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  • Words: 1,865
  • Pages: 53
Web Services Overview

Objectives  Background 

Microsoft® .NET Framework

Microsoft ASP.NET

 Web

Services Overview

Concepts and Architecture

Design and Create Web Services

Consume Web Services

Contents  Section

1: Overview

 Section

2: Architecture

Microsoft .NET framework and ASP.NET

 Section

3: Creating Web Services

 Section

4: Using Web Services

Invoking and consuming Web Services

 Section 

5: Advanced Web Services

State Management, Security, and Transactions

 Summary

Section 1: Overview  “Looking  What

Back ...“

are Web Services?

 Distributed

Web applications

Looking Back ...  Traditional

distributed computing

Client/server model

Distributed object model 

Components: packaging and interoperability

Remoting: remote method invocation


 Microsoft

Windows DNA

Distributed interNet Application Architecture

DHTML, COM, ASP, Message Queuing

 The

interactive Web

What’s Wrong with That?  Distributed 

object models don‘t scale to the Internet

Tightly coupling service and consumer 

Need for homogeneous infrastructure

Versioning problems

 Limited

COM support on non-Windows platforms


is a remoting architecture

CORBA Component Model

Server object implementation not portable

 EJB—Enterprise  The


purely interactive Web

Web Services—Basics  Expose 

Internet or intranet

 Black 


Component-like, reusable

 Based 

on the .NET Framework

ASP.NET Web Services model

 Based 

services to other processes

on open standards


Web Services—Basics  Interconnect 


Different clients

(M)any device

 Distribution  Web

Services are loosely coupled

 Enable 

and integration of application logic

the programmable Web

Not just the purely interactive Web

Distributed Web Applications Devices, Browsers

Call Services


Access Application


Vertical and portal service App-specific Web Service

Building block Web Service OS and local services Web Services Contract

Section 2: Architecture  The

.NET Framework Architecture

 Programming  Configuration


The .NET Framework Architecture Microsoft .NET Framework ASP.NET Web Forms

Windows Forms

Web Services Services Framework Base



Common Language Runtime System Services


Programming model Source Code


Common Language Runtime Execution Engine

CIL & Metadata

Class Loader

JIT Compiler


Managed native Code

Class Lib

Configuration  Concepts


and architecture

Web.Config file

Hierarchical configuration architecture  Influence

on the actual directory and all subdirectories

Root Dir


Sub Dir1 Sub Dir2

Configuration  Web.Config



XML based

File is kept within the application directory

Default and custom configuration 

Customized Web.Config file

Customized configuration section handler

 WebServicesConfiguration


Contains configuration information

<webServices> section in Web.Config

Section 3: Creating Web Services  Basics  Web

Services Infrastructure

 Code  Web

of Creating Web Services

and Syntax

Services Namespace

 Publishing  Discovery

Creating Web Services— Basics  .asmx


Virtual path of ASP.NET Web application

Stand-alone or part of an existing solution

 Web 

Services infrastructure

Discovery, description, and wire format

 Microsoft 

Visual Studio.NET

Microsoft Visual Basic.NET, C#, and Managed C++

Web Services Infrastructure Request .vsdisco Discovery Return disco (XML) Request WSDL Web Service Client

Description Return WSDL (XML) Request .asmx Protocol Return response (XML)

Web Service

Code and Syntax  WebService 


Settings for ASP.NET compilers

<%@ WebService Language=value Class=value %>  WebMethod  Code 


Declaration Syntax

Outline <%@ WebService Class=“MyClass.MyWebService“ %>

Inline (in C#)

<%@ WebService Language=“C#“ Class=“MathService“ %> using System.Web.Services; public class MathService : WebService { [ WebMethod ] ...

Sample .asmx file <%@ WebService Language=“C#“ Class=“MathService“ %> using System; using System.Web.Services; public class MathService { [WebMethod] public int Subtract(int a, int b) { return a - b; }


public int Subtract_vs(int a, int b) { return b - a; }

System.Web.Services Namespace 1/2  WebService 

Base class for Web Services

Provides base functionality 

For example, WebService.Session

 WebServiceAttribute 

Optional class to add additional information

 WebMethodAttribute 

[ WebMethod ]

Makes a method a Web Service method

System.Web.Services Namespace 2/2  WebServiceBindingAttribute 

Interface in WSDL

Set of operations

 WebServicesConfiguration 

Contains configuration information

<webservices> section in config.web

 WebServicesConfigurationSectionHandler

Publishing a Web Service  Expose  Create

Web Service and Web Service methods

a Web Service proxy and an assembly

Generate proxy with WSDL tool

Create an assembly

Enables developers to program against Web Services

 Publish  Web 

WSDL contract and HTML description

Service clients

Can be Web applications or browsers

Discovery of Web Services  .vsdisco 


XML-based file  containing

links to resources for retrieving WSDL

Stored in the server‘s root directory

Access via URL and dynamic discovery document

Start discovering with the Disco tool

Automatically created by Visual Studio.NET

 Global 

directory of Web Services through UDDI

Universal Discovery, Description, and Integration (

Disco.exe  Discovering

Web Services

 Command-line


disco /out:location /domain:domain /username:username /password:password http://localhost/WebService1/ WebService1.vsdisco

WSDL.exe  Web 

Services Description Tool

Create client proxy class

 Input: 

URL of a WSDL file, Proxy language, and protocol

Username and password

 Output: 

Single source file in specified language, containing:  Proxy


 Code

for network invocation and marshalling

wsdl /l:C# /protocol:protocol /out:filename /namespace:MathServiceSpace MathService.sdl

Section 4: Using Web Services  Application  Invoking

Web Services

 Consuming  Web


Web Services

Services Description Language (WSDL)

Application Model Web Service Developer Web Application Developer Web Server 1 asmx

Service App


Web Server 2 Proxy

Web Form Service App

Invoking Web Services  Web 

Services are URL addressable

HTTP request

 Protocols 

HTTP-GET  Method


name and arguments in URL

Method name and arguments in POST body


grammar for

Addressing the Web Service

Returning results

Invoking: HTTP-GET and HTTP-POST http://server/appl/service.asmx/method?param=value  Standard


Method name = PATHINFO

Method arguments = URL query string

Query string key = parameter name

Multiple parameters

Only primitive .NET runtime data types

Result is an XML document 

Any .NET data type


Similar to GET, but with arguments in the form body

Invoking: HTTP-SOAP  XML 

grammar for

Web Service method, method parameters, results

 Supports 

Additionally: classes, structs, datasets

 Class 

all standard .NET data types and value classes

and struct marshalling

Serialization in XML format

Consuming Web Services  Request

without method name and parameters

HTML description of Web Service

Service capabilities, methods, protocols

 Web 

Service can return WSDL


 Request

with parameter “?WSDL”

Formal WSDL description of Web Service

XML-based grammar

Can be used as input for WebServiceUtil.exe



grammar, defining:

Services and ports that communicate via messages

Binding 

Specify a protocol or a data format for a message or a port

Extensions for SOAP 1.1, HTTP GET/POST, and MIME

 Public 

description of a Web Service and its content

WSDL contract

 Core

Elements of WSDL

service, port, and portType

operations and messages



abstract illustration of WSDL elements service_1 port_B

port_C service_2 message port_D

port_A message port type

Sample WSDL file <definitions name=“serviceName“> <portType name=“serviceNamePortType“> <soap:operation soapAction=“http://...“ /> <service name=“serviceName“> <port name=“serviceNamePort“ binding=“bindingName“> <soap:address location="http://..." />

Section 5: Advanced Web Services  State


 Security  Transactions  Execution


 Distributed

Web Applications

State Management  Web

Services are stateless

 Use,

for example, ASP.NET session state

What is a session?  Restricted  Context

in which a user communicates to a server

Functionality  Request  Store

to a logical application

identification and classification

data across multiple requests

 Session


 Release

of session data

.NET State Server

Security Model  Reasons

for Security

Prevent access to areas of your Web server

Record and store secure relevant user data

 Security


 Authentication,

Web Client

 Code 

Authorization, Impersonation




Access Security

Walks the call stack to check authorization


Transactions  Like


ASP.NET Web Forms

 COM+


COM+ automatic transactions

Atomic, consistent, isolated, durable (ACID)

SQL Server Application

Web Service COM+ transaction context

Message Queuing Server

Transactions  TransactionOption


Property on WebMethod Attribute:

[WebMethod(TransactionOption= TransactionOption.Required)]  Transaction







Execution Model  Synchronous 

Like any other call to class methods

 Asynchronous 

.NET Framework design pattern

Split the method into two code blocks



Client has to call Begin and End 

Pass a callback function or

WaitHandle class

Using Web Services from UI  Completely 

separate layout and processing logic

Two (or more) files: .aspx and .aspx.cs or .aspx.vb .aspx

 Files 


for designers and files for programmers

Easy maintainability of your application

Sample  .aspx

<%@ Import Namespace=“MathServiceSpace“ %> <script language=“C#“ runat="server"> public void Submit_Click(Object S, EventArgs E) { service.Add(operand1, operand2); ... ...  .asmx  WSDL

file implements method “Add” file, returned by the ASP.NET runtime

Sample  C#

proxy class, generated by WSDL.exe

[System.Web.Services.Protocols. SoapDocumentMethodAttribute(““)] public int Add(int a, int b) {

object[] results = this.Invoke(“Add“, new object[] {a, b});


return (int)(results[0]);

... public System.IAsyncResult BeginAdd(... public int EndAdd(...

Summary  .NET

Architecture Overview

 Web

Services and ASP.NET

 Create

and Publish Web Services

 Invoke

and Consume Web Services


and Proxy Classes

Program Against Web Services


A Simple Web Service ASP.NET QuickStart Tutorial

ASP.NET QuickStart  What

Is It?

Tutorial, ASP.NET samples

Syntax, architecture, features

 Installation 

Install Microsoft .NET Framework SDK  Visual

Installation of Visual Studio.NET is not mandatory

 .NET 

Studio.NET installation and Components Update

Framework Samples

ASP.NET QuickStart  ASP.NET Web Services  Writing a Simple Web Service

Building a Simple Web Service  Create 

your own MathService

.asmx  Implement

Create WSDL file (MathService.wsdl)  Request

class MathService and Web methods

to MathService.asmx

Generate C# proxy class (MathService.cs)  WebServiceUtil.exe

Generate Assembly (MathService.dll)  C#

compiler “csc”

Consuming a Simple Web Service  Implement

MathService client (MathServiceClient.aspx) 

ASP.NET UI  Operands  Methods  Result

 Text box

 Buttons

 Label

Event Handler  OnServerClick


Overview  What

is it?

Set of Web methods

Programmable interface to online database  Aerial

imagery and topographical maps

 Assumptions

for this tutorial

Visual Studio.NET

Internet connection

Tutorial  Create

a new project

 Create

application UI

 Add

Web reference

 Implement


Legal Notices Unpublished work.  2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Visual Basic, Visual Studio, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

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