Prof. Madhavan - Mind Management For Mba

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MIND MANAGEMENT Prof. Dr. Madhavan

988 60 67232

Mind Management











Prof. Dr. Madhavan

988 60 67232

Mind Management






Prof. Dr. Madhavan

988 60 67232

Mind Management


Management is a simple process of

R 2 R Resources to Results

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management



Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management



Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management


HUMAN RESOURCES Body Mind NATURAL RESOURCES Physical Elements (land, water, air)


Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management

MANAGEMENT HUMAN RESOURCES Evolution of Body - Not phenomenal Evolution of Mind - Phenomenal Presently Body comforts are very well managed. Mind comforts lacks management. Uncomfortable mind is the main cause for most of the problems today world over.

This puts us in pressure to know, train and manage mind better than ever.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management

Knowing MIND w.r.t. BODY MIND

Prof. Dr. Madhavan


1. Internal


2. Personal


3. Thinking


4. Energy


5. Unlimited range

Limited range

6. Speed > Light

Speed < Light

7. Flexible


8. Imagination


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 Body is an extension of Mind U N I V E R S A L C O N C I O U S N E S S

 Mind is an extension of Energy SPACE – Accommodating Force

FORCE – Spinning of space against Space

ENERGY INTELLIGENT – Functional order

ANS – Powered by Nature


Affective BEHAVIOUR Cognitive


CNS – Powered by Self

of Force

TIME – Duration of changes in Force

 Energy is an extension of Cosmos  Cosmos is an extension of Universal Consciousness

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management

External Action is just the Tip of Powerful iceberg Mind.



Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind – Thinking Machine

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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WONDER BRAIN  The most complex machine in the universe.

 The sleeping giant within.

 The most unutilised human organ.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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WONDER BRAIN Comparison with Super Computer : Cray Super Computer Weight Wiring Calculations Potential Thinking Style

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

7000 K.g. 100,000 K.m. 400 Billion / Sec. Limited Linear

Human Brain 7 K.g. 3,200,000 K.m. 20,000 Billion / Sec. Unlimited Multi ordinal Geodesic

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WONDER BRAIN  Every human brain has about 100 Billion Brain Cells (Neurons). This is common to rich & poor.

 30,000 Brain Cells fit on a pin head.

 More than Brain Cells the connectivity (dendrites) is important. Each cell has around 20,000 branches.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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WONDER BRAIN Understanding the working of the Brain is fundamental to appreciate our ability to learn & to enhance our capabilities. • 3 kinds of Brain • 2 sides of Brain • 1 whole Brain • 8 kinds of Intelligence's • 4 types of Brain waves • 5 kinds of Memory

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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WONDER BRAIN 3 kinds of Brain Thinking Brain (Outer part)

Mammalian Brain (Central part)

Reptilian Brain (Brain stem)

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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WONDER BRAIN Reptilian Brain This is the Brain stem for lower life forms like Lizards & Crocodiles.

It is responsible for primitive instinct (territory).

Takes care of basic functions like Breathing, Heart rate, Fight / Flight responses.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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WONDER BRAIN Mammalian Brain This is the Central part of the Brain called Limbic system. The main constituents are Hypothalamus & Amygdale. It maintenance a stable body environment. It controls hormons, thirst, hunger, sex, metabolism, immune functions, long term memory It is also the Emotional controller. Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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WONDER BRAIN Mammalian Brain (cont..) It is mainly for Health, Emotion, Memory. It gives Joy, Role play & Collaborative. Positive Emotions release, ‘Pleasure Chemicals’ called Endorphins. This triggers neuro transmitter acetylcholine which lubricate & connect the Brain cells very very easily.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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WONDER BRAIN Mammalian Brain (cont..) On the contrary Negative Emotions switch back to primitive area which stops learning ability (stress is an enemy for learning). Hence, relaxation in-between the classes is very useful. In learning & teaching, Emotions are deliberately involved to harness powerful forces that make learning more effective. Educators to involve Emotions. Ofcourse, positive !

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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WONDER BRAIN Thinking Brain This is called Neocortex, which is the seat of intelligence - seeing, hearing, creating, thinking, talking.

Major Brain activity of - Learn - React - Adapt

Excellent Brain Network, the corpus callosum. Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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WONDER BRAIN 2 sides of the Brain Left side is Logical & linear. Right side Creative & Global. When some one speaks, the left watches content of words and the right watches the Emotion with which it is spoken. It is natural when words are combined with pictures, colours, music & emotion then it is learnt faster.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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WONDER BRAIN 1 Whole Brain Our education emphasise more use of Left Brain for : - reading - writing - arithmetic For use of Right Brain, we must explore : - concepts - patterns - creative anologies - imagination Power to support weaker side and develop our strength of creativity & emotion. Both sides combined gives one unique Brain with synergy. Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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WONDER BRAIN 8 Types of Intelligence


Read & Write Scientific

Botanist & Biologist

Self analysing Introvert


Socialising Extrovert Prof. Dr. Madhavan

Singer 988 60 67232

WONDER BRAIN 8 Types of Intelligence

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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WONDER BRAIN 4 Types of Waves Brain generators tiny electrical impulses as thought travels. EEG measures 4 kinds of weaves Beta

: Conscious

14 - 40 cps.

Awake, Attentive, Alert

Alpha : Relaxed

8 - 13 cps.

Day dream, Relax, Meditate, Agna


: Early sleep


Twilight zone, Flashes of inspiration, Thuriya


: Deep sleep

0.5 - 3 cps.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan


Active sub-conscious, Thuriyatheeth 988 60 67232

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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WONDER BRAIN 5 Kinds of Memories Memory is a vital part in the learning process. Information is stored in different sites in Brain. For eg. Nouns are kept apart from Verbs. Hippocompus an important station for receiving, sorting, storing & sending memory. Memory is volatile, unstable, without adequate Oxygen supply it dies. Dr. Murray Grossman Neurologist gives 5 kinds of memory.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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WONDER BRAIN 5 Kinds of Memories (cont..) W-I-R- E-S : Connectivity for the Brain Working Memory : Short term remember beginning of sentence till it is completed. It allows several functions simultaneously. Reduces after 40 years of age. Implicit Memory : Cycling, Car driving, Swimming. You will never forget. Muscle Memory, Remote Memory : Wide verity of topics. Winners in quiz contest. Loss with respect to age. Episodic Memory : Specific personal experiences. Food, games, movies. Where you parked your car. Usually well remembered. Semantic Memory : Memory for words & symbols. Corporate trade marks, religious symbols. Distinguish cat from dog. General knowledge of working world.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management


Education / Learning is a process of - Knowing - Clarifying and - Applying Knowledge

ASK – is the key word in learning (i.e.; clarifying doubts).

ASK – is also a mnemonics for - Attitude - Skills - Knowledge

Knowledge comes easily after the Right Attitude and Skills Do we have it? Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management


Simple formula for Success ( S = D2 ) Success = Daring x Doing =

Mind x Body

= Think x Act Daring

= Confidence x Competence


= Self Esteem x Risk / Sacrifice

Competence = ( Learn x Understand x Apply ) till perfection Doing

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

= Plan the Work x Work the Plan x Refine as you go

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Mind Management

8 ATTITUDES OF A WINNER Attitudes are the – WAY – of our Thinking and the – WHY – of our Actions. Attitudes decide our Altitudes 1. Views Failures favourably - Failure is a feedback - Failure is a learning experience - Failure is a stepping stone - Failure is a force to bounce back (child walking) 2. Be Realistic in expectations - Expect & prepare well against possible difficulties - Mentally prepare to get up again & again, if you fall Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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3. Change Approach - Do not get discouraged if need to change approaches. 4. Create a “Have-to” situation - Because you will do what you have to, but not more or less. - Negative force is a way to create a “Have to” situation to make positive force (comforts saturates). 5. Find and develop a goal that pulls - Do you have a “Burning Desire” - Where your Treasure is, there your Heart is. - Invest “Treasure of Time in your goal”.

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management

8 ATTITUDES OF A WINNER 6. Winners Reject the Rejections : - They do not tell “I am a Failure”. They reject it. - They say “I missed it this time but now I will bounce back to win”. Because I am a Winner. 7. Enjoy their Effort for its values - The challenges & experience they get in playing a winning Game is worth more than any pay cheques. - Check the adventure of a Race car Driver, Skier, Fighter. 8. Budget their Effort - They know when to fight and when to give up. - They know when to hold and when to fold

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management

SKILLS Knowledge helps us to do a new work Practice of that work give us the expertise to do well Skill is the ability to do the work more refined, faster and better.

Knowing about swimming is of not swimming Practicing swimming makes one a good swimmer Skill in swimming is different styles, doing it faster, longer and Bettering it day by day.

Knowledge may get an interview, but it is the skill that clinches the job. SKILL, IS A CONTINUOUS PRACTICE, TOWARDS PERFECTION Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management


College to career Skills Enterprising, Leader & Socially involved

Experience - Hobbies - Social Leader - Part time worker

Training and Practice

Intelligent and Smart

Soft Skills - Attitude - Communication - Interpersonal Relations

Conceptual Skills - Ability to see the Core & Totality - Application of knowledge to work - Aligning your job to Organization

Technical Skills College Prof. Dr. Madhavan

- Knowledge - Expertise - Ability to do job

Studies / Lab.

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Mind Management


Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal communication skills • Verbal/Nonverbal communication • Active listening • Expressing feelings; giving feedback (without blaming) and receiving feedback Negotiation/refusal skills • Negotiation and conflict management • Assertiveness skills • Refusal skills Empathy • Ability to listen and understand another's needs and circumstances and express that understanding Cooperation and Teamwork • Expressing respect for others' contributions and different styles • Assessing one's own abilities and contributing to the group Advocacy Skills • Influencing skills & persuasion • Networking and motivation skills Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management

LIFE SKILLS (UNO) 2. Decision-Making and Critical Thinking Skills Decision making / problem solving skills • Information gathering skills • Evaluating future consequences of present actions for self and others • Determining alternative solutions to problems • Analysis skills regarding the influence of values and attitudes of self and others on motivation

Critical thinking skills • Analyzing peer and media influences • Analyzing attitudes, values, social norms and beliefs and factors affecting these • Identifying relevant information and information sources

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management

LIFE SKILLS (UNO) 3. Coping and Self-Management Skills Skills for increasing internal locus of control • • • •

Self esteem/confidence building skills Self awareness skills including awareness of rights, influences, values, attitudes, rights, strengths and weaknesses Goal setting skills Self evaluation / Self assessment / Self-monitoring skills

Skills for managing feelings • • •

Anger management Dealing with grief and anxiety Coping skills for dealing with loss, abuse, trauma

Skills for managing stress • • •

Time management Positive thinking Relaxation techniques

Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management

MM TECHNIQUES I Emptying thoughts 1. Sit comfortably and relax 2. Close your eyes and place your hands on the lap 3. Visualize your head as a top open vessel filled with thoughts. 4. Now start emptying the vessel of thoughts continuously. 5. Continue the process till you feel that there are zero thoughts. 6. Remain in this state for a few minutes of convenience Benefits: It provides an open mind Makes mind more receptive A good base for creative thinking Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management

MM TECHNIQUES II Self Affirmations 1. I know that I am a Good, Valuable & Worthy Person 2. I am fully capable of Achieving my goals that I set for myself. 3. I trust in my abilities & judgment and I take full responsibility for its consequences and Rewards.

4. Everyday I am growing, to become a Better and Faster Learner. And by using my ingenuity and techniques, I will be a successful Learner.

So be it ! Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management

MM TECHNIQUES III Energising Breath Technique 1. Sit comfortably and relax 2. Close your eyes and place your hands on the lap 3. Take deep breath in and longer breath out. 4. As you breath out, feel air moving from the crown to the base and expelling all negative energies. 5. As you breath in, feel air moving from the base to the crown and inhaling golden postive energies. 6. Continue the process till you feel comfortable. Benefits: It energises you when you are tired. Makes mind more active A good base for setting the process of thinking Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management

MM TECHNIQUES IV Mindful Meditation 1. Sit comfortably and relax 2. Close your eyes and place your hands on the lap 3. Continue deep breath in and easy breath out. 4. As you breath out, feel air moving from the crown to the base and as you breath in, feel air moving from the base to the crown for 2 minutes •

Feel from the centre of the brain, Divine energy fills up the entire skull

Remain in this state till you feel comfortable.

Benefits: It cleanses the mind of obstructive thoughts. Makes mind more free Preparing for a hard days work Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management

MM TECHNIQUES V Progressive Relaxation 1. Lie down on your back or Sit comfortably and relax 2. Close your eyes and place your hands on sides or on the lap 3. Breath easy . 4. Star from the foot, legs, thighs, Hip, Stomach, chest, shoulders, neck, face, head one by one say mentally RELAX and feel the same way. •

Now feel the entire body is totally relaxed, you feel lighter and bodyless.

Remain in this state till you feel comfortable.

Benefits: It reduces the stress impact. Rejuvenates body and mind Preparing for a good sleep Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Mind Management

SUMMARY 1. Management is R 2 R 2. Body is an extension of Mind energy. Mind is an extension of cosmos Universal energy. 3. Managing Mind is a process of Life management. 4. Lowering mental frequencies offer better ability to manage mind. 5. Know the brain to use it our best advantage. 6. Positive attitudes and life skills help us to succeed in life 7. Daring and doing is a great simple rule of success. 8. Learning some MM techniques and practicing is a good beginning 9. Good work starts with great feeling; Great feeling starts with great mind; Great mind starts with good education, training and practice. 10. Managing Mind is managing life for excellent performance, prosperity and peace. Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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Prof. Dr. Madhavan

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