Pranic Healing

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based on the overall structure of the human body. ancient science and art of healing that utilizes prana or ki or vital energy to heal the whole physical body. It also involves the manipulation of ki and bioplasmic matter of die patient's body. It has also been invariably called psychic healing, magnetic healing, faith healing, ki healing, vitalic healing, and the laying on of hands. Definition of Terms: • •

Prana or Ki - vital energy or life force which keeps the body alive and healthy. In Greek, it is called pneuma, in Polynesian, rnana, and in Hebrew, ruah, which means "breath of life." Chakras: energy centers Ground vitality globule - prana contained in the ground Aura - a radiating luminous cloud surrounding the body. Sources of Prana Sunlight Prana Air Prana Ground Prana The Physical Body Visible Body Bioplasmic Body – interpenetrates the visible physical body and extends beyond it by four to five inches.  Auras • Inner Aura ○ invisible luminous energy field which follows the contour of the visible physical body ○ Scanning – feeling the auras ○ Pranic depletion - When the bioplasmic body becomes sick, it may be caused partially by general or localized depletion of prana in the bioplasmic body. The inner aura of the affected part is reduced to about two inches or less. ○ Pranic Congestion – sickness may also be caused by prolonged excess prana in localized areas. • Health Aura ○ Sum of all health rays ○ Health rays – bioplasmic rays project perpendicularly from the surface of the physical body. • Outer Aura – luminous energy field beyond the health aura ○ Extend 3 feet away.

○ Multicolored and shaped like an inverted egg. ○ Its color are influenced by the physical, emotional, and mental states of a person. ○ Acts as a container or bottle for the subtle energy which prevents the leaking out of pranic energy.  Chakras or Energy Centers 11 Major Chakras Crown Chakra Forehead Chakra Ajna Chakra Throat Chakra

Back Heart Chakra

Front Heart Chakra Back Solar Plexus Front Solar Plexus Back Spleen Chakra Front Spleen Chakra Meng Mein Chakra Navel Chakra Sex Chakra


Basic Chakra

1) Basic or Root Chakra: This chakra is located at the base of the spine or at the coccyx area. It energizes and strengthens the whole body and is responsible for your physical well-being. It energizes and affects the nearby organs and it also controls the adrenal glands. People with a highly activated basic chakra tend to be robust and healthy, while those who have less active basic chakras tend to be fragile and weak. 2) Sex Chakra: This chakra is located at the pubic area. It controls and energizes the sexual organs and the bladder. 3) Solar Plexus Chakra: There are two solar plexus chakras. The one located at the solar plexus is called the front solar plexus chakra and the one at the back is called the back solar plexus chakra. The term "solar plexus chakra" shall mean both the front and the back solar plexus chakras. The solar plexus chakra energizes and controls the pancreas, liver, stomach, large intestine, the appendix, the diaphragm and to a certain degree, the small intestine. The heart is greatly affected by this chakra. The front solar plexus chakra is an energy clearing house center, a large portion of prana from the lower chakras passes through the front solar plexus chakra before reaching the higher chakras and vice versa. The whole body can be strengthened by energizing the solar plexus chakra. 4) Heart Chakra: There are two heart chakras. The one located in front of the physical heart at the center of the chest is called the front heart chakra and the other is at the back and is called the back heart chakra. The front heart chakra controls and energizes the physical heart and the thymus gland. The back heart

chakra controls and energizes primarily the lungs and to a lesser degree the heart and the thymus gland. The term "heart chakra" shall mean both the front and the back heart chakras. 5) Throat Chakra: The throat chakra energizes and controls the thyroid and parathyroid glands, and the throat. 6) Ajna Chakra: This chakra is located at the area between the eyebrows. It energizes and controls the pituitary gland, and it also energizes to a certain degree the brain. It is also called the master chakra because it directs and controls the other chakras and their corresponding endocrine glands. Energizing this chakra will cause the other chakras to light in a certain sequence. Some healers project prana to the ajna chakra to reach an ailing part that is located far from the ajna chakra. The ajna chakra affects the eyes, nose, brain, and other nearby organs. 7) Crown Chakra: This chakra is located at the crown of the head. It energizes and controls the brain and the pineal gland. Energizing this chakra will cause the projected prana to flow to other parts of the body. It is just like pouring water to a funnel. Some healers project prana to the crown chakra in order to reach an affected part.

○ Major Chakras – whirling energy centers which are about 3 – 4 inches in diameter.  Control and energize the major vital organs of the physical body.  Just like power stations. When this malfunctions, the vital organs become sick or diseased because they do not have vital energy to operate properly. ○ Minor Chakras – about 1 – 2 inches in diameter. ○ Mini Chakras – smaller than 1 inch in diameter. Significant Functions: ○ 1) They absorb, digest, and distribute prana to the different parts of the body. ○ 2) The chakras control, energize, and are responsible for the proper functioning of the whole physical body and its different parts and organs. The endocrine glands are controlled and energized by some of the major chakras. The endocrine glands can be stimulated or inhibited by controlling or manipulating the major chakras. A lot of ailments are caused partially by malfunctioning of the chakras. ○ 3) Some chakras are sites or centers of the psychic faculties. Activation of certain chakras (energy centers) may result in the development of certain psychic faculties. For example, one of the easiest and safest chakras to activate are the hand chakras. These are located at the

center of the palms. By activating the hand chakras, one develops the ability to feel subtle energies and the ability to feel the outer, health, and inner auras. This can simply be accomplished by regularly concentrating on them. It is called sensitizing the hands.

Functions of Bioplasmic Body • It absorbs, distributes, and energizes the whole physical body with prana or ki. Prana or ki is that vital energy or life force which nourishes the whole body so that it could, together with its different organs, function properly and normally. Without prana, the body would die. • It acts as a mold or pattern for the visible physical body. This allows the visible physical body to maintain its shape, form and feature despite years of continuous metabolism. To be more exact, the visible physical body is molded after the bioplasmic body. If the bioplasmic body is defective, then the visible physical body is defective. They are so closely related that what affects one affects the other. If one gets sick, the other also gets sick. If one gets healed, the other also gets healed. This may manifest gradually or almost instantaneously, assuming that there are no interfering factors. • The bioplasmic body, through the chakras or whirlng energy centers, controls and is responsible for the proper functioning of the whole physical body and its different parts and organs. This includes the endocrine glands. The endocrine glands are external manifestations of some of the major chakras. A lot of sicknesses are caused partially by the malfunctioning of one or more chakras. • The bioplasmic body, through its health rays and health auras, serves as a protective shield against germs and diseased bioplasmic matter. Toxins, wastes, and germs are expelled by the health rays predominantly via the pores; thereby, purifying the whole physical body.

Basic Problem and Treatments in Pranic Healing

1) In areas where there is pranic depletion, cleansing and pranic energizing are applied to the affected areas. The emphasis is on energizing. 2) In areas where there is pranic congestion, diseased congested bioplasmic matter is removed or extracted from the affected areas. This is followed by projecting prana to the treated area. The emphasis is on cleansing or decongesting. 3) A malfunctioning chakra is restored by simply cleansing and energizing it with prana. 4) Drooping and entangled health rays are disentangled and strengthened. 5) Blocked meridians or bioplasmic channels are cleansed and energized. 6) Prana leaking out through holes in the outer aura are sealed. 7) Specific types of prana are applied to produce specific results. Certain illnesses need specific type or types of prana to produce faster results. Two Basic Principles in Pranic Healing - the very foundation of pranic healing. 1. Cleansing a. Cleansing is necessary to facilitate the absorption of prana or ki. b. Healing takes a longer time without cleansing and more prana is required to heal the patient. c. A possible radical reaction could be induced if cleansing is not done before or after energizing. d. Cleansing is necessary to reduce the risk of damaging the finer bioplasmic channels (called meridians or energy centers). Hand Chakras ○ Left and right hand chakras which are considered as minor chakras. ○ 1 inch in diameter ○ For each fingers, there is mini chakra ○ Used for absorbing and projecting ki. 1. Energizing 5 Basic Techniques ○ Sensitizing the hands

○ Scanning

Scanning the inner aura. (A) shows congestion while (B) shows pranic depletion.

○ Sweeping

g with Prana



Stabilizing the Projected Prana

Two basic laws of pranic healing: 1. Law of self recovery Usually your body will be able to heal itself at a certain rate. For example, if you got a wound or burn, your body can heal itself and restore within few days to a week. Even if you don’t use any medicine, your body can heal itself. 2. Law of life energy You must have prana or life energy to a lead a healthy life. The process of healing can be accelerated through enhancing the life force on the affected parts or on whole body. In pranic healing, life force is essential to speed up the biochemical reactions involved in the process of natural healing of your body. When pranic healing is applied on the affected body parts, healing or the recovery rate increases greatly.

Pranic healing plays a great part in increasing the rate of self-recovery of your body. There is nothing mystical about pranic healing, it is just based only on the natural laws that most of you are not aware of.

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