The basic thing that is needed to carry goods is to take into account that we are going to transport and why we are going to transport it.
Choosing your mode of transport: what to consider When you're choosing how best to transport your products, budget should be the most important factor in your decision-making nice it depends on it that the business pre-empts and has good output, The speed of the transport is also important - if you have perishable items. If you are going to transport hazardous materials, they must be governed by the current norm, and by the means of transport which is going to be sent, there are risks that some materials may react with water etc. to agree with suppliers the insurance of the material since if it is sent by sea it runs the risk of the destruction of the merchandise and to assure the agreements to avoid confusions, if you are going to send high value merchandise in need to be tracked from start to end to control and secure the load. MODO OF TRANSPORT Road transport is cheap, convenient and one of the most flexible modes of transport, but it's not as eco-friendly as other methods and if you're unlucky, it can be subject to heavy delays - particularly frustrating if you're working to a light Schedule, RAIL The transportation en train in faster because it has no delay of traffic and also helps the conservation of the environment, if the company wishes to contract or buy their own means of transport. AIR Freight forwarders organize airfreight shipments for you, so you don't have to worry about all the details and extra costs, It is clear that before hiring cargo agencies it must be verified that they have so much experience in shipping parcels and how much reputation the airline has. SEA when sending the merchandise by sea it is slower, and cheap but unfortunately there are not so many ports in which they can be used and birds have to do extra documentation to enter the products.
COUNTIER Couriers are fast, reliable and very safe, but they can be expensive, Because of the nature of couriers' vehicles, they generally only deliver goods up to a certain weight. They are profitable but in short distances not long. air -- aire: Sustancia gaseosa, transparente, inodora e insípida que envuelve la Tierra y forma la atmósfera business -- negocio: Ocupación, actividad o trabajo que se realiza para obtener un beneficio, especialmente el que consiste en realizar operaciones comerciales, comprando y vendiendo customers -- clients: Persona que utiliza los servicios de un profesional o de una empresa, especialmente la que lo hace regularmente. counter -- mensajero: Persona que tiene por oficio realizar un servicio que consiste en ir a recoger una carta o paquete a quien se lo requiere y seguidamente llevarlo cheap -- barato: Que tiene un precio bajo en relación con otros bienes semejantes. Choosing -- elegir: Seleccionar o preferir a una persona o una cosa para un fin. Deliver -- entregar: Poner una cosa o a una persona en poder de alguien o bajo su responsabilidad. frustrating -- frustrante: goods in -- bienes: Conjunto de propiedades o riquezas que pertenecen a una persona o grupo. Hazardous -- peligrosos: Que supone un peligro porque puede causar daño o cometer actos delictivos. method -- método: Modo ordenado y sistemático de proceder para llegar a un resultado o fin determinado. Merchandise mercancias: Una mercancía es todo aquello que se puede vender o comprar, usualmente el término se aplica bienes y servicios. machinery -- maquinaria: Conjunto de piezas que componen un mecanismo y que sirven para poner en funcionamiento un aparato. power seller -- poder de vender: Es un proceso organizado orientado a potenciar la relación vendedor/cliente con el fin persuadirle para obtener los productos de la empresa
ports -- puertos: Lugar resguardado del viento a la orilla del mar o de un río donde las embarcaciones pueden detenerse y permanecer seguras. rail -- carril: Parte de una vía de circulación destinada al tránsito de una sola fila de vehículos. sea -- mar: Parte de mar situada en una región determinada. Valuable -- valiosa: Que tiene mucho valor o eficacia. Wright -- peso: Medida de esta propiedad de los cuerpos.