Profane Exegesis: Uri Geller At The Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh

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Uri Geller at The Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh. Robert K Hogg "Very funny Scotty; now beam down my clothes." Uri Geller brought up the subject of the significance of the 11:11 sequence on stage at the new Traverse Theatre in Edinburgh in 1995. He didn't go into it at any great depth as I can recall, but said it would be of major significance in the future and that we should keep our eyes and ears pealed (humour - but that's the gist of what he said during his talk on general subjects). In my "provocative" way, I put my hand up and asked him what he thought of the significance or otherwise of extraterrestrials (re;"The Nine") as the possible source of his abilities. Bear in mind this was almost 10 years ago, and I had also read Puharich's pretty wild biography Uri sometime before as well as Colin Wilson's The Geller Phenomenon. And these through his Mysteries and other books of his, and other biographies on Geller and Geller's own writings, as well as biased account like James Randi's. I went on to mention the Dec 21, 2011 date for the "transformation of consciousness" and pretty much the world as we know it. He asked me where I'd heard this, and I told him Ken Carey's "The Third Millennium", (which I was well into for a while as well as the Course, before I decided the Course's uncompromisingly non-dualistic thought system was definitely the one for me). But it was obvious he didn't feel like pursuing this point, as this is "higher intelligences" also -"channeled" information. But it's undoubtedly a fascinating and moving book as are all of Ken Carey's. The more common date as many will know, seems to range from December 21 to 26, 2012. The end date of The Mayan Calendar according to José

Argüelles is December 21 2012. Synchronicities – and I think this is the subject here, are certainly a very odd thing. I had went along to see Geller with a rather narrow-minded catholic female friend, and met up with a Steiner coworker of hers, and an intelligent and down to earth UFO buff – no pun intended – in the bar after the talk. She'd arranged it specifically for us to meet. Then I joined another female friend of hers in the queue (as well as picking up she was gay; "how did you know that?" O asked. Because she stood too close when she spoke to me) to pick up my "psychic power" pack and crystal from Geller which he later "energized" by holding it in his fist. Very kind of him. A pity I wenton to lose it. I thought I'd point out to him that as well as being also left-handed, we shared the same birthdate (20 December), but also that I'd had a "similar" experience as he had when he was a kid. I was in my teens at the time. He got quite excited about this, and proceeded to sketch, as I described it, into the blank sheets of the book of his I had just bought. (Uri Geller's MINDPOWER BOOK), He also recommended I read his novel "Shawn." I'm sorry to say I just never got around to it, though I have a few of his novels since. The first one, Ella, I think, has words of praise from Colin Wilson. I spent some time on the web going through some 11:11 sites on the web some years back, including the person you mentioned, as well as Terence McKenna's Timewave Zero, Argüelles, and a whole bunch of others, as well as buying various books on the subject as they came out. Adrian Gilbert's The Mayan Prophecies for example, as well as Graham Hancock and the rest. The subject of 11:11 even came up in the van on the way to collect Robert Bauval from a hotel in Glasgow for a lecture (the lecture took place in Edinburgh in the Newington area, The Edinburgh cosmologist George Frazer pointed out to Chris that I had brought up the subject shortly before, when I'd been telling him about the Geller talk.

What also comes to mind is the significance of the number 22, and Colin Wilson discusses it in From Atlantis To The Sphinx, but as I forgot to refresh my memory last night and I'm on a computer in the Art Library, perhaps others will be more cognisant of the subject. I also have printout's on the significance of the number from the web. A new one to me, I might add, as my thing was and is the number 23, before and after Robert Anton Wilson and his Cosmic Trigger 1, but it's also in The New Inquisition. Geller, and BVM sightings, The 23 Enigma and the Wizard of Oz (the Wicked Witch - and the Good fairy as a floating ball of light – the latter my own experience - I put it down to the "ascended masters", as described by Yogananda in his Autobiography of a Yogi, which I read when I was 23, ( but also "the teachers of teachers" as described in the Course. Lesson 65 of the Workbook), along with a whole lot of Colin Wilson and related subjects, including Ouspenky's In Search of the Miraculous, which really grabbed me at the time – an exposition of Gurdjieff's thought-system, or The Work, and a whole lot of other books on and by Guirdjeff - (though I gave up on "Beelzebub's Tales To His it was just too long) Meetimgs with Remarkable Men was excellent though; I read that when I was 22.) - and not least Colin Wilson's "The War Against Sleep." In the end, it's Colin who put me on to all this stuff before I discovered/read it for myself. I also read Peter Erbe's God I Am: From Tragic to Magic – in the mid-90's. This has an Appendix on The end of the Mayan Calendar date. I've come to see the book as an unsuccessful attempt to combine the thought system of Ken Carey's The Third Millennium, and A Course In miracles. A similar approach is

Peter Russell's The White Hole in Time. (Since expanded, updated and re titled to Awakening In Time – available for free online). Some will see all of this as completely bonkers of course, but. it's certainly no more "crazier" than what Colin and Robert Anton Wilson like to point out. In True Hallucinations, (and while "on the run" from the FBI, or so he thought, Terence McKenna came to see himself, if in a sane and humorous fashion – as he himself points out - as being at the centre of a web of synchronicities of quasi-cosmic significance. This is the problem of "spiritual specialness" as described by Ken Wapnick, where the ego-mind can easily trick us into believing we have some special and central part in God's 'plan', even to the point of seeing oneself as being a kind of leading player in the Second Coming itself. Colin Wilson touches on these issues in The Devil's Party, as well as his other Wilsonia, the World Famous series, if not as specifically. I also came to notice 2:38 on the digital clock of the video-recorder, but this was also before it came to be of any significance for me. It would take too long to describe that significance right now. I went to see a gallery show once and literally, while I was thinking about it, a women stopped almost in front of me to call out the number of one of the paintings to a woman behind me. It was number 238. Some things are coincidence, but others seem to be such an odd and personally (and universal) significant conglomeration of circumstances, ideas and events that one can only attribute the phenomenon as being a kind of convergence of events that centre around yours truly, as well as others who experience the same in another form, and and can be seen as the interlinking part of the puzzle. I noticed this well over a dozen years ago. It centered around "all the Wilson's:" Robert Anton, Colin, and the brilliant science-fiction writer, Robert Charles Wilson. I recommend his latest, so far, "The Chronoliths." Oh, and Colin Comes back to synchronicities with his digital clock in his as yet to be published (and

possibly completed) new autobiography. It's there in the analytical table of contents (as well as on his panic attacks, financial crisis, and being ganged up on by the Scottish psychiatrist R.D.Laing, and someone else who's name I;ve forgotten), and a host of other books. Hours and hours of fun for all the family. As for the subconsconcious, well we know just about nothing about anything, I think it's fair to say. And my cosmological friend was and no doubt still is well into algorithims. He used them to track significances and synchronicities all the more precisely. He was working on connections between Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh and The Sphinx! He also gave talks on archeo-astronomy, as well as putting his findings to Robert Bauval. Did anything ever come of it? Search me, guv. You can beam me up now, Spotty. 2009. It's worth adding that as I was decribing my experience to Uri Geller, he intuitively added strange little symbols, such as what looks like a little spaceship in the centre of the globe or plasma ball I described, and inexplicable symbols on the left of the drawing and the rays that emanaated from the globe; also what looks like Isreali words, along with my birthdate above the disc. But above that, at the top of the sketch he put what is either three 8's or three symbols of eternity. It took me a while to pick up on that one and yet I already knew I all along as it was in a paperback book I'd picked up cheaply somewhere by John Michell on Gematria, but misplaced. I've found it since. But I bought an updated edition. Unfortunetely that got left in GF's flat and he ever returned them. I never made the effort to look into it again until many years later until 2003 on the net. Where I posted the above in a discussion group. Slightly edited for clarity here.

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