Process Of E-commerce

  • Uploaded by: Deepika verma
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 537
  • Pages: 7
Process of Ecomme rc e

The Fi rst Step Dete rmi nin g Purpose determ ine t he purpose and the type of si te our cli ent needs  Is the purpose of the si te B2c ecom merce, onl ine aucti on, B2b ecom merce, communi ty buy and sel l,o somet hing el se?  For gather ing maxim um inf ormat ion we ask few quest ions like: 

Who is the audience?

• What do you want the audi ence to do? • Who is your com peti ti on?

Sec ond Step - F indi ng a Look

• the s econd step i s fo r c reating a new sit e is to e sta blis hing a decid ing a visual a ppeal o f we bsite d esig n • This stage o f th e ecomm erce we bsite d evelo pment process requires consta nt c ommunicatio n betw een o ver we bsite designer and c lie nt. • We st art b y d esig nin g a mock-u p templa te fo r the cli ent b ase d on over i nitial u nders ta ndin g o f the ecomm erce we bsite proje ct we

Third st ep - Insert content here • dete rm ine the v isual d etail s o f the ecomm erce s to re, we a sse mble the s ite. • High qualit y optimize d fo r fastlo ading graphic s a re cre ated with it search e ngin e fr iendly HT ML codin g i s d one, and a ll th e pie ces are s kil lfu ll y a sse mb le d. • als o th e point o f the proje ct wh ere we add th e c onte nt o f th e site .

Fort h S tep -T esting, r ete sting, and t estin g some mor e • Af ter third st ep we make sure when w with a ecommerce website development pr oject, t ha t ther e are no surpr ises . • We comprehensively scrutinize the pr the perfect planed functionalit y. • impor tant when we pr ograms.

oject for

cr eate custom web software

• most import ant issues w • • • • •

e go live

e examine are:

Di al- up v s. Br oadband loading times PC v s. Mac com pa tibility Cr oss- brow ser comp at ibility Cust om web applicat ion bugs High v olum e t raff ic stability

Fif th St ep - Go li ve • once a ecomm erce we bsit e proje ct receiv es the fin al approval of o ur c lie nt, we go li ve. • the mo st e xcitin g s ta ge o f the process. • The sit e i s re ady fo r doing busin ess wi th sp ecia lly planned to delive r t he best EC omm erce experie nce to c ustome r a nd ecomm erce st ore o wn er.


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