Procedural Geometry

  • April 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 407
  • Pages: 37
procedural graphics me? why? what? who? tom kelly glasgow arizona state

content crunch ;) a d m in 1 0 % m u s ic ( 1 0 % ) c o n te n t c r e a tio n 6 0 %

p r o g r a m m in g 2 0 %

DTI:[1] “Exuberant youth to sustainable maturity”


How much of the 3D artist's work can we automate? Can we imagine new tools to create geometry?

why procedural? Cost Quality Scale of environments Sensitive to environment (free cpu cycles, bandwidth, boredom, storyline) Reduces outsourcing Automated optimizations (LOD, portals)

Acornsoft's Elite 1984 Procedural techniques to save memory A massive universe to explore

The Produkkt's Kkrieger

96Kb (!)

Procedural Inc's CityEngine Müller's Company For video games, film, architecture, geology and simulation! $4000

IDV's SpeedTree Mature company offering commercial offerings to many video game developers.

EA's Spore For people at home! Procedural for guaranteed worst case UGC 1 million creatures in Sporepedia in 2 weeks

flora is a solved problem Lots of work in the 80's Prusinkiewicz & Lindenmayer's 'Algorithmic Beauty of Plants' sums up a lot of the techniques. L-systems etc...

Modelling the Mighty Maple (1985) Spline sections over existing X-rayed bark bump maps Leafs as polygons Jules Bloomenthal

Synthetic Topiary (1994) L-Systems! With a feedback loop Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Mark James, Radomír Měch

Visual Models of Plants Interacting with their Environment (1996) More L-Systems... Interacting processes represent environment Detailed physical model of light, water etc... Měch, Prusinkiewicz

fauna is very difficult Are we modeling the growth of an organism or the outcome of growth Many physical interactions Pre-Darwinian morphology Curves! Architecture is easier...

architecture is a hot area Lots of work in and around 'Procedural Urban Modeling' It is being used in the industry (Frontier), but no real standards or techniques are being published from the commercial side. Here's the highlights from the academic angle...

Procedural Modelling of Cities (2001) Mass models Self sensitive L-systems for streets Parish, Müller

Instant Architecture (2003) Rectilinear subdivision for creation of facades Decisions 'baked in' until the entire building has been evaluated Wonka et al

Procedural Modelling of Buildings (2006) Split Shape Grammar (massive library?) Müller, Wonka et al

My Project - Sity


straight skeleton

meta window

next? Non-flat terrain Control grammars Learn something about architecture Catalogue geometric techniques for a procedural library? Find a few core techniques for a procedural toolkit?


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