Presentation Proposal Maz Leena

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  • Pages: 57



Presentation Outline Part I Topic Proposal

Part II Reviews

Part III Methodology

Part IV Discussion

Problem Background Problem Statement Research Question Research Objective Importance of the Study Work Contributions Theoretical Framework Research Scope

Wireless Networks Chaos Control

Research Phases Instrumentation Data Sources Expected Outcomes

Adaptive Solution Proposed Design Survey Results


Part I Topic Proposal

Part II Reviews

Part III Methodology

Problem Background Problem Statement Research Question Research Objective Importance of the Study Work Contributions Theoretical Framework Scope of Study

Wireless Networks Chaos Control

Framework Research Phases Instrumentation Data Sources Expected Outcomes


Part IV Discussion Adaptive Solution Proposed Design Survey Results

Wireless Networks Host or User

Base Station/

Wired Network

Access Point

• Limited capabilities: slow CPU speed, little memory, low battery power and small screen size. • Unpredictable disconnections is considered as a part of normal wireless communication. • Hosts may come and leave generally much more rapidly • Bandwidth and quality of the network connection may vary Index greatly.

• Powerful machines, with large amounts of memory and very fast processors. • High-bandwidth links, disconnections are due to either explicitly performed or failures. • Static location, hosts can be added, deleted or moved

Wireless Usage Forecast of Users With Wireline Vs Wireless High-Speed Access, North America, 1998-2003 16,000,000 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 0



2000 Wireline


2002 Wireless



• In the context of Malaysian community, IDC survey reveals that 35 per cent of Malaysian companies have implemented, or have plans for implementing wireless applications at the enterprise level (Ting, 2003).

Problem Background • Wireless Bandwidth • Mobility and Handoff • Real-time Multimedia Content and QoS Support • Complexity of Wired and Wireless Network • Available Solutions

• Bandwidth of wireless media is • Adaptive techniques areto very much • Support of multimedia services over • • Trigger rapid degradation the delivered service limited by the available radiowireless Multiness of types of components, highly tight to the applications as well as networks presents a number of technical quality. spectrum. interconnected, difficult to cognizes, and difficult hardware of the system. challenges. • Change in•network resources can result in a major 9600 bps per user. to design and operate. • fluctuation Most adaptive systems are of inherently Due to time-varying error characteristics and the availability network resources • in The wireless bandwidth cannot be • •Dependence in the auto-correlation function which nonlinear and thus bifurcations and channel capacity, the delivery of reserved formany the connection. expanded infinitely. cantime-varying span time scales, and could potentially chaos in•quality such systems are often the intermittent hard of service guarantee is unlikely. of • If a TCP protocol were to be used, The wireless media is asymmetric. have a dominant effect on traffic management inevitable. due disconnection to handoff is interpreted as Index networks.

Problem Statement “The characteristics of the wireless environment such as limited bandwidth, and user mobility as well as the complexity of the network itself contributed to the instability of the traffic flow; thus reducing the throughput of the network. Various adaptive techniques have been proposed to overcome these issues but these techniques lack the flexibility that is required to operate in the complex wireless environment.” Index

Research Question “Can chaos control mechanism provide a stable traffic flow and reliable connectivity in wireless network?” i.

What are the required parameters in modeling the behavioral of traffic flow in wireless network?


What is the appropriate chaos control mechanism that is needed to handle the instability behavior of the traffic flow in wireless network?

iii. What is the acceptable degradation threshold of mobile services/applications? iv. What is the nature of damping parameter that is required to control the instability of traffic flow (bandwidth)? Index

Research Hypothesis “Chaos control through bifurcation delayment and stabilization can provide the traffic flow control in wireless network and thus increase the throughput and the performance through the effective use of wireless bandwidth.”


Research Objective “To study the application of chaos control in controlling the traffic flow in wireless network.” •

To determine the system parameters in modeling behavioral traffic flow in wireless network as second order differential equation.

To simulate the behavioral model and to identify the structure of attractor, bifurcation parameter and bifurcation points.

To identify and formulate chaos controller mechanism.

To determine the damping parameter of the model in order to suppress or delay the occurrence of bifurcation.

To simulate the control mechanism in the wireless


Importance of the Study Future Trend

Future Survivability Trend Support Survivability of Wireless Support for Smart for Smart of Wireless Networks Network Networks Network Research Chaos Research Technology Chaos Technology


• • To Support support the need • “Alwaysfor on” data foradaptive, real worlddynamic, global • dynamics Toconnection. support usage. and smart •multimedia To meet a set of networking to criteria, a definition communication respond to the of acceptable through wireless changing performance channel. environment and • Future network will dynamic networking meet the needs of the through the usage of user requirements. revolutionary methods.

Work Contributions A time-varying traffic flow model that represent the channel characteristics, that can yield optimal future control protocols.

A new application field for chaos technology

An alternative scheme in implementing adaptive system


Theoretical Framework • Problem with TCP protocol with managing wireless traffic flow (Vulupala and Kumar, 2002). • Wireless network is a chaotic network: – Random network – Large amount of users, nodes and huge data – Event of failure can trigger a chaotic environment • Solution: – Delay or suppressIndex gradually onset of chaos

Chaos Theory

Sensitive to initial condition



Order (Strange Attractor)

Typical features of chaos system (Ditto and Munakata, 1995)

Long-term prediction is mostly impossible due to sensitivity to initial conditions

Nonlinear Index

Phase State Diagram, Strange Attractors, Bifurcation


Controlling Chaos • The idea is to apply appropriately designed minute perturbations to an accessible system parameter that forces it to follow a desired behavior. control turned on


1.0 0.8






0.6 0.4

0.4 0.2


0.0 0











0.00 -0.02






Bifurcation Delayment/Stabilization • Assuming that we can mapped wireless system as logistic map given as xk+1 = f (xk, r) = r xk (1-xk) where x is the flow of packet and r is the gain factor that is a function of the bandwidth and network capacity. • Proposed solution to the problem of whenever the system converge to the bifurcation point, find a simple (probable linear) control sequence, {uk}, that will be added to the system: xk+1 = f (xk, r) = r xk (1- xk) + uk Index

so as to stabilize the system.

Framework Model: Adaptive Wireless Network Flow Control • Function of network • The wireless network Mobile Users knowledge grabber chaotic controller will component is to capture respond and react with Connectivity Wireless the network status. necessary computation • The network parameters to control the such as bandwidth andWireless Wireless Network Wireless Network bandwidth and capacity capacity will be Knowledge Grabber Chaotic Controller Interface of the wireless network measured and this will accordingly to the act as the input to the demand of the Wired Connectivity wireless network chaotic resources. controller. Index

Research Scope • Investigate of system chaotic and bifurcation phenomena with the use of bifurcation diagrams, strange attractors in phase plane, and the Largest Lyapunov Exponents (LLE). • Performance will be based on number of lost packets and the accurateness of received data. • Test on multimedia data such as video transmission from wired starting point to wireless ending point. • Deployment in a single network element. Index

Part I Topic Proposal

Part II Reviews

Part III Methodology

Problem Background Problem Statement Research Question Research Objective Importance of the Study Work Contributions Theoretical Framework Scope of Study

Wireless Networks Chaos Control

Framework Research Phases Instrumentation Data Sources Expected Outcomes


Part IV Discussion Adaptive Solution Proposed Design Survey Results

Related Works: Wireless Traffic Control

Congestion Control Routing Protocol Error-Coding Schemes Network Modeling

Wireless QoS

Monads MOWGLI Mobiware DiffServ

Prediction, Guard, Reservation

Bandwidth Control



ARMS Reflective, UIC WYNIWYG Context XMIDDLE Awareness


Related Works: Chaos Control Traffic Control, TCP

Chaotic System

Error Modeling



Chaotic Maps

Network Stability

Conclusion From Review Works • All the wireless works are based on adaptation. • Change of bandwidth usage based on prediction algorithm where bandwidth min and max is determined by system or user. • There is no evidence of usage of chaos control in wireless environment though there are works that show traffic flow control is definitely chaotic. • Works that we are interested: – Distributed feedback loop bandwidth optimization mechanism. – Bifurcation parameter of TCP congestion in Internet model. Index

Part I Topic Proposal

Part II Reviews

Part III Methodology

Problem Background Problem Statement Research Question Research Objective Importance of the Study Work Contributions Theoretical Framework Scope of Study

Wireless Networks Chaos Control

Framework Research Phases Instrumentation Data Sources Expected Outcomes


Part IV Discussion Adaptive Solution Proposed Design Survey Results

Initial Works Literature reviews

Conduct survey to justify the relevancy of our research work in the perspective of the local community in Malaysia.


Research Methodology Phases



Modeling the behavioral To determine pattern ofthe traffic system flow parameters in wireless networks. Behavioral Model of in modeling behavioral traffic flow in Traffic Flow in wireless network as second order Wireless Network differential equation. Analyzing wireless network To simulate performance the behavioral model The formulation of and to identify the structure of the attractor, damping parameter. bifurcation parameter and bifurcation points. To identify and formulate chaos controller Design and implementation To determine of mechanism. wireless the damping network chaotic controller The implementation parameter of the model in order to of wireless network suppress or delay chaotic controller the occurrence of bifurcation. Analyzing the wireless To network simulateadaptive the control flowmechanism control in the wireless network and measure the wireless network performance.


Prototype Wireless Network Adaptive Flow Control

Modeling the Behavioral Pattern of Traffic Flow in Wireless Networks Identify system parameters Deterministic fluid flow representation Determination of behavior

Data Collection

Continuous Flow PDE representation

Phase plane simulation Statistical tests Largest Lyapunov Exponents Bifurcation diagrams Trace recording


Analyzing Wireless Network Performance Observation of performance degradation of wireless system in transferring multimedia data • Employ performability model (Trivedi, et. al, 2003) – To obtain realistic composite performance and availability measures. • Erlang loss model: obtain loss formula due to channel failures and handoff problem. • Markov chain


Design and Implementation of Wireless Network Chaotic Controller

Formulate the control gains kc and kn

Determine damping parameter

• Normal form theory (transfer function) • Linearizing the behavioral equation • Identifying the equilibrium point • Calculate the critical gain factor • Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for system matrix A where Ax = 0.


Analyzing the Wireless Network Adaptive Flow Control Integration of Wireless Chaotic Controller

Identify traffic flow policy

Investigation of delay performance

Identify degree of data fidelity

On-off fluid process model and the channel is modeled by a fluid variant of Gilbert-Elliot’s model as suggested by Kim Index (1999).

Instrumentation & Data Source • Computer modeling and simulation – MATHLAB and OPNET – Winesa • Data – Capture wireless data in real environment (UTM) – Use wireless data from Telco’s (Malaysian) – Use wireless data from other research group (local/international) – Artificial data ( Index Markov-based Trace Analysis, 2003)

Expected Results • Behavioral model of traffic flow in wireless network. For illustration purpose, the abstractions processes in wireless environment will be demonstrated using computer simulations. • Traffic flow control algorithm. A mechanism to control the bifurcation occurrence by applying chaos control management. • Analysis of wireless network performance. Index

Assumptions and Limitations • Transmission of text data will not faced any wireless network predicament except delay and therefore will not be tested. We are interested with real time critical data such as multimedia data that include video and audio. • Queuing delay is relatively small and will not be considered in the formulation of the design. This is because we believe that edge-based equipments will continue to improve rapidly and does reducing the queuing delays. • Network simulation tools are reliable in testing the performance of the wireless network. Index

Part I Topic Proposal

Part II Reviews

Part III Methodology

Problem Background Problem Statement Research Question Research Objective Importance of the Study Work Contributions Theoretical Framework Scope of Study

Wireless Networks Chaos Control

Framework Research Phases Instrumentation Data Sources Expected Outcomes


Part IV Discussion Adaptive Solution Proposed Design Survey Results

Cynefin Domains Framework Snowden, D.J. (2003) To improve the effectiveness (not the efficiency) of decision making and to create the conditions for innovation. Complex Emergent Practice Minor, troublesome Pattern Management events occur but are Perspective Filters easily rationalised Complex Adaptive Systems Probe-Sense-Response

Knowable WeGood havePractice been here before and any deviations Analytical/reductionist are readilyPlanning understood Scenario Sense-Analyse-Response

Chaos Known We control the Decisive Action Best Practice Something completely Stability Focused space and can Standard Procedures Intervention unexpected at this time determine Process Re-engineering Enactment Tools behaviour Sense-Categorise-Respond Index Crisis Management

Network Management Framework Wireless Multiple small and diverse interventions to create options e.g. adaptation.

Single or multi point attractor(s) to stabilise situation

Internet Analytical techniques to determine facts and option range e.g. congestion control, TCP

Stand Alone & LAN Standard process with review cycle & clear measures Index

Adaptive Solution • Adaptive networking paradigm is suitable in mitigating the highly varying level of resource availability in wireless and mobile networks. • Mobile application and services especially that involve with multimedia data will be tuned with graceful quality degradation before raising back again to full performance.


Wireless Network Traffic Flow With Chaos Control • Interconnect networks for information can be regarded as a complex control system. • The behavior of the wireless network traffic flow need to be examined so as to look into the problems concerning how the network structure facilitates and constraint the network dynamically behaviors. • The critical nature of the network raises concerns about the risk and the impact of system failures (Wang and Chen, 2003). • Use tiny perturbations to stabilize an intended unstable fixed point or periodic orbit embedded in the chaotic attractor, thereby achieving great flexibility for different control purposes. Index

Bifurcation Control Via Feedback • The task of designing a controller to modify the bifurcation properties of a given nonlinear system, so as to achieve a certain desirable behavior. • Design: Taylor expansion and linearization of a given nonlinear dynamical is a common approach (Chen and Dong, 1998)

dx = f ( xt; k , uk ) dt

• If critical eigenvalue –1 is controllable, uk (xk) containing only third-order terms in the component of xk, • If critical eigenvalue -1 is uncontrollable uk (xk) containing only second-order terms in the component of xk, • The controlled system has a locally stable bifurcated Index period-two orbit for k near zero. This feedback stabilizes

Bifurcation Delay and Stabilization


Wireless Network Chaotic Controller • Feedback (closed-loop) scheme described by Ott, Grebogi, and Yorke (OGY, 1990). WIRELESS NETWORK CHAOTIC CONTROLLER


Capturing Wireless Network Status

Bifurcation Manageme nt


Adapted Traffic

Damping Parameter, uk

Feedbac k Input


Multimedi a Data

Wireles s/Mobile Protocol

Wireless Link

Design Approach • Based on the Internet model of congestion control system with feedback delay ( Li et al., 2004): dx(t)/dt = k [w - x (t – D) p (x(t – D))] where x is the sending rate of the source at time t, k is the positive gain parameter, D is the sum of forward and return delays, w is a target (set point) p is the congestion indication • Critical value π k* = 2D (p (x*) + x* (p’ (x*)) • There is a Hopf bifurcation of the system at its Index equilibrium x*.

Comparison of Li’s Model and Proposed Model Li’s Model

Proposed Model






P: the congestion indication k: system gain function

Probability of packet loss

Base station, access point (equipments at the edge of wired network). Packet loss and bit error

Inversely proportional to delay, D Index

rate Function communication delay and sending rate

Results of Survey • The main goal of the survey is to seek the justification of relevancy in the research area. • Objectives to answer: – What are kind of mobile services that are provided by the industries? – What are the most common sets of mobile services being used by the corporate or small medium enterprise (SME) customers? – What type of devices and connectivity are required? – What are the barriers in delivering the mobile services? – What is (are) the future need(s) in delivering the mobile services? Index

Mobile Services • M-Commerce: stock trading, reservation, product purchasing, banking and payment. • Communication: short messaging system (SMS), multimedia messaging system (MMS), chatting, conferencing and e-mail. • Information: news, weather and traffic reports, summons and tracking. • Entertainment: games, music, video download, contest and quizzes. • Corporate or small medium enterprise (SME) customers: wireless messaging, wireless corporate LAN (GPRS) and IDD roaming Index

Devices and Connectivity • Devices – mobile phone – palm top – personal data assistant (PDA) – lap top computer • Connectivity – Global system for mobile communication (GSM) – General packet radio service (GPRS) – 1x radio transmission technology (1xRTT) – WiFi – Bluetooth Index

Wireless Issues • Most services are timecritical • Acceptable disruption period or the delay time should not be more than 250 ms. • Resulted in financial loss as well as lose their customers confident in the services that they provide. • Stressed that services must be 99.9% running at all time. Index

Disruption Factors Climatic changes

Rain, thunderstorm, lightning

Accidental Actions

Fiber or cable cut, trunking

Faulty hardware Switches, base station equipment Limited Resources

Bandwidth, congestions

Lack of Power Supply

Power failure


Other Challenges • Limited coverage • Site acquisition (microwave signal hinder by objects) and geographical terrain. • High user expectation • Trouble shooting the system in limited time and information. • To maintain quality of service.


Survey Conclusion • The transmission of multimedia data across wireless connectivity is increasing as new services are being introduced in the market. • Propose researches in providing reliable connection – investigating the fluctuation of the network resources – controlling network congestions • Support the need of local telecommunication industries in delivering mobile multimedia services through wireless media. • Other recommended research areas: – Customers’ behavior towards the usage of wireless connectivity in the context of Malaysian users – Network congestion management for wireless Index networks

Conclusion • Wireless networks have seen a tremendous growth in the past decade and still keep expanding at a fast pace. • Wireless network is a complex network and have a possibility of creating chaos when certain network parameters become unstable. • We proposed an adaptive flow control for wireless network that will deploy chaos control management in stabilizing the traffic flow. • It is hoped that with this research wireless networks can achieve high performance and bring high-quality network services to mobile users.



Intro. Wireless Cynefin Framework Problem Background Intro. Chaos Adaptive Solution Problem Statement Wireless Networks Reviews Proposed Design Research Hypothesis Chaos Control Reviews Li’s Work Research Question Survey Results Research Objective Research Methodology Importance of the Study Instrumentation Work Contributions Data Sources Theoretical Framework Middleware Comparison Expected Results Research Scope Assumptions

Basic Foundation Primal Algorithm

Work Schedule

Basic Foundation Feedback Control System





f ( ⋅)

x ( t ) = f ( x, u , t ) x( t ) = x u ( t ) = g ( x, t ) 0


lim x( t ) − r ( t ) = 0

g ( ⋅)

t →∞


Primal Algorithm • The end-user implements a TCP-like rate control algorithm which responds to the congestion indication signals from resources. • Deterministic fluid flow model: d x (t ) = k w − x ( t ) ∑ µ (t ) , r ∈ R dt where µ (t ) = p ∑ x (t ) j∈J r










s: j∈s




• J is a set of resources • r is the route and a nonempty set of J • R is all set of routes • Kr is the gain factor

• xr the sending rate of user r • p is the congestion indication function

Middleware Platform


Work Schedule D E P L O Y M E N T O F C H A O S C O N T R O L IN W IR E L E S S N E T W O R K E N V IR O N M E N T

2002 ID

Task N am e

S ta rt D a te

E n d D a te

D u r a t io n


R e s e a r c h T im e lin e

1 1 /1 /2 0 0 2

8 /1 8 /2 0 0 6



P H A S E 1 : L ite ra tu re R e v ie w

1 1 /1 /2 0 0 2

4 /1 /2 0 0 5



W ir e le s s N e t w o r k s

1 1 /1 /2 0 0 2

4 /1 /2 0 0 5



C h a o s C o n tro l

4 /7 /2 0 0 3

4 /1 /2 0 0 5



B a s e lin e S u r v e y

7 /1 6 /2 0 0 3

1 2 /5 /2 0 0 3


2 /1 /2 0 0 4

9 /3 0 /2 0 0 4



P H A S E 2 : S y s te m M o d e lin g


Id e n t ific a t io n o f S y s te m P a r a m e te r s

2 /1 /2 0 0 4

7 /3 0 /2 0 0 4



V e r if ic a tio n o f M o d e l

4 /1 /2 0 0 4

9 /3 0 /2 0 0 4



D a ta C o lle c tio n

2 /2 /2 0 0 4

7 /5 /2 0 0 4



T e s tin g o f W ir e le s s N e tw o r k

6 /1 /2 0 0 4

9 /3 0 /2 0 0 4


1 0 /1 /2 0 0 4

3 /1 /2 0 0 5



P H A S E 3 : D e s ig n C o n tr o lle r


C o d in g

1 0 /1 /2 0 0 4

3 /1 /2 0 0 5



T e s tin g a n d v e r ific a t io n o f d e s ig n

1 2 /1 /2 0 0 4

3 /1 /2 0 0 5


3 /1 /2 0 0 5

7 /2 9 /2 0 0 5



P H A S E 4 : S y s te m In te g r a tio n


In te g r a tio n c o n t r o lle r in t h e w ir e le s s n e t w o r k

3 /1 /2 0 0 5

4 /2 9 /2 0 0 5



V e r if y n e tw o r k p e r f o r m a n c e

5 /1 /2 0 0 5

7 /2 9 /2 0 0 5


6 /1 /2 0 0 5

1 0 /1 3 /2 0 0 5



P H A S E 5 : T h e s is W r itin g

Q 4

2003 Q 1



Q 2

2004 Q 3

Q 4

Q 1

Q 2

2005 Q 3

Q 4

Q 1

Q 2

Q 3

Q 4

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