Precious Semi-precious Stones Sample

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Precious & Semi-precious Stones

Issue 01 September 2007

Disclaimer This report has been prepared without formal editing, as a service to exporters and industries in developing countries by the Market News Service (MNS), Division of Product and Market Development, International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO. No part of this report may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior permission in writing from the International Trade Centre. The mention of specific companies or of certain commercial products and brand names does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by ITC in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. The designations employed and the presentation of material on the map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the International Trade Centre concerning the legal status of any Country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

Market News Service Precious & Semi-precious Stones Report prepared by Ms.Divya Ajmera Issue No. 01, September 2007

The Market News Service (MNS) Precious & Semi precious Stones Quarterly Report presents informative notes and statistical analysis on Precious & Semi precious Stones traded in major international markets. First, the report is divided into a “market trend” section with qualitative and quantities information for Precious & Semi precious Stones traded in major international markets. Second, the report offers information and analysis for a selected number of countries within the world gemstones market and reviews of published articles about the industry. Third, it provides statistical information and analysis and price growth trends of selected Precious and semi precious stones. Fourth it provides, directory of trade associations and organisations of the sector. Finally it presents major international industry events, exhibitions and conferences and index of information providers. MNS information providers for Precious & Semi precious Stones include major importers, wholesalers, auctions and organizations in various countries. Market information is collected throughout the year and is available for transmission to subscribers on a quarterly basis. The prices reflected in these reports are indicative only. Prices quoted should be considered average only. We welcome new sources of information, news that subscribers and readers might have on their specific products or areas, inquiries or information requests on the products and markets covered by the report as well as suggestions, remarks and indications on the report content. For these purposes or for other information about the report and the Market News Service, please contact [email protected]. The author can be contacted at [email protected] To subscribe to the report or to access MNS reports directly online, please contact [email protected] or visit our website at: The Market News Service is made available free of charge to all Trade Support Institutions and enterprises in Sub-Saharan African countries under a joint programme of the International Trade Centre and CBI, the Dutch Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (

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Market Notes Blue Topaz Update Price Information

2 3 4





Market Notes Price Information

6 8



Emeralds from Afghanistan Tak and Chantaburi to Join Forces Mozambique Pariba Uncommon Minerals as Gemstones from Tanzania Gemstone Market at Spitzkoppe, Namibia Famous Russian Mine Reopens Pakistan Gems and Jewellery Exports Up

12 12 12 13 14 14 15



Price Development: Value indexes (in % to July 2005)




North America South America Europe Asia Africa International Associations

22 23 25 29 32 33



Fairs and Exhibitions




List of Information Providers


Market Trends United States of America Market Notes Gem dealers have reported very strong demand for very fine gemstones. In addition to strong demand, prices for these fine gemstones have continued to rise. A factor is that top-end gemstones are more difficult to find. US retail jewellers are using more and more colored stones in order to boost their profit margins. Many gemstone dealers find that jewellers are ready to buy colour with little hesitation, within defined budgets. Dealers report jewellers looking for new colours and stones that are hard to price - colours from muted pastels to rich jewel tones. The coloured stone category is projected for major growth in the coming months - with greater marketing commitment and investment in production - as jewellers continue to search for new ways of distinguishing themselves. Natural and minimally enhanced coloured stones are poised to make up a much larger portion of the inventory for custom and designer retail jewellery galleries during next few years. There is not really one colour that is doing well. As long as the stones are bright and clear, they are in demand. Pink, green, purple and yellow gemstones are currently the favourites, including golden beryl, amethyst, citrine, and spessartite and pink tourmaline. Other popular stones are zircon, moonstone, chalcedony, beryl and quartz varieties in a range of colours, as well as spinel, demantoid and tsavorite garnet, and Peruvian blue and pink opal. In shapes - cushion, emerald, oval and round are doing the best, with 2 to 5 carat sizes pioneering in the trade right now. Sales of blue topaz have fallen by as much as 70% due to the recent enforcement by NRC for commonly irradiated gemstones. Most of the retailers have withdrawn blue topaz from the market.

Large quantities of Varicsite, was unearthed in quantity in the Candelaria Hills of Nevada last June. Varicsite is green to bluish green, lacking the copper found in turquoise. Like turquoise it is an inexpensive yet trendy stone. But because it's composed of silica, it is harder and takes a better polish. Varicsite from the Prince Mine was generally available from old collections derived from recreational mining. Today, modern methods have enabled mining at depths of 65 feet to recover high-grade spider-webpatterned gems. A steady supply is expected for decades. Cut material is found from 50 cents to $10 a gram. A greater supply of fire agate has hit the market, due to production upgrades at the Deer Creek mine in the Galiuro Mountains of Arizona. It is estimated that only five per cent of the fire agate there has been recovered. Fire agate is a reddish botryoidal stone overlaid with translucent chalcedony. Deer Creek material has blueberry blues, gleaming greens, and velvety violets, and top gems contain rainbow colours. Fire agate is compared to opal for its colour play, but it's more stable and durable. Prices range from $200 to several thousand for cut stones. A consistent supply of Oregon sunstone is now available, as a result of upgraded operations at the renowned Ponderosa Mine, world's largest sunstone mine in Ochoco National Forest. According to partner John Woodmark, 250,000 carats are produced annually, with 2,000 carats cut monthly. Unique to Sunstone from Oregon is the "Schiller" phenomenon, caused by the millions of microscopic copper platelets found in each stone. The "Schiller" phenomenon makes the stone appear to "glow" as if it had it's own internal light source. Sunstones with Schiller retain this unique "glow" even when viewed from a great distance and by starlight! A feldspar mineral, sunstone is comparable in hardness to amethyst. Prices vary from $25 to several hundred a carat.

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones


Blue Topaz Update After the enforcement step by The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) concerning irradiated gemstones, several major jewellery chains and department stores have stopped selling blue topaz. Prior to 1990, the NRC had introduced regulations specifying that any neutron-irradiated gemstone must be imported by a licensed firm that can properly test for radiation. Unfortunately, there are no jewellery industry laboratories currently with equipment or a license to test to NRC requirements, nor are there licensed importers of blue topaz. Current rules affect

mostly blue topaz in the darker colours. Some light blue topaz is LINAC (linear accelerator) treated, and thus exempt from the rules. However, in the next few months, new rules will regulate LINAC treated gems. These will include requiring an NRC license for the importation of all blue topaz, red tourmalines, many beryls (treated blue, yellow, and pink colors, but not emerald), kunzite and irradiated diamonds. Cobalt-60 (gamma ray) irradiated gems such as various quartz colors, yellow sapphire and pearls are not affected by the upcoming regulations

Guidance Issues by NRC in Import Documentation for Commonly Irradiated Gemstones, including Blue Topaz September 25, 1990

All imported gems should contain clear documentation as to whether they are neutronirradiated, accelerator-irradiated, or not irradiated at all.

Neutron-irradiated gems from foreign reactors must be imported by an NRC or State licensee. The documentation should state the name of the licensee and license number.

Neutron-irradiated gems from U.S. reactors, which may have been exported, may be imported by non- licensees if they were previously distributed in the U.S. under the terms of an NRC distribution license.

The documentation must state the name of the licensee and NRC distribution license number. A reactor-operating license number is not sufficient.

Accelerator-irradiated gems and unirradiated gems may be imported by non-licensees. Such gems will be subject to checks by the U.S. Customs Service or NRC, to verify that the gems are not neutron-irradiated.

Undocumented gems may be subject to import delays, pending verification as to whether they contain radioactive material.

Source: American Gem Trade Association U. S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Information Notice No. 90-62: REQUIREMENTS FOR IMPORT AND DISTRIBUTION OF NEUTRON-IRRADIATED GEMS

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones


Price Information

Precious stones with American Gemmological Laboratories (AGL) colored stone grading reports with positive identification only, no heat or clarity enhancement, ovals and cushions with ideal parameters*. These prices are general indications only. Exceptional stones however can command a high premium.

"CLASSIC" BURMA RUBY (1.00-1.95CTS) COLOR ECA 2.5 ECA 3.0 ECA 3.5 ECA 4.0 ECA 4.5

LI1 25000-30000 15000-17500 11200-14000 6000-7500 5200-6500

LI2 20000-25000 12000-15000 10400-13000 5600-7000 4800-6000

MI1 13500-17000 9500-11800 8640-10800 5200-6500 4400-5500

MI2 12000-15500 8500-10500 7600-9500 4000-5000 3880-4850

For heated Thai ruby and heated/fracture filled “Mong Hsu Burma” ruby deduct 60% from the above-mentioned prices.

BURMA SAPPHIRE (1.00-1.99CTS) COLOR 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5

LI1 6500-8000 4000-5000 2900-3650 1750-2200 1000-1250

LI2 5000-6250 3600-4600 2600-3350 1680-2100 900-1150

MI1 4500-5700 3300-4200 2400-3000 1600-2000 850-1050

MI2 4000-5200 3000-3800 2200-2800 1400-1750 700-900

For Kashmir, add 100% to the above-mentioned prices; for heated Ceylon or Madagascar, deduct 60% from the above-mentioned prices.

"CLASSIC"COLOMBIAN EMERALDS (1.00-1.99CTS) COLOR 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 •

LI2 12800-15000 8800-11000 6900-8625 2700-3780 2430-2980

MI1 8800-11000 6560-8200 5000-6375 1980-2770 1800-2160

MI2 7200-8640 5040-6480 3600-5040 1800-2520 1620-1980

HI 3600-4320 2520-3240 1800-2520 900-1260 820-990

For African and Brazilian emeralds, deduct 50% from the above-mentioned prices.

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones


Technical Specifications Clarity Scale FI Free of Inclusions Included (internally flawless)

LI1...LI2 Lightly Included

MI1...MI2 Moderately Included

HI1...HI2 Heavily Included

E1...E2...E3 Excessively

Color Rating Scale 1....2 Excellent

3....4 Very Good

5....6 Good

7....8 Fair

9....10 Poor

*Ideal Parameters Carat Weight: 1 carat or larger Color: Good (6) or better Tone: Ideal tone for ruby, sapphire and emerald ranges from medium to dark (65-85). Ideal tone for other gem types varies from light to medium (20-65). Clarity: Moderately Included Two (MI2) or better Average Brilliancy: 50% or more Cutting/Finish: Good (6) or better

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones


Market Trends India Market Notes Alexandrite In recent times, alexandrite have become relatively easy to access in bigger sizes like 2 to 5 carats along-with smaller sizes as compared to its availability 7 to 8 years back, when bigger sizes were extremely rare and even the smaller sizes were not as good

in quality as they are now. Thanks to the good results from the mines in Andhra Pradesh (South India). Russian material is seen less in this part of the world and dealers report that Russian material is not that much available overall.

Emerald If the piece is really strong in color with good to excellent transparency and clarity then a piece of 1 carat can even fetch US$ 1200.00 to US$ 1500.00 per carat. The demand for emerald is constantly changing but definitely, the quality of material has decreased as compared to what it was

available few years back. Good pieces are not available in sufficient quantity and hence the prices have increased. Even after the available material is not as good, emerald is seeing a constant stable rise in prices.

Ruby Now ruby is a pretty complicated subject these days as the majority of the stones which are available all over is treated with "lead glass filling" also known as beryllium treatment as it is one of the chemical mixture that goes in the ruby with liquid lead glass. In this treatment, the cracks and fractures are filled with liquid glass in combination with other solutions to remove the appearance of cracks and fractures, and to improve the overall color. Now this treatment is absolutely different from heating and is not considered acceptable, if it is not declared clearly. Coloration and appearance decreases with time in this treatment. Heating on the other hand is an acceptable treatment where the material is only heated

so that, the color-bearing ions inside the ruby can be activated to release natural color from within and hence, the coloration is natural and permanent. There's a huge difference in the prices of heat-treated and glass filled rubies. A piece of 1 carat glass filled ruby would cost around US$ 20.00 to US$ 30.00 depending on the cutting and clarity whereas, a similar piece of heattreated ruby can cost around 15 times higher. Due to glass filling treatment, overall market prices of rubies have fallen because unless gemological certified, it’s usually hard to identify a glass-filled ruby. Glass filling has brought a bad name for rubies among quality customers. Demand for rubies has fallen slightly due to this factor.

Sapphire Strong colors can go over US$ 850.00 or more per carat. Overall demand for blue

sapphires has been stagnant, but there's a steady increase in the prices with the time.

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones


Tsavorite Garnet Like alexandrite, access to good quality pieces in bigger sizes like 2 to 4 carats has one better for the past 3 years. Tsavorite is

a smooth runner and customers are always looking for good quality pieces.

Amethyst US$ 8.00 to US$ 13.00 per carat for African amethyst. Brazilian amethyst on the other hand can be 40% to 50% less in price but then the color of Brazilian is not as pronounced as African. If the color is strong,

even Brazilian can almost touch African prices, which is a rare case. The demand of amethyst is steady and hardly it has seen any fall for the past few years. Prices are also on a steady rise.

Aquamarine Aquamarines are mostly heated and as it is an acceptable and permanent treatment as stated earlier, most customers are not bothered by this treatment. Strong colors

are getting rare in aquamarine. Aquamarine has seen a price hike of 1.5 to 3 times within the past 2 years for medium to strong shades. Demand is steady.

Citrine The demand for citrine has dropped by 50% to 70% for a continuous of 5 years and there's hardly any sign currently, for a considerable pick-up. The most obvious

reason for this slowdown is that yellow color is not in fashion for some years. Still, the interesting part is that prices of citrine have not dropped with the fall in demand.

Peridot Peridot is the only semi-precious stone, which has grown fastest in terms of pricing in the past 5 years for bigger sizes. These bigger sizes, which might not be called big for other semi-precious stones, are considered big for peridots because they are hardly available. India has almost lost the peridot market to Thailand and China, which are by far the biggest manufacturing centers for peridot in the world. Although, most of the peridot cut and polished there comes from the mines in China, which is of a relatively low-grade material in comparison to the mines in Arizona (USA) and Myanmar. Some good quality peridot also comes from Pakistan and Afghanistan. Prices can be from US$ 28.00 to US$ 38.00 for 5 carat pieces in medium shades depending on the cutting and clarity. Strong colors can cost from US$ 60.00 to US$ 85.00 or slightly more.

Other Stones Pyrope garnet and rhodolite garnet in good quality are always demanded. Bigger sized

Chrome Tourmaline, Tourmaline Rubelite, Bi-color Tourmaline Prices of rubellite have also shot up but 2 to 3 times in the past 3 years. Most of the rubellite available in the market comes with a brown hue and strong shades are becoming a rarity. Prices can start from US$ 125.00 per carat and go upto US$ 250.00 per carat for good to strong shades. The demand for good quality rubellites is on a rise. Bi-color tourmaline in good to strong shades can be from US$ 85.00 to US$ 125.00 per carat. It can go slightly more depending on the concentration and combination of colors. Lighter or grey-hued stones can range from US$ 28.00 to US$ 50.00 per carat. Demand is not great for bi-color tourmalines and customers mostly prefer good to strong colors.

pieces in good quality are getting a bit difficult to acquire these days and both

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones


these garnets are seeing a good rise in pricing for good quality big pieces. Price for 5-carat pyrope garnet can range from US$ 5.00 to US$ 9.00 per carat whereas; rhodolites can range from US$ 22.00 to US$ 30.00 per carat depending on the color shade/saturation. Another stone iolite can be considered as the second fastest semi-

precious stone in terms of price growth. Demand is steady and the supply for good quality bigger pieces is not so strong. Good quality pieces in 5-carat size from light to medium shades can range from US$ 18.00 to US$ 25.00 per carat. Prices for strong shades can be from US$ 50.00 to US$ 85.00 per carat.

Price Information Average Prices of selected Precious & Semi- precious stones in India and China Gemstone type

Color description

Weight cts

China Average value, USD

India Average value, USD

color change: medium Green-Blue or BlueGreen; very slightly greyish / medium reddish Purple; very slightly brownish medium dark very slightly bluish Green; strong








medium strongly purplish Red; strong (Burma, heated)





medium Blue; strong (heated)





medium bluish Violet; strong (heated)




Tsavorite Garnet

medium dark Green; strong






Colour pattern

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones


Gemstone type

Colour pattern

Color description

Weight cts

China Av. Value USD

India Av. Value USD

Weight cts

China Av. Value, USD

India Av. Value, USD


medium dark bluish Purple; strong








light GreenBlue or BlueGreen; strong (unheated)








medium orangey Yellow; strong








medium light very slightly bluish Green; strong








medium light slightly yellowish Green; strong







Tourmaline rubelite

medium reddish Purple; very slightly brownish







Bi-colour Tourmaline

bi color: medium light strongly purplish Red; strong / medium dark Green; strong







Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones


Average International Retail Prices

Gemstone type:

Color description:


color change: medium GreenBlue or BlueGreen; very slightly greyish / medium reddish Purple; very slightly brownish medium dark very slightly bluish Green; strong


Average value, USD: 2668


Average value, USD: 10698






medium strongly purplish Red; strong (Burma, heated)






medium Blue; strong (heated)






medium Violet; (heated)

bluish strong





Tsavorite Garnet

medium dark Green; strong






Color pattern:

Weight cts

Weight cts

Values are average values calculated for several local markets. All data is calculated as an approximation of global trend. Generally, the deviations from the average value are within +/- 15-20% for the most part of local markets, unless there is a strong demand for a particular stone. Source: Gemval

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones


Gemstone type:

Color description:

Color pattern:

Weight cts


medium dark bluish Purple; strong


Average value, USD: 117


light GreenBlue or BlueGreen; strong (unheated)




medium orangey Yellow; strong




medium light very slightly bluish Green; strong




medium light slightly yellowish Green; strong



Spessartite Garnet

medium reddish Orange; strong




medium Blue; very slightly greyish



Chrome Tourmaline

medium dark Green; strong



Tourmaline rubelite

medium reddish Purple; very slightly brownish



Bi-color Tourmaline

bi color: medium light strongly purplish Red; strong / medium dark Green; strong



Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones


News and Updates

Emeralds from Afghanistan Miners in the peaks above the Panjshir Valley are blowing their way into the rocks, hunting for emeralds that could make them a fortune in one of the world's poorest countries. Discovered by Russian geologists in the 1970s, the emeralds are found at high elevations above the valley but only on its east side. No one seems to know why.

Independent operators have hunted the green stones through years of war, first against the Soviets and later the Taliban. But searching for the green stones locked in seams of rock in the Panjshir Valley northeast of Kabul is on the rise due to the fairly good quality of emeralds being discovered in the region.

Source: Reuters

Tak and Chantaburi to Join Forces Jewellery manufacturers from Chanthaburi and traders from the Tak Provinces in Thailand have decided to pool their capabilities with the aim of carving a niche in the international market. Representatives of the two provinces plan on forming a partnership between gem and jewellery traders, which will fortify the industry. The border district called Mae Sot, which adjoins Myanmar, imports gemstones from all over the world. According to reports, it would supply merchandise to Chanthaburi,

the country's centre.



The Chairman of the Gem and Jewellery Association of Chanthaburi, Thiti Ekboonyuen, announced his support for the efforts of the Tak Industrial Council to hire expert gemmologists with the aim of ensuring first-class production. Plans reportedly include the establishment of a training centre. The mayor of Mae Sot, Therdkiat Chinsoranant, noted that the move would help to define the province's position as a special local administrative zone.

Source: Bangkok Post

Mozambique Pariba With colours ranging from bright mint green to intense robin’s egg blue, the Mozambique Pariba is still fetching much attention. With prices ranging from $5,000 - $8,000 per carat as against the Brazilian Pariba which ranges from $30,000 - $40,000 per carat.

Prices of the Mozambique pariba is set to incline as, only 10% of the total find at Shalawa area of Nampula province just north of Zambezia, where these tourmalines are found, exhibit the neon glow of paraiba colours

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones


Uncommon Minerals as Gemstones from Tanzania Besides the commercial gemstones known to come from this area, uncommon minerals of gemstone quality are repeatedly found. Although physical data can be measured easily, due to overlapping with other minerals a safe identification often requires more scientific equipment than is usually available to traditional gemmologists.

These gravels were shed over a large area of former East Gondwana landmass. Later tectonic events have broken open that treasure trove and it is now split into deposits in Tanzania, Madagascar and Sri Lanka.

Some of the stones are found in their parent rock and their formation and origin is well documented. Others, however, stem from gemmy gravels, and their parent rocks were eroded hundreds of millions of years ago.

Chondrodite from Tanzania Image Courtesy: H.A. Hänni, SSEF 2006

In Tanzania primary deposits are producing gemstones and secondary deposits from the old Gondwana treasury are also being worked. Secondary deposits may thus produce similar stones as pebbles of rare gem minerals in all three regions. Kornerupine from Tanzania Image Courtesy: H.A. Hänni, SSEF 2006

Source: SSEF Swiss Gemmological Institute

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones

Diposide from Tanzania. Image Courtesy: H.A. Hänni, SSEF 2006


Gemstone Market at Spitzkoppe, Namibia Erongo region is well endowed with gemstones like garnet, aquamarine, topaz, tourmaline, fluorite and a host of others. Mining of these gemstones rests mainly with small miners. Soon these small miners in the Erongo region will have a market from where they can sell their gemstones. A market for gemstone trading is well under construction at Spitzkoppe. Speaking at the inaugural ceremony, former President Sam Nujoma congratulated different stakeholders for their contribution towards the construction of the market at Spitzkoppe. Former President Sam Nujoma on numerous occasions during his presidency called on Namibia to invest in selling finished products instead of the raw materials, said the country needed to diversify its economy by adding value to natural resources through industrialisation and manufacturing of finished products. He further added that scientific and technological developments

are increasingly being recognised as the most important defining factor for economic growth and poverty reduction and there was a need to train more Namibians in processing, cutting and polishing of minerals. "The establishment of this gemstone market should be the initial step towards the establishment of cutting and polishing factory here to manufacture necklaces and other ornaments for the Namibian market and export them to other countries," he said. The Chairperson of the Erongo Small Miners Association, Chris Timbo who was also present said small miners in Namibia were experiencing many challenges, including how to get communal farmers to allow small miners on their farms, a lack of equipment and a market to sell their gemstones to tourists. There are plans in the pipeline to establish a cutting and polishing plant for semi-precious stones in Karibib, he said.

Source: The Namibian (Windhoek)

Famous Russian Mine Reopens Malyshev emerald mine located in Western Siberia has become operational again under the new ownership by Tsar Emerald Corporation. The mine, developed on a 1.4kilometre-long schist-type ore-body, has produced emerald, alexandrite, multicoloured beryl, chrysoberyl, phenacite, topaz and citrine. Other products have included serpentine, fluorspar and

metallurgical beryl. From the late 1980s to the early 1990s, Malyshev was a significant producer of emerald and alexandrite. In 1995, underground mining operations at Malyshev ceased following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Soviet economic system resulting in the privatization of the mine and its infrastructure

Colour in demand Green has come back into fashion and demand for stones such as Emerald, Tsavorite garnet, peridot, onyx, green tourmaline, green fluorite and jadeite is on an upswing.

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones


Pakistan Gems and Jewellery Exports Up Pakistan has been gifted with abundant resources of several precious and semiprecious gemstones, mostly located in the Northern Areas and the NWFP, but there lies a massive untapped potential in Balochistan. There was a decline in gems and jewellery sales from the year 2001-02 through 200506. The total decline in trade was 40%. However, gems exports from Pakistan for the period July, 06-June, 07 have increased by 20% as compared to the same period a year before. Sales of gems in June 2007 alone were up by 60% as against June 2006. The increase in gem exports is largely due to the initiatives taken by the government of boast exports of gemstones.

At present, there is no formal survey available to identify the geological resources of gemstones in the country. Furthermore, due to the lack of realization of its importance as an industry, those who are engaged in the mining, cutting / polishing and trading of gemstones in Pakistan have not been able to exploit the full potential of this sector. The government has incorporated key initiatives in its Annual plan 2007-2008 for the development of the gemstone sector. Rs 52 million ($860,000) are to be allocated for “Gemstones Trainingoriented projects” and “exploration of water in Baluchistan” according to the Annual Plan. The amount comes out a total earmarked for minerals of Rs 326 million ($5.38 million).

Gems Exports, July 2003 through April 2007. (Source: TDAP) Source: Pala Gems

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones


Statistical Information

Price Development: Value indexes (in % to July 2005) The following charts describe depict the price development of 12 selected gemstones over the last 24 months. The value for each gemstone type is measured in %, as a ratio of current value to the value on July 2005.




Alexandrite 2.00cts Colour: colour change: medium Green-Blue or Blue-Green; very slightly greyish / medium reddish Purple; very slightly brownish 3 Sapphire 3.00cts Color: medium Blue; strong (heated)

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones




4 5

Ruby 2.00cts Color: medium strongly purplish Red; strong (Burma, heated) Emerald 3.00cts Color: medium dark very slightly bluish Green; strong

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones


Tsavorite garnet6:

Spessartite garnet7:

6 7

Tsavorite 3.00cts Spessartite 7.00cts

Color: medium dark Green; strong Color: medium reddish Orange; strong

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones




8 9

Tanzanite 7.00 cts Color: medium bluish Violet; strong Spinel 7.00 cts Color: medium Blue; very slightly greyish

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones




10 11

Amethyst 16.00 cts Citrine 16.00 cts

Color: medium dark bluish Purple; strong Color: medium light Yellow; strong

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones




Source: Gemval

12 13

Aquamarin 10.00cts Peridot 7.00cts

Color: light Green-Blue or Blue-Green; strong (unheated) Color: medium dark slightly yellowish Green; strong

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones


Gems & Jewellery Trade Association Directory

North America Accredited Gemmologists Association Tel: +1-619-501-5444 Web: American Gem Society Tel: +1-702-255-6500 Web: American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) 3030 LBJ Freeway, Suite #840, Dallas, Texas 75234 Tel: +1-214-742-4367 Fax: +1-214-742-7334 Web: Appraisers Association of America 386 Park Avenue South, between 27th and 28th Streets, Suite 2000, on the 20th floor, New York, NY 10016 Tel: +1-212-889-5404 Fax: +1-212-889-5503 Web: E-mail : [email protected] Arizona Jewellers Association 20229 N 67th Ave, Suite C-4, PMB 299, Glendale, AZ 85308 Tel: +1-602-254-8838 Fax: +1-928 - 526-8660 Web: Arkansas Jewellers Association Tel: +1-800-297-9775 Web: California Jewellers Association 900 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1220, Los Angeles, CA 90017 Tel: +1-213-623-5722 Fax: +1-213-623-5742 Web: E-mail: [email protected] Chicago Jewellers Association PO Box 6379, Chicago, IL 60680-6379 Tel: +1-312- 641-5201 Fax: +1-312-630-9882 Web: Florida Jewellers Association 11812 North 56th Street, Tampa, Florida 33617 Tel: +1-800-872-7461 Fax: +1-813-988-5837 Web: Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones


Gemmological Institute of America 5345 Armada Drive, Carlsbad, California 92008 Tel: +1-800-421-7250 Fax: +1-310-828-0247 Web: Illinois Jewellers Association 225 East Cook Street, Springfield, IL 62704 Tel: +1-217-528-5230 Fax: +1-217-789-4664 Web: E-mail : [email protected] Iowa Jewellers Association P.O. Box 6192, St. Cloud, MN 56302-6192 Tel: +1-913-661-0084 Fax: +1-913-661-9939 Web: Jewellers Board of Trade 22 West 48th, Ste. 40, New York, NY 10036-1803 Tel: +1-401-467-0055 Fax: +1-401-467-1199 Web:

South America Brazil AJESP – Associação dos Joalheiros do Estado de São Paulo Address: Rua Teixeira da Silva, 433 - Paraíso CEP 04002-031, São Paulo - SP Tel: (11) 3016-5850 Fax: (11) 3016-5850 Web: E-mail: [email protected] AJODF – Associação Joalheira do Distrito Federal Address: SCS – Quadra 07 – Bloco A – Loja 224 N CEP 70307-902, Brasília – DF Tel: (61) 321-5546 Fax: (61) 321-5546 E-mail: [email protected] AJOMIG – Associação dos Joalheiros, Empresários de Pedras Preciosas e Relógios de Minas Gerais Address: Rua Timbiras, 1210 – Centro - CEP 30140-060, Belo Horizonte – MG Tel: (31) 321-43545 Tel: (31) 321-43530 E-mail: [email protected] AJORESP – Associação dos Joalheiros e Relojoeiros do Oeste Paulista Address: Rua Bernardino de Campos, 2976 – 9º Andar – Sala 906 – Centro – CEP. 15015-300 City: São José do Rio Preto – S.P Tel: (17) 222-2243 Fax: (17) 222-2204 E-mail: [email protected]

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AJORIO – Associação dos Joalheiros e Relojoeiros do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Address: Av. Graça Aranha, 19 - GR404 - 4º andar CEP 20030-002, Rio de Janeiro - RJ Tel: (21) 2220-8004 Fax: (21) 2510-3944 E-mail: [email protected] AJORSUL – Associação do Comércio de Jóias, Relógios e Óptica do Rio Grande Do Sul Address: Praça XV de Novembro, 21 - Conj.1302-Edifício Delapieve CEP 90020-080, Porto Alegre Tel: (51) 3221-5259 Web Site : E-mail: [email protected] ALJ – Associação Limeirense de Jóias Address: Rua 11 de junho, 257 – Bairro Boa Vista – CEP. 13486-100, Limeira-SP Tel: (19) 3453-3175 Fax: (19) 3444-7741 E-mail: [email protected] ANORO – Associação Nacional do Ouro Address: Rua Líbero Badaró, 471 – 7º Andar – CEP. 01009-001, São Paulo-SP Tel: (11) 3105-0366 Fax: (11) 3105-6992 E-mail: [email protected] ARJEP – Associação dos Relojoeiros e Joalheiros do Estado do Paraná Address: Rua Marechal Deodoro, 469 – 1º Andar – Conjunto 105 – Centro CEP 80020-320 City: Curitiba – PR Tel: (41) 223-1991 Fax: (41) 223-1991 E-mail: [email protected] CORJESC – Câmara de Ópticos, Relojoeiros e Joalheiros de Santa Catarina Address: Rua XV de Novembro, 550 – Sala 610 - Centro CEP 89010-901, Blumenau – SC Tel: (47) 322-0200 Fax: (47) 326-0391 Web Site: E-mail: [email protected] GEA – Gem Export Association Address: Epaminondas. Otoni, 702 CEP 39800-000, Teófilo Otoni – MG Tel: (33) 522-1662 E-mail: [email protected] PROGEMAS – Associação Bahiana dos Produtores e Comerciantes e Gemas e Metais Preciosos Address: Ladeira do Carmo, 37 – Pelourinho - CEP 40030-010, Salvador - BA Tel: (71) 242-4166 Fax: (71) 241-3561 E-mail: [email protected]

Peru ADEX Associacion de Exportadores Av. Javier Prado Este Nr. 2875 , Lima 41, Peru Tel: +51 11 618 3333 Fax: +51 11 346 1879 E-mail : [email protected]

Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones


Europe Austria Bundesgremium des Juwelen-, Uhren-, Kunst-, Antiquitäten- und Briefmarkenhandel Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, A-1045 Wien, Austria Tel: +43 5 90 900 3313 Fax : +43 5 90 900 294 E-mail: [email protected] Bundesinnung der Gold- und Silberschmiede, Juweliere und Uhrmacher Schaumburgergasse 20/4, Postfach 352, Austria Tel: +43 1 505 69 50-0 Fax: +43 1 505 69 50-144 E-mail : [email protected] Österreichische Gemmologische Gesellschaft (ÖGEMG) Lammgasse 7 Goldschlagstrasse 10, A-1080 Wien A-1150 Wien Tel: + 43 1 406 08 42 / + 43 676 301 40 6 Fax : + 43 1 402 06 99 + 43 1 402 06 99 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Czech Republic Czech Gemological Association (CGA) P.O. Box 72, Turnov 51101, Czech Republic Tel: +420 481 321 729 Fax: +420 481 321 729 E-mail: [email protected]

Denmark Guldsmedefagets Faellesråd Kongevejen 270, DK-2830, Virum, Denmark Tel: +45 45 83 52 11 Fax: +45 45 83 06 11 E-mail: [email protected] Danske Guld- og Solvvarefabrikanters Handelsforening, Kongevejen 270, DK-2830, Virum, Denmark Tel: +45 45 83 52 11 Fax: +45 45 83 06 11 E-mail: [email protected] Danske Guldsmede og Urmagere Kongevejen 270, DK-2830, Virum, Denmark Tel: +45 45 83 52 11 Fax: +45 45 83 06 11 E-mail: [email protected]

France Union française de la Bijouterie, Joaillerie, Orfèvrerie, des Pierres & des Perles 58, rue du Louvre, 75002 Paris, France Tel: +33 01 40 26 98 00 Fax : +33 01 40 26 29 51 E-mail : [email protected]

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Fédération Nationale des H.B.J.O. Détaillants 249, rue Saint-Martin, 75003 Paris, France Tel: +33 01 44 54 34 00 Fax : +33 01 45 08 34 07 E-mail : [email protected] Syndicat Saint-Eloi - Union du Commerce de la Bijouterie , Joaillerie, Orfèvrerie Horologerie et Accessoires 124, boulevard Haussmann, 75008 Paris, France Tel: +33 01 44 70 77 97 Fax : +33 01 44 70 77 96 E-mail : [email protected]

Germany Federation of German Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, Silverware and Related Industries Zerrennerstr. 32, 75172 Pforzheim, Germany Tel: +49 7231 33041 Fax: +49 (7231) 35 58 87 E-mail: [email protected] Bundesverband des Schmuck-Grosshandels e.V. Höslinstrasse 8, 72587 Römerstein, Germany Tel: +49 7382 5366 Fax: +49 7382 5310 E-mail: [email protected] Bundesverband der Importeure und Exporteure von Edelsteinen und Perlen e.V. Zerrennerstr. 32, 75172 Pforzheim, Germany Tel: + 49 7231 42 55 82 Fax: + 49 7231 42 55 83 E-mail: [email protected] Bundesverband der Edelstein- und Diamantindutrie e.V. P.O. Box 122426, D-55716 Idar- Oberstein, Germany Tel: + 49 6781 94 42 40 Fax: + 49 6781 94 42 66 E-mail: [email protected]

Greece Hellenic Federation of Silversmiths, Goldsmiths Jewellers & Watch Retailers 20, Lekka str., 105 62 Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 32 29 047 Fax: +30 210 32 29 047 / 210 3248931 E-mail: [email protected]

Italy Federargentieri F.N. Fabbricanti Argentieri Viale Scarampo, 45, 20148 Milano, Italy Tel: +39 02 33003233 / 02 33003671 Fax: +39 02 33003382 E-mail: [email protected]

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Associazione Orafa Valenzana Piazza Don Minzioni, 1, 15048 Valenza (Alessandria), Italy Tel: +39 0131 941851 Fax: +39 0131 946609 E-mail: [email protected] Federpietre F.N. Commercianti in Diamanti, Perle, Pietre Preziose e Lapidari Viale della Repubblica, 3/D, 15048 Valenza, Italy Tel: +39 0131 942881 Fax: +39 0131 942881 E-mail: [email protected]

Lithuania Lietuvos Prabavimo Rumai Lithuanian Assay Office, Ciurlionio 65, LT-4690 Druskininkai, Lithuania Tel: +370 313 5543 Fax: +370 313 55437 E-Mail: [email protected]

Netherlands Nederlands Edelsteen Laboratorium (Netherlands Gemmological Laboratory) National Museum of Natural History Naturalis, PO Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands Tel: +31 71 568 7596 Fax: +31 71 568 7666 E-mail: [email protected]

Norway Norges Gullsmedforbund Storgaten 14, N-0184 Oslo, Norway Tel: +47 22 34 8900 Fax: +47 22 34 89 19 E-mail: [email protected]

Portugal Association for the Jewellery and Watchmaking Industry of the North Av. Rodrigues de Freitas, 204, 4000 - 416 PORTO, Portugal Tel: + 351 225 379 161 / 2 / 3 Fax: + 351 225 373 292 E-mail: [email protected] Associação dos Comerciantes do Porto (ACP) Av. Rodrigues de Freitas, 200, 4000 - 416 PORTO, Portugal Tel: +351 225 899 020 Fax: + 351 225 899 029 E-mail: [email protected] Laboratórios GEM Gemas e Metais Nobres, Lda, R.Alto da Bonita, 132, 2710-185 Sintra, Portugal Tel: +351 219 242 468 Fax: +351 219 242 468 E-mail: [email protected]

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Russia Russian Jewellers' Guild Nastavnicheskiy side street, 17, 107120 Moscow, Russia Tel: +7 095 917 58 11 Fax: +7 095 917 77 36 E-mail: [email protected] Moscow Jewellery Group Smolensky Passage, Smolenskaya Square 3, 121099 Moscow, Russia Tel: +7 095 231 2725 Fax: +7 095 231 27 25 E-mail: [email protected]

Switzerland Union de la Bijouterie et de l'Orfèvrerie Suisse (UBOS) Schmiedenplatz 5, Postfach 258, CH-3000 Bern 7 Tel: +41 31 329 20 72 Fax : +41 31 329 20 75 E-mail : [email protected] Verband der Schweizerischen Edelsteinbranche Schmiedenplatz 5, Postfach 258, CH-3000 Bern 7, Switzerland Tel: +41 31 329 2072 Fax: +41 31 329 2075 E-mail: [email protected] Verband Schweizer Goldschmiede und Uhrenfachgeschafter (VSGU) Schmiedenplatz 5, Postfach 258, CH-3000 Bern 7, Switzerland Tel: +41 31 329 20 72 Fax: +41 31 329 20 75 E-mail: [email protected] SSEF Swiss Gemmological Institute Falknerstrasse 9, CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland Tel: +41 61 262 0640 Fax: +41 61 262 0641 E-mail: [email protected]

United Kingdom National Association of Goldsmiths 78a Luke Street, London, EC2A 4XG Tel: +44 20 7613 4445 Fax: +44 20 7613 4450 E-mail: [email protected] British Jewellers' Association 10 Vyse St, Birmingham, B18 6LT Tel: +44 121 237 1110 Fax: +44 121 237 1113 Website: E-mail: [email protected]

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Gemmological Association 27 Greville St, Saffron Hill Entrance, EC1N 8TN Tel: +44 20 7404 3334 Fax: +44 20 7404 8843 E-mail: [email protected]

Asia Bahrain Directorate of Precious Metals & Gemstone Testing Ministry of Commerce, P.O. Box 5479, Kingdom of Bahrain Tel: +973 522931/3 Fax: +973 536277 E-mail: [email protected]

China National Gemstone Testing Center 19 Xiaohuangzhuang Road, Andingmenwai Street, Beijing 10013, P. R. China Tel: +86 10 84273637 Fax:: +86 10 84274845 E-mail: [email protected] China National Pearl Diamond Gem & Jewellery Import & Export Corporation China Arts & Crafts Building, 5th Floor, China Arts & crafts Building, Jixiangli Chaoyangmenwai, Beijing 100020 China Tel: +86-10-65513990 Fax: +86-10-65531064 E-mail: [email protected]

Hong Kong Hong Kong Jewelry Manufacturers' Association Unit G, 2/F, Kaiser Estate Phase 2 , 51 Man Yue Street, Hunghom, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2122 5087 / +852 2766 3002 Fax: +852 2362 3647 Web: E-mail: [email protected]

India The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council Diamond Plaza, 5th floor, 391-A Dr. D.B. Marg, Mumbai-400 004 Tel: +91 22 2382 1801/ +91 22 2380 6916 Fax: +91 22 2380 8752/4958 Web: E-mail : [email protected]

Israel IJMA Israel Jewelry Manufacturer Association 91 Hacarmel St., Kfar-Sava, IL- 44231, Israel Tel: + 972-9-7650889/ +972-9-7650889

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Fax: +972-9-7660376 Web: E-mail: [email protected]

Japan Japan Jewellery Association 5F Jeweller's Town Aurum, 26-2 1-Chome Higashiueno, Taito-ku Tokyo 110-8626, Japan Tel: +81 3 3835 856 Fax: +81 3 3839 6599 Web: E-mail: [email protected]

Lebanon Syndacat des Bijoutiers et des Joailliers du Liban Sodeco Square, Bloc B, B.P. 17-5465, Beyrouth, Liban Tel: + 961 1 61 20 70 Fax : + 961 1 61 20 70 E-mail: [email protected]

Malaysia North Perak Goldsmith Merchants Association 2nd Floor, 62 Market Road, Taiping, 34000 Peark, Malaysia

Pakistan All Pakistan Gem Merchants & Jewellers Association (APGMJA) 1st Floor, Gems & Jewellery Trade Center , Blenkin Street, Off: Zaibunnisa Street, Saddar, Karachi 74400 Pakistan Tel: +92 21 5210 400 Fax: +92 21 5682 970 E-mail: [email protected] Gems & Gemmological Institute of Pakistan, Peshwar 209-Benevolent Fund Building, Saddar Road, Peshawar Cantt, Pakistan. Tel: 0092-091-9213303-4, 9213196-7. Fax:0092-091-9213198. Web: Email: [email protected] All Pakistan Commercial Exporter Association of Rough and Unpolished Precious & Semi Precious stones Al-Jalil Market, Namak Mandi, Peshawar-Pakistan Tel: +92-91-2213396, Fax: +92-91-2213520 Web: Email: [email protected]

Saudi Arabia Dean of Jewellers of the City of Jeddah Farsi Building, Al Boghdadiah-Jeddah, P.O. Box 17848,

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Jeddah 21494, Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 2 6434535 Fax : +966 2 6444673 E-mail : [email protected]

South Korea Korean Gem Trade Association Insan Bldg. #404, 164-2 Waryong-dong, Jongro-gu, Seoul 110-360, Korea Tel: +822-744-1266 Fax: +822-744-1267 Web: E-mail: [email protected]

Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Gem & Jewellery Association 267/19, Galle Road, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 2565550/ 2575655 Fax: +94 11 257 4330 E-Mail : [email protected] Sri Lanka Jewellers & Gem Merchants' Federation (SLJMEF) Gembines, 43 Nandana Gardens, Colombo 4, Sri Lanka Tel: +94 1 449 812 Fax: +94 1 348 931 E-mail: [email protected]

Thailand Thai Gem and Jewelry Traders Association 919/616 Jewelry Trade Center Building, 52nd Floor, Silom Road, Bangrak, Bangkok, Thailand Tel: + 66 2 630-1390-7 Fax: + 66 2 630-1398-9 Web: E-mail: [email protected] The Gem and Jewelry Institute of Thailand (GIT) Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University Phayathai Road , Bangkok, Thailand Tel: +66 2 2185471-3 Fax: +66 2 2185474 Web: E-mail : [email protected]

United Arab Emirates Gold and Jewellery Group Office 306,Third Floor , Gold Land, Deira, Dubai PO Box 26909, United Arab Emirates Tel: +9714 2291188 Fax: +9714 2268883 E-mail: [email protected] Dubai Central Laboratory PO Box 67, Karama, Dubai 67, United Arab Emirates Tel: +9714 3011658 Market News Service Precious and Semi-precious Stones


Fax: +9714 3011658 E-Mail: [email protected] International Gemmological Institute M 24 Gold Land, Dubai 57664, United Arab Emirates Tel: +9714 2350543 Fax: +9714 2350542 E-mail: [email protected]

Africa Egypt Egyptian Association of Jewellers 90 Azhar Street , Cairo, Egypt Tel: +202 3917780 / +202 23913044 Fax: +202 7954214 E-mail: [email protected] Madagascar Institut de Gemmologie de Madagascar Lot II Y 20 bis AP, Ambaranjana, Antanimora, Antanarivo 101, Madagascar Tel: +261 202254273 Fax: +261 202232818 Email: [email protected]

South Africa The Jewellery Council of South Africa Suite 105, SA Diamond Centre, 240 Commissioner Street, Johannesburg, 2001, South Africa Tel: +27 11 334 1930 Fax: +27 11 334 1933 Web: E-Mail: [email protected]

Zambia Association for the Empowerment of Women in Gemstone and Mineral Mining Plot No. 11296, Nchoncho/Washama Roads light industrial area, Villa Elizabetha, Lusaka Web:

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International Associations The International Colored Gemstone Association 19 West 21st Street, Suite 705, New York, N.Y. 10010-6805, U.S.A. Tel: +1 212-620-0900 Fax: +1 212-352-9054 Web: Email: [email protected] The World Jewellery Confederation Piazzale Carlo Magno, 1, 20149 Milano - Italy Tel: +39 02 4997 7098 / 7097 Fax: +39 02 4997 7059 Web: Email: [email protected] Platinum Guild International Web: World Gold Council Web: International Jewellery Design Guild IJDG Headquarters, 19 Mantua Rd, Mt. Royal, NJ 08061 Tel: +1 856 423 - 7222 230 Fax: +1 856 423-3420 Web: Email: [email protected] South Sea Pearl Consortium Rue du Vieux College, 8, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland Tel: +41 22 311 05 71 Fax: +41 22 311 05 72 Web: Email: [email protected]

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Events Calendar Fairs and Exhibitions Month

Date 2-5 6-9 7-10






International Jewellery London Business to Business Gem Trade Show More, Jewellery and fashion Accessories Milano

Earls Court 2, London England Holiday Inn Palo Verde/Holidome (Tucson, AZ) Fiera Milano City, Pavilion: 5-6, Milano, Italy City of Madrid and Exhibition Pavillon (Madrid, Spain) Vicenza Fair Ground, Vicenza, Italy Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre, Villepinte, Paris, France

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


Eurobijoux & Accessories






40th Bangkok Gems & Jewellery Fair

IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Center, MuangThong Thani Challenger Hall


September Hong Kong Jewellery & Watch fair

Lantau Island, Hong Kong



Idar-Oberstein, Germany


JOYA Jewellery Show

Expo Guadalajara Convention Centre, Jalisco, Mexico

[email protected]

Abu-Dhabi International Exhibition Centre (Abu Dhabi, UAE)

[email protected] http://www.tcfm. ae

Shanghai Exhibition Centre 1000 Yanan Road Central, Shanghai 200040, China

[email protected] http://exhibitions.jewellerynetas


21– 25 November Nov.29 – Dec.2

Abu-Dhabi International Jewellery & Watch Show China International Gold, Jewellery & Gem Fair

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[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] m [email protected] http://exhibitions.jewellerynetas [email protected]


Annex List of Information Providers

Gram Faceting / Gram Cabbing P.O. Box 18385 Tucson, AZ 85731 Gemorina (HK) Ltd. 906, Hang Seng Bank Bldg, 18 Carnarvon Road, TST, Kln, HK Tel: +852 27219804 Fax: +852 27214863 Email: [email protected] Lee Gems and Jewellery Co. Floor 2, Flat F, Kimberly Mansion, 15 Austine Avenue, TST, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: +852-27220676 Fax: +852-27210601 Email: [email protected] M/s. Mani Ratnam 1st Floor, Mumtaz Cottage, Chameliwala Market, G.P.O. Box 333, M. I. Road, Jaipur (Raj.) - 302001 India Tel: +91-141-2360966/2368950 Fax: +91-141-2375278 National Gemstone (NGC) P.O. Box 42468 - Tucson, AZ USA 85733 1-800-458-6453 or 1-520-577-6222 Email: [email protected] Contact: info @ Pala International 912 So. Live Oak Park Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 USA Tel: 800-854-1598; 760-728-9121 Fax: 760-728-5827 SSEF Swiss Gemmological Institute Falknerstrasse 9 CH-4001 Basel Tel.: +41 (0) 61 262 0640 Fax: +41 (0) 61 262 0641

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MNS Reports


Cut Flowers and Ornamental Plants Market Trends in Europe, Events, Price Review, Regular features 65 varieties in 4 Asian markets (Cut Flowers) 94 varieties in 11 European markets (Cut Flowers) 45 varieties in 5 European markets (Ornamental Plants)

Fresh Tropical and Off-season Fruit and Vegetables Some 85 tropical and off-season products in 11 European markets

Pharmaceutical Starting Materials/Essential Drugs Quarterly

300 Most used substances in the production of essential drugs (generics) traded in major markets

Fruit Juices Products alternating between selected European Markets and the United States market

Medicinal Plants & Extracts A report covering various products in North America, Europe,India, China and Africa

Precious and Semi Precious Stone Covers African supply situation to importing countries, primarily in the EU, the US, Japan, India and China.

Essential Oils & Oleoresins


Spices oils (including clove, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom); Spices seeds oils (coriander and others); herb oils (basil, thyme. sage); Citrus oils: perfumery oils (geranium, patchouli, vetiver and others)

Spices Quoting 30 Products in selected markets in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the United States

Organics Covers fruits and vegetables, fruit juice, coffee, tea, honey, essential oil & oleoresins, and spices. Market News Service International Trade Centre 54-56 Rue de Montbrillant Geneva, Switzerland Tel : (+41) 22 7300 111 Fax: (+41) 22 7300 578 E-mail: [email protected]

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