Presentation On Urban Service Delivery

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Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance

A CMD Study Presentation 14 August 2007

Why Local Governance? • Subsidiarity principle ▫



Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


Constitutional provisions • Part IX-A-“The Municipalities” • Structure, composition, and duration • Reservation of seats for women, scheduled castes, and scheduled tribes • A threshold of functions and powers, including power of taxation

Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


Functions Twelfth Schedule- 18 items, spanning across ▫ Planning (urban planning, town planning, land use regulation, economic and social development planning) ▫ Economic infrastructure (roads and bridges, water supply, conservancy) ▫ Social infrastructure (public health, sanitation, solid waste management) ▫ Public amenities (fire services, burial grounds, cattle pounds, vital statistics) ▫ Environmental services (forestry, parks, regulation of slaughterhouses) and ▫ Poverty alleviation (weaker section interests, slum improvement) Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


Are services available and satisfactory? • Urban service coverage and quality poor

Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


Reasons of poor delivery Poor service delivery attributed to ▫ Inadequate democratization and ▫ Poor empowerment of urban local bodies

Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


Democratization • Direct election

• SEC set up on 3rd December 1993

• One-third seats reservation for women

• It has superintendence, direction and control of voters’ list and conduct of elections

• Proportional reservation for scheduled castes and tribes • Five years tenure • No dissolution through statute amendments • Fresh election before term expiry • Supervision, direction and control over electoral rolls to be with State Election Commission • Election-related matters by laws made by State legislature (Article 243-ZA)

• Full powers in the matter of elections • Unique powers– ▫ Chairs Delimitation ▫ Commission Elections held in

1995, 2000, 2005

• No super-session of elected members or bodies • No other interventions in election process

Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


Finances I Article 243-X –ULBs to levy and collect •Taxes •Duties •Tolls

KM Act ( S 283)-ULBs i. to have a Municipal Fund and ii. to levy • Property tax • Profession tax

•Fee and a share from state tax revenues

• Tax on animals and vessels


• Show tax

•A municipal fund to be constituted at the ULB level

• Tax on advertisements, and • Tax on timber brought into the municipal area (Section 230) • Surcharge on any tax for providing a specific civic service

Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


Finances II TVM


• Revenue surplus in all 5 years and capital surpluses in 2 years

• Revenue and capital surpluses in 4 of 5 years

• For a projected investment of Rs.191 crores on sewerage and sanitation, drainage, and roads, revenues sufficient to cover O & M costs

• In separate budget, electricity distribution had revenue surpluses all 5 years

• ULB can meet debt service obligations on a 49% investment loan component. with a good debt service coverage ratio • Property tax-43 % collection (database last updated in 198889)

• For a projected investment of Rs.180 crores for water supply, drainage, roads, and solid waste management with a 49% loan component, ample ability to meet full O&M costs with safe debt service coverage ratio • Property tax-75 % collection (database last updated in 1980s)

Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


Urban Planning The Town Planning Act [IV of 1108 Malayalam Era] ▫ Municipality has the primary responsibility to prepare a town planning scheme( Section 7) ▫ What the plan to consist of (Section 3) ▫ Power to prepare master plan with “focus on scientific spatial planning” (Section 51(3)) ▫ Municipality to “prepare and implement detailed town planning schemes” (Section 51(4))

Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


Water Supply and Sewerage I K M Act 1994, overrides Kerala Water Supply and Sewerage Act,(14 of 1986) • KWA assets in ULB area “to vest in and stand transferred to ULB” (section 315)

If in more than one local government institution “ to

vest in a committee including the municipality Chairperson and panchayat presidents” (Section 315A) • ULB has “power and right to” ▫ prepare and implement water supply or sewerage scheme”

▫ impose water & sewerage charges (Section 315B) [ Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


Water Supply and Sewerage II Kerala Decentralization of Powers Act 2000 further amended Act 14 of 1986 ▫ KWA to render technical services to local bodies [Section 34(1)(5)] ▫ Local governments are “free to start own water supply and sewerage schemes either individually or as a group” and “ fix their own user charges” [Section 34(1)(6)]

▫ obligatory on KWA to transfer water supply/sewerage service to ULB on request [Section 34(2) (1)(b)]

Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


Thrikkannapuram WS scheme Cumulative Payments (Rs. lakhs)

Graph 1 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1998










KWA Payouts

Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


Capacity for Governance Capacity is ▫ the ability of people, organizations and society as a whole to manage their affairs successfully (OECD, 2006) ▫ not a technical process ▫ both organizational and individual issues (OECD, 2006) ▫ requires higher degrees of knowledge

Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


Organization Needs to have control over ▫ Goals, ▫ Output, ▫ Property, ▫ Technology, ▫ Structure and ▫ Individuals (Richard Osborn, 1980)

When an organization adopts a new strategy, it also requires changes in its structure

Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


Goals Goals are made up of Purpose, Mission & Objectives 1.Purpose= a broad aim, a primary role 2.Mission=unique aim, narrower than purpose 3.Objectives=target for achievement, more specific than mission statement

Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


Strategy • A broad programme for achieving objectives & for implementing mission • Creates unified direction in terms of objectives & resources Has a relationship with the environment

Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


Structure The setting in which ▫ power is exercised, ▫ decisions are made, and ▫ organization’s activities are carried out”(Peter Blau)

Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


Considerations in evolving a structure • Technology. • People • “Fit” or Agreement Organizational capacitating efforts a post of superintending engineer to “take care of all kinds of engineering works”

Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


JNNURM “meaningful association/engagement of ULBs” ▫ in planning function of para-statals and ▫ delivery of services to citizens”(GOI,2006)

Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


A new organizational structure • Hierarchical • A company owned by ULB • A networking solution • Need of Support organizations

Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance


Structure Irrigation




Government of Kerala Drainage for TVM

ULB Council Water supply for TVM

Council Dept.

Street lighting for TVM

General Admn. Dept.

Sewerag e for TVM

Mayor Secretary

Revenue Dept.

Healt h Dept.

Town Plg. Dept.

Improving Urban Service Delivery through Local Governance

Engineerin g Dept.


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