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Prison Uprise


The Abolishment Movement

January 2007

Happy New Year Remember the Lucasville Riot?


he truth about what really happened. By Roderick Robinson

Blaming the M uslims for the lucasville riot Additionally, another staff member confided in me. The Lucasville riot circa 1963, was initiated by staff, who had been stealing money, property, jew elry, etc. from inmates. ( I believe this by reason I personally eye witnessed administrative staff being arrested on sim ilar charges during m y stay at S.O.C.F.) And to cover for these actions, staff members involved the M uslims so they w ould appear to be the perpetrators. M oreover, this same staff member recounted eye witnessing administrative staff dumping files, documents, on fires they them selves started. resulting in the loss of lives, not to m entions the millions it cost tax payers to secure a place that had already met that requirement, And it would have taken less than a few hundred to rid of shady employees. You do the math, and ponder w hat w ill these individuals w ill do next, start murdering in the streets? W ho's next? W hy hasn't someone asked me w ho this staff member is, so as to prompt an investigation?

To Bolster my claims of how corrupt the state of Ohio is... On this date May/02/2005. I spoke via phone, to Sgt.Malone. 740-286-3457 Highway Patrol Scioto County. Faxed him facsimile of this journal. fax # 740-286-1625. 1:20 PM. I spoke with Sgt. Malone, O. S. H. P., He alleged he found no wrong doing. I asked if he was willing to put that in writing? He stated no! and they

weren't going to investigate. Note, to you the public. This clearly bolsters my claims that these individuals in the state of Ohio have something to hide. You must pose an internal query, As to why some see merit in my claims, while others see naught. However, Those that claim they don't see merit, are a bit reticent to put it in writing. WHY? Nor will they accept my outstanding offer, of taking a polygraph test of not being knowledgeable about the murders committed by staff, in the prisons in Ohio... At my expense. I SUBMIT TO YOU, BY REASON I HAVE NAMES AND NUMBERS OF INMATES WHO WERE EYE WITNESS TO SOME OF THE MURDERS IN THESE INSTITUTIONS IN THE STATE OF OHIO. MURDERS THAT WERE ARTFULLY COVERED UP, AND THE FLOW OF COVER UP CORRUPTION, EXTENDS TO WASHINGTON, D.C. One man at T.O.C.I. Toledo Correctional Institution. Recounted how he eye witnessed a staff member step on the neck of a shackled inmate, killing him. And it too was all covered up. It is his contention there were others [inmates] who were eye witnesses to this murder as well. Prime example, If you read my August 16,2005 entry. concerning my attempt to avail a disabled man by the name of, Troy Jonas. I related how I wrote on his behalf, to U.S.D.Of Justice, Civil Rights Division Washington, D.C., And they responded they were going to investigate a beating Jonas sustained. Perplexedly, When I caught S.O.C.F. staff attempting to murder me, I sent cogent evidence in support to the U.S.D. Of Justice, Civil Rights Division. including the ruse letter, from the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. Which alleges returning my bag of laced medication,


The Abolishment Movement

and 15 page motions to Lucasville's S.O.C.F., U.S.D. Of Justice C.R.D. Washington, D.C., Responded by stating"...because it's an isolated case, we can't investigate..." ON ATTEMPTS AT MURDER,!! YET YOU CAN INVESTIGATE A BEATING!!?? They know the dead can't speak for themselves! And my being able to sidle there many attempts on my life, through the grace of my creator. So this story can be told, simply severs as one of this countries, and Ohio's major faux pas. Collusionary tactics of the O.S.H.P., Highway Patrol. To cover for the attem pts at m urder.

EACH INSTITUTIONS I W AS TRANSFERRED TO, TOOK THEIR TURN IN ATTEM PTING TO M URDER M E. The hereafter is a transcript of the Grievance # CI-02-496. Filed 11/22/02. W hile residing at Toledo Correctional Facility, Toledo Ohio. File Stam ped by the Chief Inspector, Nov./ 27/02. Showing how this Organized Crim e Ring. Putatively regarded as, O. D. R. C., Ohio Departm ent of Rehabilitations and Corrections staff. Stick together to cover for the attem pts, and the m urders of inm ates. Hence several institutions covertly took their turns to silence m e. NOTIFICATION OF GRIEVANCE 11/22/02 TO CHIEF INSPECTOR I file this grievance in accordance with the A.R."s, Administrative regulations 5120-9-04. "Inappropriate Supervision." Violation of m y 8th. & 14th Am endm ent rights on W arden Konteh, et. Al. T.O.C.I. [Toledo Ohio Correctional Institution] for taking an active role in the ongoing conspiracy to cover for the attem pts at m urdering m e, subjecting m e to m edication lacing, subverting Adm inistrative and judicial due process efforts along with denying m y initial request to speak to the highway Patrol, Trooper Brewster. On 11/08/02, seeing trooper Brewster with the warden m aking rounds I m anaged to get her attention on A-Block in front of several inm ate witnesses.Trooper Brewster acknowledged m e and started to com e m y way, when the W arden visibly discouraged her by som ething he said, causing her to turn around and head in the opposite direction. Notwithstanding the warden being aware of m y contentions of attem pts on m y life to him , Phil Kerns, Investigator. And several m edical staff. W herein warden Konteh, are clearly taking part in the conspiratorial efforts of staff at form er institutions to destroy incrim inating docum ents and to put m e down by causing organ failure, as the ostensible Feldene, pain m edication. caused severe renal pain. For

January 2007 resolution, by reason I'm not safe in any O. D. R. C. facility, send a letter of request to the parole board for m y im m ediate release to m y niece, listed as "A" in m y parole plans. cc, file, fam ily, counsel, professor. [end of foregoing Grievance] On the date I spoke to trooper Brewster On 11/08/02. Handing docum ented evidence O.D.R.C. staff attem pted to m urder m e, et. al. the look of shock cam e over trooper Brewster's face, as she frantically copied evidence of m y denouncem ents. W arden Konteh, in a failed attem pt to m itigate the circum stances. deliberately lied to Trooper, Brewster. Alleging I had m ade threats to staff m em bers. Prom pting m y retort. Trooper Brewster, would you ask W arden, Konteh. To produce any docum entation in support, of m y having ever m ade threats to any staff m em bers during m y prison tenure. Trooper Brewster looked at W arden Konteh for a response, but he just stood there in silence. W hile trooper Brewster continued viewing the evidence in support of m y denouncem ents. Trooper,Brewster indicated she was not the institutions O. S. H. P. [T. O. C. I.] any longer, and the evidence would be placed in trooper Tysons m ail box. Trooper Tyson never contacted m e notwithstanding he in fact, returned from his hiatus. failed to respond to several kites with sam e concerns post his return. [To be continued]

Contact me: Roderick Robinson, the author 1. [email protected] Or, emergency only [email protected] Here are my journal, and petition sites. ition.html>

Who Is This? I found this C.O.’s Myspace. Here are her own words, which she has now deleted from her myspace, but I saved it : .W ELCOME TO

HELL.. has any one seen m y m ace? Current m ood: Bitchy 4:05 and getting ready for work. Got the hideous grey uniform laid out across the bed, a pair of extrem ely


The Abolishment Movement

over due for a shining com bat boots, two black socks (m andatory, if they wanted to inspect) a black shirt to wear underneath (truly think its for our protection incase a button pops, no flashing the inm ates please) and to finish it off a sexy sm ock (used for the sheer fact it shields your ass from their view). Oh how I look forward to bossing around 144 to 334 grown m en, depending on m y location to day. I truly think they should all be in diapers, and sucking on pacifiers. Neither the less I would have to change them urgh... But that's were m y evil deviant plan com es into play… You see I'll m ake sure they all get an evil ass diaper rash!! Muwhaha. Oh who am I kidding, they'd probably sue m e and win, dam n state and there fucking "Hug a Thug" program s. I swear, you'd be surprised what theses m urders, baby rappers and wife beaters get away with. Crying all the dam n tim e about petty shit, if they only new what would happen to them if the state would give us a free day. 24 fucking glorious hours of no rules, no laws, and no cam eras, I'm pretty sure the dirty boss would love that too, but we'll take care of them as well during this 24 hour process. I'm telling you they'd m ind the next day, that's for dam n sure. HEHEHE those who live through it, only by the sheer fact we ran out of tim e. W ell enough of m y bitching I need to get dressed, take m y son to the sitters and have a few laughs with m y friends before I enter the gates of hell. (END)

January 2007 A fight between two inmates at about 9 a.m. quickly spread through the 1,400-inmate West Facility of the California Institution for Men, prison spokesman Mark Hargrove said. The fighting may have been racially motivated, he said. Guards aided by San Bernardino County sheriff's deputies and police from Chino and Ontario quelled the fighting in about two hours. They were not injured. "We were never in any danger of the facility being taken over," Hargrove said. At least 24 inmates were taken to nearby hospitals for treatment of moderate to serious injuries, including one inmate who had severe head injuries and puncture wounds to his back, Hargrove said. There has been period violence in the overcrowded state prison system, often involving Hispanic and black inmates. At Chino, 40 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, two inmates were stabbed and wounded in June during brawls involving about 60 inmates. (END) Venezuelan Prison Riots Kill 6 Inm ates Jan 3, 9:14 PM (ET)

News About Prison Riots: California Chino state prison riot leaves two dozen hurt By: Associated Press CHINO, Calif. -- A riot at a state prison Saturday involved more than 800 inmates and sent at least two dozen to hospitals with moderate to serious injuries, a spokesman said.

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - Fresh fighting between rival gangs in a Venezuelan jail left six inm ates dead, raising the death toll in riots this week to 22, officials said Wednesday. The fighting broke out before dawn Tuesday as inm ates arm ed with knives and guns battled for control of cell blocks in Uribana Prison in the eastern city of Barquisim eto. The initial fighting left 16 inm ates dead and 13 injured. Interior Ministry official Mayerling Rojas told The Associated Press that another six died in a "settling of scores," after 25 inm ates involved in the riot were transported later Tuesday to another prison in Guanare in central


The Abolishment Movement

Portuguesa state. Rojas said Wednesday the facility in Guanare was "now tranquil" and she was not aware of any further injuries. Violence is com m on in Venezuela's overcrowded and understaffed prisons, where about 20,000 inm ates live in 30 facilities built to hold 15,000. Prisoners often bribe guards to obtain weapons. At least 378 inm ates were killed and 883 m ore were injured from January through Novem ber in prison violence last year, according to the watchdog group Venezuelan Prisons Observatory. Som e 411 inm ates were killed and 737 m ore were injured in 2005. Prisoners com m only stage rebellions to protest long sentencing delays that can leave them languishing for years with their future uncertain.


Court halts Maryland executions

January 2007 Like many states, Maryland uses three drugs during executions. Sodium pentothal makes the inmate unconscious, pancurium bromide paralyzes the inmate's breathing, and potassium chloride stops the heart. The court said that the protocol outlined in the manual appears to be consistent with state law, but that the legislative committee charged with reviewing the protocol "may have a different view." Under state law, lawmakers must review the protocol before it is approved. Delegate Anne Healey, who helps lead the committee that would review the document, said that it was too soon to say whether the legislature would take up lethal injection when it convenes in January.

© 2006 The Associated Press

Karen V. Poe, a spokeswoman for the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, said attorneys for the state will review the opinion and advise the department head on the next course of action.

BALTIMORE, Md. — An appeals court in Maryland ruled Tuesday that state executions cannot proceed until a legislative panel reviews parts of the manual that spell out the protocol for lethal injections.

The decision was in a ruling that rejected three other challenges from attorneys representing death row inmate Vernon Evans Jr. Evans was sentenced to die for the murders of Scott Piechowicz and his sister-in-law, Susan Kennedy, in 1983.

By BRIAN WITTE Associated Press Writer

The Maryland Court of Appeals said the manual was never given a public hearing or properly submitted to a joint committee before the Department of Corrections adopted it. The ruling comes as states nationwide are scrutinizing lethal injection procedures. Last week, a moratorium was placed on executions in Florida after a lethal injection was botched. Executions also are halted in Missouri and California because of lethal injection concerns. The manual defines which drugs are used in a lethal injection and how the injection occurs.

His attorney, A. Stephen Hut Jr., called the ruling "an important win" at a time when lethal injection is under scrutiny in other states. Maryland Citizens Against State Executions, an advocacy group, also cheered the ruling, saying it would provide "much-needed scrutiny of Maryland's execution protocol." There are five men on Maryland's death row, and there are no other executions currently scheduled. The last inmate to be executed in the state was Wesley E. Baker on Dec. 5, 2005. (END)


The Abolishment Movement

Thanking Anthony Mustafah Chisley for sending me that article. Deputy Chairman to the Maryland Branch of the New African Black Panther Party-Prison Chapter “Extend my love, strength and solidarity to all the comrades participating in the hunger strike on Jan. 1st 2007. I truly hope these new developments help them now. It’s imperative.”

This News Release Just Came in, in time for this edition: NEWS RELEASE: THE D.R.I.V.E. MOVEMENT 1. (DEATH ROW INNER-COMMUNALIST VANGUARD ENGAGEMENT) MEDIA ADVISORY CONTACT: [email protected] Monday, January 8, 2007 THE NON VIOLENT PROTEST AGAINST THE INHUMANE DEATH PENALTY PERSISTS – A SECOND HUNGER STRIKE IS UNDERWAY ON TEXAS DEATH ROW A new year has begun. This month alone, the state of Texas is planning to murder 5 men in the name of justice. They will murder sons, fathers and husbands. As last year showed, some of them don't wait for the state to kill them; they take their own life in protest of a flawed judicial process. Michael Johnson died after he took his own life on 19-10-2006 proclaiming his innocence. The New Year also brought a new stronger and more coordinated wave of protests. The nonviolent resistance, claiming a change in inhumane conditions, which had been strongly supported by a hunger strike that started on October 8th, 2006, is now deployed on a larger

January 2007 scale. Early reports talk about at least a dozen men on one pod alone, determined hunger strikers now working within DRIVE or in collaboration with since New Year Day. Their goal? They only want a little bit more than they have now at Polunsky Unit Death Row. They are simply stated hungry for humanity. Nothing complicated, nothing outrageous, nothing more then the very basic human needs and nothing more then what almost all other death row inmates in America are allowed to have. Also, new recruits were thus found among the men of Texas Death Row and women among Death Row inmates in Pennsylvania. While this inside struggle is going on, the outside support hasn't been still: Among several things, a rotating hunger strike in solidarity with the men inside has started from the 1st of January; and the national DRIVE spokesperson and CEDP-Austin (Campaign to End the Death Penalty) member Bryan McCann and some other anti-DP activists had an important meeting on December 18th with Rep. Jerry Madden, Chair of the House Committee on Corrections, at the request of the latter. DRIVE issues were addressed and for the first time, DRIVE was officially heard by the Texas authorities. The DRIVE Movement is getting stronger by the day. DRIVE's determination is overwhelming, not a single protester has broken the rule of nonviolence and therefore the impact gets bigger. DRIVE is to be taken seriously. DRIVE actions cannot be rejected. "One of our main goals here is to chronicle our struggle to give you a good look inside these walls. One rarely gets to see beyond the facade the system presents to the world. As stated by one of this century's most prolific writers, Paulo Coelho: "What the eyes don't see, the heart doesn't grieve over." We hope that if we can help you see we can move you to act. We also hope to somehow foster the attitude throughout the world that we on Death Row are fellow human beings.


The Abolishment Movement

I will try my best to remove the misconceptions generally held that we are monsters - cold blooded, un-feeling, unthinkably evil. Most people who are pro-death and those working with the machine feel this way. They have to. If they don't hate us enough, how can they kill us? And how else can one learn to hate a person, without first removing their humanity? I refuse to give up my humanity. And I refuse to allow you to see me as anything other than who I am. Through our sacrifice and return of good for evil, we intend to win this fight." said DRIVE comrade Steven Woods. (END) Also by Steve Woods, Make Way For Democracy! By Steven Woods. I’ve been sitting here thinking, wondering just how many people in the United States are actually for or against the Death Penalty. Sure, we have our polls; but who is polled, and what do the results actually show? I have it in my mind that most real Amerikkkans have very little real knowledge about the process and appliance of Capital Punishment. I mean, it’s highly evident in everything I read and hear about it now-a-days. And I see so many people’s eyes opened, and once they see what the ultimate penalty actually entails – the whole process, arrest to death – they either come off the fence and go against it or go from completely Pro to Anti Death Penalty, and that’s great, don’t get me wrong. But I think alright, what’s the point? Now that you’ve come over, what can you do? Nothing, really, as it’s up to our elected officials as to what Laws and Policies go on the books. We can debate and educate people, hold a few protests to speak up, and out about the Death Penalty and our opposition to it. Beyond that, we sit back and we hope that the growing consciousness of the Amerikkkan citizens will compel a change. It’s not nearly enough, obviously, because we’re still murdering people in the name of justice. And we’re doing it with our own tax dollars! So I’d say

January 2007 it’s about time we really call out to put an end to this madness. Normally, we’d do this by electing people to represent us in the various Governmental bodies; to represent our wishes and our views, to speak upon our behalf, and to take care of all the little political nuisances we’re deemed unfit to take care of for ourselves. Apparently we’re under represented on this issue, so I have a proposal: Give the issue over to us to vote on. I propose we petition our newly elected officials for the ability to decide the continuance of the Death Penalty for ourselves. After all it is we - society as a whole – who are affected. As a part of this petition, I suggest we ask our representatives that executions be televised during a time in which both Pro and Anti Death groups can campaign. The display of executions allows society to see the end result of ‘justice’, which is the only fair way for the state to act. It must be made a part of our daily lives. At the end of the time period we hold a vote. Honestly, naive as I am, I believe the Anti Movement will win. I believe that once society sees that the Death Penalty is a serious issue, we will take it seriously. In doing so we’ll examine our beliefs. When we see the atrocity for what it really is, we’ll have no choice morally, but to vote against it. What can the Government lose by taking up our challenge? They get a chance to prove democracy isn’t dead in this country. However, should they decline to pick up our gauntlet; we prove that the Government truly does not hold in its minds the best interests of society. Should our challenge be declined, well, then we really have no choice but to fall back on a more direct and subversive course to abolishment. If we are ignored, then there really exists no other way. No amount of petitions or phone calls will change things if the Government refuse to hear the will of the people. It’s our society, and it’s time to put this decision into our hands. (END)


The Abolishment Movement

The Abolishment Movement Inmate Member Kevin Watt’s, Texas MAKE JUST OF WHAT’S UNJUST (ANTI DEATH PENALTY PETITION) Why does the common society choose to murder us? Does it feel it’ll actually solve all of society’s flaws? I have never witness a more cruel and harsh way to rectify a lost soul. To punish one by death is outrageous in the most irrelevant form. Can there be that much hate in the hearts and conscience of the people? One who has become a creation of a cold and heartless environment, doesn’t make an individual an untamed animal. Therefore the drive to rehabilitate should be issued out just as fluently as sentences of death….you may be questioning yourself over how many opportunities do we provide for those whom are constantly in conflict. Our nations constituted law. With such question that people use to neglect justice and equality – I add to questions to consider; 1) do you disregard all love and patience for a child and for student that’s stead failing your principles or rules? 2) how many individuals have never received an opportunity for betterment….at a sincere level? The common society that determines our sentence of death have been dys-educated, in believing that execution is the proper way in handling a case foreign to their comprehension, and as well as that, since one is able to be involved in such accusations that, such a cruel punishment of death, that person must be and have to be guilty.

JUST OR UNJUST? As the political system paints us to be animals, these allies of the State fabricate what type of person we are to get their pay checks. They have adopted the phrase “it’s not personal, it’s

January 2007 business.” Does that justify their unjust tactics to have us condemned to death? To understand ones thoughts, feelings and intentions – there must be sought some type of personal relationship, communication, a sincere moment of bonding with another. Otherwise how can it automatically be assumed that you or I are animals and that those who have proved their innocence? Yet, isn’t capital punishment suppose to represent a “just” definition and a “flawless” system? Once again, the governmental justice system has made way to manipulating the people to believe that just because one is accused, one must be guilty. JUST OR UNJUST? Are we unable to make right our wrongs, and be reached out unto? Will humanity be annihilated, or will we nourish it? Has the legislative made a new law, that of “guilty by assumption?” No longer is proof and evidence holding any weight, as the verdict goes to the best performer…. The lust for murder has grown ludicrous and, lust can never be fulfilled. Murder is international, national, country bound, statewide, and it’s all constitutional (legal). We are blinded by the blood in our eye, but the bloodshed must stop, and if it’s any type of justice it should not be justified in the name of justice. So many have given up faith, hope, the fight and have volunteered a early departure (abandoning appeals) and for suicide. Why? Because they believe that the people are so confident/sure of the system and the laws if imposes that death is inevitable…..only the people can make Just of what’s Unjust. JUST OR UNJUST? By Kevin M. Watts #999456 Polunsky Unit Bld 12 3872 F.M. 350 Livingston, Tx 77351


The Abolishment Movement Daryl Wheatfall

I wrote this one up as an editorial and published it in AC. Texas Death Row Inmate Begins Early Hunger Strike Daryl Wheatfall begins striking on Dec. 27th to protest conditions As told to me by inmate Daryl Wheatfall, Texas Death Row Inmate As I sit here working on an article called "They'll never change," 6:30 AM, my toilet began to fill with water. The inmate directly over me in cage #66, his toilet is stopped up. When he tried to flush his toilet, it flooded out mine, and both cages above me have the same effect. I informed officer Anderson of the problem, and called him over to where he was able to see it, and advise him that if anyone in the cages above me were to flush their toilet, my cage will be filled with toilet water. Anderson said he would call someone down to fix the problem. The inmate above me in cage #66 suffers from a mental disorder and began to argue with his neighbor in cage #65, stating how he will flood out all the cages on one row. Another office Masp went upstairs to investigate this problem, and while he is upstairs, a toilet is flushed, and my cage is now flooded out. Masp returned to see the filthy contaminated water filling my cage as well as coming out the pipes on the run. This filthy contaminated water smelled so bad I could hardly breath. There was a black substance, that had a stench and flowed through all the flooded water, covering my cage floor. Officer Masp observed fro a minuet and said he would get someone down to fix this problem as he walked away. Between 30 minuet to an hour have passed and no-one has brought me anything to clean the mess up. I banged on my cage door

January 2007 to get the guards attention for help. Sgt. Toll then came over the intercom and asked me what I wanted, as though this was the first he knew of the flooding. Twenty minuets later Sgt. Toll, Anderson and Masp enter the section, but would not come close to my cage because of the foul odor. Toll wasn't concerned with what I had to say, even though I repeatedly called him. Toll was more concerned with speaking with prisoners who cell was not flooded out. All I wanted was a towel to wipe up the mess from my cage floor. I again explained how both #65 and #66 cages caused my toilet to flush over. No-one would come near my cage because of the smell. The toilets upstairs are continuing to flush and more water is flooding into my cage and the next cage over. As I tried to push the water out, the officers did nothing and seemed amused by this. Approximately 40 minuets later an inmate came with a mop and bucket and began to clean up the mess. Insulting words were then exchanged between myself and Sgt. Toll after he and other officers refused to assist me with this flooding problem. Their job is to provide inmates with what is necessary. Days prior to this incident Officer Masp had denied me a shower, and the very next day I refused to come out of the dayroom until the ranks addressed the situation with my being denied a shower. Sgt. Toll was the officer addressing the situation, and to correct the misunderstanding I was given an extra tray when we were fed. Yet it was clear that this exchange was a personal thing and animosity is being exercised to seek their revenge. I along with several other inmates were placed into the shower to clean ourselves off. Our cages where then cleaned while we were in the shower, yet out of five inmates placed in the shower, my cage was the only one searched, and a few things of unimportance were removed. Simply taken to


The Abolishment Movement

escalate the former problem. So when I came out of the shower I sat on the run in protest and told them they would have to carry me. Sgt. Toll suited up a team of officers and lied to the lt. stating that he saw me flooding my cage. My property was now removed from my cage, and I was to be on 24 hour property restriction. As of right now, I don't have anything of mine. My hunger strike has begun now instead of the first of January. I Daryl Wheatfall will not eat nor give these unprofessional guards my full cooperation. I have no doubt I will suffer, yet it's time that I make a stand.

January 2007 different cities from all over the world to give you a view of this world, even if you might never be able to travel again. If you want to receive postcards from different cities from all over the world, you can let us know and we will add your address to a distribution list. If you know someone from the outside, like a pen pal, friend or loved one who would like to take part in this project to send postcards, please tell them about this project because the more people we have to send postcards the more postcards you will receive. They can also find more information on our webpage or can also send an email to: [email protected]

Please contact Polunsky Prison and let the warden know we are watching this. END) edited for publication

Announcement: We are a new NON PROFIT organization with families and friends of prisoners, former prisoners, human rights activists and abolitionists of the death penalty. Besides fighting to abolish the death penalty and to do campaigning for the innocent we also want to try to improve your every day life in prison. We can only imagine how important it is to be in contact with the outside world and how much joy it can bring you to meet new friends. So “Justice for the innocent” offer you, for everyone on death row free àpen pal ad service: You can send us your ad (up to 500 words) and a photo of yourself to be posted on our website. Because this is free service, we can not afford the postage to send back photos, so please send us only a photo you do not need returned. If you have not received any response to your ad in the first 5 months then feel free to write us, so we can try again to find you a friend. àcards for inmates (postcards): The goal is that you will receive postcards from

àArt show: We (Justice for the innocent e.V.) are planning a big art exhibition for the end of the year 2007 in Germany and we know there are great artists among you. Every artist shall get a chance to show his art. If you want we will publish your name, your age and the state under the artworks, but you can also exhibit anonymous too if you want. If you want your art to be shown you can send one piece of art to the PO Box (Postfach/address) and let us know if you want to stay anonymous or not: Gerechtigkeit für Unschuldige Justice for the innocent e.V. Postfach 6017 49093 Osnabrück Germany It is very important to fill in GIFT on the customs form! If not we would have to declare it through customs, but this is not possible because it’s too expensive! If the works of art are forwarded as GIFT it is usually no problem. We can’t send the art back to the artist! We will probably have a few more art shows in the coming years where we will show your art again, if you agree. And your art will also be presented on our website where the visitors can donate.


The Abolishment Movement

We look forward to hear from you. I am the founder and chairwoman of this non profit organization. In struggle and solidarity Diana Srowig email: [email protected] Webpage: (END)

Solitary Confinement: By Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY The number of suicides in the nation's two largest state prison systems is ticking upward, and authorities in California and Texas are linking the increase to the rising number of inmates kept in solitary confinement. In California, which has the largest state prison system with about 170,000 inmates, there have been 41 suicides this year, the most in at least six years and a 17% increase from 2005. Although an estimated 5% of California's inmates are ! housed in solitary confinement — also known as "administrative segregation" — 69% of last year's suicides occurred in units where inmates are isolated for 23 hours a day, according to state Department of Corrections records. About half the suicides this year were in such units. In Texas' prison system, which has 169,000 inmates, there have been 24 suicides this year, up from 22 in 2005. Most of the inmates who killed themselves were in some form of solitary confinement, says John Moriarty, inspector general for the prison system. Texas prisons also are reporting a 17% increase in attempted suicides: 652 so far this year, compared with 559 in 2005. The number of attempted suicides this year is the most in nearly a decade, according to state prison records.

January 2007 Statistics on attempted suicides in California prisons were not immediately available. The figures from California and Texas are fueling a debate over whether solitary confinement is the best way to control or punish violent or dangerous inmates, particularly those who are mentally ill. More than 70,000 of the 1.5 million inmates in state and federal prisons are kept in isolation, a reflection of get-tough policies designed to separate rival gang members and those who have gotten into fights while behind bars. Isolated inmates typically have significant restrictions on visitors and get little help in dealing with the psychological problems that can be caused by isolation. They usually are allowed out of their cells for no more than an hour a day to exercise alone; their exposure to TV and reading material also is limited. "Are we housing the mentally ill in prison facilities?" Moriarty asks. "I think the answer is yes. But I don't know if that's the best place for them to be." Moriarty, whose office investigates every inmate death in Texas, says stress from isolation and increasing numbers of inmates with long sentences have contributed to the rise in suicides. "Length of sentence is a big factor. There is despair about not getting out." The increase in inmate suicides in California has triggered recent changes in segregation units. In October, guards began checking inmates housed in solitary confinement every 30 minutes, rather than every hour, says Shama Chaiken, the state prison system's chief psychologist for mental health policy. Some segregation cells also will be modified to remove shelving, vent openings and other features that offenders could use in hangings, the most common form of suicide in California prisons, Chaiken says. This month, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced a $1 billion plan that includes 10,000 new beds in prison medical and mental health units.


The Abolishment Movement

A few jurisdictions have credited expanded mental health programs with reducing prisoner suicides. After Kentucky set up a mental health program for those in the state's 83 county jails in 2004, suicides in the jails fell 47%, according to The (Louisville) Courier-Journal. There have been 13 suicides this year in the 188,000-inmate federal prison system, the same total as in 2005. Florida, the third-largest state system with 90,000 inmates, has had nine prison suicides this year; it had eight last year.

January 2007 me your contact information, picture if you have one, and your writings, request for pen pal, etc. The Abolishment Movement and Prison Uprise is free to all. Please pass this edition on to someone else to read. If we have 100 editions circulating, and those editions reach 10 new people, it will be that 1000 have seen and read the news. Always accepting submissions, suggestions and



RIP to all the inmates executed in 2006, including the self execution of Michael Johnson.

Contact me at: Dee Martin P.O.Box 63095

I went over the usual 10 pages this month, because I wanted to get everything in. I have some more articles, those will have to wait until next month. I receive letters daily reporting about abusive and corrupt guards, about suicides, and other deplorable conditions.

New Bedford, Ma. 02746

If your interested in receiving Prison Uprise on a regular basis, have one of your family members or friends print it out monthly and send it to you. It’s posted on The Abolishment Movement Forum, or “Don’t Kill For Us” myspace. If you have no-one that can do that for you send me your name and address and I will try to get one out to you. I want to thank Chrissie, AKA Moonstar (The Abolishment Movement member) for helping me with the typing of this edition. The Abolishment Movement is now accepting new inmate members who are not on death row. We have a special section for those who want to be on our site, and support our issues. If your not already a member, you can easily join by sending

Logo by James D. Diaz (Life in prison on a 3 strikes charge)


The Abolishment Movement

January 2007

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