Precaepe Muni

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 375
  • Pages: 2

Plaintiff Vs William Duff Defendant

) ) case # 2243354-4 and 2243355^^^ ) 2243356-9 WSSf ) ) SEP 0 4 2007 PRECEAPE

Plaintiff, having received Defendant's Answer containing his Affirmative Defense, and Affidavit of Truth on or about the June 22, 2007 as filed in the record, and having failed to plead, with time now expired to do so. Upon filing of this preceape, The Clerk of this court is directed to issue a judgment of default, pursuant to FRCP 55.02(b)), dismissing CASE #'s 2243354-4 and 2243355-1 and 2243356-9 in comprehension of plaintiff s failure to prosecute in the face of "DEFENDANT ANSWER TO PLAINTIFF, CITY OF KANSAS CITY, MO., CASE it's 2243354-4 and 2243355-1 and 2243356-9", filed June 22, 2007, and whereon plaintiff has failed in a reasonable time to rebut defendants affirmative defense of Sovereign immunity as therein asserted nor asked for additional time to so rebut. The clerk of this court will provide copy of said Default Judgment as entered in the case file to William Duff at 108 NW 101 PL Kansas City, Mo 64155 VERIFICATION In Witness, Whereof, knowing the law of bearing false witness before God and men I solemnly affirm, that, I have read the foregoing, and know the contents thereof to be true to the best of my knowledge, except as to the matters which are therein stated on my information or belief, and as to those matters, I believe them to be true. These instruments are submitted upon

good faith belief that they are grounded in fact, warranted by existing law or a good faith argument for the modification or reversal of existing law and are submitted for proper purposes, and not to cause harassment and unnecessary delay or costs.

William Duff date William Duff

Cc: Plaintiff City of Kansas City. Missouri

I, William Duff certify by my signature that, I have served the Clerk of the Court a true and correct copy of this writ on this 9/4/2007 by filing the original and one copy with the Court Clerk, also a copy of said legal document with the prosecutor on the above specified date.

Affiant, (signature)

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