Production Of Pharmaceutical Compounds Through Microbial Fermentation

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ProClin Preservative for Diagnostic Reagents SAFC Pharma ®


Packaging Information pipeline partners

Production of Pharmaceutical Compounds

Through Microbial Fermentation Silvian Shama, Ph.D., cGMP Fermentation Development Manager


Microbial Fermentation–an Introduction

The original definition of fermentation is ‘the anaerobic

Microbial fermentation is the basis for the production

conversion of sugar to carbon dioxide and alcohol

of a wide range of pharmaceutical products, targeting

by yeast’, and most of us will have had first-hand

practically any medical indication. Examples range

experience of the fermentation process through its

from anti cancer cytotoxic drugs and vaccines,

most famous and popular use - the brewing of beer.

anti infectious disease antibiotics and vaccines, to

This original definition has been expanded over time

hormonal disorder therapy and many other indications.

to ‘the conversion of organic materials into relatively

Natural biosynthesis of endogenous molecules

simple substances by microorganisms- essentially

involves specific multi-step complex routes, some

efficient, flexible bio factories.’ During their growth

of which can be manipulated for the biosynthesis of

and lifespan microorganisms build a wide range of

foreign molecules. Microorganisms may be genetically

different molecules types required for viability and

modified (recombinant technology) or metabolically

multiplication; adaptation to changing environment;

engineered by substantial alteration of their

stressful conditions and defence against hostile,

endogenous routes.

competitive microbial threats.

The key elements of fermentation development are

Microorganisms that are typically used within the

strain selection and optimization, media and process

pharmaceutical industry include: prokaryotes such

development, and finally, scale-up to maximize

as Bacteria (e.g. Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus

productivity. Downstream processing utilizes various

aureus) and Streptomycetes (e.g. Streptomyces spp,

technologies for extracting, concentrating and purifying

Actinomyces spp), eukaryotes such as Filamentous

the product from a dilute fermentation broth.

Fungi (e.g., Nigrospora spp, Aspergillus spp,) and Yeast (e.g. Saccharomyces cereviciae, Pichia pastoris).

Fermentation derived product diversity- the recovery

The molecules that are of primary interest to the

product out of the whole molecular repertoire-

pharmaceutical industry are small molecules such

makes fermentation technology a multi- disciplinary

as short peptides and low molecular weight organic

methodology encompassing microbiology, organic

molecules, larger molecules including proteins and

chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology.

nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) and macromolecules such as lipids and carbohydrate polymers, plus various combinations of product types, for example

and selective purification of the specific desired

When fermenting volumes larger than 10L, necessary biosafety measures are taken, especially when Risk

lipopolysaccharides, lipopeptides, peptidoglycan.

Group 2 (RG2) pathogens are used. These include

Any of these product types could potentially serve as

facility design and special operational procedures.

a drug’s Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API).

As these products can be toxic and hazardous, their

Biosafety Level 2 Large Scale (BSL2-LS) containment

recovery and purification require adequate chemical/ biochemical facilities and equipment including isolators for handling High-Potent APIs (HPAPIs). Under cGMP fermentation procedures, quality is built into the entire process ensuring that regulatory agencies requirements are met in terms of safety, product identity, quality and purity.

ProClin Preservative for Diagnostic Reagents SAFC Pharma ®


Packaging Information pipeline partners

Why Choose Microbial Fermentation? Fermentation is the only route to chemical APIs that

A further approach is to reduce the protein expressed

relies solely on microorganisms with no equivalent in

to the minimal effective domain (Nanobodies/

other processes. Examples of its applications include

Peptibodies in the case of antibodies). The principal

mammalian cells, antibiotics/secondary metabolites

advantages of fermentation over the mammalian

made in fungi serving as anti cancer or anti infectious

system, as illustrated in the table below, are time and

agents, or lipid A made in gram negative bacteria

yield which ultimately translate to cost.

serving as adjuvants. These organic molecules can be obtained through multi-step synthesis from their building blocks.

Microbial Fermentation

Mammalian Culture

However, organic molecules are very complex in

Generation time

20 minutes-hours


nature, potentially encompassing structures such

Growth length

1-4 days

10-14 days

Product types

Proteins Secondary metabolites Cell wall components DNA

higher costs than the fermentation option.

Crude protein titer



The semi-synthetic approach draws upon the

Media cost



advantages of fermentation in the generation of new

Growth sensitivity



Post translational modifications

Some available in yeast


as chiral centers, large stereospecific rings or unique conjugated double bond systems. Going down the synthetic route not only requires significant development but is time consuming and entails

drugs. Natural molecules are produced through fermentation then modified synthetically, reducing toxicity, increasing potency and selectivity, and overcoming bacterial resistance to traditional antibiotics.


Therapeutic proteins requiring modification, for

Fermentation might also be the sole source for natural therapeutic proteins exclusively expressed in microbial systems. Proteins are complex molecules of mid to high molecular weight. Their functionality and stability largely depend upon their secondary and tertiary structure, as well as various post-translational modifications, mainly glycosilation. The synthetic

example glycosilation of antibodies were, until recently, expressed in mammalian cell cultures. Driven by cost considerations, scientists looked to express glycosilated therapeutic proteins in microbial systems, resulting in a novel approach – Glycoengineeringwhereby the endogenous glycosilation pathway in high yield expression recombinant yeast was modified. The

option is limited to very short peptides.

modified pathway reproduced the human pathway

Recombinant technology enables the expression

antibody fragments.

of foreign gene encoding for therapeutic proteins in microbial systems, including those from human source. Using microbial fermentation is advantageous for expression of proteins that do not require post-translational modifications as microbial systems, such as E. coli, lack post-translational mechanics.

therefore allowing the expression of humanized

Conclusion Although not a new technology, microbial fermentation continues to evolve and is now frequently the preferred production method for chemical compounds and therapeutic proteins, offering an optimal economic route, which allows pharmaceutical companies to shorten production processes and time to market.

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