0lfice of Congresslvonran Anna Eshoo PrivacyConsentFornr Date: 4 X*ba.C6
Narne: -M_q.Lq-__b q I f_q,_e_L____Ce!:
Address: _13_Q__Q__:_8_ _ &:_n- /_hE Phone Social
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3 ? 5 z O3 Z FederalAgenc-1, I nvolv-ed.
11Ip eys A4u:_l__4lE_
Pleasebrieflr'erplain the problem)'ou are currentlrhar.'ing vyitfia fbcleral agenCy'. n"rttit'eofl.ev.v'.l[v c'reclilturirtrtthreulerr.s'trt rcletr.setlrc ottl.t'clv'itrcllitry lipn{.t'l harc lqft trt live to the []6 on (t Ot'toltct'2006. (.)uklunt{ (-.{ ltxpttl'ar,.lf2;ete Slhirla.t, I;'irtrr(510-637--10911ttotre:;pturctitryitru re.r1totr.sihlc cuul ttrttel.v'trrcrrtrrcr. Iixetl /itr.rtr 9ll turclnmilecl-frrm 133-l: ctlorrgu'irh requa.\'teditrlitnntrtiorr. lttnr lttr,g-tg1rr clrscthlr,cl. unemplo-y'edcurclutrcnrytlr1\'uble v'ith no.finu{s to por'.frtr rt,ttt. trtilitic.s,.fittxl, lratt.s\srtt'lctlitttt,ctc. ]lec't'it'ittg :ero ittctnte and n(rte atttic:tTtutec!utn' litttt, .sootr.Jlettt cunl utilitie.s ore o|ercltre, ttttcl I v'otrld hcn'eno pluc'c to lit'e i.f t,t,ic'taclru' cun'ilt()trct.fgt. fixxl.
Pleasedescnbethe natttreand dateof vour latestcon'esponclence or coltact r'l'itlr tlre agenc\'. Spokeon phone [:'riciltt,,29Sepiernher20()6.i\lcrilecl(cerrilietlnuril, relttt'tt receipt reqtte.\lecl).frtrm 133-l: ulottg t+,ith!,rt'txl/'tlf.\dl,c/.r,, €t:oloptit. hartls:hip.
[{ave you contactedthis oflice trefrrreregardingthis nratter']If so, p,6e1'l
l'e-s,I.fcxecl.frtnn9l ! nrit'elo centru!Sun,frne ltl.\'llxpu)'er -lcfivc,ctte rffic,arnr ]J Saptemher2006 urrcl27 .\eyly(:1nhe:. 2pgO.
ln accordance w'iththe provisionsof the Privacl'Act. I herebyautSttrize Congresswoman Anna Eshooattdher stalt to rnakeinqurrieson my belalf alld to receiveconficlential infot'nration in their ef'fortsto assistme irr resolvinga fbderalagenc),' nratter.
IYlrln,.G-a{.{ LAQ Signature ,4ARA- (>kA(Q PrintedNarne