Prepared For Student: Prepared By (date):

  • May 2020
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Prepared For Student: Prepared By (Date):

Sam (Intermediate) Sheila (31 July 2009)

Hi Sam, I have drafted a study plan and proposed some general direction ( da4 fang1 xiang4) below. I think to complete these proposed theme might take you 1-2 months, depending on your availability to study online. As I explained to you during our first lesson, I will send you the relevant document ‘unit’ one at a time, so that you don’t have to digest too much too soon. Take a look at the proposal below, we can always tweet it during our next lesson! Study Plan: 1. Solidify the foundation (pronunciation, use the ‘right’ word with the same pinyin) 2. Focus 50% on Business terms and usages, 50% on cultural and lifestyle related knowledge. 3. Learn 160 new vocabularies related to the topics listed below 4. Be able to discuss the topics listed below with confidence and know how to use the appropriate terms depending on the context. Proposed General Study Direction ( xue2 xi2 de da4 fang1 xiang4) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Construction related business conversation (will require your contribution) General trading business knowledge (business terms) Doing business with Chinese people (cultural aspects, business etiquettes) Food and wine (I know more about food, but I will do what I can with wine!) News (discuss current affairs in Chinese)

Proposed approach: 1. Each study materials will focus on 2 of the study direction listed above 2. Each document will introduce around 20 new vocabularies 3. Include a short paragraph of reading material to train your ‘reading’ and ‘reading out loud’ ability! 4. Each document will take about 1 – 2 hours lesson time to complete (depends on how long you have each time, it could be 2-4 lessons, I guess) 5. Be very strict with your pronunciation! Tip: Print this document for your own study and for making note during the lesson!

Reading Text      !"#$ %&' ()*+,hóng pútáojiǔ shì yóu pútáo dài pí fājiào ér chéng jiǔ sè fēn wèi shēn hóng xiān hóng bǎoshí hóng děng jìn jǐ nián lái táo hóng pútáojiǔ zài guójì shìchǎng shàng yě pǒ liúxíng táo hóng pútáojiǔ sè zé jiè yú hóng pútáojiǔ hé bái pútáojiǔ zhījiān , (we can study one type each time!) hóng pútáojiǔ pǐnzhǒng Cabernet Franc ./0(pǐn lì zhū)123456789:;<=from French>Cabernet?78@AB 7BCDEF.9 GHIAJKLM7NO0=Cabernet SauvignonPQR0=Cabernet GernischtEST.9,UVW  XYZ[ \]^_`abc defg@hJKLM,i.jG Hk2EPCDEF.9,biémíng kǎ mén nài tè, yuán zhòng wéi jiě bǎi nà ,yuán chǎn dì zài fǎguó, wéi fǎguó gǔlǎo de niàng jiǔ pǐnzhǒng shìjiè gèdì jūn yǒu zāipéi, shì chì xiá zhūPshé lóng zhū de zǐmèi pǐnzhǒng,wǒguó zuì zǎo shì 1892 nián yóu xīōu yǐnrù shāndōng Yāntái mùqián zhǔyào chǎnqū jūn yǒu zāipéi,gāi pǐn zǒng shì shìjiè zhùmíng dePgǔlǎo de niàng hóng jiǔ pǐnzhǒng,

Wine related Vocabularies (from the text on page 2)  Part 1 No.

Chinese (simplified)


English Translation


Fā jiào




Sè zé




Jiè yú…zhī jiā

In between



Bié míng

Also known as



Yuán chǎn dì

Original region of production



Zāi péi

to cultivate, to grow



Zǐ mèi pǐn zhǒng

Sister breed



Shì jiè zhù míng

World famous

Business Terms (also vocabularies – Part 2) No.

Chinese (simplified)



mnop-qr-- Shǒu xí dài biǎo or

English Translation Chief representative


zhǔ yào dài biǎo



Yìng yòng

To apply, application



Yùn yòng

To use



Jiàn zào gōng chéng shāng

Construction Business Trading Company



Chū bù píng gū

preliminary appraisal; first round of evaluation



Cè lüè

Strategy, tactic



Kuī sǔn

(Financial) Loss, Deficit



Cāng kù




Zǔ zhī chóng zhěng



‰Š‹Œ#y- Biāo zhǔn zuò yè liú chéng

Standard Operation Procedure


Ž‘‰- Guān jiàn jī xiào zhǐ biāo

Key Performance Indicators




wài bāo

Setting the scene A lot of the vocabularies introduced above can be used in various scenarios, below is an example of a dialogue from a hypothetical scenario: 2 business acquaintances meet up for dinner to catch up Try to think of other context to use the vocabularies introduced above, and we can discuss it more during our next lesson.     !"#$% &'()*+,-./01 /02 34567892:;<=>?@A 3BCD E2FGHIJ KLMNOPQ2RSTUVW !X YZ2[\]^_` Kab BH)c4defgh26ijX Mklmnopq4 1 4rs t)7 JBuv1w! PxByz L{|}~Bz 4€PxBL"‚ƒ„…†w‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒˆŽ u‘B’“”O•

–—†wJ˜™š›ˆ)œž2# 6Ÿ ;¡ ¢ !£¤¥}¦6§2 ;¡¢¨IJ¢}©…  ;¡¢4ªˆ Cabernet Franc r ;¡¢4£«¬2}­41 4®¯)°2±B²³ 6*Q´µ¶· ¸4 ¹ºº» Q 2 !Q¼½¾¿2ÀÁÂ2š›Ã@J2ˆÄÅ4ÆÇ È4ˆÉ’Êl®®pË  )!PxBL"J Ì Ì  Final Comments: 1. Make note of any words that you are not sure of, so we can go through them during the lesson. 2. Some terms/vocabularies are used differently between Taiwan and China. I have tried to accommodate as much as possible the “China way”, but if you spot something from my document, which is not how you are use to ‘hear’ from your Chinese friends, this could be the reason why. Let me know during the lesson, and we can tweet the document if need be! 3. Try to apply these new vocabularies to your daily dialogues with friends or business associates. I will be asking you to give me some real examples during our next lesson. ☺ 

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