Preventing Common Discomfort During Pregnancy

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 716
  • Pages: 29


1. Nausea and Vomiting/ Morning Sickness - common discomfort found in about 60-65% of all pregnant women; usually in the morning but may be experience any time during the day.

Nursing Intervention/Prevention Take dry carbohydrates 30 minutes before getting up in the morning Refrain from taking fatty foods. Take small, frequent meals. Increase fluids, but best tolerated b/w meals.

2. Frequency of Voiding/ Urinary Frequency Urge to urinate compared to normal increases.

Nursing Intervention/Prevention Increase fluids Use perineal pad to absorb leakage Flush perinuem every after voiding Void as necessary, encourage regular emptying Kegels exercises

3. Breast Tenderness Symptoms: - increase in breast size - noticeable veins crisscrossing the breast - highly sensitive nipples - burning or throbbing pain in the breast - heaviness in the breast - tingly or itchy breast nipples - throbbing or tingling breast during intercourse

Nursing Intervention/ Prevention Encourage to wear supportive bra Take a warm bath Apply a cool facecloth to the area if hot or throbbing feels. Try to wear cotton bras.

4. Leukorrhea/ increase in Vaginal Discharge A whitish, viscous vaginal discharge or an increase amount of normal vaginal discharge occurs in response to the high estrogen levels and increased blood supply to the vaginal epithelium and cervix in pregnancy.

Nursing Intervention/ Prevention Daily bath or shower Wearing cotton underpads and sleeping at night w/o underwear Avoid using panty host Consult doctor if infection suspected

5. Nasal Stuffiness Over 30% of pregnant women report frequent or constant nasal problems Nursing Intervention - steam inhalation - avoid allergens - massage the sinuses - increase fluid intake

6. Fatigue Common in early pregnancy, probably due to increased metabolic requirements

Nursing Intervention/ Prevention Increase amount of rest and sleep Regular exercise Avoid stimulants

7. Ptyalism More secretion of saliva than necessary Nursing Intervention/ Prevention: - Use mouthwash as needed - Chew gum or suck on hard candy


1. Backache Cause by lumbar lordosis and postural changes necessary to balance

Nursing Intervention/ Prevention Wear flat or low-heeled shoes Encourage to walk with her pelvis tilted forward Advice to squat rather than bend over to pick up objects Wear firm supportive maternity girdle Apply local heat Avoid prolong standing Use firm comfortable bed to support sacroiliac joint

2. Leg Cramps Refer to a painful, involuntary contraction of single or a muscle group. Decrease serum calcium levels, increases phosphorus levels

Nursing Intervention/ Prevention Increase calcium in the diet Avoid fatigue of muscle; frequent change position No constricting garters Avoid pointing the toes Treatment - lies on her back momentarily and extends her involved leg while keeping knee straight and dorsiflexing the foot until the pain disappear

3. Leg Varicosities Development of tortuous leg veins. Largest ropey veins seen in the leg and spider veins are the smaller, often red or blue colored veins

Nursing Intervention/ Prevention Extend leg and dorsiflex foot affected Wear support or elastic stockings Rest in a sim’s position or on the back with the legs raised against the wall or elevated on a footstool for 1520 mins. Avoid prolong standing and sitting Avoid wearing round garters

4. Heartburn/ Pyrosis A painful burning sensation in the chest caused by gastroesophageal reflux

Nursing Intervention/ Prevention Take small, frequent meals Refrain from taking indigestible fatty and spicy food Maintain an upright position Refrain from taking gas forming food

5. Constipation Defined having a bowel movement fewer than three times per week.

Nursing Intervention/ Prevention Increase fluid intake Increase roughage or bulk in the diet Defecate regularly Have regular exercise Mild laxatives is the last resort as prescribe by doctor

6. Hemorrhoids Refers to a condition in which the veins around the anus or lower rectum are swollen and inflamed

Nursing intervention/ Prevention Prevention; avoid straining when defecating Avoid spicy food Warm water sitz baths may be tried to help promote comfort Prolapsed hemorrhoids are lubricated and may be replaced gently Knee- chest position

7. Headache Nursing Intervention - change in the position slowly - apply cool cloth to forehead - analgesic as prescribe - avoid eye strain

8. Pedal Edema/ Swelling of the leg 9. Uterine contractions/ Braxton Hicks 10. Difficulty of sleeping 11. Shortness of breathing 12. Supine Hypotension Syndrome/ Vena Cava Syndrome / Faintness

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