Strategies of Students towards Track Completion Roquero, John Clifford B.
[email protected] Robles, Kim Ivan D.
[email protected] Huya, Christian Paulo L. Jaranilla, Darren
I. INTRODUCTION For many students the new school year is a chance to begin again. Perhaps they didn’t do as well as the could have last year and they are hoping to find some strategies that lead to greater academic success. Don’t guess at what your instructor wants or expect: be certain about it. When making a study, plan, consider the past, present and the future. Ask yourself what strategies prove effective in the past? What do you need to know and do now? And how motivated are you to put in the effort? Study for year various courses in chunks of time. Read your Art, History Assignment for an hour. Practice your conversational Spanish with a study buddy: Complete your calculus assignment work through your HTML tutorials….. The variety will help you stay focused and engaged. Stay committed. Go to class regularly on time make that student schedule, and stick to it. Get the help you need along the way you’ll see success in due time (Staley, 92-95).
Personality and individual difference 29(6) 1057-1068, 200 this study is directed towards an integration of intellectual ability learning style personality and achievement motivation as predictor of academic success in higher co relational analyses partly confirmed and partly disconfirmed our expectation in a sample of 409 first year psychology students. Consistent with the literature intellectual ability and achievement motivation were associated positively with academic success (Busato, 2000). Kelson and Dristlehorst (2000) state the PBL outcomes should be discussed on abroad basis including a unusable knowledge. Basic skills and problem solving self directed learning collaboration. The present research compares students in a PBL programme and in a traditional program on learning. Strategies mental models and outcomes learning strategies and mental models of learning were measured for two student groups in 2001
using an adoption of Vermunts (1994) “inventory of learning styles.” (Lycke, Grottum, Stromso, 2006). The present study made an attempt to investigate the relationship of Academic Achievement with Learning Style, Adjustment, Intelligence and Self-concept of Senior High School students. Specifically the study is focused on finding answer on the following research question. What are the strategies used by the students to have a greater chance of academic success? The purpose of this research is to investigate the factors affecting students’ academic performance and to give students a strategic learning process for them to use it on their studies.
II. Methodology Research Design The Research Design use by the Researcher is Case Study. Refers to both a method of analysis and a specific research design for examining a problem, both of which are used in most circumstances to generalize across populations. This tab focuses on the latter--how to design and organize a research paper in the social sciences that analyzes a specific case. A case study research paper examines a person, place, event, phenomenon, or other type of subject of analysis in order to extrapolate key themes and results that help predict future trends, illuminate previously hidden issues that can be applied to practice, and/or provide a means for understanding an important research problem with greater clarity. A case study paper usually examines a single subject of analysis, but case study papers can also be designed as a comparative investigation that shows relationships between two or
among more than two subjects. The methods used to study a case can rest within a quantitative, qualitative, or mixedmethod investigative paradigm. (USC Libraries, 2010).
Population and Locale The Research Participants of the present study are 30 Senior High School Students of Tondo National High School. The 30 Senior High School Students, 15 of them are boys students and 15 of them are girls.
Sampling Technique Simple Random Sampling refers to a variety of selection techniques in which sample members are selected by chance, but with a known probability of selection. Most social science, business, and agricultural surveys rely on random sampling techniques for the selection of survey participants or sample units, where the sample units may be persons, establishments, land points, or other units for analysis. Random sampling is a critical element to the overall survey research design. (Lavrakas, 2008)
Data collection The researcher will conduct an interview to collect information to the Senior High School student’s of Tondo National High School. Direction: The following student’s involved in the interview will have to answer the question. Question: 1.) What are the strategies used by the student’s towards academic success?