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A High-linearity, 80-dB CMOS VGA with DC-offset Cancellation for DAB Application Cui Yike* Li Yongming Wang Zhihua Institute of Microelectronics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China * Email: [email protected] Abstract: A three-stage cascaded variable gain amplifier (VGA) with continuous exponential voltage tuning characteristics in 0.18um 3.3V UMC process is presented for COFDM-based DAB/DVB system. The novel methods to improve the linearity of this circuit and to automatically cancel DC-offset are introduced. The operation frequency is only 38.912MHz, but the circuit maintains 3dB-bandwidth wider than 70MHz throughout its gain range as wide as 80dB. It provides nearly 2.7dB/10mV slope in 0.3V control voltage range, which leads to fast settling-time and high accuracy for AGC loop. At the worst case, the THD of the VGA is -50dB low, the IIP3 is about -4dBm; the simulated equivalent input density of while noise is 7 nV / HZ . The overall current consumption is only 4mA. Keywords: VGA, AGC, CMOS, linear, DC-offset, IF 1. Introduction In most communication system, automatic gain control (AGC) circuits are often employed to maximize the dynamic range of the whole system, since the received signal power of all the communication systems is unpredictable. Moreover, because AGC may control the amplitude of output signal within a fairly small range, it will relax the demand on the accuracy of following ADC as well as adequately utilize its efficiency. In AGC, VGA is a pivotal circuit. When digitally controlled VGA has disadvantages in stability, accuracy and has additive digital circuits, continuous gain tuning VGA with exponential characteristic is always preferred for its high accuracy and relatively constant dynamic -process in AGC. There are two main approaches to realize an exponential function circuit using MOSFETs. Compared with using the exponential characteristic in the weak inversion[l], using the square-law characteristic in the saturation region to approximate an exponential function by specific circuits [2][7]is more suitable for high-speed applications, which is adopted in this paper. Since AGC is always near to the output of receivers, the linearity of VGA is significant for that of the system. However, compared with digitally controlled VGA [4], the current based, continuous gain tuning VGA is short in linearity.[3][7].This paper proposes a novel method to improve the linearity of versatile pseudo-exponential VGA structure[2][3]. This method improved the IIP3 to -4dBm compared with circuit proposed in [2].What is more significant is that the method provides an extra

dimension of freedom for linearizing these VGA circuits which used to have poor linearity. Furthermore, since 53 dB voltage gain (maximum) of the open-loop three-stage cascaded VGA will lead to large DC-offset, this paper introduces a suitable cancellation circuit to attenuate it. High performance is attained by carefully analyzing the influencing facts of the circuit’s parameters. 2. Circuit Description 2.1 Conventional circuit It is hard to realize exponential gain control function in CMOS. Here a pseudo-exponential equation is used to approximate the exponential function according to: n n 2x · §1 x · § 1 | exp 2 nx (1) ¨ ¸ ©1 x ¹

¨ ©

¸ 1 x ¹

This approximation is suitable for cascade circuit cells. Here n is the number of stages.


a Vref




M9 M10


b M3



VC Ib+Ivar


Ib-Ivar M6

Fig.1 Simplified VGA cell circuit schematic Fig.1 shows a single-stage VGA cell[2][3].The cell consists of a differential pair with diode-connected NMOS loads. A common-mode feedback (CMFB) circuit is used to stabilize DC output voltages against process, temperature, and supply variation. The gain of the VGA cell is controlled by varying the current (Ivar) through the differential pair. The current is in terms controlled by the difference between Vc (control voltage from the IF output peak detector circuit) and Vref (the reference set point correspondence to the final IF output signal level to be maintained) according to: g m1 W1 I b  I var W1 1  I var / I b 1  F (2) ˜ ˜ A K˜ 1

g m3

W3 I b  I var

I var

W3 1  I var / I b

E g m 8 Vref  Vc

1 F


Here, E W/ L / W/ L W/ L / W/ L 5 10 6 9 § 1 F · An _ dB v 20 log ¨ ¸ © 1 F ¹


v nF


Eqn.(4) shows that the gain is approximately exponential characteristic as mentioned in Eqn(1).In order to increase

1-4244-0161-5/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL. Downloaded on October 15, 2008 at 02:01 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

the accuracy of the AGC, it is necessary to increase either n or F . According to Eqn(2)(3)(4), Vref  Vc is just the output range which controls the large input range. Note that the impedances at node a and node b will change with the variation of gain, so the bandwidth will be smallest when the gain is maximum and vice versa. 2.2 Linearity improved circuit There are three main distortion sources in Fig.1. First, the practical gain of the diode connection amplifier is not exactly the ratio of the two transconductances. Second the difference of currents between M1&M2 and M3&M4 will introduce extra distortion. Third, the deviation of transistor M5&M6 from ideal saturation region will also deduce serious distortion. It is obvious that the facts cause the distortion by affecting the transconductances both of the differential input transistors and the diode transistors. Among various linearization methods, the source-degeneration technique is the most natural high-frequency linearization scheme.





M5 INn R1 C1








M9 M10






Ib+Ivar VB



M11 M13




Fig.2 Improved VGA cell circuit schematic The circuit in Fig.2 adopts the technique of using drain-source conductance of CMOS transistors biased in the linear region as source-degeneration resistors[5]. Compared with fixed bias drain-source conductance as source-degeneration resistors, this method is preferable for an additional internal feedback which increases the transconductances for large signals to increases the linear range of this topology. The circuit in Fig. 2 has: I b  I var (5) E1 g m1

n 1 (V G S 1  V T )



4 E 14

According to Eqn(5), because of the reduction factor n1 , HD3 of the differential input transistors will be reduced by n12 ,while the diode load transistors M3,M4 are also linearized by application of linear transistors M16,M15. The gain equation result and control function are the same to Eqn.(2)(3)(4). 2.3 DC-cancellation method The proposed three-stage VGA consists three cells to achieve as large as 53dB DC gain. Due to mismatch of input transistors, each cell has its own offset voltage, typically as large as 10mV. Thus, the offset voltage would be amplified to about 4V, large enough to saturate the circuit. Therefore a DC-offset cancellation circuit (DCOC) is necessary for each cell.





M6 INp R2 C2


Fig.3 DC-offset cancellation circuit schematic Fig.3 shows a proposed offset cancellation circuit [6], which consists of a differential negative feedback loop with a low pass filter (consists of R and C). Note that the capacitor in DCOC should not be too large, or it will limit the VGA’s bandwidth. DCOC detects the difference of the VGA output signals at DC level and removes the DC-offset. In Fig.3, differential DC-offset voltages at the VGA output are sensed and passed through LPF, while other higher frequency voltages are blocked. The differential pair M1 and M2 turns the input into different DC currents through M3 and M4, then mirrored by M5 and M6. The offset correction currents are injected back to the VGA in Fig. 2.As a result, the DC-offset current in the VGA is adjusted. With the DCOC, the closed over all transfer function of the VGA can be derived to be




g m1Ro 1  g m 2 Ro

1 1

jZ Z 3 dB , f

jZ  Z oQ


(6) 2

Z o2

(1  g m 2 R o )Z  3 dB ,VG A Z  3 dB , f


Zo Z  3 dB ,VG A  Z  3 dB , f

, g m 1 is the transconductance of M1,2 in Fig.2. g m 2 is the

transconductance of M1,2 in Fig.3. It is clear from Eqn(6) that the VGA with DCOC is band-pass. Note that VB in Fig3 is not fixed but adjusted by VGA bias. When the VGA operates at maximum gain, the attenuation of DCoffset is also maximum for the bias is largest at that time, otherwise the DCOC operated with less current. This method further reduces the DCOC’s negative effects on the whole circuit performance. 2.4 VGA chain optimization Based on the analysis of the above circuit cells, it is not difficult to optimize the three-stage VGA chain to achieve design goal.( Fig4)

Fig4 VGA Chain In order to attain 53dB gain and 70MHZ bandwidth, 4mA current and three-stage VGA is necessary. To control the output voltage within smaller range, a large size (W/L=400u/0.5u) of M7 and M8 in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 is adopted. The tradeoff between noise and linearity is carefully made. Since the circuit in Fig.2 has a bad noise

Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL. Downloaded on October 15, 2008 at 02:01 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

performance and good linearity compared with circuit in Fig.1, the first stage adopts the configuration in figure 1. The last two stages adopt circuits in Fig.2. Here, the V V

value of c ref from -0.175 to 0.125 can control 80dB input signal range from -98dBm to -18dBm. Since the DCOC and CMFB circuits are close-loop, inspection of stability of them is also critical. 3. Simulation Results The proposed VGA is designed in UMC mix-signal 0.18um technology. Lots of simulations were made on the variation of power supply voltage, temperature and process corner. At last a series of trade-off results are got. The VGA shows exponential voltage control in Fig. 5. (Sweep AC response). Fig.6 illustrates the gain response for the whole dynamic range of 80dB with 0.025V VC a step. The 3dB-bandwidth of the VGA is 70MHZ over the entire gain range. When the VGA operates at maximum gain, the DC attenuation is about 0.8dB, that is 52 dB compared to the gain. The simulated equivalent input density of while noise is 7.7nV/ HZ at 52.5dB gain and 309nV/ HZ at 27.5 dB attenuation.(Fig.7). The integrate noise power of both meet the signal to noise ratio requirement of DAB system .And the range of VGA gain is much bigger than the ratio between the maximum and minimum equivalent input noise, which means all the operation situations of VGA satisfy the SNR requirement. Fig.8 shows the IIP3 of two extreme situations, in the worst case(27.5 attenuation), the IIP3 is about -4dBm. The THD of maximum gain is 0.15%(-98dBm input), while the THD of minimum gain is 0.4%(-18dBm input). THD of all the operation situations are below -50dBc. 4. Summary This paper presents a three-stage cascaded VGA with continuous exponential tuning characteristics. Based on a versatile exponential voltage control VGA, it proposes a new method to improve the linearity of this circuit. This method has significant meaning to provide a new dimension of freedom to linearize these VGA circuits. This paper also introduces DC-offset cancellation circuit to reduce effects of input transistors’ mismatch and 1/f noise. The VGA operates at 38.912MHz under 3.3 V supply voltage and consumes about 4 mA DC current. The gain range is 80dB tuned by 0.3V output range. Table 1. comparison prior design process mode bandwidth linearity input noise power range

[4] 0.35um digital 95MHZ IIP3-2dBm 32.7mW 70dB

[7] 0.6um analog 110MHZ THD-50dBc 16nV/ HZ 18mW 70dB

ours 0.18um analog 70MHZ -4dBm -50dBc 7.7nV/ HZ 13mW 80dB

Fig.5exponential character Fig.6 different VC-AC

Fig. 7 equivalent input noise

Fig.8 IIP3

Acknowledgments This research was partly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 90407006) References [1] T.Yamaji, N.Kanou, T.Itakura: “A Temperature Stable CMOS Variable Gain Amplifier with 80-dB Linearly Controlled Gain Range”, 2001 symposium on VLSI Circuit Design of Technical Papers, pp.77-80,2001. [2]P-C.Huang,L-Y.Chiou,C-K.Wang:“A 3.3-V Wideband Exponential Control Variable-Gain-Amplifier,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1, pp. 285-288, 1998. [3] R. Harjani: “A Low -Power CMOS VGA for 50 Mb/s Disk Drive Read Channel,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and System, pt 11, vol. 42, no. 6, pp.370-376, June 1995. [4]Chua-Chin Wang; Ching-Li Lee; Li-Ping Lin; Yih-Long Tseng “Wideband 70dB CMOS digital variable gain amplifier design for DVB-T receiver's AGC” Circuits and Systems, 2005. ISCAS 2005. IEEE International Symposium on 23-26 2005 [5] F. Krummenacher and N. Joehl, “A 4-MHz CMOS continuous-time filter with on-chip automatic tuning,” IEEE J. Solid-Slate Circuits, vol. 23, pp. 750-757, 1988. [6] Anh-Tuan Phan; Chang-Wan Kim; Moon-Suk Jung; Yun-A Shim; Jae-Yung Kim; Sang-Gug Lee;ĀA novel 1.5V DC offset cancellation CMOS down conversion mixer” Circuits and Systems, 2005. ISCAS 2005. IEEE International Symposium on 23-26 May 2005 [7] M. Mostafa, H. Elwan, A. Bellaour, B. Kramer, and S. H. K. Embabi, “A 110 MHz 70 dB CMOS variable gain amplifier” ,1999 IEEE Inter. Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'99), May 1999.

Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL. Downloaded on October 15, 2008 at 02:01 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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