Eurrmn l
nl the
Unllrh imlu
This repnrl was released en April
1/l, l991
page proul lin-mal.
cnpies Mrhe summary as
wcll as rlre full repnrr are nam available.
cnngressienal Ullicc nlTechnnlogy Asessmcnr (OTA) rnday released ils
rhe srale nl' Drcgnn rn dramalically change rhe slale
Many srales as well as rhe lcderalgnyernrucnl
nlrhe eurrenl heallh care svsrem.
analysis era prnpnsal hy
030s Medicaid pregram,
arc srruggling wir.h rhe severe cnsr and access prnhlems
(rregnn is cme nl lhe lirsl
srales ro prnpuse cnmprehansrve reforms lu
oregon': Medicaid prnprml, wlneh nails {ur a S-year demnnsrrarinn prcigrarn, is parr ala srare
lcgixlarive inilialiyu ln address rhe needs nl resldenrs uilhnul hnallh
addilinn ln
make prrvale healrh insurance mnre avaliable, lhe srale is seeking federal apprnval ln
vnnsr Medicaid beneliciaries in snnlc
"galekeepef primary
alrenrpring ru
expand Medicaid
care such as a heallh mainlcnance urganizarinn
carc physician; and (3; Iimir Medicaid acule and primary healrh care henelils based an a
ranked lisr ol wi heallh cnnduinns
nurse: dlrhe
fern-. nlmanagcd
leg. appendnlrls) paired with lrcalmenls
inilialive, rhe srale prnpuses lhar SK7 nl lh:
leg. appenllecxnmics)
Al rlle
709 pairs be paid hir.
Amnhizr unique aspecr nflhe prnpnsal is ils waiver nf legal liahilily nl prnwders [nr den)-lug Medicaid
palierrrs medically necexary lrcalmenrs rhar {all hclnw lhe cumll puinl uu lhe pr-inrilived
lederal rcquiremenrs hir lhis lederallyeluncled, sraleradminisrered heallh program lur rhe pnnr.
be newly ellgihle under rhc waiver ~
implicariirns nrrhe new cliglbilily
en currenr
Ar a benenl lcacl
be leglrrmarely crrlrcizcd on grnumls rhere is
ser ar line 587 nn
Medicaid parlinpanrs is nnl
lhn prlmirized
Mcilicard under lhe currenl
alsn lnund lnal
was ullimarely dcpendenl
lisr, lh:
024 lhc
a clcar ner Inss ln currenl
nyerall ner elrecls nl cnlcrage changes
clearly eilher holler nr wnrse rhau cnyurag; undcr rlle currvur
lhc ner ellerl cannnl be preclicred sl-llh cnnlidence
whe wnuld be eligible mr
lnr Medicaid heuelils under currenl rules ·
and cnvcrage rules are unamhignusly grind,
0regun's prnpnsal cannnr
lhnsq whn canmir qualify
services arc hell: lnsl and gained ar lhl: currcnr
would nnl be eligible under rhe dernnnsrrariun
desprle lhe slalc's bear ellnrrs, lhe ranking ulrhe
709 enndilinnrrrearenenr pairs
nn lhe lurlgmenls nfrhe rnemhers nl`lh¤ cunrmlxlun rhnl produced rlre lisr because
erisring healrh nulrnmes inlrrrmarinn is cnrirrly madequalc ln scierlrmrally rank all hcalrh services by
decisinnmakulg in
lhe lisl ix nnr
heallh care
Furrher, OTA cnnrludes lhal ralsen as a uhnle,
Accnrding lu OTA. rhe main prnhlern nllhe prinriliwed
dccislnns al·nur care lnr individual palrerrrs.
mixed pallenrs sx-nh hnlh
rhe lisr.
and, wilh lln:
llne drawn ar W7,
and appears acccplahle rn rhe cirizens nf Orcgnn
lr is fundamentally
relares rn ils
use by clinicians ln
prublemaxic rhar Oregen's ranking prnces:
lerygcmd and very l-anu prngnnses in rhe samc heallli mndirinn and rrealrncnl parr nn
slurrlcnmrng cannnr be remedied willleur
may he impnsxihle ru implemenr.
nlferr many npparlunilics
making a signilicarnly mere cumpliulcd
Also, lhe Iisr shuuld nnl
'gaming lhe sv
ranking rhar
be cnunled nn as a cusl cunlainnrerrl mul hcuusc il
and 034 is nur
mlcnded lo ldenuf;
and limir
unnecessary servlccs
The lack nin guaranmed minimum ser nfhenelixs, bclnw which
is wnnisnme Ku OTA, especially hccausc OTA believes that the stun
ll costs are signmcnntly higher than expected,
cnvrragc would nur be allowed In fall.
may luv:
underestimated lhe costs of lh:
cmd lfhiedlmld banzllls were reduced ln rh:
luune ru cumpenszr: (as rh; prupnsnh design requires in cas: ol ¤ funding shnnfzll). bcuzlicizxies would stand
.1 grezner likelihlwd al harm,
Hnwcvu, even in the abszncz ul me proposed demonstration, il is yxxslble that
hencms tu current henellcnznes would be reduzed ln Lb: hnure due In underlying unda in
publxc funding [ur Llregmfs Medncard program
the economy and ln
In Unis Inner use, unrrenl beneficiaries could also be placed at
greater likelilmnd nl` harm due m fewer bench.: nr loss cl elijhllky.
According lu the slate, the 5-yen dcmcnslrzlinn prngam would require an nddjdunal $143
the Federal government. with n potential 10 recnup SIW millinn in saving; tu the lxledlcnm program, [nr n
ncl Fcdcml ws! uf X109&> mlllian. As n msuxch demcnsrnrlun pmjecx, OTA says, the pmgam wnuld have grur. difliexnlly determining
the dlllzxennal eI`l'::d.s nl managed ure expansions and szrvicc pdoddudon nn pmgnm costs and pavjenr
However. sum: policymakers view the proposal as nu experiment designed in
ulwhether in ls
nnswex the qucsrlans
passable 7- using the cnmblnzuun uf mednamkms Drcgmx propose: ~ xc pmvid: acceptable
health me coverage In rh: poor uninsured pcpulaxlou wuhuul sigmllunlly raising ncsu.
Viewed in this light,
lhe pmgam, if successlnl could he an lnlnrmzdve demunszraxion for otherstale: In examine, unly if Ihnw suits
were cmuidenng implrmennng lh: tnul ccmbxnatlnn nl rnechznisms.
great interest in
OTA alsu mnclmles
managed car: coupled with past experience, Oregon wnuld be .1 gmd sum
expxnding managed car: in Medicaid Lu evaluate whuhu ir can cnnlain
report was prepared in
mspnnse In an rcqucsr
rlul because nil';
I0 les!
the vlnbxlily ul
health we costs and impmvc quality al
[mm Rep. lulm Dingell,
Clminnnn ul due House
Energy and Commerce, uml Rep. Henry Wvunan. Chmrmrm ahh: Subcommittee un Health
the Envlrunmem.
request hr
study was endorsed by Scnalnr AI Gore, Cluinunn
Subcommittee un Science, Technulngy, and Spas: and the Oregon delegaunn, lnduding
Pnckwnod and Mark Hzmeld,
Reps. Mike Kupctslri,
ul rh: Sennlc
Senators Hah
Les AuC¤m, Peter D¤Fazi¤, Ran Wydeu,
and Ruben F,
(Hum Smith. Copies ofthe 32
024pag: repnn Ewzlummn
cnngressiuna] use Are Avanlnhle by culling 443241.
lg/the Oregon Mcdicmd Proposal nr its 21
024pag: summary lor
Copxes ul me xepnn for nnueouyealonal use may he
nblained from the Superintendent uf Dnnnnenu, U5. Government Prixmng Gmc: (GPO}; Wzulningmn, D.C.
20402.03D; phnne (EEZ]
The stock number is ¤5Z-003-012979;
rh: pnce is UTA!).
available nr nn clung: hy calling (IUI) 214-8990.
Snmmarles ue