Primate Journal Summaries

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Journal of Comparative Pathology 2008-2009 Mice Infection of Different Strains of Mice with Lawsonia intracellularis Derived from Rabbit or Porcine Proliferative Enteropathy – Lesions in mice included epithelial hyperplasia with inflammation in the ileum and cecum. Lawsonia antigen was found in early lesions more than late lesions. Mice reacted differently to Rabbit derived Lawsonia than to Porcine derived Lawsonia which suggests a difference between the two strains. Immunohistochemical Characterization of Cellular Proliferation in Small Intestinal Hyperplasia of Rats with Hepatic Strobilocercus fasciolaris Infection -- Rodents infected with the larvae of Taenia taeniaeformis harbour the intermediate metacestode stage of the parasite, Strobilocercus fasciolaris, within the liver. Infected animals also develop gastric mucosal hyperplasia and intestinal hyperplasia. Gastric Lesions and Immune Responses caused by Long-term Infection with Helicobacter heilmannii in C57BL/6 Mice. J. Comp. Path. 2008, Vol. 139, 208e217. Gross lesions include gastric nodules and increased mucosal thickness of the stomach due to gastric epithelial proliferation. Infection also induced the formation of lymphoid follicles in the corpus mucosa and submucosa. Lymphocytes produced IFN-γ (a Th1 cytokine) and IL-10 (a Th2 cytokine), suggesting that both Th1 and Th2 responses are associated. Human Leptospira interrogans serogroup icterohaemorrhagiae infection (Weil’s disease) acquired from pet rats Comparative Pathological Study of the Murine Brain after Experimental Infection with Classical Rabies Virus and European Bat Lyssaviruses J. Comp. Path. 2009, Vol. 140, 113e126 European bat lyssaviruses (EBLVs) types 1 (EBLV-1) and 2 (EBLV-2) cause rabies in terrestrial species. Swiss OF-1 mice were inoculated peripherally with strain RV61 (classical rabies virus), RV1423 (EBLV-1) or RV1332 (EBLV-2). The lesions produced, which included perivascular cuffs and gliosis, were more severe after RV1423 or RV1332 infection than after RV61 infection. Morphological and Immunohistochemical Studies of Spontaneous Mammary Tumours in Siberian Hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) J. Comp. Path. 2009, Vol. 140, 127e131 Mammary tumours from 12 domestic Siberian hamsters. Histopathology revealed three subtypes: simple adenoma, tubulopapillary carcinoma, and complex carcinoma. In five cases of malignant mammary tumour, focal infiltration into the surrounding fibrous connective tissue was present;however, no invasion of either lymphatics or blood vessels was observed. Ten of the 12 tumours were positive for androgen receptor and all were negative for progesterone receptor. Five tumours expressed oestrogen receptor alpha.

Spontaneous Exocrine Pancreas Hypoplasia in Specific Pathogen-free C3HeB/FeJ and 101/H Mouse Pups Causes Steatorrhea and Runting. Vol 57, No 2 April 2007 This condition resembles exocrine pancreas hypoplasia, but the inheritance is

complex. A wider implication is that runting coupled with steatorrhea are phenotypic criteria to suspect pancreatic disease that could be used in the context of a mouse N-ethylN-nitrosourea-mutagenesis program to identify potential mutants with defects in pancreas development. Effects of Leukotriene Inhibition on Pulmonary Morphology in Rat Pup Lungs Exposed to Hyperoxia. Vol 57, No 2 April 2007. Pulmonary changes including edema, hemorrhage, alveolar macrophage influx, and Type II pneumocyte proliferation. Pancreaticoduodenal Arterial Rupture and Hemoabdomen in ACI/SegHsd Rats with Polyarteritis Nodosa. Vol 57, No 4 August 2007. Although arterial rupture is a known complication of polyarteritis nodosa in humans, this case series is the first to document arterial rupture and hemoabdomen in rats with PAN. An Experimental Model of Actinobacillus suis Infection in Mice. Vol 57, No 4 August 2007. These experiments demonstrate that mice can be infected with A. suis and subsequently develop pneumonia and bacteremia comparable to that seen in pigs, suggesting that mice may be used as a model for studying infection in swine. Phenotypic Characterization of Spontaneously Mutated Rats Showing Lethal Dwarfism and Epilepsy. Vol 57, No 4 August 2007. Histologically, increased apoptotic germ cells, lack of spermatocytes, and immature Leydig cells were found in the mutant testes, and extracellular vacuoles of various sizes were present in the hippocampus and amygdala of the mutant brain. Mutant rats had significantly increased concentrations of plasma urea nitrogen, creatinine, and inorganic phosphate, as well as decreased concentrations of plasma growth hormone. Hereditary analysis showed that the defects were inherited as a single recessive trait. We have named the hypothetically mutated gene as lde (lethal dwarfism with epilepsy). Natural Dental Caries in Molars of Osteogenic Disorder Shionogi Rats. Vol 57, No 6 Pages 590–593. defective in ascorbic acid biosynthesis. dysfunctional bone formation and display various dental abnormalities. Gender Influences Infectivity in C57BL/6 Mice Exposed to Mouse Minute Virus. Vol 57, No 1 February 2007. MMV = Parvovirus.

Murine Gammaherpesvirus 68: A Model for the Study of Epstein-Barr Virus Infections and Related Diseases. Vol 57, No 1 February 2007. EBV is associated with the development of B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders, several malignant cancers, the syndrome of infectious mononucleosis, and chronic interstitial lung disease. Pathobiology and Management of Laboratory Rodents Administered CDC Category A Agents. Vol 57, No 1 February 2007. Category A infectious agents include Bacillus anthracis (anthrax), Clostridium botulinum toxin (botulism), Yersinia pestis (plague), variola major virus (smallpox), Francisella tularensis (tularemia), and the filoviruses and arenaviruses that induce viral hemorrhagic fevers. Abetalipoproteinemia Induced by Overexpression of ORP150 in Mice. Vol 57, No 3 June 2007. ORP150 is an endoplasmic-resident, hypoxic stress-induced protein. overexpression of ORP150 in mice leads to abetalipoproteinemia with alteration of glucose and lipid metabolism. growth retardation concomitant with vacuolar degeneration in the heart. High-carbohydrate Diets Affect the Size and Composition of Plasma Lipoproteins in Hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). Vol 58, No 2 April 2008. High-carbohydrate diets reduce plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL)–cholesterol but also provoke the appearance of an atherogenic lipoprotein profile (ALP). Characterized by high plasma triglyceride, small dense LDL, and reduced high-density lipoprotein ((HDL) cholesterol, an ALP is associated with insulin resistance. Utility of AntiPax5 in the Diagnosis of Lymphoproliferative Disorders and Neoplasia in Mice. Vol 58, No 3 June 2008. Pax5 expression (detected by immunohistochemistry using antiPax5) offers greater specificity and sensitivity because of its earlier expression during B-cell differentiation, its ability to detect all committed B cells, and its restriction to the B-cell lineage. Better than CD45R/B220 antigen (B220) (this is sometimes on CD8+ and NK T cells). NK cells are CD56+ and CD8 variable. Histopathologic Findings and Establishment of Novel Tumor Lines from Spontaneous Tumors in FVB/N Mice. Vol 58, No 3 June 2008. All tumors in male mice were lung alveolar–bronchiolar (AB) neoplasms, except for 1 testis interstitial cell tumor. In female

mice, histopathologic examination revealed 48 lung AB tumors, 27 mammary gland tumors, 13 ovarian tumors, and 14 other tumors. Several of these spontaneous tumors have been transplanted into FVB/N mice. One mammary adenocarcinoma (MCaP0008) and 1 lung AB carcinoma (LAP0297) were successfully transplanted subcutaneously and passaged serially in vivo. Spontaneous Vulvar Papillomas in a Colony of Mice Used for Pancreatic Cancer Research. Vol 58, No 3 June 2008. interaction between the genetic background of the mice and the introduced Kras oncogene may be responsible for these papillomas. An outbreak of acute aflatoxicosis on a chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) farm in Argentina. J Vet Diagn Invest 20:853–856 (2008). Chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera) are known to be very sensitive to aflatoxins- Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, and G2 were in the feed- but was positive for aflatoxin B1 in quantities that exceeded the recommended levels. Macroscopic inspection of livers revealed general enlargement, pale yellowish coloration, hypertrophy, rounded borders, and increased friability. Size and color were remarkably different from a healthy organ. Histopathologic analyses of hepatic parenchyma showed severe, diffuse cytoplasmic vacuolation of hepatocytes. Sudan III staining confirmed the presence of lipid within the vacuoles. Experimental Infection of C3H/HeJ Mice with the NY18 Isolate of Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Vet Pathol 44:64–73 (2007). Human granulocytic anaplasmosis (HGA) is caused by Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Gross- Splenomegaly. Microscopic inflammatory lesions in the lung and liver, hyperplastic lesions on the spleen. Characterization of a Rat Subcutaneous Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma and Its Tumor Lines, with Reference to Histiocytic Features. Vet Pathol 44:151–160 (2007). fusiform cells arranged in interlacing bundles with fibrous stroma. Occasional giant cells with bizarre nuclei were observed. positive reaction to vimentin and lysosomal enzyme markers such as acid phosphatase (ACP) and nonspecific esterase (Non-SE). Hermaphroditism in 3 Chimeric Mice. Vet Pathol 44:249–252 (2007). Histologically, mice Nos. 1 and 3 were true hermaphrodites with unilateral ovotestes, while mouse No. 2 was a pseudohermaphrodite with ovarian tissue only. Atrioventricular Valvular Angiectasis in Sprague-Dawley Rats. Vet Pathol 44:407– 410 (2007). The angiectasis was observed predominately on the septal cusp of the right AV valve and located near the AV ostium in 57 of 62 animals. The angiectases were single or multiple, ranging from 40 to 300 mm in diameter and were characterized by light microscopy as bloodfilled dilatations lined by endothelium.. Hermaphroditism in a Sprague-Dawley Rat. Vet Pathol 44:418–420 (2007). A spontaneous case of unilateral true hermaphroditism was observed during the routine

necropsy of a 9-week-old presumed female Sprague-Dawley rat on a repeat-dose toxicity study. There were no drug-related effects observed. True hermaphroditism is rare in rats, and despite the large numbers of rats examined annually, few cases are reported in the literature. Auricular Chondritis Caused by Metal Ear Tagging in C57BL/6 Mice. Vet Pathol 44:458–466 (2007). Histopathologically, there were observed severe chondritis with extensive granulomatous inflammation, newly formed cartilage nodules, and osseous metaplasia accompanied by cellular infiltrates, such as CD4 T lymphocyte, macrophages, neutrophils, and mast cells, and expression of Th1 cytokines, such as interferon-gamma, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and interleukin-2 in the tagged ear. Based on these results, we concluded that the release of copper and iron ions from the metal ear tags played a major role in the onset of auricular chondritis. Subsequent cellular interactions, such as CD4 T cells, macrophages, fibroblasts, and mast cells, mediated by cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factoralpha and interferon-gamma, caused an autoimmune response that may have led to the progression of auricular chondritis as an autoimmune disease. Eosinophilic Substance is ‘‘Not Amyloid’’ in the Mouse Nasal Septum. Vet Pathol 44:796–802 (2007). An eosinophilic substance (ES) is usually observed in the mouse nasal septum and increases in volume with aging. It has been described as amyloid in textbooks and one report. However, it has been described as ‘‘not amyloid’’ in other reports because there was a negative reaction to Congo red. The ES reacted negatively to Congo red but was strongly positive to periodic acid–Schiff reaction with prior diastase treatment. In the electron microscope observation, the ES consisted of amorphous material and collagen, but no nonbranching fibrils. The above-mentioned findings indicated that the ES was not amyloid and suggested the ES might consist of not only collagen but also complex carbohydrate, which was produced by the nasal gland epithelial cells. Comparative Pathological Study of the Murine Brain after Experimental Infection with Classical Rabies Virus and European Bat Lyssaviruses: European bat lyssaviruses types 1 (EBLV-1) and 2 (EBLV-2) cause rabies in terrestrial species. Swiss OF-1 mice were inoculated peripherally with strain RV61 (classical rabies virus), RV1423 (EBLV-1) or RV1332 (EBLV-2). In virus the lesions non-suppurative meningoencephalitis, neuronophagia, focal gliosis and lymphocytic perivascular infiltration. The lesions were more severe European lyssa then classic lyssavirus. T cells were the predominant lymphocytic component. Morphological and Immunohistochemical Studies of Spontaneous Mammary Tumours in Siberian Hamsters: Mammary tumours from 12 domestic Siberian hamsters (11 females, 1 male) were examined. Histopathology revealed three subtypes: simple adenoma, tubulopapillary carcinoma, and complex carcinoma. Ten of the 12 tumours were positive for androgen receptor. Ocular Albinism and Hypopigmentation Defects in Slc24a5–/– Mice Vet Path 2008 Mar: mice with a targeted mutation in Slc24a5, a gene encoding a putative cation exchanger were constructed. Mice were viable, fertile, and indistinguishable by coat color from their heterozygous and wild-type litter mates.

Ophthalmoscopic examination revealed diffuse retinal hypopigmentation, and a histologic examination of the eye confirmed the presence of moderate-to-marked hypopigmentation of the retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE), ciliary body, and iris pigment epithelium (IPE). Hypopigmentation was most severe in the anterior layer cells of the IPE, where melanosomes were smaller, paler. Milder reductions in melanosome size and pigmentation were noted in neural crest–derived melanocytes A Novel Immunohistochemical Marker of Normal and Neoplastic Melanocytes in Formalin-fixed, Paraffin-embedded Tissues of Albino Rats Vet Path 2008 May: In conclusion, PNL2 is direct against a fixative- and decalcific-resistant melanocyte-associated antigen, and has high specificity against normal andneoplastic melanocytes of albino rats. In amelanotic melanoma, the tumor cells consisted of spindle cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm without melanin granules. PNL2 consistently stained cytoplasm in all amelanotic melanoma cells. In contrast, the nonmelanocytic tumor cells were not labeled. Harderian Gland Neoplasms in Captive, Wild-caught Beechey Ground Squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi ) Vet Path 2008 May: The Harderian gland is a bilobed, tubuloalveolar accessory lacrimal gland, found in many vertebrate groups such as amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, including various species of laboratory rodents. The gland is located within the medial part of the orbit, and it secretes onto the surface of the nictitating membrane.1 The mammalian Harderian gland secretion is primarily composed of lipids; however, in rodents, the gland also produces porphyrins and inoleamines. The Beechey ground squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi) has been studied as a model of humanhepatitis B virus (HBV) infection because of the occurrence of a natural infection with ground squirrel hepatitis virus (GSHV), a member of the hepadnavirus family along with HBV and wood- chuck hepatitis virus Skin Morphology of Thyroidectomized Rats. Vet Pathol 45:505–511 (2008). Histologically, all ofthe rats in the TD group exhibited epidermal thinning from 12 weeks after surgery. Many hair follicles were in the telogen phase: the bulbs and papillae were involuted and had migrated towards the epidermis. Hair follicle atrophy involving thinning of the outer root sheath and the inner root sheath was often observed. The immunoreactivities of antithyroid hormone receptors a and b in the outer root sheaths of 5 of the TD rats were weaker than those of control rats. Review Paper: Preclinical Models of Psoriasis. Vet Pathol 45:563–575 (2008). focal to coalescing raised cutaneous plaques with consistent scaling and variable erythema. the underlying mechanisms involve a complex interplay between epidermal keratinocytes, T lymphocytes as well as other leukocytes (including dendritic cells and other antigen presenting cells [APCs]), and vascular endothelium.. Histopathologic and Immunohistochemical Characterization of Nipah Virus Infection in the Guinea Pig. Vet Pathol 45:576–585 (2008). Humans infected with NiV show a widespread multisystemic vasculitis with most severe clinical and pathologic manifestations in the brain, lungs, and spleen. A unifying feature of the damage for all affected tissues was necrosis and macrophagic inflammation of the vasculature, chiefly in arterioles, capillaries, and venules. Inoculation of guinea pigs intraperitoneally with NiV produces a disease with considerable resemblance to the disease in humans, but with reduced pulmonary involvement and marked infection of urinary bladder and the female reproductive tract. Pancreatic Metaplasia in the Gastro-achlorhydria in WTC-dfk Rat, a Potassium Channel Kcnq1 Mutant. Vet Pathol 45:586–591 (2008). The WTC–deafness Kyoto (dfk) rat is a new mutant characterized by deafness and abnormal, imbalanced behavior. The most characteristic pathologic feature in the stomach was the appearance of hypertrophic gastric glands in the stomach body. The hypertrophic cells had many eosinophilic granules in their cytoplasm, and these granules were stained red with Azan stain; stained positively for trypsinogen, amylase, and chymotrypsin; and did not stain positively for pepsinogen when using immunohistochemical analysis. These staining results suggested a metaplasia toward a pancreatic acinar cells. The parietal cells in WTC-dfk rats were negative for KCNQ1 immunohistochemical analysis. These findings indicate that a deficiency in rat Kcnq1 provokes an

abnormal proliferation and differentiation of gastric glandular cells. KCNQ1 plays an important role in K+ homeostasis. Spontaneous Tumors in Domestic Hamsters. Vet Pathol 45:674–680 (2008). In the Djungarian hamsters, almost all tumors were integumental, whereas hematopoietic tumors were the most common type in the Syrian hamsters. The most common integumental tumors in the Djungarian hamsters were mammary tumors, atypical fibromas and papillomas. In the Syrian hamsters, plasmacytomas and lymphomas were the most common tumors. Malignant Amelanotic Melanoma Behind the Left Eye in a Female Crj:CD(SD)IGS Rat: A Case Report. Vet Pathol 45:681–684 (2008). spindle-shaped, epithelioid, anaplastic melanoma cells, and had prominent eosinophilic cytoplasm and nuclei with a greater variation in size. Immunohistochemically, almost all of the tumor cells were positive for antimelanoma, PNL2 antibody. Ultrastructurally, the tumor cells were rich in small vesicles containing fine granules and filamentous structures. This is the first report describing an amelanotic melanoma in the head of an albino rat REVIEW Paper: Pathophysiology of Myocardial Reperfusion Injury: The Role of Genetically Engineered Mouse Models. Vet Pathol 45:698–706 (2008). MI-R injury is characterized by the formation of oxygen radicals upon reintroduction of molecular oxygen to the ischemic tissue, resulting in widespread lipid and protein oxidative modifications, mitochondrial injury, and cell death. In addition, studies have shown that MI-R is characterized by an inappropriate immune response in the microcirculation, resulting in leukocyteendothelial cell interactions mediated by the upregulation of both leukocyte and endothelial cell adhesion molecules. Furthermore, MI-R ameliorates the production of certain cardioprotective factors such as nitric oxide. Plasticity of Cloned Canine Mammary Spindle Cell Tumor, Osteosarcoma and Carcinoma Cells. Vet Pathol 45:803–815 (2008). Our results point to plasticity in canine mammary tumors, as shown both by morphologic criteria and by expression patterns for lineage specific markers A Pregnant Mouse Model for Bovine Tritrichomonas foetus Infection. Vet Pathol 45:849–864 (2008). Lesions in pregnant and nonpregnant infected mice, including suppurative and eosinophilic vaginitis; cervicitis; endometritis with distension of the uterine lumen; endometrial ulceration; and glandular ectasia, with neutrophils in the glandular lumen and loss of gland epithelium, were similar to those in cattle. The decidua and placenta were multifocally necrotic. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated trichomonads in vaginal folds and uterine glands, and adjacent to fetal tissues. Unexpected Preferential Brain Metastases with a Human Breast Tumor Cell Line MDA-MB-231 in BALB/c Nude Mice. Vet Pathol 45:941–944 (2008). We report a study in which injection of MDA-MB231 cell line led to brain rather than bone metastasis. Unexpected alterations in biological behavior are an important confounding variable in the use of tumor cell lines, and the occurrence and cause of such variants is poorly documented. REVIEW PAPER: A Review of the Pathology of Abnormal Placentae of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Clone Pregnancies in Cattle, Sheep, and Mice. Vet Pathol 45:865–880 (2008). the probability of a successful and complete pregnancy is less than 5%. Failures of SCNT pregnancy are associated with placental abnormalities, such as placentomegaly, reduced vascularisation, hypoplasia of trophoblastic epithelium, and altered basement membrane. evidence implicates aberrant reprogramming of donor nuclei by the recipient oocyte cytoplast, resulting in epigenetic modifications of key regulatory genes essential for normal placental development

Spontaneous cutaneous mast cell tumor with lymph node metastasis in a Richardson’s ground squirrel (Spermophilus richardsonii ). J Vet Diagn Invest 21:156–159 (2009). Histologically, the nodules were composed of a proliferation of spindloid to pleomorphic cells that sometimes formed sheets and fascicular to storiform

patterns. Diffuse infiltration of eosinophils was also noted. The results of immunohistochemistry indicated positive labeling for vimentin, mast cell tryptase, c-kit, and Ki-67. Toluidine blue stain revealed fine, metachromatic, cytoplasmic granules. The histologic diagnosis was mast cell tumor. Alcian Blue and Pyronine Y Histochemical Stains Permit Assessment of Multiple Parameters in Pulmonary Disease Models: Mucus expression, elastic fiber integrity, and mast cell numbers are important morphologic parameters that are used to gauge chronic pulmonary disease progression and severity. With above mentioned stain, acidic mucins were deep blue (sialylated mucins), red (sulfated mucins), or variably purple (mixture of sialylated/sulfated mucins), Elastic fibers stained red; Mast cells had red to red-purple granular cytoplasmic staining.

Effects of 4-n-Octylphenol (OP) on the Induction of Mammary Tumors Induced by 7,12Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene in Rats: administration of a large dose of a weak estrogenic endocrine disruptor, such as OP, for a long period does not affect female mammary carcinogenesis nor male mammary tumor incidence though a weak influence on male mammary tumor growth may have occured.

The Role of Inflammation in Mouse Pulmonary Neoplasia: Inflammation is risk factor for development of cancer. The most common inflammatory cell type in tumor tissue is macrophage. Tumor tissue is sensitive to growth inhibitory properties of glucocorticoids. PGE2 has pro-tumorigenic and PGI2 has antitumorigenic properties, deficiency of TNF, TNFr, IL-10 reduces carcinogenesis, TLR-4 is protective in carcinogenesis, TLR-4 deficient mice are more susceptible to tumor. iNOS deficient mice has less chances of lung cancer.

Ectonucleoside Triphosphate Diphosphohydrolase Type 5 (Entpd5)–Deficient Mice Develop Progressive Hepatopathy, Hepatocellular Tumors, and Spermatogenic Arrest: Ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase type 5 is a soluble enzyme that hydrolyzes purine nucleoside diphosphates. Genetic inactivation of ENTPD5 in mice resulted in hepatopathy (centrilobular heptocyte hypertrophy) and aspermia.

Hydronephrosis and Urine Retention in Estrogen-Implanted Athymic Nude Mice: Subcutaneous estrogen pellet implantation is commonly practiced to induce tumor promotion in nude mice for xenograft tumor modeling. In this study s/c implantation of estrogen resulted in dilated urinary bladder and hydronephrosis.

Neonatal Death in Mice Lacking Cardiotrophin-like Cytokine is Associated with Multifocal Neuronal Hypoplasia Vet Pathol 46:514–519 (2009). Mice with null mutations of ciliary neurotrophic factor (Cntf) receptor alpha (Cntf-Ra), or cytokine-like factor 1 (Clf), one component of Cntf-II (a heterodimeric CntfRa ligand), die as neonates from motor neuron loss affecting the facial nucleus and ventral horn of the lumbar spinal cord. Exposure to cardiotrophin-like cytokine (Clc), the other putative Cntf-II element, supports

motor neuron survival in vitro and in ovo

Progressive proliferative & dysplastic typhlocolitis in aging Syrian hamsters naturally infected with Helicobacter spp.: a spontaneous model of inflammatory bowel disease. pp2-14. Jan 2006 AR. Hamsters and Helicobacter spp. infection: large bowel hyperplasia, and dysplasia in ileocecocolic junction/ Tumors: malignant fibrous histiocytoma & round cell sarcoma./ Hamsters and enteric disease: Clostridium difficile overgrowth: typically causes necrotizing fatal typhlocolitis; linked to proliferative typhlocolitis in adults/ Lawsonia intracellularis: proliferative enteritis / Giardia: enterotyphlocolitis in aging hamsters/ Campylobacter jejuni: reservoirs::: Round cell tumor such as gastric lymphomas have been associated with: H. pylori in humans, H. mustelae in ferrets, H. felis in mice. Gonadectomy-induced adrenocortical neoplasia in the domestic ferret & laboratory mouse. pp97-117. March 2006 AR [see AR’s comprehensive summary for further details] • Sex steroid-producing adrenocortical adenomas and carcinomas occur frequently in neutered ferrets • Prepubertal gonadectomy elicits similar tumors in certain inbred/genetically engineered strains of mice • Mice & ferrets: neoplastic adrenocortical cells functionally resemble gonadal steroidogenic cells and arise from progenitors in the subcapsular or juxtamedullary region • Chronic  in LH that follows ovariectomy/orchiectomy is a prerequisite for neoplastic transformation • Gonadectomy alters the plasma/local concentrations of steroid hormones and other factors that affect adrenocortical tumor development including inhibins, activins, and Mullerian inhibiting substance • GATA-4 immunoreactivity is a hallmark of neoplastic transformation • Synergistic interactions among GATA-4, steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1), & other transcription factors enhance expression of inhibin- & genes critical for sex steroid production such as CYP450 17-hydroxylase/17,20 lysase & aromatase • Gonadectomy-induced adrenocortical neoplasia observed in ferrets, mice, rats, guinea pigs, & hamsters • Adrenocortical carcinomas are associated with prepubertal gonadectomy of CE mice The comparative pathology of Clostridium dificile-associated disease. REVIEW. pp225-40. May 2006 AR • C. difficile: Most species  cecum & colon; Foals & rabbits  jejunum • Most common in Syrian hamsters, horses, neonatal pigs; Sporadic in other species • Virulence factors (exotoxins): toxin A (TcdA) and toxin B (TcdB) • Receptor-mediated endocytosis of toxins (Cell surface receptor identified for TcdA, but not TcdB) endosomal acidification conversion of toxin to active form in cytosol disrupt Rho-subtype intracellular signaling molecules disrupt actin

cytoskeleton catastrophic for cellular function (inflammation & neurogenic stimuli also involved) Laboratory Animal Expression of terminal differentiation proteins defines stages of mouse mammary gland development. pp36-49. Jan 2006 MT [tough article] - IHC on paraffin sections used to evaluate ptn expression while preserving architecture; assessed changes in patterns of expression of terminal differentiation markers throughout development of mouse mamm. gland - Expression of SMA & keratin 5 (K5), K8/18, K14 influenced by development stage of mamm. gland - K5 & SMA restricted to basal cells; K14 consistently expressed by basal cells, & in scattered luminal cells from post-conception day (PCD) 13.5 thru puberty - K8/18 of luminal cells heterogenous at all times (suggests this layer has cells w/variety of biological fxns) - K6 not expressed at any stage – so this intermediate filament NOT a marker of mamm. gland stem cell (K6 typically associated w/epidermal proliferation, & is seen in some preneoplastic & neoplastic mouse mamm. lesions) - No expression of K1, K10, K13, K15, filaggrin, involucrin, or loricrin at any stage (last 3 are epidermal differentiation markers in stratum granulosum of nml epidermis; K1 & K10 are suprabasal terminal differentiation ptns) Spontaneous Aortitis in Balb/c Mouse: Background vascul lesions. 5. Epithelial-Stromal Tumor of the Seminal Vesicles in the Transgenic Adenocarcinoma Mouse Prostate Model: transgenic adenocarcinoma mouse prostate (TRAMP) model, designed for researching human prostatic cancer, was genetically engineered to harbor a transgene composed of the SV-40 Large-T cell and the TRAMP mouse develops tumors in the seminal vesicles. Neoplastic stromal cells that emerged multicentrically just beneath the epithelium, densely packed between the epithelium. Proliferative mesenchymal cells were lined by cuboidal to columnar epithelium. esion in the seminal vesicles is epithelial-stromal tumor. 15. Gastritis-associated Adenocarcinoma and Intestinal Metaplasia in a Syrian Hamster Naturally Infected with Helicobacter Species: an invasive adenocarcinoma at the pyloric-duodenal junction in one of nine hamsters at a site of helicobacter-associated inflammation and marked intestinal metaplasia. Ceca of 9 /9 animals were culture positive and PCR positive for Helicobacter spp. 8/9 hamsters including the animal with the gastric adenocarcinoma had locally extensive chronic gastritis with intestinal metaplasia. However, argyrophilic bacteria were demonstrated only within the stomach of the hamster with gastric adenocarcinoma. Mongolian gerbils, ferrets, C57BL/6, and INS-GAS mice develop gastric cancer following Helicobacter infection. Only gerbils and hamsters infected with Helicobacter spp. develop intestinal metaplasia similar to humans.

1. Fatal Placental Subinvolution in a Captive Capybara: An adult, captive-born female capybara died of systemic thrombosis and hemoperitoneum associated with placental subinvolution. Grossly, the uterus was enlarged, segmentally thickened, and associated with a large blood clot. There was hemometra and a large ovoid mass in each uterine horn and the right uterine horn wall had a small perforation over the mass. The mesometrial veins were markedly dilated due to thrombosis and occasionally perforated. Histo: the uterine masses consisted of partly necrotic placental and subplacental tissue. The uterine wall surrounding the masses had full-thickness coagulative necrosis of the myometrium and diffuses endometrial Extramedullary Plasmacytoma of the Salivary Gland in Two Syrian Hamsters:

2. ulceration with abundant syncytiotrophoblast-like cells within capillaries. Mycoplasma pulmonis and Lymphoma in Bioassays in Rats. Vet Pathol 46:952–959 (2009). Because the lymphoma type, cellular morphology, and organ distribution reported in these studies are atypical of lymphoma in rats, because lymphocyte and plasma cell accumulation in the lung is characteristic of M. pulmonis disease, and because M. pulmonis disease can be exacerbated by experimental manipulations, including chemical treatment, we suggest that a plausible alternative explanation for the reported results of these bioassays is that the studies were confounded by M. pulmonis disease and that lesions of the disease were interpreted as lymphoma. Histopathology of Naturally Transmitted ‘‘Rat Respiratory Virus’’: Progression of Lesions and Proposed Diagnostic Criteria. Vet Pathol 46:992–999 (2009). Irregular gray-white lesions suggestive of interstitial pneumonia were grossly evident. multifocal, lymphohistiocytic interstitial pneumonia or prominent perivascular lymphoid cuffing from weeks 5 through 13. Expression of Tumor Invasion Factors Determines Systemic Engraftment and Induction of Humoral Hypercalcemia in a Mouse Model of Adult T-cell Leukemia. Vet Pathol 46:1003–1014 (2009). Infection with human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) leads sometimes to the development of adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia (ATL). In mice, inoculation of HTLV-1 cell lines mostly leads to development of localized lymphomas. Inoculation of MET-1 cells into NOD/SCID mice provided the best model system for slowly developing T-cell leukemia with multiple organ involvement. In leukemic mice, an increase in serum calcium levels correlated with expression of receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells ligand on leukemic cells and secretion of parathyroid hormone– related protein and interleukin-6. In contrast to the other cell lines that did not spread systemically, MET-1 expressed both the adhesion molecules CD11a (LFA-1a) and CD49d (VLA-4a) and produced or induced expression of matrix metalloproteinases 1, 2, 3, and 9, thus underlining the importance of these molecules in the spread of adult Tcell leukemia cells.

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