Present, Past And Future Progressive

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 1,340
  • Pages: 13
PRESENT PROGRESSIVE Este tiempo indica una acción que estamos realizando al momento de hablar. Utiliza el verbo TO BE en tiempo presente como auxiliar. Para formar oraciones seguimos las siguientes estructuras: AFFIRMATIVE FORM SUJETO + VERBO TO BE EN PRESENTE + VERBO PRINCIPAL ING + COMPLEMENTO I am explaining the class to the students. She is crossing the river by boat. They are earning money in their job. INTERROGATIVE FORM VERBO TOBE +SUJETO + VERBO PRINCIPAL ING + COMPLEMENTO + ? Is he hunting tigers in the forest? Are you imagining your new car? Am I planning my future? NEGATIVE FORM SUJETO + VERBO TOBE + NEGACION + VERBO PRINCIPAL + COMPLEMENTO I am not working in Fonseca. She is not gathering roses in the garden. You are not choosing the best president. CONTRACTIONS •

En esta forma podemos contraer el sujeto con el verbo en la forma afirmativa:

I´m buying books in the bookstore. She´s preparing the breakfast. You´re washing your clothes on Saturday. •

La forma interrogativa no se contrae.

En la forma negativa contraemos el verbo to be con la negación excepto I AM NOT:

You aren´t destroying the forest. She isn´t reading the fashion magazines. EXERCISE 1 Write 10 sentences in present progressive using the following verbs: 1. serve 2. drink 3. begin 4. wear 5. think 6. win 7. spend 8. catch 9. punish 10. teach GROUP OF TWO STUDENTS EXERCISE 2 Write sentences in present progressive in the following forms: 1. aff 2. neg 3. int 4. aff 5. int 6. neg 7. aff 8. int

9. neg 10. aff GROUP OF THREE STUDENTS EXERCISE 3 Answer the following questions in English : 1. Where are you studying? 2. Where are nelvis and Aleida working? 3. What are you doing now? 4. What is your mother playing? 5. Where are you sleeping at night? 6. What are you practicing at the school? 7. What is your father buying in the supermarket? 8. What is your brother selling in his house? 9. Where are you reading your magazines? 10. What are your sisters writing in their notebooks? GROUP OF TWO STUDENTS. VOCABULARY ON THE STREET




Este tiempo se utiliza para hablar de una acción que acaba de suceder en un tiempo no muy lejano. Utiliza el verbo to be como auxiliar en tiempo pasado. Para formar oraciones utilizamos las siguientes estructuras:

AFFIRMATIVE FORM SUJETO + VERBO TO BE EN PASADO + VERBO PRINCIPAL ING + COMPLEMENTO I was praying for the peace of the World. She was living in the farm. They were punishing the children yesterday morning.

INTERROGATIVE FORM VERBO TOBE +SUJETO + VERBO PRINCIPAL ING + COMPLEMENTO + ? Was I watching t.v. last night at 7:00 o´clock? Was he cleaning the apartment yesterday afternoon? Were you washing your hair carefully?


She was not preparing the meat last night. We were not selling a farm in Pereira.


La forma afirmativa e interrogativa no se contrae.

En la forma negativa contraemos el verbo to be con la negación.

I wasn´t buying this dress. She wasn´t painting this beautiful picture. They weren´t stopping the cars. EXERCISE 1 Change these sentences into past progressive and translate them. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I am drinking in the festival. She is cleaning her new cupboard.. Is he changing the bills in the store? They are not remembering the new animals. You are closing your florist at 5:30 every day. It is not working perfectly.

7. I am not riding bike every day. 8. Are you understanding the questions? 9. Is he stealing the money in the bank? 10. We are dressing a fashion dress. GROUP OF TWO STUDENTS

EXERCISE 2 Write 10 sentences in past progressive. 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. EXERCISE 3 Translate these sentences into Spanish. 1. She wasn´t studying in the university. 2. He was working in the bakery every afternnon. 3. I wasn´t gathering the stones in the garden. 4. Were you cleaning your bedroom? 5. Were they choosing the correct answer in the test. 6. He was selling a horse for a new farm. 7. You were typing on the computer this exercise. 8. She wasn´t sweeping the classroom. 9. We weren´t playing soccer in Barrancas. 10. Were you traveling from Cartagena to Santa Marta? GROUP OF THREE STUDENTS. FUTURE PROGRESSIVE Este tiempo es utilizado para hablar acerca de hechos definidos y planes futuros. En este tiempo el verbo to be nos sirve de auxiliar en tiempo presente (am- is- are). Para formar oraciones seguimos las siguientes estructuras: AFFIRMATIVE SUJETO + VERBO TOBE + GOING TO + VERBO PRINCIPAL + COMPLEMENTO I am going to pass the English exam. She is going to study medicine next year. They are going to forget my cellular number. INTERROGATIVA VERBO TO BE + SUJETO + GOING TO+ VERBO PRINCIPAL + COMPLEMENTO + ? Am I going to practice the dialogue twice?

Is he going to keep the rules of the game? Are you going to rent a new apartment? NEGATIVA SUJETO + VERBO TOBE + NOT + GOING TO + VERBO PRINCIPAL + COMPLEMENTO I am not going to water the trees of my garden. She is not going to call the police tomorrow. We are not going to answer these questions. WH QUESTIONS Para hacer preguntas con las palabras interrogativas anteponemos esta a la forma interrogativa. Ex: Who are you going to vote for? I´m going to vote for Marina Reales. Who is going to finish this exercise? She is going to finish this exercise. What are you going to eat in the restaurant? I´m going to eat Colombian food. Where are you going to study next year? I´m going to study in the Meyer Institute. EXERCISE 1 Answer the following questions in long form. 1. Where are you going to live next year? 2. Where are you going to study in 2007? 3. What are you going to read on Saturday? 4. What are you going to travel in chritsmas? 5. What are you going to buy in the farm? 6. Who is going to win the contest? 7. Who is going to pass the English exam? 8. What are you going to eat tomorrow morning? 9. What is your mother going to cook for breakfast? 10. Where is your father going to work next year?

INDIVIDUAL EXERCISE 2 Write sentences using going to with these verbs: 1. cross 2. brush 3. bite 4. remember 5. hate 6. pray 7. punish 8. invent 9. read 10. forgive


Answer the questions to these answers: 1. I am going to sleep on the sofa. 2. She is going to study in Pamplona. 3. She is going to wash her jeans on Saturday? 4. They are going to plan their vacations. 5. I am going to buy some apples in the supermarket? 6. I am going to finish my studies in 2008. 7. She is going to pay the bill in the hotel. GROUP OF THREE STUDENTS EXERCISE 4 Translate this reading then you will have a writen test.

GROUP OF TWO STUDENTS DIALOGUE Practice one of this dialogue and show it in class.

GROUP OF TWO STUDENTS. EXERCISE 5 Write sentences with these pictures in present, past and future progressive.


LOGROS 1. Maneja las estructuras del presente progresivo en la elaboración de oraciones en actividades orales y escritas. 2. Utiliza adecuadamente la estructura del pasado progresivo en la elaboración de oraciones. 3. Identifica y utiliza el futuro progresivo dentro de un contexto. 4. Demuestra dominio del vocabulario tratado durante el período, tanto en actividades orales como escritas. 5. Lleva el uniforme adecuadamente dentro de la institución. 6. Cumple con los compromisos adquiridos dentro de la asignatura.

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