Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-1 Aim: Write a C++ program that will output this passage by Deepak Chopra. Make sure your output looks exactly as shown here (including spacing, line breaks, punctuation, and the title and author). Use cout and cin objects and endl manipulator.
Code: #include
using namespace std; int main() { cout<<"*******************************"<<endl; cout<<"* Programming assignment 1 *"<<endl; cout<<"*
Computer Programing 1
Author : Utsav
cout<<"* Due Date: Thursday, Dec. 20 *"<<endl; cout<<"*******************************"<<endl; cout<<"Patel Utsav"<<endl; cout<<"Id:18CE089"; return 0; }
Conclusion: We studied about cout and cin ad endl manipulator.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-2 Aim: Write a program to create the following table. Use endl and setw manipulator. 1234 2468 3 6 9 12 4 8 12 16
Code: #include #include using namespace std; int main() { int i,j; for(i=1;i<=4;i++) { for(j=1;j<=4;j++) { cout<
Object oriented programming in c++
Conclusion: We learned about setw manipulator.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-3 Aim: Write a C++ program to add two floating numbers using pointer. The result should contain only two digits after the decimal.Use fixed, scientific and setprecision () manipulators for controlling the precision of floating point numbers.
Code: #include #include using namespace std; int main() { float i,j,sum; float *p,*q; p=&i; q=&j; cout<<"Enter i:"; cin>>*p; cout<<"Enter j:"; cin>>j; sum=*p+*q; cout<<"Result="<<sum<<endl; cout<<"Result of setprecision(2)="<<setprecision(2)<<sum<<endl; cout<<"Result of scientific setprecision(2)="<<setprecision(2)<
Object oriented programming in c++
Conclusion: We have studied about Use fixed, scientific and setprecision() controlling the precision of floating point numbers.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-4 Aim: Write a C++ program to find out sum of array element using Recursion.
Code: #include using namespace std; int sum(int b[],int); int main() { int n,i,a[10],ans; cout<<"Enter size:"; cin>>n; for(i=0;i>a[i]; } ans=sum(a,n-1); cout<<"sum="<=0) { sum(b,m); 6
Object oriented programming in c++
} return add; }
Conclusion: We studied about recursion in c+
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-5 Aim: Write a C++ program to find the number of vowels present in the given character array using pointer arithmetic.
Code: #include using namespace std; int main() { char str[50],*p; int i,count1=0; cout<<"Enter your string"; cin>>str; p=str; for(i=0;*p!='\0';i++,p++) { if(*p=='a'||*p=='e'||*p=='i'||*p=='o'||*p=='u' ||*p=='u'||*p=='A'||*p=='E'||*p=='I'||*p=='O'||*p=='U') { count1++; } } cout<<"there is " <
Object oriented programming in c++
Conclusion: We learnt about pointers in c++.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-6 Aim: Find error in the following code and give reasons for each error: Can we declare an array of references? Can we assign NULL value to reference variable? Is Reference variable a pointer variable? Can we declare a reference variable without initializing it? Does Reference Variable change the original value of variable? #include using namespace std; int main() { int no1=10, no2=12; int & x=no1; int & r; int & c = NULL; int & d[2] = {no1,no2}; cout<<"x = "<< x+20; cout<<"no1="<< no1+10; return 0; }
Code: #include using namespace std; int main() { int no1=10, no2=12; int & x=no1; int & r; int & c = NULL; int & d[2] = {no1,no2}; cout<<"x = "<< x+20; cout<<"no1="<< no1+10; 10
Object oriented programming in c++
return 0; }
Conclusion: 1)We can’t assign NULL to a reference variable. 2)Reference is not a pointer. 3)No we can’t declare a reference variable without initializing it. 4)Yes Reference Variable change the original value of variable.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-7 Aim: Find output of the following code: Explain how scope Resolution operator is used to access global version of a variable.
Code: #include #include int m=30; int main() { int m=20; { int m=10; cout<<”we are in inner block”<<endl; cout<<”value of m=”<<m<<”\n”; cout<<”value of ::m=”<<::m<<”\n”; } cout<<”we are in outer block”<<endl; cout<<”value of m=”<<m<<”\n”; cout<<”value of ::m=”<<::m<<”\n”; getch(); return 0;}
Conclusion: We can access global variable by scope resolution and different blocks can have different variable with same name. 12
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-8 Aim: Find Error in the following code of a program and give explanation why these errors exist.
Code (1): #include using namespace std; int main() { int var1 = 35,var2 = 20; int *const ptr = &var1; ptr = &var2; cout<<"var1= "<<*ptr; return 0; } Conclusion: Constant pointer can only point to one address. After assigning an address we can not assign second address.
Code (2): #include using namespace std; int main() { int var1 = 43; const int* ptr = &var1; *ptr = 1; var1=34; cout<<"var1 = "<< *ptr; return 0; }
Conclusion: 13
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Here pointer is pointing to a constant value. So it’s value can’t be changed.
Code (3): #include using namespace std; int main() { int var1 = 0,var2 = 0; const int* const ptr = &var1; *ptr = 1; ptr = &var2; cout<<"Var1 = "<<*ptr; return 0; }
Conclusion: This is the combination of first two code.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-9 Aim: Find the output of following program. Explain the use of bool data type.
Code: #include using namespace std; int main() { int n; cout<<"Enter the size of array:"; cin>>n; int *a=new int[n]; int i; cout<<"Enter values of array"<<endl; for(i=0;i>*(a+i); } for(i=0;i
Object oriented programming in c++
Conclusion: We learnt how to allocate dynamic memory.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-10 Aim: Find the output of following program. Explain the use of bool data type.
Code: #include using namespace std; int main() { bool a = 321, b; cout << "Bool a Contains : " << a<<endl; int c = true; int d = false; cout<<"c = "<
Conclusion: We studied about bool data type.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-11 Aim: Define three functions named divide(). First function takes numerator and denominator as an input argument and checks it‟s divisible or not, Second function takes one int number as input argument and checks whether the number is prime or not and Third function takes 3 float number as arguments, divide it with 3 and print average of the numbers Use concept of Function Overloading / static binding.
Code: #include using namespace std; int divide(int,int); int divide(int); float divide(float,float,float); int main(){ int a,b; float x,y,z; cout<<"Enter a:"; cin>>a; cout<<"Enter b:"; cin>>b; cout<<"Enter x,y,z:"; cin>>x>>y>>z; divide(a,b); divide(a); divide(x,y,z); cout<<endl<<"Patel Utsav \nId-18CE089"; return 0; } int divide(int a,int b) { cout<<endl<<"division:"<
Object oriented programming in c++
return 0; } int divide(int a) { int i,countt=0; for(i=1;i<=a;i++) { if(a%i==0) countt++; } if(countt==2) { cout<<"Number is prime"<<endl; } else { cout<<"Number is not prime"<<endl; } } float divide(float x,float y,float z) { float sum=0,avg; sum=x+y+z; avg=sum/3; cout<<"Avg:"<
Object oriented programming in c++
Conclusion: We studied the concept function overloading.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-12 Aim: Define four function void swap () which accepts two arguments by reference and swap the values. First function swaps two characters, second function swaps two integers, third function swaps two floats values and fourth function swaps two double values. Use the concept of call by reference in all four functions and function overloading and inline function.
Code: #include using namespace std; inline void swapi(int &,int &); inline void swapf(float &,float &); inline void swapc(char &,char &); inline void swapd(double &,double &); int main() { int n1,n2; cout<<"Enter first int no to swap a="; cin>>n1; cout<<"Enter second int no to swap b="; cin>>n2; swapi(n1,n2); cout<<"after swap a="<>c; cout<<"Enter second char to swap b="; cin>>d; swapc(c,d); cout<<"after swap a="<
Object oriented programming in c++
{ char temp; temp=a; a=b; b=temp; } inline void swapd(double &a,double &b) { double temp; temp=a; a=b; b=temp; }
Conclusion: We learnt the concept of call by reference and inline function.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-13 Aim: Write a function called tonLarge( ) that takes two integer arguments by reference and then sets the larger of the two numbers to 100 using Return by reference. Write a main( ) program to exercise this function.
Code: #include using namespace std; int a; int &tonLarge(int &,int &); int main() { int n,m,ans; cout<<"Enter first no:"; cin>>n; cout<<"Enter second no:"; cin>>m; ans=tonLarge(n,m); ans=100; if(a==1) { cout<<"new values are="<<m<<","<
Object oriented programming in c++
int &tonLarge(int &x,int &y) { if(x rel="nofollow">y) { a=1; cout<<x<<" is the largest no."<<endl; return x; } else { cout<
Conclusion: We learnt how to return reference of a variable.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-14 Aim: Write a function called power ( ) that takes two arguments: a double value for n and an int for p, and returns the result as double value. Use default argument of 2 for p, so that if this argument is omitted, the number will be squared. Write a main ( ) function that gets values from the user to test this function.
Code: #include #include<math.h> using namespace std; double power(double n,int p=2);
int main() { int p; char ans; double no,answer; cout<<"Enter no:"; cin>>no; cout<<"Do u want to give power y/n?:"; cin>>ans; if(ans=='y') { cout<<"Enter it's power:"; cin>>p; answer=power(no,p); cout<<"your ans="<
Object oriented programming in c++
cout<<"your ans="<
Conclusion: We learnt how to give default argument to any function.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-15(a) Aim: Define a C++ Structure Rectangle with data member‟ s width and height. It has get_values( ) member functions to get the data from user and area( ) member functions to print the area of rectangle.
Code: #include using namespace std; struct rectangle { float width,height; void get_values() { cout<<"Enter width:"; cin>>width; cout<<"Enter height:"; cin>>height; } float area() { return height*width; } }v1; int main() { float ans; v1.get_values(); ans=v1.area(); cout<<"\narea="<
Conclusion: We studied about structure in c++.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-15(b) Aim: create a C++ Class for the above program. Define both functions inside the class. Member function defined inside the class behaves like an inline function and illustrate the difference between C++ Structure and C++ Class. Code: #include using namespace std; class rectangle { public: float width,height; public: void get_values() { cout<<"Enter width:"; cin>>width; cout<<"Enter height:"; cin>>height; } float area() { return height*width; } }; int main() { class rectangle v1; float ans; v1.get_values(); ans=v1.area(); cout<<"\narea="<
We studied about class in c++.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-16 Aim: Write a C++ program having class Batsman. It has private data members: batsman name, bcode (4 Digit Code Number), innings, not out, runs, batting average. Innings, not out and runs are in integer and batting average is in float. Define following function outside the class using scope resolution operator. 1) Public member function getdata()to read values of data members. 2) Public member function putdata()to display values of data members. 3) Private member function calcavg() which calculates the batting average of a batsman. Also make this outside function inline. Code: #include using namespace std; class batsman { int bcode,innings,notout,runs; char name[50]; float avg; public: void getdata(); void putdata(); private: float calcavg(); }; void batsman::getdata() { cout<<"Enter name:"; cin.get(name,50); cout<<"Enter bcode:"; cin>>bcode; cout<<"Enter innings:"; cin>>innings; cout<<"Enter runs:"; 30
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cin>>runs; cout<<"Enter no. of not out innings;"; cin>>notout; } inline float batsman::calcavg() { return runs/(innings-notout); } void batsman::putdata() { cout<<"name:"<
Object oriented programming in c++
Conclusion: We learnt how to create private function and how to use them.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-17 Aim: Define class Digit having int „n‟ as data member. Define member function enter() to enter the data and show() to print the data. A class has member function compare() that displays whether the first object is smaller, greater or same as compared to second object. (Function compare() should support: int x = d1.compare(d2); where d1 and d2 are objects of class Digit). Use Concept of Object as Function Arguments.
Code: #include using namespace std; class digit { int m; public: int comp(digit); void show(); void enter() { cin>>m; } }; digit d1,d2; int main() { int ans; cout<<"Enter first no:"; d1.enter(); cout<<"Enter second no:"; d2.enter(); d1.show(); cout<<"\nPatel Utsav\nId-18CE089"; 33
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} int digit::comp(digit d3) { if(d3.m>m) { return 1; } else if(d3.m<m) { return 2; } else { return 3; } } void digit::show() { int ans; ans=d2.comp(d1); if(ans==1) { cout<<"first no is bigger"; } else if(ans==2) { cout<<"second no is bigger"; } else { 34
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cout<<"both no are same"; } }
Conclusion: We learnt how to send object as an argument.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-18 Aim: Define class Currency having two integer data members rupee and paisa. A class has member functions enter() to get the data and show() to print the amount in 22.50 format. Define one member function sum() that adds two objects of the class and stores answer in the third object i.e. c3=c1.sum (c2). The second member function should add two objects of type currency passed as arguments such that it supports c3.add(c1,c2); where c1, c2 and c3 are objects of class Currency. Also Validate your answer if paisa >100. Write a main( )program to test all the functions. Use concepts of Object as Function Arguments, function returning object and function overloading.
Code: #include using namespace std; class currency { int ru,pa; public: void enter() { cout<<"Enter rupee:"; cin>>ru; cout<<"Enter paisa:"; cin>>pa; } void show() { cout<<"Amount="<
Object oriented programming in c++
{ cout<<"Enter data 1"<<endl; c1.enter(); cout<<"Enter data 2"<<endl; c2.enter(); c3=c1.sum(c2); cout<<"Sum of two data with return type of object"<<endl; c3.show(); c3.add(c1,c2); cout<<"Sum of two data without return type of object"<<endl; c3.show(); cout<<"\nPatel Utsav\nId-18CE089"; return 0; } currency currency::sum(currency c) { currency temp; temp.pa=pa+c.pa; if(temp.pa>=100) { temp.pa=temp.pa-100; temp.ru=ru+c.ru+1; } else { temp.ru=ru+c.ru; } return temp; } void currency::add(currency a,currency b) 37
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{ pa=a.pa+b.pa; if(pa>=100) { pa=pa-100; ru=a.ru+b.ru+1; } else { ru=a.ru+b.ru; } }
Conclusion: We learn how to add two object using two different methods.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-19 Aim: Define a class Dist with int feet and float inches. Define member function that displays distance in 1‟-2.5” format. Also define member function scale ( ) function that takes object by reference and scale factor in float as an input argument. The function will scale the distance accordingly. For example, 20‟-5.5” and Scale Factor is 0.5 then answer is 10‟-2.75”
Code: #include using namespace std; class dist { float inches; int feet; public: void getdata() { cout<<"Enter feet:"; cin>>feet; cout<<"Enter inches:"; cin>>inches; } void display() { cout<
Object oriented programming in c++
int main() { d1.getdata(); float a; cout<<"Enter scale factor:"; cin>>a; d1.scale(d1,a); d1.display(); cout<<"\nPatel Utsav\nId-!18CE089"; return 0; }
Conclusion: We learnt how to send object’s reference as an argument.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-20 Aim: Create a Class Gate for students appearing in Gate (Graduate Aptitude test for Engineering) exam. There are three examination center Vadodara, Surat, and Ahmedabad where Gate exams are conducted. A class has data members: Registration number, Name of student, Examination center. Class also Contains static data member ECV_Cnt, ECS_Cnt and ECA_Cnt which counts the number of students in Vadodara, Surat and Ahmedabad exam center respectively. Class Contains two Member function getdata () which gets all information of students and counts total students in each exam center and pudata () which prints all information about the students. Class also contains one static member function getcount () which displays the total number of students in each examination center. Write a program for 5 students and display the total number of students in each examination center. Use static data member, static member function and Array of Objects.
Code: #include #include<string.h> using namespace std; class GATE { int Reg_No; char name[15],Ex_center[15]; static int ECV_Cnt; static int ECS_Cnt; static int ECA_Cnt; public: void getdata(); void putdata(); static void getcount(); }d[5]; int GATE::ECV_Cnt; int GATE::ECS_Cnt; int GATE::ECA_Cnt; void GATE::getdata() { leb: cout<<"Enter Name :"; cin>>name; cout<<"Enter Reg_No."; cin>>Reg_No; cout<<"Enter Center Name : "; cin>>Ex_center; if(strcmp(Ex_center,"vadodara")==0) { ECV_Cnt++; 41
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} else if(strcmp(Ex_center,"surat")==0) { ECS_Cnt++; } else if(strcmp(Ex_center,"Ahemdabad")==0) { ECA_Cnt++; } else { cout<<"Enter valid Data"; goto leb; } } void GATE::getcount() { cout<<"No.Of students in Vadodara are : "<<ECV_Cnt<<endl; cout<<"No.Of students in Surat are : "<<ECS_Cnt<<endl; cout<<"No.Of students in Ahemdabad are : "<<ECA_Cnt<<endl; } void GATE::putdata() { cout<<"Name :"<
Object oriented programming in c++
Object oriented programming in c++
Conclusion: We learnt about static data members and static data function in c++.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-21 Aim: Define a class Fahrenheit with float temp as data member. Define another class Celsius with float temperature as data member. Both classes have member functions to input and print data. Write a non-member function that receives objects of both the classes and declare which one is higher than another according to their values. Also define main() to test the function. Define all member functions outside the class. (Formula for converting Celsius to Fahrenheit is F = (9C/5) + 32). Use the concept of friend function.
Code: #include using namespace std; class celsius; class fahrenheit { float temp; public: void getdata(); friend void compare(fahrenheit , celsius); }f; void fahrenheit::getdata() { cout<<"Enter temperature in fahrenheit:"; cin>>temp; } class celsius { float t; public: void get(); friend void compare(fahrenheit , celsius); }c; void celsius::get() { cout<<endl<<"Enter temperature in celcius:"; cin>>t; } void compare(fahrenheit f,celsius c) { float b; b=((9*(c.t))/5)+32; cout<<"\n The temperature after conversion is:"<
Object oriented programming in c++
{ cout<<endl<<"\nTemperature 1 higher"; } else { cout<<endl<<"\nTemperature 2 higher"; } } int main() { f.getdata(); c.get(); compare(f,c); cout<<"\nPatel Utsav\nId-18CE089"; return 0; }
Conclusion: We learnt about friend function in c++.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-22 Aim: Create a Class Date having data members: int dd, mm, yyyy. Class has one member function to input the dates and another member function which prints the dates. Write a main() function which takes two dates as input. Write a friend function swapdates() which takes two objects by reference of type Date and swaps both the dates. Use the concept of Friend function which takes objects by reference
Code: #include using namespace std; class date { int dd,mm,yyyy; public: void get() { cin>>dd>>mm>>yyyy; } void print() { cout<
Object oriented programming in c++
d2.print(); }
Conclusion: We have studied about the concept of friend function which takes objects by reference.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-23 Aim: Create a class Customer having data members: name of the customer and custome number in integer and member function to get customer data. Create another class Manager having data members: name of manager and employee id in integer and member function to get managers data. Class Manager also have member function get_cust_data () which takes objects of class Customer as input and prints the customers details and is a friend function of class Customer . Write a main () function to test all this function. Use the concepts of Member function of one class can be a Friend Function of another class.
Code: #include using namespace std; class customer; class manager { string name; int id; public: void getdata() { cout<<" Name Of Manager : "; cin>>name; cout<<"Employee Id : "; cin>>id; } void get_cust_data (customer); }; class customer { string name_of_customer; int customer_id; public: 49
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void getdata() { cout<<" Name : "; cin>>name_of_customer; cout<<"Customer id : "; cin>>customer_id; } friend void manager::get_cust_data (customer); }c1,c2; void manager::get_cust_data (customer c) { cout<<"Customer Name is : "<
Object oriented programming in c++
Conclusion: We have studied about Member function of one class can be a Friend Function of another class.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-24 Aim: Create a class Child having data members: name of the child and gender and a member function to get and print child data. Create another class Parent which is a friend class of child class. Class Parent have member function ReadChildData() which takes child‟s object by reference as input argument and Reads the childs data and DisplayChildData() which takes childs object as argument and displays childs data. Use the concepts of Friend Class.
Code: #include using namespace std; class child; class parent { public: void ReadchildData(child &); void DisplaychildData(child &); }p; class child { string name,gender; friend class parent; }c1,c2; void parent::ReadchildData(child &c3) { cout<<"Enter Child Name : "; cin>>c3.name; cout<<"Enter Gender : "; cin>>c3.gender; } void parent::DisplaychildData(child &c4) { 52
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cout<<"Name : "<
Object oriented programming in c++
Conclusion: We have studied about the concepts of Friend Class.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-25 Aim: Check the following C++ code and find if there is any error in code, give justification for the error, correct the code and write the output:
Code (1): #include using namespace std; class sample { int m, n; public: void getdata(); void putdata() const; }; void sample::getdata() { cout<< "Enter m & n"; cin>>m>>n; } void sample::putdata() const { m=12; n=34; cout<< " m = "<<m<<"n= "<
Object oriented programming in c++
Conclusion: As m and n are constant members then can be only treated as Read only objects. And their value cannot be changed. 1. Example of (a)Pointer to data members, (b)Pointer to member functions (a) #include using namespace std; class student { public: int roll_no; }; int main() { // declaring pointer to data member int student :: *p1 = &student::roll_no; student s; student *optr = &s; s->*p1 = 42; cout<<"Roll no is "<<s->*p1<<endl; optr.*p1 = 45; cout<<"Roll no is"<
Object oriented programming in c++
} (b) #include class employee { public: void hello() { Prepared By: Kruti Dhyani
cout<<"Hi hello"<<endl; } }; int main() { // declaring pointer to member function hello void (employee ::*fp)() = &employee::hello; employee e; employee *optr = &e; (e->*fp)(); (optr.*fp)(); return 0; }
CONCLUSION: Mismatch use of operators. The (.) operator is use to access member of structure and class by value. While (->) operator is used with refrence. We have studied about Pointer to data members & Pointer to member functions. 57
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3. Example of Local Classes #include using namespace std; void testlocalclass() { class Test { static int cnt; public: void set() {cout<<"Enter Count: "; cin>>cnt; } void get(); }; void Test:: get() { cout<<"Count: = " <
Conclusion: The class inside a function works as a local class.in the local class all functions inside the class should be inline. This condition is mandatory to run the function.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-26 Aim: Write a C++ program having class time with data members: hr, min and sec. Definefollowing member functions. 1) getdata() to enter hour, minute and second values 2) putdata() to print the time in the format 11:59:59 3) default constructor 4) parameterized constructor 5) copy constructor 6) Destructor. Use 52 as default value for sec in parameterized constructor. Use the concepts of default constructor, parameterized constructor, Copy
constructor, constructor with default arguments and destructor.
Code: #include using namespace std; class time { int hr,mini,sec; public: getdata() { cin>>hr>>mini>>sec; } print() { if(sec>60) { sec=sec%60; 59
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mini=mini/60; } if(mini>60) { mini=mini%60; hr=hr+mini/60; } cout<
time(time &x) { hr=x.hr; mini=x.mini; sec=x.sec; } ~time(){}; }; int main() { 60
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time t1; time t2(11,45,30),t4(06,22); time t3(t2); t1.print(); t2.print(); t3.print(); t4.print(); }
Conclusion: We have studied about the concepts of default constructor, parameterized constructor, Copy constructor,constructor with default arguments and destructor.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical-27 Aim: Create a class Number having int num as member. The class has input and output functions. Overload unary operator (++) such that it supports N1=N2++ and N3=++N1 and Overload unary (-) such that it supports N3 = - N3. Also define default, parameterized and copy constructor for the class. Also explain use of nameless object in operator overloading. Use the concept of Overloading Unary Operators. Operator overloading is also known as Compile Time Polymorphism or static binding.
Code: #include using namespace std; class num { int n; public: void put() { cout<<"\nYour ans is: "<
Object oriented programming in c++
return num(-n); } num() { n=0; } num(int x) { n=x; } ~num() {} }; int main() { num n2(0); num n1,n3; n1=n2++; n1.put(); n3=++n1; n3.put(); n3=-n3; n3.put(); cout<<"\nUtsav Patel\n Id-18CE089"; return 0; }
Object oriented programming in c++
Conclusion: We have studied about the concept of OverloadingUnary Operators. Operator overloading is also known as Compile Time Polymorphism or static binding.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical : 27 AIM : Create a class Number having int num as member. The class has input and output functions. Overload unary operator (++) such that it supports N1=N2++ and N3=++N1 and Overload unary (-) such that it supports N3 = - N3. Also define default, parameterized and copy constructor for the class. Also explain use of nameless object in operator overloading. Use the concept of Overloading Unary Operators. Operator overloading is also known as Compile Time Polymorphism or static binding. CODE : #include using namespace std; class num { int n; public: void put() { cout<<"\nYour ans is: "<
Object oriented programming in c++
{ return num(-n); } num() { n=0; } num(int x) { n=x; } ~num() {} }; int main() { num n2(0); num n1,n3; n1=n2++; n1.put(); n3=++n1; n3.put(); n3=-n3; n3.put(); cout<<"\nName : Meet D. Patel\n Id : 18CE080"; return 0; } OUTPUT:
Object oriented programming in c++
CONCLUSION: We have studied about the concept of OverloadingUnary Operators. Operator overloading is also known as Compile Time Polymorphism or static binding.
Practical : 28 AIM : Create a class Number having int num as member. The class has input and output functions. Overload unary operator (++) such that it supports N1=N2++ and N3=++N1 and Overload unary (-) such that it supports N3 = - N3. Also define default, parameterized and copy constructor for the class. Also explain use of nameless object in operator overloading. Use the concept of Overloading Unary Operators. Operator overloading is also known as Compile Time Polymorphism or static binding
CODE : #include using namespace std; class complex { 67
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int real,img; public: void getdata() { cout<<"Enter A real part Of No. : "; cin>>real; cout<<"Enter A Imaginary part Of No. : "; cin>>img; } friend void operator -(complex &); void putdata() { cout<<"Real Part Of No is : "<
Object oriented programming in c++
CONCLUSION: We have studied about Overloading Unary Operators.
Practical : 29 AIM : Create a class String having character array. Class includes constructor and required member functions to get and display the object. Overload the operators +(s3=s1+s2), ==(s1<s2), +=(s1+=s2) for the class. Use the concept of Overloading Binary Operator. CODE : #include using namespace std; class String { string arr; public: String() { arr[0]='0'; } void getdata() { cout<<"Enter A String : "; 69
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cin>>arr; } void putdata() { cout<<"Your String Is : "<<arr<<endl; } String operator + (String s) { String t; t.arr=arr+" "+s.arr; return t; } int operator == (String s) { if(arr==s.arr) return 1; else return 0; } void operator += (String s) { arr=arr+s.arr; } }s1,s2,s3; int main() {
cout<<"Enter First String :"<<endl; s1.getdata(); 70
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cout<<"Enter Second String :"<<endl; s2.getdata(); s3=s1+s2; cout<<"After Combination Of Both String :\n"; s3.putdata(); if(s1==s2) { cout<<"Both String Are Same :\n"; } else { cout<<"Both String Are not Same :\n"; } cout<<"After Using += Operator : \n"; s1+=s2; s1.putdata(); cout<<"Utsav Patel\nId-18CE080"; }
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CONCLUSION: We have studied about the concept of Overloading Binary Operator.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical : 30 AIM : Create a class Measure having members: meter and cm. The class has get( ) and put( ) functions. Overload operator + and – such that they support M1=M2+15 and M3=M1 – 4.5. Also overload + and – such that they support M1=5.0+M2 and M3=2.0 – M4. Write a main( ) to test the class. Use the concept of Overloading Binary Operators with friend function. CODE : #include #include using namespace std; class Measure { float m,cm; public: void getdata() { cout<<"Enter a length in m & cm : "; cin>>m>>cm; } void putdata() { cout<<"Answer "<<setw(4)<<m<<" "<<setw(4)<
Object oriented programming in c++
friend Measure operator +(float t,Measure t1); Measure operator -(float t) { Measure temp; temp.m = m - t; temp.cm = cm - t; return temp; } friend Measure operator -(float t,Measure t1); }; Measure operator +(float t,Measure t1) { Measure temp; temp.m = t1.m + t; temp.cm = t1.cm + t; return temp; } Measure operator -(float t,Measure t1) { Measure temp; temp.m = t- t1.m ; temp.cm = t- t1.cm; return temp; } int main() { Measure m1,m2,m3,m4,m5; m1.getdata(); m2=m1+15; m3=5+m1; 74
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m4=m1-4.5; m5=2-m1; m2.putdata(); m3.putdata(); m4.putdata(); m5.putdata(); cout<<"Utsav Patel\nId-18CE080";} OUTPUT:
CONCLUSION: We have studied about the concept of Overloading Binary Operators with friend function.
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical 31 Aim: Create a class Celsius with float. Define appropriate member functions such that it support the statements: C1=30.5F; float temperature; temperature=C2; Use the concept of Type conversion from basic type to class type and class type to basic type. CODE: #include using namespace std; class celcius { float temp; public: celcius () { temp=0; } celcius (float t) { temp=5*(t-32)/9; void get() { cout<<"Enter the temprature: "; cin>>temp; } void print(){ cout<<"Temprature after conversion: "<
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Practical 32 Aim: Create classes Celsius and Fahrenheit with float. Define appropriate member functions such that they support the statements in main( ): Celsius C1, C2=5.0; Fahrenheit F1, F2; F1=C2; C1=F2; Use the concepts of Type conversion from class type to class type. Write this Program in two ways. Define appropriate member function in class Celsius. Define appropriate member function in class Fahrenheit. CODE: #include using namespace std; class celcius { float temp1; public: celcius() { temp1=0; } celcius(float t) { temp1=5*(t-32)/9; } int get() { cout<<"Enter temprature in celcius: "; cin>>temp1; return temp1; } void print_c() { cout<<"celcius: "<
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void print_f() { cout<<"farhenite: "<>temp2; } }; int main() { celcius c1,c2; c2=5.0; c2.print_c(); farhenite f1,f2; f1=c2; f1.print_f(); f2.get_f(); c1=f2; c1.print_c(); cout<<endl<<"Patel Utsav"<<endl<<"Id:18CE089"; } OUTPUT:
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Practical 34 Aim: Define a Base Class Vegetable having data member Color and member function getdata() which takes color as an input and putdata() which print the color as an output. Vegetable Class has one subclass named Tomato having data members weight and size and member function gtdata() which takes weight and size as an input and ptdata() which prints weight and size as output. Write a C++ Program which inherits the data of Vegetable class in Tomato class using Single Inheritance. CODE: #include using namespace std; class Vegetable{ protected: char color[15]; public: void get() { cout<<"What is the colour of vegetable:"<<endl; cin>>color;} void put(){ cout<<"The colour of vegetable is:"<>w>>s; } void putws() {cout<<"Weight:"<<w<<" grams"<<endl; cout<<"Size:"<<s<<" cm"<<endl; }}; int main(){ Tomato t1; t1.get(); t1.put(); t1.getws(); t1.putws(); cout<<endl<<"Patel Utsav"<<endl<<"Id:18CE089"; return 0; } OUTPUT:
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Practical 35 Aim: Write a program to create a class Medicine which stores type of medicine, name of company, date of manufacturing. Class Tablet is inherited from Medicine. Tablet class has name of tablet, quantity per pack, price of one tablet as members. Class Syrup is also inherited from Medicine and it has quantity per bottle, dosage unit as members. Both the classes contain necessary member functions for input and output data. Write a main( ) that enter data for tablet and syrup, also display the data. Use the concepts of Hierarchical Inheritance. CODE: #include using namespace std; class medicine { protected: char cname[20],type[10],date[30]; public: void mget() { cout<<"Enter type of medicine,company name and date of manf. : "; cin>>type; cin>>cname; cin>>date; } void mprint() { cout<<"\n"<>tname; cin>>qty; cin>>p; } void tprint() { cout<<"\n"<>sqty; cin>>dos; } void sprint() { cout<<"\n"<<sqty<<" and "<<dos<<"\n"; }}; int main(){ syrup s; tablet t; t.mget(); t.mprint(); t.tget(); t.tprint(); s.sget(); s.sprint();cout<<endl<<"Patel Utsav"<<endl<<"Id:18CE089"; return 0;} OUTPUT:
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Practical 36 Aim: Create a class shape having data member shape_name and member function to get and print shape_name. Derive a Class Circle which is inherited publicly from class shape and having data members radius of a circle and member function to get and print radius of a circle. Derive a Class Area which is inherited publicly from Class Circle and having data members area_of_circle and member function display () which displays area of a circle. Use object of class Area in main () function and get and display all the information. Use the concepts of Multilevel Inheritance
CODE: #include #define PI 3.14 using namespace std; class Shape { public: char s_name[10]; void sget() { cin>>s_name; } void sprint() { cout<<s_name<<endl; }}; class Circle : public Shape { public: float rad; void cget() { cout<<"enter radius: "; cin>>rad; } void cprint() { cout<<"radius is: "; cout<
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Practical 37 Aim: Define a class Hospital having rollno and name as data members and member function to get and print data. Derive a class Ward from class Hospital having data members: ward number and member function to get and print data. Derive another class Room from Hospital having data member bed number and nature of illness and member function to get and print data. Derive class Patient from Class Ward and Class Room. In main () declare 5 object of Class Patient and get and display all the information. Use the concept of Virtual Base Class and Hybrid Inheritance. CODE: #include using namespace std; class Hospital {public: char h_name[10]; int rollno; void hget() { cout<<"Enter hospital name and no."<<endl; cin>>h_name>>rollno; } void hprint() { cout<>wardno; } void wprint() { cout<<wardno<<endl; }}; class Room : virtual public Hospital{ public: int bedno; char ill[25]; void rget() { cout<<"Enter illness and room no."<<endl; cin>>ill>>bedno; } void rprint() { 83
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Practical 38 Aim: Create a Class alpha having data member: int x and one argument constructor which initializes the value of x. It also has member function which displays the value of x. Create another class beta which contains data member: float y and one argument constructor which initializes the value of y. It also has member function which displays the value of y. Create a Class Gamma which publicly inherits from class alpha and class beta and has two data members: int m, n and a constructor which passes argument to the base class constructor as well as initializes its own data members. Class Gamma also has member function to print the values of m and n. Write main function which creates object of class Gamma which passes values of base class constructor as well as derived class constructor. Use the concept of Multiple Inheritance and Constructor in Derived Class. CODE: #include using namespace std; class Alpha {protected: int x; public: Alpha(int i) { x=i; } void putdata() { cout<<"The value of x is: "<<x; }}; class Beta {protected: float y; public: Beta (float i) { y=i; } void putdata() { cout<<"The value of y is: "<
Object oriented programming in c++
Practical 39 Aim:Create one application n a group of 3 person which implement all type of inheritance. Code: #include #include using namespace std; class University { public: char uni_name[30],type[10]; void getdata() { cout<<"Enter University name:"; cin.getline(uni_name,30); cout<<"Enter Type of University(Gov. /Private):"; cin.getline(type,10); } void putdata() { cout<<"University name:"<
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string id,mo,email; char name[20]; void gdata() { cout<<"Enter student name:"; cin.getline(name,20); cout<<"Enter student id:"; cin>>id; cout<<"Enter student mobile no."; cin>>mo; cout<<"Enter email id:"; cin>>email; cout<<endl; } void pdata() { cout<<"Student Name:"<
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Object oriented programming in c++
Practical 40 Aim:Out of Following Codes A) #include using namespace std; class product { int code; float price; public: void getdata(int a, float b) { code=a; price=b; } void show() { cout<<"Code: "<
cout<<"Price: "<<price<<endl; } }; int main() { product * p = new product; product *d = p; int x,i; float y; cout<<"Input code and price for product: "; cin>>x>>y; p->getdata(x,y); d->show(); cout<<endl<<"Patel Utsav"<<endl<<"Id:18CE089"; } OUTPUT:
B) #include
using namespace std; class student { int roll_no; float age; public: student(int r, float a) { roll_no = r; age = a; } student & greater (student & x) { if(x.age>=age) return x; else return *this; } void display() { 90
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cout<<"Roll No "<
cout<<"Age "<
C) #include using namespace std; class BC { public: int b; void show() { cout<<"b = "<b = 100; cout<<"bptr poins to base objects"<<endl;
bptr->show(); DC derived; bptr = &derived; bptr->b = 200; /*bptr->b = 300;*/ // wont work cout<<"bptr now points to derived object"<<endl; bptr->show(); DC *dptr; dptr=&derived; dptr->d=300; cout<<"Dptr is derived type pointer"<<endl; dptr->show();cout<<endl<<"Patel Utsav"<<endl<<"Id:18CE089"; return 0; } OUTPUT:
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Object oriented programming in c++
Practical 41 Aim: Create a class Media that stores the title (a string) and price (float). Class Media has two argument constructor which initializes data members of class Media. Also declare a virtual function display () in Class Media. From the class Media derive two classes: Class book, which contains data member page count (int): and Class tape, which contains data member playing time in minutes (float). Both Class book and Class tape should have a constructor which initializes base class constructor as well as its own data members and display ( ) function which displays book details and tape details respectively. Write a main ( ) to test book and tape classes by creating instances of them, asking the user to fill data and displaying them. Use the concept of Virtual function and Constructor in Derived Class. Virtual function is also known as Runtime Polymorphism or Dynamic Binding. Code: #include #include<string.h> using namespace std; class media { protected: char title[10]; float price; public: media(float t_price,char t_title[]) { price=t_price; strcpy(title,t_title); } virtual void display() { cout<<"Title is: "<display(); book *pb; pb=&b; pb->display(); tape *pt; pt=&t; pt->display();cout<<endl<<"Patel Utsav"<<endl<<"Id:18CE089"; return 0;} OUTPUT:
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Practical 42 Aim: Create a Abstract class vehicle having average as data and pure virtual function getdata() and putdata(). Derive class car and truck from class vehicle having data members: fuel type (petrol, diesel, CNG) and no of wheels respectively. Write a main ( ) that enters the data of two cars and a truck and display the details of them. Use the concept of Abstract Base class and Pure Virtual functions. Code: #include using namespace std; class veh {protected: float avg; public: virtual void get()=0; virtual void put()=0;}; class car:public veh {protected: char ft[10]; int nof; void get() { cout<<"\n\ncar class\n\nEnter Fule type: "; cin>>ft; cout<<"\nNo of tyre: "; cin>>nof; } void put() { cout<<"\n\ncar class\n\nFule type: "<>ft; cout<<"\nNo of tyre: "; cin>>nof; } void put() { cout<<"\n\ntruck class\n\nFule type: "<get(); v->put(); truck obt; v=&obt; v->get(); v->put();cout<<endl<<"Patel Utsav"<<endl<<"Id:18CE089"; return 0;} OUTPUT:
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Practical-43 Aim: Write a program that creates a text file that contains ABC…Z. A program should print the file in reverse order on the screen. i.e. ZYX…BA. Use concept ofOpening the file using constructor and open () function. Use all error handling functions like eof() , fail() , bad() , good() and functions for manipulation of file pointer like seekg() and tellg().
Code: #include #include #include<string.h> using namespace std; int main() { fstream fp; char str[27]="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; cout<<"Open file and store characters"<<endl; int l=strlen(str); fp.open("ABC.txt",ios::out); for(int i=0;i=0) { 97
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fp.get(ch); cout<
Conclusion: We studied about file handling in c++.