Process Design Coaching Guidelines_v1.1

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 3,173
  • Pages: 6
Coaching Guidelines for Process Design Projects

Objectives: These Guidelines are intended for use by Project Champions and Master Black Belt coaches in order to: „ Assist Coaches to better support Project Design Managers while running design projects „ Support Project Design Managers in preparing Process Design tollgate reviews „ Ensure a consistent level of quality of Process Design projects

Note: The questions marked with “T”, are useful questions for preparation of tollgate reviews.

Process Design Coaching Guidelines_v1.0

Define Objective of Phase: To set the project objectives, identify the process, the key customers and their critical requirements (CTQs). Gate 1: Project Characterization

Relevant Tools/Concepts: • High Level Process Map • Voice of Customer • Project Charter • Critical to Quality (CTQ) • Problem Statement • Affinity Diagram • Project Objective • Kano analysis to prioritize • Project Benefit CTQs • Change Management Plot • CTQ matrix with complete • Project Plan CTQ list •

Main Objectives: Completed, verified, and validated end to end high-level 'as is' business process map.

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High Level Process Mapping Has a high-level 'as is' end to end process map been completed, verified and validated (4 to 7 steps)? Has the SIPOC been drafted completely from the external customer point of view? Is the SIPOC open enough as to not limit the design team in the search of a creative design concept?

Main Objectives: To communicate the project problem statement, objective, benefits, dependencies and other information that establishes the business case for the design effort.

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Prepare Project Charter Are the process owner and other stakeholders identified? Are team members? Does the problem statement communicate the business case and quantify the need for the new design with valid data? Does the project objective meet “S M A R T” criteria? Are both tangible and intangible project benefits quantified based on the best available data? Are project dependencies (potential barriers) documented for further review and action? Is there sufficient budget to begin work on the project? To fully undertake the Process Design methodology? Do the process owner, stakeholders and team members believe the project can be completed in 6-12 months? Has all pertinent additional project information been documented in the project charter for future reference?

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Prepare Project Plan Has the team prepared a formal Project Plan? Does the Project Plan list specific tasks and relate these to Proces Design deliverables? Does each task have a defined due date and person responsible? Are critical path tasks identified? Are tasks and subtasks sufficiently defined so that each team member understands and can execute their assignments?

Main Objectives: To prepare a detailed plan to execute design project deliverables in a timely manner, to include critical path tasks, due dates and responsible persons.

Main Objectives: To clearly define and prioritize the critical customer requirements (CTQs) the design must satisfy.

• Brainstorming • Interview • Focus Group • Survey • Kano Analysis • Market Data • Benchmarking

Define VOC and CTQs „ What specific actions have been undertaken to define critical customer requirements (CTQs)? „ Was market data and/or competitor information evaluated for customer information? „ Has the team prepared an Affinity Diagram to summarize and organize critical customer requirements (CTQs)? „ What sort of interviews, focus groups and surveys were undertaken to define specific customer requirements? What was the response rate? „ What was the specific content of above? How were they organized? How was the data formatted and evaluated? „ Was Kano Analysis used to categorize and rank specific customer requirements? What new information was learned? „ Has each critical customer requirement (CTQ) been completely defined (documented in the CTQ matrix)?




Main Objectives: To identify and address change management issues among stakeholders, the process owner and team that could adversely affect the design project.

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Manage Change Has the team prepared a formal Change Management Plot to assess process owner and stakeholder readiness for change? What specific change management issues exist? Specific actions are planned to mitigate them? Are all team members supportive of the project and enthusiastic about their participation?


Main Objectives: To identify and prioritize project risk factors and select the appropriate strategy to manage project risks.

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Assess Project Risk Has the team prepared a formal Risk Assessment Matrix? What are the most serious project risks? Least serious? What risk response strategies have been identified? (Avoid, Mitigate, Transfer, Accept) Have specific actions been identified to implement the various strategies? Are these documented in the Risk Assessment Matrix? Do any of the project risks require the project charter to be revised?


Process Design Coaching Guidelines_v1.0


Objective Of Phase: To identify, analyze and evaluate design alternatives to meets customer needs.

Relevant Tools/Concepts: • Design Function • Design Subfunction • Function Structure • QFD • Benchmarking • Multi-generation Plan • Technology Roadmap

• Market Data • Lessons Learned • Best Practice • Specification • Morphological Matrix • Pugh Matrix • Datum

• Design Concept • CTQ • Process Owner • Stakeholder • Change Management • Risk Assessment • Project Plan

Gate 2: Conceptual Design

Main Objectives: To define design functions and subfunctions that will deliver customer CTQs.

Main Objectives: To quantify the linkage of CTQs to subfunctions and then to prioritize subfunctions by importance to the design.

Main Objectives: To develop all possible subfunction solutions in order to create a wide variety of innovative design concepts for further evaluation.

Main Objectives: To evaluate each design concept and select the best concept for development.

Process Design Coaching Guidelines_v1.0

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Create Design Function Structure Has the team prepared a formal Design Function Structure? Was the team able to perform any internal benchmarking to aid in identifying design subfunctions? Were subfunctions defined generally and not in terms of any specific solution? Was TRIZ helpful in developing and refining the Design Function Structure? Does the Design Function Structure appear to be complete and able to deliver all defined CTQs? Is it possible to combine selected subfunctions in order to simplify the design and perhaps make the design more robust?

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Link CTQs to Subfunctions Was Quality Function Deployment (QFD) used to link CTQs and subfunctions? Was competitive benchmarking performed as part of the QFD? How many team members and others were involved in developing the QFD? Did any difficulties arise? Were the subfunctions from the Design Function Structure inserted in the design functional requirements section of the QFD form? Were the specific CTQs from Tollgate 1 inserted in the customer expectations section of the QFD form? What method was used to rank the individual CTQs? Kano Analysis? Customer interviews? Focus Groups? Other? Were all CTQs correlated with all functional requirements in House of Quality? After finishing the QFD, were there any subfunctions that were not strongly correlated with any CTQ? After finishing the QFD, were there any CTQs that were not strongly correlated with any subfunction? Is further work needed to refine the Design Function Structure? Is further work needed to refine the customer CTQs? Were possible interactions between functional requirements investigated? After finishing the QFD, were the subfunctions prioritized by importance for future design emphasis?

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Develop Design Concepts Has the team prepared a formal Morphological Matrix? Does the Morphological Matrix list the specific design subfunctions along with the potential subfunction solutions? Was TRIZ helpful in developing potential subfunction solutions? How many potential subfunction solutions were eliminated as unrealistic or unmanageable? After finishing the Morphological Matrix, how many potential design concepts were created?

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Evaluate and Select Design Concept Has the team prepared a formal Pugh Matrix? Were subfunction rankings transferred from the QFD form to the Pugh Matrix? How was the Pugh Matrix “DATUM” selected? Were concepts compared correctly using a “+1”, “-1“ or “0” rating? How were the desirable concepts further evaluated? What design concept was finally selected?






Objective Of Phase: To deliver the detailed design, optimize it from a productivity (business requirements) and quality (customer requirements) point of view and realize it.

Relevant Tools/Concepts: • High Level Process Map • Process Y • Process Step • Process Output • Design FMEA • Mistake Proofing • TRIZ

• Process Metric • DPMO / Yield • Rolled Thruput Yield • Process Sigma • Detailed Process Map • Process Input • Design Scorecard

• Probabilistic Design • Specification • Simulation • Support Resource • Infrastructure • Vendor Performance • Cost Benefit Analysis

Gate 3: Preliminary Design

Main Objectives: To create a high level process map that identifies individual process steps in sequence and includes the overall process design Y and individual process step outputs.

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Create High Level Process Map Are the high level process steps sufficient to deliver design functional requirements? Are the high level process steps logically sequenced for actual operation? Are there any conflicts or trade-offs that must be resolved? If so, can TRIZ tools assist in resolving the problem(s)? Are the process step outputs measurable? Is there existing data available to perform an initial capability assessment? If the high level process delivers the design functional requirements, will customer CTQs be satisfied?

Main Objectives: To assess high level design metrics, capability, robustness and risk and to identify actions to manage design risk.

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Has the team prepared a formal Design FMEA? What design risks were identified when developing the high level process design? Has the team assigned ratings and calculated Risk Priority Numbers (RPNs)? Have the various risks been prioritized by RPN? Have actions been defined and assigned to address each high risk item? Do these actions include Mistake Proofing?


Evaluate Design Risk T T T

Gate 4: Design

Main Objectives: To create a detailed process design map that defines measurable inputs and outputs by individual process step.

Main Objectives: To evaluate detailed design capabilities and prepare design scorecards, design controls and required infrastructure.

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Develop Detailed Process Map Has the team developed a detailed process map for the new design? Are measurable inputs defined for each detailed process step? Are input and output specifications defined? Was Probabilistic Design used to define specifications? If not, how were they defined? Have all known design conflicts and/or trade-offs been resolved? Has the Design FMEA been updated based on new detailed design information? Have actions been defined to address any new risks? Evaluate Capabilities and Plan Controls Has the team developed Design Scorecards to assess and control the new design? Have design support resources and infrastructure requirements been defined fully? Has the detailed design capability been evaluated and estimated DPMOs and process sigmas calculated? Are estimated design costs and benefits still in accordance with initial expectations? If not, why? What must be done? Has the team drafted an initial Process Management (PM) Chart to support an overall Process Management (PM) System?



Gate 5: Realization

Main Objectives: To bring the detailed design into reality, reassess change management and confirm cost-benefits.

Process Design Coaching Guidelines_v1.0

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Realize Design Can the detailed design actually be built? What vendors must be involved? Can the vendors deliver to the design schedule? Has the team verified that all design parts meet specification? If not, what corrective actions are planned? Is the predicted overall design performance still in accordance with initial expectations? If not, what actions are planned? Are the process owner and other stakeholders still supportive of the design? Has a formal cost-benefit analysis been performed? Was this analysis validated by the Finance Analyst?



Objective of Phase: To pilot the design, update as needed and prepare to launch the new design.

Relevant Tools/Concepts: • Test Requirements • Pilot Test Plan • Process Metric • Data Sampling • PM System • PM Chart • Process Controls

• Process Owner • Stakeholder • Change Management Plot • CTQ • Process Capability • Process Sigma • Vendor Performance

• Support Resource • Infrastructure • Corrective Action Plan • Implementation Plan • Communication Plan • Design FMEA • Cost Benefit Analysis

Gate 6: Prototype/Pilot

Main Objectives: To create a detailed plan that defines the test requirements necessary to evaluate design performance under realistic conditions.

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Generate Test Requirements Do the Pilot Test Plan requirements include measurement criteria, data collection instructions and role assignments? Is any special test equipment needed to conduct the pilot? Has the Pilot Test Plan been formally communicated to all those involved? Does everyone understand their assignments? Are support resources available and sufficient to conduct the pilot?

Main Objectives: To test the design against test plan requirements.

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Run Pilot Test Will the pilot be conducted under conditions that are as realistic as possible? How long will the pilot take? Who will manage the various pilot activities day-to-day until completion? Are all affected organizations informed of the pilot and any potential disruptions of normal operations that may occur? Is the team prepared to react to unexpected events?

Main Objectives: To evaluate pilot test results and identify any actions necessary to improve design performance.

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Analyze Results Was all necessary data gathered in accordance with the Pilot Test Plan? Were the pilot test results in accordance with requirements? If not, why? What corrective actions are necessary? Were there any unexpected events that occurred? If so, how might these affect the design? The implementation schedule? Has the Design FMEA been updated? Has the cost-benefit analysis been confirmed?




Gate 7: Pre-launch

Main Objectives: To implement all actions necessary to raise design performance to the desired level.

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Update Design Have all open actions from Tollgate 6 been successfully completed? Have any remaining vendor-related issues been resolved? Have any remaining support resource and infrastructure issues been resolved? Have any remaining design cost or budget issues been resolved?

Main Objectives: To confirm the design meets customer requirements (CTQs).

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Confirm Design meets Requirements Has the updated design been retested under realistic conditions? Were the test results on the updated design satisfactory? Will the updated design deliver customer CTQs? Are the existing metrics and scorecards fully adequate to manage the new design and ensure CTQs are met? Do any process owner or stakeholder issues remain? Do the process owner and stakeholders remain supportive of the new design? Do any other dependencies or obstacles to full design launch remain?

Main Objectives: To validate stakeholder support and confirm that all supporting resources and infrastructure are sufficient for full design launch.

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Plan Full Implementation Have the process owner and other stakeholders agreed to full design launch? Has the design team updated the PM System and PM Chart for use by the process owner and PM Team? Have any remaining change management issues been resolved? Are all staffing, training, IT, facilities, and other support and infrastructure adequate to support full design launch? Is the approved budget sufficient to support ongoing operation of the new design?

Process Design Coaching Guidelines_v1.0





Deliverables of Phase: To launch the design, hand over to the process owner and run the new process following Process Management tools and principles.

Relevant Tools/Concepts: • Launch Plan • Communication Plan • Process Y • CTQ • Process Metric • Process Owner • Stakeholder

• PM System • PM Chart • Procedures • Policies • Control Chart • Process Capability • Process Sigma

• Process Audit • Process Review • Rewards & Recognition • Lessons Learned • Best Practice • Continuous Improvement • Project Selection

Gate 8: Launch

Main Objectives: To implement the new process design.

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Implement New Process Design Have the staff been fully trained on the new design? Do they all accept and understand their new responsibilities? Has the new design been placed into formal operation? Are the design metrics, scorecards, procedures and other components of the PM Chart being used to manage the design? Have rewards and recognition activities been instituted?


Main Objectives: To turnover full control of the Process Management (PM) System to the process owner.

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Hand Over to Process Owner Has the process owner received the full PM System and PM Chart? Does the process owner understand the PM System and their role in managing the new design? Is all necessary staff training complete? Are all necessary resources in place to support ongoing operation?


Main Objectives: To manage the new process design in accordance with the PM System and stabilize design performance to ensure customer CTQs are satisfied.

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Stabilize Design Elements Has a process review schedule been prepared and published? Have attendees been identified and informed? Have customer feedback mechanisms been instituted? What are these mechanisms? Have staff communication mechanisms been instituted? What are these mechanisms? Are design metrics and scorecard results provided to the process owner for input and discussion at each process review?


Gate 9: Management

Main Objectives: To manage the new process design on an ongoing basis, conducting audits and reviews as scheduled.

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Follow New Process Design Have the PM System and PM Chart been integrated into normal business practices? Are process reviews conducted on a regular basis? Are the right people attending? Are design metrics and scorecards communicating the right information? Are unexpected developments addressed in a timely manner and discussed at process reviews?


Main Objectives: To validate ongoing performance using process design data gathered in accordance with the PM System.

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Demonstrate Performance Are expected process sigmas still being attained? Does customer feedback indicate greater customer satisfaction? If not, why? What actions are necessary? Are design costs and benefits in accordance with expectations? Have there been any new and unexpected benefits identified?


Main Objectives: To continue to evaluate market conditions, competitor performance and customer needs in an effort to maintain continuous improvement.

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Maintain Continuous Improvement Has superior performance been recognized and rewarded? Have lessons learned and best practices been shared? Is market data and competitor information regularly reviewed for new customer needs and improvement opportunities? Are new design projects chartered to pursue continuous improvement opportunities? What new design improvements have been implemented?


Process Design Coaching Guidelines_v1.0

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