Prayer Brings Shelter From Strife

  • June 2020
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Prayer Brings Shelter from Strife by Pastor Juha Haatanen & Pastor Thomas Schaller Jun 17, 2009 Unedited

Pastor Juha from Finland Its a gt. priv. to be here. Greetings from Helsinki church. Its gt. to share in the Lord in Finland...also in diff. places. We feel so privileged that we can share the FW. I'd like to share one thought with you. In the book of James, just shortly. Would you pray with me. Lord we ask you to bless these words, and the church you have redeemed by your own blood. Thank you Lord. We can stand and sit before you without guilt, and trust the blood is enough. The FW is in our heart. We are accepted by your love. Thank you your name we pray amen. James 1:13 - if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer...he forgets what kind of man he was. He who looks into the perf. law of liberty and cont's in it, and is not a forgetful hearer...he will be blessed in what he does. Recently, I was considering these vs's and how they spoke to me. I haven't und. these before. I'm not saying I fully und. them now either, but something more. I was thinking, the natural man who listens to the word, he sees the mirror of the word, and what kind of person he is. He sees he is a sinner and needs a savior. He sees this. But, he doesn't see Christ in this mirror, but only himself. He sees what kind of person he is and he's not too happy about it. Immediately, when he goes, he may go to church listening to the word and is convicted in his heart, but when he steps out the door, he immed. forgets what kind of man he is. When reading the Word, and don't see Christ in the word, but only myself by the word, the law only convicts and condemns, but can't change me. I stay in the state I am in. But, then in Heb. 10:1 - the law is a shadow, but has no power to bring perfectness. When we put Christ in the word, and the FW, then all the sudden, the word that condemned and convicted me, now the same word has power to change me. That's why its a perfect law. In the sense, the law had no power to change me. It wasn't perfect bec. it couldn't change me. But, now, with Christ in the word, it has power to change me. When reading the Word, and listening to the Word, all

archived sermons at the sudden, the Word has power to change me. That’s the most beautiful thing in the Word. It has power to change me, not just convict and condemn, but power to change me. James says, its a perf. law of liberty, when Christ is in the Word. Rom. 10:4, Christ is the end of the law...but also, He is the fulfillment of the law. Then, the law is perf. It has power to change me. When we are preachers and pastors, this is so valuable to know. This is what we are doing. This is the work of God. We preach the FW of JC and God is able to change the lives of the people. This is so needed everywhere in the world. The perfect law of liberty. That's why its called the law of liberty. It gives us freedom from ourselves. It changes me. When we hear the Word preached, and read the Word. Then, vs 25, he who looks into the perf. law of liberty and continues in it, means we bend down and concentrate. We are humbling ourselves before the WOG. WE see Christ in the word. He has done it all. He does not condemn me, or require my works. He is the fulfillment of the law. I stop and bent down and humbled myself. That is what I'm studying, the FW of JC. He is changing me, daily my life, and giving me liberty to live in this life. That's why its so wonderful to be a FW Christian and understand these beautiful things given in the Word. So, we continue. As Pastor Schaller said, we met in 1975. By grace we have continued in the work. Its a blessing to stand in this place today, knowing God's faithfulness, and He is bringing us forward in His love. I remember, when Pastor Schaller was teaching, and the church was very small, about 30 people. We were in this small room. Pastor Schaller was teaching. Every Tuesday, he taught through the book of Leviticus. I went to go and learn. I was expecting to see and older man. But, I'm glad I'm here today and to be with you. Jesus we ask you to bless these thoughts to our hearts today...and thank you, you have revealed yourself to us through the word...and you are changing us. Thank you Lord Jesus. In your name we pray, Amen!

Pastor Schaller Boy that was great. Thank you Lord. Ok! Tonight I want to speak from I Sam. 16. This relates to our subj. of prayer...that we've been sharing

archived sermons at about. The pict. I want to draw is a man standing in a circle. Is that coming up? His name is Saul. By the way, I must get this in bec. we missed the announcement. Stewart, he has offered missionaries and BC students to the golf course for a free lunch. If you don't fit into any of those categories, its $10. If you are my nephew, its $35. Bec. of his attitude, its going up to $45. (laughing). The end of I Sam. 18, we have a special pict. here about David. Ch. 18:30 - ...David behaved himself more wisely than all the servants of Saul. His name was very precious. His name became an imp. name. David became a person that people took notice of. This was early on in his life. I believe in my heart, as P. Juha shared, when we look into the FW, and we have the WOG and prayer, and that's what we shared the other day. As a staff we prayed for an hour and a half. We spoke about prayer. I apprec. all the prayer...being prayed...and we are learning about prayer. David had something going on in his life. There was something about him. The hand of God was upon him. On the inside, there was something beautiful about David. He had love. He also had spiritual fellowship in his heart. But, after Ch. 19:1, we don't expect this to be said. Saul wanted to kill David. Does that seem normal? Here's a man that is precious...and another man that wanted to kill him. This man needs to learn prayer. But, he doesn't learn it. This is like us. We have a need to learn the mystery of communion and FS in prayer, Acts 6:4, and the WOG. So, Saul spoke to Jonathan, it was something like this: Jonathan, we should kill David. Wow! Dad, did you eat too much pizza last night. What's going on? That is a good question. What's going on in Saul's heart. Could this also go on in our heart? Was it jealousy? Yes. We und. our soul. Often, we it makes us unstable. He moves in the circle. But, he can't get out of the circle. Just like Cain, another example of a man that didn't have God. He believed in God, but didn't work inside of him. His countenance had fallen. He was guilty and jealous of Abel. We would say to him, do you know about prayer? He's say, I know about prayer. I pray every day. WE could say, where do you put your hatred when you pray, Cain? Saul, where do you put your jealousy when you pray? Where do you put all your stuff when you pray? They would say, all over this planet, there are prayers being said all over...The question have sinned.

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Remember, David when in this situation with Bathsheba...Adultery. Where do you put your adultery when you pray? He lived in denial. He said, I have a right to that woman. But, God in I Sam. 12, was not pleased with David. For many months he grieved the Spirit. He had no power with God. He was Jewish and religious, in terms of scripture and und'g, but only he knew, God knows that he wanted to talk to Saul like we will tonight. Ch 19:1 - Saul wanted to kill David, but Jonathan delighted in David. We delight in the clear FS of Christ. We delight in the assembly, asking the Sp. to minister to us. Its a mystery of the FS. WE never und. it fully. It is God. That's why Jonathan delighted in David. He talked his father out of it. This...for the sake of time...he says, my father seeks to kill you, but I will talk to him. Ch 19:4,5 - sin not against David. He has not sinned against you...He put his life out for you...why would you slay David without a cause. vs 6 - Saul listened to the voice of Jonathan. He said, you are right. I can't kill him. How much mind changing goes on bec. there is not prayer? How many move in a small circle bec. they are double minded. Read vs 8 - David went out and slew the Philistines...and an evil spirit from the L. was on Saul. Saul wanted to kill David with a Spear. He changed again! This man didn't have a prayer life. If the man had a prayer life and walked with God, the devil is under our feet. Wasn't King Saul a believer? Yes! Carnal. He had no real prayer where the HS is leading and guiding him where he is not unstable. He was not being firmly est'd with what God is saying in his heart. He was having lunch, and the thought comes again. Ps. Juha said this, we look into the FW. It has a deep affect on us. When the Sp. is speaking to us. That’s our prayer. A person can't shake this life that he's plagued with in temptations, instability, changes, disappointments in his life. He asks, will this ever work for me. Is there any answer? WE say, in great sense of und'g, in healthy condescending spirit of service and love, Jesus Christ has put my feet in a large room, David said, and my heart is fixed. There are things not for sale. Things that are not going to happen. Let's rehearse it Cain. How are you doing? I'm fine! Have you talked to your brother lately? Yes! Do you love him? Yes. Really? Every day? No! Do you think, when there is could kill him? Well,

archived sermons at actually...yes. I hate him. Cain, do you pray? Of course! What do you do with your sin, and hatred when you pray? WE say, don't let you life get away with it. If we play the part of a superficial person, and we have the language and behavior, but don't have I Cor. 4:20, the power. We want to know who has the power that comes from God, from prayer, that changes your heart, sets you on fire, motivates you in your life. Whitfield, after much pleading, went to the devils carnival and preached. Wesley, won more than 10,000 souls to the Lord. Finney, prayed and preached sermons that shook a country. Dr. Guffrey...Man can't live without praying. Dr. Pasin...asked a student to beg God's blessings on his studies... Luther, when I have so much to do, I spend 3 hours in prayer before work. Samson prayed, Job prayed...WE could talk to Job and say, How are you doing? He'd say, I'm so hurting and unstable. You could move me. Then, Elihu spoke to him, and he put his hand over his mouth. God said to Job, pray for your friends. Job prayed...Daniel prayed, and Gabriel came to tell him, you are greatly beloved of God. 3 x's that answer came to Daniel. Paul & Silas, in Acts 16, they were beaten, and in jail...they worshipped and sang, and prayed and an earthquake came. Peter was in jail, and the church prayed all night for him, Acts 12. When I go home, I shut the door and by faith, I pray, hands raised, and by faith pray. Does this make sense? No! Does it feel great? no! Maybe we are tired and disappointed. But, behind it, its not just action, but an attitude. Its like God, my way, NOOOOO! Your way, I believe you and worship you. Prayer begins with adoration, an attitude of faith. A man who learns prayer, will not be moved like Saul was...For 7 years Saul ran after David. We'd say, O Saul, if you knew God, the Word, put it in your heart, love the brethren, forgive, give mercy, pray for David, he'd become a mighty man, no question. Cain, if you'd pray and love your brother, you'd have corporate body life...and God in the midst. Close: you have 2 people. Start praying...listening to God continually. I know one thing: you won't hate the brethren. You won't be gossiping or listening to'll have corporate body life and things will happen. We have our challenges. David, what's going on? Things are great.

archived sermons at Didn't you lose everything in Ziklag? God gave it all back. Don't you have a marriage problem? God will make it all right. Do you think we can see God do things? IN Gen. 32, when Jacob wrestled with God, God said to Jacob, Your name is Israel. You have power with God and man. Jacob didn't even ask him. But, your brother Esau? He's not the issue...I'm occupied with JC and his blessing. Prayer gives us a mind and heart that puts our problems in right perspective. Amen! "Benediction" - If you are here tonight and are not born-again...I can’t describe for you the importance of this decision. If you don't have Christ...without him we perish. With him there is eternal life. Why run the risk of unbelief and live an unstable life, tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine...and face the judgment of God, and be cast into the lake of fire forever and ever. ...We must come to God by faith...He prepared it all for us. Say, yes, Christ. I believe in you! Say this prayer: Lord Jesus Christ I believe in you...Raise your hand...anyone? at all? Lastly, for us, and those on the internet, believe in Christ tonight. Time is passing. Take the oppor. Today is the day of salvation. Father, for this congregation and all of us, lead us in undg. the prayer of a broken, empty and needy life. What do we do with our hatred when we pray? WE bring it to the cross? There its gone forever...and we walk in the light and have power with God...and FS in our soul. Ps 60:2, we are not easily moved. Teach us prayer, communion, fellowship, godliness, openness, love adoration and deep worship in our hearts...honoring God. There are some, they won't give up that area. WE say to ea. one, look into the perf. law of liberty, look into truth by grace and worship God, and learn prayer that moves mtn's. In Christ's name, Amen!

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