Product Testing

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  • Pages: 22
Prod uct Te st in g

By Sujaritha M

Produc t l if e c ycl e & Bene fit s  The most  integral part of the product

development lifecycle is Product Testing which starts from the requirements to the implementation phase.  Product testing not only reduces the risk of business losses but also improves the quality of the product significantly.  In today’s multiple technology platform scenarios, product testing is more critical than ever.

Te sti ng on prod uct te st ing are  Unit Testing  Integration Testing  Validation Testing  System testing  Functional Testing  Usability Testing & Analysis  Content Testing & Verification  Robustness, Reliability & Security Testing  Compatibility Testing  Interoperability Testing  Globalization, Localization testing  UI , Accessibility , Usability testing

What i s U nit Tes ti ng?  The most 'micro' scale of testing to test

particular functions or code modules.  The purpose is to discover discrepancies

between the module’s interface specification and its actual behavior.  Typically done by the programmer and not by testers.

What i s In te gra tion Te sti ng?  Integration is a systematic approach to

build the complete software structure specified in the design from unit-tested modules. There are two ways integration performed. It is called Pre-test and Protest.  Pre-test: the testing performed in Module development area is called Pre-test. The Pre-test is required only if the development is done in module development area.

Va li da ti on Te sti ng  Determination of the correctness of the

product of software development with respect to the user needs and requirements.  Validation typically involves actual testing and takes place after verifications are completed

Syst em te st in g  Here Testing conducted on a complete,

integrated system to evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements.  Complete software build is made and tested

to show, that all requirements are met.

Th e f ol low ing t ests can b e cat egor ize d un de r S yst em test ing : Re cov er y Te st ing :  To determine whether the system or program meets its requirements for recovery after a failure. Se cur ity T est ing :  To show that the program’s security requirements can be subverted.

St ress Te st ing:  Stress testing involves running the client

machines in high-stress scenarios to determine whether and when they break. Per fo rmance T est ing :  To determine whether the program meets

its performance requirements.

Fu nct ion al Tes ti ng  Functional testing focuses on the external

behavior of a software system or its various components, while viewing the object to be tested as a black box that prevents from seeing the contents inside.  Functional testing verifies the observed

behavior conforms to user expectations or product specifications.

Usab il it y Te st ing & Ana lysis 

Usability measures the experience between user and interface and how well users can learn to use the product in order to achieve their desired goal, be it for systems, websites or software or any other kind of technology.

Customers & users, who may also serve as testers informally for usability. conti…

ke y a re as of usab il it y a re  Ease of Learning  Efficiency of Use  Memorability  Error Frequency & Severity  Subjective Satisfaction  Benefits of Good Usability

Bene fit s of usa bi li ty test ing  The benefits of having good usability are

plentiful, if you start thinking about usability early in the design process, specifically User Centered Design you can save enormous amounts of money and possibly make even more money.

Con te nt Test in g & Ve rif ica tion  Content testing checks that users can easily

understand all items that appear on a site and, importantly, that they are able to correctly interpret the information they read.  Accordingly, it identifies any problem areas that may require simplification or rewriting.  Ve rifi cati on typically involves reviews and meetings to evaluate documents, plans, code, requirements, and specifications. This can be done with checklists, issues lists, walkthroughs, and inspection meetings.

Rob ust ne ss, Re li ab il it y & se cur it y t est in g  Robustness (ability to recover from errors)  Response to error situations and change in

op. env Boundary values, On-line Insertion and Removal (OIR) of resources, High availability (availability of redundant modules), Low availability (a portion of the system fails)

Re lia bi li ty  Testing for reliability requires period of

prolonged use at varying loading levels or possibly constant value at peak level.

Sec uri ty Te st in g  Testing whether the system meets its

specified security objectives.

Com pat ib il it y Te sti ng  Testing whether software is compatible

with other elements of a system with which it should operate, e.g. browsers, Operating Systems, or hardware.  Compatibility may also extend to upgrades from previous versions of the software.  To determine whether the compatibility objectives of the program have been met and whether the conversion procedures work.

Inte roper ab il it y Te sti ng  Interoperability Tests (with 3rd party


Gl ob al iza ti on & Loc ali zation t esti ng Globalization Testing  Describes how globalization testing ensures the application can function in any culture/locale. Localizability Testing  Describes how localizability testing verifies that you can easily translate the user interface of the program to any target language without re-engineering or modifying code. Localization Testing  Describes how localization testing checks the quality of a product's localization for a particular target culture/locale.

UI , Ac ce ssi bi lit y &Us ab il it y t es ti ng UI really does two things:  Display information in a useful fashion, and

pass user input as quickly as possible to some code that knows what to do with it. In reality, however, user interface code usually includes a lot of logic which determines where to go next, how to communicate user selections to the next screen, where to get data, and so on.


This is particularly prevalent in Web applications, where there's no obvious, object-oriented way to pass data between two Web pages.

Acces si bi li ty te st ing : 

Verifying a product is accessible to the people having disabilities (deaf, blind, mentally disabled etc.). Accessibility testing is performed to ensure that the software will be accessible under various scenarios by the intended users.

Re fere nce s  Effective software testing – book by

Elfriede Dustin  Software Testing in the Real world – book by Edward Kit  Software quality engineering –book by Jeff Tian  Some website links from google….

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