Prayer Points

  • December 2019
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Step Into Harvest JAN/FEB 2009"



Jakartan Indonesian Project SFM School in Perth

Thai Project

Thanking God for 2 years in Perth... ! It is by God’s grace that I have been at Create International & YWAM Perth for two years. Since I came here to do the School of Frontier Media in January 2007, and join staff with Create International, I have had the privilege of being on a great media team. I thank God for being able to be involved with producing new sets of gospel tools such as an evangelistic music videos and contextual church-planting films for Thai peoples and a mobilization “people group profile” for the Jakartans of Indonesia. My leaders even made it possible for me to go to Southeast Asia; they were part of those who have faithfully believed in me, and caused breakthrough in my support. I am amazed by the many other ways people have blessed me since I stepped out from Egypt. By God’s grace and His Church, I have gotten to be part of what He is doing in missions. Arabic Translations. One of the highlights of last year was completing the subtitling of two Create International church-planting films that have been highly successful in the Muslim World in Asia. Field workers in North Africa requested Arabic subtitles so that these

films could be used as an example to show to other field workers the possibilities of multiply church-planting. That is very exciting! SOFM Teaching. I had the opportunity to teach in the School of Frontier Missions (Muslim Focus) at YWAM Perth. It was a fulfilling 6 weeks of preparation and speaking out the things that I have gained through the many years I have spent in the Muslim world. Leadership Training Program. The Basic Leadership School (BLS) is a 2-year program integrating class lectures & life application. Throughout these two years, I’ve been getting revelation & understanding about my own leadership style. I desire to multiply all that God has imparted to me through the BLS within the ministry of Create International. ! Passion for the Unreached. Create International is deeply committed to using our media for the frontiers - to meet the needs of beautiful people groups made in God’s image, yet who may never have had even one chance to hear the gospel. Of the 16,000 people groups in the world; 6,000 are unreached

people groups (UPG’s), meaning they have little or no access to the gospel and do not have access to churches and biblical resources. This is over a third of the world’s population ~ about 2.4 Many Unreached People Groups reside in the Middle East. They also have the highest con centration of terrorist activity, ch ild prostitution, an d ho rr ifi c ab us e of wo me n. THEY NEED TO HEAR ABOUT HOPE & SOLUTION S IN JESUS.

Billion! It is not God’s will for them to live in darkness, oppression, and poverty. It is His will for them to know His love! Yet, 60% are illiterate, 80% don’t understand English, so films, artwork, and other media tools in their heart language and cultural style are great ways to communicate the gospel to them in a way they can understand.

Keys to the Harvest :: Prayer Points for 2009 Commitment to fighting for inheritance in the Kingdom -- the dreams & visions God has put on my heart. In accordance with a big prophetic word I received in 2004, there will be exponential growth as I allow Him to prove Himself through me - not proving myself. Pray for an increase in strength and gifts according to every word obeyed.

Get Ready for More in 2009... ! Our ministry began the year with ten days of fasting for God's Word to us, and new projects & partners this year -we still have not finished the task of reaching the unreached of the world! One day, I led prayer as we focused on the area of the world that is dear to my heart - the Arab nations. I’m proud to stand with my Create team in fighting for open doors and the resources it takes through prayer. God has given us His great goals to use our gifts for His dreams of redeeming people’s lives. " " Also speaking of gifts, God led me to start teaching Arabic on the base to those who are interested in learning this language for ministry to Arabs. ! School of Frontier Media (SFM). I have the privilege of staffing our media-for-missions training program, after having been a student myself in 2007. We have 5 students representing 5 different continents – Tiina from Finland (Europe), David from the U.S. (North America), Mark from Egypt (Africa), Joy from Korea (Asia), and JoAnne from the Pacific Islands (Oceania). Our SFM leader & staff come from New York,

USA; Egypt; and Switzerland.# It is a great team with a variety of personalities and a neat medley of backgrounds from visual design, film/TV production, writing & illustration to event management & project administration. Some of us really have heart to reach the Muslim World! As our SFM moves into many intense subjects, pray that we will fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Future Create Ministry Center. The vision to start another one of our media production & training centers in the Middle East is still very much on my heart as well as the Create leadership team. We will continue to seek God in detail about the strategy and location. I believe He will grant me grace, the relationships, knowledge & abilities. I believe there will be new, creative, radical ways to start this center! I trust God to unfold each step in the proper time. “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” -Habakkuk 2:14

THE NATIONS of the Middle East Azerbaijan Afghanistan Algeria Bahrain Dgibouti Egypt Eritrea Iran Iraq Kuwait Jordan Lebanon Libya Morocco Oman

Pakistan Qatar Saudi Arabia Somalia Sudan Syria Tajikistan Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan United Arab Emirates Uzbekistan Western Sahara Yemen

Contact & Support Mobile: +61 434557948 Email: [email protected] Special Thanks. Thank you for your gracious and generous and loving support and contribution to my ministry, and for journeying with me. I am very very grateful and wish you a most abundant 2009 by His amazing grace. Support. Create International staff are full-time missionary workers. No one receives a salary and all volunteer their time, experience, and expertise. We are dependent – through faith in God – on the faithfulness of God’s people. Please pray about partnering with me as a full-time staff member of Create International.

This past December, some wonderful friends blessed me with a holiday to Sydney, Melbourne & Wollongong, so that I could spend Christmas with family, friends & supporters.

Specific needs and prayer requests. For monthly support and special gifts. Currently I only have $50 pledged monthly. I am looking to raise at least $700 USD monthly support.

Please pray for: - Finances and God's provision for our upcoming SFM media outreach to Central Asia. - Freedom from some debt to YWAM Perth for my living expenses this past year. - For God's guidance in my relationship with JoAnne. - For God to unfold His perfect steps and timing for the Create Middle East Centre. There are many ministry opportunities ahead and I need many financial miracles! How to Give: Bank Account Australia -- ANZ BANK Savings 763025185 BSB 013011 SWIFT ANZBAU3M or Donate Online at 007/payonline.asp

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