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tnnqrus nt tlu Alnttnn Bums Orrlca or Tsc







A new delinrtion of acouired lrnrnunodeliciency syndrome (AIDS), expected In 1992 from the

Centers lor Disease Corttrol (CDO),

would Increase the number of cases reported but could stlll leave some

major rlsk groups underrepresented, says the congressional Olflce of Technology Assessment (OTAI In a

The AIDS case tlcnnrtlon, first devetoped by the CDC


In t9&2 and revised In 1955

public health surveillance tool used to determine the scope ol the AIDS epidetttlc

denning conditions inthe current delrnltton, rncludlng


and l9B7,

is the

The 23 AIDSV

Kaposrs sarcoma and Prreumocystrs carinii

mark the linal stage In the progression of HIV inlection.

Thess AID$delinIng condltlons are

requirement lor a posnlve HIV antibody test), are consldcted to have AIDS

Sorne crltIcs have Iaulted the current dellnitlun ol AIDS for not including

some severe

untleresuntatron ofthe impact of the epidemic on these populations and hindering their access to Federal

The CDC's proposed AIDS case dellnitlon wlll Include all Hlvinlected

of more of tive 23 AIDS·delInIng conditions included In the current dennrtlon,

will be expanded to include all



HIV»positIve persons with CD4

of blood.

The CD-4*

proposed expansion inthe AIDS case tleltnition will

States by 52

lymphocyte 030 counts below 200 cells per

lymphocyte count is a laboratory measure of the progression

scvnral advantages for AIDS surveillance, says OTA


persons who have any one

In addition. the case definition

AIDS surveillance data will better tellect the extent ol

increase the total number of AIDS cases In the United

percerttr and Slate and Iocal health depanments estimate that the increase will

t35 percent

AIDS case reporting may be slmplllied

physicians to monitor the CD4`

be facilitated by enlisting

because It ls a standard ol clinlcal

lymphocyte counts of thelr HlV

clinical laboratories that perform ODP

OTA notes that despne its advantages, the CD4'

surveillance tool

024lniected patlenls

testlng to help

range lront J6

care lor

AIDS survelllance may

dentlty potential AIDS

lymphocyte count is not a perfect AIDS

Because ntany HlIIrInfected persons wltlt a CD4'

lymphocyte count below 200

cells/mm3 will be syrnptomrfree and may not seek health care, the completeness of reporting may be

dlltlcultto assess

Furthermore. populations with better access to testing will

Identrried AIDS cases


024infected women and Inteetlon drug

ol otherAIDS risI< groups, ana may have less access to CD4'


The proposed detinition will,

however, capture an Increasing proportion ol proloundly lmmunosuppressed

Injection drug users who do not have AlDSrdelining

be ovevrepresented among

users are on average poorer than members


HIV·Infectedwomen and

ln ma ms: ynars altar the pmposm msn uslinniun

me CDC will

is lmplsmsmsd. spldsmlclcglsu nnlldpam than

mss hs abimyw Mlow lrnnds mms kncbdancs cl AIDS.

(mcse Hlwniecisd persons who nurrnnuy have a CD4'

Huwuvnr, anu all prevalent cans

lymphocyte count haicw 2¤¤ news/mm] bm whn

Wm prupusm chang: m mu AIDS case delmmon raises privacy concnms becausn mms w¤\l bs an


\n planning to Implementthe new dshrmlon,

States should reassess cunent iaws am

operational procedures mst protect me uunnuanualny no CD4'

ms: results

In addhiun. several Suxes have

proposed xc have dwmcal hburarsvnas vnpcnmz namas ci persons wnh Iuw CDV

State and local heahh departments


lymphnoyn count mn

lymphocyte nunmsm

The State and local hwlh departments mn msn aumwrup wnh lhs

be daprsssod \n utherdlsoasas. soma persons reported as llkuy AIDS msu

Thr CDC msn dstlrmlnn hu also been used asa cllnlcal duflrmlun

pmmculs, and In me alfocatlun ul Federal funds undnrms Ryan Whlu

by physlclans,

In rssanrnh

Oompmhnnstvs Resources

aware that more ws a broader spectrum or Hlvassocwalnd cundnions mnn \s mulndnd

in me AIDS

quafly Qnrinnding under ma Ryan Whks Cnmpmhenslva Resources Emergency Act ot l990, and me

mcrsasu in AIDS cases may allsrrhe dlstrlbmlcn nl Iunds among rnaunpnlnan


areas and States,


mum cnies and States ww bs sugwuhaIc1|unds1rcmkheAID5 Huuslnq Oppnnunny Act :1+ \990,

although me U.$

Department ul

Housing and Urban Dnvelupmsnt has yn to dlsmnma Vunds under ma

The CDC dn¤nArl¤n has been used as a measure cl dlsahnlhy in benem prugramsadrmnistemd by

Una Soclm Se

042:urnyA¤m¤nis\rz\inn (SSA) In mu Department ¤1 Health and Human Services

bewng wrongly denied dlsabwlny bermhs because muh


The uso mths

wllrwsses were nm included nn mn AIDS case

Fav many pecpde, slignbimy mr Social Sscumy disablny bensms also snahluslhnmm nblaln

Medkcald, a Fndsrm/Slalsriundnd medical msuruncs program

disability henems are awarded Chess henefns.

The Social Securi|yAdminisxrzu0n has

Nnnarhdass, ma numnmus examplns cl H\V·inle¤1m1

The SSA recently issued requluxions suhstamially rwlslnq ns dfsnlulhy cmena Qnrail HW-inlsctsd

persons, inducing

persons wnh AIDS.

AIDS advocates as bam; mu

The wucriteria, which have ham cmlclzod

by medical groups and

rutrinivs. demcnsxnuexhamuu dnnqa In mn CDC definnlnn ci AIDS w\ll nm

Copies ui the Gibpage backgmund paper The CDC': Casa Dehniricn nIAI¤S·

Proposed Ruvlslcns Var cungressmnal

use can be urdsred bum




use an nvawabls hy rzlling A-9241

me Supennmndent ul Documents, U




Implications ol me

Ocprnslur nuncnngrssslunsl

Gcvemmem Pnnung Omoo, Washingmn.

Th: GPO order numhu Is B52-003-GI2936: the mica 4s $5 S0.


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