: Jacob is a staff nurse in a community hospital. He is assigned at the Emergency Department of the hospital. 96. Which a. b. c. d.

of the following actions of Jacob needs a special training prior to its performance? Administration of intravenous therapy Health education Suture perineal lacerations Internal vaginal examination

97. He knows that the chief nurse of the hospital is mandated by law to be a graduate of a master’s degree in: 2009 PHILIPPINE NURSE LICENSURE EXAMINATION REVIEW Page 11 of 16

Noelito Alejandro Luzon, RN Reviewer

a. Public Health/Community Health Nursing b. Nursing Administration c. Public Administration d. Hospital administration 98. As a public health nurse, Jacob enjoys the privileges of the following laws, which include the following except a. R.A. 7305 b. R.A 7392 c. R.A 1080 d. R.A. 2382 99. Which a. b. c. d.

of the following laws refer to Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002? R.A.6425 R.A 9165 R.A 6675 R.A.7875

100.Mrs. Castro, his patient who is a 65 year-old government retiree is covered by R. A.7432. Which of the following is a provision of this law? a. 20% discount on hospital bills b. Medicines are prescribed in generics c. National Health Insurance Act d. Code of Good Governance 101.As a health professional, Jacob is exposed to legal risks. Which of the following constitute malpractice? 1. Using another nurse’s license as his own 2. Any reasonable lack of skill or fidelity in the performance of fiduciary duties 3. Stepping beyond one’s authority with serious consequences 4. Objectionable practice or contrary to established rules a. 1, 2, 3 b. 2, 3, 4 c. 1, 2, 4 d. 1, 3, 4 102.When a case is filed against him in court for an injury to a patient, Jacob is referred to as: a. respondent b. complainant c. accomplice d. accessory 103.Jacob was asked to appear in court to testify. Which of the following terms refer to this legal order? a. Subpoena duces tecum b. Subpoena ad testificandum c. Arraignment d. Summon SITUATION 14: Genevieve just passed the licensure examination and was accepted as a trainee in a tertiary hospital. One area of competency that she must develop is on ethical responsibility. 104.Which a. b. c. d.

of the following ethical responsibilities is a priority for Genevieve? Promote life at all cost Respect the individuality of patients Promote the image of the profession Maintain a healthy environment

105.When there is a conflict in the care of patients, which of the following must Genevieve use to guide her action? a. Patient’s rights b. Decision of the relatives c. Judgment of the attending physician d. Court ruling 106.One of her patients is terminally-ill with lung cancer. The patient’s relatives signified their intention to stop the nasogastric tube feeding of the patient. Which of the following responses of Genevieve is ethical? a. “You have to sign a waiver of responsibility” b. “ The patient needs nasogastric tube feeding even if he is dying” c. “I suggest that you consult first your physician on this matter” d. “I agree with you, that will just prolong the agony of the patient” 107.She works with a senior staff that is perceived to be bad-tempered and dislikes teaching newcomers. Which of the following actions of Genevieve is inappropriate? a. Refrain from making comments on the conduct of the senior staff 2009 PHILIPPINE NURSE LICENSURE EXAMINATION REVIEW Page 12 of 16

Noelito Alejandro Luzon, RN Reviewer

b. c. d.

Discuss the behavior of the staff with the other staff of the unit. Safeguard the reputation and dignity of the senior staff. Refrain from doing anything that will discredit the senior staff.

108.Genevieve has responsibilities towards the practice of her profession. Which of the following is the hallmark of accountability in nursing practice? a. Promotion of the dignity of the nursing profession b. Quality and excellence in the care of patients c. Accurate documentation of actions and outcomes of delivered care. d. Strict compliance to the principles of safe practice. SITUATION 15: Patrick is a new graduate of Bachelor of Science in Nursing and intends to practice his profession in the country upon acquiring his professional license. 109.He understands that the duty and power to regulate the practice of nursing in the Philippines is vested on what agency? a. Philippine Nurses Association b. Board of Nursing c. Technical Committee on Nursing Education d. Association of Nursing Service Administrators of the Philippines 110.Which a. b. c. d.

of the following reports of his rating would grant him license to practice nursing? General rating of 70 and a rating of 65 in Preventive Test General rating of 75 and a rating of 60 in Curative B Test General rating of 80 and a rating of 59 in Rehabilitative Test General rating of 75 and a rating of 55 in Promotive Test

111.His friend Justine failed to pass the examination for three consecutive attempts. Which of the following actions can he take? a. Take the examination for the fourth time b. Enroll in a refresher course. c. Shift to another profession that suits his level of competence d. Apply as a nursing assistant in a hospital. 112.His classmate Adrian passed the examination but was not allowed to be registered. The following are grounds for such; which one is unlikely? a. He is 18 years of age b. He was convicted by final judgment of criminal act involving moral turpitude c. Unsound mind d. Guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct 113.Patrick is certain that Adrian can be legally liable if he commits the following acts: 1. Appends R.N. to his name even without being registered as one 2. Abets or assist Mr. Wang in offering CPE without the approval of the BON. 3. Uses the registration number of Patrick as his own 4. Poses or advertises as a registered nurse that tends to create the impression that he is indeed a registered nurse. a. 1, 2, 3 b. 1, 3, 4 c. 2, 3, 4 d. 1, 2, 3, 4 114.Jacob received a notice ordering him to appear before the Board at a specified time and date to answer a complaint made against him. Which of the following legal orders refer to this? a. Subpoena duces tecum b. Injunction c. Summons d. Subpoena ad testificandum SITUATION 16: Karla, an RN and two other nurses were summoned to appear before the Board of Nursing due to an administrative case filed against them for alleged negligence which caused the death of a certain Mr. Bernas, who was admitted due to COPD. 115.Which a. b. c. d.

of the following terms refer to Karla and the two other nurses? Respondents Plaintiffs Witnesses Accomplices

116.Ms. Antonia Bernas, the daughter of Mr. Bernas was the one who filed the case against the nurses. Which term refers to her in this case? a. Plaintiff b. Defendant c. Respondent d. Jury 2009 PHILIPPINE NURSE LICENSURE EXAMINATION REVIEW Page 13 of 16

Noelito Alejandro Luzon, RN Reviewer

117.Karla is ordered by the Legal Department to bring along with her the initial assessment form and the progress notes she used for the patient. What legal order from the hearing officer refers to this? a. Subpoena duces tecum b. Subpoens ad testificandum c. Summon d. Writ 118.Which of the following doctrines will apply if it is proven that Karla did not go through a rigid training before being deployed as a staff nurse due to acute demand for her services? a. Res ipsa loquitor b. Respondeat superior c. Force majeure d. Epikia 119.Which of the following conditions will NOT establish the doctrine of res ipsa loquitor for Karla? a. The injury done to the patient was such nature that it would not normally occur unless 7Karla was not negligent. b. The injury was caused by a voluntary action on the part of the private duty caregiver. c. The injury was due to the assistance of the clinical assistant who was instructed by Karla to help her. d. The injury was not due to the voluntary participation of the family. 120.Which of the following are the elements of professional negligence? 1. Existence of a duty on the part of the person charged to use due care 2. Failure to meet standards of due care; 3. Foreseeability of harm resulting from failure to meet the standard 4. The power of control over the agency or instrumentality a. 1, 2, 3 b. 2, 3, 4 c. 1, 3, 4 d. 1, 2, 3, 4



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Noelito Alejandro Luzon, RN Reviewer

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