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  • June 2020
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We are asking parents to make a pl teenagers by providing alcohol- an supervised gatherings in our homes


We are asking parents to make a pledge to support our teenagers by providing alc oholand drug-free, We are asking parents to make a pledge to support our Wealchope to enc ourage communic a supervised gatherings in our homes and c ommunity. teenagers by providing oholand drug-free, as we one another supervised gatheringsfamilies, in our homes andsupport community. We hope to enc ourage c ommunic ation between positive environment for our children families, as we support one another making a We hope to encourage c ommunicationinbetween We are asking parents to make to support our positive environment foranother ourac pledge hildren. families, as we support one in making a Parents Working teenagers by providing alc ohol- and drug-free, environment for our c hildren. Together positive Parents supervised gatherings in our homes and community. 26.1% of GDRSD 8th graders Working report drinking alc ohol26.1% other of GD T ogether We hope to encourage c ommunication between Parents than for non-religious reasons drinking alc Welc ome c alls You Know? families, as we supportDid one another in making a Working 7% GDRSD graders from parents non-religiou 26.1% of of G DRSD 8th8th graders report Together positive environment for our c hildren. started drinking before theof GDRS drinking alc ohol other than for Did You Know? 7% Welc ome c alls Did You Know? non-religious reasons age of 12 C hallenge the drinking be from parents 7% of6% G DRSD 8th graders started Welcome c alls of GDRSD 8th graders perc eption that Parents 6% of GDRS drinking before the age of at 12 a party from parents report having been all kids drink Working having bee C hallenge the 6% ofheld G DRSD 8th8th graders report 26.1% of G DRSD graders report in homes in the sc hool Together homes in th having been at aother party heldfor in C hallenge the perc eption that drinking alc ohol than distric t where alc ohol use by Serving alc oholDid You Know? homes in the reasons sc hool distric t where perc eption that non-religious alc ohol use all kids drink teens allowed adults to an underage alc useis by teens is by allowed by all kids drink 7%ohol of G DRSD 8th graders started Welcome c alls adults 27.5% of GDRSD guest is illegal adults drinking before the agestudents of 1227.5% of GD from parents Serving alc ohol having beenreport at a party you may 27.5% ofDRSD G DRSD Serving and alcohol 6% ofreport G 8thstudents graders report having bee to having held been in homes at in the held hool be prosec utedan underage to an underage having been at a a party party heldscin in C hallenge the homes in the the sc hool hoolalc distric where homes distric t where ohol use by in th guest is illegal homes in sc distric tt where c that riminally. guest is illegal perc eption alc ohol ohol useis by teens is is by allowed by and may alc use by teens allowed by alc ohol teens allowed adults. (by use allyou kids drinkbe and you may be adults. (by G12 rade 12 = 48.3%)adults. (by prosec uted adults Grade = 48.3%) prosec uted c riminally. 27.5% of G DRSD students report Serving alcohol Bec ome c riminally. having been at a party held in to an underage Involved! homes in the sc hool distric t where

SAFE HOMES SAFE HOMES For the safetyPROGRAM ofPROGRAM our community safety of our community and For For the the safety of families our community

SAFE HOMES PROGRAM and families and families For the safety of our community and families

Not all Kids Drink! Not all Kids Drink!

Results of the Groton YRBS (Youth Risk Behavior Not allDunstable Kids Drink! Results of the G roton Survey) are in!Dunstable YRBS (Youth Risk Behavior Survey) are in! Underage has declined every year since the Results of thedrinking G roton Dunstable YRBS (Youth Riskfirst Behavior Underage drinking has dec lined every year sinc e the first survey in 2000. Survey) are in! survey inPrevention 2000. andKids awareness programs are working in our Not all Drink! Underage drinking has lined every year Prevention and awareness programs aretoworking in our since the first community, but there isdec still work be done. survey in c ommunity, Inthe response but there toDunstable the is stillYRBS, workG to roton be(Youth done. Dunstable Alliance for Youth Results of G2000. roton YRBS Risk Behavior (G DAY) has reinstated SAFE HOMES program. In response to the YRBS, G rotonthe Dunstable Allianc e for Youth in our Prevention and awareness programs are working Survey) are in! Acdrinking cording to www.stopalc, students (G DAY) has reinstated the program. Underage has decSAFE lined every year e the first who c ommunity, but there is HOMES still work tosinc be done., age 15 are 5 times more who likely to Ac c ording todrinking www.stopalc students survey instart 2000. In response to age the 15 YRBS, Groton Dunstable Allianc e for Youth become alcoholic s.programs start drinking before are 5 times more likelyintoour Prevention and awareness are working (G DAY) has reinstated the SAFE HOMES program. bec ome alc oholic s. c ommunity, but there is still work to be done. Groton Dunstable for Youth Ac c ording, students who In response to thetoYRBS, G roton Dunstable Allianc e Alliance for Youth PO Box 328 Dunstable Alliance for Youth starthas drinking before ageHOMES 15 are 5 times more likely to (G DAY) reinstated theGroton SAFE program. Groton, MA 01450 PO Box 328 Ac cbec ording to www.stopalc, students who ome alcoholic s. G roton, MA 01450 start drinking before age 15 are [email protected] times more likely to bec ome alc oholic s.

guest is illegal ohol use by teens is allowed by and Become you may be THE SAFE HOMES alc PLEDGE: Involved! adults. (by G rade 12 = 48.3%) prosec utedGo to Bec ome HOMES PLEDGE: www.g-day.orgTHE SAFE c riminally. THE SAFE HOMES PLEDGE: Involved! Go for to more info THE SAFE HOM GE: I will actively su perv ise partie s ES or gPLED atherin gs in my and to sign the I will actively supervise parties or gatherings in my home. h eactively . Go I om will supervise orhegatherings forBecome more info I weto lcom e calls from other pparties arents w n my childin ismy home. pledge! and to sign the I w e lcom e calls from othe r p are n ts w h e n m yischild is I w ill activ e ly su p e rv ise partie s or Involved! I w elcom e calls from other parents w hen m y child hostin g a party or gathering at my home THE SAFE pledge! for more infoHOMES PLEDGE:

SAFE HOMES PROGRAM For the safety of our community and families

mhutc [email protected] Groton Dunstable

Alliance for Youth

PO Box 328 Groton Dunstable Alliance for Youth G roton, MA 01450 PO Box 328 G roton, MA 01450 mhutc [email protected] mhutc [email protected]

Go to for more info and to sign the pledge!


h ostin pn arty gSafe atherin gm m yehation om ee Ior w lcom e from oth rhep I will call thegp are tsor for ae Hom eat firm w narents hosting aa party gathering atcalls ycon hom and to sign the I w ill call the p are n ts for a Safe Hom e con firm ation m y ch ild is atte n din g a p arty or g ath e rin g . agp arty or gath eom rineg at my I will ecall the parents forsagor Safe Hom eg confirm w I will activ ly su perv iseh postin artie ath erin s in myation h .hen pledge! II w will n ot se rv e m in ors or allow m in ors acce ss to alcoh olic w h e n m y ch ild is atte n din g a p arty or g athe rin g. H elcom callsisfrom oth rill ntsthe nare my n ch ildfor is a Safe I ew call p ts myechild attending apare party orwhe gathering. b verag eill tob acco oth ergdru s my om e or on ss my to IIg w n otserve se e m in org allow m in ors he ostin as,p arty orrv gor ath e rin m yin hatten om eh will not m inors or allow m inors access m yors chat ild is dingacce atopalcoholic arty or ga rty.tholic alcoh bents vSmartDraw!erag es, tobpurchased acco orcon othe r dru g s Iprop willecall e pBuy are for a Safe Home firm ation w hin enmy copies print this

Parents Working Together

beverages, tobacco inm min y hom or allow on my min I or willother not drugs serve orseor

my ch ild is ndin document a party or without gathe arin watermark g. print this . Buy purchased copies h om e atte orSmartDraw!on mg y prop erty. property. beallow v erag ein s, tob acco or other drugs Visit oracce call 1-800-768-3729. I will not serv em inors or m ss to document without aors watermark . alcoholic prop rty. beverag Visit es, tob acco or oth ere dru gor s in callm1-800-768-3729. y home or on my property.

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Welcome calls from parents C hallenge the

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