Prioritized Recommendations To The National Education Policy Formulation Committee 2009 Bangladesh

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Prioritized Recommendations to The National Education Policy Formulation Committee 2009

2 August 2009

Education Watch & Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE) 5/14, Humayun Road, Mohammadpur Dhaka- 1205


Prioritized Recommendations to the National Education Policy Formulation Committee 20091 We congratulate the National Education Policy Formulation Committee 2009 for taking such a challenging task. We believe that based on the experience, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of existing research findings, the Committee will present an appropriate Education Policy to the nation. We sincerely hope that the education policy will reflect “Education as a human right not a commodity”. We, as different agencies working in the field of education and research, take this opportunity to present some recommendations on a priority basis with the hope that the National Education Policy Formulation Committee will consider them. We have divided our recommendations in four sub sectors. These are

1. Overall Education Management 2. Pre-primary, Primary and Mass Education 3. Secondary & Higher Secondary Education 4. Tertiary Education. We would be happy to provide support and co-operation to prepare activities, plan of action and implementation strategies based on this prioritized issues.

1. Overall Education Management 1.1 Education Policy: Initiatives to set priority based targets and strategies/activities for effective implementation are a current need. It is expected that the Committee will provide with a time bound Action Plan along with policy guidelines considering the recommendation made by the Qudrat-e-Khuda Commission 1972, and subsequent progress like National Education Policy 2000 and the Election Manifesto. Previous experiences show that although the different governments have formulated Education Commission but no initiatives have been taken to implement these. In reality, it should be a continuous process and may be adapted and revised as and when necessary. It is hoped that the committee will put effort to give an institutional shape to the process.

1.2 Advisory Forum for Basic Education: Education is a wide, complex and far fetching sector. Therefore, it is crucial that the process of adopting a national education policy should be transparent, inclusive and continuous. There should be scope for engaging all relevant stakeholders and experts. Therefore, it is recommended that an Advisory Forum needs to be formed for Pre-primary, Primary and Secondary education along with Technical and Vocational education and non-formal education for regular review and updates. Important policy decisions may be taken at the high-powered National Council on Primary Education headed by the Hon’ble Prime Minister. It could be worthwhile to mention here that 1

These recommendations have been prepared by a Committee through a participatory process where members of Education Watch Groups, National NGOs and International NGOs along with their partners contributed through a systematic process.


Draft the National Council on Primary Education was never active; it is high time to activate the Council.

1.3 Advisory Forum for Higher Education: Similarly, an Advisory Forum for Higher Education (University, college and professional education) may be formed through University Grant’s commission for keeping the decision making process transparent and participatory.

1.4 Decentralized Education System: Achieving the target of learning objectives at primary and secondary level, ensure all children have access to uniform and quality primary and secondary education, attain EFA goals and enhance efficiency and effectiveness in the education management is the demand of the the time. Therefore, the legal and management structure needs to be revised to initiate the decentralization process through research and monitoring. In this process, the role of local government must be taken into consideration. Research and academic institutions having field level experience should also be involved. Besides the city corporations like Dhaka, Chittagong, and others must also be strengthened to ensure quality education in order to reduce the admission pressure on selected good performing schools; a Local Education Authority may be introduced in these large City Corporations. It will also contribute in reduction of Traffic jam.

1.5 Teacher Education and Training: Teacher education is a long term and continuous process and requires regular update. Considering of teacher education (e.g. Pre-primary, Primary, Secondary, Technical, Vocational, Non-formal etc) as a continuum, it is necessary to bring teacher education and training under a common framework. Teacher education framework has to be developed in a way so that pre-primary teachers could develop themselves as a primary or secondary school teachers or even higher-level teacher through necessary training.

1.6 Teacher student ratio. To improve the quality of education, teacher student ratio at primary level should be limited to 1.30 and it should be a reasonable number at the secondary level. To ensure proposed teacher students ratio, it is necessary to take measures to recruit teachers and fill up the vacancies. If the number of teacher gets higher, teacher students contact hour can also be increased. To increase teacher - student contact hour, it is an essential task to introduce single shift in all schools.

1.7 English Language Education: Considering the massive demand of English language in the global level and to acquire 21st century skill and expand Information and Communication Technology, it is obligatory to learn English language. For that reason it is essential to 2

Draft introduce English language as a compulsory subject from Class III. However some schools may introduce English language as an optional subject from Class I.

1.8 Geo regional education reform: Due to global warming, world climate has already undergone a change and the impact of this change is being felt in Bangladesh as well. That is why environmental education should be introduced at the school level. In order to inform and prepare teachers and students the environmental education would provide insights on disaster management technique, strategies and its impact on Bangladesh. Besides, it is also essential to reform our whole education system taking into account the geo regional changes. We need to bring change in the education curriculum, textbooks, school timing, school calendar, teacher recruitment, teacher salary, infrastructure development etc. In this regard it is essential to have a guide line in the education policy for making long term education planning.

1.9 Education TV Channel and Information Technology: A working group might be formed for analyzing the impact of education in connection with digital Bangladesh. As an element of digital Bangladesh, steps to initiate a second channel of Bangladesh Television for education programs may be taken. It may be an autonomous body and require gradual planning but in the mean time, some program Like English Language Education and Teacher’s education etc may be started.

1.10Expansion of educational opportunities for ultra –poor and disadvantaged people: A priority based plan of action for expanding education opportunity for the ultra-poor and disadvantaged people. We have to provide education opportunity for the children of indigenous and ethnic minority people in their respective mother language. We have to give responsibility of disabled childrens education to the ministry of education and MoPME through changing rules of business. In this regard, necessary changes may be brought about in education management, especially in Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education, National Curriculum and Textbook Board, National Primary Education Academy and National Academy of Education and Management.

1.11Political Commitment for removing corruption and mismanagement: As per the political commitment, policy decisions from the high level to remove corruption and mismanagement from education system and all kinds of educational institutions need to be implemented. In this regard, necessary actions and also have to be taken to establish a regular monitoring system. It is needless to say that all types of recruitment from primary to university level are influenced by partisan interest, which is damaging for efficient education management


Draft seriously. Making the dream of changing days in reality, we must have to break this vicious circle. In this regard, we need clear political commitment and proper implementation.

1.12 Permanent Education Commission: According to the law received in the parliament, people from different sector raised their voice for forming permanent basic education commission. This basic education commission will be liable to parliament in providing advisory support to government and policy and goals, setting priorities of activities and implementation. This commission will present report to relevant parliamentary standing committee and parliament on important educational issues on regular basis. Based on university grants commission a permanent tertiary education commission, which will be legally reportable to parliament, may be formed as like a basic education commission. As an immediate task, proposed advisory forum may be the pioneer of permanent commission.

1.13Comprehensive Education law: A comprehensive Education law defining roles and responsibility of state, government and the society in relation to education policies, goals and implementation process needs to be formulated and adopted. It may be worth mentioning that the existing constitution recognizes access to education as a principle policy but not constitutional right. Therefore it is essential that experience from other countries and relevant stakeholder be taken in to consideration.

1.14Ministry for Education and Human Resource Development: Considering the interlinkage between Education and Human resource Development and inter sectoral dependence as well as the elected governments commitment for decentralization as stated in its election manifesto it is recommended that there should be one ministry instead of two.

1.15Digital Technology and E-learning: Digital technology and internet based E-learning education system needs to be developed. Digital technology can play an important role for widening education opportunity, teacher’s training, teaching-learning and lifelong education. This can be undertaken on a short, mid and long-term basis.

1.16 Resources in Education: The government needs to set short, mid and long term budgetary targets while increasing its allocation towards education. To ensure proper resource utilization, identify expenditure indicators and objectives an institutional process and system may be developed. With this, in view specific guideline for public private partnership needs to be stated in the education policy. Apart from this, tax rebate may be considered to encourage formation of education fund at the district and Upa-zilla level and investment by


Draft interested Non Resident Bangladeshi (NRB). The government may also consider introducing Cess for education as practice in many other countries.

1.17Effective Curriculum and Quality Education materials: To improve the quality of curriculum, text books and learning materials we have to ensure the objectivity and effectiveness of developing curriculum and its implementation strategy and examination technique. Curriculum development and its implementation and textbooks publication and distribution are different types of activities and require special skills. To increase professionalism and management skill the two types of activities need to be separated. A separate institution may be established for publication and distribution of textbooks.

1.18Teacher and Education officer: There is no option but to take appropriate measure to attract qualified, skilled and committed teacher through enhancing their status at the primary and secondary level. Initiatives also need to be taken to raise the level of teacher higher-level educational institutions and degree colleges. Necessary steps for providing knowledge on pre-teaching skills before send them to classrooms must be ensured. Teachers should also be provided with opportunities for in service professional development. Previous decision for separate Primary Education Cadre should be implemented immediately. We may consider an alternative sub cadre for teaching and education administration. We appreciate the commitment for establishing an alternative education service commission.

1.19Mid and long term planning: Considering the education perspective prepare mid and long term planning and to create an option for continuous monitoring for effective implementation and immerging needs. Above mentioned permanent education commission may take this responsibility and two advisory forums may take initiative for the interim period. This planning should be similar with education policy related priorities and goals.

1.20Location analysis and mapping of schools: For varied reasons the number of students in all schools of the country are not same. For this reason, it is essential to have necessary guidelines in the education policy on the location analysis and mapping of schools at the upazilla level especially for primary and secondary schools. Following issues should take in account for mapping of school:

a) Based on the number of school-aged children and their movement, number of schools and location should be determined and at the same time should prepare plan for the future. b) The mapping should be carried out at the Upazilla level. For that reason, information of all education provides of that upazilla should be collected.

c) Plan to build high-rise buildings in places identified as unsafe due to rising water level. 5


2. Pre-primary, Primary and Mass Education 2.1 Expansion of pre-primary education: Pre primary education needs to be expanded and implemented as per the government approved frame work of operation of Pre-Primary Education and National Plan of Action -2. It is crucial to bring all children under quality prePrimary Education taking into consideration the characteristic and situation of children (poor, ethnic minority and disabled children). To accomplish this it is important that the curriculum is reviewed and there is infrastructural developments creating student friendly environment. Teacher’s training replicating the best practices in education should be inbuilt within the plan of actions. There should also be provision for adequate resources for its implementation.

2.2 Areas deprived of education facilities: Initiatives to ensure access to education in the remote areas need to be undertaken following a survey on the state of education service at the village level and other towns, and also other causes leading to inadequate access to education facilities. MoPME has identified currently 2000 villages where there is no primary school at all.

2.3 Mid-day meal in school: It is essential to make provision for mid-day meals for primary school children as soon as possible. In this regard, the experience of national and international NGOs already are providing midday meals for primary school children may be shared.

2.4 Literacy, Adult Education and Life Long Learning: Based on experiences of different literacy campaigns and findings, it is expected that there will be specific directions on literacy as an element of Adult Education and Life Long Learning. It may require policy formulation to implement the plan of action using government and non-government organizations mechanism through local government. By spreading life long education for all instead of concentrating on signature based literacy it is important to develop a learning society and community. This education will ensure life skill based education for young people. Therefore actions through inter ministerial planning and coordination may have to be taken.

2.5 Universal education up to class VIII: A time bound goal to ensure equal education opportunity for all children up to class VIII needs to be set. It may be extended up to class X later.

2.6 Unified basic education: Provision for education with uniform/same standard quality for all types of primary level educational institutions (Madrasha, government and non-government funded general school, English and NGO run schools) needs to be introduced. Despite the


Draft diversity in delivery, mechanisms and characteristics of institutions all schools should have common curriculum, goal and facility to ensure quality education.

2.7 Inclusive Education: It is necessary to create inclusive education opportunity in line with the SALAMANKA declaration. In this regard training options needs to be enhanced in Primary Teachers Training Institute (PTI), National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM), and Upa-Zilla Resource Centre (URC) and provide adequate materials on the issue as all children, young adults and special needs children can get access to education.

3. Secondary and higher Secondary Education 3.1

Integrated development of secondary education: A Working Group needs to be formed consisting of people having practical experience, institutions and expert in order to improve the quality of education, expand education opportunity and to incorporate all types of secondary education (including Madrasha) with a common core curriculum. The Working Group will provide advice on the enduring important activities and give directions for preparing a comprehensive sub sector plan taking into account all ongoing activities and proposed plan of action.

3.2 Effective evaluation system: Innovative and structured method of examination has already been launched. This method was applied for two subjects in 2009. There is a plan to apply this method in other subjects in 2010. Considering the progress and results and findings the gaps in terms of necessary skill, training and management, there should be extensive plans for enhancing teacher’s skill, institutional capacity, effective monitoring system and research on these issues.

3.3 Expand education opportunity up to class VIII: considering the progress in universal primary education the span of primary education can be expand up to class VIII. The education policy should have a clear indication on interim engagements for the universal primary education up to grade VIII.

3.4 District level secondary eucation development planning: To develop standard and unified secondary and higher secondary education institutions decentralized management system needs to introduce at the Upazilla, district and city corporation level. Model school programs can be expanded based on the results and lessons lernt from the existing model school established by the ministry of education at the Upa-Zilla level.

3.5 Role of secondary education for developing Human Capability: The role of secondary education is crucial for develop human capability through enhance knowledge in science, 7

Draft mathematics, information technology and language efficiency where the political commitment is essential. Adequate measures needs to take for implementation of the common core curriculum in all types of secondary educational institutions through reviewing the existing state of secondary institutions and identify the problems and areas of improvement.

3.6 Update technical and vocational education: It is essential to expand technical and vocational education on one hand and this sub sector are suffering with different types of strategic and management problem on the other hand. In order to raise the quality and relevance of technical and vocational education and meet the demands of national and international labour market, provisions for innovative and advanced training and education with the assistance of government and non-government sector needs to be undertaken. In this regard establishing effective communication and supportive relationship with the relevant nongovernment organizations and maintain inter ministerial coordination is crucial. A taskforce may be formed to implement the recommendations and plan of actions.

3.7 Technical, Vocational Education and Training: Necessary measures needs to take for providing Technical and Vocational education to a large number of children after completion of the junior secondary education considering the internal and external demand. In this regard, it is essential to have a specific direction in the education policy to build up the capacity of secondary and technical training institutions along with expanding education opportunity.

4. Tertiary Education 4.1 Standard of Private University: According to the Law of private university, it is essential to ensure quality related standard and its implementation in the private universities. The present situation of private university may improve through proper review of the existing law, formulate revised law, and pass it in the parliament. 4.2 Development of Degree College: There should be specified rules and regulation regarding quality for reviewing the access and standard of education in colleges that are affiliated to national universities. In this regard, we have to ensure the implementation of specified necessary steps. However, it needs to be remembered that these initiatives do not face any barrier due to complexities of rules and regulations. Eighty percent students of higher education get admitted in these colleges and these students eventually become teachers of primary and secondary schools. 4.3 Environment of education institutions: There should be no scope of violence, brutality and transgression in the educational institutions. In this regard it is essential to provide all kinds of support from the government and local administration to inspire institutional authority, teachers 8

Draft and students associations for carrying out their responsibility. We have to expand the opportunity for elected students union for applying their constructive activities within the institutions. 4.4 Importance of education research: There should be plans for expanding higher education at the college and university level ensuring acceptable quality.

We have to take institutional

and other measures to create a scope of quality research procedure. 4.5 Formation of Permanent Tertiary Education Commission: In order to increase the quality of tertiary education both government and private institutions need to mobilize resources, set standards of management, ensure close supervision, maintain quality of education for proper implementation and expansion of autonomous administration in the tertiary education institutions. To achieve this goal we have to establish suitable institutional management to reduce the authority and responsibility of the government and its relevant ministry including increase in capacity and authority of university grants commission. In this regard proposed permanent tertiary education commission will provide necessary direction to the overall policy and goal. 4.6 Code of conduct for teachers and students: Uiversity Grants Commission must list down a code of conduct through participatory process explaining the rights and responsibilities of teachers and students of tertiary institutions. The authority must examine specific methods of implementation and process of this code of conduct. Measures to implement the previously approved sexual Harassment Policy need to be taken on an urget basis. To implement the vision 2021 as a citizen of a state, which is democratic, progressive, pluralistic, welfare, and as a citizen of modern educated and skilled in information technology we have to consider Education as the main tool. Therefore, we welcome the objectives, goal to reform, and development comprehensive vision of education. We are ready to provide all out support and cooperation to prepare effective plan of action based on reality, experience and in light with the research findings. We believe that the commitment, political will, strategy and effective measures of the National Education Policy Formulation Committee will add value to the existing initiatives to achieve the Education for All goals and strengthen our collective efforts. We would like to take this opportuneity to congratulate once again to all member of national Education Policy Formulation Committee 2009. Dhaka, 02 August 2009


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