Praise Of Poem The Poem Is An Offering On The

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,519
  • Pages: 8
Praise of poem The poem is an offering on the shrine of a god It is the pure faith of my soul, The poem is amrita, is the nectar. It is the white sound of waves. The poem is the snow and the clear sky, It is the sacred face I’m praying. The poem is a petal of lotus or liliac It is the willow weeping near the lake. The poem is the child at sunrise Who delicate is offering you a flower, The poem is the grandmother looking at sunset, Poem is the remembrance of those who are gone. Humble wanderer Humble wanderer, on the path of your life You are facing useless storms It’s given to you laughter and grief Your peace is much too far. You, lonely at time of sunset, Are praying in the grey ruins, You’re watching the mountains and looking to sea And to a bundle of squashed flowers. You, restless wanderer On the way of love and pain, Are becoming the wise spectator Gone to the valleys of silence. Behind you the willow will weep, In its shadow you have often dreamed,

Only its heart will break Knowing you are for ever gone. Karma Through the whispers of silence Is straining toward abyss In the black night a pilgrim Who is captured in dreams. The way is leading him to illusions And dense shadows, smog and fog Are giving him only pain; Teardrops are falling down his face. In vain he’s searching for his love Because silent remain his shout Everything is only deceiving And lost is his soul. What bad karma from other spheres Has destinated him to wander? With what sin in other ages Against whom has he mistaken? But he is stepping forward And will dissolve in nothingness, From this world he is separated Only by one illusion: to love. Wanderer I’m a wanderer through the desert of life Searching for the sense of my existence In the heavy clouds, in the grey fog In the black shadows, in dust of stars. I’m the green drop from the waves A teardrop in the deep sea Much too far am I from shores I’m getting lost in the endless horizon. 1

I’m a pilgrim through the night Hoping to find a soul; Through the whispers of silence You remain a dream, a chimera. And time is dripping, time is passing Just I’m remaining the eternal cliff Forgotten in the cold eternity In the deep loneliness. Oh, you non-existing love Sinking me in illusions, Why am I not insensible To the hallucinations of heart? I’m the sailor through the storm In my boat there’s a heavy burden, When lightning will cover the sky My little boat will vanish. Faith Gods? Gods are not my friends Because all those who have sworn on gods Have cheated me. The master? I’m not frightened of this beast Because also this is destinated to vanish. To bow? I can’t because I’m fair And I’m not dragging like worms on earth And to divide myself in two Is baseness and in vain. Or the fight? What need for me To defeat someone else? Is not on this earth the life The most holy thing? Hatred, envy and revenge Cold hearts, bitter words

I don’t touch them, they can’t hurt me On their path I’m never walking. The whip? Oh, this one I have lost In a deep, forgotten wood; Toward love if I could I would lead this mankind. Prediction You will see black shadows Which will stay in your way, You will hear gloomy words, Gods will threaten you. You just walk forward, Don’t be afraid of scourges Don’t watch the hideous death You will be every time saved. Because your heart is a shrine Built of love In your soul is planted the gift To reconcile the whole nature. If the ocean will overflow And all the mountains will melt You will find the haven, The soul will not vanish. If the wood will be burned Ash and dust all around And the enemies from elsewhere Will destine torment and pain, Never bow your proud forehead And don’t let your eyes down; Believe in sunrise and believe in life Saving is destinated for you


The fountain of pain In the fountain of pain of the world I was looking at sunrise, On the white face of moon The tear from flowers was dripping. In the fountain of pain I Was looking at noon, There were guarding united A daemon and a god. In the pain-fountain of world I’m looking also in evening From a multitude of stars, eyes of sky Heavy tears are falling. Poet of pain I’m a poet of pain I’m singing about tears of grief and longing I’m singing about the river from the valley of silence And about the sad, frightened soul. I’m a poet of light I’m singing about the dew dripping at dawn I’m thrilled by the perfume of lilies I’m singing about bird’s flight. I’m the cliff appearing from waves, I’m the hermit of world, the smile and the sigh. I’m looking to the arduous shores, To the eternal and clear depth. Last torrent Even if the cage would be golden It still is the pain of this world,

You have locked the skylark But have let the sin free on the way. And from the deep black forest Are spying the agile eyes of night, There are those naked and homeless Those harsh, and wild and humble. And in ivory palaces There are ruling those falsely elected of the world Full of notorious scorn Who are not human beings. But watch them falling down in clay The cowards and false heroes of world, Black is the sky, it’s cold and thundering; Death is the last torrent of life. I would like to I would like to be the cloud turning into rain To cool your forehead in the summer heat, I would like to be o tear dripping from your eyes And becoming a drop of dew in the green grass, I would like to be the sunbeam bathing your look every morning, But I’m only the inhabitant of the cliff From the ocean on the other side of space and time; I’m only the candle burning slow In the corner of the house, waiting to extinguish, I’m only the wanderer on the path from nowhere to nowhere I’m only a creature locked in the shell of immensity. 3

Indian engraving In the old temple with broken marmor Are glimmering the Hindu statues With alive eyes they are looking far away Over the gone ages. At sunrise, at evening time Murmur of prayers is sounding, Old Brahman are meeting again And rising hymns to the sun. Their clothes whitened by centuries Are a divine sign of purity, They are still singing and bringing remedies But karma is fatality. “Stop Indra your rage, Don’t set anymore the storm free, Restrain your thousand flashes of lightning And turn them into a wreath. On the Ganges River lotus are still guarding The yogi’s entered in immortality And the wheel of life is following It’s destiny for love. Come back Come back, come back, don’t take this trip again Remain here just a moment or a year Enter, enter slowly in the garden of my soul Where lights of love are shining tenuous and clear.

Enter, enter, you gracious sweetness of my heart And rest there in the shadow of my longing, I will offer , offer you all my kisses Remain here in the moonlight of this night. Sing me, sing me the most beautiful love-songs Just like a bird living in the forest, Let you head in silence on my lap Listen to the echo sound of sea. Give up, give up, my friend, that far wandering In the breeze of your shining eyes enshroud my spirit, Let for others the daily rust and noise and toil. Fill my life with your existence. A sand-grain I’m only a sand-grain in this far universe, My company are the stars and their echo, Like a pilgrim I’m walking through the times And searching for the path of love in unlimited distances. I’m only a spectator at the show of this world Just like a humble leave when cold rain is falling down, I’, only the green drop hidden in the deep sea, I’m the fog over mountains in a spring morning. 4

The call of longing am I and only the play of flute, A rock, a grey shadow, a wanderer without goal, What all I am, one thing I’m not – the love of your life, Even if I were the whole creation, it still would be in vain. The song (an adaptation of some verses from Tagore’s Gitanjali) Never till now in this green space Could be heard the song I was trying to sing, Only the pain of wish was burning in every dream Which the night kind-hearted was weaving for me. In vain I try to be the goldsmith of words And to create the form of poems, Sad I’m covering my face and I’m crying Because the songs of all others are resounding. And so, I’m continuing my journey Till the end of all times Hoping for that little magic word Which have to accompany songs and love.

You are only the shadow of one of my steps through the time…. xxxx October 2003 What is love What is love? A foolish attachment Or a temptation, Wasted energy, an illusion, a splitter From the gift of gods Which is useless? What is love? A bit of a dream, is it a faith Or an undying candle Which is glittering from the abyss; Incomprehensible whispers Straining through the night? What is love? A restless pilgrim Or an error, A creating goddess Wandering through the infinite, Or is it a pain? Love is silence. Ways out October 2003

xxx I’m only the limited in this unlimited universe, You are only the echo of the unlimited universe in the limited ego, I’m only a shadow wandering through times,

When sadness is surrounding you Take the old paint-brush Dip it in the blue sea Dip it in the bright green In the flowers which are still blooming Dip it in the yellow light. Paint in colours this your poem. 5

When longing is overwhelming you Feel the wild stormy wind Which is driving the clouds away, Shadows through the sunset, Look, they are melting in the lake, Watch the moonlight shining So slow into your heart. When silence is embracing you Think, the eternity is saluting, Think, your way is still guiding you far, Think on the starry night, On the highest power Which is enshrouding your feelings And is filling your heart with love. Absurdity October 2003 Why are you trying to catch The blowing of the wind The rustle of the fields The smell of daybreak The veil of the clouds? Why are you stretching your hand After the lost time After the silent longing After the useless thought Which is only a broken vase? Why did you stop In the doorway of light Before a foreign gate? You know that no one nowhere Will give you an answer.

Never loose 2003 Never loose the way in the dry sand of habit, who knows when the chain will loosen and your boat, like the last glimmer of the sinking sun, will disappear in the night. Abstract evening The shadows of twilight are enveloping my thoughts, are whispering to my soul, are creeping like the silence into my heart. Colours that have become sounds, I’m knitting them in poems, I’m strewing them on flowers, I hear them shouting in the storm of my longing. The rumble of dark sea-waters is plunging me into oblivion, let the hopes navigate, is leading y boat always forward under the moonshine. The silence of deep eternities is remembering me about wandering, is following my steps, accompanies my life, is indicating me the existence.

Why didn’t you run away From your own dreaming, Eternal mistake A hurrying illusion destinated to vanish. 6

Cliff 1998 I am the cliff and you the wave From the deepness, from the sea You climb up the emptiness to me, I’m the slope, you are the spring Slowly to me are you springing down Whispering your water-songs, I’m the mountain, you’re the fog At the mildest breeze of wind you, my fog, you’ll disappear, I’m a dream but you’re a shadow And for ever distant we Will remain, two foreign wanderers.

and the man who any work doesn’t do and the man who only is speaking seems to be a vagrant too much too. Too much noise and too much silence too much dust on our shoes too much proud also too much envy too much for eternity. Little peace and little love but too much exaggeration, Only the ego and only the money Are ruling too much in the world! The sea 1979

The candle 2002 I’m only a candle in that dark corner, Only a narrow light in the hided place of night Flickering is burning that soul of fire in the evening of a dream And is searching for your eyes in the silence of this space; One day will extinguish this candle, this light Never again will it light your eyes, your face. Than you will be lost for ever, only a shadow, only a fragment I will be the smoke of the little candle, floating forward through the storm! Too much 1982 Too much water, too much heat, too much frost, too much jokes too much pain, too much hate, abundance and plenty too. Too much richness, too much poverty

It was morning and I was standing at the seaside the sun was shining so warm the blue waves become white, the air was weaving from water and light the green veil of life; but at a moment a wave was breaking near a cliff somewhere, far, in the middle of the veil has broken an arrow from the sun and the veil of life has torn! A temple October 2003 My heart is just a temple Where you are living as only god You’re giving me happiness, giving me pain So give also peace to my soul. Yesterday my path seemed to be so long Lonely this way and empty Deep the precipice, steep the slope 7

Tiresome and hard the wandering. Till I’ve found today the temple Which is shining magnificent in the light There, near the far riverside, Painted beautiful with blue of sky. As I was watching more and more I’ve felt the warmth so near, I knew it was built in the heart, That temple was every time here. Only to open I had the door, To pass over the doorway, But I never did it before, Was lost between night and day. Now you are accompanying forever My wandering through the time, You are near me in every place And are guiding me through eternity.


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